Onion Rings 2 Ways

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hey what's up most of us know onion rings only as  the soggy thing that somehow makes its way in the   bottom of your burger king bag those stink in  my opinion a well-made handmade onion ring is   an absolutely transformational food that deserves  your time and attention today i'm going to show   you two different ways to make them at home  including two super easy to make sauces to dip   them in the first style of onion that i'm gonna  make is what i would call an extra crispy think of   an outback steakhouse blooming onion but obviously  this one's not gonna be socked up with oil and the   breading will stick firmly to the onion to get  started i'll need some onions i've got two jumbo   white onions here i wouldn't recommend yellow  because they tend to get too soft when they're   cooked and they're overly sweet to ring these  things out i'll start by cutting off the north   and south poles of each bulb and then i'll grab  a knife to make a score along one side i'm being   really careful to cut only one layer deep here the  outer layer isn't useful to me as a ring because   it's slimy thin and papery so i'll peel that  whole layer off once it's cleaned up i'll cut   this onion into roughly four planks that are about  three quarters to one inch thick give or take and   when i get to that last plank i'll lay the onion  on its side flat and slice horizontally so that i   can get a flatter more even cut next i'll grab one  of these onion planks and pop out the middle half   this stuff in the middle is still totally usable  for other dishes but for obvious reasons it's not   going to make a compelling onion ring so i'll set  that aside and then carefully pop out the larger   rings that are left i'd say this innermost ring  here is as small as you want to go it's probably   about two and a half inches across give or take  if the rings are too small you just end up with   too many pieces and hand breading all of them is a  significant amount of work bigger looks cooler too   the last ring segment here is super thin and  covered in that slimy papery stuff so i'll lose   that some people go out of their way to remove all  of the inner onion membranes on these things but   in my trials i found that it didn't really make  a difference so if you just bread and fry these   properly you shouldn't have a problem once i've  got 16 to 20 of these large rings pulled apart   i'll grab a medium bowl to make the breading  that's 400 grams of all-purpose flour 150 grams   of corn starch the cornstarch helps keep excessive  gluten from forming in this breading and it helps   absorb some of the moisture that comes off this  food while it's cooking both of these factors   lead to crispier fried foods that stay crisper  for longer behind the starch i'll add in 6 grams   of baking powder 2 grams of paprika 6 grams of  salt and 3 grams of coarsely ground black pepper   next i'll grab a whisk jump into the bowl and stir  everything to combine once it is i'll grab two   small containers and into one i'll add 300 grams  about two to three cups of buttermilk and into the   other i'll add the same about two to three cups  of all-purpose flour no seasoning just plain flour   to bread these i'll grab an onion ring and drop  it into the flour from there i'll give it a   light toss to coat and then shake off anything  excessive this base dusting of flour really   helps the buttermilk stick to the onion which  helps promote onion breading bondage which is   crucial next the ring is going to get swirled  around to coat in the buttermilk then i'll let   anything excessive drip off and then i'll move the  ring over to the breader that we just whisked up   i should mention that i have separate forks  for each bowl to keep the dry and wet stages as   separate as possible breading can be extremely  messy if you don't work to keep things apart   and this really helps once i've got a good base of  breading on this ring i'm going to give it a firm   shimmy to remove anything excessive and then i'll  move it over to a sheet tray to hang out while i   bread the rest now a single breaded onion ring  can work but the main issue here is coverage if   you have exposed onion the oil the ring is frying  in will slip in between the onion and the breading   and that's gonna give you a super saturated greasy  disappointment so to ensure proper coverage i'm   gonna bread these a second time to do that the  onion's gonna go right back into the buttermilk   i'm gonna skip the flour dredge here up front and  i'll let anything excessive drip off just like   i did before and then into the breader it goes  it's very important to keep extra buttermilk out   of the dredge if you can after 18 rings on the  first round inevitably some of that milk got in   and clumped things up this is actually ideal at  this point those clumps will stick to the onion   during the second breading and make things extra  craggy and crispy almost like popeye's chicken but   obviously too much wet in the dry is going  to make clumps that are too big to stick   and that looks perfect there's plenty of craggy  little bits stuck to the outside and no exposure   of the underlying onion once i've got a whole  sheet tray double breaded like this i need to   get my fried pot set up for that i'll grab my six  and a half quart dutch oven and drop it down on   the stove over medium heat then in goes roughly  two quarts of neutral frying oil in this case i'm   using canola but any high smoke point oil would  work i'm preheating this pot to about 350f 175c   and i'm