Starting a New Ocean Base in ARK Survival Ascended!

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so we're here on this nice looking Beach um this this itself would already be a pretty nice location but let's look around you got a little entrance to this base to this new ocean base which is uh located right here on the side of the map uh basically where the marker is but this is where this entrance is and um yeah I decided to go for some A-frames buildings because I kind of like the vibe I wanted something quite different from the base that we already have from like the main base so different style so I want to work with a lot of the glass and uh combining the wood and maybe add some metal in that cuz that's really a different type of material than what I usually have so yeah this is our little Gate House here basically to block off this beach I don't think this neighborhood is very dangerous but you know you can't help and then I basically made some bigger a frames as well as the main buildings here because uh yes this is going to be our ocean base but it's also um yeah it's it's got to serve like a proper base and I hope that we will use this as the tribe like not just me cuz it's quite big it should have room for everything but here we go it's far from finished because as I said it's I basically built the house like the the main structure for everything that we need like we can build all the uh crafting systems here the the storage here but I need a lot more I need to make it safe because currently everything can just still swim into this area uh because most of this especially the house part is built on like a little bit of a raised bit in the water so it's not as deep and then there's a deeper part basically here in the middle which will allow bigger d to come in you can probably spot where the gate is going to be but that means that we basically need to find a way to wall it all off which is going to be very annoying with all the underwater placement and then in here basically I've started that little walkway there from the middle of the house I want to have some places where you can park your uh megalodons and other big ocean creatures basically so there will be a lot more infrastructure around here like these wall ways uh going all over the place and having places to store the dinos in a safe way and also try to make it look Co this area is actually very nice I this is one of the locations that I thought about building a main base mostly because of these lovely waterfalls that are right here they look very very nice like you've got them right here second one goes out here to the ocean but then also because of this part in the ocean that you can more easily build on I figured it might be a perfect place to build an ocean base and uh yeah I decided to go for the a frames to try something different I think it turned out all right it's not too difficult to do an a frame because basically you build a big uh triangle that's it um so I tried to blend in a little bit of the wood textures and the the greenhouse SL metal to make it look a little bit more of a modern looking build you know I just want to go for a completely different vibe than what we have right now for the main base so yeah we've got a couple of these walkways in already this is basically just the normal walkway these higher ones are going to probably be part of what is going to be the wall to keep sea creatures out cuz currently still can be quite dangerous um so we definitely want to get some tames here as well that can go in the water so we can keep it safe and whilst we're working on the walls but let's uh walk through a little bit of the base before we start working on you know detailing it and making it livable because right now we don't have that much going on so we have this first structure which is the smaller of the two houses it has this little extra bit on this side and already made some rooms here we got little Coy fireplace here and then here this is basically the bedroom where we have some respawn points and uh everything that we need for a triap I placed some lamps down already but we don't have any um gasoline for the uh fabricator T this little guy that was flying around in the neighborhood uh pretty good level um so yeah that's quite nice to have I'll leave him on the ground her on the ground for now because we're going to teleport back to the main base to get some stuff um yeah I might have not went to bed on time yesterday um but the problem is that it's still not safe cuz I need to basically build a wall underneath the walkways to make it safe for our tames and then I need to start making the Stables as well uh and I need to decorate it I need to make sure that we have like the forges and everything so I built the base basically with uh keeping in mind that we should have enough space for like the the tribe so basically this smaller building on this side I think will be basically the the quote unquote living accommodation so we'll probably we we have the beds here I'll probably do some nice like decorating of like a table area so a map area probably you know stuff like like that and then we got this little hallway in between uh which is kind of nice and then we have we actually have uh I don't know if I can open it there's the hatches I think so that you can you could land a bird in here and then we have this bigger space uh which I left very open I haven't done any for the interior yet except you know the normal things I by the way made these little structures which I think look good cuz it looks like it supports the build but it was basically to have the overhang on the end but this should be big enough to have like all the machinery and everything in here and then we've got a nice decent platform on this side as well so we can land some birs you can fly them in I've got like a window open here which should work as like a nice area to enter with some birds and then what I've done is I've hidden the generator so there's a generator in this part of the house and there's a generator in that part of the house so that the whole building right now is or could be powered cuz I didn't bring any uh any power yet uh but we'll work on that and then my plan is to to as I