Stationeers Venus - Battery Power // EP3

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thank you for tuning in to episode three of rottermont plays stationeers venus which originally aired live on twitch let's get started [Music] all right so let's get the data ports of these so if you take a look here the data port is on the right the electric port is on the left i'm going to have my deports facing sunrise this part's kind of important there we go data ports facing sunrise and i probably don't have enough resources to do uh solar automation yet but at the very least what i can do is cable this up uh let's grab two glass [Music] turn all the things off that we don't need on it's 500 kilowatts yeah whatever it is it's like a ridiculous amount of power right and then we'll want to run these cables uh from up here and route the power down to our battery so that we can store it and uh i'm gonna leave this one open this um this last tower open for now come on hopefully i have enough i made it really tall so that mountains can't block it as easy but it does mean that i need a little bit more cabling all right at this point we'll want to have it towards the base like this there we go i'm not gonna have enough copper to finish this off perfectly was pretty close so it needs to feed into this port here hey jimbo thanks for the bits how long will thrust last uh i have a it's actually right here you can see my 4700 kpa jetpack so as long as it has fuel but fuel is not an issue for me because um your jetpack by default is nitrogen gas and venus's atmosphere is partially nitrogen which means i can just suck up nitrogen i i mean it doesn't actually matter what your jetpack propels out of it doesn't need it it doesn't need to be propellant you can fill your jetpack full of whatever gas you want and it will just thrust you forward so to that end um jetpack let's call it fuel i guess is infinite unless you're on like the moon or space because if you're on the moon or space there's no ammo and then you can't just you know create gas out of nothing but on every other uh celestial body there is some sort of atmosphere that you'll be able to suck to uh to for jetpack propulsion so yeah if you wanted to make it out of you know you could have your jet packs like one of one of the things that you want to do maybe late game is to have your jet pack be fueled with the same exact gas mixture as the base that you live in so like let's say you want a base that mimics earth's atmosphere you might want a jet pack that is um 79 nitrogen one percent co2 and and you know 20 oxygen or something like that that way if you use your jet pack inside your base uh you only are pushing out atmosphere breathable atmosphere right because if if you have your jetpack let's say all nitrogen and you use your jetpack in your base uh you're just going to be shoving nitrogen into your base so you can you know the game allows you to use whatever you want as um as fuel hey racism thanks for the sub i appreciate it and then in this game some of the gas is oh sun's coming up uh yep let's get a little bit more copper then some of the gases in this base are like dangerous to your health if you breathe x which is chlorine uh you you just kind of die so venus's atmosphere is partially x a tiny amount but any amount is like pretty fatal [Music] i don't care about my filter [Music] and now with this giant tower it's also just easier to sort of find where i live right i have this giant beacon that tells me which is pretty cool all right let's switch belts and close the base actually i could close the doors this way [Music] that might be easier done all right now let's uh let's make sure that we are capturing the solar power that our panels up there will have vision of soon and that that's really easy all it is is just finishing a little cable here and there technically i'm i'm done so let's turn on this battery and you'll see the battery once the sun starts to hit the solar panels start to charge it would be better arguably if i had uh the tracking ai but i'll work on getting the materials for the tracking ai during the day um so that i can track during the night i could set up the tracking during the night but if if we wanted to analyze what kind of power this is generating which is like zero right now um you'll you know we're we haven't hit sun yet it's behind the mount oh yep here it goes it's starting to crest and you'll what you'll see is you'll see this um you'll see this battery start to fill up and uh this thing holds what like nine megawatts i think yep nine megawatts it's a lot of power [Music] what am i doing i am putting my filter away no there is no terraforming of the planet that's not even a realistic goal for an individual to accomplish in a human lifetime right that is so beyond what one person could do um come on now i would if if i had the automation set up i would be generating power with these panels but these panels aren't pointed towards the sun so i have to kind of wait until the sun is pointed at it let's go to the yellow lighting to mimic uh the atmo depends on how long they live i guess so oh yeah here we go now we're starting to generate power so as you can see uh we have 50 watts or so and it's going to go up as the sun crests uh and then power comes out of this output here uh which means that this old output that we had yeah it's gonna get ripped up totally so let's go do that so then we have to decide exactly where we put our apc so this apc is going to be the bases power supply oh shut up yeah it really is low you're fine air tick's done uh so i'd like it on the wall because it's less messy but it does if it's on the wall like this it will require considerably more cables but that's why i got