Starfield: Outpost Guide 1.0 - The Basics (Extractors, Switches, Base Building & More!)

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with over, 1600 planets and moons spread across more than a 100 star systems there are plenty of potential options when it comes to deciding where to set up your first Outpost in Starfield and deciding where to begin your journey is as an important step as the construction of the Outpost itself but once you've decided The Outpost building system can be a daunting Prospect for newer players as it includes a plethora of options to sink your teeth into what buildings and crafting stations should I construct first how do I effectively Farm resources how do I set up Outpost links in this video I'll aim to guide you through the basics of starfields outposts we'll choose a suitable site to build our first base go through the basic controls when in build mode and I'll show you how to set up a basic Outpost to farm the early game resources that you'll need to expand your base we'll also look at how you XP farm and finally how to Constructor base and set up defenses I'm mik the gaming dad and welcome to my Outpost guide the first step in Outpost building is choosing a suitable site to settle down on and as already mentioned this is just as important as what comes after if you're wanting to grow your Outpost you're going to need resources and if you build your first base on a planet or Moon which provides you with none of the basic resources you need it's going to slow your progress down considerably with this in mind the first thing you should be doing as you travel the stars is to scan planets and moons this will reveal crucial information about the atmosphere temperature whether the planet has any life in the form of plants or wildlife and crucially what natural resources can be found as shown by this colored key and how these resource veins flow underneath the surface now Starfield celestial bodies are sadly to many not seamless worlds you land in a spot and what you get is a procedurally generated map built using the properties of the area where you touch down so if you select the mountainous area of Bessel 3B here where there's only iron in any given Direction guess what when you scan the area where we land we're only going to find iron deposits likewise if we land in an area where two different resource types converge such as this area of Bessel 3A there's a good chance that when we scan this area there will be resource veins for both materials as shown by the berilian deposits here and then the aluminum deposits over here and this is basically what you want to try to do with the majority of your outposts the more resources you can Farm in one location the more efficient you are going to be so are there any resources I should be looking out for early on and the answer to that question is yes there are the ones I recommend are aluminum iron copper titanium and nickel these are core Metals used in a wide variety of items that you'll be building whether it be a landing pad for your ship to Furnishings for the interior of your buildings and out of these resources an absolute minimum I recommend your first Outpost you try to find a location that has these two here remember you can always refer to your resource key in the corner Bessel 3B has both iron and aluminum here so why do we need these two resources they are the only materials needed to construct the Adaptive frame and the Adaptive frame is the most common manufactured component needed for all of your buildings I'll show you how to produce these yourself extremely quickly later on in the video now before we jet off into space to find our first location it's worthwhile collecting a few resources yourself and a great place to do this are many of the various Merchants you can find in major settlements such as gemson mertile in new Atlantis the basic structures like an extractor storage container power source and a fabricator you'll need some adaptive frames tungsten iron aluminum copper brillium zero wire and sealant and the last thing you want to do is to begin building your Outpost in a remote region of space only to find you are missing one key component so stock up while you can you can also blow up asteroids using your ship's weapon systems for resources as well collecting basic materials like iron and water alongside more precious metals like platinum and lastly you can hail various MPC ships in orbit around planets and see if they will trade with you if they will you may be able to pick up some of the resources you need or even some more exotic materials as well now that we are suitably loaded up with resources we are ready to land on the surface of another world and begin constructing our first Outpost but where should this be I may cover a few different planets or moons that make excellent Outpost locations in further videos but for now my recommendation is your first Outpost should be in the Bessel system this is a level 10 early game system located northnorth west of the Soul system and once here you want to find Bessel 3B as shown here after scanning the moon the specific landing spot you are looking for first of all is this small iron deposit located in the southern region of the moon now if we zoom in to the left of the red Iron deposit is a small bronze-colored nickel deposit directly above the iron deposit will be three faint vertical lines which look a bit like scars and to the left of those above the bronze nickel deposit is another faint vertical scar what you want to do here is find the point where the mountains converge with the hills you need to be quite specific with where you place this as this will determine if you land in the correct location or not you literally only want to be one spot away from where the hills are but it should say mountains here we are