Starfield: Normandy SR2 (Tutorial/ No mods)

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what is up in this tutorial I'm going to be showing you how to build the Normandy sr2 that was commissioned by The elusive man from Mass Effect this build is recommended to be built at your settlement Landing Pad as most of the pieces will be available there however you'll need a few parts from The Hop toown and new Homestead ship technicians if you're new to the channel be sure to stick around into the end where I'll be showcasing the final version of the build if you want to see more theme spaceship designs consider subscribing to the channel because I got more on the way so with that said let's get to it all right so first up going to be placing our Landing Bay be using a 120 LD Landing Bay by damos once that's placed we're actually going to jump up to the next level we be placing a stoud eckan 2x1 that's going to go right directly above our our Landing Bay from here going to be taking our cockpit that's going to get attached right to the front of this Stout Ean 2x1 then going to be taking another 2x1 but this time it's going to be a damos 2x1 and it's going to get snapped right behind our stoud eckan one then going to take this is going to be a Stroud cowling piece and this is going to get snapped right the second snapping point of our first 2x1 piece and then I'm going to be placing a sa 4110 engine by slate and Aerospace and that's going to get placed directly behind this cowling piece from here I got another cowling piece but this is going to be the alternative one where it has the actual uh weapon Mount or what whatever whatever Mount uh Port right here that's going to get snapped right in front of this stoud cowling piece I'm then going to be taking a Stroud cap a piece and that's going to get snapped right in front of this Stroud cowling piece uh and with this Stroud cap apiece I also have um a weapon attached to this weapon snapping point and uh for this build I ended up using the PB 100 Neutron beam but uh but yeah so once you got those place you're you're going to do the same thing on on the opposite side just to kind of keep the video moving along I'm just going to copy all of that over here so once those are placed we're actually going to jump back down to the uh the bottom portion of the Normandy I got the 110 DP Docker and that's going to get snapped directly behind our Landing Bay then going to take a 10st huler shielded cargo hold and that's going to get connected right behind our our Docker piece all right and then from here I got the ng20 landing gear by Nova Galactic and this is going to be one of the specialized landing gear so you're going to have to get this in uh in new Homestead this is going to get connected I believe right off to uh the side of the docker piece I'm then going to take a Stroud cowling piece and that's going to going to get snapped right along the side of the landing piece and this is going to be another one of them special uh cowling pieces that has that that connecting Port uh on it then have a sa 4110 engine by slate Naros space that's going to get snapped directly behind this cowling piece then got a stoud cap a piece that's going to get snapped right in front of this cing piece and then same thing I have a PB 100 Neutron beam uh attached to the weapon attachment port on this on this drout cap a piece from here I got the Aurora 13g grab drive this is going to get snapped right in front of our Nova uh Galactic landing gear and then I got some more Nova Galactic landing gear and this is going to get snapped right in front of the Aurora grab Drive uh and then same thing applies you're just going to be repeating the same process on the other side the only difference is instead of it being a um the grab Drive I have the ion beam h130 reactor it's going to be in the in the same spot but like I said just to kind of keep the video moving along it's uh you're just going to mirror all the parts on the other side snap these in real fast all right so now once all of that snapped going to be moving on to the top portion of the build we'll kind of start we we'll start in the back so this is going to be a damos cowling piece this is going to get placed directly above the uh uh the damos 2 by1 it's going to get connected to the uh the back snapping Point here we got the stoutland 2x1 that's going to get snapped directly in front of the damos calling piece then I got the Hope Tech fuselage and these are special um Hab pieces so you'll have to pick these up in hop town but you got two of them these are just going to get snapped right in front of this uh the Stroud Workshop or I'm I'm sorry this this the Stroud ekin 2x1 [Music] then got another stra ekan 2x1 which is going to get snapped right in front of the Hope Tech fuselage [Music] pieces then I got the Nova cowling piece that's going to get snapped right in front of the stoud 2x1 and then I got a Nova cing 2L TF piece which is going to get snapped right in front of this this cowling piece from here we be taking the shield generator this this is a uh an Osiris 2040b Shield generator and I'm just going to connect it to the first snapping point of this Stan 2x1 then going to be taking the Deo spine a piece and connecting it into the second snapping point and that should run right up to this hope Tech fuselage I then got these teao side caps and these are going to get snapped right along the side of our stoud eckan 2x1 so it's going to be on both sides and then got a DL spine D piece and this is going to get snapped right to the front snapping point of this back stoutland 2x1 then have a damos tail a piece and that's going to get sna right behind that and then the last things I got these Nova cowling pieces these are going to get snapped to the first snapping points and then I got fuel tanks these are going to be the m30 ulses H3 tanks and those are going to get snapped uh right behind these cowling pieces but once you get all that place that's going to complete the build [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: I BARDEN I
Views: 16,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, normandy, sr1, sr2, sr3, starship, spaceship, tutorial, how to, battleship, frigate, cruiser, build, barden, builds, barden builds, best, epic, amazing, mass effect, cerberus, illusive man, commander shepard, guide, systems alliance
Id: AuB615aUfBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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