Stealth Camping In Day Use Park

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The week feels complete when I get some new Camping with Steve content to enjoy.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Campinโ€™ Steve here!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I don't know why but his videos are really soothing to me. I have had trouble falling asleep for a while and his videos help. On nights I am having trouble, I'll pop one on that I've already seen and it helps a lot. Weird because I don't find them boring, but they are calming

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/orezybedivid ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey guys today I'm doing a little bit of a Stelter in a public day use area now this by all rights in my opinion should be a campground and it actually looks like it was at some point there may have been a a booth here at registration booth something like that but there's a vehicle coming so I'm going to get out of the way we're gonna check this park out a little bit and I drove in here today we're gonna figure out how to leave the vehicle here overnight so let's go hop right beautiful beautiful park we're coming down some walking trails here with what looked to be campsites and it looks like looks like this was actually a walk-in campground at some point there are some people having a nice group picnic over there and I can walk right down here to the lake and there's a little boat launch somebody just tent sent me a message oh that's crazy neighbor sorry I'll shut the phone off now I can see these maintenance trails that they have here they come right through like so and all along here there are little campsite II things so it is my suspicion that this used to be in fact a free County sort of campground they may have had trouble with Bush parties etc so unfortunately it's turned into a day use area you know you can see there's some picnic tables there's some fire rings that type of thing now I don't know what it would cost them to actually turn this into a campground in fact I think they'd make a little more money than as a day use area this is completely free to use during the daytime and you know such a beautifully maintained place they got garbage cans they have toilets the only thing that have to lose by turning it into a campground is getting 20 or 30 dollars a night or whatever they charged so I'm gonna sit down under this beautiful tree in full bloom here and that I think calls for a step to right by the lake to step one close finding the old accesses and what I'm sure was a campground so let's sit down here under this tree oh that's not in bloom that's poplar puzz okay good thing I'm not allergic step two today is Scotch because it's easier to carry in than beer that's for sure and it is so smooth mmm there's a few pieces of firewood here I'll try to find some more it's a little windy today I hope that doesn't appear with the sound too much because I'm filming on Wednesday I managed to get a day off here so happy winds-day day Lake that's Thursday now but I'm gonna stay away from those other groups of people since I've exploded on YouTube a little bit or gained a lot more popularity since last summer I do tend to get recognized a little bit and if somebody sees me in a public de use Park the backpack and the camera I think the jig will be up they're gonna know exactly what I'm up to so I'm gonna I can I can be here just fine having a little fire shouldn't really have the whiskey with me scotch but it's a gray area they're starting to make it more legal in day use areas because they've noticed everybody does it anyways so find some more firewood get set up right here as if I'm just a normal guy and join the nature taking some wild wildlife shots which I am so it's gonna be good for a little more firewood a free wood pile hard to believe and I'm gonna move this site over a little closer because it's a lot to carry and I've gotten out of shape lately I have to get back into shape I was gonna cycle out here that's like a couple hours cycle trip and used to be no problem in fact about eight years ago I did an 800-mile herd 1200 kilometres cycle tour from Victoria to BC to Edmonton Alberta and I did sixty miles or 100k a day no problem except when I tried to come out here yesterday I got about a half an hour and I said okay that's a project for another day as I slowly get a little more into shape ease down to the step two is a little bit and just generally do as much more physical exercise as I can so I'm gonna scoop up a bunch of this wood and get it over quickly before somebody else grabs this and set up and just act like I belong here this fire pit I'm not going to cook on it is way too deep they've cleaned it out and if I get any flames to the top this fire would have to be huge in order for that to happen I do have a little cooking stove which is a little more reliable on the heat a little more controllable so we'll save the fire for a little bit when the mosquitoes get bad and that will flush them out nicely all I have doesn't get a lot better than this we've secured a little wood I don't think there's anybody coming by this site I picked non weekend to come out here so things should die off pretty quick it's a school night and this is what all the fuss is about this part here's a little lake here which is probably good for fish and I don't have my fishing license quite yet for this year otherwise I probably fished from the pier somewhere if I could but I will be doing some fishing in the future not a huge lake but a good lake looks quite nice she couldn't be a day used without the swing sets so depending on my mood I may indulge later as some people know that is my guilty pleasure I do enjoy a good swing after a few step twos on where'd we go Finders Keepers it's very good no L can't leave this beer okay good stuff the mosquitos are coming out so I'm gonna