now it says mountains and this is where we're going to land now when you land on the surface you'll know you're in the correct spot if you see this large mountain over here and then flat planes to the right so let's just take a closer look at this mountain yeah yes this is correct so we have this dark colored Mountain here and then the plains located down here now we found the correct location what we want to do is head down the hill towards the mountain once at the bottom of the mountain you want to head along the base and up and over this slight incline then on the other side you should see a small gas vent on the floor if you find this you've made it to the correct spot up there is where our ship landed so now that we are here bring up your hand scanner and the area you are looking for is where five resource veins converge see here we have iron Cobalt nickel aluminum and water all available from this spot let's just get a little bit closer so if we move our Beacon around see how the available resources changes you want the location that's going to give you all five so this spot here is where we are going to build our first Outpost Beacon [Music] now that our Outpost Beacon has been placed it's a useful exercise before you start constructing anything is just to check that you can actually Farm all available resources as stated in this location as sometimes veins can be right on the edge and as such you can't get many extractors down now selecting each extractor type will show you where the corresponding resource veins are so starting with aluminum yes that is over here and now for Cobalt yes we have Cobalt down here iron we have over here and finally nickel where is nickel okay so nickel is down here near Cobalt I don't actually have the resources to build the water vapor extractor so we can't check this one which is a good reminder as to why you should have these resources readily available before you land once you have dropped the Outpost Beacon you'll then have this symbol above the star system which denotes an outpost has been placed here and when you enter the system the same symbol appears above the planet or Moon where the beacon has been placed and then finally you'll have an outpost marker on the surface which you can directly travel to when you land you'll always spawn directly next to your Outpost Beacon so let's go over the basic controls and menu system during building mode bring up your hand scanner and then to access your Outpost as I play using a controller and press X as displayed down here we've now entered the Outpost mechanic and from here we can either toggle the view or enter build mode so let's Press B to enter build mode once in build mode you'll see a few more menus appear plus more controls let's start off with the top right corner which shows you our list of available constructs on my controller lb and RB toggle through each building type so we have a list of extractors we have different power units storage containers Builders which allow us to manufacture components structures crafting workstations defense systems robots Furniture decorations displays and so on on the left side of the display you'll be able to see what resources required to build each item and if it requires any power to run it now let's say we want to to drop an extractor down you can move around the map and select where you wish to place these down however I find working in this view really hard to manage to build I highly recommend toggling your view to this it's obviously up to you I just find this view far easier to work with and you can rotate your view here zoom in and out and you can also rotate the objects you are looking to build as [Music] well now one other thing worth pointing out in build mode is some of the items you construct can have variance this fabricator here builds adaptive frames but we can change this to one that builds manifolds com relays and isoc centered magnets and so on habitable structures also have variants as well so this round Hab you can build one with a glass dome instead and this small hex lab also has a larger version looking through the various menus here though there isn't a whole lot we can build yet and that's because on this save I haven't unlocked a lot of the research yet which allows for more Advanced Construction this is all done at a research lab such as this one in the basement of constellation headquarters within here we have an outpost development section and it's in here where you can find various different research projects that when researched will allow you to construct new things at your outposts so for example I've already researched manufacturing one if we look at what this does we can now construct simple Fabricators small Warehouse modules and Inter system cargo links but currently manufacturing 2 is locked because we don't have the relevant perk required to research this Outpost engineering rank one likewise if we could research resource extraction one we'd be able to construct larger commercial extractors at our Outpost because more advanced or even completely new buildings are locked behind research some of the most important perks when constructing Outpost are as follows in the science tree you'll want to eventually get to Outpost engineering with each subsequent rank of this you'll be able to unlock more and more advanced modules and then eventually at rank four your Outpost modules will cost 50% fewer resources to build which is huge planetary habitation is another one that you want to get if you plan to build a lot of different outposts this perk will allow you to settle on worlds with extreme environments ranging from extreme temperature at rank one to extreme pressure toxic atmospheres and finally extreme gravity at rank four you'll also be able to build four additional outposts with each rank if you plan