The Witcher 3 - Steam Deck FSR 3 Frame Generation Mod by LukeFZ - SteamOS

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and welcome to yet another video this time on The Witcher 3 I'm testing FSR 3 uh right now um I'm not using FSR 3 and we are running at the low settings basically the low settings preset with FSR 2 performance uh and I do have sharpening set to high and it actually looks pretty good on FSR 2 performance with high high sharpening and stuff uh especially on the screen on the on Ste screen so and you can see all the settings here basically low settings but I do have motion blur and all these things on so you know it is what it is and U I have vsync off I have maximum frame late uh frame rate set to unlimited and I also have disabled the I'm actually I haven't done that I guess I'm going to do it right now uh let's actually make sure I was using a profile before let turn off everything there we go and we disabled the maximum frame rate limit this will allow us to go beyond the frame ratees cap that this game usually has and I mean it's not really much I mean if you look up you can go to like 70s no 68 something but yeah but right now I'm outside of noig grat and the game is actually running pretty well it's at you know basically around 60 FPS out here and 57 56 uh pretty good but if but we're going to go to novr and this is uh a pretty intense City it's most mostly a CPU Mound really instead of GPU bound so that that's a that's an interesting um sort of comparison um and you can see already dropping down to 47 um and yeah so 47 46 48 and yeah there's a lot of NPCs lots of AI uh pretty good pretty good overall looks really beautiful too especially this time uh looks uh looks amazing no and yeah there it is so this is the hierarch square this is got to be one of the more intensive areas one the most intensive areas actually I would say in this game and it really really kills your FPS in this area um it becomes more more so CPU bound than anything else so if I'm you can see we're already like 40s you know and if I look over and then in this direction specifically uh we start dropping quite a lot like we're in we Dro to like 30s uh 37 you know even 39 is usually we getting 38 39 um yeah so you know it's it's pretty intensive and if you were to lock your game to 40 FPS and 40 HZ uh it's unfortunately not going to be able to maintain that because of this area in particular as I said so but all in all uh not bad it actually feels really good you know latency Wise responsiveness Wise very smooth very responsive very much like it and the effects don't seem to do much tooo like if I if I were to um you know do this and stuff it's it's not really much oh the guards are there so I guess they're going to get upset and uh you you could like do like you know this kind of stuff too you can see the FPS are comparable you know with and without it it does reduce it like we're getting 4850 and then if you do it now I dropped to 42 yeah so without it it's like 5250 like in this looking in this direction from there you know so yeah the effects no doubt have H quite a bit of uh you know performance cost and they are going to drop your FPS uh probably in most likely in intensive battle situations where you're using a lot of effects on screen and whatnot you know a lot of signs and stuff like you know if I'm looking over here oh there stutter there you know I use this there's a big stutter I'm not sure that was just a one time off or not if I use this there isn't really much of a difference okay so the fire sign is like the most more intensive especially this one not the oneoff the oneoff is okay yeah that's okay if you're holding it then it's like yeah so that's just like one or two of the things you know um can I attack this target what okay I wasn't trying to attack a Target oh said the guards oh okay well there we go uh I think we're probably going to I mean I I I don't you know what they say the the the best you know defense is I I don't know the best offense I I don't really know what they say honestly I can't remember was it like the best uh defense is the best offense something like that uh but anyways you know you can even if you don't hit them they're kind of going to kill themselves really so uh it's not it's it's it's okay it's it's you know it's it's not my fault probably okay but he yeah this a pretty good build by the way you know um this is the uh the bear school and uh oh God I might die though but hey you know it is what it is so uh yeah you know overall runs pretty well you can see we are like in we get to like 40s we drop to a nice 40 FPS right there you know and uh over overall it's it's a pretty good experience I'd say and uh there you go there there you have it that was the ultimate battle experience we did see like 36 you can see 36 in that direction right now 37 uh yeah that's basically it for the non FSR uh Benchmark I would say I wasn't expect I wasn't planning on U okay yeah fire hers who who would have thought anyways not me I would not have actually thought that apparently anyhow that's about it uh let's move on to the fs R three frame gen benchmarks next okay so here we are on the steam deck and we're going to take a look on how to install the FSR 3 mod for