Parties, Prisoners & Peg Legs - Rimworld Royalty Extreme Desert Ep. 15 [Rimworld Naked Brutality]

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hey there and welcome back to rim world my name is Pete's and today we complete another episode of our rim world extreme desert challenge in the last episode we struggled a bit with food poisoning because steak is really not the best cook in our colony we also had steak proposed to red hawks so the two of them will get married at some point and we also began the frightened duck quest and so walter the duck is currently sitting safe and sound inside of our storage room speaking of which a lot of you have commented about the use of stone towels for that storage room and I will admit in hindsight that was probably not the smartest choice most if not all of the ground beneath the storage room is already made of stone so we could have simply smooth that over for both a higher PD rating and no resource cost whatsoever it would have taken significantly longer though and perhaps I can offer that as a half-hearted excuse but to be completely honest I simply forgot about it it's not like it's going to make that much of a difference the storage room is always going to be a bit of an ugly mess but still since so many of you pointed it out I think the least I can do is briefly address it now to start us off today we will in fact also continue and put in the last few stone tiles while Red Hawk is already busy mining keep in mind that as part of the front a quest we are still waiting for a group of hostile tribes people to attack our base so building up a small steel reserve to quickly replace our traps is definitely a good idea speaking of traps and construction in the afternoon we can also start working on another building project because I think it would be a good idea to fence in all of the crops that are still outside of the base so that it's no longer that easy for Raiders to set fire to them not to mention that this also adds another line of defense to our base and with the careful planning of a few traps and doors we can actually also establish our very first small kill zone as the Sun begins to set construction is not finished just yet but we have our first event of the episode a rather sizable slave caravan now it takes them a while to get over to us so the colony is already fast asleep as that happens but still let's send a slightly tired Red Hawk hour to perhaps do some trading right so I'll spare you the details but all four colonists that are for sale here do have the issues mostly combinations of traits injuries skills or H I actually also briefly thought about whether or not we should purchase the two Panthers here but since we don't have anyone to competently train them I eventually decided against it and so the night passes by and on the next morning we can watch more construction work as you can see I have also slightly modified the design this way we don't waste precious fertile soil for walls and traps eventually then the work is almost done and admah and red hawk can already bring in the next hay harvest and with a new area now fenced in I think we can also fought to put down another growing zone this time we're going for potatoes yes they take a little longer to grow but out here in the desert in less than ideal soil conditions they're actually the most efficient crop provided of course they don't get burned down you can also see it here at most plants kill is fast progressing he is already up to level 12 while Red Hawk is still hovering around level 5 but with the amount of growing zones we already have at the moment I think that will improve quickly in the evening then we have some good news for Red Hawk a soothing psychic drone has appeared it sadly only affects the female members of the steak house but it does so quite strongly and so for the next few hours the Red Hawks mood should be absolutely inlaid it a little later then we also discover the first flaw in our design as a lone iguana attempts to make its way into the base technically it does have a clear path because we held the doors open to make hauling easier but of course the only ones touching our food reserves are our three colonists and Walter the Duck so let's see how our colonists handle a lone iguana and whether or not they can keep it from stealing from us right so it took the combined efforts of ed MO and Red Hawk to bring the animal down Red Hawk even sustained a few injuries in the process but at least we saved some hay grass using some herbal medicine Red Hawk can now patch yourself up while at mo punches the Iguana to death and then everyone can head off to bed and just as she's about to fall asleep Redhawk receives a trait inspiration so for the next eight days she will receive a price bonus when trading something that we should keep in mind and that we might make use of now early in the next morning admiral quickly butchers the Iguana then he does some hauling and then were being attacked once again though this rate does not appear to be part of the frightened duck quest even though we are being attacked by tribes people and we're also being warned here that those traps people are apparently unusually clever on the map we can see that there are five of them and they are going to attack immediately so switching ed mode to the heavy SMG and stake to the auto pistol we will now prepare for the arrival we have two doors