to invest heavily into outposts you may also want to consider research methods what this does is reduce the amount of resources you need to complete research projects with each Rank and then at rank four we'll make sudden development twice as common in the social treat there's Outpost management and what this does is allow you to construct additional cargo Links at rank one additional robots at rank two crew at rank three and then at rank four your extractors work twice as fast lastly before we begin building there is one other control I wanted to highlight and that is the track Button as shown here if you have a building or something which you want to construct but you don't have the resources you can track those resources and what this will then do is place a blue magnifying glass next to all the resources needed for that construct it will show this on all instances of those resources on other buildings as well now if you were to go to a vendor with this selected these resources would be highlighted so you can use this as a prompt to remind you to buy them if you wanted to you can set up multiple tracks as well but to be honest this isn't something I ever use as you need to go back and untrack each item in build mode which I just found annoying but it's there if you need to use it now we've gone over the basic controls should we start setting up our first Outpost let's enter build mode and I'm going to jump into the aerial view what I'm going to do first is build my extractors and first of all let's start with aluminum which is over here and I'm going to place this right on the edge of the resource vean the reason why I'm doing this is extractors have a circle around them and other extractors can't be placed within the circumference of that Circle so you don't want to drop one right in the middle and then find you can't place any more around it now that's down let's place an iron extractor as well which is over here and I'm also going to place this one on the edge now we have one extractor each for iron and aluminum let's build some storage containers iron and aluminum are of course solids so we need storage for solids I'll build one here I'm not not interested in look and feel yet guys you can make it look pretty at a later stage right now this is just for resource farming and let's place our second one here now if you look down at the bottom of the screen notice how it says needed power is 10 but our total power is zero and this is because each extractor needs five power to run but we've currently not built any power source so nothing is running so let's get to that next you can build any power source you want but solar is better if the surface gets lots of sunlight likewise if there is a thick atmosphere with potential for wind you'll want wind turbines these are the two options you should consider first a fuel generator isn't worth investing in yet because we need helium 3 to power this and we don't have a setup for this yet so out of the two remaining I'm going to go with solar arrays as each of these will give me four power as indicated up here there we go so we now have 16 total power let's just zoom in and take a closer look at what we've built so [Music] far so even though we have constructed these units there is one slight problem our extractors are not going to fill up our storage containers and why is that well we need to create output links between our extractors and the storage we want to fill so if you hover over this extractor here notice how it says create output link down here if you click this what we can now do is create a link to the storage container you want to fill up like so now let's do the iron extractor as well just to point out when we drop these solar arrays you don't need to link these to your extractors your extractors will run automatically providing you have the required power but storage containers must be linked up so what is going to happen now is our extractors are going to gather aluminum and iron and fill up each storage container what I'm going to build now is uh where is it ah here the fabricator and the one we want is the Adaptive frame version I'm going to place this near our Outpost Beacon for now let's just zoom in and I'll place that here so what this will do is take our two metals and turn them into adaptive frames but first we need to link it up so let's go over here where is it ah here it is so what I'm going to do is pull directly from our storage container and this is because connectors always flow Downstream so let's create an output link from here to the [Music] fabricator and now from the iron container to the fabricator and notice how now we have the red link which indicates these are connected and this is now busy making adaptive frames for us but what we need to do similar to the extractors is create somewhere to store these and for manufacturing components this is a warehouse so let's build one of those I'm going to place it here near the fabricator and now we also need to create an output link from the fabricator to the warehouse container like so so what is happening now is the fabricator is making adaptive frames and they are filling up the warehouse container so let's just recap what we have done so far we have one aluminum extractor over here and this is being powered by the solar arrays the extractor is connected to this storage container here because the storage container isn't the last link in the chain it's not currently filling up because it is sending the aluminum to the fabricator here which is in turn filling up the warehouse and likewise the same for iron is happening on the other side so with connectors the last point in the chain is always filled first and then we move up the chain so until the house is full and the fabricator is full we won't fill up the storage containers then when those