Not the kind of surprise we like | Power Drill Massacre

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Hey, I'm Ghoul. And we're the Ghoul Grumps! Who's in the mood for a little PDM? That's Power Drill Massacre. We just finished a dinosaur tear list so I'm in a great mood and let's ruin it! Let's ruin it by playing this. Ghoul Grumps baby! Scary scary stuff. How do you like it? A month of Ghoul Grumps? Let us know in the comments right now. Do it. Pause the video. Post. Hope you enjoyed it. It's been very, very stressful for me. Quite upsetting. I loved it. I love that it's stressful for you. I love that for me. Alright, let's start a new game, shall we? This is, this is, this is a, made by a guy, I think? Papa Combo. Um, and they make like tons of games. This has a very, like, 80's found VHS movie kind of feel. Yeah, this is actually an old demo and the game, I don't think, is out yet, but it's coming out this year. Hmm. Um, but this demo's like six years old. No kidding. It's been rebooted for the modern era. What fun. The demo. Sorry. Me too. No, I'm sorry. Yeah. Well, this is lovely and serene. I didn't actually watch this, so this is all new to me. Is it a solar-powered drill? No, it's actually quite in the dark. Okay. Hello? Hello? This is the worst headache ever, but I think I'm alright. It's getting dark. Better get the flashlight out of the trunk. Hmm. Ah, I am in video game world. Interesting. Looks like we brought a flashlight with us. Who's we? I don't know. Will you pick up a flashlight? Yes. She's beautiful. Who is she? Megan. She's Megan. Goodbye car. Oh, that's my boyfriend? Don't worry, Jeff. I'll find help. Yeah. I'm alright. Yeah, I mean. Are you like in denial? Yeah, I'll log it off. He's like in three very distinct pieces in the car. Just hang tight, Jeff. Pull yourself together. I'll be right back. Much like my name, Megan. Alright, nevermind. Megan, man. Okay, let's get the fuck out of here, dude. So you've already crashed, your boyfriend's dead, and now you're going to face a power drill killer? Well, I'm gonna find help. And who better to help me than somebody with tools? I'm just saying, it's a very unfortunate set of circumstances. Right. Right in a row. I mean, who's to say? There could be something worse. Yeah. Could be a meteor hits the earth. You could dive exposure looking for a power drill, man. Sure. Could be chewing, uh, five gum. Do you think they did motion capture for this? Yeah, that's great. Oh, got a little Tears of the Kingdom action going over here. What is happening? Can't sail cloth off of this shit. I gotta run, run, run. Man. Forklift Simulator song is really in my head right now. Oh, yeah? It's my job and I'm crashing. Forklift Simulator. Yeah, whoa, nice climbing skills, girl. That would've straight up, uh... Broke an ankle. ...needed some wall climbing if we were playing Tears of the Kingdom. Mm-hmm. I'm just thinking Tears of the Kingdom right now. Fair enough. Started playing it in my free time since we were almost done. Oh, yeah, you enjoying it? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's nice to just, like, dick around and not be so, like, we've got to finish the game. Mm-hmm. Just, like, screwing around, messing with moblins and stuff. Oh, hello. You found something. A car. I'll drive this. It's just a junked car, nothing interesting inside. Who's to say? Yeah. Who are you to say what's interesting and not about a car that's junked? Dude, junk car master? I don't think so. I'm a liar. I don't identify with this mean character. I wish you were a liar. I hate you. Wow, what's on the side? Nothing. Wow. Very sturdy set of stairs and balconies. I wonder if someone put this together with a drill. See, if people are doing, like, an impression of an orchestra hit... Uh-huh. It's... They're just saying your name in a dramatic way. You know what I mean? Yeah, I do actually know how you say it. Doors open. Go inside. What a creepy building. I'm sure it'll be fine. Oh. Any power drill killers in here? Excuse me? Hello? That's... Hello? Let me just equip my flashlight real quick. Yeah. Clicky-click. Oh, dear. Fun. Are there any doctors in here? I should stay. Oops. Is that the door locking you in? Yeah, someone just locked it from the outside. It's locked! Somebody locked me in. That could have been the wind. It's probably the wind. Makes sense. Do-do-do-do-do-do. It's my job, man. It's my passion. Forklifts. I have killed so many friends. Forklift Simulator. It's a locked metal door. I feel like I'm being watched here. Was it the giant eyeball on the wall? Yeah. You