all that copper so let's do that so this battery it's copper oh uh chicken in the egg one of the problems i'm gonna have right now is um a lack of cables so i have to tear up cables to be able to plug things in again i mentioned atmospherics that means uh atmospherics in your base your base atmospherics uh like balancing the atmospherics in your base so that you can plant plants or breathe without a suit on that's the kind of atmospherics that the uh that the game allows you to do it allows you to um pressurize and close spaces it does not uh however allow you to change the terraforming of the planet at least not yet and probably never because it's that's not even a realistic thing to do and this game is very based in psy so you'll see that the kit battery here uh is going to be now be charging this battery this battery cell large another thing that i should probably do is make actually feeds into an apc it should be fine apc's act as a transformer i'm dehydrated and then this charges and then what i need to do then is out the bottom of this this is the cable for the basis power so i'll come out here or so and this is the this is the cannibalism i'm talking about for me to make new cables i need to plug this stuff in right so some of this stuff is just going to be ripped up temporarily so i can make cables to to plug it in all right so now i have all the things in the base plugged in except for this stuff right we have external temperature and stuff like that so i should be able to flick this on and print some more cables and the first thing i'll do is uh replace the cabling that i ripped out and the next is to uh set up my air locks with the power controller so i'll switch sides here put it over here or something just because it's nice and well maybe i don't want to hide it that much i'll take that back i'll just leave it here keeping in mind that like i'm cranking cables out with my back turned but it's fine i need cables like crazy uh then the battery charger here let's stop this now the battery charger i guess i could put a battery charger in here that's fine so this power input yeah uh let's move that one over actually or better charger in here that'll work better okay grabbing all these cables three-way corner and then this just connects up to everything else [Music] and it's not at this point uh now that i have these solar power panels i could leave this on so i can operate my um my doors without a crowbar which helped me traverse a little faster still too hot out to go out though [Music] my suit battery i'm gonna swap whoa that's not what i meant to do and the game's like null exception pissed at me so the question is how much power is in this battery right we have um 300 kilowatts of power now stored either in this battery here or this kit battery so we did pretty well uh with multiplayer do you all work on the same base it's up to you one of the things i will say is in multiplayer you only get one lander unless you devmode another lander in which means that the starting resources you have have to be shared uh so if you don't you know if you don't work together you die or whatever but like it's up to you if you want to dev mode another lander you could play multiplayer on multiple uh multiple uh you know you know bases or whatever all right so now we're gonna set up a sun tracking automation so let's get um three memory units hey hatback welcome to the stream oh yeah so we drained enough power uh let's turn this off because i actually don't have a ton of power we drained enough power out of our kit battery that it no longer has charge we killed it [Music] so the solar tracking is going to be really really important to make your solar panel power panels efficient right now my solar power panels are probably running at like 15 efficiency or something like that uh and if i set up tracking they'll run it like 99 efficiency so next thing we're gonna do input output to to input output um circuit kits i hope i'm doing well i am i haven't died yet so that's well right am i not going to wire in the old solar power panel no i don't think so it's uh it's just not that good compared to the new ones the old one can't be um uh can't beam it can't be wired to like track the sun or whatever let's change the lighting there we are we're nice and dimmed [Music] what's the other one uh input circuit logic we want processor and then you want three processors and then i'm going to want a solar tracker too a sensor so three mem three processors two logic i os and a sensor i'm also going to need like mad cables and i definitely don't have matte cables right now but it uh i'll have 72 copper left uh which is you know 144 cables that should be fine so let's print up some cables while we print that i'll top my water up my food [Music] don't i need two sensors um so i know what you're talking about but no so you would need two sensors if you're doing vertical and horizontal tracking but venus the sun goes straight over the horizon as if i'm on the equator on venus so you don't need horizontal tracking on venus you would need horizontal tracking on mars or europa or vulcan but on venus you only need vertical tracking you can do dual access off of one sensor too yeah you just need to read the horizontal and vertical angle off of a single sensor which is fine to do but on venus i don't i don't need horizontal tracking at all because as you've seen multiple multiple uh day cycles the sun goes straight overhead which means there is no um there's no horizontal offset so for everyone else that doesn't know sometimes on some planets the sun won't be straight overhead like it's you know the summer solstice or whatever it will go at an angle and then not only does your solar panel need to track up and