Truth Behind the Great Serpent of House Va'ruun Revealed

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What's going on Starfield fans? I would like to  talk to you about the Great Serpent. House Va’ruun   worships this apparently fantastic snake as their  god, or divine being of sorts. So, is this Great   Serpent real? If so, is it really a god? What's  Bethesda's idea here? In this video we are going   to discuss all of the above. So, yes I believe  that the Great Serpent is real, really is a god,   and has a Secret Identity. I've done a lot of  research on this, and I have a pretty good idea   of what Bethesda is going for here, and it's  really very clever. Assuming I'm right here,   kudos to whoever came up with this idea because  it is a great one. To begin, let's cover some   basic information about House Va’ruun and their  god the Great Serpent. The sources that we have   right now for this topic are rumors that we hear  while playing Starfield, the House Va’ruun exhibit   in the UC Vanguard Museum, Ambassador Bal’mor’s  dialogue and his computer, and what Will Shen and   Emil Pagliarulo said about them in their recent  AMA. Our story starts with a ship that left New   Atlantis and was lost in 2190. Upon leaving the  vessel made Grav Jumps as is common in Starfield   space travel. After one of those jumps a passenger  named Jinan Va’ruun claimed that he had communed   with a being called the Great Serpent during the  jump. And that this Great Serpent decreed him   to worship it, or else it would devour him when  it encircles the universe. So, he started House   Va’ruun to spread worship of the Great Serpent,  but they chose to remain isolated from the rest   of the galaxy. Until 2230 when they came out of  seclusion and introduced themselves to the Settled   Systems. It was simply seen as an upstart religion  at first, then in 2240 Jinan Va’ruun began a war   called, The Serpent's Crusade. In which House  Va’ruun attempted to force humanity into   worshiping the Great Serpent through bloodshed.  The Crusade ended when Jinan died in 2263 and   his son Jarek succeeded him. Jarek made peace with  the Settled Systems, but then he and the majority   of House Va’ruun mysteriously vanished from known  space without a trace. Leaving behind only Zealots   who refused to accept the peace that Jarek forged,  Ambassador Bal’mor, and a few other stragglers.   There are a few entries in Ambassador Bal’mor’s  computer I'd like to discuss. He mentions someone   named, Si’ah Mavan, who's apparently a priestess.  He also uses the word “gravid” in relation to her,   which means pregnant. But based on the context  here, I think it's a rank in the House Va’ruun   clergy. Additionally, he references a place  called, “Dazra,” which from the context seems   to be where he gets his orders from. And we know  that their home world is called Va’ruun’kai from   Andreja's dialogue, perhaps Dazra is there?  So, are these places out there somewhere in   the game for us to find? If so, there's a hint  for how to do that in Bal’mor’s dialogue. They   decorated the Embassy with their native flora and  iconography. Naturally, I went out into the stars   and searched for a planet that has flora like  this, and I kept an eye out for the iconography   too. I started my search in the Serpentis System  because I'd been hearing that Va’ruun Zealots   have a strong presence there, and of course the  namesake here suggests a tie to the Great Serpent.   I found that Va’ruun Zealots indeed do have a  very strong presence in the Serpentis System. I   encountered them all the time both in space and  on the ground. Though, I'm not sure if anything   from the planets is useful since this could all  be procedurally placed, but there's a way we can   test that together. So folks, please help me out,  let's scour the Serpentis System together. So,   here's how we can work together to determine if  anything here is not procedurally placed. Here   are my maps of each planet in the Serpentis  System. If you have some time to help me out   please compare yours to mine and see if any of  these locations are on the exact same place on   the planets for you because if they are then  that might mean that they're fixed and maybe   even hand crafted. And if that's the case then  Bethesda may have hidden a clue for us there. So,   if you're interested please explore the Serpentis  System with me and comment with anything you find   that could be relevant. It is a really cool  system. I really like the scenery and I may   build an outpost here when I get a chance to.  