Starsector Modded Let's Play 1 | The Rules

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all right welcome back to star sector i think we're going to start a new game and this is going to be a modded game with nexelerin and uh five of the faction mods that i like as well as my own uh personal mod that i'm still working on anyway let's go ahead and start our new game uh part of my mod is that i have these portraits to choose from and we're going to choose this one we are going to be justin bailey we will be playing on iron man mode and uh there's some rules that i'm doing with this play through and we'll uh talk about them in just a sec uh first we're setting up uh nexelerin so we go ahead and skip the next cellar in preamble we're going to configure our system i'm not going to use random core worlds i think i'll show this when i if and when i do a let's look at or a faction showcase it's not really a faction but a mod showcase for an accelerant suffice to say that i don't want random core worlds for this particular playthrough i feel like i like the narrative better for like star sectors presets so let's go ahead other options disable prism freeport i won't do that although i have to admit i kind of want to um but we're not going to do it for this playthrough let's see everything else is fine again i'll go over that in more detail with just looking at necceleran this is a play through let's play proceed uh let's see our custom start is what we're going to do and we're going to do the spacer start very hard there's going to be quite some grinding at the beginning to get some money because all we have is a broken down kite shuttle two crew 15 supplies 15 fuel and 2 000 credits okay done all right let's talk about the first rule for this playthrough uh so i want to make this crystal clear this time because last time uh when i did my play through uh people kept telling me take the industry take industry and i was like well that's part of my rule that play through is we're not gonna take industry by the way if you're wondering where the star sector theme music is guys that's gonna be uh for my official release for 1.0 so this is just a fun series so no no star sector theme this time sorry uh anyway rules for this play through first of all no transverse jump i might go ahead and take level two of navigation but uh we are not going to be playing with transverse jump it's a no-brainer must-have so to make game make our life more interesting and miserable we're not going to take it second no op boosters so we're not going to take any levels of loadout design i love loadout design but we are not going to be taking it everything else is basically fair game we will be starting out in industry uh this is going to make our life also more difficult but we're going to take salvaging level one and we're going to take safety procedures level one not that we have any heavy machinery to work with but we'll try to get to that all right uh start the game this may take it a little bit uh it does take the game quite a while to load up all five of the factions that i'm playing with and uh at the beginning and uh let's see to review that's uh tiangdong heavy industries uh let's see uh reuters union which just got updated recently since i even did my showcase on reuters union uh there was another update uh let's see number three is to solve mikoyan engineering and uh actually we can take a look here because i wanted to come to this as well uh blackrock drive yards and this is mine taeyongdong and tirador safeguard coalition which isn't showing an error is it don't worry about these errors guys something has happened recently with version checker and anything that's on bitbucket can't be can't be confirmed not sure what's going on but anyway i think everything's fine uh list mods without updates lazy lib next reuter yeah terador safeguard so anyway uh let's take a look at where we're at here on the map we are in hegemony space at atslan okay uh let's see our fraction relations are neutral across the board except ludic path hates us and the pirates hate us so here's the next couple rules we're going to be doing um i will not be taking investment creds from tritakion one of the ways you can deal with this spacer start and one that i recommend if you're going to do it is a head try tachyon space immediately and find somebody to lend you credits but we're not going to do that unless we get a total wipe of our i mean if we get reduced is like zero but for starting out we're not going to do that let's see i am not going to be doing any salvaging of the uh pre-spawned uh salvage points so like galatia has a debris field you can salvage ships from um the salt mikoyan their territory has some uh salvageable space yards where you can get some ships um we're not gonna be doing that also we are not going to do any uh spam trades because like there's a it's kind of a little bit of an exploit if you want to improve your relation with the pirates we may do a little bit but we're not going to dedicate ourselves to it or you can just go back and forth between two ports in the same system because the the one port just continues to span uh spam procurement contracts we're not going to do that next this is not a rule so much it's just a goal we're going to try to become friendly with the pirates and the ludic path this may take forever and we're going to have setbacks because the pirates and the ludic path will continue to attack me all right so let's get started our very first thing is we're going to take the shuttle down to the dockside bar nod to the concerned woman and she's got 10 units domestic goods i accept we're going to get 4 000 easy creds all right make out of contact with pather well we can but yeah i suggest he solve his own problems i've got my own problems as well namely 2000 credits okay the next thing we're going to do is go to our fleet and we are going to prepare ourselves to do some blockade running so uh i do not want to die out of the gate so militarized subsystems uh let's see safety overrides unright uh unstable