can come at me, Mr. Murderer, because my boyfriend, Jeff, is on his way. Cut to Jeff with, like, flies everywhere. Just getting eaten by crows. Picking his eyeballs and shit. You don't have to get... We imagined it. Picking his bones. His eyeball bones. All right, you don't have to spell it out. Eyeball bones. Yeah, you know the two little bones that connect to your eyeballs in the back? Make sure you can see. You mean your retinas? Yeah, those aren't bones. Yeah, no, no, no. No, they're bones. Connected to your brain bone. Although it is weird sometimes, like, fish have that ocular bone, like certain fish fossils. It's like a little, like, circular bony thing. What, really? Yeah, it's really weird looking. Some birds have it, too. Where the fuck am I? This just keeps going and going and going. What is this, barbarian? It's a movie. Surprise! Surprise! Hello! Oh my god, he's right there! When my flat friend gets here, you're gonna be a big trouble. All right, well, that was fun. Okay. What a fun game. So don't go down the surprise hole. All right. Well, there's a flashy thing. Yeah, that's an item. Distracting me from checking out the bathroom. Which is, I gotta say, looking pretty good. Do you guys rent this on Airbnb? Cause like, wow! Spacious. Thirty bathrooms. No bedrooms. Zero bedrooms, thirty baths. Wow. Local art. Indoor plumbing. All right, I'll check this out. Local art. Looks like an article ripped out of a newspaper. Read it. Walkable. You wanna read the search continues? The search continues for two missing campers in the Pocono Mountains. Mason C. Sargent and Laurie Summers of Long Island, New York have been missing since June 8th. Their campsite and belongings have been located, but investigators have few leads. Police say there are no visible signs of struggle. And this... is Jeopardy! Continues to be a rescue mission. The rest is missing. It's dated August 1982. Five years ago. 1982.5. 1982.5 years ago? That's so long ago! I can't believe this news article survived almost 2,000 years. Okie dokie smokey, don't wanna get killed by a power simulator guy. Power drill simulator. Simulator? It's not a simulator. It's a power drill killer. Power drill simulator. It's a massacre. It's my job and also my path. A key! A key! Yes. I got the blue key. Blue. Blue key sounds like a Pokemon. Blue. Blue key. Blue key, I choose you! Blue key. Blue key. Oh no, blue key's evolving! Turned into... Blue guy. Yeah. Oh. Blue master lock. Kinda like you better as blue key. Whatever. Blue guy. There are three locks with splotches of paint. Blue, green, and red. Oh, okay, so... I should find a green key and a red key? Maybe it's a CRT television. Very primitive. Yeah, man. Using those cathode rays. Exactly. Blue, green, red. Fuckin... Is that another surprise wall? Did it say surprise? I think it maybe scratched off. Nope. It says SVIC. Just says some other creep. Succo. What the fuck? Why can't I see down here? It's very dark. I don't like how dark it is. Yeah. This is... Duh. Maybe I shouldn't be down here. Oh, I don't know. It seems inviting. He's just gonna be like around a corner. Yeah, no, fuck this. I'm out. I'm out. I hope Power Drill Guy doesn't find me. I don't know. I think he's... I think he can be reasoned with. He seems like a nice guy. Yeah, he seems pretty chill. He's trying to do his job. Yeah. He's just trying to put you together as best he knows how. With his tool. I have completely lost track of... Oh, I'm in the blue key room. Oh, okay. Boy, yeah, it's easy to get turned around. Wait, wait, wait. So that means... Because I came from there, so can I go this way? Oh, I can. Man, I hate flashlight games. Why? There's so many like this and it's so upsetting. It feels like a... Select mental door. Can you try your key? No, the key goes to that door that I found earlier. With the green and the red. It'd be funny if the key unlocked like the original door to get into the building. And you're like, okay, neat. And then you just leave and the credits roll. Yeah. Great game. Oh no, this is... No, no, no, no. That's the surprise wall. That's the surprise area. Is it really? Yeah. I'm not going down there. Squishy over here. Cliff was here? Oh. 261 Cliffs were here. That's a lot of dudes named Cliff. Yeah. Was there some kind of convention? The Cliff Convention? Has anyone done that? Has anyone made a convention just for people with the same name? I mean, Hip Tanaka, the guy who did the music for NES Metroid, got a chorus of people together all with the name Hip Tanaka. That's crazy. Yeah. That's a guy who's like accomplished