in place here that we can use to perhaps get one or two shots off okay that is absolutely wonderful the first enemy already goes down here another one then actually made it into the base before the door could close but maybe we're able to lure them into a trap okay so this is going extremely well just a few seconds into the fight and we have already dispatched off three enemies it looks like the remaining two don't want to flee just yet though but we have a few more traps still waiting for them so it should only be a matter of time and indeed here we are enemy number four goes down right next to one of their comrades and with that we complete this raid in fairly unspectacular fashion now one of our enemies here did actually survive however she has suffered quite a few injuries her skill set is also nothing that's overly exciting still we are going to capture her with her injuries being so numerous this will be a great chance for Red Hawk to gain some medical experience and once she's fully healed we'll see what else we can do with her there is always the possibility of selling her off as a slave but as many of you know the game also offers far more cruel options for the moment though let's just patch her up at mo and stake meanwhile are busy digging graves and putting our traps back up but after a few hours all of the work has been completed and since the Redhawks mood is currently being boosted by the psychic soothe she can take care of the corpse handling this is by the way something I would like to find a better solution for in the long term always having to dig graves is a rather time-consuming process but butchering the corpses is sadly not an option either as that would cause significant penalties for the entire colony so I am looking for things like Molotov cocktails for example which would allow us to simply burn the corpses alternatively we could of course also look into some counter for pets which I think would be more than happy with using them as food at the moment though like I said earlier we are lacking a competent animal handler so that might be something to look for in our next potential colonists now the rest of the day pretty much goes by without any major issues until in the evening at most suffice yet another mental break as you can see the reason is probably a combination of eating kibble observing corpses and being in pain which EDD mo is constantly thankfully though he is only going to hide in his room this time so nothing's going to get damaged and no one's going to get hurt and so the night passes by and after a few hours at mo also comes back to his senses and on the next morning he is already being productive again during a bit of recreation with Edna and steak I then also remembered one of the comments you guys made on the last episode so let's move the game board here between the stool and the armchair that way whoever's playing can get at least a slight comfort bonus now up next it is time for the second half of our fencing project however as you can see the terrain is giving us a bit of trouble here everything marked in orange here is soft sand and soft sand is unfortunately not capable of supporting stone structures now we could build wooden walls on top of it but those are both flammable and easily destroyed and so for protection purposes I don't really think they're worth it therefore this leaves us with no other choice but to carefully build around the soft sand patches something that will of course also influence how our base will be able to expand in the future for the time being though we only have to sacrifice three cotton plants to make the design work which i think is still very much justifiable the construction project then continues well into the evening and unfortunately were not quite able to get everything finished before our colonists head off to bed on the next morning though the work continues however it is soon interrupted by another quest we are being contacted here by the 19-year old bookworm Chile who is apparently being followed by some kind of unspecified threat and who would like to join our colony now unfortunately we are unable to receive any more information about a status or traits and by accepting him into the steak house we also don't really know what kind of danger we put our colony in so before we make a decision let us at least finish putting up the remaining walls if he is in fact being followed by hostiles then some additional protections sure can't hurt we will also have Red Hawk mining few mountain tiles here this gives us a bit more space to perhaps build some sort of structure there and of course it provides us with a few building materials as well not to mention that we can also establish a small back entrance into our storage room this way which might also have its advantages down the line now at this point we also only have one more hour to make a decision regarding the quest we have just been offered and of course we are going to accept it I think we should at least have a brief look at what this new colonist has to offer and if he is in fact completely worthless then we will find some solution for that first things first though as a new member of our colony he does of course need a new name and as always the name was chosen from the list of patrons in the naming rights tier and above so say hello to Troy our fourth member of the steak house and hopefully not the last one