Starsector - Neophyte Bounty-Hunter // EP2

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greetings everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to episode 2 of star sector so these ships are old and due to their age they don't have um oops so here's an example of me overloading i'm overloaded for the next eight seconds because i shot too much even though this thing has like 0.1 health left i shot too much and let it uh uh let it overload me so i'm just backing up to prevent it from getting a killing blow let's vent off the rest of my flux and then close in and finish off this little gopher actually you know let's finish this one instead and that one's dead they're all dead now what about the shift key oh yes sorry turtle sandwich um so the shift key allows you to move around in relation to your target so normally with wsd like let's say your enemy is my fist and the ship is my hand wasd would be like this but then also rotate and the shift key is like a strafe allowing you to continually point towards your cursor so it allows you to strafe around a target shooting it it's a really really really handy thing and i would say maybe like 90 of the time i'm holding shift during combat as a result picking through the wreckage uh which is good if you i have now 50 out of 60 fuel i'm glad i sold some fuel when i could as your fleet finishes mopping up the automated fences a weak hyperwave ping is detected coming from the probe it's unclear if it's a random noise from a dying subsystem or some kind of encrypted signal your fleet finishes its approach without further incident and now we salvage it and as you can see i'm going to have too much fuel but i'm going to take it anyway and this is what we're after at gamma core so uh let's read it a gamma level ai core is capable of supporting most human endeavors making up for a lack of creativity and problem solving with ability with prestigious computational prowess assigning a gamma to aid human overseers in administering a colony-wide industry brings significant benefits selling a cores on the open market is prohibited by most factions however higher up factions representatives are often willing to exchange ad course for large sums of cash when communicated with directly though the reasons for doing so may vary base value 10 000 per unit which is about half of my wealth you also see that my cargo capacity is ridiculously over capacity and my fuel capacity is radically over what's going to happen here is i'm going to have to spend a lot of supplies 8.2 per day as a result of being over capacity but i will deal with that and i am scavenging everything so basically i want to be line as fast as i can to to and sera so i can sell what i have because it is causing me to lose a lot of supplies and it's telling me i'm low on supplies as a result i'm also slower and this is a result of being way over capacity now ideally what i would want to do is to [Music] um have another ship on me that can offer up capacity that would be that would be good so i'm gonna emergency burn so that can go a little faster and burn off some fuel and in two days i will be out of supplies i what i am doing is i'm thinking that the money i make will make more money than the supplies i burned to bring this gear here so now as i am out of supplies my combat readiness will start to drop normally it would be 70 and it's gonna drop at a rate of five a day five percent per day until i get resupplied okay let's trade this away oh let's sell the black market so 5 000 and no i probably did not net money well let's sell some of the uh some of the heavy machinery as well okay there we go com to whitney lins it's all work i'll get my technicians working on this right away in the meantime this should cover your expenses hopefully with a good amount left over so i gained eight thousand my relationship with her has gone up and with the hegemony has gone up but i lost the gamma core i'll send you the stabilization algorithm when the core works it up once you have it it should be simple matter of returning it using your fleet's drive field as a means of interfering interacting with the jump point however there's still a matter of the miners guarding the jump points out of the system uh and you said their forces are significant well it's all relative our security detachment can handle them easily but as i've mentioned it's tied down depending on sera your fleet on the other hand you might be able to handle them with some stellar piloting and a bit of luck but it's best not to take such chances especially not when there's an alternative what alternative is that there's a ship graveyard around tetra ships were deemed not worth the effort to restore awaiting bulk transit to one of the ship breaking facilities elsewhere now though they'll serve our needs go there and recover all the ships you can and break the ones you can't for supplies make sure to bring enough crew to uh operate the recovered ships perhaps an extra hundred or so will do you will need a transport uh you'll need to transport them somehow here take this mudskipper transport consider it part of your reward so she gave us a mudskipper ship which is uh this little guy and one of the things i'm