injector that takes up all of our op and we go very fast we go very fast uh we do need some crew the militarized subsystems have increased our crew requirement by a hundred percent so there we go we are going to where uh yes exodus of tartusis batus and hesperus okay is there any demand for goods there best places to sell no nope i'm looking to see if there's any ludic church over there asher is on the wrong system nope uh nope yes no cannon is it's different tell me yeah eos exodus okay that's not where we want to sell and again no sometimes this will change even before you get to get to where you're going yeah i don't see it um oh yeah here we go eos exodus tartus wants organics well why buy it legally when we can buy it illegally huh there we go 155 is what that cost us let's hope that we can make our money back all right 15 fuel ought to get us there no problem uh tardis i believe yeah okay and switch to showing me my fuel range that's a one-way trip okay yeah and remind me again we are going to tartaces yep all right let's go sustain burn please little ship little ship get me there okay so yeah even if we run into pirates they should not have any hope of catching us the ludic path will be a bit of a problem uh their ships also have safety overrides they could potentially catch us i do not want to fly through the storm damn damn damn okay let's try again oh yay okay well we made it let's go fulfill our dream dream fulfilled uh take a shuttle down the dockside bar not to the concerned woman perfect all right 20 units domestic goods we can accommodate 11. yeah i'll accept your delivery all right now this can be sold at tardis which is where we're at for 107 if we do it that way or oh my god we lost money that's so annoying well sell it on the black market because screw them screw them i say um we have 5 000 credits yay uh we also are over our cargo capacity so let's go oops not uh fleet we're gonna take off unstable injector we are going to add additional re no no no no where is it my expanded cargo holds okay so we need to get the blackrock we do not have the fuel for it about now [Music] well well well um [Music] hmm [Music] let's stop nope hmm let's stop at burrata and refuel uh our supplies are adequate oh well yeah that's ludicrous path okay so yeah it's gonna kind of suck without navigation for one thing it costs us more fuel to get everywhere and for another without transverse jump neutron stars could be a death sentence let's see if any of these are close bought no they are too far yeah that's too far for now uh one of the best ways to make money on this start which we may end up doing is trying to do analyzation of derelict ships and such because exploration yeah all those way too far um because pay is good and it's something you can do with just a tiny ship and a fuel tanker although like i said if you're really trying to do this start i recommend getting investment creds but i always do that so i'm gonna do i'm gonna not do it this time uh we need fuel thank you and what does blackrock want hm they sell supplies that's good news i don't know if they want anything we should get some heavy machinery at some point but we need another ship first so yeah anyway let's get out of here all right show me blackrock get me the black rock all right off we go ah mr derelict yeah turn our transponder on okay good a little bit more money take a shuttle down um no contracts uh in case you're wondering uh this is the contact i don't suppose you know what i do new you're a level one agent and i do not need that in the past we've seen before okay well um what could we do to make some money here these are all in demand quite far away chalcedon is a good place though ooh vigil station needs crew really i don't need that many it does i don't think we'll give it a shot 967 is what we paid how's our suspicion level none how about now none yeah that's what i thought let's go ahead and uh let's buy a few supplies think about what to do next in just a second uh shall we take a look at vigil station we could do it and see if they have any missions for us at the bar if i could i'd install a calm sniffer as well 8 15. yeah that's good booyah okay all right what do you got nothing okay any new intel this will be a gas giant not gonna happen bounty's not happening yeah there is nothing good happening right now can't complete it yeah nope yeah system bounty what do you got for sale could i get another kite kites are the cheapest but if i buy a kite that's literally the only thing i can buy how much is your fuel i've got max fuel well um i could check out lydia but i think let's head let's head to uh samara let's see if we want to go to eventide here we go if i could if i could install on their com relay that'd be nice i'm not gonna i don't wanna waste the time not right now let's get us through here so yeah i thought why not today instead of fretting over the election uh let's play star sector instead what is happening over here oh good made it that's like don't tell me i missed because of my speed so let's see if there's any ruins and i'll tell you what i'm talking about that we're not allowed to do doesn't look like any ruins got spawned oops okay in we go tell me you have something to do nope the academic i don't want to do the academic here hmm where are these in demand nowhere about you hmm okay where are you in demand syndria syndry is the next place we should go uh all right oh we still have the expanded cargo holds okay that's fine uh let's get some gas we could check out these other ones but let's just go to syndra all right sandria tell me you got something good there's our monthly expense that is going to bleed us eventually why do i only have 14 fuel oh because i jumped jumping costs fuel oh are we at doozak no that's corvus we should check out doozak too just to see if they have a habitable world if they do that's our initial goal is to colonize dusak but usually it doesn't and so you have to kind of find your own world that makes sense uh thank you i'm not sure that made any profit for me oh my god there is