Disrespecting the Pirates - Starsector 0.95a Update - Let's Play #6 - Apogee - Viewer's Choice

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hey everybody asher here back with more star sector where last time we trudged through a whole bunch of ship graveyards here after judging through a whole bunch of ship graveyards like somewhere up over here yeah it's been a whole salvage bonanza we have been getting a whole bunch of ships we've gotten all of our officers from salvage it's almost like we're a bunch of foundlings not to make it a mandalorian thing or anything it's not obviously the first time that anything's like that been happened but it seems like this save is being more characterized by what we are found exploring because if you remember from my last plate through previous update i was having to buy a bunch of ships it's like oh look here's a hair and here's a hair and here's a hair and we just buy a bunch of herons this time we have a lot of a lot of things that we found that work really well and even like the mules and everything as well just everybody is pulling and doing their part it's very exciting i do have a skill point to attribute here and as i did say last time i've got to think about what i'm going to be doing what i'm going to be piloting here i have a 14th fleet legion sitting waiting that i will want to put some of the stuff in but one of the things that i will really want as nice as uh emc package can be fighter uplink is incredibly important especially for if i'm going to be doing a strategy like i like to do by running a lot of fighters so we're going to do that and once again if this doesn't work with our strategy we can always use story points to reassign later i think that is an excellent um thing that gives you a little bit of forgiveness in case you make the wrong choice what is this that's a sensor array we're not going to bother with that but the long story short is that in this system we did find and i'm probably better if i did it in the intel here um can we just look it on the current system um pretty much i did not actually look at a baron bombarded world in a gas giant so we have five planets here the percentages are pretty awful but the uh ore supplies are freaking awesome so there this is definitely a system to think about not a number one choice in terms of like hazard rating but if you are only looking at systems in star sector for hazard rating you're going to cut yourself out of a lot of potentially really good places so this one is definitely on the list oh my god my monthly expenses are not happy with me oh by the way my uh cargo is a little crazy i have a bunch of stuff to sell uh we didn't pick up any of those twenty thousand some ore that came from that mining station but yeah this should this should be okay now i have two yellow star systems that i want to look at and then we're going to try our best to jump back over to like yama or uh this other place any of the hegemony here which would be really great if um we ended up doing like let's run this with a bunch of ai cores because it's uh these are rough systems to go on anyway and uh then we're right next door to the people that hate the ai course um we're gonna jump into here we do have a white dwarf system that's not nearly as inspiring but look more remnants they are hostile and patrolling even and it looks like it's a barren world in a bare bombarded world so after all that hype for everything else not a lot here but i'm not really a fan of you guys just coming after me so um let's let's just knock you out open a comm link omega omega nope move into engage we're going to continue and we're just i kind of want to um drop in this but honestly it's not at full combat readiness so i don't want to screw with that too badly but we'll do it anyway so 86 supplies we should get some of them we should get most of them back this is this is not really a necessary move at all it's just a for fun move because we get to have fun sometimes in this game perhaps also maybe i want to get myself bound up so i can get a screenshot perhaps all right so we have our ships firing over here let's see if we can get a better screenshot than this perhaps that's print screen that is what i want um look at that look at the um the firing going on here so we have um you're dead already all right maybe we got it that seems pretty good all right so we got some credits we didn't even get a ai core and we can't salvage this active sensor burst not much doing here so i guess we just uh leave i guess we just leave all right and we have another unidentified entity over here i think we should just look at beta rs there is a mock morid that's possible over here but i want to make sure that we don't fly too far out so we're gonna kind of leave it out here a distress call originating from there i might be able to blast whoever's shipping it but that's a that's another warning beacon so we're just gonna ignore it be hilarious if the remnants were like yeah it's us the distress signal is because we want to put you in distress all right so apparently whatever feature to fly double speed and space other people have and i don't have but that's cool because we're just going to fly slow as hell through some nebulas anyway actually should really pay attention because it looks like from uh just my standard flying here oh we've got a beacon in here somewhere so what's our number one rule of exploration today kiddos it's to check the intel is to check the bounties and see if i'm about to walk into a bounty collection situation there's a pirate base for fifty thousand dollars i think we're going to bust that up real quick all right so we'll do the there's a few planets here maybe we can get some surveys and our supplies aren't great but if there is a pirate base i can always pop in and say hey buy their supplies and then take them out so that's fine um let's see so