Building A Large Base | Ark Survival Ascended

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so today guys I'm going to be building a base for more advanced players I've been getting this a lot and I thought why not let's build a big base for you guys that getting more advanced it's not a tech base but it is still big enough that you can put Tech stuff inside it so let's get into it so I am in uh creative mode and the first thing I'm going to do is go ahead and get stone foundations where is it Stone foundations and we're going to get stone triangle foundations as well that's all we're going to need let get these out so what we're going to do is is going to place one here and one here like so so now what we're going to do is get our triangle pieces place them either side of this this one here and one there and one there like so then we'll get our normal piece there we go like so and this side as well perfect and we're just going to do this for another two like to this side jump side do another two here H get our Stone again we going to place this like so there that is what we're going with on this side same again on this side now I have got some uh where is it there we go I've got a sickle at the ready just to get rid of these bits I don't want to get rid of it all though that's the thing I want to keep some vegetation soz I want to make a bit of a more natural feel to it there we go just anything that's sort of in the way that's bit in the way way uh but we'll do that as we go along and you'll know like these bits here that are going to be outside the building I don't care about so we'll just going to go and fill these in now and it should work out something like this these are just going to go all the way down so place that like that that and then what we're going to do fill these bits in like this so this is sort of what you're going to end up with and that's perfect cuz we're going to get going to get these we're going to go all the way down should we say uh four let's let's go four actually no let's go five yeah let's go five so we got five like this keeping that bit in the middle there as well um get rid of that bush there that's clipping through for now there we go get rid of that and you can make this any material you can make it with uh wood if you really wanted to place this through and then what we going do is go with these like so and same on this side oh get this out it's out so this is sort of what we've got now and then what we're going to do is we're going to do the same again where we're going to kill it actually try this way like so perfect that's fitting so one two three yeah perfect like that so that's how we're going with it and now what we're going to do is bring this out by about five yeah one two three four let's leave it at four at the minute might have change that and then bring this up place them in like so so what we're going to do now guys is bring this up to this one here okay so it's level with this one over here like so so it's like that and that is your basic shape so now what we're going to do is go and uh raise it up and detail it and stuff like that so let's go and get some materials we're going to get obviously Stone whatever happens I must not cry you cannot make me cry okay so the next thing we're going to do now is go ahead and get ourselves some um we're going to go with um oh we're going to ah going to go with uh some stairs up there we go stairs two there like so Place some Foundation up like this perfect then we're going to get the uh we're going to get this there we go we're going to inv it and then we're going to go for double doors like so and can we move this there we go I want to get a double door perfect to make sure they line up as well yeah they look good they look cool and then going to build this up again one going to go three so once you get your stone up there you Stone doorways you double doorways Place some Stone up there like so and that should be enough and then we're going to get our there we go going to get our good old glass here and here like so it looks a bit different to what it does in uh in the normal Arc survival evolved place in some pillars either side here oh do with it being uh the other way like so which way did we do it this way that way yeah so go across like so there we go perfect and then what we're going to do is get stone here wrong thing oops wrong way as well I don't like it that way I prefer it the other way I always prefer it this way what it what's that uh place them there and same on this side like so perfect and then what we can do is get our pillows again do we want to how do we want to have this yeah let's have it straight on actually go up two like so and same on this side two like so we're going to get some wood let's get some wood there we go wood perfect and this is going to go on there as well we're going to go wrong one get rid of my sickle get this up perfect place the wood up here as well like so perfect and then this one is going to be glass and then again obviously you guess it place the pillars up like so and then what we'll do is we'll decorate this front bit first before we carry on so we're just going to get some Stone ceilings one there like that and then get these um they're not the right things drop them we don't need them let's try and get triangle pieces um there we go that's the ones get one of these I'm going to flip it and flip that one like so then what we do is get thatch ceilings I like fch it goes a lot better it makes it look a bit better with thatch slope ceilings like this Bo and there we go perfect so that's what we're going with for the look of it and we're going to decorate this bit and this bit now so we just need some we need some wooden there we go wooden foundations and this can be like a stable for your or your Equis whatever um whoops I don't want it to um you know what we can't we can go to we can go to if we want let's go two out make it stand out a bit more like so perfect and then what we're going to do is grab our our wooden foundations and we're just going to go up by two like that there we go and then what we can do is hopefully uh I don't think we can do this actually can we pushing it to the Limit here no it's close oh actually we just we just did it there we go can we do it that way oh we can perfect voila and then if we get wooden um wooden there we go you have to ignore H excuse me on this uh with the uh there we go with all this cuz I uh I forgot where all the buildings off is whoops we don't want you out we want our wooden wooden things again yep our wooden things called where are there we go these um these there