also preheating my oven to 200f 95c with a  little wire rack sheet tray in there to keep these   rings hot as they come out of the fryer once my  oil is up to temp i'm going to carefully lower   in the rings one at a time with a fork i've got 18  rings breaded so that means i can safely do three   rounds of six in total these onions are going  to take about four minutes to get fully tender   as soon as all my rings are in the oil i'm going  to come back with my spider to make sure they're   not stuck together or to the bottom of the pot  a gentle jab here is more than enough pressure   if you touch these too much at this point you  could risk debreading them and that would be a   bummer after the first two minutes of frying i'm  gonna come back with a fork and carefully flip   these over to make sure they're getting crispy and  golden evenly on both sides as these get closer   to being done less and less moisture is gonna be  escaping and the bubbles will start to slow down   and shrink like this after four minutes of total  fry time when i lift one of these onion rings out   of the pot you can see that it's lightly golden  brown and very well crisped up now i'm gonna move   this one and the other five to my rack in the low  oven to stay crisp and then i'm gonna drop my next   six while those are finishing up i think it's the  perfect time to make myself a little cocktail from   the sponsor of this video shaker & spoon shaker &  spoon is a monthly cocktail subscription box where   you byos and then they send you everything else  you need to make bar quality cocktails at home   i'm a negroni guy so i went with the negroni 2  box this month the box came with three different   drink recipes in this case all using gin and  they send you enough ingredients to make four   drinks per recipe that's 12 per box i'm feeling  the frutta e fiori cocktail today so to make that   i'll add my campari my tea infused gin to make  that i just shook my gin with this hibiscus tea   bag that they sent along and let it sit for a few  minutes next in some strawberry syrup and balsamic   vinegar all on top of ice and i'll give it a shake  pour over some ice and i'll finish that with a   spritz of the included tulsi basil hydrosol  over the top and then i'll drink this thing   that's summer in a glass you guys it's a little  fruity and floral but still nice bitter and well   balanced so to summon your inner bartender click  the link in my description and use code brian   or go to shakerandspoon.com brian to get 20 off  your first box you use whatever spirit you like   and they'll send the rest to your door that's  shakerandspoon.com brian for 20 off your first   box once i've got all 18 of these onion rings  fried off i'm gonna pull the tray from the oven   so that we can take a closer look okay wow these  rings are looking super craggy and they're what   i would consider to be perfectly golden brown but  before i snap into one of these things i'm going   to need something to dip it in how about a smoky  chipotle ranch to make that into a high sided   container i'll measure 125 grams of mayo 50 grams  of sour cream 15 grams of lemon juice one pressed   garlic clove 15 grams of the hot sauce of your  choice i likey franks then one chipotle chili in   adobo my immersion blender goes in and i'll spin  it all up to break down the chili you could skip   the blender here for sure and just mince the chili  really finely and then stir everything to combine   this is my tribute to the orange stuff that comes  alongside a bloomin onion at outback obviously i   think this tastes better it's fresh it's smoky  it's bright and just a little bit creamy it's   incredibly easy to make and i think it's perfect  for a fried onion if smoky hot isn't your thing   here's a quick variation combine the same  amount of mayo sour cream garlic and lemon juice   stir or puree that to combine then add in 10 grams  of minced chive and 10 grams of chopped fresh dill   now you've got an herby fresh ranch dressing that  is very appropriate for anything crispy and fried   to me this ring right here has achieved everything  that i could want in a fried onion the breading   aggressively sticks to the onion itself thanks  to that base layer of dry flour and the onion is   cooked perfectly it's tender but not raw and it's  not slimy either most fast food onion rings are   limp and slide right out of the breader oh and  by the way these things stay crispy for a while this is me snacking on it 40 minutes after it came  out of the oven okay style 2 also very crisp and   great in its own way but instead of using breading  we're going to use batter specifically a beer   batter this process is going to start just like  before with 16 to 20 large rings of white onion   but this time they're frozen salad that takes  about 30 to 45 minutes in the freezer now to   get these unfrozen i'm gonna take them over to my  sink and run warm water on them for about a minute   why are they frozen in the first place well this  battered onion ring needs to cook very quickly to   avoid getting greasy so to shorten the cook time  we freeze the water inside the onion that breaks   down the cell wall and kind of par cooks the onion  in a way that is very similar to cooking with heat   next i'm going to use some paper towel to dab off  any excessive water sitting on the outside because   extra water in hot oil boils instantly and creates  a very frothy violent situation that can get kind   of dangerous once they're all dried off i'll set  them aside and make my beer batter for that into   a medium bowl goes 100 grams of all-purpose