Getting Started: Stationeers Survival Tutorial

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[Music] g'day and welcome to stationeers in this tutorial series my aim is to help new players reach a level of survival where they have the time to explore the deeper game mechanics themselves so that they can actually have fun with that discovery and understanding and learning without having the pressure of survival needs on top of it because that initial learning curve of getting to those basic survival needs being somewhat handled can be pretty rough so let's try and make it a little bit smoother there is a tutorial in the game which can be handy in terms of understanding the basic game mechanics in terms of inventory management that side of things but in terms of setting goals for yourself and actually getting yourself to survive hopefully this will add a bit of extra information and make things a little bit easier so let's go new world and we're presented with a whole bunch of options here these are all different start conditions and for the most part the ones near the top are a little bit easier for new players i would strongly recommend either going with the moon or with mars in this case we're going to go with mars because i think it's just a teensy bit easier than the moon given that you've got a little bit of atmosphere to play with and grab some carbon dioxide from so that you can set up your first greenhouse so let's go we got mars we'll click create world completely vanilla settings nothing customized and this is what you are met with when you start the game the stationpedia this is a very handy reference material for a lot of the different things in the game and i tend to use it in tandem with the stationeers wiki but for now let's close it to close it press alt move your mouse pointer up and close it or if you want to reopen it later you can press f1 f1 will also close it now we are in a survival situation that means we need to take stock of what we've got and think about the things we need to deal with first in stationeers there are three key resources so to speak there is power there is food and there is oxygen atmospherics the reason i say slash atmospherics is because oxygen isn't the only critical part of that loop of those three i said them in the order that they run out you will run out of power first you will then almost certainly run out of food before you run out of oxygen so we should probably deal with our power situation first to improve our odds of survival in terms of power let's press 3 and open up our suit and let's reduce the target pressure and temperature to reduce the amount of energy that our suit is exerting to keep us alive over here on the right of our hud we have our target internal pressure our target internal temperature and we can drop those down a fair way let's drop our target down to 20 and when that happens you'll see that our internal pressure drops and now we get a warning to get rid of that warning let's just pop that up to 21. similarly let's drop our temperature down to 10 and it's daytime so let's turn our light off with l that's going to conserve a bit more power as well our power in our suit is provided by the battery you have in this slot which is currently a 96 charged large battery cell we also have a waste tank in our suit which holds our co2 which is filtered through these filters and an air tank which is holding our oxygen we have just increased the odds of our survival significantly but i think it'd be a good idea for us to move on and get some more power input rather than just saving what we've got left to do that we're gonna need to set up a small base inside these containers that are on your lander these yellow ones in particular you'll find a lot of construction materials the first thing we need to grab is the stack of iron frames so let's grab them out of there with left click move a little bit away so that we don't have the land of blocking any sunlight that's going to get onto our solar panels right click and we can then place these blocks down bring it over to a little hill so it's easy to walk onto left click hold and we can place down a small two by 3 grid of these when you look at the iron frame it tells me that we need a welding torch and some iron sheets to continue construction so let's grab some iron sheets which are also in this container there we go we can grab and swap them out and then we need to grab our welding torch our welding torch is in our tool belt which is on six that is our welding torch right there we want to put that in our right hand while we keep the sheets in our left hand we can do that because this is a tool by swapping these two out but if you are holding something other than a tool which duct tape cable all counters tools say these iron sheets you wouldn't be able to swap them so what we probably want to do is clear up a spot in our backpack and the easiest thing to do that with is by dropping this portable solar panel on the ground drag it out and it'll drop then we can pop our duct tape in our backpack always keep some duct tape on you it is critically important so that you can repair your suit if it ever gets damaged let's grab our welding torch drag it across to our right hand if we happen to have the wrong hand selected press e to switch between them and we can now turn our welding torch on with o and weld up this iron frame by clicking and holding it down the iron frames have three different build states there's the open one where you and atmosphere will fall through it there's this one where you've welded up once where you won't fall through it but atmosphere will and then you can roll it up again and it becomes airtight we don't need this little bit of our base to be airtight so let's just weld these up once turn our welding torch off with o when we're done because we don't want to run out the fuel wander back to our lander and grab our solar kit we're also going to need these glass sheets let's swap them with our iron sheets now solar kit let's place this thing down over here let's use the flat one ideally we also want that little plus symbol you can see off to our right to change its position you can hold down c and use your scroll wheel or you can use insert and page up to change the position of things this works with all different blocks you can use the two different methods sometimes one is better sometimes the other is just experiment to find which one works for what you're doing and we place down the solar panel we now get the glass sheets and finish up the panel panel is currently generating 266 watts so let's get those