Starfield Lore - Old Earth and the Settled Systems

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the events of Starfield are set 207 years into the future in the year 2230 but its Story begins long before then Humanity's first shot into the cosmos came out of the spasms of a Dying Reich in the summer of 1944 just one year prior to the fall of Berlin German scientists successfully launched a V2 rocket into the Stars the object's time in space was brief and nominal it barely broke the designated boundary and afterwards simply plummeted back down to the Earth's surface but it would help ignite a new age of exploration the V2 rocket itself was never even necessarily designed with the cosmos in mind instead it served as a uniquely powerful propulsion engine that its creators hoped would be able to Reign fire on Allied cities while avoiding anti-air systems the Germans simply wanted to test its hypothetical limits in the aftermath of their nation's defeat many of the V2 scientists continued their work under new American and Soviet Masters as both Victors sought to leverage this new technology against each other in an emerging new conflict the United States and the USSR soon found creative uses for the ashes of the V2 program in 1957 the Reds successfully placed the world's first satellite into orbit the Sputnik one four years later Yuri Gagarin would become the first man to have ever entered space on the Soviet craft vostok-1 not to be outdone in the late 1960s two decades of American persistence culminated in the landing of the Apollo 11 astronauts on the lunar surface marking the first time humans would set foot on an interplanetary body and a giant leap for mankind over the ensuing Century Mankind's affair with on high would persist as military planners and private interests began to recognize new opportunities satellite launches accelerated dramatically telescopes and radios were sent into the infinite Abyss as scientists and the public eagerly search for what could be out there by the 2000s the governments of old were flirting with the red planet sending an assortment of orbital satellites and even Rovers to Mars and Humanity patiently awaited its next great Apollo moment that moment would finally come in the year 2050 when humans finally reached the next Frontier and set foot on its Barren surface beginning in the 2090s the governments and companies of old Earth began establishing permanent research outposts on the lunar and Martian surfaces representing Mankind's foray into interplanetary colonization in the ensuing decades various advancements in this field were made at increasingly exponential rates NASA and its International peers found themselves in a newly invigorated Space Race as the powers of Earth all began a jockey to see who could colonize the celestial bodies the fastest and reap the greatest benefits the result was a Renaissance for astronomical engineering and a space flight increasingly sophisticated new materials structures suits and spacecraft all accelerated the conquest of these Brave New worlds as small research outposts gave way to established settlements mines and military bases across Luna and the Martian surface the Pinnacle of these new Innovations was the gravity Drive in the mid-2100s NASA scientists created a device capable of folding gravity and space which could then in turn be used to propel a spacecraft across trillions of miles in the span of mere seconds in the first successful test flight Jupiter a planet that under normal circumstances required several years to meet from Earth and thus had evaded man's efforts was reached in just a few moments consequently Humanity's foray into the cosmos accelerated tenfold within years mankind had spread across the solar system and small expeditionary teams had even begun establishing a presence on Alpha Centauri the nearest star to our solar system but just as man grew increasingly obsessed with conquering New Frontiers his old began to falter in the 2150s American scientists came to an alarming conclusion Earth's magnetosphere was slipping the magnetosphere a magnetic field that surrounds Earth keeping the atmosphere intact and protecting the planet from extraordinary solar radiation Rays was beginning to fade the reasons why were hotly debated but the ultimate conclusion of the academic Community was that the planet had roughly 50 good years left until the magnetosphere was finally gone and the atmosphere slipped off with it the planet would be rendered uninhabitable by solar radiation by the year 2200 it was already too late to save Earth the damage was done and irreversible however these five decades provided enough time for something else an exodus with the fate of their home sealed the human race looked to the stars for salvation in 2159 an anxious but confident International Community came together to form the United Colonies a sovereign International body politic with one mission to get the earthlings off Earth in time within a year of its inauguration the United Colonies sent out their first major Colonial passenger ship the Galileo to the planet jemisin in the Alpha Centauri system these settlers would found new Atlantis the first proper city outside of the solar system and soon the capital of the United Colonies while recent Innovations had made even the most hostile planets amendable to human life the UC emphasized the resettlement efforts to Target the few planets across the Milky Way with Earth-like conditions making places like Jemison the primary destination of man though as the human Exodus persisted the United Colonies Administration came to the conclusion that they alone could not manage the entire evacuation to create an incentive for private interests to settle the stars and thus relieve their own burdens in 2161 the United Colonies issued The Centaurus Proclamation a document guaranteeing the right of any man to colonize any Celestial body in the Milky Way and for these colonists to form their own Sovereign governments and militaries in the process free of nauc taxes or regulations the plan worked human settlement of the Milky Way continued to grow exponentially and within a few decades most of the peoples of Earth had successfully made it to their new homes in the cosmos one of the earliest pioneers of this era was Solomon KO an astrophysicist originally from Wyoming whom after learning of The Centaurus Proclamation gathered a number