are full the extractor will fill its small storage capacity and then when that's full the system should stop okay so this system is going to run continuously for a while now but what you can do if you want is to create a system that will allow us to turn this on and off as we please and we do that via a switch now switches work a little differently to extractors in that we have to assign a power unit to them in in order for them to work so I'm going to build a few new solar arrays for this now you may be thinking why do you need more power you already have enough power I don't know if it's just me but when I create a link between a power source and a switch or anything for that matter that power source then only Powers what's been selected power is no longer shared between all sources once you've directed it to something so in this instance we then not have enough power for everything else to run I'll just place our switch and then we'll connect it all up so this switch here we want it to turn the fabricator on and off it's not linked up yet so what we need to do is and I don't like this system by the way I think it's not welld designed at all but that's just my opinion notice when we hover over our switch under move there is a gray out option called hold for extras well let's hold down a now we get an option called wire and what we can do is link this to our fabricator okay but this isn't enough yet the switch needs a power source so our new solar array let's also hold for extras and Link a wire to the switch like so this should work now right wrong as the fabricator is now linked to a switch and that switch is being supplied from one solar array providing four power it won't run cuz it needs five power so let's also link this to the solar array and now look it's back running again so what is happening now is these solar arrays are no longer sharing apply to the fabricator these are solely supplying the extractor here and the same for this side over here and in the middle these two provide power to the fabricator via the switch so now let's just go back to the surface if I pull this switch now the fabricator turns off and if we switch it on it's back running again check you out space electrician and look our adaptive frames are filling up nicely so one thing we haven't covered yet which makes Bessel 3B great is the disparity between local time and UC time now currently our ship is all the way up there still so we aren't going to go up there to wait our sleep no we'll do that here so go into build mode and over to furniture and we're going to construct a bed okay now let's sleep that addon should Spruce this place up a bit look at this one hours rest here and over 57 hours passing game so let's [Music] sleep that was a perfect way to end the day and now look instant 100% capacity of your container and this means that on this Moon you can speed the process up massively okay so what we are going to do now is construct some more extractors and this time it's going to be Cobalt and nickel so first of all our Cobalt one needs to go over here and I'm going to build this on the edge of the or vean there we go and the nickel one can go down here close to our Outpost Beacon now it's time for some more storage but this time we're going to need a lot more storage than before so what I'm going to do is build four rows of four solid storage units I'm just going to twist these around so we can see the capacity gauge on the same side as our Outpost Beacon so that's one row of forom and now see they like to clip together these and you don't always want them to do so the next row I'll build here there we go that's our next lot of four now the next four I'm going to stack on top come on go where I want you to go there we go and the last four will go on here that row went down far easier so now let's set up the Outpost links so starting off with Cobalt and you can go on the bottom row and we'll link you outside in with Outpost links as I mentioned before when you chain them like this the last link in the chain is always the first to be filled and it'll work its way up now let's link nickel up now I'm going to delete this switch now I set this up just to show you how you do it but we don't really need it or the fabricator right now so that can go as well and I'm going to delete this storage container and instead link iron over here iron can go on top of this one now finally let's delete this storage container as well and aluminum can be linked to the remaining four containers so now what will happen is this one will be filled then this then this then this and then finally the small amount of storage that the extractor will fill up last now what we need to build is an industrial workbench which I'll place here and now let's build a storage crate and this is just so I can get myself under my inventory cap cuz currently I think I'm way over so I'm just going to drop a load of resources into here to try to get my weight down has that worked or are we still over okay now we are still way over okay one sec how about now no we still over okay can we build a second container no we cannot we don't have any more structural material it's all right we can load sah up with stuff as well be a how's it going I'll only carry the good [Music] stuff there we go oh I love catching up with you let's do it again sometime so now if we look at our containers I know that was already pretty full I'm guessing the first one in the chain is at 70% I think that stays but these are all [Music] empty so let's go sleep and see what happens let's go for 10 local hours [Music] remember when I said and now it's night time that's cool as we can see our containers lit up now now you know exactly what I meant look at this every container is full to the brim and now for the fun part instead of making adaptive frames automatically