use this thermos el mosquito repellents I've had good luck with it not everybody has but for me it has really done the job super easy to use it's just another another toolkit in the drawer dealing with these bloodsuckers throwing a fresh butane cartridge and when this start smoking should clear the air pretty quickly of any of these pesky critters pull some stuff out make it look like I'm just here for a little barbecue [Applause] go on a fresh butane cartridge for the thermos L not a moment too soon I am getting eaten alive oh yeah there we go that should do it doesn't work really well if there's a ton of wind but then if there's a ton of wind there's not usually a ton of skeeters so got stuff I need out for a nice little meal here I just grabbed my regular to-go bag I've got a little little candle I can put out here make it look like a really pathetic picnic for one but yeah I'll just sadly sit here sit my sip my Scotch by myself with a candle going well well the good families all play frisbee and stuff but that's just fine with me better stir it a little a little fire so don't creep everybody out here sitting by myself with a camera like a little or more normal what I'm doing alright this stops not just for the barbecue believe it or not I still enjoy using the charcoal barbecue adds to the flavor I find this is the ultra low potency stuff it doesn't go like well they call it concentrated and actually in their instructions they recommend once it's burning that you give it another squirt carefully I don't know something just I'm not even gonna do that even though it says in the instructions because I've just been raised to not put any accelerant on to an already burning fire and I do enough risky things as it is I don't need to compound problems here getting out a cell service that should do kids playing in the park it's a guy throwing football around with his kid right now and I'm just here like I want to hunker down so it shouldn't be too long until they all leave and I can more actively look for a place to set up the hammock without looking like a total creep so I'm gonna throw a little more wood on the fire play the waiting game it looks like they're getting close to packing up and that should mean a day use park to myself or some evening use I can yeah get set up quite nicely here and I think what I'm gonna do let's just put a note on my car that says I've lost the keys or something like that you know car won't start I've lost the keys we'll get the car in the morning that's that should be good no valuables inside or something and just leave that on the windshield and hopefully in the morning the car's still there because if they start to tow it at night if I stumble out of the woods frantically they're gonna the jiggle be up so throw a little more wood on here and we play the waiting game [Applause] the family is seem to move along so I'm going to cook quickly I'm not putting any more wood on the fire because if it starts to get close to 10 11 when I shouldn't be here they see me with a big fire they're gonna know something's not right brought a little butane stove with me you know it's just too unpredictable to try and cook on that and for bringing this little tiny thing saving the bottle the pot my I've heard some good good tips from a lot of people that you coat bottom in just so and that'll stop it from getting all all-city and horrible but today start with browning up a little chicken with olive oil the garbage can right there that's awesome okay it's bright up this is a variant on a different recipe I normally do as a casserole and essentially you've got chicken chicken chunks stovetop dried stuffing mix and mushroom soup I picked some green beans out of the freezer but they were pretty freezer burn so on the way I just grabbed the bag of mixed vegetables usually I use broccoli but I didn't come across any in my venture out here Brown this up I've never done it this way in a skillet before but one pot skillet meals or what camping is all about with the pulverized chicken morsels I'll add a little water I'm adding about a cup right now my refill these little plastic ones at home because they're still light compared with the normal refillable canister and you know they last quite a while you can really beat them up I haven't had an issue so about a cup of water in there had good old dream a mushroom and soup [Music] any-any creamed canned soup will do it's the universal food binder food band a casserole helper bring it with you in your backpack and fortify any meal you get this all bound together and while that happens dump in some mix vegetables could put in broccoli now or whatever you happen I have on hand asparagus would be nice it is in season right now too I've turned down the heat a little bit on that not scorch anything too badly frozen mixed vegetables I love one-pot meals that is certainly the way to go camping wise we got our protein you got copious amounts of fat you got vegetables and very quickly once this reaches a relative boil we'll add in our starch and again yeah one of the beauties of the day use is all these nice little garbage cans everywhere despite the fact that people really don't seem to use them as much as they could with this thermos all going I really have not seen too many mosquitoes in fact it's tree well pretty well cleared of them so that's great because this is the hour they like to they like to come to life oh yeah this looks like stopping time to me this all in [Music] kind of like a stuffing top chicken pot pie or stuffing mix chicken pot pie heartless sure smells good yeah I think that amount of water worked out just fine oh yeah I need to take another quick nibble and I'm gonna let this I'll let that solidify a little hmm and we'll chow down by the remains of this fire day use area dinner for one completed actually it's a dinner for more than one as I often do but if I'd actually cycled