we go we want our our fences like so boom like and that is all right that's enough for one and let's do the same on this side as well um I suppose we could have placed these down here as well if you want to go a bit more detailed like that and don't know no I don't like them going across something like that it's looking a bit more better in it now like this front bit um Okay so we've got this bit let's jump inside here now and this is the bit that I want to get to oh let me uh just get rid of that get this bad boy on got stairs we going to place the stairs in here stairs in here and we're going to go one two one two yeah and this is why we did five so we've got two this side two this side obviously straight pieces not like the cave bits like that and I'm going to go get these windows last panes even all the way around here like that get these up yeah can I can I get oh no that is yeah that's going up straight I was like for some reason it didn't like was going up straight there we go okay so that's what we've got at the minute for this inside bit and obviously we're going to go with not that go with this change it to double doors and this side this side and that side and let's go get some glass doors I don't even know if I want glass doors actually because I don't like the glass in this game this game this version of glass is a bit rubbish oh it's not too bad actually the doors anyway there we go and now obviously we're going to jump over to these walls here which is just going to be stone walls all the way but inverted like that and here we're obviously going to place in the pillows like so and then we're going to go with good old glass again and pillows right next we're going to use our wooden again and we're going to do same across here like so we might replace these with Windows or something a bit later on depending it depends when we get inside oh oh they're not they're not inverted now we can just fill these in with glass actually there we go perfect and right we're coming to this part now this is the fun part now this is going to be where this uh this bit gets a bit more complicated but let's do it so place in these two no we're not we're not going to go to we are going to go to place them in here as well like so so obviously we going to do the usual stuff guys get the uh the stone on the bottom here and I'm going to place some in here as well change this to the door frame I'm going to go single door frame though and we going to invate it not like that boom there we go and get some Stone stairs even and place them in there there no well let's get rid of that one then can we place this in wrong thing there we go so it's you that's causing the problem so get rid of that seven there we go and place you in there so we got little stairways up here now placing our door uh that one boom like so perfect now we go with wood all the way around again there we go Okay so we've got that in now um and then what now what we're going to do is get the ceilings again Stone ceilings boom like this then I'm going to get our wooden wooden pillar up here like so it's a lot bigger than uh than it looks on the normal AR and then get the stone pillows up here like so perfect and then what we're going to do is get our thatch I don't know if we're going to be able to do what we have oh we can there we go place them up and these are all like Battle Towers there we go we got them up like that place not the foundations we don't need the foundations so let's get rid of them get these half rails and there we go they're already changed oh you know what I don't I want the uh I don't want the wood actually I don't want wooden rails Stone don't good there we go and now what we'll do is we'll go ahead and get our wooden there we go our wooden uh foundations our wooden pillows place them on all of these just on the top oh not like that place them the right ways Okay so there we go we've got this going now and we just need to go ahead and get our ceilings again so we are uh we need triangle pieces there we go is it them no it's not them is it is it no okay it's not these either is it that's fine so what I'm going to do quickly while I've got these I'm going to get rid of this one in this corner here get my ceiling I'm going to change it to up to a hatch there we go like so and same on this side oh yeah like that and we just need to go ahead and get some triangles now for the roof oh there it is are they on the quar oh right okay so so it turns out that triangle pieces are on the corners all right okay are on the quartz so what we're going to do now go ahead and fill all this in there we go so now get our what the hell we don't want the hatch we want just normal uh normal ceilings for this like so all the way down Okay so we're just going to go ahead and fill these bits in like this now whoops I've made a movie made that wrong there's get that that up I've done it again and now for this one and like so there we go so we filled the uh the whole roof in now and we're just going to go ahead and get the there we go go around the whole place with these so guys there we go we've got that going and if you want to let's go ahead I'm placing whoops not that something like this um let's get rid of that I just want to make this rooftop a little bit more better so it looks a bit nicer something like that you know what let's try it the let's try these a different way let's let's see if we can have them that way there we go let's have a look I like it like that actually that looks uh that looks all right like that so now that we've got like the rough shape of things let's go ahead and decorate these things let's go ahead and drop everything and we can then go ahead and place things in so we're going to start on the outside first going to get some feeding slots obviously we need these bad boys and uh what we can do is just align them out here and place them in there like so perfect don't have to be Mega perfect as long as it's uh against here oh we can't can't place it in here oh something something's obstructing it what what's it here okay something's obstructing it that's fine what we can do for this one because we've already got one for the horses we can have this one as a doo pen if we wanted to we haven't got doors on this have we so let's place a door on as well that might help there we go let's place the doors in here vo perfect yeah I like it okay so what we're going to do is jump on into this middle bit here this is the bit that I uh I want so let's drop all these let's go ahead and get some large oh actually let's get a water thing first I what they called um why am I scrolling through right there