Enable Frame Generation In Any Game! Worth it? || Lossless Scaling LSFG

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and welcome to yet another video this time we're actually taking a look at something a little bit different uh this is similar to frame generation but not exactly the same thing um so here we have something called lossless scaling now I have this software for a while and it's pretty amazing all it does is basically you know like it says scales up your image similar to Technologies like dlss FSR where you take a low resolution image and you scale it up and use some AI you know finicky stuff you know AI magic to basically make it look nicer and presentable on a a larger resolution and as you can see right here you know going uh you know from a lower resolution to a Higher One adding in some details sharpening it up stuff like that pretty cool software but they recently added this feature which is called uh frame generation which is very similar to FSR although this is not on a per game basis meaning this feature uh you can use it with any application like I really mean pretty much in any and every application almost know uh and you do not need to install any file in any game you don't need any compatibility 2D 3D games pretty much everything works with it so basically you need to go and so you need to go here uh in your Steam and once you've bought the product uh the application you can just go to properties here and then you can go to the update um no actually betas and you can change here to uh this option which is beta beta you know once you've done that it's going to update your software real quick and you should have this uh frame generation option enabled and to Simply use it in any game um if you do not want scaling for example you know you do not want to upscale your game uh from a lower resolution y y you just want this option all you need to do is you left click here select this option that's it and it does have a short short key so you can go to settings here and you can see this is the scale hot key you have to press so if you press this combination it will you know when while you're in the game whichever game you're using it will just upscale it and you have a few more options here for vrr support which I apparently says it's uh uh not available anymore but I I maybe it does work I'm not sure you have to look more into it but HDR support is enabled ACC cor to many people and so on and so forth and I also do draw FPS because uh using things like MSI After Burner or or river tuner it does not really show the right frame rate uh so yeah like you have to use these options its own option which it's going to basically interpolate the frames uh and yeah so if you go back now what I've done is basically I've also I'm also using Riva tuner here to lock the game to 30 FPS just to show you uh because what this does is it takes a game and uh the developer recommends that you your game runs 60 FPS and that your monitor has a refresh rate of 120 FPS so it's going to take those 60 FPS and it's going to use frame gen magic to upscale it you know to up it to 120 right I do I do not have a 120 HZ monitor I just want to mention that I'm using a 60 HZ so instead what I'm doing is you can I'm going from 30 to 60 now developer does allow that you can check here that it can work with 30 to 60 FPS as well uh going from 30 fps to 60 HZ um but yeah so that's also an option and which is I'm going to which is what we today are going to be testing uh with a few few games actually so yeah let's take a look so I'm manually kind of doing this because my game already runs at above 60 but just to show you how um this uh looks so right now we are in uh Spider-Man remaster and uh beautiful game by the way uh oh come on I just started and there's already like a you know thing but anyways you can see here we're running the game uh I have it locked to 30 FPS uh uh one of my favorite games by the way I really love spider and also the you know my boy Sam Ry right there so right now you can see if I move the camera you can you can tell it's 30 FPS you know I don't have vsync on so maybe you'll see some screen cutting I'm not sure if it really shows up on the recording but you can tell it's like uh you know it's not smooth it's like bittery there's more gaps between frames makes sense you know it's 30 FPS right uh now if I press control alt and S I don't know if you can see but the top left there there's a tiny 60 uh where it says 60 on the GPU side um might be difficult to see right there and basically that is that is showing our us the generated frames so what's what's the current frame rate right now which is which should be close to our refresh rate so this is my actual frames in the game and then it's being uh it's using frame generation to up it to 60 and now if I move the camera around I hope you can tell but on the video uh on the video as well it's very very smooth but uh I don't know if you can tell there's a lot of ghosting there's a lot of artifacting especially when Spider-Man uh on the buildings and and many many things you know so by no means and on the UI of course you know so no means by no means even even on the um MSA after the interface from River tuner at the top left there even that has ghosting and artifacting so you know this is frame generation but it does not take in account the UI so if you use the FSR 3 mod by Luke FC for example that does take in account UI with some games that you know uh Luke FC officially supports on his Discord uh which Spider-Man is one of those games I have yet to cover that and I will insh in the future but that's basically about it so if you