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oh my gosh that is terrifying you can see their little footlights walking around - that's the coolest part that's gonna be anxious I know I'm so giddy right now oh I can see the little green of your night vision goggles dude that's awesome Gibbs yeah I can yeah I can't figure here I'll look around DC mind if I look around like this yeah that's awesome thing oh shoot were coming up on it oh she's good enough to tell me online okay go right ten degrees right ten degrees there you go and then we'll move left ten degrees in a second hairy dong morally no thank you shouldn't make this pass ported okay left ten degrees good good we're going right on the bullseye we'll get up really nice and close to Delta whenever we do this hey guys your skier and today we have a crazy ARMA 3 operation this was a custom sector control type of game mode that I created myself and it's Anza Rani and it's kind of like we're a really special forces unit goes into a island and has to try to capture four points and this is a unit of three versus about a unit of eight Russian soldiers so three verses eight and then at the very end nine it was very hard for us to hold these objectives now the enemy team was killed by us a lot more but that's because we were really trying to apply a lot of guerrilla tactics in this but in the end we just couldn't hold bases enough being a team of three and this was the first run at this game-mode so some things were broken respawn sometimes didn't work so you see us messing with that a little bit but other than that it was a really fun game but if you would like to join us you can apply at our clan link down in the description down below you'll see like applied our clan at blah blah so guys that's how you can join us in these operations other than that enjoy the video guys it was a really awesome little PvP operation we got a lot of kills but we never really was able to win in the long run so yeah enjoy and again if they're out here they have to turn their lights on I think we're safe I think we're safe but make sure the boat is out by like at least forty feet so they don't see the boat whenever they patrol again how far come like 40 okay yeah I'll tell you just so that they don't see the boat okay about right here this is good this is good let's hop out let's hop out OOP okay I'm out I'm floating yep same oh not the person well I don't see where you guys are we're in the water yeah we're in the water okay I got one guy this rain is so bright yeah all the lightning oh that's scary when I took my night-vision goggles off I can see everything just note they might be able to see our boat that lightning strikes so they might be able to see us easily too and they can turn their flashlights off up there inside of a base so just note that - this is gonna get very spooky Buki we're 4.6 K we'll be all right yeah we'll go capture Delta we should be able to take Delta with little to no resistance however expected QRF don't pings Zeus please thank you expect the QRF as soon as we hit Delta yeah we gotta move in quick mhm and there are lights on Delta there's campfires and stuff so we'll be lit up when we get on to objectives like that door knock a little light for the guns yeah shoot if a guy with a butt flashlight came over the sill right now we all be dead we're degree so won't would be so dead underwater I'm keeping my MPGs off actually oh I'm up I'm up by the water I'm keeping him off just so I can see flashlights easier holy cow this is blinding you guys up and trams up trains up cool let's go where's the rain yeah the rain is super bright the rain stops in the trees though which is kind of nice oh it does all the inclines killing me my stamina yes we're no rush we've got a law at a time yeah we've got a good bit remember right as we start to take over more than half of the objectives or half of the objectives will start bleeding the enemy tickets so if we take over I think two will start bleeding their tickets and they bleed fast all we got to do is take over - okay Hill right here coming over lots of lights I'm gonna take a stamina break right now yeah go for it okay I keep trying to use third person I know yeah me too I got a force I have it all right I'll watch our rear okay I've got right side make sure to turn off your depth of field and like any blurs or blooms that you have because that's going to greatly affect how you see with night vision group night vision is still pixely but that's just how it works okay let's continue forward a little bit you took where the holy blues very far right settings do I see him I see some lights on over there there's also a patrol in the forest uh southeast I see flashlights guys they're patrolling actually pretty close to us there's flashlights to the southeast if we hit the deck and hide in a bush they're probably not going to see us yeah that's true where what's that Patrol I just saw it right there right there oh brother oh yeah well lighting yep straight southeast oh I see them I think of the vehicle get into a bush get little bush they can't see us at this distance I don't but yeah they can of the vehicle