we got toxic world rocky mount and uh so this is uh crap um i don't mean crap like i don't i'm not trying to hurt the feelings of the star system but this is not what i want for my yellow star systems uh although we do have a really good system here in caddish it's though it's just missing that one check box but you rarely and that one checkbox is having two habitable worlds technically that jungle world's habitable but it's uh it's got some problems we're gonna um leave that here we're just gonna try to casually find a pirate base and uh this is a pretty low payout pirate base um we got some sensor contacts down here by the star i doubt that's the pirate base though it's probably just a dead ship domain error probe i don't really want to go for it because we are burning through supplies in a hurry are we like over staffed or under stocked or something yeah i mean the the probe would be really nice but we're not gonna do it um will this give us supplies i don't think it will makeshift sensor array let's just hack it all right so like we don't have a ton of supplies to the tune where if i don't get a good haul from here i may feel uncomfortable enough to um try to go back this is only two stars and we do have two pirate fleets over here and one of them's trying to pulse us so that's fun let's just say hello the station open the com directory you actually actually do have an officer for hire hey you what can you do he's aggressive he's level one combat officer prefer to engage at a range that allows use of all their ship's weapons you know what and you have impact mitigation let's hire you um that's fine um dark sidebar carefully approach the angry woman in the expensive suit at a pirate place hey lamb cerax you need you want us to get marines for an operation for a base that we're about to destroy no thank you i find it hilarious that we can sell stuff to pirates on the black market but zero den is a colony with literally a military base and not too much else but tin stability they're doing their best um you know let's make some money off these guys let's get all this stuff we could buy a few marines if only we had all of the to sell that's single torpedoes we want reapers though auto pulse lasers i have a few of those hammer barrage i probably want those all right so what can we sell we don't really want to sell codefish here we can sell the ludic we want to learn the automated repair unit sell the food screw it let's sell this um we can sell the survey data because that doesn't do anything in this update as far as i know and sell this sell you look at all this money we're going to be rolling in from people that we are about to destroy so this is um i don't know if we can get this back later and i guess technically like harvested organs we do want to sell that weapons there are places where we can sell these for a lot more so we're going to do that same with the transplatonic ore there are places where we can sell that oh no no no no i did not mean to do that okay we gotta do all the skin anyway um places there's places we can sell this for a lot more so black markets how to screw the pirates over part one we actually found two class five planets that's exciting um have some food i have a class three you already know that one we can sell you sell you sell you sell you sell the 10 lobster enjoy it before you get blown up we don't need the ore i know it only sells for three but did i just what was that oh it's um domestic goods so they're really happy that they have somebody trading with them because it's just gonna make all of their problems go away we're gonna fix their economy and then we're going to blow them out of the sky because we are space jerks through and through so confirm there do we lose reputation from the pirates by trading on the black market that is something i'd love to know um hammer repeater single repeater light machine gun talon broadsword actually have 12 of those for sale that's kind of crazy um accelerated shields mod spec not too concerned about that today i love that we have to pay tariffs on this i could have bought the marines here i guess i could buy some crew i'm not looking to colonize anything right now because i don't have the mind to support a colony but see this is what we do we go through here we get all this we actually know the ludic package so we're gonna abort that sale and we're going to sell it over here hooray so see they're they're not trying to learn some of these things but they are trying to learn some of the other things like we we taught them how to make ludic ships but they already know how to make atlas modified super freight for the pirate designs so they don't really care about that it's fine they don't care about the class 5 survey data that's fine i think we're good here let's go to just see what ships they have for sale oh adventure actually colossus these are the combat colossus's so they don't have much cargo they actually have worse cargo capacity than some of the other things i bought on the black market ooh these are cute i really did enjoy flying around and uh pirate light cruisers or pirate falcons this is actually a really impressive spaceport these things are good because they're fast and they got some extra missiles but most mostly because they're fast which kind of sucks that this one has an erratic fuel injector because that directly cuts into some of the benefit but that's fine there's literally nothing here we want so consider your military options we can engage in combat versus all their stuff they have their supporting corsairs um yeah this should be fun i was just saying before you know we should get in more fights and it looks like our ships are at 70 combat readiness let's do it let's blast them out of the sky we're going to deploy all of our buddies all of them even this wayfarer it's all the way down here the only thing we're not deploying is