Now back to the native flora and iconography   that Ambassador Bal’mor mentioned. In my travels  through the Serpentis System I did not find an   exact match for either, and I didn't really expect  to. Because making things that easy doesn't really   fit Bethesda's M.O. However, on a few of these  planets I did see the right kinds of biomes to   contain the flora we're looking for. Also, I think  these statues might be made of obsidian and there   is volcanic activity in the Serpentis System. So,  could it be that Va’ruun’kai and Dazra are in the   Serpentis System and Bethesda is just saving them  for DLC? Perhaps and if that's the case they could   justify them not being there from the beginning  with something like the Void Nights from Elder   Scrolls. Maybe they're there and House Va’ruun has  just made them invisible somehow. Additionally,   to my surprise I did actually find an exact match  for the flora somewhere. There's a place called   Starstation RE-939 orbiting the planet Voss in the  Alpha Centauri System. And look what we have here,   a Venom Tree. There's other flora from the  Embassy scattered around the Starstation too. So,   here's the story of Starstation RE-939. It was  a biological research facility that was run by   a mean lady named, Helena Chambers, who now works  at a TerraBrew in New Atlantis. Apparently one of   the scientists had a strange dream after working  with one of the specimens in which they were eaten   by a snake. Sometime after this Va’ruun Zealots  showed up and took the Starstation by force,   killing the staff, minus Chambers who must have  been either fired by this point, or was simply   away. So, how did the Zealots know about this  place and why did they take it? Well given what   we know about these Venom Trees from the Embassy  this is likely the cause of that strange dream   and it's likely not a coincidence that this dream  was of someone being eaten by a snake. It seems   like what happened here is the tree somehow  intentionally caused that dream because how   else could it be of something so particular  to House Va’ruun’s religion? So, these trees   can communicate somehow. Hence, I can only assume  that the Zealots knew about this place because the   tree called them, and why did it call them? Well  the obvious answer is it wanted to be liberated,   but there may be another reason as well. Perhaps  it one wants them to use the research done in this   lab to deploy Xenowarfare on the Settled Systems,  which could happen in a DLC. But what's important   for our purposes is this story suggests that there  is some truth to House Va’ruun’s religion. I mean   sentient trees that's supernatural folks. Also,  Bal’mor says that Dazra has reached out to him,   but there are no records of that in his computer.  Which these Venom Trees having capacity to   communicate across the galaxy can help us explain.  Maybe he communicates with Dazra through the tree   and that's why he chose not to trim it even when  it grew to this enormous size. And look at this,   he hesitates when talking about the tree's sap.  Perhaps there's something he doesn't want the   UC to know about it, like that he's using it to  communicate with the rest of House Va’ruun. So,   that's all that Starstation RE-939 really gives  us. Nothing here downright solves the mystery   and I'm not surprised by that. Like I was saying  before, Bethesda is never going to make solving   mysteries like this easy. They’ll always make  us think, which I love. Now let's talk about the   Great Serpent. I've gone over every think there  is right now about House Va’ruun and their Great   Serpent and I am very surprised by my findings,  but in a good way. I think what we've got here   folks is what I'm going to call a lore Easter  Egg. I believe that what Bethesda has done here   is they've placed an Elder Scrolls character named  Lorkhan into Starfield's lore and that is the   Great Serpent. I know that sounds very far-fetched  and I totally understand if you're skeptical, but   please hear me out, it makes sense. I've gone over  everything multiple times and there are a number   of ties between the Great Serpent and Lorkhan.  For those who don't know, Lorkhan is an extremely   important character in Elder Scrolls lore. He is  the god that convinced or tricked the other gods   into helping him create the mortal plane, which is  called Mundus. And he was later executed for it,   though his influence in the grand scheme of Elder  Scrolls lives on. He is reincarnated into mortals   called Shezarrines and other bits of his essence  are scattered among other gods. So, as FudgeMuppet   puts it, he's like an invisible stage master. He  guides and influences the mortal plane even now   in his shattered form. Now please allow me to  explain how Starfield's Great Serpent factors   in here. Let's start with something simple, the  snake depiction. Lorkhan is sometimes depicted   as a snake, in fact Vivec even refers to him as  the “second serpent.” Now look at what Ambassador   Bal’mor has to say here. According to him the  Great Serpent is deeply entwined with destiny,   and it shepherds its followers towards their  fates, like an invisible stage master. He also   says that the Serpent gives their lives meaning.  A common theory as to why Lorkhan created Mundus   is that he wanted to give existence meaning and  mortality gives it that meaning. I mean it's a   pretty common philosophy that life has meaning  because it ends. Furthermore, we must take a   look at Va’ruun Zealot Orders 1. Va’ruun Zealots  sometimes drop this. We must go to their places,   where they are, where they were, where they  will be, we must pave the galaxy with scales   and all who stand before us will fall. So, the  Zealots act as if the will of the Great Serpent   transcends time, and Lorkhan most definitely  does transcend time in Elder Scrolls. Also,   the Zealots attempts at spreading worship of the  Great Serpent through conquest is very reminiscent   of a story that some cultures tell about Lorkhan  spreading his influence via conquest. Now let's   talk about Grav Jumps. House Va’ruun started  when Jinan supposedly communed with the Great   Serpent during a Grav Jump, so let's look at  a Grav Jump. The two colors that shine here   are blue and orange, does this look familiar to  anyone. If you're an Elder Scrolls fan then you   might know that this color combination also comes  up in Skyrim. Particularly in the main questline   and other things pertaining to the Dragonborn. For  those who don't know, Skyrim's main questline and   the Dragonborn are very relevant to Lorkhan.  