just got a look at these objectives figure out what they're defending they just lit up the area with those trucks that's bad oh you just call it out okay cool self so once in the base yep there's a truck they got a truck in base I've got no movement around Delta okay we can revive each other if we go down so do you want to go and attack Delta gorilla top the guerilla tactics style good okay let's just go right to the wall and then I'll go first with the auto remember to put your guns in automatic don't want to be yep what kind of around with this I feel like I'm talking to privates I shouldn't be bothered saving it just becomes second major like alright guys make sure to have your things on the fully automatic mode now yeah if they have their game up though they will be able to see us walking up but they can't look over the walls that's the main thing like of their game all right at this edge anybody behind us will see us because we got silhouettes now but we can still lay down about right here and still be totally invisible there's a light flashing light flashing east light flashing East turn on hear me jeez you can see it yep Oh somebody's running over here I think okay do you guys want to move in look good okay let's go okay save up your stamina I'm just gonna do a jog watch that bunker right in front of us watch it watch behind us no lights behind us okay I'm going to be the first to die here but it's alright I understand that I'm going to Cle this bunker this bunker is clear Abby got it just note somebody's here somebody's got to be in here we're taking it though we're taking it they're gonna know oh no we gotta get out of here oh wait wait till the bar fills up wait until the bar fills up and then we'll run will run the heck out of here Twain totes up okay it's up it's up its up go go go let's go Wes Wes Wes Wes Wes sure let's see if we can ambush two more up as they move back in oh my stamina ouch I wonder if they'll capture Delta May my stamina is dead I gotta lay down oh my gosh that was so tense yeah uh you know a lot of them were on the the east side so I wonder if they're coming in from the east side now but they have to have their flashlights on if they're moving oh I see a flashlight no yep yep north north north oh she's oh let's get him do you want to get him in a run alright let's get him let's get him wait wait until he comes down the open wait until he comes because there might be another guy with him there is I see him wow he was behind him Oh oh yeah there is - okay okay I'll try to aim at the front guy okay get him get him get him fire fire fire go go go go go here I'm gonna run with my hands I can't run with this gun they're putting flashlights on us there's somebody I don't know what the heck just run good Cole we might have gotten I don't really know I don't think we did no no no death messages yeah wait there's guys in Charlie all you have to see that you you guys want to move up I'll stay here and your support sure sounds good I can I can hit him you I can hit whatever you want me to I can hit him whenever you see that yeah I see I see it okay okay okay give us one give us one give us one Mike then you can hit it okay yeah there's two guys up on that roof two guys there's a guy to the right of the flashlight guy and I can hit that just whenever you guys move in turn your flashlight off try me ready tell me when let me take a stamina break let me take a stamina break yeah okay just know I got sites right on him he's moved back inside now I I have no eyes okay Oh yep light moving north all uh scan it where is it moving north that's a guy I can see em he's running towards Delta Y over Delta okay okay okay juice key yes and send the rounds now let's go ah shoot okay I'll try to get that guy moving to Delta you guys go ahead cuz I don't I have no eyes on that base Delta guys down Delta guys down there's a lot of guys and Charlie there's a lot of guys not building try to be quite and then I remember that thank you dear I know that there's a guy on the right side before but he's bugged I think oh yeah he is I can get him I actually yeah he's dead he's disabled I think that's guy who lost connection oh shoot PK m PK m coming from south south south hey we can't get past night guys we cannot get past that guy the door he's dead he's dead I know he was bobbing but we can't get past them oh crap can you get back down yep watch out watch out run that 50 down to 50 juji's down fifties down I'm moving east into the black sometimes right times a attack in the East I got him gives turn off it push the top where are you I'm easy you can hear me here you are you I am a just eesti I'm sitting in the force in the darkness okay we're not we're not gonna be able to take Delta without you gotcha uh Delta Charlie Charlie Charlie Charlie gotcha I'm coming in okay I'm in I'm in I see him I see him I'm healing I'm healing he's down he's down I got him I'm balling I'm bug Tran awkward go oh I see one ah I think I got no no no no I'm good I'm good I'm good whoo yeah let's bleed him good [ __ ] baby Oh do we need another one should we pull out and ramen guys you guys sir no no see if you guys can pull