How to make a pan sauce for steak | Bistrot pepper steak recipe like in France

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welcome back everybody to the channel my name is stefan and this week we are practicing pan sauces the recipe of the week is the pepper steak but we're going to do the french style pepper steak with that je ne sais quoi into it now if you've been to paris in a bistro you will know that the pepper steaks there this just seems to to taste different okay so what is the secret and this is exactly what i'm gonna reveal in that video so if you want to know all the secrets about this pepper steak and the sauce keep watching so let's discover what's the secret of this french style pepper steak so first off it all resides in the ingredients so good quality ingredients and you're gonna have some nice eggs this is a porterhouse and it is also a set of very specific ingredients he's always used if you do it by the book in france so you're going to find some shallots some butter there is cream brown stock white wine and that taste that you have most of the time is you don't know what that is this is the intonation of cognac this is the secret a lot of time when you have this in it changes absolutely everything for the rest it is just a matter of having your mison plus ready all the ingredients measured they're all listed in the video description and then you can get started now you'll be interested to know perhaps that in some good restaurants and hotels in france the paper stake is actually made by the metro d by the waiter in front of you the steaks are pre-cooked in the kitchen they're brought to the waiter and he's got all these ingredients at the ready and he's making this in front of you now he's finishing to cook the steak and make the sauce just to tell you it is really not difficult now let's start the demonstration now let's start the recipe by seasoning the steak now before we start i'm using porterhouse but you can use any prime cut of beef also make sure you take your steaks out of the fridge at least 15 minutes before this is to avoid cold spots on your meat that may prevent the even cooking of your steaks okay that's a that's one of the things you need to know for the seasoning we're gonna put a little bit of salt i'm doing one side and the pepper it's up to you so if you want something heavy on pepper taste you're gonna add plenty of pepper if you want something light you put less the one thing you can do that's usually done in bistros that you're gonna season the steaks like that of course on each side and you're gonna leave them sitting there for 10 minutes so that the pepper taste goes a little bit into the meat okay hold on so my steaks are here as you can see they look nice and plenty of pepper on here what's next the next thing is to make sure you've got all of your miser plus ready for the steaks so when i'm talking about this metro deal that waiter that's making this in front of you he's got a little table like this called geridon and you have here some wine i've got here the cognac i've got my cream i've got a brown reduced brown stock i've got some butter and a thinly diced shallot why do we have this because these types of cooking in front is called cooking ala minute prepare minutes made to order meaning when you go into a bistro nothing is made before you order it the steak is cooked and as soon as it's cooked it's reserved kept warm for a few minutes and you basically have three to five minutes maximum to create your sauce and then it is served okay so it is super important that you have everything ready before you start cooking the steaks all right and now let's move to the stove and now let's start so the quality of the pan the frying pan use uh is really important i'm using a mobile 24 centimeters and cook and it performs really well and all what you need here is a medium heat okay so for the steaks when it's hot i'm just gonna put this in here and on a medium heat i'm gonna gently leave this to color and that's the beauty of that pan that you don't need to have a very high heat to get that nice searing effect now the other thing we tend to do at home a lot is anytime you put something in a pan is to immediately turn the meat over look how it looks like under do not do this at all with these types of pan i'm gonna cook these three minutes on each side and i'm just gonna leave them there and wait until they detach from themselves if you try to move them around first you're going to have that boiling effect and it's not going to be seared enough and the meat is going to kind of uh maybe ripped apart so it's very important not to touch your meat just count two and a half three minutes per side and you'll see we're going to get a nice result all right so i've got three minutes on one side and i'm using a really kind of you know look at this a rather low heat so if you look at my heat look at that it's not it's it's not it's not at all heavy but look at this i really favor a kind of slow cooking process and because this pan performs really well you get that kind of effect without using a massive heater i'm going to put another three minutes on here and it's best to take your time with this thing you know let the juices come into the pan get some color don't rush it it's very important for this pepper steak all right so my meat is done the first thing we're gonna do here is a little deglazing with the cognac and you don't need to do a flambe you can if you want like this but you don't have to don't have your exhaust fan on okay as soon as this is reduced we're gonna turn the heat to low and i'm gonna reserve my meat immediately on the tray and put it in the oven and now we're ready to make the sauce so this is the rice we start with the butter flavor just low to medium heat we're gonna melt this and immediately we're gonna add our shallots in butter is melted we're gonna start by adding a little layering of flavor the residual cognac mixed with the shallots and the butter still low heat for now we're not burning the shallots they burn very quickly for just a few seconds you know maybe like five or ten seconds and that's gonna be it moving on we've got the white