the wicher 3 and you you basically need uh quite a few things for this one so first of all you have the mod itself so I have here I have the 0.3 sorry 0.8 version of The Mod by Luke and and you want to open up the archive and then you also want to go to your games folder so you want to go to your library and oops okay sorry having some uh hiccups apparently with this uh because I'm streaming this over you want to go to your game manage and browse local files to right click this yeah and here you want to go to the bin folder the x64 dx12 folder and this is where you will see your wi 3.exe file this is where you want to take the mod uh the wi uses the FSR 2.0 version so we we'll be using this one and we will just get these four files so this this for this uh specific game drag and drop them in the folder and that's it and we also need to actually get the enable fig GPU option so just open this up drag and Dr this right here as well and we're done right lastly we also need to go to our game right click in properties and we need these launch options right there Y and d overrides uh this will be in the description you can just copy paste it and that's it uh so the game does seem to have issues if you run it so you need to go to compatibility check this box um for the compatibility tool and need to use Geon so I believe any version from 8.25 sorry from 8.20 and above works I'm personally using this in order to get this you probably won't see it here in order to get this you need to go to the Discovery Store and download proton up QT once you have this um you simply need to download the G proton version as you can see right here you can just click add version and you can download the latest one or you can just download a specific one if you if you're not sure from anywhere from 8.20 825 this is what I'm using just download it click install once it's done restart your steam because it might not show up on your Steam and after that you can go here check this box and you will see it here in the list and that's it you can just select it and you're done and your game should work just fine just like that okay so we're back now with uh The Witcher 3 um on FSR 3 and as you can see on my settings um video graphics I'm running in dlss uh performance this time around and uh pretty much everything else is the same low settings uh not really any difference and I do have dlss frame generation on in the display settings so as well so right here we're getting you know 98 FPS 90 to 100 it's kind of fluctuating 98 100 that's a pretty big jump from like 57 to like you know from like around 60 to like this much you know it's it's pretty big you know I'd say and it feels very smooth uh but it's kind of like not it's not consistent like I can feel the STS and stuff you know say kind of it's kind of stuttery it has some frame skips I'm not sure if we can fix that latency wise actually doesn't feel bad but I can tell there's some latency you know like it's it's not like instant either but I think it's very manageable with the controller especially um and this game is um pretty good it plays pretty good with the controller you cannot turn on vsync so I guess that's not really possible I do have system level vsync uh turned off right now but uh we're going to check take a look at that uh you know with this at the end as well so right now if you go back to novag grat and we go to the hierarch square let's see how the performance uh really goes and you can see it's kind of a stuttery it's it's okay it's not really a good really you know seamless consistent experience but it's honestly not that bad either uh do not these are fake frames so before someone starts comparing them with real frames no it doesn't feel like the game is actually running at 80 FPS not at all uh the responsiveness is not the same the consistency is doesn't make it any better either so yeah it does feel like low FPS but it just looks smoother I just want to point that that out so unless you're running at 60 FPS plus consistently uh I would probably say you need more than 60 fps to get a better input lag uh in terms of frame generation but yeah it seems to be subjective to people so but yeah here you go here we are in the high square and you can see we're get dropping to like 60s 70s uh not that bad actually uh but the stuttering has gotten progressively worse you can see the frame time too that's not it's not joking the big lines I'm talking like those those huge Spike suddenly that actually like like you can feel that that's not just the frame graph going crazy because of frame gen and I'm not really sure why that's the case uh but there you go that's something um very not fun so uh I want to actually give it a you know try out something we're going to try out uhu turning on the full overlay so we can actually see what's going on here and let's try to use the manal clock and see if we can maybe lock it at like 12200 or something so now it's locked at 1200 with a GPU let's see if that helps uh at all um not sure if I should already make a judgment but it has helped a lot actually uh yeah it has helped a lot those huge spikes are have just disappeared completely um you know I don't know if you can tell but yeah it's far more consistent and it's actually