this eagle so we've got uh we've got a lot of combat points here we can only deploy 240 let's see how do we want to do this what i've had some success with before is kind of having a secondary ship that has some other stuff following it so maybe if i have the heron follow me you follow me you guys follow this sub tank i think this could work and all we're gonna do is just try to play it smart and not get if some if we lose some of our tiny ships to uh the space base cool but we don't want to lose our big guns of course our biggest gun is waiting somewhere else but let's let's fly none of these things should really be causing too many problems for us at this stage but man this this ship looks cool it really does it's literally like just festooned with guns so here's our fleet as or as disorganized as it is there's a bunch of fighters that are coming once again i'm taking the frontline roll can't actually destroy an asteroid how am i supposed to destroy uh evil base got a crap ton of missiles a crap ton of fighters incoming so look they they did their very best we just shot oh my god that's a lot of lasers okay gotta actually vent some flux here because we got we got hit pretty hard we pretty much took that whole barrage of bombs though so once again this is a competition to see who can outflux who and we gotta see if we can get this place to uh get all of its stuff aside so i don't have expanded missile ratchet so i kind of got to be responsible about this let's see can we fire on you this is it's going to be our laser boat again okay so let's back it up vent the flux you're overloaded so you're probably dead we i guess this is a crime not paying though so sunder not doing not doing its best okay this is this is a bit of a risky maneuver see if we can get some missiles over here not really all right so we got a lot of incoming fire so i gotta watch my flux this is once again where we take the engagement and back off but so far we're holding a pretty good line we're not we're not outright getting destroyed we just need to do some damn damage okay so that guy's in trouble my uh flux is in trouble i did just take a direct hit with the missile okay two direct hits with the missile what's a combat damage anyway right just a badge of honor okay gotta watch out for all of these bombs all right well i said when you see him coming that's fine but i think this is going this is going all right like i'm really happy with how that's doing as a support ship for example okay can we actually make this work today maybe okay we'll we'll eat these we'll eat these hits for a little bit all right so once again we just gotta um out flux things okay and shields up because here comes the next fighter barrage that's a ton of bombs wow we uh barely survived that not barely survived but we barely didn't overload but once again we took the shot so can we like have you go after this guy i think that'd be really helpful gotta watch my broadside here could have done better with those missiles look good you're gone i'm in trouble okay if i lose another apogee i'm not gonna be very happy here that's a ton of bombs save me save me guys all right yeah another apogee that's that's my street rep now all right so apogee go after here i've gotta i've gotta stay in the back a little more now okay so decent start okay how many missiles of these do i have okay we got we got a few dudes that are retreating do we just start going after the base and we lost we just lost a wolf okay that was that was some pretty bad shooting there on my end all right so where we should not be losing the space station right now okay we downed another one okay shields up it's a lot of bullets all right okay definitely don't want to be in range of all that all right so maybe we just go after the star base here in a minute because that one's uh surprisingly well supported and we're not doing a ton of damage on this guy here comes the fighters from hell again and like that can that can cause a lot of problems for me all right but this fight's slowly drifting to the right and i like that so if we can just get up here you take me you tank for me and we kind of try to get around here then hopefully we can push back in this is this is a long fight this would be where having another eagle would be pretty nice okay we should be in range for you okay you're auto firing gotta watch our flux gotta watch what's incoming okay we lost a wayfarer we're getting fluxed pretty hard so back it up and vents so we are just hanging out out of range good this is exactly what we wanted so we've actually taken out most of the base's support and now it's about time to uh hopefully not get killed wow you're so close to dying okay you're dead you're gonna be dead okay we're gonna we're gonna try to go hard here maybe a little too hard all right don't die don't die all right so full assault on this okay and fortunately we're not getting hit by lasers right now all right that was uh very lucky that we did not just outright lose the lose the flagship right here um our poor shepherd on the other hand is a holy cow look at you go all right we gotta we gotta we gotta get in here do some damage not like that maybe okay i'm probably dead shields up please all right so we're gonna see if the rest of my crew can do this because clearly the moment these guys get on me hard i've just got to kind of stay out of the fight i am just about dead all right but if we can get all you guys on here that would be lovely because it looks like right here we're doing some work we're not dead yet we're just not really alive either ai's doing a great job piloting though uh kudos there i really like how this ship's doing like it's super mobile if i get taken out by fighters that's going to be really embarrassing though um my crime strikes destroyed so we'll see how um our other ships here are doing in just a minute i'd love to get in here on