everything in life that he needed to and is just doing side quests now. But like I know two other people named Arin, A-R-I-N. One of them is also an animator. Mm-hmm. And one of them is like a woman. She's a photographer. And one is a prince from Teddy Ruxman. That's not a real person though. How dare you. You son of a bitch. So I'm like... Wait, what does that say? Maybe I should... The Sugar Tunnel. Oh, cool. What bad could possibly happen here? I like sugar. Dan is preemptively covering his ears. Where's the sugar? I'm trying to find it. It's the noise that really gets me. Oh, this is the cliff tunnel. Oh. We were in the sugar tunnels the whole time? It was a dead end, right? Like the tunnel that I went down that had the surprise wall? That was a dead end, right? Like it was... I don't know. There wasn't like a different branching path? I don't know. I'm doing it. Oh, God. I'm sorry. It's all right. We're getting deep. We're getting deep in the shit. Oh. Was this the surprise wall? Oh, I hate this. Oh, yeah, this is a lot of... Oh, no. This is very maze-like. Oh, no. This goes back up. That's kind of nice. Terrific. Is this where I came from? Nope. Still too heavy to open. Well, if it's the other side, why would you even need to open it? Shortcut. Oh, okay. In case I'm getting chased or, you know, want to traverse... There wasn't much opportunity for running. It was just like he came in... I mean, I think that was the gag, right? Massacre drilled you. Surprise. Oh, okay. Dead end. Okay. All right. I don't want to go down the surprise route again, you know? Yeah, it's a bad time. What is this? It's like a vent? A helpful vent. Okay. Stuck here. Is he just like roaming around or... I don't know. Do I have to like activate him or some guy? This doesn't seem like a very safe place to be when you're being chased by a large man. Yeah. Thank God this happened 1,987.5 years ago. Yeah. Otherwise, I'd be scared shitless right now. Still, what do we get? Like a fucking strength upgrade? Well, I'm going to punch that drill right out of your hand, mister. I really don't like being down here. No, I don't like this game. This is an awful time. All right. All right, dude. Yeah, nothing against the people who made it. They definitely didn't make this thinking like people are going to feel warm fuzzies and happiness while they play. Is this the surprise? No, it's not. Fucking sounds happening outside. I could juke him in here. This is a juke room. Yeah, you could take a nice little shower. Fuck, man. Where the fuck is this? Key, key, key, key, key. Key, key, key. No key? This would be a perfect place to be hiding a key. There's so many little fucking things going on in here. That's just a juke room, dude. If I'm being chased by that man, I'll just remember. Left, left, right, left, right, right, left, right, left, left, left, and then I'll go back. Wait a minute. Four lefts is a circle. Shit. I'm going to have to rethink this plan. I've been confuzzled. Have I been here? This is the most confusing shit. No surprise. Oh, boy. So this is the foyer. Perfect for breakfast nooking. Breakfast nooking. Guess I'll keep going down. If you and your loved one want to be seen canoodling in the love seat. Not fun. This is the slime where you can canoodle. This is the pits right here. Yeah, this is upsetting. I don't fucking want to be here at all. Yeah. All right. This shit is for the birds. We made it to green. Hallway simulator. Oh. Fun. Oh. Just a dresser and items for a tea party. No big deal. Yeah. What about the record player? Just not going to say anything about that? Hold on. Could you look on the wall? Please play some McDonald's? Oh, whatever. Yeah. It's just a lovely little. I never learned how to play in school. Why start now? This feels like the time for light humor. You know what? Fuck it. It's a pile of decaying flesh. Yes. I think I'm going to be sick. Yeah. This is some girl boss shit. I think I'm going to be sick. There's really no fucking key in here? Wow, there's a lot of dead people in here. Yeah, there's so much like. This guy's been busy. Somebody tried flushing a bone down the toilet. Who could it have been? I guess we'll never know. There's no key in here. Really? This feels like a find, dude. Yeah. All right. I guess I'm just getting lore out of this one. Play the piano. Wait. Start now. Am I trapped? Uh-oh. Oh, that's great. I love that. That's not good. Is he knocking on the door? That's me walking. Oh. Oh, Shazbot. Not huge into this one. Okay. That's a lot of flies. Oh, shit. Oh, he got me. Wow, what happened? I don't know. He just ran up to me. Fuck. Oh. Oh, no. Maybe this is supposed to happen. Okay. Trapped me in a cage. Dude, despite all my rage. I'm, like, huge into melancholy and the infinite sadness. Oh, there we go. Ew. Don't drill. No drilling. Excuse me, sir. Sir? Sir? This is going well. Fish, fish, fish. Oh, okay. Cool. He has other business to attend to. Uh-oh. What? Speak up. I can't hear you through your flesh mask. Yeah? Go on. I know, man. It's like, why do they even take our tax money? All right. I'm listening. I love what you've done with the place. The flies are beautiful. Green. Earthy. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Why? I guess you were supposed to do something. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Okay. Wow. Is that? You're gonna? Oh. Wow. Thanks, power drill massacre. What a fun trip. Wait, can I actually get the key, though? Like, do you have to die at the end there? Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Like, maybe I just shouldn't go down into the sugar room or whatever. Wow, it didn't even save it. That was just- That's cruel. That was the whole experience. Okay. Fine. Alright, hold on. I'm gonna search this out. Gotta be able to get out. It's a demo? That's the- Yeah, but you can't get out of the- You can't at least get the door out of the demo? Gotta find the demo door. Gotta get the keys. Gotta find the keys. You got green key? Blue key? I got the blue key. Where's the red key? Gotta find all the keys. This is like playing an old school Zelda or whatever, and you gotta draw your own map. You know what I mean? Yeah, wow. Just map it out. This has high reviews. People really like this. Oh yeah, it's creepy, right? Jump scares? Markiplier played it like seven years ago? Once again, we've jumped on things right when the trend hits. Back when you had the spiky hair and not the long hair? Right. Wow, that's a mark of yesteryear. Yeah, it was in a spiky hair era? Um... Spiky Hera? Right? Okay. Oh. Oh, the camera's different. Yes, please. Oh, we're going fixed camera this time. Did I do that? Okay, so there's two endings. Oh, really? There's the true ending, the update ending. After the player, Megan, gets the three color keys and unlocks the exit door. The player sees a girl running down a long dark hallway. Once the hallway turns red, the girl stops and the killer attacks Megan, running down the hallway. Oh, there's a whole different thing. Really? Yeah. Well, the camera's fucking different now, which is really tripping me out. We fixed camera shit, and I am just like, don't know where to go. You got ending B, the bad ending. Oh, was that the bad ending? Instead of the player getting the three color keys, the player can go down the maze called the sugar tunnel. In the maze, there are lots of flashing images, and the player is stuck in the maze with the killer. At the end of the maze, the player has time to investigate what appears to be a lair. In the lair, there are human dog cages, human slash dog cages, corpses, kids' drawings, broken toilets, and a piano. After investigating or running out of time, the player is caught by the killer. This time, the player is not killed. Instead, Megan is trapped in a cage. I'm sorry. Did I fuck the game up? Did you really? I have to fucking fix camera. Like, what is happening? Okay, cool. The killer attempts to communicate with Megan. However, it seems he's too far gone and mumbles only gibberish. He puts down a music box, playing the ending music. After the music stops, the killer then runs towards Megan and kills her. The game ends with this text, probably. Okay, so... Yeah, that's it, but, like, you want to find the three keys, man. Okay, so I could try. Give it a shot, though. It's gonna be tough with this fucking fixed camera thing going on. Oh, oh dear. I'm so lost. I don't know why it's not over the shoulder camera anymore. Oh man, you can't even find the building? I'm looking, man. I'm looking. I think I might have it. Ah, here we go. This is the... At least I found a new area that I didn't know before. That's cool. Nice little view of the villa. Assuming I'm coming from here, yeah. You can't do fixed camera and then have me... I can't... I don't know where I am. You can't do that. Instead, play our game Homebody. Available for all consoles. Nicely done. Which is a great game with fixed camera, in fact. And an extremely highly rated horror game. A game with subtle themes about OCD. Trauma. It's great. Okay. Give it a check out on Steam. Nintendo Switch. Xbox Series X. PlayStation 5. Mac? I don't know. I don't think it's on