Let's build a base ON MARS! Stationeers ep 01

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ahoy there I'm Tony pirate and welcome to a playthrough of station ears now station ears is a really interesting kind of little sandbox game by rocket works which are a game developer in down in Dunedin here in New Zealand which is brilliant and in in this game station ears you've got to kind of do a lot of building and constructing let me just turn on my little jetpack here and some of you have known me for a while and I haven't been around for a while Jen I'm a little front light and that was because I wanted to do other stuff for a bit got a bit busy but I'm back and I feel like doing some YouTube so here we are the job we have to do is to basically use these starting resources gather extra resources and get going with some kind of base so what I'm gonna do is and I'm just going to explain it right now there is a ton of kind of slightly fiddly inventory management to be perfectly honest and that's something we're just gonna have to get used to and we're just gonna have to deal with because that is stationers the game why are we gonna build our base mmm around here the game is currently in sort of alpha there are lots of things that need to come before it is a truly massively awesome game but I like what they've got so far so I thought I would have a bit of a play around with it so the first thing we're gonna do is just pop down some of these base components I need to think a little bit about where the Sun is in which way it's going I'm pretty sure if I look at it long enough it will move and I will be able to get a sense of the direction I think basically it's it's up this way it's currently vertically overhead because I need to basically start planning out my solar panel deployments and I'm probably gonna just line up a bunch of them over here and over here is gonna be my workspace and I will put down just a little bit more room here I'll probably start some kind of ear locked space over here so eventually we want to be inside a habitat because right now we're outside and we got our suit on and if you haven't seen this before you can see like my internal temperature and air pressure you can see the external temperature and air pressure so this is this is Mars or other worlds you can mess around with with stationers but this is Mars and it is a bit of a bleak space so we've got all this stuff in a hand I'm gonna drop that and I'm actually gonna drop the old doing am I gonna drop the duct tape I was gonna plop my tool belt I don't have any space yeah yeah drop a few things don't really need these flares this battery charger I'm just gonna drop that here so to deploy it I can just dump it I don't have any batteries to charge right now these other things are pretty much gonna leave them there pop that in those frames in my inventory the next thing I need is oh so many things I need some metal where are you metal and pretty soon you'll see how interesting slash fiddly the construction can be those frames can go there iron sheets will take with a hat actually I'm going to dump the duct tape just there and I will pick up the welding torch so this is the welding torch I turn it on with Oh everything in the game basically has was it got it's got kind of power requirements fuel requirements so you can run out of fuel on stuff you can run it on power just about everything including the suit so I need to get that problem sorted pretty promptly some of these I'm gonna upgrade twice using some of the metal I've got on me just because I like the aesthetic it doesn't make a functional difference right now but I don't want to be building like substantial things on frames it just looks weird to me well frame rates coming back to me so game was doing a little world saving I wanted to do that because I don't want to compression lose my beautiful progress here so what are we looking at we need a bit more over here because this area is definitely gonna be my home construction spot where I'm gonna get a bunch of factory stuff sorted out over here I'm just gonna put down solar panels so they can just stay upgraded very simply like this okay that done better turn off the tools and put that there the metal frames I'm actually just gonna drop them because I will almost certainly need them but I also need some other stuff from in here where are you construction gear definitely need glass sheets I'm just gonna fly them over spare hand tests right so you do have to worry what stuff is in what handed switch around and all that kind of jazz it's okay you're pretty used to it pretty quick needs a solar panel kit I can saw that went out pretty quickly so I'm just gonna drop this here so solar panel kit I wanted to go I wanted to go that way I want to run the power line along the back and I can rotate it around if I need to now where where my my glasses in the other hand so we just have to drive to a weld it knows it done is done so now it's all the panel's done but it's not wired to anything and we have lots of other gear to worry about so let's just drop those this is a BEC over here switch it's a trend so yeah I thought I'd do a little bit more you tubing again mostly I want to focus on base builders and these sorts of games based builders survival games just basically mess around with that stuff not take it too seriously but just have it have a bit of fun with it so they can go there so this is a furnace where we can melt melt stuff that's gonna be very handy actually gonna put one more block and I thinking I'm gonna have a power area like a power handling area don't go away too far iron frames I think they can go yeah I'm just gonna drop them buying sheets I need the welder and again so I've got to set up a basic where are you well plastic sheets go here so I've got a setup a basic power handling area that's right so Oh turn it on all right all right that's all I might give it one more yeah can't even see the stuff under the ground all right fine I could cover that up later on if I wanted to with some flooring drop where are we just drop this over here yeah so station is right now this is it's all about building interesting and I don't know compelling little contraptions bases airlocks farming hydroponics piping water and air and oxygen