just a little bit of missile support you guys are doing your best though it's a pretty ambitious your flagships combat readiness is starting to dissipate all right that's a ton of guns okay i'm in i'm bad at this game i've got to hope that these do not kill me out right okay i think i retreat with the flagship and send you guys over onto here because i think we can take this down with what we got if the ai is a little better at this game than i am so we're going to try to transfer command and maybe i take over like the hammerhead or something so mercy me though we got we got fighters coming to get me really hard i said that's a that's a ton of bombs all right so all right let's get myself out of here sometimes you just gotta live to fight another day because i think we have what it takes to put pressure on this i have fulfilled my duty as main tank and i have no healer like we've uh i don't know if that hammerhead's down or hurting we have a dominator here we have all you guys it's a lot to take on like if we had okay so i'm retreating and now things are um a little bit different here i should be able to do just a free view like if we're looking over here it's at 73 percent hull and we do want to try to eliminate but i guess i can transfer command to one of these oh boy this is this is something where i should know show video feed perhaps there we go that's probably the button we want all right so now we're just doing commentary commentary where um this ship has some really terrible weapons you know what um i've lost a few ships maybe it is maybe it's time to call let's can i pause this please i don't have a lot of firepower left maybe it is time to do a full retreat all right so let's do a full retreat i think that's probably better we just try to get out of here i'd rather not lose like this ship i might be losing just because it's stupidly standing in the fire like yeah that's that's a little bit of a problem so i do like that ship but i don't think it's gonna like full-on survive which sucks a little bit but at least we know what to look for like apogee apogee standing around like an idiot please just retreat so the aurora is gone push a little too hard on the pirates but that is okay that's just part of the name of the game here where you gotta you gotta play you gotta learn even though there's some things that we know the apogee should be able to get out of here and i would really like 42 should be out of the fighters range here in just a minute okay well that was fascinating so we're we're officially out right all right so they don't like us we didn't win we can't actually recover these guys uh ran away so disabled or destroyed we lost the thing that sucks is that we lost the aurora that we just got but most of what we lost we lost the hammerhead we lost the shrike um so we're gonna go back we're just gonna um leave here so see it's now like times three our fleet's a lot smaller now not nearly as impressive as it was but we still have our big cargo capacity we still have a falcon we're doing we're doing okay i can't i can't get too upset about losing stuff here so i think it's probably for the best well we're burning less fuel maybe we'd go check out mockmarad anyway um like these fleets are all here there's a derelict buffalo just over here can we uh let's consider whether we want to salvage it we don't want to salvage that all right so you guys are all running from us now and we're running from me too and you're actually you're near a jump point aren't you so pirate raid failed preparing for patrol duty probably better if we just go this way i mean one of the things is that we're going to lose a lot of supplies by um doing that but this is this is part of the interesting point of the game where you have happen we did bite off more than we could shoot we have another pirate patrol that's on our butts now we don't have a ton of supplies here so we had a really good upshot we had a really good look at all my things and the fort we're very fortunately with two apogees and uh we can get this back we can get this online um losing the aurora stinks but it may be time to bring out the legion anyway we have quite a bit of money it's interesting if i if if we had a better pilot if i had not engaged that base with the other supporting forces there i probably would have been able to take that but once again that's a bounty for uh only 50 000 and that was a ridiculous pirate base so this is 11 days at base burn level we just don't have we i i kind of want to see what's at mach morad but we honestly don't have the supplies for it so let's go over to um well really we can go to any of these places because we sold a lot of goods to the pirates so let's go here and hopefully not get blasted out of the rest of space because we've got a lot of repairs we've got to do especially now that we hit another hyperspace storm yeah and that's one of those things where just the loadout of that pirate base was amazing but at the same time it's like the ai sitting there trying to take it he did a really good job for a long time i should have just had him retreat when i retreated but i thought maybe maybe i could just make it through but that's star sector you you get ships you lose ships i think we actually have another commanding officer that we can we have two commanding officers that we could seat we'll put one in the eagle and we will put one over here raise the skill to elite now i'm not sure exactly what's going to happen your mentor and officer increasing ability requires the story point grants 100 experience we're not going to do that but look we rescued from a life of piracy and then got nearly killed by your former employers so yeah we are um we are burning through these supplies hard but it's all it's all good because at the end of the day we are still alive we have quite a bit of money we're about to get to a space station if we had