Starfield 🌌 Massive UPDATE - Crimson Fleet Habs - Should You Buy Now?

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hello Mr moneybag stop before you buy the Crimson Fleet ship habitation mod by the infamous Lite Tech Aerospace who you may recognized from the trailer I mean the June update video that was released just the other day so we have an infamously famous sponsored mod Creator from Bethesda officially supported how does it stack up well Mr Moneybags before you spend your money let me spend mine let's sus out if this is actually worth the money oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we have a very rough idea of what it looks like what we're going to do now is we're going to do a deep dive into all things ship related for this mod most importantly how does it actually work with all the different connections ladders doors so a bit later we'll take some time and go through each every single connection and really test all the Habs and you'll be surprised we do find a little few things please use the chapters and go to all the bits and pieces you want if you do get anything out of these please consider liking subscribing and Mr Moneybags if you feel like supporting the channel That goes a long way to be a to purchase more of these Starfield mods which I need to rob banks to be out all for well let's dive in we're going to try answer the question is it worth the money I'll have my final comments at the end chapters are there if you need them okay so first things first what is this mod but before we get into that this mod is worth 500 credit at the time of recording this video I say that because I hope these prices come down which at a high level equates to custom decorated Habs and somewhat customized cockpit which wait for it at a first glance doesn't seem like such a bad deal but the sum it might but then we look at this mod the ancient Marina module which is a 2X twox 2x two basically for 1,000 credit which is $8 Australian doar and roughly about $1 what the I don't know about you but that is mind-blowingly expensive now please let me know in the comments why you think this is so highly valued am I missing something here cuz this seems this seems Guy high price to Perfection and hey maybe the money bags will want this but I'm just a little unsure why this is priced so heavily and when you compare this mod which offers a few rooms with some decorations probably your customade iume then compared to a mod that gives you pretty much double the Habs and enough components to basically build an entire ship out of these with all the Interiors matching and a whole crimson Fleet themed makeover of all these hubs that have a lot of detail and may be a really nice choice for people role playing is a crimson Fleet or if you're like me and it built a ship based on the Crimson theme previously but in any case enough yrin let's get down to the details okay so going over a quick overview we get seven habitation modules they and work just like all previous modules they're basically refitted hope Tech Habs also includes a crimson Fleet Armstrong cockpit which is this one here and quite similar and the only thing that really changes with the cockpit is just some of the inter decorations color the lighting and a few other bits and pieces now the whole idea of these Hab is it as in the title is a crimson theme completely fully decorated you'll notice a lot of the Aesthetics are representative of the key and heavily influenced by the Crimson Fleet so that means a little bit more of a darker tone bit more red light obviously Crimson Fleet being space pirate and the highly skilled combatant we get everything you would kind of want you've got a bar a pool table coffee machine a fully functioning kitchen God toilet which is a must have on a ship of course kind of easy chill couches a hooker computer you've got your Captain's Quarter comes with a computer a kitchen beds storage Crimson Mission board starm map TV Cruise quarter comes with bench press squat rack functioning kitchen for memory fridge plenty of seating area bed toilet computers then you have this storage room which actually adds 700 capacity to your storage which is really nice to see very nicely detailed then we have the technology core which is completely stacked full of computers servers and Crimson flags and the engineering bait has a really nicely detailed room which is excellent mainly because this Central Area will never get moved around so you'll always have all four workbenches as well as having quite a nice and well detailed engineering room so the Armory comes with two mannequins and will have various places to store weapons in some of the cases and some of the war mounts looks quite nice it's got uh Crimson Gull on it few other bits and pieces now it the setup will depend on how you place things of course but we'll come to that soon how how much can you customize the individual Habs well you are quite Limited in what you can edit which I guess makes sense cuz it would kind of defeat the purpose if we could move this all around but I ran into an issue where I can't even get past some of the parts in the ship obviously these issues will be resolved as time goes on you won't be able to move anything in this ship as far as my testing so including the Armory however when it comes to decorating everything on top or excluding everything that's included in the Habs is fair game so you can decorate just as you normally would having complete flexibility now you'll see a lot more of the Interior quite soon as we go through the hab connection points and let's just say you did purchase this mod and you wanted to you wanted to purchase the Crimson habitations you'd have to head over to criek