flour  and 100 grams of rice flour rice flour acts very   similar to cornstarch and then it inhibits  gluten formation but for batter which is   obviously wetter than breading rice flour makes  a lighter longer lasting crust in my experience   next in is 2 grams of baking powder and 5 grams  of salt i'll whisk that to combine and now for   the beer part first i'll secure my bowl with a  damp paper towel then i'll grab a 12 ounce beer   if you don't drink alcohol you could go with a  club soda that would also work now while whisking   i'm going to drizzle in this beer adding the  beer incrementally really helps avoid clumpiness   i started with about 10 ounces to see how it would  thicken and this needs a touch more moisture so   i'll add in another ounce or so leaving me  with just about an ounce left in the bottle   texturally it should fall off the spoon kind of  like thick paint if you've made any of my fried   fish recipes before then i would say this batter  needs to be slightly more thick than that now   same as before i'm going to hit the raw onion with  some flour to help get the batter to stick better   300 grams of that's going to go into a little bowl  and then i'll drop in my first onion a toss toss   to get coated and then i'll make sure to shake off  anything excessive the ring really likes to hold   on to flour on the bottom side and if too much of  that made into the batter it would get too thick   speaking of batter in it goes and just like before  i've got a fork for the dry and a fork for the wet   to keep things separate and tidy once i got a nice  bit of batter stuck to this ring i'm gonna lift   it up and let it drip off once it's shaken off  i'm gonna move it over to a sheet tray and then   batter the other rings if you're wondering hey  bry don't you normally batter things right before   they go into hot oil great question yes that is  the traditional move for beer battered stuff but   that's not how i'm gonna do it i decided that  these onions were best double dipped in batter   for the same reason that i double breaded the  onions before i want to make sure that the onion   is perfectly sealed up inside so that no oil gets  in and soaks things up once i've got these rings   pre-battered i'm going to move my whole setup over  to my stove and check my oil for beer batters and   tempuras i think it's best to cook at a hotter  temperature this oil is at about 375 f because   the higher moisture of the batter is more prone to  absorbing fryer oil and the quicker we can sizzle   off that excessive moisture the less greasy the  onion ring will be now to get these rings into   the fryer i'm going to drop them briefly into the  all-purpose flour one more time i really don't   want a ton of that to stick though because too  much will make things cakey and kind of heavy so   shake off whatever you can and then next i'll lay  into my batter one more time i'll toss that back   and forth to get it covered lift it up let it drip  and then shake off anything excessive lastly i'll   carefully drop this ring into the oil by laying in  the bottom and then letting it naturally fall off   my fork this helps ensure ring roundness because  these rings are kind of floppy and if you just lay   them in willy-nilly you'll get oblong shapes i'm  only cooking four rings in this first batch mainly   because filming things that cook really fast is  hard and i needed to move the camera but six would   easily fit in there for sure in total these rings  are probably gonna need no longer than two and a   half minutes to cook at about the halfway mark  i'll come back and flip these onion rings over   with a fork just like i did before after two and  a half minutes in total here i'm going to lift   one of these rings out and take a look it looks  kind of like a donut an onion donut and i love it   once i've got 18 cooked rings i'm gonna pull them  out of the oven so that we can take a closer look   as you can see that batter has set into a hard  glassy but super light crust that's not oily at   all that's the challenge with beer batter when  it's cooked right it's transcendent but when   it's cooked wrong it's a greasy gut bomb that i  want nothing to do with how about a little dip in   that dilly chive ranch dressing that i showed  you guys before don't mind if i do the flavor   of this ring is yeasty it's malty and just a touch  sweet the batter is super stuck to the onion which   is a detail that i really can't stress enough  making a difference oh and listen to this crunch it's cartoonish i hope i've convinced you  that onion rings can be an excellent food   whether you go with the beer batter  beauties or the extra crispy version   i think you guys are going to be stoked are  these kind of messy to make yes is it quick   not really but it's fun and it's worth  it to make it every once in a while to   really treat yourself to something special  i hope you try it soon let's eat this day you
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 1,605,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: onion rings, crispy onion rings, onion rings recipe, how to make onion rings, fried onion rings, beer batter, beer battered onion rings, fresh onion rings, deep fried onion rings, onion ring, fried onion, cook onion rings, make onion rings, crispy onion rings recipe, homemade onion rings, bloomin onion, bloomin onion sauce, chipotle ranch, chipotle mayo, onion ring sauce, ranch, brian lagerstrom, weeds and sardines, cooking, recipes
Id: ySUKN5Vcb00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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