Stationeers Venus - Steel Procrastination // EP22

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thank you for tuning in to episode 22 of stationeers venus which originally aired live on twitch as i like to remind you i am much further ahead on twitch than i am on youtube keep that in mind when watching thank you and let's get started it asks for two one ratio according to the week wiki or one to two ratio i know i just can't measure it like that too much x in there yeah i'd have to filter out the x and that again i would need steel to to do properly the x is a result of combustion so it's it's really more the fact that here let me leave this one it's more the fact that i've already combusted it once and you basically get one chance if i add a valve to release the pressure um i'll eventually want that but that doesn't help me on my first my first uh steel because you're potentially releasing oxygen and hydrogen which is your combustibles your fuel what you'd want essentially is a way to filter atmospherics to then filter out okay so here i am uh i am going i want to be going inside why am i stuck in an all airlock cancel pressure oh that's sending me the wrong way i just need a little bit more vols uh use a mixer to pre-mix in a can no that's a bomb you've just described a bomb on venus mixing fuel and fuel is not going to be stable on venus i'll put it that way so yeah do you can't pre-mix fuel on venus because venus is too hot it will explode like you would you've never seen an explosion before all of my little explosions of me over pressurizing things is a joke compared to a fuel bomb a fuel bomb if i did like a big enough can of fuel would take out my probably at least half of my base if not all of it i should just go travel in the uh in the direction i know ice to be yeah um fuel is only stable i forget what temperature it has to be but it has to be quite cold uh or you've basically made a fuel bomb so it's it's pretty funny when i've seen i've seen videos of new players whoa truckload error okay hi i found some volatiles and i'm bugged that's fine so i have 13 volatiles so at 13 volts 13 times what is was it 22 can someone do that math for me where am i yeah below 32c i think is is it is 26 all right let me go get my oxy tank 286 so i would need uh 140 moles of oxygen in my furnace for this to be a clean burn got it all right let me get my oxy tank i could actually use my air tank but that would probably not be good for me do we even have that much oh yeah we have that much easy peasy we have that much and turn on the uh nitro vent done done all right let's see how much is in here this is almost enough moles in here knowing it's going to have to equalize what i'm going to do is um actually let's switch it with our air tank first and then let's pressurize it a little bit more quicker quicker and i can see i can see the mpa here so what was it 140 moles so once this dude hits um 280 that's enough oxygen and i'll pre-process the iron and coal yeah [Music] i'll pre-process it now because that's taking a while this is less music and more noise switch that one yeah if i pre-put this in now uh maybe it will become atmospheric temperature and warm it up a little bit at least that's the hope no oh i think i need a gas in there but as soon as i split a ball off it evaporates i think having a vacuumed out furnace makes this like impossible well there's nothing in the valve like i can't that doesn't that doesn't i could put a waste tank in there i guess there now there's a little bit of something in the uh there we go well it processed nine of the iron um yeah so pre-doing that doesn't really work i process 15 of the iron i think i'm just lagging like a whole bunch too [Music] i'm gonna i'm gonna do a uh a game reboot real quick vemus i can't explain to you how to do an automatic process like easily i have a i have a i have a uh steam guide on it if you want to look at the steam guide but it's way too involved for me to just blurt it at you um there's multiple ways to do it i'm gonna do it like the energy expensive science cheap way which is basically just stick my furnace in a room that i superheat to the temperatures that i would want it to be in order to do furnacing basically uh making an electro furnace [Music] but yeah i do have a guide up the guide is pretty old i made it like years and years and years ago but it's still valid will still work no no it's on st it's a steam guide but if you just do automated furnaces there's plenty of guides up there that can uh lead you to the what you need yeah trust me you don't you don't need my guide there's so many all right so there oh my god my frame rates what is going on i must have some there must i don't know what's going on but this is pretty miserable oh god this is really miserable the game is running like slag as i'm sure you know i think it's all the like temperature lines and whatnot but at least this is processing so i'm cooking myself in the interest of uh iron so once it hits 300 i'll go in but if we get this stuff in first come on i can always refill up my waste tank and all i'll even wait until i start now now it's getting pretty hot it's good enough nitrogen is still on yeah i know i'm going to it i'm surprised it hasn't blown up on me [Music] that any music come on i know there was extra pressure in because it's super hot out let me add [Music] how hot is my nitro tank yeah definitely heat it up and that's gonna heat up the base a bit and then this pipe was near bursting but not quite there success ish all right farm how are you doing [Music] why does my corn make like reloading noises it's very very confusing what am i on the backseat gaming