go ahead and you try to like swing in stuff you know like it it's it's pretty cool I mean you know I love this game man okay but you know you go go ahead and you sing it feels very smooth actually latency wise um actually not that bad okay there's latency no doubt no doubt but it's not like especially with Spider-Man it's not like bad you know unlike uh the steam deck I cannot really I'm not able to show you my hands here unfortunately maybe I'll have a setup for that but it it it actually feels very good however looks wise yeah there's a lot of image breakup you know it's still beta and not only that um you know you can probably tell a lot of times like Spider-Man has like buggy when I move the camera around whenever there's fast motion it can't keep up which I think is one of the reasons why the developer recommends 60 FPS as a base and then having a 120 HZ monitor uh to kind of up it too uh which would make the game which would give the upscale not upscale um the frame gen more data to work with uh and uh being able to generate frames better if it has a 60 fps to work with um that was a big St I'm not sure what that was but yeah that was probably my PC but yeah there you go that's that's basically it it's it's very very cool you know obviously without the frame gen you can see without it I just turn it off you can see there's no number at the top left this is how it looks 30 FPS right you know feel looks very laggy actually I think the the the the input lag is the same as the base frame so the base frame is 30 will still get the 30 FPS input lag uh which makes a lot of sense obviously you know because it's just smoothing out the image but yeah you can see that it's it's you know in terms of playability it's okay it's the same thing you know and then if I were to just unable that you can instantly see the difference in smoothness right okay well I just bumped that that's no one saw that okay I'm amazing at this right okay but anyhow that's that's uh that's it with Spider-Man um I'll also uh demonstrate like 60 FPS real quick what real 60 FPS kind of looks like um so just if we go here and we just turn off the frame rate thing right here make it zero um now I'm also going to disable the frame gen thing there go now you can see I'm getting like 70 uh and this is like the 60 and the 60 FPS of course it feels very responsive you know compared to the 30 and it looks good and doesn't have that kind of artifact either you know and just to go One Step Beyond this by the way way uh you can actually go One Step Beyond this which is um if you have the this is this is not a mod this is not a mod by uh luk FC this time but this is another mod I think by um forgot the name I'll probably mention that in the description this is a open source mod but only works on RTX cards uh it's the dlss one and this one uh also has frame generation right so I'm using a RTX 2080 which does not support frame gen but with this mod uh using FSR 3 it supports it and you know you can get way more FPS you know we went from like 7080 to like 120 you know pretty pretty big difference I would say you know so you know the difference between kind of integrated frame gen versus uh forcing it you know through other means is is big as you can see you know but overall very very cool experience in my opinion let me know what you guys think about that one okay so now moving on to the Witcher Tre and this time uh you can actually take a look at my settings here um which is I'm using rate tracing with quality now I am using some tweaks for Ray tracing which does optimize it uh from Nexus uh mods and stuff just keep that in mind uh but basically so this is not a review of my my graphic card my performance on my PC but rather a view of the frame gen itself and here you can see the anti-aliasing I'm just using T so that because with upscaling you get more FPS you know I want to keep that low right no Dynamic res scaling uh I'm actually going to disable motion blur because uh that's not going to be good for the upscaling and so on and so forth we have all these things you can see the the quality settings and stuff and we do not have any other options here enabled really just defaults and stuff so if you go in the game it's running at like 30 subpar you know kind of FPS and 34 you know it's it's you know it's not the best because of the inconsistency you know in the FPS it really doesn't look good and with no Ving there's a lot of screen cutting extreme again I'm not sure if it shows up on the video recording but it's very bad on the screen but uh that's basically it right now what if we turn on the frame gen now this is with the frame gen uh the the LW scaling and you can see instantly like it's um you know it feels smooth when I'm walking in a straight line but God look at the edges of the screen I don't know if you can see that it's horrible it's horrendous right if I move my camera around there's so much warping and breakup and you know almost would make you feel dizzy you know at least I know it would make me feel dizzy uh maybe we can kind of get around that by disabling these extra effects that we have here we just blur you know chromatic aberration all these kind of effects just to get rid of any unnecessary uh stuff that's going on okay the warping on the at least the bottom right of the screen I think got maybe a bit better I'm not sure not sure why the Geral looks kind of bluish by the way but yeah I'm not really sure if that really help yeah so 30 to 60 FPS uh might be doable in low in areas where there's not a lot of motion but um in this case yeah I'm not really sure you know it's it's very mixed result honestly but frankly