destroyed that pirate base obviously we'd have more but we didn't and that's one of the things where the apogee is a really good exploration ship but it needs to be backed up by some other firepower all right so these that's kind of far that's kind of in a new direction that we haven't been i'm gonna see if we can find better for now we've got to um we've got a day to get to somewhere safe like here look guys we made it and there's uh another fleet so let's get to yama oh look you guys are just bumping now but yeah we we barely made it out with uh the skin on our back if that's the word for it unidentified fleet engaged in battle with the station um i don't i'm not really comfortable with you guys losing to that station fight but i'm also not comfortable with um my people starving so while y'all are here and fighting we have another officer available for hire what can you do she's aggressive she has energy weapon mastery um i'm gonna end that conversation for the moment by the bar we have a man with a paper book see what he wants good to see you again oh it's the same guy from before um possible leads on the heavy blaster we don't we're not really interested in that good luck for promising leads that twenty thousand dollar donation would let him go this is our historian for starter game or something interesting but not of immediate import let's see what twenty 000 does all right historian tells you about something it doesn't tell us anything so we just gave him 20 000 for nothing oh and fernium yes yes a bit of ludic vernacular all right so i guess we just paid him we just got ripped off um but we only needed two supplies for the repair so that's that's great we're under crew strength now which is uh exciting because we have no supplies and we lost a bunch of people alright so we have got to use a lot of money to go here to go here maybe i don't need to buy that many but we're going to anyway um and we're going to do some better sales for some of the stuff than maybe what i'd done before i need to drop off some other stuff as well so what's on the open market here 240 supplies is there a place where supplies are cheap yeah there's a few some places where supplies are incredibly expensive as well um chico mats tack is uh and the axle star system is pretty close and has cheaper supplies cheaper enough to matter maybe but we're going to do this anyway buy your fuel on the up and up as well by the way anything to buy they do have a falcon 14 with one d mod that d mod is damage weapons mounts and it has a slightly lower top speed hmm too small energy i'm not i'm not entirely sure if that's where we want to be putting our money right now a dominator might be doing better i think what probably we need to do is to start working towards getting the legion online so let's let's do that let's do that um we're gonna sell we're gonna sell these where there's profit so uh looks like uh coor is what we wanna do there uh s ascania is pretty good asgani is pretty good asgani is pretty good for selling this um we can give away the uh other stuff at other places so yeah that's a um that's a start also just curious what did they have on the black market here another a falcon pirate so that's a that's pretty exciting takes 105 supplies to repair that because we have uh this buddy over here which if we refit you we'll just do the autofit for now for assault not the best but graviton beams heavy blaster sabot srms are fine lots of little guns i do need to run the update still because the thumper uh is is kind of a thing but i said i'd love to get another i'd love to get another light carrier but i think i'm getting a little nervous because that pirate's going to disengage and go right after me so let's let's get out of here let's go to axlin no let's not go to adslin let's go to ascania that's good and then we can pop back over you know what uh dursack and uh penelope star might be potential places for a colony as well they're unclaimed there's nobody there we don't have to worry about getting glassed we could pop in and see if there's anything to survey as well um that could that could work out but we're gonna um we're gonna try to make a little bit more of a profit here as once again i just love that we did business while they're fighting with pirate raiders that clearly have no chance and we're losing money per month again already once we get the legion out of the garage we're going to be losing a lot more money but i think the apogees are going to be really good as kind of a side support for a legion that um is leading the charge and this is where i said before i wanna i wanna do ship combat and things like that and you gotta pick your battles really well and i this is a great example of not picking your battles very well i was a little cautious earlier i was very cautious last episode and um this time i got burned hard but these guys don't hate us so we should be able to get some reputation just by doing some trade with them right now and maybe get some interesting contracts that will take us to interesting places in space all right so where are you guys going you're just you're just merchants trading everywhere it's really interesting too that so far um well i think last time i just had like a ton of luck finding what i was looking for in terms of colonies this time i'm having tons of luck finding ships even if some of them are getting destroyed um that's oh we actually need to be at a com relay to do this that's that's a lot of new available missions that's a little far but these are next to each other so maybe maybe we go southwest we have some yellow stars that we can visit over here as well let's accept these domain era probe domain era survey ship that's on the other side baron world's on the other side that's a little far away but we do know that one of the big sales is over in here and then we can do our kind of our first run to