we go let's get a water tank do we run a metal one yeah we'll just go for a metal one why not cuz we can cuz we're on uh all right uh and we'll put one here one here like so there we go and these all be filling up cuz it is running and what we'll do is get our pots get our large ones there we go and will this let me oh it does does let me put it on oh sort I an even Garden there we go we can we can do this there we go it's a bit uneven but we got our garden there we go so we've got our nice little uh plants going in here like this and um I suppose what you could do as well you could throw uh some boots in here just to wander around or whatever you want to the good thing about um ascended is you don't actually need um any uh pipes or anything like that these will literally um there we go if we show our range so you can see anything in here which is the whole map you can see it's going to automatically um hydrate it and whatnot we just obviously because we're uh far away from water a lot far away they uh yes these are the best that we've got so that's fine for us if we had some seeds place them in and you see look there is water still going in here which is good for us we just need it to rain to fill them up to then build this up so we're going to place in our I got all ladders up to here and here as well like that so that's our way getting up onto the roof just going to quickly try something see if this works and quickly get rid of these like that get some more of them so what I've done is I've made a little uh a little ledge here because if I put the industrial fairness on here we're not going to be able to get around it so I made a little walkway around here so you can go around and you can have your industrial fairness there um otherwise you're not going to be able to have it in and what I'll do is if we grab our Stone pillows and we'll take some wooden pillows as well cuz why not uh St pillows there we go and what we'll do is we'll place these in yeah oh no did not mean to put that there oh actually that can stay there like that there we go what the hell is this get rid of that I didn't know that was there and you know what we can even should break this down apologies if you are building along let's get rid of that and get in um get some of the stuff back there we go let's put some glass in here let's let's go whoops let's go and make it a bit more stylish get of that again and then here place these in like so oops there we go get uh St go inted invert it and glass here do apologize guys cuz I know if you're following along it us to be a pain when I sat doing this but this was uh bit more unseen whoops there we go something like that just to make it a bit better and it it just breaks the shape up a bit and obviously we've got the industrial fairness that we can actually have now so coming inside this is why uh this isn't such a bad thing cuz we can place um there we go I want it against the wall like so place two there we go perfect so we got beds in there now right so we're going to get storage chests now and we'll put we'll put one there for that bed and one for that bed there I don't even know if they're the right way around to not keep doing this they're not the right way why why are you not just automatically flipping the right way that's better there we go and is that one the wrong way yeah it is there we go so you can see got the little hinges on the front right so I'm going to separate the give it a bit of a separation uh can we can we even do that don't think we can separate it CU of these oh we can yes there we go separate it that way next to that oh some obstructing ah no that might ruined my plans maybe let's see what we can do with it we leave it in and then get not that something like this place that in there yeah I like it okay that's all that's not actually too bad let's do it that way then just something to block like cage it off a little bit and yeah it won't let me so's in that that and now I don't think you'll be able to do this on a survival will evolve but you know if you want to do this then just maybe forget the inside bit I don't know you can you can work your way around it I guess so I don't need actually I'll keep them just in case so this is like the bedroom area and I'm going to get a table in here why not let's enable the snap there we go perfect let's get our there we go oh where do it keep going there we go something like you on there I'll do get our chairs that are very awkward snapping why is it why I don't want you facing that way pick it up put some chairs down just to make it a little bit more Hy there there there there perfect place that one that there and then that one there there we go so we've got two on the table now that looks a lot better I like it um maybe get a [Music] war war map up there me have a look I was like that lot not going to be using it but that'll do now go ahead get a Bo shell go one there these guys don't share obviously and one there perfect and that's like the living or the sleeping quarters we'll get we'll give them a trophy each as well why not perfect there we go we got the trophy heads up there we just need to get some we just need to kill some some bosses and get them in there don't we so I've just thought of a good point so what I'm going to do break this and this is going to be wood and uh this is going to be wood again oh let me jump out here so see what's going on I want this to be wooden Stone because I want to put my uh my chimney in there I do apologize again I know I keep changing my mind and things but it's like come up better ideas or I think it's a better idea if not you can keep it that way oops that way there we go Inver it I'll go all the way inside now run in here so this be this middle bit here let's get a there's be chimney I like having Chimneys in the house because it makes it a look bit better there we go perfect I like it I'm happy with that I'm happy with this living space so now we've got the smiffy in do we need a a refined do we need one when we're going to have all these we're going to have like an industrial uh I don't know I don't know this is going to be like the factory side of things let's go ahead and place some in uh I've just P that one out so we don't want to grind her anymore fabricator wish it had uh stop there we go okay actually I know what I want here I want my uh chem there we go my chemical bench there um pick that up actually cuz it's not stra there we go we got a chemistry bench there we got grinder here that I don't really um oh a generator we're definitely going to need that so pop the generator there and what in God's name happened there okay