going to do is start to name my ships after you all so uh as soon as i'm finished with this mission here i'll let you know and i'll be renaming these ships after you guys so that will be the civilian transport and the drone tender i'm gonna keep this um this my primary ship named after me so the ship that i just got is a civilian transport ship and i'm going to oh no let's do that in the black market i am going to hire uh a whole bunch of crew and then buy some more supplies and then head out to the graveyard that she indicated which would be down here near tetra so here this commander or this fleet has scanned us to see if we are smuggling and because i didn't move enough resources from incira uh we passed their scans without fail all right i gave tuscahollar we'll see if she shows and here we go all these sensor contacts for the ships now i'm going to turn off the sustain burn test come here good girl uh so that we're a little bit more agile if you have sustained burn on you you can't really turn around quickly and let's go ship to ship we're covering them so here is a dram ship which is a fuel uh hauler and it has two d mods it is a degraded drive field and a erratic fuel injector and we can recover it now to recover it uh we need to use up supplies to recover but now that fuel tender is part of our fleet this is warning me that some of the ships in my fleet are dangerous low combat effectiveness because we just recovered a broken ship but we're gonna spend supplies to repair it up this kite i can recover i actually am not going to though i'm going to salvage it instead because i i don't need too many kite class ships so here we go um this is a good indication of what a story point is this ship this tartarus glass freighter is not recoverable but i can use a story point to recover it anyway but normally without a story point i wouldn't be able to um i'm not gonna take that option because it's a freighter it's not a combat ship but here's a wolf that is a combat ship but unfortunately this wolf has bad sensors life support and increased maintenance so it's not a great ship but it is a workhorse so i'm going to recover it let's keep going all of these ships are either going to be recovered or salvaged so this here is a hammerhead this is a larger ship than the uh wolf that i'm in the wolf is a little frigate this here is a destroyer a much more significant ship than the wolf as you can see as a result the cost to recover is and the crew that it requires is a lot higher and now the last two and there we go all ships in that ship graveyard have been recovered or salvaged and if we check the fleet here we've got three extra ships a fuel transport which is a non-combat and then a wolf just like mine except for it has a bunch of d mods which lowers its effectiveness and a new hammerhead which is a ballistic midline combat destroyer a good ship for sure the d mods oh what d mods does it have erratic fuel and faulty power grid so here you see its fuel cost is higher per jump and its sensor profile because of the faulty power grid or the is worse and the flux capacity and dissipation is worse and that is a result of the d mods essentially it is damaged all right so here we are back in incira and i'm going to black market some of the uh the other stuff that i got and then we can go and start to refit these ships so that they're um combat ready so this dram here i'm going to add a militarized subsystem to it uh which increases the max burn level by one increases flux dissipation by 10 adds 10 more armor but increases the minimum crew considerably uh and then i'm also going to add auxiliary fuel tanks which increases the amount of fuel it can hold and then that's about it let's give it some cheap weapons maybe so i will give it a a two shot torpedo and some sort of uh point defense and that's it that way it can somewhat defend itself but not much uh if you want these ships named after you once i'm done refitting them i'm going to name them after subscribers that are active in chat so just type something in chat and then here if you want to remove dmods you can also restore it restoration tends to be more expensive than the cost of the ship so only restore if it's a ship that you are not likely able to buy um and then oh yeah here's the weapon groups all right so here's the other wolf glass that i have and as you can see it came with a heavy blaster which is pretty cool um in fact i'm gonna take that heavy blaster from that ship and put it on mine switch that out so give it the pulse laser that i had um let's see i don't like any of the missiles that are for sale so i'm gonna ignore it there is an ion cannon here already and then let's add some point defense done hey tumbling satellite thanks for the raid welcome all right uh so the it has bad life support it has glitch sense array it has increased maintenance that's all unfortunate let's go ahead and give it increased maneuverability and then up here we can increase its flux capacity and flux dissipation by increasing its capacitors and fence and then let's also give it i might be able to offset some of its penalties here so additional birthing would offset the degradated life support but i am not that worried about that