system and go to the key now keep in mind in order to get to the key you need to join the Crimson Fleet faction so the other location is over in the pora system pora 3 the red mile to Lone Anderson who looks probably very different to you all the pieces are nice and cheap you won't have to worry too much about the credit however do note there's only one have that gives CR station so one of the most frustrating things about this is that there is no module that can really help boost your cruise station so you will have to be able to ship with other modules or just a lot of the crew quarters I guess the intention here is Crimson Fleet tend to have a lot of smaller ships smuggling and other nefarious activities so going under the rad type deal but they do have some larger ships so it would be nice to be able to extend and increase or just add crew stations to all the different Habs so we could really bump this up so now what we're going to do is go through in detail all the different Hab connections which ones are going to be the best to connect throughout every single Hab except for the storage room not too fast about the storage room it's all a bit of a mat muchness but let's get into that and then I'll give you my thoughts and recommendation on whether you should purchase this or not so here comes much more of a real live test we've designed this beautiful ship so we're going to run a little test this is a ship designed to test the Captain Quarters and what the Captain Quarters is going to look like with all the various different points having connections or not having connections so this will really test to see how well it performs and how it will look more importantly with all the various different connections let's have a look first Captain Quarters we're going to check is when you have the connection just at the very front and we'll have a quick Gander and see how well it still maintains the bits in pieces so with the connection at the front let's have a quick look around still seems to maintain quite a lot of excellent detail and clutter bed being right there and looks overall quite nice in this first little room we'll just go check the other compartment should not be really marked around with at all so it is pretty much as you would expect so nice little connection there very good functioning let's move on to the next so the next two Habs are going to be on the port side the left side and we're just going to be testing the entry connections first one and the second one so let's take a look at the very first connection on the port side so we're coming through here and what we'll do is we'll just quickly show a shot of the Captain's Quarter without this with the front connection so you can see already how much the room has changed around next forward you do lose quite a you do lose quite a lot you'll lose the screen you'll lose this uh nice little star map here or the map a little bit of detail lost there however the remaining of the room should be pretty much very very similar same so it's just that front pit that's going to change so we'll jump over to the backend connection and what we would expect to see is that this front bit here will be complete so now with this room with no connections at all to this front section we have everything that you'd expect and now if we jump over to this bottom connection we have lost a little bit so we'll just have a quick look to see what we've lost in here when you connect to the back side like this so this is what the room looks like without the connection we have a couch posters some Nets a few little bits and pieces what looks like to be a little bit of a storage unit there now and if we jump back over you can see what we've lost so we lost all that there however we maintained pretty much everything that is kind of serves as a functional part of the ship so this could be probably one of the better connections cuz it's pretty much cosmetic whereas all the other ones uh we would lose the computer the map kitchen so that might this may be the better connection who preserve the detail and before we jump on to what it looks like on the other side let's have a look at what the module looks like with no connections at all but let's have a look and see what it does look like somehow we've got Sam here but let's start at the front where we have the computer so we know this area quite well and uh we'll just have a quick look around so basically what we would smise from everything that we've looked at this is what it is without any connect do love the red couch there we already have a good idea of what we'll be missing if we connect it to these starborn connection side so we'll start with the front we are definitely going to be losing the um navigation or the map thing oh no we don't actually okay so that's kind of nice we keep we actually keep the star map thing so this could be another good connection for this front module where you maintain majority of the functionality and the look of it so that would be my tip if you are looking to connect this and it's a captain quarter maybe on the right top right hand side is going to be the best if you need to connect it on that side I still think this is going to be probably the best side to connect to for the port side lastly we'll just check what it looks like when it's connected at the very back that's going to remove the kitchen completely removes the kitchen replaces it with a few shelves and chair there so we'll just see what I'll just take a quick shot this is what it looks like with the connection and this is what it looks like without now how about when we add windows to the whole thing so let's see how it manages to Main main s so with the windows on all the sides