down the day night cycles it also needs to track at an angle uh for the angle of the sun here on venus you don't have that sun angle it doesn't exist it's not a thing um so that makes it a lot easier another thing i'm gonna do is uh i'm going to take this apc for better or for worse because i want the apc to run as uh battery backups uh for my solar tracking so solar tracking oh i didn't make a sensor let me go make that and i think you probably have seen i'm oh i'm out of iron am i oh no i'm not out i've been very very careful as to shut off everything that i've powered up as soon as i get the solar tracking done and a few more solar power panels printed up like my power woes are over like 100 over i can waste as much power as i'm gonna want um i'm just not at that point yet in fact i could even turn off this um temperature sensor because it's uh well nighttime and i don't really need to know the temperature so let's put oh man if memory serves daylight sensor needs to be towards sunrise so let's put it um here daylight sensor and i'm gonna put it uh like that then we're gonna set up our memory uh one two three uh i'm gonna want to set up my area power controller like this and we're gonna put up a put a backup battery in here at some point um so that even if the power gets cut to my base like if i run out or whatever our solar tracking has its own uh own battery that you know i can track the sun even with no um power in the base that way i can generate power worst case scenario then i'm gonna want a logic reader uh oops that's too close the logic reader is going to read the solar angle it doesn't matter if it's upside down and then i'm going to want a logic a batch writer yep i'm going to want a batch writer and then grab my processing units my processor units uh what am i going to need i'm going to need a two math units and a min max the min max is not really necessary but it can't hurt so here's the min max oh let's we don't have to make that one upside down though so i guess the powers on the top so here's the math unit another math unit and then uh i'll put it here uh where is the min mix the min max all right so that's all of the things that i need to set up now the next thing i need to do is start wiring them together so let's have the wire start from here and i waste a lot of wires but whatever this is not the the most efficient way to wire these up actually let me change that i can really fix this so all the ports need to be plugged in and there's a bunch of ports i'm just trying to do this before daybreak so i can't over explain it because i'm focusing i know i know uh [Music] junction so each one of these ports is like an input and output type deal so now it's all wired together as you can see every port plugged in the next thing i need to do is to grab my um my logic writer and start naming these things this is going to be logic memory uh let's call it 100 and then i'm going to set the value of this memory to 100. this is going to be logic memory uh let's do 1.5 and i'm going to set the value to 1.5 this will be logic memory 15. my jetpack keeps drifting and then set the value to 15. this is going to be the logic reader daylight sensor this will be the solar panel batter this will be um math 1 math 2 and math min max is fine i'll just leave that all right so the first step is your logic reader here this thing oh you know what i don't have this wired on so this is going to be a bit of an issue but uh let's wire this in the other problem is without the backup battery this doesn't really do very much so i'm gonna have to get a backup battery in there too so let's get that battery up and i'm gonna use the big battery uh that was here and i'll have to make another big battery at some point oh sunlight go away oh my god i hate you uh so this is going to be the input here is going to be the daylight sensor so and then what i'm going to read is the vertic the vertical daylight sensor angle so if you see here the angle of the solar the solar angle is 7 degrees this is reading or you know six degrees or whatever this is reading that degrees um the memory here is going to be the daylight the daylight uh you know what i can't do this today because it's it's gonna get too hot well foo i tried but the sun beat me how's my suit battery uh my suit battery's okay because yeah we are uh we're gonna have to just uh drip our power today um i say that because the obviously the um the solar power panels aren't going to have any automation one thing i can work on is if i have enough resources that's the key if i have enough resources i could do oxygen filtering or make another battery that might even be better large battery large battery requires steel but i have enough steel that i can make it that's no problem yellow i could have manually angled them but uh it's all right right now they're angled in the neutral noonday sun wire the flat panel just for today uh that would be really really really challenging to do because the flat panel is here installed outdoors uh what i could do is i could wire it to this battery charger i guess but that's all i could wire it to i couldn't really wire it to anything else because the the the rest of the input is over here but yeah i could wire to a battery the battery charger it's not gonna do very much because i don't really know if i have a battery to charge on it oh no i might my um my welder has a battery that could charge on it i guess york what other tools do i have my drill like there now we're using the uh the flat solar okay let's stick the big battery in and this small battery can go into i don't know my drill so as you can see these are getting powered on now and if i go to my uh tablet i can see what kind of power this is generating