Mac. Homebody. Famicom. The best dang game you've ever played in your life. Homebody. Leave a review. Actually, if you did play it, let me say this. All of you awesome lovelies out there who watch Game Grumps play our games when they come out. Please, if you liked Homebody, go on Steam and post a review. Because apparently that's big. If you have like a ton of reviews on a Steam game, then the algorithm kind of picks it up. And then it'll start being like, Homebody's one of those games that people like. So please. Classic people. So please, if you played it and you liked it, please leave a review on Steam. That would really help us out. What a creepy building. What could possibly go wrong? Camera. Cinemat. Nope. Cinemat. Orbital. First. Cinemat. Orbital. First. I don't want first person. That's a little too much. Feels awful. So orbital is probably what we want. I want cinemat. Orbital. Yeah, that's the shit right here. F. For flashlight. Okay, so I can't, you said I can find all the keys. Yeah, you gotta find the three keys. Don't go down the sugar tunnel. Okay, but what if... Nothing sweet happens down there. Okay, but... What if I did... Great question. The blue key was in here, wasn't it? I don't remember. Okay, maybe this is a different tool room. So we're looking for... Tool rooms. Oh god. We're looking for rooms with keys. Did you read anything about where the other keys are? You want me to... You want me to do that? You fat sack of man. Oh god, he's right there! Oh shit! Woo! Better run! I mean, he's got me. Like, I can't run away from this fucker, can you? You can. I think you can. I mean, why would it give you the chance to? Yeah, you're good. Oh no, oh no! Good job, Arin. I thought I was hidden. You gotta keep running. Oh, well that's not good. That's not good. That's bad. Eww. Retry. Oh my god, I hate this game. Okay. Easy peasy. Is there an item in here? Oh, there's an item in here. I missed it. A key! What? There was a fucking green key there the whole time? Can you save? Dang it. No. Jeff has a letter? There's something I need to tell you. We can talk. What could possibly go wrong? Well, hopefully we'll talk. Okay. Yes. You need a... Got the green key. The blue key, I'm sure I'll find. Oh jeez! Oh my god! Man, he's just like right fucking there now. Not loving it. Dude, I was running all willy nilly everywhere I went. Boy, these are very upsetting sounds they're playing. Can he see in the dark? If I turned off my flashlight, would he be like, what the fuck? I don't know. Okay. Trying not to get in the sugar tunnel. Trying not to end up in the fucking sugar tunnel. Which is so typical of me. Yeah, that is classic you. You are exactly the type of dude who ends up in the sugar tunnel. And I know you! I know you for real, though. Oh, man. We hang out. Can I hide in this locker? I'm assuming he's not on me anymore. Which is good for me. Is this the blue key room? Maybe? Maybe? No, it's not. Is it just random every time now? I don't remember the green key being there. It's gotta be random. Oh, maybe it changes. Cause... Now I'm like... Now I've gotta... Oh god! He's hiding. This fucking guy was hiding. He was trying to get the jump on me. Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh. He got the old jump. Got me right in the necky. Whoops! There's no fucking way we're completing this. This is insane. Oh. There's a rumor that the screeching sounds made by the driller during chases are from pigs being killed in a slaughterhouse. Oh, fun. Man, I hate that. Oh, no, it's not. It's terrible. No, it's... I love pigs. Yeah, pigs are fucking cute. They're adorable and they're very smart. They're like dogs, man. They're like hairless dogs. I respect the people that keep pigs as pets. And they walk them around like dogs. Oh, god. I respect the shit out of that. Those little Vietnamese potbelly pigs? Yeah, and when you walk by, they come up and sniff you. Yeah. We haven't done the stairs thing. No! Fucking shit, man. Really not loving this. Really not loving this. You're right. No, he's got me, dude. You're fine. I'm fucked. He's got me. Surprise! You know, they really channeled the NES Jason. When he appears, he's like Weee! Same thing with this. I'm gonna give it one more shot. Let's see if I can find myself a a blue key. This game is really upsetting. Maybe a red key. You need a minute? God, we had such a long run of not running into him in that first playthrough. I know. What's the deal? He just fucking showed right up. I just thought he was Made himself scarce? Yeah, I just thought he just wouldn't fuck with you if you find the