watts into a battery the way we can do that is by grabbing this power controller out of here popping it down and putting a battery in it we want to put it down near that power output from the solar panel but not right next to it so let's rotate it so that the in arrow shows coming from the panel the out arrow goes off to the right we'll go get rid of the spare one that we're carrying grab a battery while we're over here and we'll link them up with a little bit of wire if this is around the wrong way press c just tap it and it will try and align these in the most sensible way and often it gets it right left click hold and now we have power going from this solar panel to this power controller we want to take advantage of it so we need a crowbar to open it we can then put a battery in it but this battery's got 100 charge we don't want to put it in it let's put our suit battery in swap these out and then drag that into that slot and then click the switch and you can see this is now green and blue that indicates this battery is getting charged from this solar panel 82 watts a very small amount but something is going across anyway we're getting something there we go it just changed to red that indicates that we are no longer getting any power from the solar panel and this battery is now the only thing that would supply power past this area power control and we want that because we want to put down a few things to make some more materials we now have the most basic of power setups we have a power source going into a battery which can be used to power our suit and other devices but what would be really nice is to be able to make more power there are a few options in stationeers for making power i'm going to focus on solar in this tutorial series the reason i'm going to focus on solar is because solar gains you power passively that's really handy to allow you to have time to focus on other things there are also means of making power using say your where is it in here solid generator the solid generator will generate power from coal that means that you have to go out and mine the coal and well on mars you can definitely get by with just solar alone and you don't need a lot of it so rather than forcing us to have to mine for more coal constantly let's just not use it because we don't need it in order to build some additional panels and build some other stuff we're going to need to have a way to get the oars out of the ground turn them into ingots and then turn those ingots into stuff the two initial pieces of equipment you need for that are an auto lathe and an arc furnace let's go pop them on our little mini base over here start with our arc furnace this thing has two inputs and two outputs the inputs are for power and for ores the output is for ingot and is a data connection let's have the power on the left and the input on the left and place it down unlike these blocks that we place down the arc furnace comes complete when you first place it the auto lathe which we're going to place down here and let's spin it that way it requires a bit of extra construction welding torch and two iron sheets welding torch let's go grab those two our own sheets weld it up as we did the other stuff and now it is asking for four cable coils turn off our welder grab our cable coils pop them in and now it wants plastic sheets in a welding torch so we can grab them too once the plastic sheets are in all it wants is a screwdriver to do the finished touches and we have ourselves an auto lathe we now want to connect the auto lathe and the arc furnace to the area power control and we want to connect them in such a way that we can use the battery power that's in this battery to run these even if we don't currently have sun so we need to connect to you can see just under there the output grab your cable coils and connect up the arc furnace to change the type of cable that you're working with you can use your mouse scroll wheel let's change that to a corner press c and bring it out this way and straight another corner and then press c here and it should yep go exactly where we want it yellow when you're building with things like this indicates that you can build and it's already connected to something on one end red means you can't build and green obviously means you can build but it's not connected to anything now if i want to go and build my cables down to this auto lathe i want to overlay this corner with a straight piece going this way but it won't let me unless i have cable in one hand and wire cutters in the other then i can that is a really handy thing and one of the reasons why i have tried my best to develop a habit of whenever i'm working with cable also keeping the wire cutters in my hand we don't need to hook up to this data port on the auto lathe so i'm not going to i'm going to save that little bit of cable we'll just connect up to the power port we now have both of these devices connected to a power source of that battery and this is showing that we are now consuming a small amount of power by having them connected blue and red means we've got charge but it's being used so that battery is going to slowly deplete i guess we should probably go and find some mores it doesn't take you getting very far from your base to not really be able to see it those lights do come in handy for finding your way home especially if you use your jetpack which you can turn on by pressing j and then fly up in the air but unless you got a very good sense of direction and i do not uh finding your way home to those might be difficult there is a little device on your lander that can make that easier though where is the little beacon got a bunch more stuff in there [Music] there we are we have our tracking beacon and it comes with a battery already fitted so we grab this tracking beacon and then drop it on the ground with q we can then switch it on oops we can then switch it on but it doesn't really do anything what we need is our handheld tablet drag it into our left hand press r to open it up and now you can see it's got a battery slot and a cartridge slot let's put the tracker cartridge in if i now turn it on it now indicates where that tracking beacon is so i will be able to find my way home well even i'll be able to find my way back home my sense of direction is awful so let's go mining let's switch out our tool belt for our mining belt drag our mining belt onto number six there and then press six and we'll open it up you've got these slots for all and these two mining tools we're going to use the mining drill because the pickaxe so slow drag that into our hand we have some lead