possible you can see pretty much just get R rid of everything that we would think so if we had another window here we would probably actually still maintain this but everything else so we've checked a front connection removes quite a lot but it does add a little bit of a few extra little details what about the back well this is a back without a connection for the Captain's Quarters and this is the Captain's Quarters with a connection at the back so does change the room quite a lot but it also does maintain a lot of that Crimson look not my not my first choice for connecting this app next we're going to test the connction of ladders below up and below below and above we'll start off with above so this is quite Nifty because it actually has not really lost any details at all the ladder just sits in very very nicely so perhaps Captain's Quarter going below is going to be the ticket we'll just check the others and see how we go but as you can see nothing has changed let's go up and see what it looks like with the connection where it's below oh okay so the ladder's in the exact same place so all the detail is remaining above and below when connecting to the first connection so that's pretty nice so what about uh when the conne ction for the ladder is the end of the Captain's Quarters let's have a look and see how much it's preserved the detail okay so this is below at the back and you can see it's preserving all the detail horrific this is going to be probably some of the best ways to neck these have we go up I imagine it's going to be exactly the same preserving all the detail it's excellent It's preserving all the detail when you when you use ladders so what we can surmise from this test is that if you did connect all the points on one one side or the other it's going to it's going to eliminate a lot of the detail on one side obviously so it looks like using ladder is going to be the best sort of option for the Captain's Quarters let's check some of the other modules so next we're going to check the Crimson Fleet Tech core so following the same procedure we'll just have a look at the front of the tech module see how it works when it's connected at the very front and see what we will miss so this is what it looks like at the front connection we'll just quickly duck over to see what it looks like normally with no connections so with no connection we can see we have a server rack a flag you other little bits and pieces and if we just uh go here we'll have the main computer and then on this side we just have some shelves that could be a good side to connect if we go along here we have another big computer and we have a Dap thingy bob we have the going across we have another computer so it does look like the best place will probably be this shelf area to connect but we'll see how the ladders look in the end so let's jump back to the front connection still got the shelves still maintain the computer so that is good the front connection still hold in a lot of detail looking at the port side front and back connection starting with the uh front we have probably most likely going to absolutely we're going to lose that computer for sure server has remained and the the shelves have remained everything else will be in order and if we jump to the very last connection on the port side we are losing the computer and our starm map thing so both those connections aren't really good options in my opinion if you're looking to preserve as much detail as possible let's jump over to the starborn side and uh front connection this could be a good option cuz all we're losing here is the shelves so a lot of the detail remains as you can see all the stuff in here is unaffected is nice so we go down to the last connection on the starborn side of the back we are losing our computer and server so quite a lot of detail lost there as well so here it is at the backside connection and then we'll jump over to where where there's no connection and you can see this is what you lose so a bit of loss there in terms of detail but quite a lot of detail loss if we connect it with this side it does look like the best connection if you're connecting it it's going to be the starborn pop connection to get rid of the shelf so let's check the ladders starting from front connection pop and then below so we'll jump in and see how much detail is preserved so another good job here with the ladder plate placement it's not really eliminating any details so we can go ahead up and see what the bottom connection does it's pretty much going to be the same for the looks of it so same outcome ladder is preserving all the details I'm assuming it's going to be the same for the bottom connection but let's quickly have a look at that okay so this room looks a little different we're just get a comparison so this is it with the ladder in the back then this is the room with no ladder at all or connections at the back so you can see we lose a little bit of detail here particularly with the D map or computer thing so it kind of means having the ladder at the front might be a better option if you're looking to do Lads we'll head up and see what kind of detail we lost I'm assuming it'll be exactly the same having the bottom connected and yeah it's exactly the same so in review the best connections for this module for the tech module going to be the front ladder up or down below or above will work nicely the next best option is going to be a connection on the starborn front side our front connection that will just remove the bookshelf or the shelving we just take a quick look at what it looks like when we add a bunch of Windows and uh get a good idea of how that all sort of looks shelving would be definitely removed if we added