keys. I think his whole thing is fucking with you. Yeah. I thought you had to go down the sugar tunnel is what I was trying to say. And honestly? I love that name. Sugar tunnel? Yeah, I'm gonna name something in my life the sugar tunnel cause that shit's great. Don't tell me what you name. I don't wanna know. Oh, I have an idea. Do you want me to tell you? Oh, you told me not to, though. Okay, what is it? Well, now I don't wanna tell you. Alright. You're a little too eager. Okay. But it's my piece. You wanna tell me? I was like, you wanna tell me? But it's my piece. Oh, this is the sugar tunnel. I don't want that shit. Oh, is that right? Yeah, sugar tunnel's bad. Bad news bears. Draw. Pardner. Is that a sign? Is that a sign I should get back in animation? I remember when you used to animate. No, that's a door. I feel like I'm getting close. To what? You have no keys. I have one key. You got a key? Yeah. Oh, it saved it from when you got that? Yeah. If I keep hitting retry. But it didn't save the blue one. No. I died. Okay, you got an ending. I see what you're saying. Right, right, right, right. I got an ending. You put it a way better way than I did. Okay. I put it in a very confusing manner. It's like, you're dying left and right, bro. You gotta distinguish. So fucking true. Okay, this tool room has nothing, and it's really bothering me. Upstairs, great. Wait, wait, wait. Oh! Ahh! Damn it. Pocono Vanishing. No trace of campers. April 4th, 1985. Since 1978, twelve campers have disappeared over a hundred mile stretch of the Pocono Mountains. We conduct dozens of rescue missions each year, says park ranger Charlie Plank. People come up here to camp and hike all the time without any experience. Accidents happen. While most rescues are successful, these twelve have stumped park rangers and local police. Campfires left burning, boots and jackets left behind, radios still playing. It's like these people were ripped away from their campsites, says Abe Bradley, who was involved in the search for... I can't read anymore. The ink has faded. Why would all this be here? Well, the guy likes, he's proud of his work, and he has newspaper clippings. Oh, it's like trophies kind of thing. What the fuck? Oh, I don't like that. What the heck? What the heck, yo? No, you're going down the sugar tunnel. This isn't the sugar tunnel. This is just a regular type tunnel. Alright. You better not be. This is... That does sound like pigs. So upsetting. That's the worst part about all this. Is it upsetting? Yeah, just hearing pigs get hurt. Oh, yeah. It could just be a guy making a pig sound. It could be. I like his sound. It's scary. It's very, very upsetting. I mean, sound design is everything in horror movies. I want back up there. I want to get back up there. Fucking... In the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, one of the theories is that... The sound of the chainsaw is a real, actual chainsaw? Very good, Arin. No, like, one of the theories about the movie is that it's promoting vegetarianism. Right, yes. Yeah, because the Leatherface family treats people the way we treat animals in slaughterhouses. And, um... One of the things that lends itself to that being the case is there's this one scene where Leatherface bashes this guy with a hammer and then picks him up and throws him into a meat locker and closes the door behind him. And there's, like, the sound of pigs like, oinking. But there's no pigs in the movie. They're not on a farm or anything. So, it's just like this creepy sound design out of nowhere that makes you uncomfortable and also, apparently, makes you think of you know, the suffering of these beings. Mmm. Delicious bacon. I know. That's the problem. I know, that's the problem. So damn good! Well, that's, like... I'm not trying to preach moralism or anything. I eat chicken tenders and turkey a lot. But, uh... Pigs and cows I can't do, man. They're pretty cute. They're too cute. Cows are fucking cute. They love to graze. Love to fart, too. They do. They're big farters. Which, honestly, I feel like that should make you even more like, these are my people. Yeah, but their farts in particular are, like, super noxious. Yes. Have you ever driven past, like, a cow farm? Oh, yeah. And you can see the methane cloud. It's crazy. Okay, there's no key up here. I, I... There's no key up here. And I feel like a fool. Hmm. And I wish I didn't. I wish I didn't feel like a fool. I wish I didn't feel like a fool anymore. Dude, I feel like I've looked in every nook and every cranny of this goddamn... Do the keys not twinkle? They do twinkle. They