Starsector - Accidental Compliance ....wooops // EP28

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hello my fellow space pirates rodman here thank you for tuning in to episode 27 of star sector which originally are live on twitch [Music] probably unnecessary but unnecessary levels of violence is kind of my thing so this is the lud station that has been um messing with us sending up panther cells i only have 25 uh marines so i don't really have the feel for that otherwise i would have i'm using hold fire to be able to uh gain a little speed my big donut hole in the hall it's fine i installed it like that all right disco ball let's go blowing them up oh stupid dominator this is why i don't like the dominators they're dumb look at that guy on the right survive dummy that's what i'm gonna start calling him domi instead of dominator all right i'm gonna go help him out cause he's stupid you uh retreat that doesn't look like retreating to me i know i didn't say direct retreat but he does kind of look like he's still fighting all right two-thirds is gone come on shepard send me some fighters dude station's gone and they're retreating i don't think i lost anything i did not i will take your fuel i got another story point everybody like that everybody i also got 160 k out of the um the bounty and then if we take a look the the primary reason i did this is if we take a look at this stability here we're good yeah obviously i'm going to want to freeport this for the extra money uh murps murphy's stability is a little low actually let me pull freeport off because i don't think i need the money same with the zheng spur but uh night nav's fine all right so the panther cells are done i've killed the panthers so i'm gonna update my project description here uh to find blueprints so in order to find blueprints uh my plan is to go back home which i have just enough fuel for sort of barely yeah freeport probably is still good on them but well let's see let's see what their stabilities are recent unrest that will go away and oh wow oh their stabilities all just changed they all just recapped anyway i guess it took a second for the panther cells to go away so i enabled freeport everywhere just pick a few fights and i'll have enough fuel my plan i'm flying at something hey the tug just had reduced maintenance so now the only there's two more d mods to remove one on the morrow one on another tug i don't know where that fleet went all right let's try to limp home i think we'll be fine getting there and tech mining just got done at night so the tech money if you're wondering uh tech mining only can be built on worlds that have ruins and basically you explore the ruins and you can exhaust the ruins so given enough time your ruins will become exhausted and there won't be anything left really to mine at all um so you can find some good blueprints or ships and stuff like that weapons etc just like exploring ruins for the first time uh but it obviously attracts unwanted attention and you know so far god this sleet is fuel thirsty what about a paul making one more colony i don't really actually have a need for another colony um there is not a good system in yottenheim to colonize uh so let me show you that uh i'm doing this wrong show on map or rather no that's not what i wanted uh so we've got um we've got this barren world that has moderate amounts of ore but it has high hazard rating we've got this gas giant that has basically nothing with incredibly high hazard rating and then um this barren world that has basically nothing with incredibly high hazard rating we just made 643 000 this month that's another heavy industry world no atmosphere and extreme heat yeah it is if i need additional heavy industry you're not wrong i i don't feel like i need it right now i also would want to wait until i had another nanoforge building them without nanoforges is kind of like um diminishing returns man we're gonna be flying in with like no fuel i'm gonna capture the gravity well of yonheim and just like drift i definitely brought too many ships to bear against the uh against the luddites but they need to be taught a lesson and i think we taught them that 44 left spicy all right so let's go over to boomaloo drop a bunch of these ships off and we're going to be blueprint hunting for a bit and then i'll i'll ask you all again in a bit about if you want me to change gears so in order to blueprint hunt i'm gonna be heading towards the core worlds and uh picking up uh bounties basically having them tell me where to go so fleet i'm gonna take my two harbinger escorts and that's it um i'm also gonna drop off my tugs as well and temporarily refit my ship to accommodate for the lost tugs so i'm going to take advanced optics out and put in augmented field drive so that i can travel at normal speeds oh you know what but then i need to do the same for the uh the fat ships here so this is my treasure hunting fleet i guess all right uh i'm way over crew capacity which is why i'm crippled and my supplies is like plummeting luckily i have a lot of money so i can just scoff at that all right there we go uh maximum crew wait since when is there alf oh tech mining tech mining already paid off man tech money got me an alpha core i was not i was like i didn't put this here damn all right let me get over to night nave hey night nave i'm not your governor anymore the almighty ai corps is easier governor streamer luck again yeah i mean i was totally taken aback that was surprising all right so my range here is like infinite right i have lots of fuel lots of supplies uh let's go head to the core worlds and oh there's one other thing i wanted to do let me get over to uh bumblo i want to change the my flagship get rid of the plasma cannons in lieu of i don't have tact lances so