so my flat panel is generating 183 and my solar power panels up top are generating about 400 watts i could do a straight cable across but right now i'm i'm actually drawing power from this flat i could do yeah i could do a cable from here all the way across to to this point and in fact um i could get that wired up now that's a fair point it's ugly but it's temporary let's do that so it would look like uh this because he had this um this battery charger just uh finished up it's fully charged do i get my cables back when you remove them yes unless they're damaged uh regular cables like this these red cables can be damaged by either carrying too much wattage uh where they'll fuse out and short circuit or they can be damaged from being in too hot of an environment uh where they'll burn up and set on fire or they could be damaged from like a dangerous depressurization or explosion where they're just blown up so for instance if i um if i set up a canister of hydrogen and oxygen into my base and uh let it heat up to a dangerous temperature it might explode and you know it would blow up a giant hole in my everything um i try generally not to do that because it's bad but it happens [Music] all right let's see how many watts i'm actually making here uh one point i'm making some kilowatts i'm making uh 1.3 kilowatts which is awesome because the the flat here is generating up some power too and that's nice i guess i'm going to organize the base a little bit differently i'll put my battery charger right here underneath my water so water and power will be in the same sort of location and this battery here is full i will switch it out i think one of my tools needs one of these batteries what is it my young uh wait welder so yeah here's my one-stop shop of switching out my water and my batteries [Music] i like it uh there's not really a resting in comfort no there is sort of if i mean once your base becomes habitable enough you can take off your helmet and and just live in your base without a suit on that's comfort [Music] but i'm i'm not at that point yet alright so this other battery just fully charged too so i don't i'm not gonna have a power shortage and we're still generating 600 watts so taking a look at my current situation my copper and gold and my iron and gold are low uh first order of business money outside and let me change my current project up there uh current project is going to be power grid there we are my current project is the power grid so when we get outside we're going to get um our power grid automated and then once we have an automated power grid we can add some solar power panels and then i'm not going to have to worry about power again and then we'll figure out the next project after that the next project after that's likely going to be something like um [Music] oxygen recapture or oxygen outgas uh so when you melt when you smelt and melt certain things it generates it can generate atmospheric gases and we need some way to generate oxygen because to be able to make water water is h2o the h2 can come from volatiles that i mined from the surface of venus [Music] but the oxygen has to come from somewhere so we need some way to gain oxygen um and i think the i don't know uh eventually our method is going to be using um plants to generate oxygen but for now we'll have to recapture it from our waste tanks to recycle it and we'll have to capture outgas from our furnace uh it will be hot oxygen but better to have a hot oxygen than no oxygen at all so the top pipe in the furnace there that's an output pipe uh right where my cursor is where you can melt things into the furnace and then capture the gases that outgas generally it's like co2 but it can be other helpful gases too all right what is the external temperature now ah it's fine let's go on up and finish my uh ai solar tracking so crowbar hey heavy lift get out my screwdriver so this is the vertical angle and as you can see the sun's about to set so it goes from zero to 180 right so a vertical angle of roughly 173 is basically sunset so this logically makes sense uh the next thing we want to do with this is in a math unit we want to have the input one of the inputs here the left input as the logic reader daylight sensor and then this input here is going to be the memory 15. can we stop drifting okay and then what we're gonna do is subtract it oh bye bye light so now we take this number 175 we subtract 15 off of it and then we're going to take this math 1 as input over here and then we're going to take the 1.5 memory here wherever it is there it is and then we're going to divide it and i'll explain once i'm done like what whoa oh god okay um i guess there is venus storms okay where's the base oh dear lord this is real bad let me in jesus all right uh red mode now where that come from out of nowhere eventually you make a weather station to be able to predict uh storms but i have no such weather station so jesus that was bad uh the problem here is my waste tank's gonna fill up with uh waste gas because the storm hit and the temperature inside the base right now is 253 celsius which is hot and the only way that my suit's going to be able to refrigerate uh refrigerate the only the one the way my suit's going to be able to cool me down is to like just stuff my oxygen into the waste tank so as you can see my waste tank is gaining quick shake my fist at ye yeah there's nothing i can do i just have to wait this out i guess i guess i could um have a drink i wonder how my oxygen my water amount is doing i should check let's check how many moles do i have in here uh seven 619 moles i you start off a hydrate sounds good my stuff isn't melting oh i think the storm's over cool that was a short storm your your suit's pretty hardy