out and get into the dark area I'll see if I can go and just capture a let's see if this works got it okay try my gosh cover go Wes Wes Wes in the darkness yep oh look how this game was so cool if the response worked they're having to real aughh all right I'm moving in on a right now get out your kid oh sure come on Delta Delta's being taken out if you guys knew all right what about there yeah go to Delta damn crap [ __ ] us oh I'm an alpha I'm gonna surprise him I'm done crap dang I'm so far - you guys both down No are you guys both down [ __ ] 50 damn okay I should have been with you guys I can capture a yeah respawn I guess respawn so I mean they're gonna camp your bodies you know and that we wait I got control of a oh can you guys even respond possibly probably time wow that was squadron can we all t back or no okay oh my gosh I might get killed by this H barrier really get me over the stupid H barrier I'm gonna die to this H barrier are you kidding me nah my legs are broken nope hope I'm good still stupid HP get me into the darkness really quick they have a light right on me oh no they got me hahahahaha dang it they got me from skew yeah alright we're coming back then okay no no just go just go get on the shore I'll call John you all right we'll be out okay tickets forever - yeah I'm just gonna take is a year and a half to get there yeah I'll probably make speedy speedboat mini guns and just make it where you can't shoot the guns or something or like they're out of ammo what what's the speed of the same - oh I can't respawn because I'm having the same bug that they're having but I can't disconnect to fix it dang yeah I'm having the same respond bug we didn't spot we respond to that issue huh maybe I respawn in the raw and respond point or something let me see if this one's the correct one 9 V 3 now oh my gosh okay let's try and capture and hold a single point because honestly I don't think we can space ourselves out enough to capture pretty yeah Oh anyway I'm going to tell him something hey uh guys can you hear me on off four can hear me I figured out the respawn glitch so you need to respawn on the one respond point that actually has a little uh symbol on it there's a little like a red respawn symbol for you guys you'll you'll have to respawn that respond point I think that should be the only one that sorry that should be the only one that works I tried that and it worked for me so you guys try it and see if it works copy seven shoving as long as I'm measured correctly gotcha you check once or any half of this people minigun if not was just spawn us explore those and then G people using mini guns next time yeah I will oh hello where are you guys I could even see you oh you're up there hi [ __ ] ha ha ha you're invisible yeah I can you got radio calls yeah I do let's just head for alpha and just [ __ ] with them okay yeah the NATO will definitely have to have more people than this because oh my gosh this is tough either more people with better gear yeah suppressors or something I don't know veteran yeah actually kind of mary-kate forty like a three v12 with like one team having envy esses and snipers and the other team having aks and flashlights and pkms probably not off owed 50s that's a little bit o P but I think that would be pretty cool little bit more left there you go yep they after this happens we can try something like that yours if you want to yeah I could edit it a little bit we can do that or just maybe get an equal get like a equal ratio and see what that is like it's me Bowman eons to try that Andy yeah they're not as you guys are so fast I had to type now I'm like behind you guys just keep going keep going no more static scene I'm on a good about some put on the strength the movement of a happosai's ooh I was thinking lonely island but yeah that works soon hey guys operator view ski here hey guys I brought you don by nine guys it's going to be pretty operator yeah check out my twitch streams for dank memes actually YouTube because I'm stupid Oh dragon let's go for two I gotta keep it sneekybeeky four guys and he has he read from here I'm sorry quiet you guys look like a submarine from over here you look like you're in the water yeah this was a reproduction SVD that would be cool SVD ops which news as the worst yet will do I'm just going right to the shore Allium here oh yeah we're smashing into a bucket oh wow hit your butt moving farther kapo'i oh look at my boat by 500 please I forgot my med kit okay I have one it's okay I got one all of you tips I got a ton of facts oh they're firing interesting how about they're firing at what they Lissa do you guys hear that bird listen Tran I was really tactical smoke oh that is okay it's raw mic yeah what was that that's a bird okay I was like what I have never heard that before on sera tea yeah I've got my window open it's like 85 degrees in here oh good funny it's just like fondling my Balzac and I'm hating it okay let me turn my audio up it's not raining so it's not anymore yeah do you guys want to go down to a and I'll cover yeah that's good last time we tried that wouldn't go up it did for but we're not the one full squad okay oh they're