there we don't really need lead what we need to get going here is going to be some iron some copper and some gold the reason we want those you can see if we turn on our auto lathe press our find recipe button and go down to kit electronics printer we want to build that so that we can build solar panels and to build that electronics printer we need 20 grams of iron 2 grams of gold and 10 grams of copper if you move your mouse down to this eye button down here it'll show the contents of the auto lathe which is currently nothing because we haven't got anything yet so let's go get some things searching for iron gold and copper at night which is definitely harder but there's not much else we can do right now so we've got that beacon switched on which means we will be able to find our way back home and hopefully we'll at least find some of those resources tonight if you come across coal probably worth getting a little bit of that but here we go this is iron when you point at it you can see but like so many of the tools we need to turn this on with o and then we can drill it when you're drilling you'll see that little mine iron thing flash up that could help you find where in your hole that you've dug you might be able to find more resources than what you're currently looking at a handy tip for early mining is to leave one of the nodes visible on the surface don't mind all the surface stuff unless there's only one of them in which case well sometimes you'll just have to the reason to leave that on the surface is to indicate that you have a mine with that mineral in this site so when you come back you can go oh that's right this is an iron mine let's go dig down in it rather than continuing to search for some more i'm going to collect about 100 iron and then we'll move on and try and find some copper and some gold because the iron won't be much useful to us without those as well there we are beautiful martian sunrise oh that is gold let's draw some of that that'll do for gold for now and we need copper let's get a bit of altitude and see if that makes it easier to find them sometimes it will oh i think that might be cold yeah let's grab some coal as well as far as i can tell there is no particular pattern to where minerals appear uh but hills versus flat ground that sort of thing that looks promising for copper oh yeah that's copper there we go grab that and then we can head home head on home all right got 99 copper that should do us quite nicely and while i can see home you can imagine how difficult that would be to spot if this was at night time and that is why we turned that beacon on because i can easily just turn pop this handheld tablet in my hand and the tracking beacon will tell me that way is home if you would prefer to not use the alt mouse click thing as often you can actually use your mouse scroll wheel to highlight different things over on the left here and then you can switch between your active hand and that highlighted slot with f sometimes that's easier sometimes it's not excellent we are home and if we have a look this battery in the area power control is fully charged so let's swap it with our suit one which only has 61 and can and can continue to get some power from this solar panel before the sun sets or at least it would if we weren't going to smelt some oars turn on the arc furnace now it's showing green pop some ore in click the button and it will show us that we are currently smelting iron and it is getting through it it's gone through about eight grams so far wait for that to pop out and then we can pop it in the auto lathe i can see gold from my base there was no way i could see that at night that is one of the disadvantages in going hunting for oars at night but obviously when there was nothing else for me to do on the base it was probably worth doing there we go it is finished it spits out the iron oh just dropped it off the side that's a reason not to place that right on the edge like i did pick up the iron ingot and pop it into the auto lathe now when we come around here you'll see it says we have 50 grams of iron in it and we now only need the gold and the copper to build that electronics printer let's turn that off we don't need it to be on at the moment let's pop some copper in and smelt it copper is going to take a lot longer to smelt in the arc furnace than the iron did gold is going to take a lot longer again and silicon further and that'll be why you'll start investing in building more advanced furnaces in the future which we will obviously get to in the future if you ever become impatient like i'm becoming right now and you want to stop smelting something that's in process simply turn it off it will finish the current gram it will then open up and show us the aura on this side and we'll have our ingot of copper down on the ground on this side we've got 28 grams which is all we need right now so i'm going to swap that out for the gold ore turn it back on and start smelting the couple of grams of that that i need that way i can get the electronics printer up and start working on it while i process some of these ores in the background rather than me standing here twiddling my thumbs one of the things i didn't mention before a portion oh and there we go i am hungry let's go grab a bar of cereal from the crates over here in the green crates you will have your organic supplies which have a bunch of flowers and some cereal bars in that one and this one has all of our things for growing more food as well as a couple of cereal bars as well unless you get really desperate try not to eat these foods yet you want to grow them and multiply the number of them you have rather than eating them and being left with no ability to grow more so grab our cereal bar pop it in our hand and right click to eat it on the highest difficulty level you will have to actually take your helmet off in order to eat on lower ones you can just magically eat through your suit i definitely recommend for new players to eat through your suit ah i forgot to turn my beacon off look how low that battery's getting let's turn it off grab that battery and we'll see if it gets any charge in that little portable panel there in this container there's another battery so we'll pop that in the top so we've got some charge in that beacon if we decide to wander off and go mine some minerals we should have had enough gold processed by now yep we've got 17 grams really need to build another frame there pop that into our auto lathe turn this back on continue processing the rest of the gold and now we have enough iron gold and copper to make the electronics printer