wine the same thing here and this is the deglazing process we can now raise the heat as you can see you see my pan how it's clean and get that coloring you see the coloring of of sauce and here you're gonna want to reduce your wine because it's gonna kill the acidity that's very important we're going to almost reduce it to a dry state okay so look at this and it took me like 20 30 seconds and now the start of the show this is where the taste comes from this is the stock and 50 ml 100 meals up to you and a high heat and we're going to reduce this again to get that nice kind of syrupy sauce consistency all right so two minutes two and a half minutes later look at this there's not much left and this is now when you're gonna be adding a little bit of cream the cream is up to you really on how much you want if you want something really brown and keep in mind that you're not gonna really have that pepper taste in the sauce right now the pepper reside on the steak and we're putting the steak back in the pan very very briefly at the end and that's going to add the pepper intonation but you cut off the sauce so how do you want your sauce do you want it really brown or do you want more sauce maybe a bit thinner like this it's up to you and now we're going to reduce this again for last one to two minutes maximum and we will be done and that's it we're all done look at my sauce and what we've got if i move my spoon we've got a pan that has been totally cleaned oh it's juicy you see it's not burned and totally clean all the juices and tastes are transferred into a sauce i'm turning my heat off and i'm gonna put my steak in and we're gonna serve and now the final touch of course you've got your steaks all the meat juices in may have left them a little bit long so they might be a little bit overcooked there and we're just going to turn them around i know a lot of people don't like to have this in the sauce but this is the way it's done in france so we coat the steaks lightly like this just to warm them up and then we're gonna serve this on a plate with the sauce on top that's it and we're gonna have some pepper steak okay so let's have a look at what we've done the rush is over i can finally relax another it was like a panic on board when you make the sauce because it's all instant you have to go very fast but this is the sauce and this is how it's served in front so what are we going to do and you can put more cream if you want or less cream this is the consistency i've got now it's nice of semi-syrupy you can cover your meats like this and you can serve this on the plate and so i'm going to put this on the plate and we're going to dig in i might have been overcooked slide in the meat here but not a big deal and here it is and so i've put this on a plate here and once in here it's up to you you can serve you know the sauce on the side but i just like to pour it over it's it's my french ways of doing things so how much sauce do we want oh that will go beautifully with imagine with bread that's going to be beautiful you can kind of move the sauce around hmm okay a little bit more present so also first thing and we're going to taste look at it these are the little shallots here and the grains of pepper and that's that beautiful sauce i can't wait to taste it's an explosion of flavors you know what that technique never disappoints and actually you know what the pepper in there really when you bathe the steaks it really adds a big punch of pepper at the you know at the last minute totally totally beautiful so i think my steak might be a little bit um overcooked but i'm just gonna cut a little piece on the side i think there's a bit of fat here so let me take some nice bits i'm not gonna let's look at the meat now you see the color it's not too bad not too bad i like it a bit more rare but let me tell you that wave the sauce wow oh yeah it is you know it doesn't get older it doesn't matter what we do with this it really does not get old now let me show you what i do really when i'm done eating this as well now this my friends is what i call the peche mignon you know it's my little thing that i love to do when i'm done eating or even while i'm eating using a piece of baguette and you're gonna you know clean your plates like that at the end when it's done you clean the plate with bread and this is one of the use of bread arm that was really good but that's it in a nutshell that completes the tutorial on how to make that french style pepper steak so i would be curious to hear from you in the comment section what did you think about its recipient how does it compare to maybe the the way it's done in your country because this is kind of a worldwide recipe now before i go let me give you some little hints about the recipe the cooking of the meats can vary i did three minutes on each side you can do two minutes or less depending on how you want the meat and the cognac you can put less or more it's up to you and to have more that connect intonation and the cream at the end is going to make your sauce thinner and clearer so if you want a lighter color to your sauce add more cream if you want a darker color use less frame that's all the technical details now as always if you have any questions use the comment section in this video if you want to share your pictures on instagram use the hashtag frenchcook academy you can follow me on facebook and patreon and if you want to learn all about the technical stuff of french cooking head for our online cooking school i put all the details in the video description as for me as you all next week for another french cooking video take care all [Music] you
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 260,554
Rating: 4.9529319 out of 5
Keywords: french cuisine, french food, french food recipes, french cooking video, the french cooking academy, bistro food, french bistrots, bistro pepper steak, pan sauces practice, how to make a pan sauce for steak, Bistrot pepper steak recipe like in France, parisian style pepper steak, steak pepper sauce tutorial, steak pepper sauce video
Id: cbGMJ1MjuI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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