actually allow it it's totally fine all right let's put the pipes away the valve away make more room for crops as long as you're cool about it there's backseat gaming and then like straight up just trying to hijack the ship and there's uh there's a sensible difference between those two the corn wants to become popcorn yeah well it's venus it doesn't have to work that hard [Music] they need to give me some sort of tool to make this like easier at some point i think i'll be wealthy enough to just ignore ferns because the the cost and and effort benefit of eggs is just not there really so you can more or less ignore eggs as like a way to you know you don't need eggs shadow vikings thanks for the follow and reaper king like way way way long ago if i made my cooler temp any colder uh well i mean i can't but yeah it would work better if it was colder but it's it's uh cooling against vacuum so vacuum doesn't get colder um so that's i wish i could but that's just not a thing i can do it's using like back body radiation already how we figured out if there's if the adult plants cycle o2 better uh no i i don't know maybe whether they do or not one thing i do know um i need to make money selling the crops so but i am sort of curious okay so this thing needs to stop that's probably more um oxygen you know what i could do with this oxygen so how many moles of oxygen is this 218 moles of oxygen uh and i have 12 times 22. it's almost enough oxygen for the volas i have so all i would need to do is put in like 10 volatile ices 10 vol ices into the um [Music] yeah about 10 vol ices instead of uh instead of 12 and that will be enough [Music] so we can do that uh let's have a backup tomato plant [Music] is there any other backup i need i need backup corn [Music] what else do i need is that it potatoes rice wheat i got two wheat give me one of those wheat [Music] and then i have more fern give me those ferns more rice so one two three four five six yeah okay that's all that's all my crops right yeah all right why is the game running like poo [Music] just be beautiful then is that better i look at my resource monitor gpu and cpu are like not even half usage so i don't know what's going on but it ain't me all right it's getting uh it's getting cool enough that i should be able to do this now [Music] go back outside and get the rest of the iron and coal through the furnace before trying to fire it up yeah more radiators would work but of course that is steel reliant as well right every you know all things lead back to steel there we go now it's processing it's definitely running smoothly though okay now what i probably want to do is pull the x out i don't know how it got so much x in there i guess processing the metals uh so let's go hook up an output and suck the x out before we combust because that's too much x for it to combust right and then once we degas it we'll introduce our oxygen our hydrogen kablamo it's hot we'll smell i should also sell this stuff this crop stuff because it's taking up inventory okay so to suck that out we want a volume pump uh what am i doing this a volume pump a few pipes in a uh passive vent actually i have a passive vent up there already so um oh and the nitro vent should turn on yeah i actually have a good amount of nitrogen never mind i don't even need it on i have uh 4.5 mpas of nitrogen already uh so then i just need some pipes one of the advantages of not turning on the um the nitro is that the nitrogen that's in this tank can start to equalize with room temperature oh but yeah it's 50c so far yeah it's exactly 50c up here um well i don't have a portable scrub or anything like that i don't really have a way to cool it down the portable scrubber is good i mean i could print up another portable scrubber as panic alright let me just let me just set this up get this going and and i'll fix that if that needs fixing yeah i see the temperature there's just you know [Music] one thing at a time if it dies it dies [Music] this is not something i can fix right now without printing up a portable scrub again our portable light ac all right so we do have a we have a pipe for this so it's gonna look something like this where we have um the volume pump it's gonna have to go reversed that's fine do i have enough pipe to reach there i'll all cannibalize if i don't i don't want to go back inside okay yeah we do good uh cables let me sell some stuff or at least store it now i'll fully sell it i find it so difficult to read this trade screen of like what i actually have to sell oh because it's off where is my nearest power in here all right let's try to pick power up here for it that work i do a backup cc crop yeah so it'd be annoying but it wouldn't be catastrophic [Music] all right so now 50 liter or 100 liters we are pulling out all the x gas out of here lowering the pressure and the co2 there's some o2 but i'm gonna you know it's tiny bits [Music] and that's gonna aid combustion and as you can see all that's flowing out of that passive end up there that i already had installed so far the plants look okay i can see them so we'll try to bring this doesn't need to hit zero it doesn't need to be true vacuum just close so that uh combustion isn't competing against uh already spent gases [Music] that's close enough now [Music] uh that o2 tank is inside isn't it darn it [Music] yep still sitting at 50c [Music] i could check on the vacuum chamber check on the plants they're all fine sitting at 50 c it's too hot but i'll fix that later because i'm busy where'd the gas canister go oh here it is it's funny because on every other planet you could just melt oxides um i could have turned on the vending machine but yeah