we're going to do it manually and there is a reason why look at all our materials here now 999 aluminum 999 iron and isoc centered magnets which are built using Cobalt and nickel we have loads of that as well so basically what you can do now is just build build build and watch the XP come in and doing it this way is basically how you XP farm if if you wanted to gain some quick levels there is one thing we need to do though first cuz otherwise we'll find ourselves ridiculously over encumbered we need to build a landing pad and I'd always recommend going for the bigger one because the smaller one caps out at a 40 m ship size anything bigger and you can't land there okay it's saying we don't have any buril I think I know why we left our resources in the crate didn't we let's just check yes we did so let's grab that and then we can try again there's a huge difference between being prepared and carrying too much right now we can build the landing pad with ship Builder and what I'm going to do is try to get the stairs to it as close to my Outpost as possible and the reason being is we're going to have to haul our heavy ass to our ship once we're full of adaptive frames and magnets yeah that'll do there I don't likee that it's dark still I feel like we can't see anything let's just sleep so it's [Music] morning damn it do we have to get up there we go much better so what we need to do now before we start building is get our ship here I think our carway is okay it's at 1 for is right on the nail so I'm just going to drop the brilliant off again just to be [Music] safe and now what I'm going to do is fast travel away from our Outpost let's go to Sidonia doesn't really matter where you go as long as you [Music] leave I picked up something you might be and now what I'm going to do is go back to vessel and this may not work by the way I don't know why but it can be hard to get your ship to actually land on your Landing Pad sometimes it'll appear and sometimes it won't I don't know if it's me or if that's just a thing I picked up something you might be interested in the moment of truth okay so we are lucky there she is right let's get building oh no we've got the glitch okay this isn't a bad thing basically there's a glitch and sometimes the industrial workbench won't let you use it see here how it's saying it's obstructed if you get this the way I fix it is usually just a quick save and then load that quick save that method's always worked for me let's just check our ship is still there yes she is bingo right now we can make some [Music] stuff so what I'm going to do is 99 units at a time and see the XP come in 113 of it each time we do it you don't have to do this by the way if you don't want to it's not something I do on my let's play or any other save but it's a super easy way of filling your Perry up right at the start of the [Music] game let's do some magnets as well that'll do so we gained a whole level there and I didn't even do that many really what's our carry we at 2,000 nice so now I'm going to walk really slowly up to our ship you can go quick if you want you can't die from carrying too much you may just get some ailments or injuries and it'll drain your health right down but you won't die right we're nearly there now let's go sell our stuff it doesn't matter where you go I'm just going to go back to Jem I think and sell to the trade kiosk [Music] [Music] hell of a city isn't it there's nowhere else like it in the the Galaxy hey what can I do for you there we go and that's basically how you XP farm at an outpost what I want to show you next is how to construct your base with defenses specifically in mind because over time you will get attacked and raiding parties are really annoying so what I'm going to do is move our Landing Pad because it's enormous and it's going to be in the way of where I want to build our base let's just stick it over here so what I want to do now with our base is build it around this central location here so I'm going to start with the four wall Hab and the one we want is the double Hab this one let's just drop this down and when you drop it you'll notice you can choose the foundation to build it on going from ground level to a few stories high and we want to go as high as it'll let us about here now the reason why I like the double Habs is you can build bases that stretch over multiple floors really easy if you use these so the next one I'm going to build one level down and then we'll put one on the other side as well at the next level down and then I'll also drop one here as well just to show you can keep going down if you [Music] wish now our next building let's make a science lab and I'm going to use this sort of square shaped one and then next to that the military Hab I'm just going to rotate this though so the windows appear at the front and at the front let's build a round habub and we'll go with the hydroponic version what should we go for next uh let's build another hydroponic one this time a square one just so it looks a bit different and then we'll Build Another Science one but go with the original shape now once these are in place you can move them around by the way so I'm just going to move the science one over here a sec now let's grab this one and move it here and then place our science lab back here now let's clip this one back in place like so right here should we build an airlock we could keep going but I just want to build a simple structure for now and this side can have an airlock as well and I finally will build one for this round Hub at the front so what you can do with the Habs is any of the ends that highlight like this you can change those and you can add windows in so I'm going to to do that now and add Windows to all the surface that won't have connectors on this just makes me feel like I'm playing The Sims