Misconceptions About Space, Time & The Universe

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“There is a theory which states that if ever   anyone discovers exactly what the  Universe is for and why it is here,   it will instantly disappear and be replaced by  something even more bizarre and inexplicable.  There is another theory which states that  this has already happened.” - Douglas Adams  So, today we’ll be discussing some common  misconceptions about space, time, life,   the Universe, and everything. Some of these  are pretty well known but have a twist,   some are well known misconceptions but actually  wrong themselves, and some are sadly less known   and we’ll be correcting those today. We have a  lot of topics to cover, from common misconceptions   about space – that it is cold, or dark, or empty,  or quiet – to grander ideas like where the edge   or center of the Universe are, its beginning  and end, and how we might travel around it,   see new worlds around alien suns, and even  survive the death of the stars themselves.  I feel obliged to say from the outset that this  episode is going to have a lot of “Actually”   moments, where it might seem like a nitpick, and a  few probably really are, tastes vary and some are   really there for completeness or a bearing on more  important misconceptions, or less well known ones,   including how some of our worldview is constructed  around these concepts and is arguably flawed or at   risk of being blinded to new evidence or correct  conclusions because of them. This episode is not   about pointing out a few irrelevant technical  errors that really have no relevance to day-to-day   life, and to poke at the realism of a given  work of science fiction – though we’ll do that   too – but to suggest different ways of looking  at the Universe and our place in it, both now   and in the future. And indeed many of these become  relevant in the very deep future, eons from now.  The Youtube version of this episode has  been chapterized to make it easier for   individual viewers to jump to specific topics  of interest, but as always, our episodes are   written and created with the principal intent  of being watched as an episode, not a reference   book. It’s going to be a longer episode than  most, so a drink and snack might be advisable.  I thought we’d start off by quickly hitting  five big qualities of space that get assumed,   one of which people get right but understandably  can’t really wrap their heads around, and four   others that get misunderstood. Those five commonly  misunderstood qualities which I’ve listed are:   That space is huge, that it has no  gravity, and that it isn’t dark,   that it isn’t cold, and that it isn’t empty. Everybody gets that Space is Huge, but trying   to really wrap your head around just how huge is  just not doable. It is immense in a way that only   numbers can describe, rather than experience, and  even those of us used to the math and scale have   to constantly work not to make horribly off-target  speculations simply because of how non-intuitive   everything is. Earth is huge, but understand  that if you’re on a tall hill or skyscraper   being impressed by how much of it you can see,  that whole landscape or cityscape around you   is maybe one single letter in the entire big  book of the planet’s surface, and your whole   lifetime and the lifetimes of everyone you know  takes place during a period that’s only a page in   humanity’s own history, itself barely a page in  this planet’s. There is no understanding of that   immensity and yet the tiny flyspeck of your or  my existence against the story of this world is   still big compared to the miniscule dot that our  world is in the crushing hugeness of this galaxy,   which in turn is only trillionths the size  of the known Universe, which itself might   be a speck against the great total of reality. There is no managing something like that in the   mind, and as we’ll talk about nearer the end,  the shadow of that immensity sits very heavily   on science and science fiction, influencing  a lot of our perspectives, even while at the   same time nobody ever really manages to truly  capture the colossal nature of space and time.  Some of the other aspects of space aren’t so hard  to capture though. For instance, the confusion   that space has no gravity is a big misconception. When orbiting an object, whether it’s our space   station around Earth or Earth around the Sun, the  nature of the mechanics involved are basically   placing you in free fall, perpetually, but just  like when an elevator starts or stops, gravity   isn’t in any way shutting off. On the space  station you’re only a few hundred kilometers up,   the planet itself is thousands of kilometers wide,  gravity is only a few percent lower up there.   It’s just that you are orbiting by constantly  being flung sideways as gravity pulls you down,   and that is constantly changing the  direction that gravity is coming from,   so when your speed is just right, and there’s no  air in the way, it allows you to essentially fall   right back to the same spot, over and over again. Air is critical here because orbit right over the   Earth’s surface, and the air drags your speed  down. We only put satellites as high as we do   because that gets them above the air drag. We  literally want them as low as we can possibly   get them to, see our episode on Stratospheric  Satellites for more on that. Stop the space   station though, with a magic hand, and you  will fall right to the floor. Nor is it really   zero-gravity, there are lots of other forces and  minor variations, it’s just minimal and so we call   it microgravity. Normal gravity, what we have  here on Earth, is 9.8 m/s² or 32 ft/s² and we   call that 1 gee, much as we call Earth’s distance  from the Sun one AU, or Astronomical Unit.  