Windows keep that in mind that's probably going to be the best place to put a window is where the shelves are and if we go through here having the windows yeah it just eliminates everything as you would assume more windows less detail always let's check the next module so the next module we'll look at is the workshop module 2x1 let's have a look how that Stacks up okay so the workshop modules let's uh start off with how we probably should have started them all off with is looking at the hab with no connections at all so this so here is the workshop front end we have a large sort of engine generator looking thing sign scene engineering some seats green and another what looks to be like some kind of fuel system or air conditioner possibly not sure but uh let me know in the comments if you know what all these bits and pieces are but they look awesome and then here we go so this is going to be the best and most important part now the smart thing about this module is that you can see just put it in the middle so regardless of how we connect everything this middle part is always going to remain the same what we will be losing though in this back end is that chest some stuff on the side here that emergency screen some shelving and and then on the back here we have some more kind of mechanical functional stuff that looks and it does look fantastic going to be a bit of a tossup of where it will be best to connect ladders look like it's going to be perfect looks like we'll only lose a few things from the ladders but judging by this having the front connection may be one of the better options but let's go have a look so this is what it looks like from the front and then this is the front with the connection so not losing too much this could be a good option let's check the two port side connections starting with the very first one we're going to lose that uh awesome looking Contraption still keep the piping there on the side there which is nice but we do lose uh mechanical we do lose that air conditioner let's call it for now so looking at the back connection let's have a look looking at the back port side connection let's have a look okay so a little bit of a glitch here cuz we have the emergency screen going across and uh we still have the chest which is nice we only lose a little bit of detail I kind of like that the TV stays there I wonder if you can walk through it this is what it looks like with the connection and this is what it looks like without so a little bit of clutter and details missing so we'll quickly check what the back connection looks like this is the back without any connection and this is the the back with a connection so it looks quite nice we haven't lost too much detail there only losing a few bits okay so how about the starborn front and back connection going to lose quite a bit of detail on these two connection I don't really recommend these so this is the front connection as you can see we've lost a fair bit here so this is what it looks like and then without the connection you can see lots of detail lost here the starborn back connection let's have a look it actually holds up quite nicely it does remain does maintain quite a lot of the detail so this is what it looks like with the connection and this is what it looks like without so we've only lost like a few little bits and pieces there so that is actually going to be a good connection and that's your back connection on the starborn let's check what it looks like with the ladders from below and above starting from the top connection going up so the ladder doesn't really remove any of the detail which is very very nice if we head up and that's the ladder coming through the bottom and it is also not losing any detail so ladders seem to be very consistent in maintaining all the good details of these builds of these modules we'll check the back connection out from below and above using a ladder and as you can see we haven't lost any detail at all now the only trouble is with this is how easy will it be to get around this ladder um as you've seen in the previous bit where I found that I could not get to certain areas because I was blocked off due to some of the Clutter but you would probably be able to just jump around and go up the ladder this way it would be handy to have the ladder possibly facing the other way if it's possible but uh you can see how this is going to be a bit of a problem so let's head up and so pretty much exactly the same so still a bit of an issue to get around this sort of area so probably wouldn't suggest using a ladder for the back end on the engineering quarter however what we can note is that all this stuff has maintained in the middle throughout all the different configurations so that's really nice smart move now what does it look like if we add Windows to a lot of the places uh you can see it just looks completely different the atmosphere is very much dissipated it's looking like just any odd module so if you want the best possible option I would say it is the ladder at the front and if you connected in on the side I would suggest the next one so the next one we're going to test is the Crimson Fleet mes hole take a look okay starting off let's check the Crimson Fleet mes halt with no connections at all got to say this is probably one of the coolest looking rooms so at the front we have couches tables chairs a hooker that's really cool I forgot and we've got a hooker here which is pretty cool and then a computer on the left now we know this middle module will not change despite what we connect so good to see that this detail which is a functioning kitchen I believe is all preserved coffee machine the lot it looks awesome now here at the back we got some really cool