and Troy does in fact look like a pretty useful colonist in my opinion with a level 8 animal handling skill he could be that missing piece were looking for he is also a capable researcher and able to do art work another thing that we have been missing so far now unfortunately he is incapable of dump labour but I think we'll be able to keep him busy just with research his traits meanwhile are actually quite useful great memory drastically slows down skill deterioration and asexual will hopefully keep him from flirting with red hawk after all ad MOU is proving time and time again that that is not the most productive thing if you want to keep your mood high now thankfully Troy has no injuries so he can pretty much join the colony right away the big question at this point remains though what kind of threat is he fleeing from well at least our three other colonists do not seem to be overly bothered by that question staying even throws a party to celebrate from his arrival and as you can see everyone is attending eventually then our four colonists all go their separate ways again and we want to keep an eye on a demo here who is now going to make a duster for Troy I feel like this has become kind of an initiation ritual in our colony a duster is pretty much the first thing new colonists receive when they arrive and Troy is of course no different a little later that evening then our prisoner skunk also gets food poisoning but she's not really doing anything anyway so this should not be a concern the rest of the evening then passes by without issue for today Troy will have to sleep in the common room but still worry we'll give him a proper bedroom soon early in the next morning we can then see steak remove some roof tiles that way all of our outdoors area will be nice and sunny while Red Hawk finishes her mining tasks and with that we now have a bit of space here to expand our base speaking of which since Troy still needs a bedroom and since we also don't want to give up our prisoner just yet let us construct a small prison cell now nothing fancy really just a confined space to lock our prisoner in I don't think that we're at a point yet where we can afford our prison as any sort of luxury now before we transfer skunk over into her new cell we do have one more thing to take care of what we want to look at here is the surgery success chance factor of a current bed and we can see that is only 69% because her bed is in complete darkness let us therefore remove one tile of roof just above the bat and we can also strip off a clothing for good measure and afterwards we can see the surgery success chance has improved to 78% that is still not great of course but a significant upgrade and good enough for us to attempt our first operation of the game now don't worry we're not going to start off with organ harvesting right away but I think we can justify installing a peg leg now the main reason we're doing this is of course to give Redhawks some more medical experience but also with a peg leg or ideally with two of them our prisoner will also be significantly slowed down which should make any future escape attempts even more futile now the procedure doesn't fortunately require two units of herbal medicine but we have seven of those at the moment and the next harvest is also right around the corner so I think we can afford this and indeed it looks like the operation is a success skunker now has a peg leg installed and well because most of the time two is better than one let us go for the other leg now and see if a red heart is successful once more okay this time she unfortunately fails but solely in a minor way so let's quickly patch up the injury here and then move on since the two units of medicine have been consumed in the attempt though we are not going to give it another go I don't want to stretch our reserves too thin at this point we can then also transfer Skunk over to her new cell which means the room that she occupied up until now can now become Troy's bedroom we'll give him just a few of the flower pots to make the place a little more beautiful but all things considered we don't have to make any drastic changes to accommodate him in the evening then add Moe also finishes Troy's duster and with that I think it's safe to say that Troy is now a fully fledged member of our colony now unfortunately as the next morning arrives so does more trouble and this time it is in fact quest related as part of the frightened duck quest we are now being attacked by multiple groups of traps people at once three enemies are coming in from the West and two of them from the south east and as it was advertised in the quest description most of them are archers so let's keep that in mind while we prepare our defenses speaking of preparation that is exactly what our enemies will do here before they attack and I think we can use that and the fact that they are split into two groups to our advantage so let's grab a demo and stake here and sent them out to meet the group coming from the West because if we can aggro them and get them to attack earlier than planned then perhaps we can make this fight a little bit easier for us and indeed as you can see the presence of our two colonists is enough to gain the attention of one curious attacker and of course equipped with just a bow they are hopelessly outmatched and there we go our first enemy is already defeated and that now begins the assault