The Sun and Moon’s gravitational pulls on Earth  are what cause our tides, moving trillions of tons   of water and ground along. If we froze Earth in  place and removed it, so just the Sun was pulling   on us, it is just under a thousandth of a gee,  and on the Sun’s surface it’s 28 G, and the escape   velocity from the Solar System from Earth’s  position is 42 kilometers per second, almost   4 times what the escape velocity from Earth’s  surface is. It’s more than 10 times that to escape   to the galactic rim. There is no known natural  place where you can’t feel gravity or escape its   effect, and even stuck at the center of a planet  or between two identical and massive objects,   like a pair of binary neutron stars or black  holes, that merely means the pull of gravity is   balancing out. The time dilation experienced there  remains enormous. As gravity slows the passage of   time, the stronger it is in total, not net. Much like gravity, there is no place free of   light in space either. Space is not Dark, and  only in the shadow of a planet or moon is our   Sun ever not shining all day, every day and it  is actually brighter than here on the ground,   even at high noon, and perpetually so. Even  out on distant Pluto, during the day time   you would have light comparable to modest room  lighting and much brighter than the full Moon.  Out in deep interstellar space there’s an ambient  starlight that varies in intensity and spectrum,   locally a bit over a percent of the Full Moon,  which means you could see enough to walk around,   if clumsily without a flashlight, even on some  dead frozen rock in the Oort Cloud. Alternatively,   inside star clusters or the galactic bulge it  might be hard to find any place that wasn’t at   least full moon bright all the time, and  many places where darkness is only inside   buildings or caves. The average color  of starlight in the Observable Universe   is a shade of yellowish-white-beige  named Cosmic Latte, though for a time;   from a miscalculation we thought it was more  of turquoise. Either way, there’s always light.  There is also tons of radiation in other  frequencies, from radio and microwave up   to X-Ray and Gamma. Most of the universe is  indeed darker than daytime or full moon light,   but the notion that space is pitch black is wrong,  the darkest places are always those in shadow.  Similarly, the notion that space is Cold  is also wrong, though that needs several   qualifiers. First, cold is not really  a science term, as some measurement,   but more of a relative state. Something is hotter  or colder than something else it’s compared to.   What we have is temperature and total heat,  or thermal energy in something. The air in a   hot oven is much hotter than a pot of boiling  water, but that water contains a lot more mass   than the air in that oven has and any given  material also has a thermal capacity. Air has   only about a sixth of the thermal capacity  of water, so raising the temperature of a   kilogram of water by a degree takes six times  the thermal energy a kilogram of air does.  There is also thermal conductivity, which is  how quickly something leaks or absorbs heat,   Styrofoam is low and slow to change while metals  are quick, which is why you can keep your coffee   warm in a styrofoam cup in the winter and not burn  your hand touching it, while touching metal can   give you quick frostbite or burns in the summer,  even though they’re roughly the same temperature   as everything else there. Space is not empty  but it nearly is, so we don’t really lose or   gain heat by conducting it out of ourselves  there, or by convection, merely by radiation.  This is why stars burn so hot, they are actually  very thin and cloud-like by and large, especially   the large ones. Our Sun is only slightly denser  than water overall, only about a quarter the   density Earth is, and its upper regions that  we actually see are even thinner than air,   nothing like the implication we often have of  it being a big ball of fiery lava, and more on   that later. But the Sun doesn’t really end there,  what we call the surface is just the photosphere,   the place where most of its light comes from, it’s  not the hottest place or the end of the Sun and   there’s no real definition for the end, it just  gets much thinner. Most of the matter in our solar   system is far hotter than the hottest places on  Earth, and even our own core is not terribly hot.  Gases have their temperature basically off of how  fast they are moving and what they are in terms   of atoms and molecules, and so a place with  fast-moving gas might be so thin in density   that you only had a few atoms per cubic meter,  and thus less heat energy than an ultra-cold   cube of ice has, and yet its temperature might  be a million degrees. You could still freeze to   death in it, as you radiated heat faster  than you absorbed sunlight or starlight,   or for that matter cook to death, just depends  where you are. If we exposed you to the vacuum,   then you would freeze only in the sense the liquid  state of matter, as opposed to solids and gases,   which only exist where there is pressure, and the  range of temperatures they exist at narrows as   pressure lowers, and widens as it gets higher. Water freezes at 0 Celsius and boils at 100   Celsius at normal pressure, but boils at much  higher temperatures under greater pressure.   You will actually get a mixture of both the  boiling and freezing of the water that’s in a   human that is suddenly exposed to space, so it’s  not really wrong to say someone freezes in space,   especially as if they’re decently far from a  star, the remaining water will stay that way,   rather than boiling off, which is why  water ice is ultra-common in the outer   solar system but not the inner, and is  why comets have those beautiful tails.  