autopost lasers and then put in it's expanded magazines done oh uh one other thing more attack lasers okay i'ma be one disco ball should i start to build in maybe i'll ask you that um should i use story points to build in to the paragon so i would probably build in hardened shields i can't imagine a scenario where i wouldn't want hardened shields i would also probably build in uh flux distribution as well and uh that would free up uh a whole bunch of points i'm not gonna build an augmented drive field because i will eventually rely on tugs so there's diminishing returns for that let me look if there's anything else i'd want to add to this arden shields because if i did that i could get um advanced optics actually i would want to build in advanced optics probably better with capacitors and stabilize shields and shield conversion yeah true but if i do okay you guys are obviously want me to build in so let me put the hardened shields in and that gets me a whole lot of points back i'm going to add the where is it the advanced optics build that in [Music] and then the big question is should i build in the integrated point defense ai and i think i will all right capacitors of 47 vents at 60 and we have one heck of a ship now so the advantage of all these tack lasers with the uh integrated point defense is like they will all be anti um missiling for me which will be fun this is the what i would consider the ultimate disco ball so let me run a simulation against a whole bunch of missile ships um what's a good missile ship and i think i have like five story points left or something like that so you're about to see full disco ball let me focus on left first auto balls lasers oh did your thermal bronze just hit my fortress shields it did didn't it just die here we go yeah if i find tackles this becomes even more absurd autopulse lasers are strong um but tack lances would be better all right let's have you build that flux my guy let me hide this pole i kind of already did it oops tap back in he's gone i didn't get touched once there not bad not bad pretty scary cool i don't have tackle answers though so that's moot um the other thing i could do is what ship should i use oh what ship should i use for bp hunting sunder doom paragon the advantage of the sunder is it would be cheaper the advantage of the doom is it would let you see me use a doom the advantage of the paragon is if i hit survey fleets i could probably take the survey fleet by myself um actually to that to that end one thing i might want to do is bring a little bit of backup with me uh so let me bring craigster who's d modded so we can remove that demon um so cragster will escort me and we'll put kadath in there and then kilgore bing face sky collective and then in the tinker tangier sorry tangier you don't deserve that but all right looks like the paragon's gonna win so i'm just gonna settle this up because i don't wanna be stuck here my fuel's good and oh is my crew good yep crew's fine all right we're gonna head to the core worlds because the core worlds are where they're going to offer me um like to go find derelict ships or whatever oh craigster you are not fast enough let me stop you right there oh boy i don't know if i can make you faster nope i really can't i really can't uh all right well in that case i will also bring the d modded tug which isn't gonna help me at all is it nope uh puts me at 19. um yeah i'll take two speed is of the essence and one more time all right all right my fuel usage is kind of absurdly high um yeah it was probably not worth it just being a little slower would have been fine or to modify crag to uh craigster to not need the tugs like to remove i don't know something uh hello oh yeah bringing tempus or harbingers would have been good i don't have tempest right now but let me see uh for escorts i could do i'll have you all vote so there's lashers which is a good um sort of small ship to escort there is um afflictors i guess as well there's wolves and tempests they all have their own meta i guess technically there's drovers as well uh you can do to rubber spam so um what escort ships should or rather what destroyers should i focus on so wolf and tempest are like fast-moving harassers um the drover is a carrier the afflicter would be a phase ship and what else well they're they're maybe i should do frigates only so wolf i actually don't have tempest uh blueprints so lasher i guess so wolf lasher afflictor and yep yeah just those three this is exactly why i'm heading out to get blueprints because i don't really have blueprints for the things i want i'm missing a lot of the key blueprints and and going into ruins and stuff like that might help a considerable amount this is a bit of a problem that i can't manufacture what i want it's funny to happen upon my own fleets it's been happening a lot yeah check every bar with a person with a paper book z and or that's a really good idea i will check the people in the bar that offer intel man look at my money two mil let's see if i can't spend some of it oh star fortress huh um sure i'll spin a full mill on that what about poetics star fortress there we go now i'm broke and i guess hostilities just broke out between tri-tech and persian league there's also the um there's also the thing of of ending my um well i'll ask you that so it looks like wolves win by a tiny bit it's a custom product custom production 12 volts why not a wolf pack um now there's a bunch of different loadouts uh that i could use and instead of me coming up with my own ideas what i'm going to do is open up the star sector suggestions so if you have a wolf loadout suggestion for me uh the inbox is now open and i'll take like five options and we'll pull on it but the other thing i was going to ask you all is um should i end my contract