increased maintenance kind of sucks uh and i don't have anything that offsets the increased maintenance so it is what it is but what i'm gonna do is give it an unstable injector uh so that it is more um agile it's more mobile and then maybe armored weapon mounts so that the guns on it are a little bit tougher so there is that and then for the weapon groups the pulse lasers on one the iron cannon and point defense on two and three last but not least the hammer head that we have so this this ship here is considerably larger as you can see than the wolf uh it has a bad fuel injector which means it uses up a lot of fuel which is unfortunate and then the faulty grid it really sucks where the flux and the flux dissipation are lower but it has more point hardpoints uh so let's take a look here i am going to hook up um i'm going to give this arbalest autocannon on the front which is primarily an anti-shield weapon it doesn't do as much to armor and then the small turret points oops fill in some coffee let's see i'm going to say oh you know i'm going to change my mind let's see no i yeah i'm gonna do the anti-shield and then here we'll do point defense i already have two pd lasers i'm gonna put it in front and then put uh i'd like some anti-armor but i don't think they're available so let's do light ionic cannons in the back for missiles i could give it uh let's give it the i like the reusable missiles but there really aren't many here i'm gonna give it a big rack of harpoons these are like finisher missiles do a lot of damage punch real hard uh the weapon groups for this the arbor lozano cannons will be on the same weapon group the point defense and the auto cannons will be on separate groups like that and then uh for features to offset the faulty power grid we're just going to prioritize capacitors and vents so there we go a lot of capacitors events um but i think knowing what i know about ship mobility the auxiliary thrusters are also pretty important so there we go we've got um this ship can vent realm fast it is not very fast though the larger the ships typically the slower they move and now for the giveaway so zack the terror you are going to be the glory of the stars all right and next magic hippie we're going to throw you in as the you know this mud skipper i'm not going to name you after the muskeeper because the mudskipper is a civilian transport um which is a and then this thing is a fuel transport um light tanker i'm just going to call it light tanker and uh civilian transport they're not ships that are likely ever to be uh used in combat so i don't want to name it after people because that would be annoying and then the hammerhead last but not least squeaky you are a hammerhead now once i have uh officers to assign i'm gonna name officers that are after people as well all right repair the ships at the dockyard and then sell the extra heavy mortar i don't need but let's sell it on the black market buy up a few more supplies there we go just about broke and even a few more awesome every last penny and now if we take a look uh return to lynn's with the news of the skeleton fleet speaking of weapons i was about to talk to you about that not much to buy in the open market but we have some stores i've already located a local storage to be assigned to you and some suitable weapons transferred there along with enough supplies to splitly bring up the new ships back to full combat readiness i kinda already did that um so now they're gonna give me the stabilization algorithm and work on a plan b in case that fails come on now it's not so grim i have every expectation you'll succeed or i wouldn't send you it's but it's my responsibility as commander to plan for every eventuality and not rely on malicious savior or a miraculous sabot maybe a malicious savior who knows about those miners the two fleets guarding the jump point will aid each other if you engage one when the other is nearby so it's easier to fight if i separate them got it all right and then if i take a look uh hit f5 and then let's head to the gate so here is the inner system jump point and we're gonna try to separate them off i'm going to turn off my transponder so they don't see me coming so much and then they're going to be guarding this inner system jump point and i want to peel one off and fight them one at a time so i just interdicted nope they're still their scents are bursting for me they're trying to find me come on come on what i'm trying to do is fight just one and not both but if you engage them too close to one another you'll fight both like that so now i'm stuck fighting both and then i could try to disengage if i hit full retreat everyone will go uh up and we will try to get out of here so on a map like this you'll have um points of interest nav buoy and sensor jammer a sensor jammer lowers the range of the enemy's weapons and a nav buoy increases the speed of your ship's engines so what i'm doing is i'm hanging out by the nav buoy to increase the speed of my ships but as you can see my hammerhead is getting stuck here so what i'm going to do is uh restart that fight there um and try to pull peel them off one at a time there we go it wants me to quicksave and let's do this better so let's