It is actually kind of weird because we also tell  people that the Universe is cooling over time as   it expands. And this is true if we’re talking  about the average temperature of a given cubic   meter of empty space as opposed to the average  temperature of a given atom in the Universe.  However, the actual average temperature of deep  space is much higher, about 2 million Kelvin,   versus more like 200,000 10 billion years ago.  This might seem at odds with saying that the   Universe is only about 2.7 Kelvin, way  colder than Antarctica or even Pluto,   but that’s the temperature of the Cosmic  Microwave Background Radiation, or CMB,   permeating everything and thus is the coldest you  can get anything down too, currently. Like a big   hunk of metal floating in deep space that rapidly  radiated off its heat but was so big and dense   that the occasional collision of a couple atoms  – even if they are millions of degrees – just   doesn’t do anything to warm it. Nor is the CMB  the only type of ambient radiation out there,   just a very old one that’s basically everywhere. Which takes us to the misconception that Space is   Empty, as there’s something like a half a billion  of those CMB photons left over from the dawn of   the Universe passing through any cubic meter of  space at a given time, even in ultra-deep space,   out in the cosmic voids between galactic filaments  and walls. Ignoring Dark Energy for the moment,   there’s plenty of other random matter, even  out in those voids, indeed even whole galaxies,   but inside galaxies the density of space is a  lot higher. It is ridiculously tiny compared   to here on Earth, the densest known body in the  solar system curiously, but it is not empty and   we have regions of space where the interstellar  dust and gas is a lot higher than in our solar   system at large, millions of times so, and it  is much denser than the intergalactic void.  Even beyond that though, if we block off  every form of radiation getting into some   shielded volume and find and pull out  every single atom floating around,   we still have the reality that what we normally  think of as reality but is actually built on a   Quantum Universe. Everything going up here is  a statistical byproduct of Quantum Mechanics   at that scale, and down there everything  is in a constant state of uncertainty,   with packets of energy and matter popping  into existence and right back out again,   after lengths of time so tiny, they  make a second look like untold eons.  But just as billions of photons of light can zip  through a volume of space every second, each there   for less than a billionth of a second, as long  as the light source is still emitting photons in   that direction and at the same rate, that volume  of space being measured will still have a constant   density of new migrant photons, like traffic on  a road, nobody lives there but it’s always busy.   So too all these particles flickering in and out  of existence for fractions of an instant do cause   a net density. And this is everywhere, all of the  time. So, even in a sealed-off vacuum, space is   never really empty, and indeed when we add in  dark matter, which would casually pass through   any shield more easily than a neutrino, and dark  energy, which seems to just add tiny packets of   new space, which contains energy, everywhere all  the time, space can never be said to be empty.  That won’t stop you from asphyxiating in space  though, as empty is pretty relative, but when   it comes to the notion of exploding when you get  pushed out an airlock into a vacuum, that’s no   more real than rapidly turning into a brittle ice  statue that would shatter moments later if bumped.  Explosive Decompression was really popular in  science fiction and I’m glad to say has mostly   been retired as a trope. Pressure differences  can be brutal but the force just isn’t there   to tear you apart. It’s a difference of just 1  atmosphere, and you can experience the reverse   by swimming down about 10 meters or 32 feet  underwater, go about 3 or 4 times deeper and   get about 3-4 more atmospheres of pressure.  Normally space is basically 0 pressure and   Earth air is about 1 atmosphere of pressure,  so that difference isn’t that much. Nobody is   getting sucked through a bullet-sized hole in  the wall, maybe one that was almost as big as   them would have enough pressure to squish them  through but otherwise they just plug the hole.   Nor does all the air rush out in moments. Poke  a little hole in a space suit or space station   wall and air will leak, but rather slowly, and  you can just put your finger over it or tape it.  The water in your plumbing is often under  several atmospheres of pressure and yet a   hole in a pipe can be covered and doesn’t rip  things open, you could put your finger over it   with fair effectiveness. If you’re wondering what  a hole in a spaceship would be like to handle,   grab a vacuum and turn it on and put your hand  over the wand, or a bike pump and put your   finger on the nozzle and press the pump handle  about halfway down, compressing the air to about   2 atmospheres pressure. If you’re thinking  that a household vacuum isn’t a total vacuum,   it’s probably also fair to point out that most  space missions are at partial pressure too,   keeping the oxygen content of air high but going  low on nitrogen, to slow leakage. Leakage occurs   at the rate of pressure difference, half  your pressure, half your leakage rate.  