everywhere if you want to think of a similar a similar sort of game they say it's modeled on our spaceship 13 I kid okay no I I don't know if anyone really knows spaceship 13 so spaceship 13 is a kind of an interesting interesting game that was this sort of got every cult following and I'm just gonna put this down I should concentrate so the battery charger no needs to be rotated round this way it's going to connect to the power area power controller I'm gonna pop it there and in this hand I've got a big battery so a big bet she's just gonna sit in there for now do nothing so yeah it's a bit this it's meant to being sort of inspired by Space Station 13 which to me I don't quite see it you can look up spaceship 13 if you are in the space station 13 it's kind of a multiplayer chaotic game of just just bad things happening to people and cooperative in a way and with trader mechanics and all kinds of stuff it's it's very hard to explain it's top-down really hard to get into I think you may disagree now we need to turn this rotate it that way [Music] yeah I don't actually know if the battery pack must the better change it must come after the yo-yo power controller I think it probably does so I'm going to put it like that so Oh see it's night time now so we won't have any power anyway now what I do Oh actually I do want to put down the auto life the auto life is the next constructor task we have and what is that area power control oh we got two of them we don't need any more so I'm gonna dump that over here with all of our other just junk come here you just gonna dump you there okay so we gotta get the crowbar out so yeah interesting interesting getting spaceship thirteen but to me this most closely kind of resembles and a pop that most closely resembles oxygen not included right now so that's a large battery so this basically will take power in and then that power will be fed to the base speaking of which we can now start laying out power we want the wiring tools there because that's how where does the power going on this one because that's how you can sort of more easily blend things together it's this way I think which me means I've done something a little weird no that's fine so I'm gonna make a corner and if I hit C it'll do smart things and it'll figure out which way it needs to go and with the wire Clippers in my hands I can actually blend it so that I can run C I can hold C press it I can run it down here so as I get more power systems I can sit it up so now that is pointing at the sky I will turn it on like that I'm gonna leave it open because I mean it might miss around with that battery and the other thing I want to do you use power needs to come out of here I'm just gonna say run that run that way for now but I also want this one to be fueled no come over here don't join back up with there that would be silly yeah that works and then like event okay so now a battery charge is gonna get burnt trees eventually and down here we're gonna gonna run power which I will probably should do now so yeah to me the game sort of jumping around over here most closely resembled oxygen not include it because there's power management gas management fluid management and if it goes wrong then you'll have a really explosive time with your little buds but of course you're playing it so it's mostly you getting getting blasted that goes that way we will can we fit the power line along there I think we can so now we can come along and oh no we can't just as well I have the the old tools there and we will pick this up and do this and then come back here so what I want to do is basically lay cable along here cuz this is gonna be where the workspaces are so this thing here's what we're gonna smell Oren the furnace this thing here is what we're going to use for making the basic stuff that we need okay cool now this actually requires stuff so what I will do is put away these tools and get making it so we need the arc welder and iron sheets or at least we need the iron sheets turn that on there we go clunk and now we need four cables so I'll just turn that off and put it away get the old cables out clunk now we need the welding torch and the hand I mean just close all those down again what come back here backpack get up here so now I need the welding torch and the plastic sheets where did I bring them in my inventory of course okay turn that on weld those plastic sheets in and now I need the screwdriver really straightforward so as you can see lots of tool fiddling tada which may or may not be your thing but I don't I don't mind it's kind of fun get out of here so I think our basic power system is kind of set up one of the things I do want to do now is to just tilt to this well I got a turn at first so turning horizontal 90 degrees and we'll call that upwards even though it's not okay so that should leave it a little bit like that they should basically catch the Morning Sun I don't catch the dawn so I'm hopefully over there and what else is there to grab from over here it's very dark isn't it so a lot can other kinds of gear labelers beacons mmm I'm not sure we do might grab the beacon at least I'll grab the labeler if you know pop the label of a grab the beacon beacons very simple we can just go I think it's just just press Q bloop and turn it on and it doesn't have any cute legs so I was hoping to have cute legs but it's on that's fine do we get to label it I think wish that's how we would label it so we should probably pick it up and turn it on and come over here rename it home home all right cool got it sorted now I should probably just drop that here because I don't really need to use it very often likewise I'm walls and plastic sheets which we do these and drop the plastic sheets here and I'm gonna sort of lay out where I think our starting little base is gonna go so I will do that with the iron walls so if I stand here I can sort of tell them what I wanted to do so we could be a compost at window I do want to have windows because the the base is going to need no yes if she does need a ceiling one where's the ceiling okay the base is going to need are lots of greenhouse space I want lots of sunlight in here what I'm thinking of is making sure that it's at least two room is to start with so we need a a wall room here which is