START FROM SCRATCH - Be Ready For Change

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[Music] it's an amazing period in human history we have experienced the pandemic the last time we had anything like it was a hundred years ago in our world so almost all of us were not around at that time so we've had to learn very quickly adapt very quickly and the truth of course is that um a lot of changes have happened in our lives it's been a season of massive disruptions but then it gives us an opportunity for a new beginning that's why we need to discuss now because somebody may be asking so where do i start from now oh well we start from the beginning we start from where we are we start from scratch what i would do if i had to start from scratch even with limited to no resources honestly i believe that there is some redistribution going on because what happens when you have the kind of crisis that we've had in our world is the fact that yes there's a lot of disruption there's a lot of change um so what you have is a redistribution of resources and a lot of it depends on us okay the truth is yes we've seen problems we've experienced massive problems but at the same time there are massive opportunities i'm sure you know the some of the wealthiest people in the world have made more money in the last one year than they made in the last 10 years you know so who is this for if you've been here before you have an idea about this but for the sake of those joining us for the first time let's ease you in who is this for imagine executives business owners project leaders aspiring entrepreneurs aspirational individuals you may have been wondering why have i not yet executed on my ideas how do i know what next steps to take is there a system i can follow for success am i wasting my time trying to achieve my goals what am i doing wrong you have a lot of questions on your mind let's talk why this is important to you right now you need a starting point and blueprint of how you should be growing professionally but you're not sure what to do and you feel stuck or you are not happy with your current situation but you know affair is potential and just don't know how to move forward you know many of us are in that scenario and you're saying to yourself i am better than this i am better than these you know i am better than this but you're trying to figure out exactly what next to do all you just need to press you need a reset button and you're wondering how do i grow myself personally break through this growth ceiling how do i get to the full vision of what god has for my professional life so just imagine if you were able to live stress free not worried about how to achieve all the things you can imagine honestly thinking about the future before used to be very stressful for me because i just could not figure a way out imagine if you learned how to leverage your talent and opportunities regardless of the economy and that you became recession proof you know one thing that we can guarantee there's more change coming human nature prefers stability unfortunately the one thing you can guarantee is another disruption is going to show up it may not be a pandemic may be an epidemic an epidemic it may be a recession you know in the local economy but the one thing you can be sure of is change is going to happen and you just want to be able to process position yourself in such a way that whatever it is that happened you're sorry okay imagine if you knew exactly what to do to change your mindset and to create new opportunities instead of having to wait for opportunities i'm sure most of us would prefer that to be able to make things happen rather than wait for things to happen the purpose of this master class is to one share the keys i've used in my own life to advance my career and honestly i've traveled quite a bit the last three decades walk you through the new way to view your situation and the mindset needed to move forward and explain how you can work alongside me and my team to get the same support and access we provided to top performing executives and entrepreneurs across the globe we've been doing this in success power for 26 straight years i've seen a lot of people do things right you can imagine as someone who's worked with thousands and thousands of people over the last three decades i've seen a lot of people do things right and i've also seen a lot of people do things wrong in fact the people that have been hugely successful are people who made a lot of mistakes but they learn from their mystics that's the difference so you have practically everybody doing things wrong at some point but then they break into two groups you have those you know that internalize their failure you lose their confidence but you have these other set of people that see failure as a learning opportunity they learn the d they learn the lessons they forget the details they move on now i've done a lot of feeling on my own i'll tell you that you know why because when i believe in something i said to go i go for it i experiment i try a lot i do a lot of things that don't work but i found out i try 99 times it doesn't work the 100th time that works compensates for the 99 times that did not work so i did i get from failure to freedom from failing and trying to figure things out to pastor in one of the top largest growing churches in nigeria leading success power now 26 years traveling the world globally as and speaking with leaders i have known the frustration of starting over okay so let me share some of my scratch stories one of the most significant disappointments that i experienced as a young man was after my national youth service in nigeria it's compulsory for all college university graduates one year and i was there i did it in the northern part of nigeria the state of cano and then moved back to kwara state where i had grown up in the middle belt of nigeria and then was trying to get a job i tried month after month after month and then suddenly this opportunity showed up these opportunities showed up to travel to the uk and amazingly there was a gentleman a businessman who said that he was going to help there were three of us my brother a friend and myself and this man said if i when he got to visa application he was going to give us his bank account bank statements you know uh that he would stand in as a sponsor oh my god and the man also owned the travel agency so he instructed the manager of the agency to cut out tickets they wrote out our tickets oh my god i was holding my ticket to london lagos london ticket so it was as good as dawn it was as good as don and then somewhere along the line something went wrong okay something went wrong because there were two people involved in the arraignment and then there was a disagreement between them and everything collapsed from there ah it was not a joke and the day it hits me forcefully was the day the manager of the travel agency came to our house to collect the tickets he got my brother's ticket and he got my own ticket and drove off and the dream went with him oh my god okay let me make you laugh a little bit so shortly before everything went south you know i had a dream now the other people in the party had had dreams one saw us having uh discussing on the flight to london another person saw us discussing in a house in london and then i had a dream and in that dream i was at my uncle's wedding in my hometown we were to travel november 6th of that year my uncle's wedding was in december i was not supposed to be at that wedding but in the dream i was when i opened my eyes in the morning and realized what had just happened me in at my uncles when i closed my eyes immediately i wanted to go back into the dream to correct the mistake i was not supposed to be there of course i could not sleep oh my god whoa anyway that's it so it crashed honestly so i can laugh about it now i could not at that time it was bad ah but what what do you do so what do you do you know you don't sit down with your soft stories and that would be disappointing life has to continue you know and this is what i want to say today that i've been able to learn how to start over and the process for moving from one end to a new beginning
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
Views: 2,663
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: osjiLDI4JyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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