There’s no noise in space In space, all is silence, and   everyone knows that and it's mostly right. Scifi  movies often ignore it to add in sound effects,   and you can get some stirring battle scenes  as they switch perspectives from a loud battle   setting to one of total terrifying silence, as  explosions dot the eternal dark void. And again,   this one is mostly right but needs caveats.  First, sound is vibration and you will get it   wherever there is a medium of matter to travel  through. So anything hitting or landing on your   ship or station still causes bangs and clunks. If  you’re running around a voided ship or asteroid   mine touching the ground, you’re going to  feel vibrations through it and thus noise.  Plus there’s no real place that is a total  vacuum so there’s never really an absence   of sound. There are plenty of places in the  Universe where the interstellar medium is a   lot thicker than local space, and indeed you can  hear sound very high up in our own atmosphere,   long after it would be unbreathable. We actually  have heard a black hole that was in a galaxy   cluster with so much gas that it vibrated it, and  we can read that vibration electromagnetically and   play it. It is decidedly eerie. Black Holes Suck  Speaking of black holes, the notion they suck  everything in and destroy all matter nearby is   another case of ‘not exactly wrong but yet, very  wrong’ as naturally occurring black holes might be   several kilometers across and absolutely fatal  to touch or get fairly close to, but they are   basically harmless compared to the Supergiants  that formed them, millions of times brighter   than our own Sun and many millions of Kilometers  wide. They’re safer to be near than a planet even,   as you are only in danger from them from the  radiation they emit from slowly sucking in gas, or   if you are so close that tidal forces will rip you  asunder, and both of those would be vastly closer   to that black hole than you could normally be near  even a dim small star. They’re stealthy, to be   sure, but you would detect the potentially lethal  radiation long before it got dangerous to you.   So the idea that a black hole is going to sneak  up on your ship as it travels, even if for some   reason you had no map to warn you, is just wrong. So is the idea that you can’t escape a black hole.  You don’t really fall into black holes anymore  than you do stars or planets, and indeed less so,   since only the most highly elliptical orbit  would crash into a black hole event horizon.   The entire reason they are surrounded by  radiation is because getting into a black   hole is nigh impossible. Particles of gas and  dust fall toward it and generally miss, unless   they’re almost perfectly on target, and then fly  away, and some enter an orbital pattern. They spin   around that star and have gained huge kinetic  energy from the fall, and ram into each other,   this causes a slow formation of an accretion  disc and bits of matter occasionally falling in,   and is really no different than a  planetary ring, except higher energy.  Your spaceship is either going to bend its  trajectory a bit when passing that black hole,   or simply enter an orbit of that black hole,  probably a highly elliptical one. And most likely   the former, as we tend to assume interstellar  vessels are moving around 10% of light speed,   if not, much more, and even a 10 solar mass black  hole only has an escape velocity of 7% of light   speed at a distance equal to the radius of our  entire planet Earth, which is more than 20 times   its own radius of 30 kilometers or 20 miles,  which is just absurdly tiny in space terms.   Moreover, it’s important to understand what  actually happens as a ship hits a gravity well…   which is to say, it falls and speeds up. This  doesn’t make it harder to get out, it’s just   like rolling down a hill then rolling up another,  you have all that extra speed helping you on the   climb, plus no air drag slowing you… though the  accretion disc could serve that role of brake too.  Also, you can then boost with your  thrusters a bit to get out of that orbit,   just like if you were around a planet.  This is how slingshot maneuvers and the   Oberth Effect work, letting a ship gain  speed moving around a massive object.   If you dally too long though, you will get slowed  down by passing gas and dust, and get beat-up on   by high-energy radiation – which can also slow  you, and then you might fall in or be ripped to   bits, but you might also use that local matter and  radiation to power your way out of the black hole,   and they might be a good place to refuel at  or set up interstellar space station hubs like   truck stops. See our episode: Colonizing  Black Holes for more discussion of that.  And if living and working near a black hole bugs  you, remember that you are living even closer to   a big ball of molten radioactive matter with  a thin crust floating on it that we live on.  Black holes may end up as the interstellar  travelers’ best friend, allowing course   corrections and gravitational slingshots that  could never be done around any other body,   at interstellar speeds and without crashing into  them or burning up. Don’t get too close though,   they are only mostly harmless. If you fall across  the event horizon of a black hole, you’re stuck   in there, even if you survived the trip, as this  is specifically the distance at which light speed   equals the escape velocity of the black hole…  though that event horizon moves relative to you,   and you’ll never actually reach it as you fall. If  you had some way to move faster than light speed   you might get out, though it should be noted  that many FTL concepts, like the Warp Drive,   would still be stuck in there, as their cheat  method of crunching and expanding spacetime   fore and aft is ineffective against the black  hole’s own gravitational warping of spacetime.  