do. That's why I'm a little TOed right now. Yeah, it should be, it should be easier to find these things. Exactly! The twinkling over there is a newspaper clipping. Right. And I don't know if, like, grabbing the newspaper clipping, p-p-p-p... Yeah. Will, like, help me? It won't. I know what it says. Where are the Pocono Mountains? I think it's close to where I grew up. Well... I think it's in New York. If I take my finger and I give you a little poke, then maybe a little Pocono where they are. Where they pokin' nose. They're in Pennsylvania. Oh, okay. Pocono Mountains are in... Oh, I did not know that. Pittsburgh. I would not assume that they are in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, maybe? Somewhere on the Pittsburgh region? Could be, like, uh... Yin's guys gonna drill? Alright, uh... I don't... Like, this is it. The only place I go is Sugar Tunnel. Sugar Tunnel had the... The, um... The, the bathroom, right? The, like, the juke room? I believe so. Yeah, it did. I was talking about jukin' because it was... I think I gotta do the Sugar Tunnel, dude. Alright. Well, I'm pretty sure you die if you do the Sugar Tunnel. Like, there's no... Like, I for sure die if I do the Sugar Tunnel. That was the way it was worded. It was like, ending B happens if you go down the Sugar Tunnel. Fuck. That's all there is, though. I'm, I'm, I'm done. Like, there's, there's nowhere else to look. I, I... Maybe I'm just a dumbass and I didn't find, like, the one area I could go to. It's always a possibility. But it's, it's... But you still need two keys, right? Yeah, exactly. But, like, I've been to all the places up here. The only place left is the Sugar Tunnel. Which, God forbid, I'm in the mood for sweets! Call me crazy! But I got a sweet tooth! And the only thing we can satisfy is the Sugar Tunnel. Donuts? Twix? Sneakers? I want it all, baby! I thought you said sneakers. Sneakers! I'll eat them! If I'm hungry enough and they're sweet enough. You ever had fried sneakers? Wow, the Poconos look lovely. Oh, I'm sure they are. Oh, that's where beautiful Mount Airy Lodge is. I don't know what that is. That beautiful Mount Airy Lodge all you have to bring is your love of everything. That used to be the commercials. Okay, so now that I'm here, can I go, can I leave? Leave the Tunnel of Sugar? Yeah, the Sugar Tunnel. I guess so. I can leave the Sugar Tunnel, yes. That is something that I can do. That's great. However... Dude, I'm fucked! I can't, I don't know what to do! I guess I'll just do the Sugar Tunnel and see what happens. Okay. It's gonna be fun. If I for sure sugar tunnel, I for sure die, is that correct? Okay, I think this is the surprise hole. Maybe there's a secret different path that I go down. Oh, he's got me! Oh, he's got me! That's a secret, that's a secret! Don't tell anyone. That one really got me. Arin, did you succeed? I can't, I can't do it! It's too hard! I'm not fucking Markiplier! I'm not fucking in sim, I can't do these scary things, I'm not good! We are not Marky Mark and the Funky Plier. Alright, next time on Graham Grumps? Yeah, sure, why not. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Revelation 2014. Dope! Well, we sure had fun. Congratulations, Ben Kakouza, on your very upsetting game. Yeah, I didn't like it. Yeah. I mean, I liked it. It made me give me feelings that I didn't like. It succeeded in making us feel bad, which is what I think you want. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Boy, Megan sure had a lot of blood in her. It's still going. Yeah. I think if we just leave it on, it'll keep going. Yeah, I don't think, uh, I don't see any population occurring. Yeah. She's definitely, like, making it faster than she's getting rid of it, you know? Happy Halloween, everyone! Go down to Home Depot, get yourself a fun little thing to stand up in your yard. It's spooky. Yeah, get one of those, like, 12-foot skeletons or whatever that, like, go, like, Now they, like, move around and talk to you and shit. Yeah, their eyes move. It's wild. The hell?
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 381,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, let's play, game play, dan avidan, arin hanson, Game Grumps, powerdrill massacre, power drill massacre, horror, indie horror, puppet combo games, puppet combo, puppetcombo, ghoul grumps, ghoul grumps 2023, spooky games, horror gaming, serial killer games
Id: lHRLuYl9Ndg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 49sec (2449 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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