cut the transponder i got one to e burn i got two to e burn [Music] turn around come on essentially i want one to see me but not the other so we can lure them one at a time let's go yes so the front one emergency burned and the one in back didn't and there's a cooldown to emergency burn which is gonna allow me to separate them out like this oh and then they they won't fight me one at a time come on ships interdiction pulse there we go all right so now i only have half the enemy fleet and we're going to move to engage and deploy all perfect so in this stage i'm gonna have all of the ships support the hammerhead and i'm gonna go independently um now they do have some big ships this here is a large ship this is a cruiser class venture uh the venture is kind of a mix between combat and trade and then here is a buffalo uh destroyer uh it's sort of retrofitted to be a destroyer then this ship here is a combat freighter uh a small um a small you know sort of carrier i guess not in this current um configuration though oh you know what i just messed up my weapon groups oh well all right let's lose some heat and then i'll go back mess with that ship there hit him with the heavy blaster he's gone burn my flux and go after our new target you all of my weapons are on the wrong weapon group which is messing me up one more shot and he's dead too all right now all they have left is their cruiser and i'm sending all of my ships to go attack the cruiser uh the cruiser is not going to be a fast ship and let's uh send out my swarmer missiles now as you can see their shields can only really face all right let me back up only can really face one target at a time so they sort of have to pick who they're defending so if he's shielding from me he's not shielding from my other uh ships in my fleet which i'm using to my advantage i'm basically attacking from different angles forcing him to take damage from one of us but it is a cruiser which means it's uh it's tanky as heck [Applause] and my heavy blaster that i have is kicking the flux so here it's saying that magic hippie the d-class wolf is starting to decrease in combat redness and this is because it's a it's probably d modded with less combat redness so it is going to um you know it's going to suffer damage before any of the other ships and as you can see we barely scratch the hull of this uh venture here it's it's pretty tough to get through cornbread and uh percock are per rock sorry uh thanks for the follows let's see if we can't uh hurt this thing so right now it's overloaded now and i'm just keep firing and venting firing and venting it just warned me that my own uh flagship is uh running out so another thing i could do is turn off the auto cannon for auto fire which the auto cannon that i have doesn't do a lot of damage but cost me some flux so instead of using the auto autocannon ion cannon sorry i'm gonna only use the heavy blaster and then if we take a look at this ship here uh at this profile the core of it is still pretty well armored but the top left here doesn't have armor left and the bottom right here doesn't have armor left pretty much where it's uh where it's red flaming uh so that's that's where primarily we want to shoot because it's going to be the most effective at dealing hull damage my combat redness is down to 67 and everybody's comment readiness is going down now that was what that warning was about now missiles don't take uh flux typically so i can also just keep hitting it with missiles and now it's like a sneeze away from death got it awesome all right your forces were able to gain a complete victory complete victories are always the best kind of victories uh i can consider ship recovery where i can recover the venture the rocket cruiser um oh boy is that ever expensive oh and that would cost me a story point as you can see because it is a difficult recovery so i'm not going to do it so continue and pick through the salvage all right there we are we blew up half of the uh gate guards and now what i'm gonna do is just sort of uh disengage a bit for the remainder of my fleet the ships in my fleet to um repair up so that we're combat ready again i'm just sort of hanging out here oh are you chasing me yeah they're chasing me okay so my ship magic hippie are repaired we are waiting for probably no one yeah we're 100 now so where are they they're there all right they have a strike destroyer and a combat freighter and then two little raiding shuttles should be easier than the last fight telling everyone to support the hammerhead and then i will go solo i didn't fix the re i didn't fix my weapon grouping which i should have because my weapon groups are all messed up right now oh well i did get some supplies some metal some fuel from the ships that i chose not to recover uh not a whole lot though you definitely don't get um a massive bounty when you recover all right looking at my hammerhead the hammerhead is taking damage from their destroyer so i'm going to offer eight over here instead trying to take uh heat whoa max flux let's vent some of those missiles gonna hit me but it's all right i have armor for a reason and he's venting too i don't like the configuration of my ship all that much um i mean it's not to