Nothing goes faster than light speed The notion that nothing in the Universe   can go faster than light is uncomfortably at odds  with the issue that most of the galaxies we can   see are now moving away from us faster than light  speed, and yet there’s no contradiction. What we   really mean is that if you’re trying to jog along  and keep up with a photon of light, you’re going   to lose, or at best keep-up with it if you’re  another massless particle. However, space expands,   and we assume bits and pieces of new spacetime are  constantly emerging randomly everywhere, probably   as tiny subatomic bits at the Planck Scale. If you imagine a very long measuring tape   where people are quickly splicing in new bits  of tape between its end points, then the rate   those folks work and how many of them there are  is going to control how fast that tape expands,   and as it expands, more people can fit in  there splicing even more tape. It will grow,   and once it is long enough, those folks will  be expanding that tape faster than a sound   wave could carry the voices of any of those  people down the line to the guys on the end   who now have to run away faster than sound. This just scales up in space to light speed   and the galaxies on the other end of our  measuring tape aren’t doing any pulling.   They aren’t moving locally at any high speed, but  they are moving away from us faster than light,   and we only see them now because the light from  them reaching us left back when they were closer   and moving away slower. The rate is roughly 7% of  light speed for every billion light years between   you and an object currently, double or half that  distance, double or half that expansion rate.   And again, nothing is moving in the Universe  faster than light speed, it’s just over far   enough distance that expansion is so fast  that nothing moving at light speed could cover   all the new space emerging between it and its  destination as quick as that space is forming.  The Edge of The Universe is  13 Billion Light Years Away  This means then that the effective edge of  the Universe is 13 billion light years away,   since things expanding away from us at light  speed would presumably have been doing so since   the Universe formed 13 Billions years ago.  And everything about that statement is wrong.   First, the current estimate for the Age  of the Universe is 13.8 billion years,   rounding comfortably to 14, but for  a while the estimate was closer to 13   and that number got rather stuck into  common discussion, we should say 14.   When I was a kid, back in the 1980s, the estimates  were generally 7-20 billion years old, and you’d   see 20 in a lot of the texts of the time, and  that narrowed to 9-14 billion years in the 1990s.  That was calculated off Hubble Shift and we  were finding stars that might be much older   than 9 billion years by then too. You’ve probably  heard of stars estimated to be older than our   Universe but almost all of that comes from having  stars with plus or minus a couple billion years   on their age having their upper margin fall over  those same wide-margin of potential universe ages.   Stars formed before the first billion years of  the Universe had passed. So, if your estimate   is saying the Universe is 13-14 billion  years old and you’ve got a star calculating   as 12-14 billion years old, there’s no real  implication you have a pre-Universe star there.  However if light from such a star, one made just  after the Universe formed and 13 billion years   ago, were to be detected today it would mean  it was 13 billion years old and that’s usually   how astronomers will describe it. The photon  doesn’t have any sort of clock on it of course,   but the longer and further it has traveled, the  more red-shifted it is, and we can make pretty   good guesses off it and its companions as to what  wavelength it started off at, to see how much it   red-shifted and thus get that age. It doesn’t mean  it left that star from 13 billion light years away   though or that it’s that far away now. That photon covered that much distance,   but most of that distance didn’t exist when it  started toward us, and much of it emerged behind   it afterward too, in terms of discussing how far  a star or galaxy is from us now, at this moment.   And if we wanted to send a reply or ship to that  star or galaxy, it would be even further away and   moving even faster away. Back when it left, that  star was probably less than a billion light years   from where we were then, not that Earth existed  at that time, and now if we could just freeze   everything, it would be around 45 billion light  years away, and the return message would take   45 billion years to reach that, again if we froze  universal expansion. But since we can’t, at least   with current technology, if we tried to send a  signal to that spot, it would never reach it,   as it is currently traveling away from us at  somewhere around 7 times the speed of light.  The Universe has no Edge What we usually call the edge of the Universe is   the CMB or cosmic Microwave background radiation.  This is because the further back, or out you look,   the more red-shifted everything is till it  gets kind of dark because there were no stars   or galaxies yet, then we get to a period that’s  fairly high infrared because the Universe was   still a pretty dense and warm place, and if you  go back a little further you reach a place where   it’s dense and warm enough to resemble the light  from stars. Just a very hot plasma mostly made of   hydrogen. It was even denser and brighter before  then but we can’t see there because light emitted   from then constantly scattered and absorbed rather  than traveling very far before hitting something.  