nothing going on is that serious ah a whole bunch of tear door stuff this is my mod hmm mud skipper mudskipper's so bad it's good if i want to sell crew somewhere hmm if i could find a battlefield i could also try to salvage from there and get a ship again like i said i know there's some uh preset scavenging yards guys but can be sold at a higher price of course you guys are always in demand for volatiles like i said though i consider that a little bit exploity so i don't want to do it um i mean if i'm going to do that i might as well start with something other than the spacer start you know like what's the point taking the spacer start if you're just going to like you know take shortcuts the whole point is not to take shortcuts at least for me all right uh in case you can't tell may not be very much combat in this because i cannot fight anything i can't even fight a pirate scout patrol right now please tell me there's something to yes 30 units of luxury goods i can take 48 korovin i accept trade goods uh anything wanted at corbin yes vulturian lobster is well then let's grab some okay show me the map corbin here we come how's our fuel crap i forgot to buy fuel let's not do it this way okay stop back at volturn this time get fuel tax-free all right now let's get to corbin okay if you are new to an accelerant and you're wondering what all this is this is all stuff from an accelerant so there's new diplomacy you can actually win the game if you get to a lied status or blow up everything else i don't think this series is going to get that far uh with my luck version one will be out like almost immediately after i finish this um so anyway in terms of goals it would be great to get enough money to get like a couple of combat freighters and that is too far away and uh go scavenge some uh cold rock 140s too many at the minute at the moment anyway and uh oh my god what is going on okay there you go anyway well let me finish my thought so uh it would be good to get a couple of uh light combat frigates so that way we can go and analyze derelict ships and then blow them up right now i can analyze them but um i can't fight their automated defenses so that's an interesting experience when like even the weak the weakest uh automated defenses give you grief all right we delivered the luxury goods and got four thousand credits yay uh what else can we do here we sell that for a crap ton of money we oh wait that's for all of them i was gonna say we unit price oh my god that is a really great wow that's that's great holy cow would do again um yeah okay uh clearly we need to go get bull tourney and lobster and sell it ah that was a great idea uh oh my god 206 per unit well we can sell them at syndra i have a deficit of it oh my god that's wiping us out oh i really hope i really hope that works um [Music] please show me we go i really hope i make money on this just out of here mr scott okay our reputation is going to suffer if we continue to do a lot of black market trading and i don't want our reputation to suffer i want to be friends with everybody because i literally can't be enemies with anyone analyze main error probe again so far away i would like it if it was in this first tier but whatever that is life another one no that same one okay so that's at like 204 unit price i really hope we get more than that here yep 254. we could pay tariffs no look at that are you going to price 208 if we do that god yeah we're selling at black market sorry syndrya but i really need you to give me a company some slack here all right for 24 we'll buy that off the normal market still nothing nope okay well we could go to crewer real quick and see if they have anything kind of doubt it but it is on the way technically almost uh yeah that's right we should check out and see if we can get another kite problem is we buy a kite and then we don't have enough money to buy trade goods so all right you got anything yes uh 30 units transplatonic or drusen's anchorage i accept good and druzen's anchorage and uh well it wants metal or i'm sorry or and or is incredibly cheap give me all right you got another kite uh hermes would work too um they're just more expensive but not if they have a dmod increased maintenance is not a mod i want though uh comets are good but my my little ship here they're good but they don't have any uh cargo capacity five cargo capacity oh demoted kite i would like you i would choose you if i could um yeah mercury shuttle sucks 20 cargo capacity yeah really i mean it's fast that's the only thing the mercury has on it because it's really fast uh increased maintenance how much is the maintenance increased maintenance it's doubled is that are you telling me are you kidding maintenance is four instead of two yeah i don't like that i don't like that i think we're going to stick with a kite yeah 5 300 verses yeah that's fine it's fine let's grab it okay we can now uh take off expanded cargo hold i think right wow yeah barely yes okay but now we have more fuel capacity uh and if we give ourselves expanded fuel tanks we could actually do some surveying or not surveying but you know going out and exploration let's see um oh yes we need crew and we need to autofit okay autofit and sorry i should have realized i needed to do that there we go autofit what that didn't do it damn it what ah how annoying unstable injector thank you you've got one nope you don't okay i'm just trying to go too fast anyway things are done now all right we have two ships we have not enough crew there we go thank you crew jerusalem's anchorage show me on the map let's go oh oh what do we got we've got salvage get me back over here one thing i like about nixon lauren is scavengers will actually block you from uh scavenging if they're nearby i think anyway i don't think they did that in vanilla eek yeah recover it we lost one crew and that's all we got good job us two crew and we got nothing because we have no heavy in geez okay well that was that was not great that was not great let's uh sell this thing um yeah we gotta sell that we do not have any cargo capacity