down there oh all my stamina burns it burns so good man if we just taking a third objective right then gradually good woody got him that c-130 over there okay watch out we're about tea and the light here so that's fine where that shot came from let's do some recon oh oh there's guy meters what he's he's in the roofer on the building hurt lads go through look at him look at him he's so cute look at him he does not even see us that is hilarious do you guys think Paul Gibson I can take them I think we should call him uh let's oh wait let's look at the area first look the area scan see if you see anything else okay go ahead go ahead already you've got a shot two one did you get him I'll cover you guys from up here we're not going to spread out that much I got a really good spot here too that was a really good shot let's see what happens just know that might have been a decoy so make sure that mr. cool good job yeah just know those truck lights and we had it's full bars and full bars and full come back what the [ __ ] now it's what we're good we're good you can you failed alright then okay cool [ __ ] just knows you and I'll hear me over command right know again cuz apparently I'm broadcasting over that thought only be squad leads stick trying to find any silhouettes but I'm not seeing anything why wouldn't they be moving over here we're invisible right here if there's an off road though we need to just oh [ __ ] that's an off-road we just need to spray the heck out of it we're good we're good we're good oh my god they're just like don't come over here we will burn your faces may if we had a sniper just Cobell Oh give you an idea to buy I was gonna stay in tonight Ezzor okay if we go in between alpha and Bravo they're gonna see our silhouettes on alphas light so we have to move around the left side of alpha to move up to Bravo you know what I mean yeah so let's let's let's carefully move to the left Oh flashlight flashlight Southwest flashlight Southwest I just saw him turn on your Muji's he's up there southwest he just he's camping now with a slash light off copy yeah see it that's good job I didn't see that don't fire don't fire let's get up really close before we even want to fire or just go around him looks better he sees us no maybe he doesn't oh shoot did he see you are you sure you shot you damn okay I'm moving up to him slowly I'll get him alright we gotta move east we gotta move east or don't know down move south a little bit get up this hill and get in this forest to the west side of alpha try and move we got moved in y'all I'm goin enemy spotted 400 meters bearing three one five yeah get up farther Southwest move farther south though uh hello global Channel we're farther south west get him guys I think I've got him yeah yeah holy cow he almost got me he sprayed me you guys dead yes yes I got moving keep moving southwest we gotta get crap okay just know they have a respawn somewhere up here I think ya guys get over here without grass isn't glowing even a little bit of grass glow and they see us and Martin and me I was up on the hill as brother got flashlight Northwest barely peeking all the trees copy oh my gosh yeah when you turn min-ji's off you see that well oh they're shooting at him what they're shooting them I think shooting at us here move move farther west move farther west towards that light let's get that flashlight or actually let's try to sneak around that flashlight guy if he gets close just lay down in a bush yeah if he gets close to skinning a bush I think he's coming up here lately like I'm getting up to this one my guys groaning this is bad Oh daddy oh he's coming I see the light I see the ground getting a little bit brighter no fire no fire is if he if he shoots me he'll try to get on my body and then he'll you guys can shoot him so just let him walk by if we can he he's above us to our left no no don't fire don't fire he doesn't see us yet I know I know he sees me he sees me no he doesn't oh my gosh no don't fight don't fight don't fire if he shoots me then fire oh my gosh she doesn't see me keep keep keep stay still stay still oh my gosh he's looking straight at me he probably sees me he sees me he definitely sees me oh my gosh oh my gosh if he oh my gosh no way no no way No oh my gosh guys guys guys don't shoot him I know No oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah yeah wait until he's really far away until he's really far he's really scanning oh my gosh she stared at me for like a good 40 seconds there yeah oh she got with a nice worth ten years of me my heart is being was so fast okay when he moves about like 30 more feet let's run or not even run just like lightly jog they can't hear us okay he's gone he's gone he might turn around one more time so let's just wait until his flashlights pretty much out of range and then we'll go try to pee - bush kept on this bush we got to get back into the forest folks we're a little bit too high right now have any cover oh you turned /off up now he's back on okay uh let's go let's go let's go oh that's gonna make for a great oh I am so happy I recorded that Wow holy cow whoever that is is gonna feel like like this total