There’s a critical point where things expanded  and cooled enough that hydrogen shifted to a   less absorptive state and things were just  spread out more, and less likely to scatter,   and this was about 380,000 years after the Big  Bang. This Surface of Last Scatter is as far as   we can see with anything electromagnetic and thus  it gets dubbed the edge of the Universe a lot, and   380,000 years is very tiny compared to several  billion, so it’s close enough to the Big Bang,   but if we ever get better at detecting  neutrinos we could probably look all the   way back to the first minutes after the Big Bang. And this edge is only in a temporal sense. We have   no idea where or if the Universe has an edge,  only that we could never reach it without a   faster-than-light spaceship, assuming space isn’t  infinite. Some folks would say that there’s no   space beyond that edge. That might be the case,  but there’s no evidence for that. It’s one of   those examples where folks are speculating and  extrapolating off mathematical models and logic,   not data, and that’s not really science anymore.  It is entirely possible the big bang is merely   a local event in a wider Universe or that the  Universe big-banged but was already infinite when   it did so. We examined this more in our episodes  on the Big Rip and the Edge of the Universe.  The Universe has no center One of the governing principles of modern physics   since Isaac Newton’s day was that the Universe  has no meaningful center and that we certainly   are not the center itself. That is 100% at odds  with observable data incidentally. As we discussed   a moment ago, we can see equally far back and out  in every direction till we hit a wall of cosmic   microwave background radiation, that surface of  last scatter. This is literally a spherical shell   around our planet that is expanding constantly  out from us showing ever more redshifted photons   from evermore slightly further away. We aren’t the Center of the Universe  Since we can see equally in all directions back  to the Surface of Last Scatter, the default   interpretation of that is that Earth is the Center  of the Universe, that is what the science says. We   choose, from habit and logical extrapolation, to  assume that the Universe keeps going a long way   beyond that and that either it is infinite, in  which case a center arguably doesn’t mean much,   or if it is a big sphere, it’s one in which  we probably are of no place of specific note,   and there may be places in the wider universe  where folks can’t see beyond a certain distance in   one direction, or it may be that things curve back  on themselves, like the surface of a sphere such   as Earth, or maybe the Universe is the surface  of an expanding 4D sphere, though probably not,   or donut, or like walking off the edge of an old  video game and popping back in the other side.  Key thing: We don’t actually know, but we got in  the habit of assuming ourselves no place special   back in Newton and Copernicus’ day, and that was  very cosmologically and philosophically important   to them at the time. Humanity and Earth are merely  mediocre and not special examples of anything,   and that’s essentially the default opinion  of science, and perhaps ironically it is an   opinion that is not scientific itself. It’s  merely a speculation, albeit a very sound one   based on logic, but not physical data. It’s fairly  important though to be mindful of blinders because   we discuss the Fermi Paradox a lot on this  show and the default view from the available   evidence is that there are no detectable alien  civilizations, and that they probably don’t exist   anywhere near us even on the galactic scale. This is essentially the entire paradox,   because if we’re not special and we’re not the  center of the Universe, it should be absurd to   approach contemplating the Universe from that  perspective. It is probably no better an idea   to assume Earth and humanity are tiny, mundane  dots on the cosmological scale, a pale blue dot,   as to assume we’re the shining center of creation,  but more importantly we have a historic scientific   basis for saying humanity isn’t central that  is improperly conflating our physical location   with our metaphysical importance, and it’s rather  baked-into our thinking. It might be right too,   but let’s poke at that notion a bit. Earth Orbits the Sun  To shift back home to Earth, we can continue that  notion of us not being the center of the universe   by pointing out that the Earth doesn’t actually  orbit the Sun, nor does the moon orbit Earth,   and nor is the Sun in any way the center of  our galaxy. Orbits occur based on all the mass   in play in an area, and in our solar system  99.8% of that is in the Sun, 0.1% is Jupiter,   and the other 0.1% is everything else, but mostly  Saturn. How in play stuff is at any moment is   based on its distance too. It can be seen as  a quibble but if we’re contemplating life on   other worlds, and how our early understanding of  the Heliocentric Model and Copernican Mediocrity   Principle altered our worldview and philosophy  of science, we need to be mindful that other   places aren’t going t2o see it that way. Life that evolved on a planet around a close   binary star system is in a good position  to spot that, those stars seem to orbit   something themselves, that they cannot see, and  one can speculate how that might be impacting   their early philosophy and religions. For our  near term purposes, we really need to finish   getting away from the notion that Earth and all  the other planets circle the center of our sun,   rather than orbit elliptically, as it  results in a confused view of things.  