where the airlock is going to be and I will let me have a look it does actually matter which block you put it on so that wall block means it's slightly on the other side from this wall I'm gonna put stuff here so that the wiring and the pipes and one heavy stay inside the base that I'm currently gonna plan on building this is gonna be doors and I'm gonna put two spaces over there I think I'm not sure if I'll have them have enough resources not even really early on I definitely won't but it's okay we'll get there so I'll drop that iron sheets and a little bit of switch back and drop that iron sheets in my welding tool come here in welder and burp and another 100 and one more and over here - so this is a good start I think turn that off I do eventually I should really I think I'll keep that should eventually get some marry iron frames iron wall cats should eventually get some beautiful composite window iron wall composite window did we do comfortable windows for everything oh so we did I'll fix that should eventually get some beautiful other stuff but for now here we go at the window iron and this one can be oh if I right-click it can be iron wall iron wall and then over here we want this to be in wall we also should worry about a ceiling I think so nice flip that round JAMA compsat window and I think composit window here as well all right cool so that is the basic frame I need to get out an angle grinder to take down this because yeah I do well do I do I need yeah I think I do I think I want to make this airlock entirely kind of entirely self sealed and self-sufficient that would be ideal so we take this down pop these tools away pick this up and then iron wall all right cool dance book that's looking pretty good it's kind of gonna be a bit of a slow build those ones portable hydro hydroponics don't need that oh don't ya don't need that stuff right now all I do want to take the bat tree and take that battery and that battery spare wrench I can leave that's often uses solar panels solid generator mmm only that from now I want the dog kit all right so it can't make over here add some some some Sun and punk so I don't have a glass door I want to have a just a straight composite door and we'll have the power and what-have-you receptacles pointing in oh I also need to get the roof done no not iron frames do we run out of wall kit did I run out a walk it as possible I can always make some more but all of these will now need a welding torch and plastic it's got a plastic sheets iron sheets can get out welding torch and let's see what we can build iron sure I know iron sheet sweaters which one which one of these plastic all the door okay get these doors done a little bit of a construction job anything else need it no they need iron I don't pick that up drop that pick that switch to that see I can't get quite quickly at eventually iron sheets benign sheets oh no no just switch to its gonna slap them on there oh come on it's getting a bit of confusion here bit is easy fighting okay the little particles you can see the atmosphere escaping if there was a need for it right now it's it's just I think just pushing what little atmosphere there is around as these walls get filled in a little and take that that that all right I think that's everything and turn that off okay so this is working and what I want to do so I'm just gonna put these batteries in here spare batteries can live there they can also live on that little solar charger I dumped over there if we get really desperate but for now I think we're okay what does this say it need one glass just needs glass well thankfully I stand in here and do it this way yep does it need to be welded on a crowbar done I think it might need to be crowbar don't believe it or not so take those iron sheets to do there we go there's crowbar in those no what did you do did you deconstruct it that is confusing to me construct window yeah one iron sheet okay construct iron one glass sheet yeah we have glass sheets aha okay there it's done can I go up through this is it no I can actually at the roof there what one needs one iron sheet this one should that's one done now if that's done it's done this one needs the iron sheet alright court we can get there I know again yeah and now we get the glass in because we do want all right brilliant we do want to have a nice bright room because that's how we grow plants we need that hydroponic space we got nothing through here good I think you're here excellent well nothing there all right cool and here is done all right I think we're kind of done with this which is nice so it's gonna be the start of our little base area now what does this need crowbar and glass sheets to complete these doors alright so I can force open the doors now I put the sheet on it and because it's unpowered I have to force it open with my crowbar so you're gonna be a little bit careful about how you power things and what-have-you very easy to I'll lock yourself away okay so that's all done the fabricator is on it and I can turn things on this way I can choose risk peace but you don't have anything much yet to build or construct with this one is are probably about ready for me to tilt it upwards and whoops so you can see the efficiency goes up 50% 60 70 okay cool so we don't have just gonna gather up this - what is it what is that what are you wolf walk it okay good so we can actually get our ceiling done which is to put the roof on yeah and now wonderful we've got the okay cool so that's kind of the basic airlock and basic little tiny bass sort of done ish we would have to do a lot of pressurizing work or what-have-you and get some guesses going but that's fine for now I thought what else we got over here so I do have some airlock parts I could start messing with but what I kind of want to do is go and do some mining so air scrubbers generators oh that's okay we can sort that out in a second so I might take that I'll take the portable hydroponics kit I'll take the water that goes with it can't plant anything yet it's not gonna be warm enough in their spot and I will take the solid generator as well that's kind of an emergency backup here's some gear for automating the airlock which I will leave so let's just get inside our little base don't get in get in once you put down floors