the corner of space so since we're over here and since we're getting thoroughly cooked let's take a moment to check our sensor readings to say that we want to sell the heavy armaments over up above and we want to sell the trans plutonics they still have a demand for a thousand and we got plenty of those now right here all right so we'll take the speed boost apologies for the cough um dockside bar woman who was ordered a cadet to after talk to the woman who ordered the cadet to apprehend you um this is interesting sorry take a shuttle down you enter the bar uh leaving an uh noise some propaganda broadcast through the through way behind off-duty laborers drink away their ration credits dutifully a is set beneath the decat insignia on the corner of the sherat or karad have finally dressed officer bureaucrats call for another round even here a larger life hollow of line of uh sandria looks down on you as decide what to do a nervous cat holding a drink approaches you um and says it my uh i mean the woman over there wants a word the cadet glance is at the dark corner of the bar and over here we have uh nagassi spears who wants us to take a flash uh task force with 150 marines that's that's not our bag it's really not um illegal to trade on the open market well let's piss off some neighbors right i mean we can we can sell these on the military market but i want to do this over here i still need to drop these off but we'll do that when we uh do the other thing let's see you guys have a lot of fuel and you guys do have quite a few supplies do you have any interesting ships for sale you have a you have a conquest on the open market it's 2d mods i do like a conquest and it's um ships will appear like this on the open market not all the time i don't want to get one with degraded shields and damage life support but there's worse there's worse opportunities there we could try to sell some stuff to get that but um griffin missile carrier all of these things um it's just it's just interesting that we're over here i was looking desperately for a conquest to appear on the open market or the black market last time and it didn't really work like i said that's not my goal that's not my goal here um supplies 87 per unit this is one of the cheaper places to get them so let's let's buy these on the up and up i think probably 500 is fine and then local fuel deficit okay so we're not buying our fuel from here i guess fascinating so there must be a um oh best places to buy okay so this is this is apparently good um so let's get 475 500 supplies let's um fill up our gas tank we're going to have we're going to have a good time we can drop off these cores at a try tachyon at any time but we are we're about to do some that's that's for sure so hopefully they won't mind a little bit of black market trading and this is one of those interesting places where they have three different planets so let's go over here hopefully we're not going to get picketed it doesn't look like it but yeah we have uh definitely another place to go which is good but before we but before we go on a distant voyage or maybe we'll we'll see how the legion's doing or how we can equip the legion that's a derelict atlas super freighter sure i will happily um take a look at that um okay this low-tech has uh not as high cargo capacity i don't think i'm gonna take it i mean if we look at it again that is a maximum burn of five we would need an ox tug so that's not happening all right so you guys are all having a good time pirates going dark pirate smuggler going dark here we go a woman buys us a drink i know the location of perdition weighing blueprints so you could for the price or so could you for the price ten thousand credits just hop over your fleet and take it perdition wing i feel like i should know what that is but for ten thousand credits sure why not um you're a pirate so that's fine and the zettabond system or whatever i mean it's it's blueprints hooray blueprints we like it as for selling here we're gonna um sell on the black market for maximum profits because we're jerks in space and um we have a lot of goodies here like i could sell one of these we could definitely sell one of these if we want to get a conquest but the thing is is that i already have another ship in mind this is mainly just a clear cargo room because that's going to be important yeah that's going to do it for this one this is asher with more star sector it's been a ride that's for sure our fleet is intact we have a lot of ships that we found rip the uh ship that we lost that was new and it looked really cool in combat too and ripped to our other early sort of backbone force um i i'm gonna see if i want to drag that legion all the way across space with me maybe i do maybe i don't but we're going to cover that for another day so hope you enjoyed it feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments lament my inability to drive off the pirates before taking on the space station and in my hubris thinking that i could do everything at once got taught my lesson fifty thousand dollar pirate space station bad business but we'll do this again soon take care
Channel: Asher Games
Views: 8,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, starsector, game, starsector game, starfarer, space strategy, space mount and blade, starsector mount and blade, starsector tutorial, starsector salvage, apogee, wolf, hammerhead, starsector starting out, starsector what to buy, starsector steam, gameplay, alpha, beta, starsector story, starsector ai core, ai core, how to play starsector, pirates, hemogony, independents, tri-tachyon, starsector 0.95a update, 0.95a, new ships, contacts, story points, skill tree, legion, xiv battlegroup
Id: dZeifUWQlLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 30sec (3090 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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