on every other planet you can melt oxides just like cool down your your base but not here all right cans of o2 and give me my steel baby oh come on 400 grams of steel and a ridiculously piping hot furnace one of the advantages of oh god it's blowing me back so hard uh one of the advantages i could just throw anything in there comes out up can you not fling it all right let's fix before we bother with the vending let's fix um the temperature problem lickety-split it's cooling down 49.7 c so it is chilling it's heading the right direction we might not even need to uh to intervene it might not be a terrible idea to have a panic ac but um actually it's not no that's the water yeah it's 49 for here so let's print up a panic ac portable air conditioner so that requires steel so of course you know we print steel we use steel uh silver and solder oh i don't even have silver so i can't i can't even make it it's a moot point because i don't have silver all right yep out of our hands what i can do is uh i can minimize the amount of heat the base generates by turning unnecessary things off like lights and the like not that lights make a whole lot of heat they don't did i managed to fix the portals to hell i doubt it oh our o2 tank is still out there but there's not enough pressure in that o2 tank to blow in midday sun so that's fine too now that i have steel the idea here is to uh we can upgrade our air conditioning we can add in a another cooler and separate out the power grid that was sort of the purpose of that steel so i'm going to print up a large battery and steel is here some other stills here too combine it into one stack all right so the or not a large battery the battery kit oh no that was it so it's one of these again and that's gonna double our almost more almost double our power storage [Music] that's all our gold and the concept is [Music] to oh look it's all fine uh another thing that uh generates heat is plants if i recall plants do generate tea like significantly so i think i need um i need uh the the floor grating on the other uh the other way so let me get some iron that's the wrong printer make the loop go into the vacuum that was proposed as a project and it has not garnered the votes so it'd be wise but it's also not one that people voted for oh this is not gonna let me place this huh well i can force it so let me go force [Music] it need a frame and a sheet all right battery you're going where i tell you to go oh i'm not holding the battery [Music] there we are how's my o2 doing well let's see i just used a whole bunch of it so this o2 level will be lower but it's all right 10 moles actually it's gone up it does look like a server act doesn't it let's remove this is how you used to have to build when they did not allow you to put anything on um windows and walls and it was a real pain to like have things look nice but now you could just you know put most things on windows and walls and whatnot and that makes things ridiculously easy uh so i'm gonna need a considerable amount of uh heavy cable coils because basically uh uh this cable here needs to run to the back of this battery over here or not the back of it but um here in that spot and yeah i'm gonna have cables running on the base like this because i don't care i if i could actually fix it do you guys care do you here do you care yes no uh i could fix it pretty easily just i have to put the frame back and all that i'd have to basically undo some stuff but that's fine i i would just nudge it this way [Music] all right so my electro printer oh one of the other problems is i'm very low on um gold so heavy cable coils are gonna be expensive but um glitch you asked about the printer mod i would need uh constantin and electrum for it so that's why it's not upgrading yet electrum's easy is easy i could do that just by shoving materials into a furnace and not even doing anything but constantine's gonna be a little bit trickier than that all right so where does this pick up right here [Music] this is the correct cable and it must be cause i'm not using heavy cables for much else oh wow and our power's full now would be a great time to wire in the other battery i'll just put it here so i can see it it's easy to work with wires you can visualize no it's not your problem no problem at [Music] all i didn't remember either what the cost was it's always good to check right that should be enough oh it's dark again um it is 49 here it did drop a few degrees oh boy everything's basically harvestable yeah literally everything is harvestable i'll do a trader run in a minute i just want to set this battery up to start charging because we are still harvesting a little bit of wind so now i have two batteries [Music] awesome so then this battery is gonna be on i will need to set up an apc and a uh uh a transformer for it but uh we have two large kit batteries and i'll also have to then snip some cables to separate out uh the ac network from the rest of the base to put that on its own little network which is gonna be a little tricky so let's uh before before i get too deep into that let me um close this poll the nose don't care about it wins the pull put this stuff away and harvest some plants and make some money and then get a new trader down maybe a mod trader a mod trader would be awesome because that would make getting the mods so much more uh so much less expensive oh my rice wasn't ready uh oops do youtube ever complain about these polls on the screen um only the parasparer one that was like blocking everything normally no normally they they don't really care much but there was that prosperous poll that just like you know i positioned it poorly uh question about