say i don't like the wolf but it's not my first choice oh and they just got me with a flame out which is annoying flame out is when your engines are damaged and you lose engines i can still oh there we go engines back online i can still uh use my special ability which is like my short teleport but um a flame out is really annoying to deal with not quite as bad as an overload but uh still annoying come on flux god my uh swarmer missiles just hit nothing reliably nothing i wonder how the other ships are doing hopefully better than me i'll let back out of here and just kick my flux i haven't seen anyone get destroyed though this is just a very a battle of ineffective ships slapping one another it's a slap fight there we go overloaded and dead all right let's get back to the rest of them so when you destroy a ship sometimes you disable them and disabled ships can sometimes be recovered and then uh the alternative is that you can destroy them outright and they're much more difficult to recover it's possible that they're recoverable but um often only with story points and rarely can you recover them without story points so here we go i drifted very far from the fight we're getting back there all right we're catching up so there there it is oh it's not damaged at all full combat readiness too you're gonna be kidding me all right all of you attack that i'm giving so i never really talked about command points but up here you can see command points five command points are like how many commands i can issue before having to recover command points command points do recover slowly over time but i've just given the command that all of my ships in my fleet should attack this destroyer that's the current command this is definitely the ship to beat in their fleet it's the biggest one oh lord that just hurt that destroyer just did a like machine gun burst on me and almost took my hall out so i'm going to be a little bit more cautious i'm used to being tougher than i currently am i'm my ship is a big old pushover all right it's almost dead and it's gone we have low combat redness but we have defeated all of them all right i'm going to uh harry the retreat so now uh one of them did retreat their kite raider retreated um and i can either pursue them to go enter in combat again but the combat readiness of three of the four of the ships that i have are really really terrible only the hammerhead is ready for deployment uh hurrying the retreat lowers their combat awareness even more basically harassing them making it more expensive uh all of the ships they have is a difficult recovery so instead we're just going to scrap them for parts so now i'm just going to hang out here waiting to repair uh because i don't have enough combat readiness to want to jump into combat with this last pirate again um i actually don't think i need to kill it i could just walk up to the jump point and fix it there it is you load the stabilization algorithm into your jump program and the drive field goes through a series of esoteric fluctuations there are residents gradually canceling out the instability in the strut point the jump point should be stable enough to use within a day or so now let's kill this last one for you know credit hi little kite get over here move to engage and i'm going to deploy only the hammerhead because it's full and then transfer command of me into the hammerhead so you can see that so this is my like little pilot pod and i board the hammerhead and then take control the hammerhead as if it was my own well it for all intents and purposes is now my own ship all right and we won that soundly byron thanks for resub okay uh was it worth it not really but whatever let's get back to linz and tell her the good news we done murdered everybody rep goes up so now we're favorable with the hegemony and favorable with lens um well done station commander lin seems a bit giddy with excitement we actually did it you just never know with these things it's such a relief not to be cooped up in the system anymore here's your reward well earned and with my gratitude in addition i've set you up with a monthly stipend from the galatia academy in recognition of services rendered it should run for three full cycles frankly they don't have much room to complain right now didn't even have to lean on them too hard to get this sorted out so i have a stipend or a salary but not forever just for three cycles now i expect the authorities at the headquarters on jungala in the corvus system would like to hear about the recent events would you deliver a report for me ask to speak to station commander porter when you get there oh and make sure you take enough fuel to make the trip flying in system as you've been doing doesn't use fuel so it's easy to forget that flying in hyperspace does it's not too far but with your current fleet you'll need at least 50 units to get there if you do manage to run out of fuel somehow and get stuck in an unh uninhabited system and uh there'll be a real feat okay and that would be a real feat on the route to glacia corvus route because you know it's all inhabited but um use the distress call and wait for help to arrive i'm also declaring a bounty on the remaining rogue miner fleets here