you know um so that's that's basically it you know that that's what it's a cool Tech no doubt but should you be using it well that's up to you you know do you really want to use it uh depending on the game game to game basis it could be better also I'm sorry I'm getting so distracted because every single person is talking which is good it's very Lively but God it's too much yeah I'm just going to stay here I I don't want to go in track with those people over there right now my God all right let's move on to the next one right so now we in cyberpunk and uh I'm actually using quite some pretty high settings just so that we can get some something across it's not all that high but I'm actually using DLS ass on performance uh I know that's a pretty exaggerated stuff and we have ra reconstruction on we are using path tracing with raate tracing just to kind of push it a bit and uh see what we can really get out of it and we have a bunch of more options actually should probably disable this for the sake of you know uh quality stuff in the frame gen and then you can see these rest of the settings and y y y you know who cares and then you have uh video we have okay maybe we do care but anyways we have our Reflex on which I'm actually just going to disable for now this is fine you should probably have it on if you can for the sake of latency I do recommend it but just for the sake of this uh and we're actually going to disable Max FPS because again it doesn't really matter actually maybe we should have that on oh my God FPS so now you can see we're getting like 39 40 FPS okay maybe I should uh go to um maybe I should make this uh balanced instead then so we can get even worse FPS yeah okay we're getting like 29 FPS you know 28 okay so uh what I'm going to do is we're going to turn on so you can you can probably see like how laggy and set it kind of feels actually it is playable if you if you are okay with 30 FPS yes it's playable by the way uh so it's pretty impressive actually uh I would not mind because do know this is not just the typical raid tracing we speak of because usually raid tracing is a mixture of uh of uh you know path tracing as well as rest Rising uh which is a you know two different combinations you realistic lighting versus uh fake lighting so it's a combination of that but in this case everything is completely using like path tracing like realistic lighting you know which is extremely heavy on your GPU and CPU as well likewise anyhow what we're going to do is we're going to turn on the frame gen cuz that's what we're here for so and now you can see we are at 60 FPS wow look at that now if I were to carefully walk in a straight line it's pretty good very good but otherwise uh if I look around um H yeah there's a lot of image breakup a lot of it maybe I can disable uh that okay what if I disable that how is it now if I can put my gun away that would be a good example too but without that like huge overlay the top left maybe I should have done that in the first place uh it actually looks pretty okay but yeah when you look around there's a lot of garbling and and and you know image breakup on the edges of the screen you know every Edge like left right especially when you look around like it's it's pretty bad around the weapon pretty much everywhere latency is sub parts 30 FPS latency which is what I was getting before you know with the 30 FPS there's exactly 30 FPS latency it doesn't feel like more latency or lower latency uh so you're not going to feel more but it just looks smoother which is very similar to FSR 3 uh but with FSR 3 you actually have access to the games uh you know stuff like the the motion vectors and whatnot which you can use to properly kind of predict what's going to happen right uh and you can actually create a much better frame generated image compared to this which it does not have access to that all it has access to is on screen data whatever is being visible to you and it's not properly integrated so you'll see uh you know like garbling on UI you'll see garbling on for some reason garbling on UI is not do bad other than the map though the map is yeah it's actually not that bad but yeah in the screen it's so distracting I don't know if you can tell maybe maybe it's the like screen darkening effect that's around the screen I wonder if that's possible to disable not really sure we have fill fill the view I think if you increase the field of view that could be a plus um in terms of uh you know kind of reducing this I mean it cannot really increase as much okay that's not bad actually still garbling but oh God yeah something happens fast is so bad so 30 to 60 FPS frame gen not the best not recommended I would say but it does work if you actually uh you know want to give it a try not bad like you know if you're not a hardcore veteran gamer you don't care about the garbling stuff um I say go for it you know it's cool Tech but if you do care about you know your image and you don't want this kind of stuff then for games especially such as these I would say go for FSR 3 mod obviously the whole purpose of this is just to test it out I am not recommending recommending this over the FSR 3 frame because that one is much better which I actually would like to show in a second um got so we'll turn on the um the uh you know overlay again and we're actually going to I I I just disabled the frame gen by the way we're going to use the frame gen from uh the mod which is this is the open source mod and we're getting 50ish not bad uh I might have to go to Performance to get better but you don't get to 60 but it is much better in terms of ghosting in terms of image quality in terms