it's it's melt temperature is about 400 and it's not instant it would give you some uh some warning so here the input here is going to be math one the uh input two is going to be memory 1.5 and then it's going to divide i guess i already set that up yep and then uh the last thing here is going to be math2 as input and then uh the operation is going to be less than and then this is going to be memory 100 done and then the last thing the input is going to be the uh less the this last one the logic min max and then the output is not set uh no it it's set up so the output here type is to all [Music] uh solar panel duals and it's going to be the vertical angle turn that on the last thing i'm going to need to do is to angle this solar power panel manually a little bit i think 90 degrees this way [Music] and i'm obviously going to need to get more cables because i'm out so let me go print up some cables real quick [Music] yeah the the pressure on mars is er on venus is not uh true to true venus because true venus you would just land and die [Music] so instead of the 9 90 000k or 9000 kpa or whatever it would be it's far far far less alright that's enough cables for now so this unless i did it wrong will complete my solar tracking i don't feel like i did it right though let me double check my math so the vertical angle is 80. well i guess i'll see coming sun up so the other important thing for me to do is to gather some resources to smelt so that i can um make more solar panels and that kind of thing so let me focus on that and then i can i could tweak the solar panels at sunup and omega thanks for the bits the little shamrocks i like it so we were low on gold and iron i see the base this isn't gold nope yep you missed almost three hours all right i'm avoiding the silicon just because i don't need it right now i don't need more plastic glass that's a pretty healthy amount of iron i have now like 114 more let's try to find some gold here's a nickel doesn't hurt to get oh here's some gold it i think it was just one little note of gold because the rest of this seems to be copper doesn't hurt to get a little copper but i'm mostly choked on gold now opposite midas uh there are some lights on the tower just so i could see it better but that's not i made the tower tall so that mountains can lock it more than the light any you know let's combine these so it's just it's a nice side effect of you know sort of targeting lights but soon i'm gonna have a tracking beacon so i can track it more easily anyway all right now let's just focus solely on gold so i live that way just keep that in mind but i'm also going to want to be near the base when the sun comes up so that i can tinker with uh the solar power panels making sure they're angled the correct way because i don't think they are i'm almost certain they're not it was either plus 90 degrees or minus 90 degrees so what you know yeah here here comes what is this oh cobalt and that's more cobalt come on gold quick i don't have time something's coming up gotta get the last of my gold the thing is if they're angled the wrong way my solar power panels are going to be designed or they're going to basically what they're going to do is they're going to aim directly away from the sun and be worse than even if they didn't have ai so that's why it's really really important for me to like tinker with it before the sun comes up oh there's a lot of coal over here oh and more copper ah here we are yellow time uh so yes they are exactly wrong as feared so 90 negative 90 degrees will do quick quick quick quick quick and then crowbar let's get inside so i know i only have two solar panel panels up there but as i will demonstrate in just a second uh those two panels are going to be a lot more efficient now that they point towards the sun so normally we would not even have power yet because the sun hasn't crested high enough but as you can see we are already cranking 720 watts out of these things because uh it's very very hard to see but the solar panels there are pointing straight at the sun [Music] is there a way to see their efficiency from the inside uh sort of their efficiency would basically be how many solar panels i have times 500 and then divide the actual by that amount so right now they are 856 out of 1000 efficiency so if you want to do the math you can i could build a math unit to do the math for me but like that's fine and they're not going to have full efficiency until the sun is like up a little higher but even it not max efficiency uh they're kind of free right i mean that that's the real kicker of solar is once you have them built they're free uh so now let's leave this tablet out and switch belts so i can start smelting and we wanted to get iron and gold so at this point what we're aiming to do is just add more solar power panels so that uh our power is our power woes are a thing of the past right so that we're at about 85 efficiency yeah and it will climb and it will vary because the the calculations i did were imperfect [Music] do i forget the backup battery oh yeah yeah there's a there's a battery up there that is um also pulling power uh and being charged on its own and if i want to charge that specifically i could just turn off my battery here and that battery up there would charge uh faster so there is that orange light right there it's really really really hard to see but it's right in the middle of my cursor that's my uh my automation backup battery ideally i would have this cable here uh this cable right here run all the way back up and i'll do that once i have a little bit more copper all right next up let's do more iron so the reason i am smelting this stuff is so that i can make more solar panels so i have enough for two more solar