So, what's the significance of these colors?   Well I don't want to dive too deep into this for  a Starfield video. So, to summarize I think they   represent the intersection of Anu and Padomay,  stasis and change. Essentially, the orange   and blue coming together is the very essence of  the primordial force that initially created the   universe. So, it's deeply tied to the cosmology  of Elder Scrolls just like Lorkhan is. So, perhaps   it's the same way in Starfield. Maybe this orange  and blue represents creation and are entwined   with cosmology as well. And when do we see the  blue and orange fusion? During Grav Jumps. So,   maybe that's how that primordial force is accessed  in Starfield, thus why Jinan was able to commune   with the Great Serpent during a Grav Jump. And if  the orange and blue primordial force is a common   denominator between Starfield and Elder Scrolls  then it makes sense that this Great Serpent   being would be as well. And if we look at Elder  Scrolls lore, the most logical being to equate   to the Great Serpent is Lorkhan. Next let's talk  about the contrast between House Va’ruun and the   rest of Starfield. For most of the game Bethesda  really stuck to this hard sci-fi vibe that they   chose for Starfield. However, House Va’ruun is a  very stark contrast to that. They give off a much   more fantasy-oriented vibe. The most prominent  example of this is their extremely pious following   of their religion. Moreover, their iconography and  weapon designs have a very primal aura. Also, they   identify as a House, they’re House Va’ruun, which  is like something out of Game of Thrones right   there. And the succession of their leadership  does seem to be based on bloodline, since Jarek   is Jinan's son. So, House Va’ruun gives off strong  fantasy vibes, which makes this faction stand out   from the rest of Starfield. This could be because  Bethesda wants us to make a connection between   them and Elder Scrolls, which would fit with the  parallels we've noted between their story and   Elder Scrolls lore. Such as the Great Serpent's  similarities to Lorkhan. Furthermore, during my   research for this video something kept sounding  familiar to me. House Va’ruun, House Va’ruun,   then it hit me, “wait is that Ehlnofex?” For those  who don't know, Ehlnofex is an ancient language in   the Elder Scrolls universe and Ehlnofex words  are often broken up with apostrophes. So,   I pulled up the Ehlnofex dictionary to see if I  could find a translation for Va’ruun. I didn't   find an exact match with the spelling. However,  I did find a very close phonetic match. “Va”   plus “ruhn,” can form Va’ruhn, to be home. Not  only is that an extremely close phonetic match,   but it also makes coherent sense. If I had  ended up with two seemingly random words,   like say chair and ocean, I wouldn't think  anything of it. But I ended up with a coherent   phrase here and it makes sense within the context.  First, a house is a home and in the eyes of the   followers being a member of House Va’ruun is to  be home. To be in the Serpent's Embrace is to be   home. If you're still not convinced that I'm onto  something here, maybe this next part will win you   over. I also looked for a translation for Bal’mor  from Ehlnofex and I have results to share. “Bal”   means stone and it is a pretty common word too.  Some of you might be familiar with Molag Bal, his   name is fire stone. “Mor” is a word, it does come  up in Ehlnofex, but unfortunately no one's ever   managed to translate it. No one's quite sure what  it means. However, I believe I figured this out.   A similar word, “Mora,” means forest, or more like  woods really. And if we add a “G” we get, “Morag,”   which means forester. So, when we add a letter  we get something with a lengthier definition,   so if we subtract a letter we should get something  with a less lengthy definition. Thus, if Morag is   one who cares for lots of trees, and Mora is lots  of trees, then Mor is very likely just tree. To be   thorough I checked the whole dictionary to see if  there is an Ehlnofex word for tree and I did not   find one. Hence, I believe that Mor means tree,  so Ambassador Bal’mor’s name is Stone Tree, which   makes sense within the context of this character.  