of comrades and set out to settle a distant star system which they named Cheyenne after Ko's hometown here on the planet Aquila Solomon and his followers would lay the foundations for the great City now known as Akila City one which would soon grow to rival the economic and cultural significance of the uc's own Capital back on jemisin over the next few decades Mann would continue his buzz throughout the stars in relative peace and Tranquility new systems were colonized New cities founded and all kinds of primitive extraterrestrial life were domesticated to further bend the Milky Way To His Image alien life indeed proved to be plentiful and diverse across the Galaxy all sorts of rodents pests megafauna and potential beasts of Burden were documented cataloged and studied as Humanity raced to make sense of the new worlds it conquered alas as The Exodus came to its conclusion the seeds that would end this peaceful New Age of Exploration Nation were sown in the year 2188 when the citizens of the Cheyenne system United with those of volai and the great pleasure city of neon to form a new Galactic power the Freestar Collective while the UC Centaurus Proclamation filled the Milky Way with an assortment of varied minor independent star systems the Freestar Collective would represent the first major government and military power capable of rivaling the United colonies's own the uc's government soon found itself questioning whether allowing sovereign states to take control of entire systems was such a good idea after all within a decade of the Freestar collective's Inception it would find itself jockeying with the United Colonies in the galaxies first true War in 2194 the United Colonies began sending space stations which they claimed were medical vessels into the neutral nerion star system those living around nerion feared an imminent Sunset to their Century of Independence and rapidly agreed to annexation by the Freestar Collective deeming Freestar the more benevolent potential Master following nerion's annexation Freestar demanded the United Colonies withdraw all assets from the system the colonies refused and thus the fuse was lit that would soon spark the Galaxy's first interplanetary war both sides rapidly began mobilization aggressively posturing their fleets and armies against each other until the first shots were fired for the next 20 years mankind would be locked in the most brutal struggle since the world wars in the end the United Colonies would secure Victory destroying the three-star Fleet outright and the Treaty of nerion was signed in 2216. in the document both Powers agreed to limit their expansion to no more than three star systems each and a series of new limitations were introduced on the scale of each nation's Navy all in the vain interest of preventing such a conflict from ever emerging again despite its success the United Colonies would end up allowing nerion to join the Freestar Collective anyway in exchange for some unspecified concessions as the ink of the nerion treaty dried a new power would enter the galactic Stage House Varun a cult of religious Fanatics dedicated to the worship of their mysterious God the Great Serpent whom they seek to impose on the settled systems by any means necessary house varun's Origins actually warrant a brief mention as it's one of the strangest stories in the galaxy in the year 2194 one of the final Colony ships to leave Earth amidst its Exodus mysteriously vanished shortly after exiting the solar system well by this point mankind was no stranger to Interstellar disasters ships failed crashed and were attacked all the time this one was different the vessels simply slipped away from contact one day without a trace a search effort returned no sign of the Craft's fate and its transponders were inactive had it experienced an equipment failure or suffered an ambush as many other vessels did it would have left obvious debris or attempted to reach out there would have been signs of other craft in the vicinity but this one just vanished it wouldn't be until the year 2230 a decade and a half after the nerion war that something resembling closure would be given to the Galaxy forty years after its disappearance The Colony ship returned now under the leadership of a man named Janan Varun hence the name the miraculously reappeared survivors returned different however they began preaching of a mysterious Supernatural entity which they called the Great Serpent and baking any who would listen to embrace its name house varun's slithering numbers would grow slowly over the next few years as thousands of people found meaning and inspiration in the snake's venomous Embrace despite initially making rather peaceful overtures upon their emergence within 10 years by 2240 the followers of the Great Serpent declared a crew said against the non-believers of the settled systems and began wrecking Havoc across the Milky Way still licking their wounds from the narian war and somewhat crippled by their self-imposed limitations the United Colonies and Freestar Collective were slow to respond and found themselves barely able to protect their own capitals let alone all the settled systems chaos would Reign for the next 20 years until the anemic Galactic governments were able to mount a more Fierce resistance and Janan Varun the church's leader suddenly passed away in the wake of his death and facing an increasingly more formidable opponent the followers of the Great Serpent finally sued for peace and the shell-shock systems were able to breathe something resembling a sigh of relief Varun would cease its aggressive actions and even establish an embassy in new Atlantis in the hopes that they could once again grow their congregation peacefully alas the previous 20 years had rendered the people of the Galaxy a bit less receptive to the message than before even as the faction officially attempted to settle down and moderate various Splinter groups and zealots refused to lay down their arms declaring any peace with non-believers illegitimate and continuing their struggle to this day Renegade Varun forces officially denounced by their leadership continue to harass the Stars and they're not alone during the chaos of the Serpent's Crusade while the colonies were distracted a prison riot on the planet suvarov turned into a full-fledged Mass breakout and the inmates were even able to secure control of a large UC Fleet guarding