where's the where's this so another good thing with get rid of that let me pick this up a second so the good thing about um act survival ascended as well again you don't need cables so just like the got all these here switch this bad boy on and we can just turn these on there we go look and they're waking bit loud but these guys are all waking and if you look you can do uh show range and if I go fly out here again you can see look at that that's how anything in there is going to be powered by this generator so that's an awesome feature that they did for this game turn that turn that off like that okay so um oh we definitely need a fridge fridge 100% um again the only thing is there we go it's done it again I don't know which way it's going to be facing when I place them oh there we go there's a door on this so yeah I should have known that uh I'm going to place this um where am I going to place this I don't I just want I'm in a straight all in a straight line so place you there and we'll get our fabricator there're like so what else do we need oh we need a grill don't we yeah we need our Grill place the grill there and again this Powers everything so what we can do is maybe do this again where we uh so actually placed a doorway in here like that and again if we can see I like doing that because it's like it's it's still kind of open but it also gives you the ability to just go through like so and what do we want to do we want to do out for this area let's Bo this up again oh uh like so get our there we go I don't know it just I I like this bit where you just sort of come in and it's a bit more divided it's not just one side thing uh could even I don't know yeah let's place them in I do I do think guys like some of this you might not be able to do on act uh survival evolve but you know like I say you just have to do what you can I don't really like show through the roof though not a biggie really it's not a biggie um I was just going to say what yeah yeah I'm not too bothered about that but yeah this is the uh the industrial part I guess okay so there's 10 artif back so I need to try and get 10 10 of these uh these pedestals so let's go and try uh one two what's going on with that one pick that one back up try again five there and can we get another five on here two three four five there we go we can so this is going to be where uh where could be out of there this is where my a actually I wonder don't know why I'm going to shoot them let's pick these up can I wonder if I can uh get five along there on that wall these are like the infinite Stones uh pedestal there we go let's go one two three four five yes I can there we go so we're going to have we're going to have have them all here damn I need to get them uh we're going to get them I'm going to put these in and I'll show you it in a Bizzle so that's the that's the artifact sorted got our industrial side you know what I'm going to uh place in these bear barrels here cuz why not there we go we got the beer over here as well got our Bridge there and what what else uh I think I don't know I'm going to really put the fairness in CU it's like a bit a bit pointless when you got all these here um but I feel like it needs it it needs it I've got an idea we can put our Smithy in there where's our Smithy right am I being blind or oh there it is though so I'm going to place the Smithy I want to I I want to rotate it look why a it let me rotate I want to rotate you um no oh there we go I've got full rotation now there we go place that there there we go so this is just sort of like yeah a little bit of an area I guess um is that everything have we used everything so far yeah let's get our uh these out [Music] again and change it to a doorway same this way like that and changing it to a wall aren't we perfect and just get a these bad boys just trying to make it style a bit so it's not just plain and boring inside and get these there there there there we go we're just separating it a bit more and can we put in here another heading there we go what I'm going to do as well is I'm going to place a box here and a box over over on this side as well here and I'm going to fill them with arrows and basically or bullets whatever whatever you want really so then when you come up here there someone's at your Gates or some ping them and shoot them and kill them and let's place like I don't know a little bench at the sides so for the doo Paddock I decided to change instead of having it elevated up like this one I decided to drop it down into the ground and just basically put a little fence all the way around now but this one I did uh did a little design obviously if you're on evolved you can't do it but on ascended you can so what I did was just placed in these down here and then placed them and snap it so it goes up and down like so and that's just what I've got for a little design for them on ascended obviously if you haven't got ascended just on the AR evolve you can just have like literally just the wooden fences all the way around but that's what I've gone ahead and placed in in here so it's just now now it's just a case of going and getting the dinos as you can see through the wall we've already got our artifacts in here like so look at our artifacts glowy and stuff I I like it it's really good G to place some dragon heads on here and stuff G and plac in the BR mother head on here uh we're going to leave the uh the other the other boss the uh mesopic boss H we got all everything going here looks really nice so let's go ahead get get some Doos get some eises to place in there and we should be grand so that's been it for me guys I hope you have a base now at least hopefully you guys that are a bit more advanced can build this beautiful structure and put your own little spin on it guys that are on um just like axv evolve you can also do this it just might look a little bit different change it up a little bit but you got the basics and yeah this is a really great build I've been I've had really really good time building this actually and it looks amazing so let me just show you what all up and built and everything like that and that is it for [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ItsBenZ
Views: 6,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark, Ark Survival Evolved, Ark Survival Ascended, Large Base, Base Building, Building, Base, How To, Guide, Tutorial, ItsBenZ, BenZ, The Island, How To Build A Large Base, Cool Base Design
Id: aRLNShO_Ihg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 15sec (2655 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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