His shtick is that he's grown this enormous tree   in the Embassy. Speaking of which, the embassy is  probably the stone. So, given that I was able to   get reasonable translations from Ehlnofex for both  Va’ruun and Bal’mor, I think that I'm definitely   onto something here. I know the spelling and  phonetics don't match perfectly, but I doubt   Bethesda would make it that easy for us and I  think my reasoning with these translations is   fair. Not only do we have translations here,  but they both make sense within the context   of how these names are used in Starfield. I tried  the other names related to House Va’ruun too and   found more, here's what I've got so far. All of  these sort of make sense within the context of how   they're used as well. I may follow up on this in a  future video if I uncover something big, but we're   not done with this video yet. Ambassador Bal’mor’s  last entry mentions that the rest of House Va’ruun   has reached out to him, yet he says nothing about  this in his dialogue, as if it's a secret. A lot   of fans have already said it and I agree, this is  most definitely a plug for DLC. The only upcoming   DLC that we are aware of is, “Shattered Space.”  From that name I'm thinking that the premise will   revolve around the Armistice. It will probably  be broken, which will perhaps be triggered by   the return of House Va’ruun. But what's relevant  for our purposes is the title, “Shattered Space.”   Lorkhan's execution is often referred to as,  “the Shattering of Lorkhan.” So, assuming that   House Va’ruun and their Great Serpent are going  to play a role in Shattered Space, which I think   is likely, this title could be another innuendo to  Lorkhan. The last thing I want to discuss here is   how the Great Serpent being Lorkhan can fit into  Elder Scrolls lore. So, in Elder Scrolls the big   space of existence that contains Mundus along with  other realms as well is called, “the Aurbis.” And   prior to the creation of Mundus the Aurbis was  in a constant state of change. So, during this   early period of Lorkhan's existence he observed  the Aurbis change many times and he changed with   it. So, how does Starfield fit in here? Well  maybe Bethesda's idea here is that Starfield   exists in one of these pre-mundus versions of  the Aurbis, and the Great Serpent is one of these   previous forms of Lorkhan. I mean that really fits  with what we discussed about the orange and blue   because if this theory were true then Elder  Scrolls and Starfield would share those same   cosmological elements. Anu and Padomay, Lorkhan  slash the Great Serpent, etc. Furthermore, we know   that Starfield is the BGS formula game that's  going to directly precede Elder Scrolls 6. So,   in a way it takes place before an Elder Scrolls  game, so maybe Bethesda decided to apply that to   the lore as well. To be clear folks, I don't think  that Bethesda wants us to see Starfield as under   the umbrella of Elder Scrolls. I think what we've  got here is a lore Easter Egg. I think it's a fun   little tidbit that Bethesda left for Elder Scrolls  fans to find. What probably happened is one day in   the studio someone said, hey we know this game  is going to directly precede Elder Scrolls 6,   so it'd be fun if we found the way to incorporate  that into Starfield's lore, like let's say we put   some hints in there that could suggest that the  Starfield universe exists within the Elder Scrolls   universe as a prequel to the Elder Scrolls games?  And I'm sure everyone would have loved this idea   and said yeah we're doing that. I mean knowing  their sense of humor this is exactly the kind of   thing they might do. To further cement this notion  we should talk about Adamantine Tower. This is the   oldest known structure in Mundus and it's where  the Shattering of Lorkhan occurred. However,   it wasn't where it currently is when that  happened. Michael Kirkbride, the man who   wrote most of the lore we've been discussing,  has confirmed that Adamantine Tower is in fact a   rocketship! Or at least a fantasy version of one.  So, my guess here is that part of what Bethesda   is going for with this lore Easter Egg is that  Adamantine Tower could be a relic from Starfield,   that much like Lorkhan slash the Great Serpent,  carried over into each new iteration of the Aurbis   and eventually made it to Elder Scrolls, which I  think is simply awesome. And I had a lot of fun   putting these clues together, so if I'm right  here thanks to whoever came up with this idea.   That's it for this video folks, that is the Great  Serpent's Secret Identity. I believe that this is   a lore Easter Egg Bethesda left for us and the  Great Serpent is Lorkhan in Starfield. Thank you   so much for watching and I promise you there are  more great things on the horizon! Starfield is   a great game, and this is only the beginning.  I am going to play the heck out of this game,   and I will continue to solve mysteries like this  one and I can't wait to show you what I find. So,   if you want to join the fun please subscribe, I  promise you will be glad you did. Also, please   leave a like, check out my socials, and share,  it really helps me out a whole lot and it'll   help other Bethesda fans find this video too. And  if you have something to add please comment, I'd   love to hear it. Do you know something about House  Va’ruun that could be relevant here? Do you think   I'm crazy for suggesting this? Please let me know  below. Thanks again and I'll see you next time.
Channel: The Black Rose
Views: 60,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, Great Serpent, House Va'ruun, Skyrim, Lorkhan, Elder Scrolls
Id: xw3C2gp8wQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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