if you'd like you could stick around here and help mop up before going to corvus so um what should i do next there's a big pole right there combat bounty hunting would be sticking around exploring surveying i'm not gonna be doing that just yet trading and looting i can purchase goods or look for trade opportunities building reputation with factions or people would be continuing the um the current quest self-improvement would be refit upgrade expand fleet or other and it would open up another all right selling some stuff on the black market and now if i go to the bar there are three people to talk to here uh an angry woman in an expensive suit strike a conversation with a shifty man fiddling with a cyber mod jack or talk to a man haranguing the official about increased pirate raids so there are people to talk to there i can also talk to lin's here and ask to be commissioned i'm not gonna do that i don't really personally want to work for the hegemony but you know you never know and then uh we can also trade so here in the black market there are harvested organs or recreational drugs or you know sometimes weapons stuff like that that we can trade um and then of course there is also refits i can um repair and redesign ships so for instance that giant heavy blaster i can replace with anything else or you know the salamanders etc etc there's a lot of things to do here why do i have blast doors i have no idea uh let's give me auxiliary thrusters and then weapon groups fix the really silly weapon groups that i have i don't recall like making these choices but uh whatever all right so it looks like combat or bounty hunting let's update it uh bounty hunting is the current goal and we're going to be looking to take down some of the pirates in the local system so i don't exactly need fuel for that so the during the mining station uh that was the pirates hq are definitely gonna have some pirates around it let me save first and my flagship is fully repaired nice so here's the debris field oh boy got interdicted uh two hammerheads in this fleet let's do it move to engage so two hammerheads and uh two little freighters deploy all everybody support the hammerhead and i'll go on my way all right so now the weapon groups of my ship uh make a lot more sense to me which is good because it was a real disability to have all the weapon groups wrong or not wrong so much as like just unusual usually number one is your like primary weapon number two is your missiles and uh last fight it was like four was my primary weapon and two was the missiles but they were on auto fire it didn't make any sense so these these hammerheads are uh far more dangerous than than i am so i gotta basically lean on my hammerhead to soften them up before going in for the kill so i got like three heavy hits there um but until i upgrade my ship to something better i am it's weird but i'm basically support within my own fleet i tried to face him away and got caught by a missile before i could make it but it did dodge the remaining missiles that were coming my way and managed to keep myself from being destroyed all right one ship down uh everybody attack this hammerhead and despite the fact that my hull is dismally low i will take out this little drone tender here there we go i'm not particularly good at flying uh wolves if anyone remembers the last series i did to this uh i will be bad until i get asunder but i please stay oh there we go flame out you're dead all right everybody attack oh i think the other hammerhead is gone so yeah we've just won um i can pursue the last hammerhead and you know what i'm gonna do that and take command of the action myself deploy all everybody attack the hammerhead hammerhead is going to be slower than all our ships but i have to be very careful because my own ship is damaged you can see i'm like teleporting in as fast as i can you know careful but this hammerhead is like brink of death this is the one that we uh i tooled up and then hit me with a missile oh my shields weren't up all right so our hammerhead is going toe-to-toe now time to move and it's dead done what is flux flux is sort of like heat uh built up heat that you need to shed um and it's heat that builds up from both shields and weapons oh i leveled up so skill points let's cover this again so for combat i can do helmsmanship which would increase my top speed and maneuverability or i could do strike commander which would be stronger missiles rockets bombs etc and then also more damage to large ships but only affects the fighters from my piloted ship leadership would be additional max damage or top damage and then stronger gyros or alternatively higher combat effectiveness if we did technology i'd have a choice between gunnery implants which is um ballistic and energy weapon fire rate goes up and weapon recoil goes down or alternatively energy weapon mastery which energy weapons do more damage at close range uh and then of course the high scatter amplifier which cuts the beam weapon damage in half but makes it deal hard flux rather than soft flux and then down here um if we did industry damage control which is if i lose my ship less stuff is lost or alternatively uh reliable reliability engineering which is uh additional