so let's do it this is going to use up a fair bit of power hopefully our battery cell will last well if it doesn't we're gonna have to wait till morning and we probably won't be doing much more work with the arc furnace but i think uh i think we're going to be okay there we go it's produced it let's stop it from producing another one because we do not want to and we can turn that off grab our electronics printer kit and we'll pop it down over here facing the auto lathe like the auto lathe we're going to need to weld it up with some iron sheets some cable and some plastic sheets let's get that done so i've got my own sheets and i want to weld up this printer but i've got my mining belt on my preference is actually to leave my mining belt on the reason you want to wear your mining belt is that when i was drilling with this drill it automatically put these oars into the belt if i'm not wearing the belt that doesn't work the tool belt on the other hand can be accessed in almost an identical fashion to when we're wearing it by pressing the button where these four little squares are there we go we've got our tool belt so i can close my mining belt and it's like i'm wearing the tool belt it doesn't make any big difference to me so i tend to prefer to leave it this way and just access my tools that way with the electronics printer do the same we did with the autolay to turn it on and let's search for the recipe we want there are a whole lot of different recipes in this one but what we really really want is the kit all the way down here solar panel that's going to require us to have 10 grams of iron 5 of gold and 20 of copper let's pop the gold that we're carrying in there and we can also take the materials that are in the auto lathe out it's currently got 30 iron 15 gold and 18 copper if we want that out turn it on pull this lever and it'll spit them out the back side like so close the lever turn it back off we can pick those up and pop them in the electronics printer saving us from needing to smelt much more in fact we are only short of the copper we've got enough of the other two materials in order to build at least one solar panel and these solar panels are better than these flat ones because the solar panel kits that we're about to build they oh i think we just ran out of power they can be moved to other directions and orientations to follow the sun and gain even more power so i could either wait till the sun rises to get some power back in here or i can go grab a battery from somewhere else make sure all the equipment's turned off except for the one that i need i might be able to get enough power from either the battery that's in this beacon or there's another battery in one of these yep there we go grab that small battery just temporarily use it to get our little bit of power we need pop it in there let's make it solar panel in fact we might even be able to make two turn that off i can pick up these two solar panel kits might actually need a little bit more bass to put them down so i'm going to extend this out a little bit that way and since i've got a little bit of space in these containers now i'm going to put a few of these bits and pieces that i don't need like the flares i'm unlikely to use the e-reader anytime soon and that's going to allow me to carry a little bit more stuff on me without having to drop everything back in here so quickly all the time if the sun's rising over there it's going to set over there ideally what we would want is to have clear line of sight to both horizons and throughout the day for these solar panels i didn't quite line up my base correctly for that but it's not going to be too bad because that mountain is going to block things before any of this equipment well now that i've got my solar panels in my right hand i can right click and place them down there are two modes with these solar panels one has both the data and power port coming off the same side and the other has them separated we want them separated i'm going to point the power toward me place one there place another one here and now i need to like the other one grab a couple of glass sheets and finish those off if you're playing with research enabled this is probably one of the first things i would recommend you researching towards getting these solar panels will dramatically change your power needs and your power set up and be worth every bit of effort to get to quickly now that we've got those two panels let's hook them up to our area power control and also let's put this empty battery in there to get a little bit of charge there we go so cable coil get those iron sheets into our backpack grab our wire cutters and from here let's start there we go hooked up right now they're not being any better or not being much better than this flat one on the ground the way to fix that at least for now is to grab the wrench and spin them around by using the wrench on these lower bits we can rotate the panel and on these upper bits we can flip it up and down to try and optimize the angle to the sun the reason i'm rotating this to minus 90 degrees is that the sun is going to go over us like this and these are rotated such that up and down would have spun the other way there we go we have far better solar panels and we have a lot more power going into that battery but i wouldn't really want to have to manually control these all the time i don't want to have to stand here all day changing the angles matching the sun and moving it through so what we're going to look at next time is how we can automate this how we can set up a very basic solar tracking system using logic chips things that will use a sensor to pick up where the angle of the sun is and adjust these panels accordingly if you've got any tips or tricks of your own to add to what i've said in this tutorial please share them in the comments as i'm still learning i'd love to hear them too and as i said next time a simple solar tracking setup so there's all that and plenty more to come and i will see you then [Music] you
Channel: Splitsie
Views: 98,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stationeers, stationeers tutorial, survival tutorial, survival game tutorial, stationeers survival, stationeers getting started, stationeers gameplay, stationeers 2020, stationeers tips, stationeers guide, hardcore survival game, stationeers tutorial walkthrough, stationeers tutorial 2020, stationeers part 1, stationeers series, stationeers ep 1, stationeers mars, statinoeers survival start
Id: iaOr8IDkA2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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