Sauteed Steak

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today we are doing steak you know people are usually thinking of steak the thing of the strip loin or the sirloin - those are confusing very often because there is different name throughout the country bones take the cowboy steak so cold and so forth what I wanted to talk to you about is what they call chef steak or take on and stack that people don't have you know much knowledge of it well this one people would know the flank steak flank steaks on the side of the flank of the anywhere - layer of fat you have the flank steak this is the skirt steak and the skirt steak it actually inside the cavity the tourists and it did it actually did diaphragmatic span when the animal breathed at the end of the flank steak there is one on each side during that piece of meat hanging which is called the hanging tenderloin yet one of my favorite - if that one here within the shoulder blade and that shoulder blade here he is extremely this is absolutely stunning meat you can see the marbling of an automated extraordinary in New York very often those that cut right through like this in the market with the there is a large a very large in you in the center of a Tootsie on each side the New York is it's called chicken steak in market you know but here I'm going to remove that thing from the center and make a steak with that salty with shallot white with a red wine mustard and so forth so here as you can see here I have a skin on this side and there is that piece of meat that I'm going to try to cut from the center of it I want to try to follow that love seen you here but I are here as you can see now there is a skin on the other side of you can see too so that I will remove that as well I tell you I will give you a strip glowing stick any of the greatest saber so-called cowboy steak I would rather have this this is really good but this is unusually rich and well marbled it's like the value meat but this is American American grown beautiful steak so when you saute a steak I would say see that piece would be perfect for too generous is about five five ounces and all that and that plenty good so we're going to saute this here of course that would be perfect on the griddle as well but in that case here I want to do it with ourselves and in that sauce I'm going to have some shallots a shallot right there we're going to you can do onion you can do green onion you can do shadow that will be more than enough for two maybe mushroom as you can see those mushroom don't wash your mushroom ahead they get all soft but if I have a lot of mushroom to use what I'm ready to use it I put that on the water I wash it to take it out and use them it's not that you cannot wash it you cannot do it ahead so maybe I'll do that in a camera Julian like this many all the way will be fine so this is one mushroom maybe a little more okay this garlic in there one clove of garlic is gonna be coming this and again I cut the end of the garlic so that I can crush it which release the skin you know when your the whole head of garlic like that you smell it too basically don't smell anything by the time you separate the club stronger by the time you crack the skin out stronger every time you slice it to flavor oil stronger and by the time you crush it that I'm going to do you release two essential oil in that garlic seen that essential oil to oil which get together and get sticky too and that's really where you get the taste of garlic at that point I can have a whole head of garlic roasting around a chicken two three head of garlic sometimes you suck the fresh out of it you don't even know you're eating garlic here if you shut that garlic if you burn it the also you become acrid and all that so you use it in a different way so a puree of garlic here okay that's going to go in my steak later let's see now a little bit olive oil I cannot butter - but - of olive oil salt pepper again when you do meet like this you don't salt it ahead the salt will get into and cure the meat and draw out the moisture out of it okay my pan is quite hot here that's good and that will cook a couple of minutes on each side I'm going to have some mustard in it I'm going to up not liberal flavoring in the Antarian sauce will you have a bit of chicken stock here and I even have some ketchup some time I thickened it with ketchup or you can figure it with a bit of starch but a charger so that's here [Music] yes conventionally fun at home I will have the steak of course on the grill the small speck like this especially that sex take a like to do it with a sauce sometimes a plan must have sauce sometimes I like do to the red wine sauce I have here a good cap and of course just in case it's coffee you know those Varitek get ahead when you use wine okay I'm gonna film nice sex now and set beautifully Brown on inside when you do a stack when you do a roll for you do any of this realize that when you for a sec but you put a roast of beef in the oven exposed to the heat the bit will contract by contracting this squeeze itself out of juice and that juice goes toward the center of the meat so if you're the roast beef cooking in the oven 3cp say 45 minutes wherever you take it out if you put it on the table cut right through it the