features we have a pool table the Red Mile poster and the crimson flag we do have a good option at the back here to connect it with which is just going to be shelving but then this is going to be a tricky room because it looks like almost any connections might remove the pool table one little note though with the pool table the cues are kind of sitting in the actual table little details like that for money I'm going it in tiny little details like that probably don't matter too much to people but we are paying for it so looking at the front connection go and have a look what detail we lose so we lose quite a lot we we lose that nice couch so this is what it looks like with the front connection and this is what the front looks with no connction so a lot of the atmosphere and details kind of lost without that couch there in my opinion so next we'll check the port side front and back connection starting with the front connection so this is what it looks like with the port side connection the top connected so it looks like we'll lose some detail but not a ton so let's have a look what it looks like without the connection so without the connection we have the toilet we have the juice and little computer thing so quite a little bit of detail has been lost there however we do maintain the chair and that little drink machine so not all lost but all it does add a little bit of detail there and being a mesle maybe you'd want to keep that it might be a better area for it okay so the back to the port side back connection if we we don't actually lose the pool table which is really really nice however we can definitely say having a ladder in this room is going to get rid of this full table so this perhaps a ladder on the back side will not be a good option but this is what it looks like with the connection and this is what it looks like without so this could be a good option you're only you're only really losing the flag and a net and a few other little bits and pieces so this could be a good choice so with a back connection this is what it looks like seems to change the lighting quite a noticeable amount and and uh we're just losing the shelves so this is what it looks like with the connection and then without okay it doesn't change the lighting that much and you're only missing the shelves so I'd say the back connection is by far going to be the best choice in terms of preserving the details we're just getting rid of shelves now looking at the starborn side front and back connection starting with the front connection we still maintain all the couches and that's a good amount of detail preserved so this is what it looks like with the connection and this is what it looks like if we don't have a connection there so we so we would lose the PC chair and a few other bits and pieces so here we have the back starborn connection and we're just losing a little bit of detail here but I still think the shelves is going to be the best connection but let's have a look this is what it looks like with the connection and this is what it looks and this is what it looks like without the connection so we lose the Monitor and that's pretty much it we don't even lose the sign so kind of a good compromise there as well however I still maintain the back now let's move on to the ladder connections looking at the front and back connections from a below and above starting with the front connection going from below to above okay so this is quite cool we barely lost any detail at all with the ladder this is what it looks like with the ladder we'll just quickly do one comparison here and this is what it looks like without the ladder so we do lose the table and the booker or hooker whatever you call it outside that a lot of the detail remain okay so let's head up now I'm assuming we'll just be losing the exact same amount of detail going to the bottom from the bottom connection just going to be the same we're just missing the table and the booker now this is where it'll get interesting with the pool table so this is the back connection below and above going from below first okay so a little bit of a defect here or above we do have the ladder on top of the pool table just going straight through now I don't know if this is because of some of my mods or if this is what it's going to be like for everyone so do note your ladder is going to be intersecting with some objects I'm sure this will be fixed but it is things like this that that would urge me to give lower score points for a paid mod it should be thoroughly tested in fact this is exactly the process any of the creators of any of these mods should be going through is basically running through every kind of different connection that you can think of with all the it based game Habs to get a good idea of how it all look when it's within all the variation that's just my humble opinion but I believe they should be tested all money we should be getting tested have but ultimately this will be removed and by the time you watch this video that probably won't be the case we will just not see the pool table now some might like having the pool table remain others might not but uh but in terms of keeping it more realistic you'd probably want the table removed so if we look up we are going to run into the pool table and we will just go up and have a look so it's the same deal question is can you actually get up into this t with the ladder I don't know it could be an issue so to me this is kind of a cosmetic defect or a defect definitely depending on how restricted it is of actually accessing the Habs but again by the time you watch this this will all be resolved so not an issue going into the future but if any mod creators are watching this and you are doing