panels already right on actually the iron isn't even needed for this it's mostly just gold yeah that up there has a large battery exactly and now we're at um we're beyond one kilowatt because this panel up here is generating power as well [Music] so here's another panel i can make and i'll work towards nine panels that will be my goal before i shift gears so 1.17 kilowatts jesus christ my waste tanks just uh i don't want to make three more i think the next project's got to be uh oxygen recapture it just has to be i have too many waste tanks so for that i would need a portable tank connector made of iron hey there's some gold stuck in here trying to hide from me wasn't it let's smelt that too all right two more solar power panels so this is a kit connector and i'm going to connect my oxygen to it i'm gonna do that after i put my oh good job me after i put my smeltables [Music] away [Music] so here is two more solar panels so now i have uh four solar panels six in total uh let's check up on the power here oh that's not what i'm going to do again yeah 1.17 kilowatts [Music] it's pretty nice uh so oxygen so so what i'm gonna need to do is print up an atmospherics kit which would be in my pipe bender atmospherics is golden copper 5 gold 20 copper i don't even have the copper well i'll have to smelt that how do i not have to cut oh because i've been making solar power panels like crazy yeah that makes sense let's power this down so this entire base is pretty much just running off of two solar panels and i'm about to add four more that's probably more power than i need uh for quite a while but i'll probably bring it up to nine isn't it minus five for eating without a table it's uh minus four three but i have a table it's just invisible all right let's get that gold or copper there it is so now this is an atmospherics kit atmospherics um can do a bunch of different things what i'm primarily going to have my atmospheric kit do is uh filter gases can you stop rolling whatever you see me rolling so what i want to do is i want to be able to empty out these waste tanks uh i want to be able to take these waste tanks here pull all the gases out of it and filter the oxygen and put the oxygen back into this portable tank this is going to be my this is my oxygen lifeline tank right so what i need to do is i need to design a system that filters oxygen for me so here's the atmospherics and atmospherics can be in either an air conditioner a filtration device a an electrolyzer or an h2 combustor i obviously want filtration so if you take a look here the [Music] let's have it i don't want my layout like this maybe so no i'm going to rotate that again i'm gonna put here and the way this works is the output here is what it filters oh this is an air conditioner that doesn't help the input is the gas that you want to filter the unfiltered is just waste gas that is not what you're filtering for and then the output is the filtered is what you did want to have so what i'm going to do is have this pipe connect like this so now the filtered output will feed to the oxygen tank the input here and then the waste tank or the waste gas which will literally just go outside so that's the basic layout uh now at this point i need to make a tank canister holder canister storage nice ah flings it at me all right so the canister here i can stick one of these canisters in and it will feed the gas in the canister into the filter into the input uh then i need to actually make a filter because i'm going to be filtering oxygen [Music] so let's make a small oxygen filter there it is boom and then i need a passive vent i don't need to keep the co2 because venus is mostly co2 so i am definitely not at a deficiency of co2 i have way crazy abundance 93 of the atmosphere of co2 so i can vent the co2 out and not feel like i lost anything so let's install it like this uh i'm going to make sure that that is not blocked by the terrain though so for sensitive small mining it's best to use the pick because it does just a little bit at a time whereas the drill is like i could you know totally deform the terrain um so that's done switch the belts uh let's do my tablet here so if the tablet's correct this pipe oh i haven't i haven't actually wrenched this down have i all right let's wrench that down actually let's save first just in case i screw up the first time i've been safe is coming so let's call this venus one all right turning this on as you can see this gas tank is 100 oxygen uh 2.14 kilomoles of oxygen all right we'll wrench it down and then the minute i wrench it down it will share its oxygen with this pipe so as you can see it's 1.31 kilomoles of oxygen because some of the oxygen went into this pipe which is fine totally fine i'm okay with that um these pipes here this pipe here will be because it's connected to a passive vent will just be random atmospheric gas this is basically what it is outside and then this pipe should be completely empty pipe network 22 should be empty now uh what i need to do is wire up my filter so it has power so let's do that next thank you all for watching stationeers episode 3 which originally aired live on twitch if you have any feedback from me let me know in the comments below if you'd like to catch a live stream has all of the information you need countdown timers links to twitch links to discord etc thank you all for watching i'll catch ya next episode farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 15,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stationeers, Let's Play, Twitch, Tutorial
Id: mS8WZUIuYmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 24sec (3624 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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