their Planet the escaped convicts named their new Armada the Crimson Fleet and like house Varun Splinter groups the Crimson Fleet continues pillaging the undefended corners of the Milky Way even up to the present as if the first half of the 2200s hadn't proved destructive enough around 2250 the last major threat of the century presented itself mysterious Eldritch creatures now known as Terror morphs began appearing at various human outposts and settlements across the Milky Way and hunting the locals these grotesque creatures had no clear Homeworld or means of transportation they just suddenly started showing up and began preying on men women children and their livestock while their exact origin remains unknown it was eventually discovered that terramorphs tend to follow humans roughly 80 years after a habitable world has been colonized allowing some degree of predictability in their movement patterns but providing little respite for the weary denizens of the early settled worlds 2275 would prove to be the next Landmark year as Sebastian Banks an accomplished scientist and ship captain would found a new organization of explorers and researchers calling it constellation on the planet jemisin and opening up the lodge which remains in operation to this day constellation is dedicated to the investigation and exploration of the universe's unanswered questions they seek to map Uncharted corners of space and identify the origins of reality itself poetically just a couple of decades after founding constellation Sebastian Banks himself would become a mystery as he disappeared while on a grand Voyage to an unexplored region of the Milky Way he would never be her heard from Again by 2090 Earth's sterilization was complete and desolate Sands blanketed the once vibrant cities and forests of old Earth Humanity's home was finally gone for good but Humanity would live on the next 18 years would be quiet in the Milky Way as the colonies in Freestar recovered and then some from the devastation of Prior decades and various enterprising Pioneers continued to explore and settle on the expanding frontiers of the Milky Way in a new form of manifest destiny however this Cosmic concert of powers grew increasingly Restless by the early 2300s the Freestar Collective began operations on the lunar star system in hopes of feeding their ever-growing population with agricultural products the United Colonies demanded these operations be ceased considering them to be in violation of the nerion treaty which specified limits on expansion Freestar refused fleets were mobilized and once again the Milky Way was sucked back into the chaos which it so recently escaped the colonies expected to Swift to repeat of the previous Victory but their power had waned since the last Great War while three stars only grew adding to their misfortunes in 2308 londinian perhaps the colony's second largest city located in the toliman system was suddenly overrun by a great horde of Terror morphs while terramorphs had always been a problem in tolimun and across all their systems the onslaught that attacked londinian was unlike any ever before seen in the end UC Grand Admiral Francois Anon ordered londinian Spaceport bombed to prevent an evacuation that could spread the infestation the decision may have saved the rest of the system but it doomed those still in the city the disaster at londonian would mark one of the single greatest tragedies the human race had seen three years later in 2311 Admiral sanon LED an armada to storm the Freestar capital of Cheyenne in what he hoped would be one final push against the enemy he was right though more in a crisis way than anything the grand UC Fleet found itself bogged down and picked apart by an onslaught of inferior Collective Navy ships and even civilian vessels as thousands of Cheyenne civilians joined the fight to defend their homes sanan would be forced to order a retreat of his shattered forces with their Navy and shambles the colonies sued for peace and Freestar had finally Avenged the defeat it suffered in the previous Century the terms of the ensuing treaty dubbed the Armistice were far harsher than those of nerion the UC would be forced to submit its leading generals including Zenon to a Freestar tribunal and agreed a strict Force limitations while accepting the collective's Maneuvers investra Francois and many of his co-admirals would ultimately be sentenced to pay the ultimate price ironically house Varun found itself a major player in the piece as they functioned as a neutral third party that mediated between the powers and eventually even earned a spot as one of the armistice's guarantors strangely sometime after negotiating the treaty house Varun vanished abandoning their Embassy in New Atlantis and seemingly retreating to a yet unknown part of the Galaxy the reason for such Behavior has eluded the brightest Minds in Celestial politics but the governments remain anxious that when Varun returns they may bring a Second Crusade in 22-26 Barrett constellation's most enigmatic rizzler would have a supernatural experience when handling an artifact he dug up in the Guild's archives and this would ignite a frenziest investigation within the faction as constellation raced to discover the meaning and just four years later in 2230 a nameless minor on the planet vectera would encounter a similar artifact and suffer the same visions thus we arrive in the present day the Milky Way is rocked by menacing monsters Pirates and religious Fanatics while the great Powers maintain an uneasy peace Mankind's presence in the Stars continues to grow and our perception of reality has been shaken by the recent emergence of strange Celestial artifacts thus the stage is set for the events of Starfield will you rise to the occasion and make order out of the chaos or will you find yourself tempted by it immersing yourself with the nefarious characters of the Galaxy will you get to the bottom of constellation's great mystery or try to play kingmaker in a galactic jockey for power whatever the case those decisions are between you and Todd Howard thanks for watching
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 313,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, Starfield Lore, Bethesda Game Studios, Starfield Review, Starfield Tips and Tricks
Id: tdJOklsB1Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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