the apc i think could i move the switch outdoors so if the switch is outdoors i can't turn it off when i'm stuck inside and which is inside i can't turn it off when i'm outside so there's no perfect spot for the switch i could have i could make a switch to switch the switch um but is it worth my time and trouble is the other question pill bug and the answer is probably not hey miso thanks for the sub it's one of those like it cost me a few hundred watts to ignore so it's a pretty ignorable problem i mean the other the other alternative is that i could like i could put the switch i could put the apc in my airlock so it's usable uh whether i'm inside or outside but that means significantly rewiring a whole bunch of stuff and also the airlock is pretty full of other stuff already but if you wanted a switch that you wanted access to from inside and outside you could put it in your airlock i guess uh just keep in mind that eurolock's gonna have uh uh multiple active vents consoles uh sensors but you know that that's how you would do it if you needed to do it all right we are down to 47 celsius now so i think the worst of the heat wave is over um and as long as i'm careful about you know the heat i'm generating maybe might be okay let's turn on the trader um grab all but one of this rice because i'm just going to make all money i can i do have backup seeds in here for one of each crop just in case uh no it would not be safe to take off the suit no just because there's plants doesn't mean there's significant enough oxygen all plants signify is that there's a certain temperature pressure and presence of co2 and that's it and and the absence of x which is uh chlorine gas but that doesn't necessarily mean there's actually oxygen in the air it just it just means that plants won't die so you do have to be careful about that should i trade you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna depart this guy and see about trading with someone else for crops see if we get a better price whoa there's a lot of people out there is this traders only yeah this is traders only dang all right let's get one of them you what are you you are spesmal you're like a mall trader nice all right let me um say venus three would it be worth having multiple landing sites not really because like i don't even think the game allows it and if it does they all are driven by the same satellite dish so i don't know if it would really be a good shortcut uh spesmal you've got you will not pay much for my crops okay well apparently that's the best price i'm getting uh that's fine this is pretty much the same price as the last one offered so i'm just gonna assume that it's pretty universal so confirm uh that leaves nothing in my vending machine oh pipes pipe valve yeah all right let's sell that stuff oh you like how i can use the cursor sometimes i'm holding down a key to do that by the way i'm holding left alt where i can um bring up my cursor to then a little bit further color corp i bet they have paint hello color corp yep just a whole bunch of paint bye-bye color corp never going to want to talk to you ever again i'm still going i am i'll probably 15 minutes left it's the curse the one more turns there we go 99 connection to exotech that sounds fun do you die if it lands on you i don't think so i just saved so okay so yeah they care excuse me sir could you park your ship off of my face because you're kind of crushing me to death now you're like you're dude you're crushing me to death all right i don't care what you have to sail just leave now thanks okay thanks bye leave now i will get my rifle in his process of leaving it broke the rest of my suit so yep and that is why you save and it made me naked i was naked on venus i was naked on venus so yeah that answers your question uh do not stand under the ship the ship will make you rip well spez mall uh i guess hi again for science let's uh let's see what our prices are so we're getting 16 bucks a fern here i'm going to sell them one fern and tell them to piss off bye-bye let's see if we can find a better price [Music] ah a little too far color core all right well let's see what color corp has to say let me try to pick up that unknown contact whoa that's a lot of traders all right color corp is buying them for 18 bucks a pop a little bit better so yeah it varies but not by much it's not really based upon the offerings of said trader geez you're welcome to you know [Music] all right let's see if i can get uh this one oh the satellite dish is kind of clipping into me [Music] nope nothing just up there you'll see it uh what are you gassy trade okay all right gassy trade come on uh he wants to pay me nothing for my crops uh but he will sell me gases he'll sell me oxygen if i needed to buy oxygen i don't want to buy oxygen from him but i'll sell you my gas pipe mr gassy all right he had the worst he the worst price for for ferns uh so let's try to pick up a new trader i do see the sun is coming up though both in game and irl my stupid satellite dish is blocking my uh dials here now yeah here nope too far too far you hall corp what do you sell halls because you do realize hall is like an absence of things yeah color corp was 19 of pop but we could still shop around 13 uh oh these guys have weapons all right before it gets too hot let's sell the color color color color corp was the good good trader [Music] uh for the uh for the crop i don't see color corp anymore they're gone like gme i should have sold come on one more trader who are you who are you exo tech all right xl i think you're the one that murdered me uh so i don't know how i feel about selling to you but all right very colorful yep makes