whole of the outside of the gray black other cook the horizontal gladly barely lukewarm the meat after rest but with that process of contracting you let that roast rest the fiber up and again the juice hemoglobin guru right to the meat and you have juice coming out in your pan and the meat extinct from the first flight to the last one this is not the case of course with a steak that's right but it still applied to it we talked to the fact that you may like it very rare or you may like it you know medium rare so in that case here as you can see also I have a good pretty thick cast iron pan and in that type of thing I had a good eat transfer that is the juice is not going to burn the crystallize to the bottom of the pan at what we called blaze and the process of the glazing is to add liquid to those 3d file juice to create a soul so if you have a tiny spirit like in standard steel but heat go through your a black spot right there no diffusion through out the metal there of coffee or juice is burn already usual totin deserve so equipment is important very important it is that point for that it's gonna work out very well now here I would think that this is cooked enough that it for me I will put there and you will see just erection before within one to three minute there is no juice around here you will see the juice coming out that liquid that myoglobin will come out of everything I'm keeping that liquidy and I'm putting the I'm putting the shallot and garlic in there and then my mushroom cook a couple of minutes see the type of recipe that you do in restaurant you at the last moment so tasting like this so this is resting when a piece of meat is raw you push on it is just mushy are they contracting and I explained before then it get tighter so it kind of bounce back bounce back and by the time it's well done it doesn't bounce back it's just all you know and here I can see just by pressing it that it's pretty medium-rare here okay so this is saute for 1/2 minute maybe I will deal is with a tablespoon of wine at least half a cup would be fine now you know you want to reduce this a little bit to take the harshness out of the wine I love and I put a little bit of chicken stock to lighten it let it cook and reduce the mustard I will put at the end if you want to with mustard that will you add a thickening agent as well as a little bit of cash for a bit of sweetness thickening agent this is for taste if you decide to omit this it fine if you decide to omit that is fine there is if you decide to thicken it with any bit of arrowroot mixed with water or potato starch or flour and you can do it this way as well but now important enough I want this to reduce a little bit be tested yeah pretty harsh for the time being and to take a bit of the acetic acid in the one that you want to have a reduction to be left with the test of the one but not much of the the acidity dash of salt okay I can see that this is reading a little bit you can see that there it's starting running out of the steak and you can see that this is the juice coming out of it when you're a big standing rib roast of course you are black off a cup of juice more and the color of the juice also will tell you how much it cooked with one or the other the meat has to rest even a white meat like pork but will again it would get more tender if you dressed a little bit for the meek to relax so that you can carve it okay well weekend okay so you can see now it's reviewed by half about and we're ready to go on a little bit of that ketchup will give me a bit of a thickening agent a dash of sweetness and the mustard you can do without the mustard but when you put the mustard in it you don't let it boil you might after the mustard okay the sauce is just about fine now you know that's a thought right dash of pepper brother okay I shall shut it off now maybe a little bit of chives Doubront up and now that I say those snake the snake river form here you can see the liquid now is out is really an extraordinary stick so please red wine first and usually by definition in the kitchen if you do have steak probably the most expensive steak is going to be a greater stake because at that point you have to have a very a larger stake by the time you start putting yourselves something on that you have a much smaller piece of meat there is a beautiful sugar steak there from the Snake River Farm and let's see the inside of that thing again it's a question of taste but you can see here is it under that butter it's amazing but there's a sauce with steak mass online not something we call it the seller of wine so I have a stick with red wine sauce like this cool stick my thumb here is it for the Snake River form thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Home Cooking with Jacques Pépin
Views: 899,138
Rating: 4.899601 out of 5
Keywords: Jacques Pépin, Jacques Pepin, Home Cooking, Food, Thanksgiving, Steak, Strip Steak, Chef Steak, Bone Steak, Cowboy Steak, Second Hand Steak, Chefs Steak, Flank Steak, Skirt Steak, B. Wise Vineyard, Wine, Hanging Tenderloin, Hanging Steak, Chicken Steak, Shallots, Mustard, Butcher, Cooking, Feast Network, Feast it Forward
Id: zs9dUxL-Lhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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