playable without vsync like this is not bad so if you lock your GPU to 1200 uh seems to get the job done really well actually frames seem very consistent too you can see it does drop from 70s to the high 60s or even the mid-60s but that's basically the lowest uh you've seen here and yeah so that's one thing to do keep in mind another thing is we can also turn on uh system level vsync by basically just having this toggle off and now it's going to be locked to 60 FPS and this this is extremely smooth I'm not sure the camera is picking up this is extremely smooth right very consistent very smooth I'm actually going to turn off the the metal and G clock just so you can get the full image of it so this is extremely smooth now now we did got some spikes we're still getting spikes without the GP clock so you can see the GP clock does smooth out the frame times like you can see that there's some hiccups in here and there right but if I were to turn on the manual GPU clock bam no hiccups okay there's still a hiccup instantly got like debunked but very very nice really love this um yeah that's I would say this isn't you know but the latency I don't know if you can tell in the camera but like look at that man just look at that it's so much it feels so much it's playable with the controller don't get me wrong especially with a game like this this game I mean it can require fast reactions in combat I would say yeah but overall like you can definitely play like this uh but if you do turn it off you know disable the frame limit it actually is very playable at the lat latency is much better much better if I'm being honest you know it's it there is still some latency but it's so much better and not only that um you know if you have the GPU locked like I mentioned to 1200 it's actually very consistent the frame time spikes are not that bad either I'm actually going to hide that just so so we can get that out of the play and focus in the game play uh there you go it's much better so it's not it's not like Smooth like it doesn't feel like extremely smooth or anything but yeah like if you try to mess with this guy real quick just just just you know for science uh he's probably going to hit me or something but but it's going to affect him so it's okay it's it's it's selfdefense guys it's fine you know um probably okay there you go that that's it we're done uh but you know it it it it was it wasn't bad you know it was pretty good pretty good in combat um at least the feel of it so it feels really nice with it uh disabled with the Ving thing as say are disabled uh feels very very nice so as long as this is staying 60 like your overall frame rate with uh frame gen I would say it's pretty good again you know remember that this area is one of the most intensive areas like if you're looking here oh I've even dropped 57 there for a second so this is the most one of the most intensive areas in the game we're heavily CPU Bound in this area so you are going to see drops no doubt oh we actually see like okay looking from here we actually see even more drops consistently I even saw like 58 once again uh 63 okay I'm sorry for for pushing that person um yeah so that's that's quite something to to uh keep in mind very very nice though not bad not bad at all I would say it's very usable in this game and very playable too though I have noticed that with frame gen I see a lot more kind of uh artifacting run geralt's like head uh and overall when you're running to especially when you're running it's very noticeable to run his hair and stuff and our run sword I'm not sure if it's it was the case before as well like before the frame gen mod I installed it but at least I wasn't noticing it much but uh I might I might look at the footage again just to make sure and maybe you'll have a little comment by the future me uh telling you about that and I would say it's pretty cool pretty good experience I might even lock it like this but the latency does make it kind of horrible to play with honestly but yeah if you were maybe on the steam deck OLED uh this would could be pretty good you know because it has a 90 HZ display and and a higher refresh rate with this could go a long way with the latency uh even if you have vsync on and whatnot so nonetheless pretty good experience so hey let me know uh what you guys think about this and uh what other game you would like me to test and I'm still working on a few other games too I have to get my hands on quite a few so uh yeah that's about it thank you so much for watching I hope you guys enjoy this video if you did consider liking subscribing and supporting me on my patreon that would help me so much and I would appreciate that greatly um with making more videos like this and uh that's about it thanks for watching and take [Music] care
Channel: Muhammad Yaseen Tech
Views: 4,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FSR 3, Steam Deck, AMD, Frame Generation, GT, GTX, Radeon, RX, FSR 2, DLSS, Steam OS, SteamOS, Windows 11, Windows, FPS, Frametime, Playable, Performance, Improvement, Games, Frame Gen, LukeFZ, Mod, Latency, Frame Generation Mod, The Witcher 3, Witcher 3
Id: McMiDr4KT5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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