the jaundice in my face pop i'll sell to this guy i don't really care it's a difference of like mini bucks all right and that's empty oh no there's a potato hey can i offer you a potato in these trying times you're welcome all right temper going going up that was more of a suicide than a murder uh it was this the first half was a suicide the second half was a murder his takeoff where he ripped the rest of my suit was definitely the murdery part he could have been all gentle and stuff but he was just like all right you wanted to park underneath me i'm going to deploy my my crushers my mining drill into your face assisted suicide yeah he uh kevorkian to me karma pancake hey it's 46 celsius it's uh it's going down from the critical hot time when we're at uh 50. it takes a while it's it's because um well if we take a look at our tanks here yeah 47 about 47 about 40 46 47 47 now that we don't have to sip atmospheric gas though to to circulate the uh the base we are making headway now what we're doing is oh and we're almost uh we're almost 95.5 as you can see we're 91 nitrogen now and the batteries all right so if that's solid that means that has gained um obviously nothing is driven from this battery right now it doesn't power anything but um for it to work yeah i don't think that that's that ugly for it to work we're gonna need an area power controller and a transformer and let's get that done uh power controller so iron and solder where's my iron and then let's do a large battery oh that requires the steel uh oh okay it was sitting right outside of this i was like where's my steel up two bar going up quick all of my power generation is splitting its power between these two batteries so for a time um until of course this battery fills up what's the question another wind arm yeah just expense solar and wind oh my god jump all right which uh the right one's power okay so if power's coming off of this this would be correct but it should be uh it should be apc then transformer yeah my jet pack does have base air in it but that doesn't necessarily want to mean i want to like out gas um anyway it's kind of bad form um all right let's get uh disconnected this should start charging yep [Music] hey this light will be in the way totally uh we'll need more heavy cables i think just one more right which is good because we have four gold left is there any gold in the chute i guess we'll see okay transformer set to 5000 i don't know why it isn't default to 5000 that makes like a heck of a lot more sense uh and then we're gonna have to somehow let me first remove these panels it's going to look really weird because things are going to float but it's so that i can see the key close so i can see the cabling uh let's put well this light will be on the new network and then we'll start to add other things like uh the ac obviously [Music] so first things first the light mostly because the cables like in the way uh oh right because the transformer is not on jump jump no don't get stu oh my god okay thought i got stuck there we are uh now let's trim these this is going to kill my air conditioning for a minute for a hot minute as the same goes now if i'm correct about that yep the ac is off uh i should be able to connect here oh god that music scared me like the rush noise it's like what's happening trolled by music and now the acs are on and they're on a different network so if we take a look at my network analyzer we could so there it goes we can see it's different network there is um connected to here i'll have to jump up to see connected to here there is um the wall coolers drawing two kilowatts and the light and that's it and i could wire in the third one and then here there's 45 devices for 550 watts so then we will put these back hey jtf vibe is good man vibe is real good how are you doing oops i obviously misplaced that catching me at the tail list of tail ends here all right there we are um i could probably close this let's get out the the old cables and plug this in nice increased our ac by 50 percent making progress oh i guess i do have a nice farm now i i will go so far as to say my farm is pretty pretty tasty and we'll do the midnight harvest of almost nothing because nothing is ready but it is uh 45c so we've backed off from the danger temp and um [Music] i am just about ready to wrap for the night i guess i went over a few minutes while i went over a few hours in a few minutes i should say um does look like i need more power though actually i think i'm i mean i can add power to the power cables but um right now i am generating 911 watts and i'm using 650 plus the 3k up there so yeah i could use some more power sure but there was there's always going to be peaks and troughs i'm not too too worried about it you appreciate it well i appreciate you being here so that works for me so before i log off let me feed in water myself and man that was an epic stream cheers thank you so very much for watching episode 22 of stationeers venus which originally are live on twitch as i've said before i'm very far ahead on twitch on the streams than i am on youtube and i apologize for that but if you have any feedback let me know if it is still relevant you think if you'd like to get your live stream has the schedule for you thank you all for watching i'll catch you next episode our upcoming stream farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 5,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stationeers, Let's Play, Twitch, Tutorial
Id: s7hx__t1rME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 24sec (3864 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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