said make more walkways um I love how simple these These Are by the way cuz as I said basically you build a big triangle and that's it but they look very nice uh and I added some windows to have plenty of light going in especially during the day um the only bad thing is that the greenhouse stuff isn't as clear like you can't look out as clearly as you used to do I think so basically here this is going to be the lower walkway so I'm going to build some like dyo pens here where we can have like megalodons and whatever we want but um bigger note is that we need to make it safe because right now um stuff can still swim inside I think yesterday when I was working on the last bit a ala Megalodon arrived um I don't know if it's still here it might still be here so it might scare me because especially with these Graphics if I go into the water I can barely see a thing and that's really annoying so yeah this one SC Quake goes out all the way connecting over there to the land um and I did this because I need to make a wall underneath it I'm not quite sure how I will do that yet uh but I know I need to collect a bunch of material and then here in the middle um there's a behemoth gate well I still need to make the gate itself but it's going to be in this big middle bit so that we can safely go in and out once the wall is completed but I think the wall will take me some time to complete because um the the house basically is built on a platform that um is a little bit higher up in the sea and then there where the gate is it's a little deeper which is great for getting big sea creatures in but it also means that it isn't very much a nightmare to block it all off and so we got another little dock out here we could add maybe some like um rafts or something like that um and apparently this is also a drop location I'm quite scared to find out what's in here but yeah I'll show you like this is basically very low so it's it doesn't need too many pillars and yes I just used stone for most of these because I mean way cheaper to do that and you can see the little uh basement I built for the uh generators on both buildings but yeah this is not as deep so it's very uh yeah it's it's it's all right it's very doable to build like uh the foundation here but the deeper ones for like some of the walkways are way more annoying to to build and to place uh but yeah I'm quite excited to have a new environment I love this place I I really like the way it looks like I love the view over here um I'm not too Keen yet on the water because with these new shaders they have like it's very murky and especially in the deeper Parts it's quite hard to spot uh dinos coming at you like megalodons can be quite scar oh my God I thought that was a Megalodon but it's just a very big fish like oversized it seems to be relatively save right now on the inside uh but yeah it definitely sometimes can be scary when a Megalodon just pops up and says Hi um so yeah we got some of the dinos here wrote this I ched these two new but this guy I wrote All the way from the uh main base to have some wood hair this is already looking quite nice let's take the bird and actually have a bird's ey view of the base cuz we haven't really really done that also I'm freezing yeah it also looks quite cool by night um yeah it does look quite cool by night with the lights going on that's pretty nice quite happy with the way these um A-frame houses turned out to be these look quite nice I like the look of these like nice and modern houses you pay you PID a pretty penny for for a house like this on a place like this like the views amazing got a Snowy Mountain got a waterfall got the freaking ocean and get you got a private beach and everything this is some Prime real estate yeah we have a new base we have the shell I should say the shell of a new base we need to start grinding to make a lot of walls to fill in the wall underneath the path so that we can safely keep water dinos inside um but that will take a while because we need a lot of stuff for that and uh yeah we need need to grind basically look and since I've decided to do it out of metal it's going to take me a while but it will uh will be great cuz then basically all of this area we can keep all the water dinos we want it's pretty deep so should be fine um the only thing maybe is that it could they could still spawn inside but that's why I'm going to have these walkways crossing over a couple of ways and we'll make some pens where we can keep them like little staes basically but then in the water so yeah but I'm happy with the A-frames that we've got um like I said building an A-frame is not that hard basically build a triangle and then you start detailing it um so yeah that's pretty nice let's see yes the plants are fully grown now so we can put them on this um okay yeah that's doing something to be fair I don't think there's a lot of danger around here but it's going to be less annoying less seagull around which is definitely going to be nice cuz they they can be quite annoying not dangerous but annoying all right um yeah I think that's going to be it for today oh my God look at the view look at the view um yeah I need to paint my leggings now cuz they don't they don't match but yeah um thank you for joining me today I think we're going to call it here but this should be a fun new project trying to extend this base make it safe build the giant wall in the water which is going to be annoying but it's going to be worth it in the end I think um and I hope to see you around for more videos in stream on a sended um almost every day so yeah see you around byebye
Channel: Etholdir
Views: 8,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Etholdir, Edeldier, Jurgen, gaming, gameplay, game, ARK, ARK Ascended, Ascended, rtx 4090, ARK Survival, survival, ARK survival ascended, ARK 2, ARK Survival Ascended Looks Incredible!, ark survival ascended, ark 2, ark survival evolved, ark, dino, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark gameplay, nvidia 4090, RTX 4090 gameplay, base location, best base locations, epic base location, let's build, base tour, ocean
Id: BuL33VowyhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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