however only for this group of enemies now unfortunately before we can talk more strategy we have another mental break to attend - for somewhat understandable reasons our prisoner skunk has gone berserk looks like we have not been feeding her quite as regularly as we should so let us now deal with that problem while a Des Moines stager making their way back to the base skunk is attempting to break down her wouldn't jail the hall and there is no doubt in my mind that she will succeed so let's employ some drastic measures here let's put a machine pistol into Troy's hands and wait for our prisoner to make it out at the same time then we have even more bad news because it is now revealed to us what that threat is that Troy was running from apparently it's Roy got on the bad side of a group of pirates and no they are not attacking us to get their revenge instead they have activated a psychic drone now as you can see the machine powering that drone is located nearby we should be able to make it there in maybe half a day or so but until we make it there it will cause a significant mood penalty for all our male colonists now the site itself is also being protected by three men hunting chickens but to be honest I don't think that will cause us too much problems in any case this is something that we should take care of as soon as possible however despite the urgency we have even more pressing issues to attend to namely the ongoing attack on our base and our raging prisoner now as you can see ed MO is continuing to do some damage here and I don't think the two remaining attackers will make it much further than our traps but our prisoner skunk has now punched herself free so let's see how this goes at the same time our first group of prisoners is already fleeing so ed mo can now help out and try to subdue our prisoner as well okay that was quick and easy still slow down skunk does not even make it out of a jail cell so let us now put her back where she belongs and then Red Hawk can take care of her injuries while all of that is happening our second group of attackers are starting to move towards the base but there's only two of them and perhaps we can once again do some damage before they get close and Stig doesn't need land one of his shots air his escape route however is less than ideal I kind of forgot about the fact that he would of course try to avoid the trap instead he is now exposing himself to enemy fire luckily though he does not get hit and his retreat actually lures one of the enemies into a trap so now we only have one more to deal with and long story short despite that enemy briefly setting fire to our potato plants steak eventually manages to shoot them down and with that the attack has been properly taken care of now instead of letting a bit of peace and quiet return to the desert we unfortunately have no time to waste we still have an active drone nearby that severely reduces our colonists mood so let's form a caravan here with our best fighter a demo to take care of things apart from his weapon he will only bring a bit of food some medicine and his bedroll everything else will only slow him down and again time is of the essence and yes I know that Edna is very close to another mental break but perhaps sending him out on this journey is actually the safest thing we can do in this case if he does indeed break down while he's on his way he at least doesn't endanger anyone else following that same logic we will also preemptively strip troy of his machine pistol should he go berserk access to a weapon would only make things worse so let's put that away just in case and here we are at mo has started his journey while the rest of the colony takes care of the cleanup back at home and as we approach the end of the day most crops have already been buried and our steel traps are also already back in place unfortunately then things with AD Mogo well pretty much as expected before he can reach his destination he does suffer a mental break luckily no one else is around but this will of course significantly slow him down and since nighttime is slowly setting across the desert anyway I think this is a good point to make the cut in today's episode we are ending on a bit of a cliffhanger this time with a demo hopefully ready to go into combat at the beginning of the next video until then as always I hope you enjoyed today's episode and if you did then I would of course be very happy if you could leave a thumbs up if you liked what I'm doing and want to support me and my channel further then feel free to subscribe if you haven't done so already alternatively you can also check out and maybe pledge to the pit complete patreon who knows maybe the next column is to join us will be named after you thank you all for watching and I'll see you next time yes
Channel: Pete Complete
Views: 214,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld prisoner, Rimworld peg leg, Rimworld party, Rimworld drone, Rimworld raid, Rimworld Extreme Desert, Rimworld Naked Brutality, Rimworld Extreme Desert Naked Brutality, Rimworld Royalty, Rimworld Royalty Expansion, Rimworld Royalty DLC, Rimworld Extreme Desert Challenge, Rimworld Pete Complete, Pete Complete Rimworld, Rimworld 1.1, Rimworld Randy Random Merciless, Rimworld pete complete, pete complete rimworld
Id: qjpwV3MpyCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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