movement does become a lot easier so what I want to do is sit that up and I can kind of drag it around if I want to all right cool that that'll do and then I can put water in it clunk so now if I actually had plants and it was an atmosphere well I hope plants fed now miss you I could I could definitely get this going and for now that will do so let me just switch that one round I do have this solid generator which whoops sorry which I do not yet quite have a place to put down I might put it yeah I might put it the I don't real whoops don't know if I really want to use it so I'm that's a bit of a debate which way would get me the best access to the slot that stuff goes in I can't if there you go that's kind of annoying but that'll do it's the data port now I won't turn around a bit what's up like that so if I do want to use it it's there I do think we've got to fix the soup our problem we're gonna find ourselves in some trouble so unfortunately if I open my suit there is or open my where is it I've got to sort this out my suit here has a battery a large batch that's low charging but in there got a full charge this is gonna charge this up and store battery power for the base son is over there so let's just adjust this very quickly and closet the specials are this way right cool maybe a bit more I will I will eventually not need to do this because I will get a ton of beautiful and I switch my belts around mining belt I will get a ton of beautiful ores and I'll be able to just make a lot of solar panels but for now that is required alright so now we've got to look for stuff and there are resources sort of scattered around and some of them kind of fun so there's an ox light one which is basically a solid form of the atmosphere which I think this one is here and so I can actually put it in our airlock bit of turn the tools on I can put it in the airlock base area and I can actually charge up the atmosphere in there a bit more this is silicon for making more plastic and I can just drill my way through the ground and I will do this very briefly before I do some other stuff and show you guys that so let me just have a look no more silicon down here nope nope never mind over here we've got coal so just to spend your disbelief for a second with the idea that there's coal on Mars that would imply of course that there was some prehistoric plant life or trees or something to generate the coal but we're just going to pretend that yes there was Mars was in fact covered in giant mushrooms before the atmosphere was stripped away giant psychedelic mushroom is the Martians were freaky deaky lot all right so it's got a bit of coal coal is gonna be good because if we're gonna be able to put it in our solid generator if we want to and over here is iron and there should also be gold we will want a stack of gold and copper this copper so I'm gonna do a little bit of mining and then I'm gonna come right back to you well dawn is here and look I've I've met giant pile of rock so I'm actually gonna start chucking there here so the first thing I want to do is just get going or better turn it on bloop and get going with with the furnace so that's going to be charged off from over here or powered off by the solar panel which is she's doing okay but I do want to get ready to make sure that I can power stuff with the with the solid fuel generator if I need to so I do need to put the wiring tool in my hands for a better result that drill thing can go back in my mining belt so now right you should be ready to be smart about the wiring okay cool so if I wanted to I could chuck coal in there right now this is all looking pretty happy that these are charged that's fine that's running it's gonna sit there and churn out the the beautiful stuff that we need but what I wanted to do actually was to hop back if I can walk through doors hop back in here and close this door and show you some of those sort of guest mechanics so this is coming here close that door all right so a sealed in hopefully and now if I just drop this Aqsa light will dissolve see it sort and atmospheres being pushed around and if you look down here the atmosphere pressures going up this place will probably warm up I could help that with a road flare but for now I'm not gonna worry too much about it let's have a look so yeah the Ox lights all vanished it's not really breathable yet and I can get a scanner to check that out but it's not but what I can do is I can I can lock some of it away close that door and then open this door and some atmosphere will come out but a little bit stays in there so I can actually yeah I can get started with a little bit of atmospheric creation and warm the place up if I need to but for now what we're gonna do is I've made a little hole here drop some uranium and some copper and don't don't go too far don't lose you I just mind you all night so we just want to drop this stuff in here and we're gonna leave it there and eventually we're gonna be able to just fill up there's some cold gold yeah I'm gonna use all that coal probably overnight keeping everything running but we want to fill up did I really put you back over the edge I really don't want you right on the edge there that's kind of annoying I have to move you will see but anyway that has probably been enough for now this has been a long episode I've been rattling on for awhile I hope all is that joy there's our bar just grew I'm gonna pick that up pick it up stick it in there I can turn that on and choose recipes if I want to but for now I think we'll just leave it so we will come back in another episode get all of this up and running get ourselves and making more solar panels maybe get this all automated see how we do until next time I've been turning part if you enjoyed this then please drop me a message say hello brilliant until next time good night [Music]
Channel: TinyPirate
Views: 4,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stationeers, stationeers lets play, stationeers 2020, stationeers early access, stationeers steam, stationeers beta, stationeers rocketwerkz, stationeers base, stationeers how to build a base, tinypirate, statoineers, stationeers rocket works
Id: t5aiQNKpf5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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