when I was a kid I think that's all of them done now for the defenses so when you build a setup like this I think it's best to have your defenses built at the highest point which should be the center and we're going to place them facing out from each corner for 360° coverage I only have ballistic m one unlocked and this Sav so these will'll have to do that's one in place now for the second one it can be quite fiddly getting these things to go exactly where you want them to and this will have to do I think it looks like it's hanging over a bit but it's fine now for the third one and finally the fourth one here so you get six in total so I'm thinking should we build one here or up on top still maybe we'll go here and then where should we put the last one actually no we'll put the last two on this lower level facing forward our re is a little more protected due to the Moun face so I'm going to guess attacks are going to come from either the left the right or straight forward there that'll do so now let's build a scam booster and this will increase our hand scanner range and they look pretty cool I think when placed on top of a base now my recommendation while building bases is try to keep things condensed when raiding parties appear they just shoot anything and blow it up so if you have your power sources dotted around chances are they may get targeted so what I'm going to do now is place our solar arrays on top of our Hab units and if you're particular like me you'll try to get them centered if you can I'm also going to move these ones over as well because all I want over here now are our single extractors if they get blown up it's not the end of the world we can replace them if needed all our core stuff we want protected we do need more power as well by the way if you haven't already seen notice how in the bottom needed power is now colored red we require 41 and we've only got 24 I don't think I can put this wind turbine on here no I don't think we can we don't have a lot of brillium left so I'm going to build some wind turbines at the back here just to get our power back up to the required level so everything is running making this place feel like home no I'm not going to build the last one there as it's blocking our airlock so we can go on this side instead there we go we now have enough power and now for some housee keeping I'm going to move our warehouse unit over here and then I'm going to delete the storage crate the bed and the workbench because we can house these things inside now if you wanted to [Music] so these solar arrays don't look amazing on here I don't think and as you can see we've needed a lot of power to run this setup what we should work towards is getting fuel generators these babies because one of these is like seven wind turbines or five solar arrays for me when we do have a helium source for these what we can then do is bury them under here like so hang on one sec yeah we can see it again now so we can hide them within the structure and that way they are protected and also out of sight so now let's take a look at what we've built so yeah you can see our defenses up there which have a great view around on the base so if we get attacked from most angles now they'll have good line of sight these aren't always the most accurate by the way but it's what we're working with in these early stages they tend to scatter gun a little bit let's just move around the side and get another look yeah this looks pretty good I think you can see how by step leveling it we can expand this more and more we're still a few stories up on this side so we've got room to expand should we take a quick look inside it'll be empty currently but we can use our imagination I'll set about filling this during the next video did anyone watch MTV Cribs back in the day this is the Starfield version look at these views man pretty wild what could we throw in here maybe this could be the lounge area with sea in maybe get a be fridge in uh yeah we'll yeah sort this at a later date let's take a look around so over here was one of the science hubs we built and that's just one of the airlocks on this side this is the military Hub through here and then this is science habub number two and that's another airlock and this is the top level up here we can stack additional buildings up here by the way so this isn't just a staircase to not a lot we can look at that next time as well right let's get out of [Music] here and there we have it that's the basics of Base building we covered off choosing a suitable site how to place your first beacon and ensure it's in the correct space the basic controls of outpost building how to set up a fabricator running how switches work so we can have greater control over things how local time versus UC time can be important how we XP farm quickly and finally how to construct a basic base including where to place defenses so next time what I think we'll do is look at cargo links let's try and set up a basic Cargo Link which will transport helium 3 to us here on Bessel 3B this will allow us to then upgrade our power to fuel generators and we'll only need a couple of these versus a ton of solar arrays and wind turbines we can also look at lighting rigs potentially they look pretty cool at night and I'll also show transfer containers and what they do and yeah lastly let's look at some Furnishings for our new crib which is probably going to be the most exciting part thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed I'm M the gaming dad and I'll see you next time
Channel: Mike - The Gaming Dad
Views: 65,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rpg, bethesda, starfield
Id: TBkm7Q6NjUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 36sec (3216 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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