with tri-tech so currently i don't really need the money they're offering me for my commission um it's honestly just not the bulk of the money i have right like i make uh 400k on my colonies in 90k on the commission and they're drawing me into wars that i might not want to be drawn into so then the question is should i end my contract and uh and go my my separate way now that i have my paragon and i have the ability to make dooms i don't necessarily need to rely on them anymore if you see if you agree um not to say that you have to vote for it i wish i had a little bit more money left over for the regression tanker that i want to buy but no regrets i'm happy i bought what i bought i guess there's no point going to the dockside bar oh this is weird um here's a paper book so the blueprint of a medusa windows are pretty good uh i don't have the money to be able to um to do that though at the moment because i bankrupted myself um the other thing i need to be aware of is i'm here to do exploration so let's see if there's already offered explorations i think east and south are probably the directions we want to be traveling in did i remember to find my old admins uh yeah i did i don't have any now put a timer on that ending the contract i'm just gonna wait uh 10 days to be able to buy the medusa blueprint and so far marauders suggested the wolf missile boat uh try to be more specific than that i'm gonna refund that like actually you know what weapon loadout not just a type because there's four weapon types but a specific weapon all right gas giant to the south nah give me better missions it does look like i'll be ending my tritech commission so the the the thing with the commissions here if you take a look at the the factions um they're drawing me into some wars they drew me into a persian and a hegemony war um that i don't necessarily need to be a part of one of the advantages of not being at wars is the more factions that are friendly with me uh the more trading opportunities i'll have now with that said i don't think the hegemony will ever like me at all but you know all right there we go oh and he's gone oh well and they don't have tack lasers loki loki scion thanks for the sub all right let's go over to kulan see what there is to buy there yeah maybe we go to war with the hedge in a bit i'll be uh asking you all what i should focus on building up the fleet was the first thing let's get another paragon let's see about refitting nope no tack lances i think what i'm gonna do is put an augmented drive in cragster for now and then uh ditch my tugs because i can just make new ones and in fact my if i make a new tug the new tug won't have d mods and there we go we are ditching my tritec in a second all right let's make the tugs done can i make gravitron beams so let's see what i can make let me sort by size i guess uh so for large energy i have autopulse lasers which would probably be the primary weapon on a so i don't have grav beams no oh no i do i do have grav beams um and then i do have pulse lasers okay and uh what was the last thing attack beams yeah i'm pretty sure yeah attack lasers oops wrong thing nope still wrong thing i think there's a faster way to queue those up let me get some light duals now that i'm looking at it what are some other common ones that i use a lot of some vulcan cannons a few more auto pulse lasers a few more high intensity lasers do i have heavy handler two hey i have some heavy kneelers there that's a good weapon order that is a very good weapon order check the bar nope not doing your drudgery oh now let's refuel all right i can go anywhere and back that is the amount of fuel i have uh is there any exploration targets there is this one and there's a debris field here sure i have no other leads let's go to g goku and i might as well throw in uh some missiles in there as well yeah let me cue that up so some salamanders and some harpoon pods oh an equipment cache i like that lead more than i think i like the other one oh hedge you want to miss stupid hedge oh i forgot to uh relinquish my contract so let me head to [Music] over detour real quick unless i can do it in here no i think i actually have to go talk to them i can't relinquish it from deep space and we have a derelict ship i'll accept that as well i'm sure i'm gonna fail some of these but at least it gives me directions to go i don't i can do it from anywhere cool uh so let's go to the derelict ship first and go to the commissions tab where is that intel commissions yeah here it is resign perfect done and now hedges plus 42 with us and tritak is down 20. not bad all right heads just offered two derelict missions uh derelict ships one is kind of on our way so i'll accept that the other one is not out of the way i'll accept that as well we're just gonna be searching for uh derelict ships and ruins because if i can get a capital ship blueprint we can really go to war with whomever we want the bounty near the ships would be there's two of them yep both are pretty doable ones a little sketchier than the other but they're both doable but i'm not really uh looking for bounties i'm mostly looking for loot oh but a bounty coming to find me okay oh my my ships here are in not top form i'm gonna have them stick with me this is going to be a sketch fight i guess we get a freebie nav buoy they had what like three apogees two or three apogees i'll have the other ships come escort me too yeah paragon blueprint would be amazing but let's temper our expectations a little okay they are that's just a kite so one of the strengths of the ship i built here um is that it makes it very hard for frigates and destroyers to lose flux around me i'm basically just out fluxing everybody so everything around me will never be able to drop shields and lose flux without