peak combat time and slower combat readiness degradation so there's some debris fields here see if they're oh and it's not even letting me uh scavenge from them okay there's a as you can see another contact there and uh my money my credits have gone up as a result of killing these pirates and making the bounties that uh that you all had voted for did we salvage another hammerhead we did not um i'm not using my story points for salvage the i'll put it this way hammerheads or other destroyer class ships are very basic and very common um so i'm not gonna use like uh special story points for ships that are a dime a dozen uh because pretty soon here we're gonna be able to afford to buy like five of them if we want uh so i don't you use like a unique story point to be able to afford one uh so i did enter this fight with uh some hull damage i'm gonna be a little careful i'm gonna try to hide behind uh allies actually let's shred the uh buffalo here looks like our hammerhead is that that's where they're going whoa goodbye did a ton of damage to its uh bow and i'm backing up all right let's finish this off sorry buffalo dead all right next up everybody attack the hammerhead and delete that waypoint yeah story points for paragons exactly oops i just uh i don't want to be in front now there we go so their enemy ships almost full flux which means it's not going gonna be able to raise shields easy to land some cheap cheap hits i'm gonna deflux and uh yeah that the enemy hammerhead has taken near fatal damage let me see if i can take this annoying ship off of the uh my ally almost gone oh missiles okay so my ship is now disabled uh because my flux did not decrease before the missiles went but what i can do with a disabled ship is i can transfer command here's my little like command pod and i'm going to the hammerhead now as long as you know i survived this and now i'm the hammerhead let me try not to screw up two ships at once so the hammerhead's uh special ability is something called auto feeder which is that it is allowed to fire weapons much much much faster like a burst fire [Music] all right you fight that my uh my ally escort is just no i guess it's a carrier it's not really doing anything and done all right as uh i guess there's a kite left nope the kite is retreating it's still here but essentially what what the game is saying is that the kite is so weak it's not causing me not to win so if i could just i can't just claim victory at any time but i'd rather destroy the kite if i can is the command pod new no it isn't uh that is something that has always been the case just you won't see me use it very often because normally i don't lose uh but you know when you're against a destroyer and you're a little frigate that will happen all right i'm just going to claim victory because i don't want my kami ram combat readiness to go down and i'm going to harry the retreat i can recover the buffalo i could recover my own ship for a story point which i think i'll do and then pick through the records for everything else so i've just used the story point to recover the rataman theme but it is now d modded so if you take a look here um this rudder mount theme has what d mod did it it has a less fuel capacity not a big deal but let's get back to town i also gained a skill point and you say put it to combat so i am undoubtedly putting it to helmsmanship um which is so much better than the strike commander in my opinion and then i'm also going to get the zero flex speed boost of hello some ship to make it an elite skill so that i get the movement speed bonus even if i have flux as long as i'm not making flux all right the next question i have is uh do i continue to bounty hunter or do i go to gengara or whatever it's called to check in with porter i know some of those options aren't making a whole lot of sense up top the choice is ultimately yours oh oops my transponder was off and uh they got pissed off for that i totally forgot let's go ahead and black market this gear buy the supplies and done take a look at the refit so damaged weapon mounts uh the reduced the weapon turn rate by 25 increased recoil by 30 percent and supply to recover the ship from deployment reduced by 20 so um if i wanted to remove the d mods i could spend almost all my money to do so um from this ship getting damaged but i won't be doing that again because uh i'm gonna be able to just buy ships um you know that are better for cheaper oh here's a sunder that i want i don't have the money for it but uh i particularly accept your classes all right taking a look some self-improvement so what i'm gonna do for self-improvement is make money i'm not really going to be able to self-approve until i have a little bit more cash so um all right i am going to go to there's a officer that i can promote who's steady with gunnery implants and i can uh promote this junior officer to a ship command i'm gonna do that so if i go to my fleet now in charge of the squeaky dink i can put let's see uh i will put fang face that's her name which is funny her name was pha so bang face who has gunnery implants which is increased uh ballist ballistics which is absolutely perfect for a um foray hammerhead and i'm going to put her in charge