to spare and i'm mad that i lost my crew that was dumb i don't think i even got experience points for that okay we're losing money i gotta get some heavy machinery otherwise i'm never gonna salvage anything i mean i did get the ship that that was that was good but i didn't want to invest in it okay dodge the space clouds could you give me something a little bit closer well we might be able to do it we might be able to do it um let's do it local no that's new damn it i hate it when it just disappears like that exploration ludic church wants that explored that is so far away i'll accept i'm not sure if we're gonna be able to do it actually i forgot where is it located heart of the okay good it was like in the outer reaches i was like oh my god nope not going up there okay yeah oh we're just gonna go through it yep let's get us over here three sisters wants luxury goods yes we can sell that for not enough luxury goods three sisters oh no we missed it damn we just barely missed it i want it i just wanted to make sure we could carry it oh okay take a shuttle did oxide bar what's your deal man domestic goods now let's take a look here and actually see if we can all right if we buy up our fuel that does not quite get us we could get this to be our round trip only the dram was cheaper if only the drama is cheaper fuel capacity is 30. um dang oh no we can actually do better than that okay great our base fuel capacity on these kites is 15. so if we do this if we add auxiliary fuel tanks to one of them buy some more fuel that doubled our range okay and if we do it to the other one i think we can get there and back because again this is where we're trying to go yeah we can do it we can do it all right take off unstable injector add auxiliary fuel tanks give me a few extra oh man i'd like to get some salvage if i could we can take some i can't i can't afford to lose crew damn okay we will get a big payday though once we get out there uh that is more than we need by a lot 15 is way more than what we need i'm just saying guys that's way more than we need okay now oh my god we're still too far it's barely too far we'll be able to get back to attica at least okay we're gonna do it we're still gonna do it but we have got no fuel to spare all right we're gonna get out there get it get back to adco and that will be the end of this episode it's gonna be a little bit of a longish first episode but um that is because guys we are not doing a lot of combat or anything too exciting like i said there's just a bit of grinding let's go ahead and zoom out and keep an eye on where we're going a little harsh damn i can't help it we got to get through here guys once we get some pocket change here though then we can actually accomplish something man we are is eating into our supplies though all those ion storms sucks oh here we are all right let's hope there's no pirates what could pirates be doing out here though all right what are we looking for the heart of the system desert world i can't bring that on online oh who are you hmm tell me what's going on that's gotta be it [Music] oh damn i don't like these ships around here unidentified fleet pursuing salvage fleet okay hmm is that it that's not it derelict ship in the heart leave oh man didn't say it was in orbit ah there's some salvage but it's not it's looking a little dangerous we do not have enough crew i'm gonna salvage anyway oh we did it no fuel fuel is what i need assess oh thank god we're still okay we got some fuel we got some we got some good stuff okay let's uh let's not tempt fate these guys are hostile with each other which means one of them is hostile to me let's find what we came here for really is it in orbit around the planet i mean that's technically in the heart of the system there we go ah you know what begin the salvage we can take it i'll take supplies over metal any day great stuff great stuff we got enough fuel now ooh oh that's just cargo pots we got enough fuel now to get to more options but i think we are still going back to uh are we yeah atka i think we want to go back to atka yeah yeah this one took me through a boatload of storms let's go ahead and try atka this time let's go oh we could do us a uh planet scan too and we need to get out of here those guys are coming for us okay no they're not i'm just a scaredy cat let's go let's get back to civilization and then we'll uh call this an end to episode one a profitable episode one if not combat intense but that is the nature of the space or start is you just gotta find a way to make money as quickly as possible and like i said if you don't if you don't just launch yourself into try tacky on space to get investment credits then i think uh i think uh getting a couple of little ships that have enough fuel to get out to the reaches here and do a sensor scan is your only choice we have 87 000 now which means we can actually get something going on with the trade fleet and start looking at probes uh it was good we salvaged some god uh we salvaged some weapons too that'll cut down on some of our expenses can stick that heavy mauler on a hound that'll do a lot of good work all right again home again jiggity jig turn the transponder on oh pirates yeah not gonna fight the pirates okay well guys we can take a look at our options ooh the reuter version of phaeton pretty cool pretty cool looking uh like i said guys we're gonna end the episode here when we come back we're gonna i don't know buy some ships hope your day is going well don't be too stressed out about whoever the next president is um but vote anyway i mean it's too late now but i will see you next time until then bye bye
Channel: WadeStar
Views: 19,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starsector, faction, mod, summary, introduction, gameplay, Nexerelin, Blackrock Drive Yards, Tyrador Safeguard Coalition, Tiandong Heavy Industries, Dassault-Mikoyan Engineering, Roider Union, let's play, hard start, spacer start, ironman, playthrough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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