total fool people to the right guys watch it copy oh my gosh but I just kept the whole fight on it yeah it's one you guys are medic can you guys medic me yeah if possible do it oh cool that one guy shot the heck out of me you will medic dealt with action [ __ ] old is like I just can't like stab I cut his head like white Oh poultice and you know what if our if our flash if our night vision is on they might be able to see that little green glint so just note that it's like let me Gibbs kind of like look around a little bit and let me see if I can see you a little now I can't really see it oh it's so hard yeah he would only be most anyways yeah I would only be a flash - to be honest Wow look how far that flashlight guy is now he's way over there to do east um you know what let's see if we can disable those off roads or I don't know no I don't mind I don't know oh my gosh though whoa okay no to anybody to our left now is going to see our silhouette so there's no fat get down low flashlights where I think that's a vehicle that's a vehicle oh my gosh my heart okay well they're occupied because I have lights on to remember that okay 200 meters front 200 meters front oh gosh right from the vehicle prints all bearing like 75 80 probably go over the buildings off to the left yep copy the vehicle looking towards us are away oh wait okay gotcha let's go in I wonder let's go oh I does assume no I didn't um let's go go into Bravo guys this thing is gonna be heavily guarded yeah we should hit shortly if anything I get behind him let me let me turn the night time a little bit lower oh shoot I don't want to see where they are oh shoot that didn't work why why why okay why are they shooting why is the night sky not getting dark no no no no no it's getting lighter that's not better that is so not better oh geez that is so much worse really that is cancer that's still cancer that's gonna get a scenic yeah we're gonna get shot in the bush yeah it's it's back its back well the flares on that's why look look see yeah you guys don't realize that yeah turn your images off you can see that flare it's light like lime green okay okay so Charlie or Bravo off-road coming this way bush bush bush if that thing comes in we're closed shoot it if it gets close to shoot it this is where I die guys nope we're saying wait leg oh shoot shoot oh my gosh all in the offroad they're all in the offers do one engaged you wanting gays Alfred I don't have eyes on but you guys can I see them right when you drown right front of you drivers down drivers down everyone is box head north north north north let's get out of this light [ __ ] oh my oh right now back in the trees Northwest Wow oh this is the coolest mission my stamina burns though vehicle he's yeah what up any chance of actually like completing this mission though we're gonna opt out better gear yeah more guys definitely I'll probably just make it more guys there's a guy on the building east charlie hope I'm the forest guy in the forest East 150 meters in front of the vehicle southeast flaps one owner off flashlight off off off gotcha Oh ffs Oh gotcha you're not gonna be able seen with nvgs on I just realize that we should have knocked out that trucks tires mm-hmm yeah true ponies oh man I hate that driver right in the back of the head that was great there's so funny as soon as we made the decision to shoot I just like lit the two in the back of how many [ __ ] rounds that I dumped there holy [ __ ] I sent 14 movement at Bravo I just saw I think okay here's what I have you don't know yeah go to Delta I'll shoot lightning yeah let's go to Delta I shouldn't stay in it for a second and then move into it from the north side okay I should make the the NATO wear ghillie suits just so the NATO specified it's like really spec ops or something because even now I mean even though we have only three people and we can't really actually capture the objective like we are practicing expert guerrilla tactics and we're actually doing very well exactly yeah winning yeah I mean that's just because we have the advantage in tech and also we just are only three people so we can move really quick should I uh should we go to Delta go across this clearing uh let's head a little bit more north where there's that break in the light okay and then go yeah I've got you that would be my expert opinion huh I've tried every roof down and Donovan wired we hear a friendly around that respawn when you were still no I know they weren't I just I just tried the symbol respond it had worked uh I don't really know why it's happening none of them have a symbol in it they're just their food oh we're gonna have an exclamation point in it I think I probably know that I know that an explanation point probably means anything nearby yeah I don't know where you are ah doesn't that it's doing no good when I'm dead huh yeah that's true um okay can we go random you want to go you guys ready yeah let's go go go all the whitening okay let's take this this I'm not taking it you're taking it oh wow I'm not oh now I am once there's another guy in here there might be another guy watch out watch out partners Clerk yeah clear every building you