Of course being aware the earth orbits  elliptically can cause confusion too,   as folks often think Earth is close to the Sun  in Summer. In truth the seasons have virtually   nothing to do with how close or far Earth is from  the Sun at any given moment, and Perihelion – when   we’re closest to the Sun – takes place in Early  January, and early July, the height of summer,   at least for the Northern Hemisphere, is our  aphelion, our furthest distance from the sun.  Earth’s orbit is fairly circular as these things  go, and we define its normal distance from the Sun   as 1 astronomical Unit or AU, but it gets as close  as .983 AU at Perihelion and 1.017 AU at Aphelion.   That’s 3.5% further out than when closest, which  also gets 7% more sunlight than when furthest.   This is hardly trivial, it’s just dwarfed  by the effect of axial tilt. Other planets   with greater eccentricities – which is most of  them – would likely have a weather and seasonal   cycle strongly affected by that eccentricity,  and even tidally locked planets around dimmer   red stars can have significant seasons as a  result of that eccentricity, and made all the   more weird by them potentially having orbital  years a few months or even weeks or days long.  Speaking of Red Dwarfs though, we often hear  our Sun called a fiery yellow dwarf and that’s   really wrong in every respect. To our eyes it  definitely has that golden shade but all stars   are white light sources with a peak wavelength  of radiation, and our sun’s peak is a blue-ish   green. Alternatively most of the photons coming  off of it are actually in the infrared. Indeed   most stars emit the majority of their light in  the infrared range of the spectrum we can’t see,   as did the typical incandescent light bulb. And  even the dimmest and coolest red dwarf is still as   white a light as those old bulbs were. This isn’t  surprising as most stars are red dwarfs, though   again, they don’t look red at all, and the entire  cataloging process is basically a flawed one of   it being much easier to see big, bright stars.  The Copernican or Mediocrity Principle failed us   there, we saw the abnormal giants most, brighter  than our own sun, not the normal stars, most of   which are tiny and dim compared to our own. A star’s visibility over distance is based   off of its brightness, diminishing with the  inverse square of that distance, so one that’s   a hundred times brighter is visible 10 times  further away. However, space is 3-dimensional,   so that same volume of space contains 10-cubed  or a thousand times as many stars. Meaning that   our early observation of the universe  contained virtually nothing but giants,   and very few stars even as dim as our Sun, which  is bigger than 95% of all stars and 10,000 times   brighter than the dimmest red dwarf, yet there are  stars a million times brighter than our own Sun.  Needless to say, the Sun is not in any way on  fire either. While oxygen is the third most common   substance on the Sun, there are no molecules;  everything is glowing hot plasma, cooling itself   off by radiating waste heat as sunlight, and  fusion occurs deep below in the core, and very   slowly too. Your typical ton of solar core matter  emits about enough power to run a light bulb,   it’s just that there is so much of it and it  will keep doing so for billions of years before   dying. And our Sun is short-lived compared to  most. It will live only 10 billion-ish years   and the overwhelming majority of stars that ever  formed thus far in our Universe are still alive   and kicking. Of the half a trillion or so stars  in this galaxy, perhaps 10 billion have become   white dwarfs, just a couple percent, and only  a tenth of that, perhaps a billion total have   gone supernova and become neutron stars, and  only about a tenth of that became black holes.  Of course our Sun will die someday and this is  part of why we talk about wanting to travel to the   stars and colonizing other worlds, and this takes  us to our penultimate misconception for today,   that time on spaceships runs much, much slower. Now, this isn’t wrong but there is a tendency   whenever we see discussion of spaceships that  don’t have FTL for us to say they’re moving   nearly at light speed, but the reality is that  in a No-FTL Universe, you aren’t likely to be   plowing through space at 99.9% of light speed. The  energy needed for that, even ignoring practical   engineering and the rocket equation, is literally  2000 times what it would take to move at 10% of   light speed. And at 10% of light speed, your clock  is only moving half a percent slower than normal,   or about 7 minutes a day or 6 months a century,  and at 1% light speed, it’s only 4 seconds a day   that you’re saving, 26 minutes a year. That’s not  really letting you sneak away from the Grim Reaper   by slowly crawling forward in time, and even at  99.9% of light speed, your clock is only moving 20   times slower than normal. You don’t even get down  to half normal time flow till 87% of light speed.  Faster is always better if you’ve got the  energy and ability to do it, but when it   comes to trying to escape local time, instead of  using more energy than the entire modern planetary   economy uses in a whole year to accelerate  one person to a high time dilation rate,   why not use that same energy to power that economy  and all its research labs and crack the secret   of freezing and restoring people from Cryo? Or  maybe even some advanced type of stasis field?  