of everything right really it is and if you you go to a performance oh it's set to Auto maybe that's why uh I'm not sure why it was set to Auto if you said to balance let's see 50 okay yeah I might have to go to Performance I I know most people would not prefer this game to be in performance on a 1080p resolution and I don't recommend it you know just to be clear but this is just for the sake of getting those those uh extra you know extra fups FPS all right well pretty cool pretty cool pretty cool it works really well with the actual mod instead of using um you know the intl but the inter is is a great option for games that don't support FSR 3 frame gen cuz remember you can use it on literally any game and we're going to take a look at a few of those maybe okay so now we are in um you know our lovely lovely um Monster Hunter world I actually love this game and I've been getting back to it again constantly well all all the time I'm always getting back to it and we're actually already running at 60 FPS here but for the sake of frame gen and everything we're going to try to reduce the FPS um just to see how it really performs and most for the most part the settings are right in front of you not really much to speak off here uh all we're going to do is we're actually going to lock it from here instead of river tuner this time and you can see the FPS 30 now and wow that's a big difference compared to 60 understandably so but input lag wise uh pretty responsive actually not bad even at 30 so yeah now what about what if we use frame gen now that's a real question right let's give it a go uh and this is with frame gen W I actually did not test this before uh and uh wow that feels that feels pretty good actually okay there's some weird stutters for some reason um like it feels a bit inconsistent sometimes there's a lot of garbling like I mentioned previous games on the edges of the screen around the character uh around the UI um and if I if you just remove this huge thing then it actually makes it a far better far more usable but it's almost like it's like if I were to like draw something I would say there's a circle in the center of the screen that's visible and it's clear and the edges of the circle are extremely blurry it's almost like fernal lenses I don't know if you if you've ever used like a VR headset with fernal lenses where the center is clear and the edges are blurry that's kind of how it feels when I look around that is like when I look around you know it's it's very much like that but honestly not bad not bad at all I can definitely play like this this man I might want to try this in my steam deck actually because I play this game a lot and this would be amazing to try my steam just to see how it works apparently I'm not using the right build though what build am I using what why do I have this weapon okay but basically um I'm like a charge blade main I do not I do use stickies as well for um you know sticky ammo like light bu gun for I don't know why I'm explaining that but it's a fun game listen I love this I want to try this out on the steam deck uh and I want to to see if I can cuz I A lot of times I played on 30 FPS with some uh settings uh profile settings to get like two and a half hours of battery life on the LCD model which is pretty decent two and a half for batter life for like you know a few hunts you can probably go on like you know you know three four five hunts depending on how long your hunt takes I mean if it takes 15 minutes yeah it's pretty good so pretty pretty cool actually very clean again like I said the garbling of the edges I think I would say it's us it like if I'm aiming around if I'm shooting around I that's innocent oh I'm so sorry that's okay I kind I feel bad I'm sorry I'm sorry man no oh it's not dead it's it's okay it's okay it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine don't worry about it I didn't see that maybe we can uh cook something no we can't okay well anyhow uh you know pretty amazing very fun very fun great game by the way definitely recommend this game and uh you know now nowadays a lot of a lot more people are coming back to it as well I had like three characters actually have four characters but I had to like do something to get around you know stuff to get the fourth character in but yeah uh very very fun game definitely good experience I would say usable uh for that fluidity input lag is not bad actually I just just before we finish this up I want to try it using this but instead of using uh the frame limiter from here I'm going to use the frame limiter outside which is the Riva tuner thing so we go here and we go to frame limit 30 now we're using the frame limiter from rivot to and the game is much smoother doesn't have those stutters but I feel like there's more there's added input latency I'm not sure not sure not sure there's really a big difference but when I move around oh my God it's so much image garbling it's it's it makes you like nauseous you know it's horrible uh so you know any fast camera motions you're going to see some some oh God is this input lag what's going on this feels kind of a lot now I guess it's better to use the frame from inside of uh the game rather than from um you know uh from rivot tuner itself or maybe H yeah not really sure um it feels okay from wom inside I mean the input lag isn't bad compared to like something like FSR frame gen where if you go from 30 to 60 like on the steam deck we saw with the vsync if you've seen my video like The Witcher 3 video uh with vsync uh at locking to a system level Ving by the way uh with FSR 3 frame gen mod it was horrendous it was extremely extremely