want to try to hold inside of this hood check rooftops watch out if I'm checking these tints I'm chucking the main building I'm on main building rooftop it's clear tints are all clear blue coming down got it I'm in a bit we can take out these fires how go to a barrel then click put out fire them all up now yep one more I think in the center I've got this one all right I'll get the big campers well I'm watching Southeast oh shoot where's that I shouted north are you up north I'll watch the southeast i watch south east right outside concord north copy I'll go rooftop and see what I can see I think he headed left or excuse me northeast side copy I'll watch this if he's coming around I got him somebody up southeast yeah I do I got it oh yeah southeast I heard them talking movement I might have heard the AI talking then I might have just heard his unit talking ok watch out we got an H mg or LNG Allen what it was south east south up see movement down there Oh forever look tried climbing the barricade yeah don't try that it might hurt you and I'm getting shot at oh I got one they're coming Southwest lots of them man they're shooting at me up on this roof like you wouldn't believe I don't think they see my little head poking out right now probably not rear art was that you y'all gotta got me down nice good job yeah I think that was all that was coming from Southwest I'm still checking Southwest Hill just know they might come from 360 they might spot there they might spot that Northwest spawn point oh [ __ ] LMG South doesn't burn on them yes a mime in cap - I'm trying to find out what your own bowling you know these guys are not flashlights on yeah I know it's fine it's fine no no not okay oh I see one I see one right now I got him I'll shoot stupid bipod never mind let me see he's in a bush due south of the opening of that of our front gate there's two of them actually oh I'm sure daddy they're winning yeah we're gonna wind up dead here we should move we should move just let me take it so you're just get triggered guys let's move both dead oh you are yeah both fascinated no I'm not movin I fight friend I'm lucky in the damn building oh five percent I got you I got you Wow oh okay I'm Trevor I'm trying to hammer all right is he up I hit thumbs holy cow LMG southwest watch out truck down I think [ __ ] me I'm down again when wearing right through the [ __ ] wall same place I think come to me come to recover recovery 350 just goes right through this wall like it's nothing dang your sneeze your ski yeah okay shoot guys we should move yeah it's also turning daytime or something only now let me try again Northwest is clear Northwest is clear why is it getting brighter yeah just pop one you did nice Northwest is clear yes no dream you honest yep I'm going just get me sick because it's 6:00 a.m. excuse me wait now it's 3:00 yeah wearing up they can see silhouettes so watch it you guys going to head south into the woods that morning everyone head knock should probably be heading west in the woods eventful much we're in a pavilion at the pub a lot the American had a closet full of people around with AKM can you sew back there right yeah I'm just typing seriously like they're winning they're doing a good job we cannot hold our points that well I don't know why Drew's complaining yeah you'll die cuz your defenders you have unlimited respawns that's how it works we have respawns that take us ten minutes to come in you will always win I think is your salty yeah I have to go okay I think his main issue is just that we're always just absolutely annihilating them in firefights yeah yeah but they still got us at one point I know what that doesn't compute to some people look guys the back of that operator dead guys I'm just gonna go move and see if I can take C by myself unless you guys do okay where you guys headed probably jump on into Charlie okay remember there was a lot of Altos being taken crap I smell fire one right in front of you one Y in front of me uh hundred meters just direct East he must have dug down right out guys yeah it is we're gonna die he's behind a burned out he's running he's running then you see him I can't crab a missed oh crap you down yo just across my stand please [ __ ] we're taking shots from the north this is why are we done yeah we should probably call it at this a funny joke people are liking this if they kill us and they'll like it let them kill us let them kill us just kind of be stupid just kind of walk out me like ah I don't think they'll see us oh no I can't I can't shoot him oh no we missed oh he's actually he's like actually scared so long grid 1 oh my gosh 0-3 ha ha ha contact right I was seriously just spraying like not even spraying just tapping his legs I was just tapping his legs hey it was a sprained left and right Oh contact haha
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 64,179
Rating: 4.946002 out of 5
Keywords: arma 3, stealth, special operations, spec ops, recon, night, nvgs
Id: ANakWzAdJXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 37sec (3637 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2016
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