In the end, even though our Sun is  one of the shorter lived ones and   stars will keep forming and living  for many trillions of years to come,   they do eventually stop forming naturally,  and that takes us to our final misconception,   that the Universe Ends when those last stars  do, and this is a dual misconception because   it would seem very unlikely any natural stars will  even form in our galaxy a billion years from now,   simply because a vast galactic civilization  isn’t likely to let them form. Artificial fusion,   energy by dumping matter down black holes,  or by the slow evaporation of black holes,   or even by vacuum energy, are all plausibly on  the table as superior ways to keep the lights   on for your stellar empire than by actual  starlight. And that doesn’t even contemplate   higher Clarketech options, which they would  have had billions of years to research before   the cosmological event horizon sweeps away all  the stars from sight that you haven’t colonized.  Indeed, as we saw in our civilization at  the End of Time Series, that time after   the stars all burn out and all is swallowed  in darkness might be a far brighter, longer,   and more populated era of civilization  than all those which came before combined.  There are still so many things we don’t know about  the Universe, and likely many other misconceptions   we have about it, but hopefully one of those will  turn out to be that in the end all must rundown   and die from entropy, and that it will turn out  that the clock can be wound back up, or that the   sum total of reality is far bigger than even  the seemingly endless enormity of our Universe. So it’s the end of another school year  and for a lot of folks it’s a time of   transition in life.. we’re just not sure where  that’s supposed to be. I didn’t find my niche   till I was in my 30s and these days there  really is no one-size-fits-all approach to   pursuing or creating your dream job. To  find your niche, and to take advantage   of the opportunities when they come up,  you need to explore and acquire skills.  For me, when it came to making this channel a  reality, not just an occasional amateur hobby,   that involved having to learn everything from  graphic design to marketing, how to edit audio,   how to film on camera, how to do  animations, improving my writing,   and many more. It was very daunting, but it was,  and is, doable, especially with a good partner,   like Skillshare, and their community of  learners. Skillshare is a great resource for   quality videos on those topics and many more, but  one that I’d particularly recommend is Danielle   Krysa’s “Creative Breakthrough: 8 Exercises to  Power Your Creativity, Confidence & Career”.  This channel has a lot very smart and creative  people on it, where coming up with a good idea   isn’t the problem, it’s that roadmapping  to developing it into a success that is,   and believing that you can actually do it.  Starting with the “Power of Aha Moments”,   her videos on Skillshare help explore how to  move from that basic idea into the something more   formed and practical. Along with how to manage  your creative talent to keep your confidence high,   banish blocks and silence self-doubts. Maybe you want to start a business or write   a novel or develop a game or become a youtuber or  podcaster. Maybe you just want to learn to paint   or take a better photo, no goal is too small.  Skillshare can even help you find more time for   your goals by helping you with productivity and  time management, for which I’d highly recommend   the videos there by my friend, Thomas Frank. Take control of your future and make it a reality,   and let SKillshare help you, try them out  today by using the link in this episode’s   description. The first 1,000 people to use the  link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare. So we normally have our livestream Q&A the  last weekend of every month but I will be down   in Frisco, Texas that weekend to help host the  International Space Development Conference, so   the plan is to have the livestream next weekend,  Sunday May 21st, but I’m also going in for some   minor surgery on my nose and tongue earlier that  week, so we might need to cancel and I’ll probably   sound a bit different. Hopefully in a good way, as  that’s rather the point, it’s supposed to be the   next step in fixing my speech impediment, but  the livestream is at the tail end of the main   recovery time for the surgery so I might not know  till the last minute if I’m good to do the show.  Speaking of the show this weekend is our Scifi  Sunday episode, on May 14th, where we explore   the grim realities of super-urbanized Hive  Worlds, then we’ll have its companion episode,   Hungry Aliens, on May 18th. And in two weeks,  on May 25th, we’ll talk about how to bend space   and warp reality. Then we’ll head into June to  look at exploring and settling the Kuiper Belt.  If you’d like to get alerts when those and other  episodes come out, make sure to hit the like,   subscribe, and notification buttons. You  can also help support the show on Patreon,   and if you want to donate and help in other ways,  you can see those options by visiting our website,   IsaacArthur.net. You can also catch all  of SFIA’s episodes early and ad free on   our streaming service, Nebula, along with hours  of bonus content, at go.nebula.tv/isaacarthur.  As always, thanks for watching,  and have a Great Week!
Channel: Isaac Arthur
Views: 222,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space, science, comsology, astrophysics, future, futurism, tehcnology, orbit, rocket, galaxy, cosmos, universe, time, gravity, black hole, wormhole, FTL, light, speed, singularity, explosive, decompression, big bang, astronomy, vacuum, energy, hubble, dark, matter, relativity, quantum, physics, spacetime, expansion
Id: BAU_8i17OLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 8sec (2768 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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