Habs please test them thoroughly especially for the current price tag in my humble opinion I think it's a good idea my recommend my recommended suggestion for connection is the front the back starborn connection and probably the best connection would be just at the back here it keeps the most detail out of everything Crimson Fleet through quarters now this is a 3x1 so this one has a few more connection points let's get into it okay so here we go the crew quarters so starting us off with no connections at all let's get a good idea of how this ship look boxing bag green some health and coal in there again flag here we got deadlift rack as we go through into the middle compartment we have a kitchen apparently I'm pretty sure that's a fully functional kitchen we have a toilet behind here I believe some little bar STS looking at greens then in the middle section we have little chill out area with some seats and jaros five no they are that's a legit thing uh and then the other side just shelves then it opens up to possibly another bed or toilet and tons of bunks here chairs a screen and a computer that's what we're looking at so basically we're going to be eliminating a lot of these details depend which will be dependent on which area we connect let's start off with the front connection this is what it looks like if you connect to the front and this is without a connection so we're losing the bench press which is a bit of a shame so we'll look at the port side connection stting with the very front the very first connection this is what it looks like with the front connections we still keep the bench press which is nice and the deadlift rack and the screen and this is what it looks like without we lose the boxing bag and chair and a bucket by the look so not too bad so moving on to the middle connection on the port side so to me this looks like a very good option looks like the middle Hab is going to be the way to connect this module so this is what it looks like with the connection and this is what it looks like without the connection so we're losing the table some chairs some posters moving on to the end connection on the port side this is what it looks like with the connection this is what it looks like without so we're losing quite a lot of detail here we've Los in the table with the PC post of the fridge oh actually scratch that we just lose the fridge and a few other little bits and pieces we keep the table and the computer but let's check the rear connection now so this is what it will look like out a connection it at the back and this is what it looks like without a connection so we're losing the TV and the table the plant and the shelves so not too bad of a difference there this could be a good connection so moving on to the starborn side starting with the front connection okay so some kind of glitch here or again maybe this is just on my end or it wasn't completely tested but this is the connection and as you can see it is going through so a little bit of uh discrepancy here but again I'm not 100% sure if this is something on my end but at least I guess you don't lose the uh the squat rack but but however by the time you watch this this will probably be fixed so keep in mind we will lose the squat rack connecting it to this side so that's the front starbor connection let's move on to the middle connection on the starborn side so this is what it looks like with the connection so it looks like we are going to lose a few things and this is what it looks like without the connection here it is again looks like we just lose some table and chairs so not too bad that could be a good option checking the last connection on the starboard side we will just zoom in here and have a look this is what it looks like without we do have a floating container here so that will get removed at some point but this is what it looks like with the connection and this is what it looks like without the connection so losing a bunch of cupboards a couch by looks bit and this is what the floating thing was one of these fire containers yeah we do lose a couch and some of those quite well detailed stage rack so we're going to take a look at the ladder connections now so we'll start with the front top connection going from top to above with the ladder we lose the bench press by the looks of it so we'll quickly go up and have a look so same again we are losing the barbell rack so this is what it looks like without the ladder this is this is what it looks like without the ladder then with the ladder a bit of a difference we're checking the middle connection now with ladders so this is below and if we head back up we will pretty much be expecting the same result it looks a little bit different I think so here we go and this is above does look I think it's a little bit different uh check again okay no it's not it's exactly the same it just looks a little different to me me I think it's just cuz the lighting so this is what this area looks like without a ladder if we just quickly scroll around and then this is the area with no ladder so very very similar we're just missing a table testing the end connection now for ladders below and above this is what the area looks like from below looks exactly the same from above and this is what it looks like without a ladder so we're missing the couch and maybe that's about it by it looks of it yeah pretty much just the extra couch is all we missed so not bad so there you have it that's the uh crew quarters now we won't worry about covering the store room I think we've covered enough so there you have it we' covered a lot however when it comes down to recommending this mod given the current price which is roughly between $5 and $6 us and a whopping $9 Australian despite loving Starfield a great deal and really encouraging such great mod developers who create stuff like this for Starfield these prices are egregious only going to take a few of these mods and we basically repurchased a whole Starfield which has endless amount of content compared to what we're seen not only that is that these mods are going to be B sale for you know another 10 years I know the mod creators put a lot of effort and hard work into this the amount I'm not sure but we're talking probably weeks possibly months depending on what kind of mod it is and if it's true that majority of the money is going to the creators and that is awesome to hear however who are setting the prices now from what I hear it is Bethesda but it's all a bit hazy right now for me I think these mods only need to be a few dollars given the large possibility that they are going to be making sales for a very long time not sure how the contracts are exactly how it worked but these prices are going to be out of touch for for a lot of people now if I'm going to be paying $9 Australian I expect a very well tested mod that doesn't have any issues and the fact that me going through and testing this mod myself finding minor issues that will be resolved by the time you watch this is a little bit of a irritation now majority of these frustrations are probably going to be only directed at Bethesda cuz they're probably The Gatekeepers and the controllers of these prices and for many many people a cup of coffee to buy this mod would not be considered much however it does start to set presidents for future mods driving up prices even further however ignoring the price it is truly a freaking awesome mod having themed Habs is a really cool idea and I'm sure we're going to see so many more of them mods like this are definitely going to transform how your ship looks compared to others but the only issue I see with this kind of setup is that we're never going to really have a system where we could share our ships between each other like going to a console and being able to buy ships online like going to a terminal and being able to scroll through other people's builds and then purchase those because you will have ships like this however maybe there'll just be requirements where you can't throw in purchase content or have centor ship getting a little sidetracked here but overall I really do like the mod really awesome to see content like this coming to Starfield you really will get to play out your you know ultimate Crimson fantasy having a ship like this and the attention to detail and all the placement lighting and everything is done at a very professional and high level something like this would have taken a long time and does deserve to be given money but we just got to put a bit of a pedal on how much these mods are going to be charged for would I recommend it at its current price unfortunately no I would would not many people would have no issues with purchasing this mod due to this channel I'm going to be I will be going broke purchasing most of these mods so I can show you and save you money and help you make an informed decision on whether or not to purchase it so I hope I've kind of given you enough information to give you a good idea if you want to put if you want to put some money into this if money is not really a problem this is just bit of a no-brainer really nice and fun mod to have however if you're a bit of a poor and a stingy person and want value for money these prices need to come down and the trouble is this is kind of a comment across whole creation Starfield marketplace right now we all know these prices are too high however I really like the mod Creator who made this mod I've watched a lot of his stuff on uh YouTube especially the creation kit stuff so no bad blood there just some honest thoughts on what's happening with the marketplace Starfield in general but love your work fantastic job and I really look forward to how this mod progresses I'm really hoping we do get a few more modules that have higher crew capacity and all the bugs and issues with the different way it connects get resolved and just one last thing what I'd really like to see in the is maybe an even darker tone or a more brutal is you know kind of ship depending on the faction like which ship would be the most you know crazy looking you know one would one have like skulls in one of the rooms that they've collected I do look forward to a much more you know brutish crazy B ravager kind of appeal which faction that would be I'm not too sure they're all kind of pretty brutal so would love to see a bit more of a much darker undertone and Gru some kind of ship maybe some blood splatter or some things like that which reflects a bit more of the the you know Brutus nature and then livelihood of the different factions perhaps and with all that done enough of me yabin thanks so much hope this helps peace out to next [Music] [Music] time o [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: SiNKiLLeR
Views: 4,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, starfield news, starfield update, starfield bethesda, starfield leaks, bethesda starfield, starfield news update, starfield info, starfield latest news, bethesda starfield update, starfield gameplay update, starfield leaked, starfield new leak, starfield new update, starfield steam beta patch, starfield dlc, starfield next update, starfield big update, starfield new patch, starfield, starfield mods xbox, starfield mods, xbox starfield, Crimson fleet
Id: oCy-tBEZStA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 39sec (1959 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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