of the hammerhead so essentially i have to pay her a monthly salary but she'll level up and um she's going to captain the hammerhead now if the hammerhead gets destroyed uh she is not dead she can then captain something else but we'll promote that all right and then i want to check in at jengala with christian porter so let's find that it's right here and that's where we're gonna head i think that's probably gonna be the easiest way for me to make money really quick is to continue down this sort of like main quest line story tree um because as soon as i have i don't know something like 75k i'm going to be able to get myself a ship that's actually decent your ship has entered hyperspace ships traveling in hyperspace use fuel in proportion to the distance traveled fleets that run out of fuel drift towards the nearest star system and may become stranded there so if you take a look here uh when we here we go so if you go to the map and you turn on fuel range the um dark orange or the lighter orange circle is what you can do a round trip to and then the darker orange circle is a one-way so this is the maximum amount of fuel range that we have and then here is the core world so the concept of the core worlds these are all static there are predetermined core worlds uh any game that you play will have the same core worlds but all the worlds outside of the core worlds are based upon the maps um random number generator so all of the solar systems out here um you know i have no idea anything about them i do know everything about the core worlds because i've played this before uh and then we can also see if i turn off fuel range anything with an x is like fully surveyed and explored so it's a good way to keep track so like these worlds here are close to the core worlds but they are not explored by me same with this world this world so on so forth so we're just heading to corvus uh to check in with porter let's do that and yep let's enter this gravity well yeah the the universe is ram very very random oh god i'm right next to a pirate base let's get out of there so every time i i tend to check into a new spot i will look to see what they have for sale um see if any of their offerings are decent and then we can also look at the fleets of the different ships to buy on the black market too so here's the venture that i've destroyed one of uh i've destroyed a bunch of buffaloes there here's a carrier way outside of my price range here are some of the super super ships as you can see very very very expensive i actually don't have enough reputation to even buy them but they're the massive massive ships that you get late game uh and then we are here to talk to porter your connection request is accepted after a slight delay yes and you are ah you have report for me let's just take a look alicia is back on the map that's excellent news says here you've got uh you had quite a hand in it too that won't be forgotten so my relationship with the hechamani gone up and with him gone up what do i do now i don't have anything specific for you to do right now but you've got options there is a bounty in the system right now due to unusually high pirate activity you've already got some experience dealing with pirates so that could be a good way to earn some credits and of course you could always visit the dockside bars a good opportunity there sometimes you can try your hand at salvaging loading up on fuel machinery and supplies and heading out for the outer systems it's a good idea to pick up a mission first so you're not running blind someone's usually offering good money to analyze this or planet or that derelict and where there is one there's often more finally you could take a commission with a hegemony due to the galact a glacier business your standing is high enough that such a request would be accepted you'd be expected to fight our enemies though so it's quite a commitment if i were you i would hold off which is odd for him to say uh until you've got more solid feet behind you fleet behind you so here's the thing if i am commissioned um effectively i am a mercenary for them and uh if they go to war i also go to war with everybody they go to war with so it's not something you necessarily want to jump into and that's exactly why he told me that this person in the bar told me the location of a pirate base which i don't really care and then this person is telling me that they have a stockpile of 200 units of domestic goods and they want me to move it for them but i need to smuggle it i think but it's not a lot of money so no to that yet as well thank you for watching star sector which original aired live on twitch if you have any feedback for me let me know in the comments below if you wish to catch a live stream has my stream schedule and countdown timers to upcoming streams thank you for watching i'll catch you next episode or perhaps an upcoming stream [Music] farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 24,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starsector, Let's Play, Twitch
Id: _vqzSWTvIvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 17sec (3677 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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