laggy like in terms of latency it was so delayed the input delay was insane this is nothing like it this is very responsive still but it does feel like 30 FPS input latency uh with the fluidity of 60 which um I feel it feels really weird to my brain you know to think about it because if I were to just turn off frame gen right now right and I switched to um I switch to 30 60 FPS right here it it feels much it's like actually 60 right it feels the same amount of fluidity but of course with no garbling and stuff but the main you know jump from going from 30 to 60 is in fact in the responsiveness it's so much more responsive you know it's amazing which I think is the main advantage of the 60fps but again if you do like you know the you know a a more smoother fluid image uh then I would say there's nothing wrong with using the interpolation method again you this is just if you want to enjoy your game you prefer it to be smooth uh but the garbling is going to be there and it might be more noticeable on smaller screens actually because uh you know like as I said so the center is kind of where it's clear and the and the edges is where it it gets so you know so garble like if you take a look here you can see you know so the center is where it's like kind of clear around the around the character is very garble the edges are the left and right side is EXT extremely just destroyed so yeah latency is there but uh yeah wow that guy just disappear I think that was just the camera thing but there we go that's Monster Hunter world let's move on so now we are in V rising and I'm actually going to change the graphic settings to lock it to 30 FPS right there uh let me just show the the overlay right there and now that it's locked to 30 FPS you can see this is at 30 FPS this is one of those games that you do need fast reactions and what not sure but at the same time uh there's not a lot of fast camera movements so you can sort of go around with that this is at 30 FPS now we're going to try the upscaling real quick and we try to take a look now this is 60 FPS now this was pretty good the mouse for some reason is still 30 I just want to add that so the mouse still fills 30 FPS actually the mouse fills 60 without the the the frame J but with the frame J of FS 30 I'm not sure what's up with that like the lag no I'm not talking about the lag I'm talking about just how it looks it like skips around a bit but yeah like the game feels very smooth 60fps however input lag when I'm moving the camera there's quite a lot of it what about what I'm fighting honestly I can dodge pretty pretty easily so you know maybe that's okay not sure I mean input Wise It's okay but the camera movement it feels very uh kind of delayed but at the same time this is I would say kind of the one of the better experiences because there's not that huge garbling like if I just disable this guy for example garbling is just not really noticeable in this one I mean you can probably see on the character when I when I was uh when I was doing the teleporting right there I haven't played this game in a long time by the way so don't mind that kind of forgot most of the controls if nothing but yeah pretty cool pretty cool I would say and uh you know uh these are like one of those examples where it's playable you know but you can still see the garbling and whatnot this game also has not the best ta implementation uh so it does have kind of weird artifact from that but overall hey you can get games like these and kind of make them look smoother uh but you might need more input there so you might suffer because uh the input latency is very important uh so yeah if you're going but I would say still playable like the input is not actually bad right now like it's not taking long to respond or anything you know pressing buttons is actually very very fast you know so yeah I would say go for it and this is kind of the case where this type of frame gen is very beneficial compared to every other frame we see so far so that's basically what I would say is uh pretty good example of frame gen so is it worth it is is it not worth it well I would say it's a very impressive technology and it doesn't really need a lot of compatibility it just works with pretty much everything I've even tested with YouTube by the way uh and you know you can get yours any YouTube video from 30 to 60 pretty cool example um but it's not as good as as uh FSR 3 or dss3 and all those cool frame gen texts that are out there because it doesn't integrate into the game but overall it's a very cool Tech and I highly recommend that if you're interested especially and you don't mind you know finicking around a bit and you don't mind the artifacting that you do give it a try at least you know it's pretty amazing uh what we're seeing right now honestly very exciting times and yeah that's pretty much it if you guys enjoyed this video please consider liking subscribing and supporting me on my patreon that would help me greatly and uh let me know what you would like to see thanks for watching
Channel: Muhammad Yaseen Tech
Views: 22,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FSR 3, Steam Deck, AMD, Frame Generation, GT, GTX, Radeon, RX, FSR 2, DLSS, Steam OS, SteamOS, Windows 11, Windows, FPS, Frametime, Playable, Performance, Improvement, Games, Frame Gen, LukeFZ, Mod, Latency, Frame Generation Mod, The Witcher 3, Witcher 3, Spider Man, Spider-Man, Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter World, V Rising, Cyberpunk, Cyberpunk 2077, Nukem9, Lossless Scaling, LSFG
Id: 7GTue-Wy49I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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