risk of death you back up center all right here's the apogees my autopulse lasers reloading go for it apogees are the tankiest cruisers so no surprise they're hard to take down but oh yeah feel the laser feel the disco all right one mule down maybe he's recoverable that apogee got away with like nothing just pisses me off and i definitely have a lot of people in my face so let me get some breathing room here oh bye-bye mules luckily mules are cheap all right let me take uh man they're being really annoying every time i try to focus on one they back up come on here we go i need a little bit of breathing room here but i'm not getting it i'm gonna risk it venting i think no i'm gonna try to dump to this uh falcon and then yeah there we go then vent because the apogee doesn't really have any long-range weapons that are uh strong that's right back up all right so that more is doing okay oops i just need to drop my shields the super messed up apogee fled me try to get some of these little harassers off me now they don't do a whole lot of damage but they're annoying i'm gonna hold fire so i get the zero flux movement speed bonus i don't care if he's lasering me i'm gonna go help the uh maura okay i think the more is all right why are you sitting in my get out of my butt all right the harbingers don't like the deployment this long i'm trying to catch this apogee yes dumb apogee dumb as you can see they're very very tanky and cowley's harbinger is disabled is this the death knell he knows it too yeah because he went all in okay claim victory let them go and uh i cannot recover something no i recovered everything cool all right why am i here again derelict ship all right let's read that it's out of reaches uh it doesn't give me any intel as to maybe where oh i'm getting accident reports because our combat readiness is so low yeah we're we're here for a derelict salvage but i don't know where the derelicts are out of reaches that's all it's given me and i'm not getting anything on scanner sometimes these derelicts just aren't here or like oh hedge inspection evenly matched but i'm gonna risk it that we're gonna get it done i don't have any bottles with me so i can't do neutrino but that would be good for me to take you know carry on with me in the future right yeah i don't have any bottles there's nothing out here man stupid hedge is like oh craigster no longer has uh bad engines yeah make ships with sensor mods for this it's usually not this annoying to find i'm about to bail on here and uh go somewhere else i don't really care if i feel a hedge mission anyway no no that's not it that's some rem crap okay out we go next we've got a derelict ship from independence to a system i've never been to before do i have a salvage rig of course i do of course i do i always got a salvage okay i only have two submittals for wolves so how should i build the wolf fleet we've got uh grav grav beam attack lasers harpoon or uh we've got ir pulse salamander or harpoon and ion which i spelt wrong let me fix that okay so between those and there you can pick between use what hurts the most well no i'm asking you what i should do it also depends on what i can manufacture too that matters obviously as well all right we're here uh there might be some ruins here too these are some somewhat habitable worlds well that was easy i'm gonna survey this but it doesn't have any ruins i just figured i can be paid for the survey data while i'm here let's try the icy world ruins come on come on boo well i got volatiles so i can use the neutrino detector and an auto pulse laser hey mallet thanks for the lurk all right well that system was kind of a bust i think what i'm gonna do instead of um going a wild goose chase for the other uh missions that i have offered i'm just gonna pop around to the local systems here to see what they have and let me see about reinvesting some of this money i just made i can add an industry to merps all right ir paul salamander harpoon so missile boat we will be setting up missile boat uh wolves i'm just gonna have to shorten it because it doesn't really fit okie i don't really like any of these industries for merps at the moment so i'm not going to do that but i will upgrade why not if i'm getting inspections already i might as well have the biggest possible hey who are you is there is there like a bounty here nope oh you're just a scav and we just removed structural damage from something one of the ships i recovered had a d mod yeah as far as um the best weapons it really think of the game as a bit of a rocks paper scissors shoot and weapons can be good or bad depending on the types of enemies that you're facing there is not any there's no such thing as the best weapon there are weapons that are stronger uh but there's no ultimate like this is the best weapon like that doesn't really that's not a thing um with that said the paragon is probably one of the best ships period it doesn't have any it doesn't have a lot of weak weaknesses uh but there are some other ships that cannot class it if built right but ultimately it's very very very hard to kill a paragon they're built to to last yeah i should reset that skill now that the five course so let me resign my um industrial planning and i can either pick up uh coordinate maneuvers or shield modulation which for a for the ship i'm in would be significant or um sensors so what skill what um skill should i get combat shields tech uh coordinated maneuver or [Music] oh no i mean um that's leadership leadership record menu or tech sensors so we'll be doing that in just a second let me uh check out what the sensor ping was it's a fleet it's probably just a scaffold it's a big scaffold happy little tree thanks for the follow happy to have you there's a whole lot of stuff here i don't know what's