out here this would be nothing I'd still be hungry afterwards so a big shout out to all the people who have donated to the beer fund and all the people who have purchased hunker down merchandise that all helps to get me out here doing this interesting stuff instead of repairing furnaces and all the stuff I don't like doing very much so big shout out to you guys and you know everybody's welcome at my table and in these times I am really hoping that you know life is tough enough as it is we can all just hunker down together and get through this it'll be a lot better so cheers everyone and that is good nice thing with this you can replace the stovetop with noodles or Minute Rice or regular rice or whatever you'd like but it sure turns out tasting real good I've extinguished the fire and I'm heading back to go check out a spot to set up the hammock this is a beautiful meadow where everyone was camping and throwing footballs around having a really good time so you can see it is beautiful it looks like it should be a group can't use area you can see behind here they have it labeled as a date use park it is Alberta funded Alberta government so it is public land and this park is seen a lot better days but it still got a lot of good camping potential and they use potential well enough fun and games there's still a few people around here I'm going to move the car over to the far parking lot slap the note on it that says lost my keys somewhere please don't tell me I'll be back in the morning hopefully that will spice that we'll find out and mosquitoes are revving up here for the evening I don't have my thermos el repeller on me but birds are chirpin like crazy frogs ribbiting found a scrap of paper lost keys no valuables back in a.m. please don't talk like that all right there and then we're going to grab some stuff over there and go to fine good spot to hunker down wait we go I'm not sure if I'm on an old Park Service trail what the deal is I'm just gonna be quickly here for the night all right mosquitoes are pretty ferocious if I do say so myself and I think those folks we're just leaving as I wandered into the trail here to set up for the night [Music] these trees are a touch closed for this hammock but working with minimal minimal daylight you have to do what you can without being discovered okay [Applause] [Applause] this'll do okay [Music] [Applause] yeah this will keep the mosquitoes up pretty good and make another run back for the sleeping bag because I don't want to carry too much at once if I'm just casually walking through with one little backpack way less suspicious that a huge one so back to the other one and the hammock is north normally not normally set up in this low but that actually works quite well today because a little more out of sight it blends in okay and I'm probably 20 meters away from the closest road I had to do a little little Bush walking down this trail but hopefully they're not up and down this trail at 6:00 in the morning we'll find out it should be nice to have a fire out here I have to say that sadly it's not really an option as I'm trying to keep a low profile and I don't see any really dead trees above me other than maybe the one I tied my hammock onto but that's one thing you do not want to look out for before you set up anything particularly hammock oh no this one's got a few years left in it still yeah this tree will get me through the night that's okay cuz yeah you don't want to wake up a ghost if tree squishes you end the night what I'm gonna crawl in here with my step to make sure none of my garbage blows away make sure I got my phone with me in case of emergency and I have cell service one bar so excellent gonna quit the inn so loud hit egg I can't really see out of here but see you guys in the morning sweet dreams morning guys that was a cosy night it was a stressful one but a cozy one people were coming in and out of the park I'm guessing probably teenagers people out just bored and exploring who knows people like me but I just put the blinders on stayed in the tent stayed quiet and nobody said anything nobody came by we're gonna get out of here real quick because I can actually hear them there's a maintenance vehicle up there it sounds like they're mowing or something in the park so I'm gonna take this down real quick my whiskey courage is gone right now so no more of this yeah let's go stealth camping now it's like okay let's get out of here go back home before we get busted myself I didn't use an under quilt or a sleeping pad because it's warm enough at this time of year that that's not even an issue and also if this hammock is really comfortable you're not it's not like sleeping on the ground or anything the only reason you need not one of these hammocks is just the temperature but yeah I'm just going to pack this stuff [Applause] hammock is certainly the vehicle choice for any scalping because doesn't take up much room quick up quick down no messing around with tent poles and doubles as a chair what my stealthy senses are tingling so I'm getting out of here car is still there perfect crime stumble out here yep nope still on it car is still there nice all right I'm gonna get out of here before I push my luck too much further get it a Dodge so to say so if you eventually want to see me get caught at one of these please subscribe because it's bound to happen one day and when it does you'll be the first to see it so thanks for camping with Steven until next time hunker down
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 791,159
Rating: 4.9076209 out of 5
Keywords: camping, stealth camping, camping with steve, steve wallis, hunker down, step 2, day use park, day park, day use park camping, camping in park, stealth camping in park, picnic camping, steve wallis camping, wild camping
Id: 1aN2tEm_Wms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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