going on but oh there's a terran world here hello some luxury goods that's probably just another scout fleet uh where is the turn world it's up there all right i'll get there there's a few radar contacts near this gas giant supplies and weapons with a heavy needle blueprint that i already have a mining station come on not bad not bad in the game of course not bad i probably don't have room for 10k medals though it's a lot i'm never going to be back here so i'm not going to put in a stable orbit yeah the max level is uh 15. oh let me get the debris for more blueprints then what was you oh your pirate raiders i could squish them in a second but they don't have anything i want so to analyze this um if i want if i want combat i have two basically two skill points left right i'm level 14 at 15 i'll max so i could get shields or phase probably shields if i'm going to main the paragon and then that gets me to system expertise uh which is additional peak operating time and stuff like that or missile spec i'll probably do systems expertise if i do leadership uh i have coordinate maneuvers and then after that um this gives me more combat redness in operating time which is probably better than carrier group for me but it depends if i want to specialize carriers and then if i went um technology i could get sensors and then i could also get gunnery implants so sensors uh will allow me to see better and then gunnery implants will allow me to uh to lead targets with ballistics and stuff like that i also don't have to spend the the next point that way but uh you guys say go combat shields so you got it let me resign confirm and i'm going to elite mode this as well i don't think i'm gonna be getting rid of my shield modulation so um for my ship i take less damage and then hard flux dissipation when the shields are active which is incredible on a paragon like boom mind blowing incredible and then also the elite version is high explosive damage taken by shields is decreased so when my shields tank um reapers and stuff like that it matters a bit less which is really nice it also gives me hardened shields but already had that so that's not all the help all right there's a whole lot of contacts over here maybe it's a debris field yeah it's debris well i go elite skill i already have i already have look at this world rich farmland vast ruins oh my god this is a gem world right here unfortunately there's no reason to colonize it thunder wing attack lance i can't complain but one tack lance not really worth it kinda has to be two or bust whatever don't look a gif horse in the mouth i guess um cool and sky collector just got fixed up why no reason to colonize uh uh that's a complicated question to answer but basically this system here does not have any sort of industries there's no reason to colonize here just because it's like a nice habitable world habitable worlds don't really matter as much in um in star sector as you would think because it doesn't help you much habit of worlds feeds you but like big deal that's not ships or anything oh what is that a research station come on come on come on ah okay well uh longbow i already had that longbows are really really good bombers but like and a bunch of autopulsers quick give me autopulse lasers it's getting ridiculous all right there might be something in the corona on the other side and there's something in this gate oh it's just more pirates at least my fleet's big enough that the pirates just like leave me alone all right so is there another research station here that's black cash yeah not terrible but probably not roasting not worth roasting my ship over all right i would say oh yes the research station breathe thank you i totally forgot i always forget to get the debris um no phase lance that's really really really really good and more autopulse lasers well that was awesome phase lance vp is great was there something in the what is in the sun hang on the hell is this uh the hedge inspection is now [Music] the all right the the ground forces are outmatched so it should be fine oh that's just cargo pods that i uh let drift over here okay well this system was uh very very fruitful but um out let's try [Music] exploring the neighborhoods some more yeah as far as the oh no the hedge won and confiscated a crap ton of cores i am so gonna mess you up safe scum uh should i save scum i feel like uh they were outmatched so the fact that they won is a little absurd but i did just save there's a lot of cores that they took what chicks and there's not a whole lot here these worlds suck stupid hedge nobody likes you if i was worried about it i should have defended it well i had them beat it's just we lost like the rng there's also not that much that i could have done to improve in that time frame jd um [Music] you can't just you know unless i travel there myself yeah there is only so much that you can do remotely okay my guess is the rng is kind to us this time if it's not i'll just let it go um oops that's not what i was trying to do thank you for tuning in to star sector which originally aired live on twitch august 21st if you have any feedback for me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream please vote for star sector when it comes up in the polls for games for me to play and also to check out for my stream schedule and count on timer's top coming streams thank you for watching i hope to catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell pirate
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 4,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starsector, Let's Play, Twitch, Vanilla
Id: 0UetL6yNpHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 16sec (3676 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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