Stardew Valley Speedrun | Community Center% Glitchless in 2:43:24 [WR]

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I don't know how much more I have in me for dartie runs today I'm just getting absolutely destroyed by day one mines [Music] though I will say shrouded ninja got really lucky with dothis they basically got paid for life because what ninja allegedly got 30 mil and shroud got 10 mil for the move and now they can go back to twitch like probably a couple years before that they were they were going to be allowed to because they are not going to Facebook gaming because Facebook's Facebook and is a curse platform that takes all your information and probably knows more about my own family than I do yo allegedly Facebook was paying a shroud and ninja almost double their mixer contract two moves to the platform and they still did they still said no though it shows they most people just don't want to be associated with Facebook because Facebook it's such a batter up is it deserved bad rap oh hell yeah in my opinion [Music] well yeah I know I know Amazon's probably not much better in that scheme but it's not like publicly known and publicly disliked as much as Facebook Facebook's been to Capitol Hill multiple times for their actions has Amazon done that no you know there there's a big difference in public opinion there [Music] [Music] then I forget the check so look I need to stop playing this game I'm either too into the topic of discussion today or I'm just mentally out of it let's go we're just pure yoloing today blades got the yellow on my mind with the with the marriage strats I even reminded you it was probably way too late cuz if you reminded me on the fifth it was way too late if right now I would probably do terraria after this [Music] yeah I didn't like where the start that I went on I'm kind of just going on a tangent I haven't pulled a tushy in a while the tushy more talks about SpaceX when is Elon going to get us our cat girls we need them I can't say that seriously yeah what nothing pickleball pickleball I'm not gonna lie I watched a little bit of - she's pickleball stream yesterday the sport actually looks fun did just mess around and you know I kind of wish we played it in like ah like our school like gym you know I was one of like the activities what's pickleball it's basically like a combination of tennis and ping pong so it's like a a tennis court but it's smaller but they use these like ping pong like paddles yeah and it's a wiffle ball for a ball and it look it's kind of cool it has some special rules that I don't really I can't really name realistically off the top of my head but looks fun the other low-key sport that I wish we played more in well like everybody in the class hated it for whatever reason was spike ball like that was Ashley fun if you had a group that knew what they were doing but for the most part like in us in like a school setting like no one knew what they were doing a skee-ball was terrible I just like basketball maybe it's because I'm short maybe it's because I didn't like the sport just because I didn't like the sport but it's the same thing with volleyball I think volleyball would have been cool and in gym but it just wasn't due to the fact that like there was no coordination and no one knew what what to do you know like everybody knew how to like hit the ball upwards you know but no one knew how to like set up for spikes or whatever so it's basically like it was never like three hits what you would do is like if the ball came in your area you would try to hit it over as fast as possible and just get it out and then whoever messed up first messed it up what about a sport called up Oh another hype sport in gym was aa Ultimate Frisbee everybody loved Ultimate Frisbee no matter what well anybody who actually participated obviously there's groups who just hated gym and any physical activity but whatever it was serious CR school was too small you got to keep in mind that my entire high school was like 350 students that was my entire high school are you from I am in Illinois and I'm in the suburbs of Chicago dodgeballs just to give in of being good I'm talking about of like the other sports there's also another one ah another game that I feel like not many people will know it was called Saturn ball basically we played with a ball that was like a Saturn looking ball I had like a ring around it I'm like 30 to 40 minutes away from Chicago and basically like one side was bigger than the other so the ball was like completely lopsided like completely lopsided so you had a you had a nut the size of like a floor hockey like hockey nut and the goal was just the score you know if you scored in the goal you'd get one point and then there was also a basketball hoop above it and if you put it in the basketball hoop you would get three points all right and like this thing was like it was a like a rubber ball so it hurt if you got thrilled by it I mean all this like it actually got hurt if you got like if it got chucked at you and you were allowed to do anything with it you could kick it you could throw it you could run with it well you can only run like a certain amount of steps with it that's the goal of every I'm losing time here because I'm trying to talk about this so like obviously uh so it was just really fun and just like overall like I really enjoyed that it was hilarious uh but um yeah being the soccer player I am I basically whenever I got that ball the first thing I would do with it was just punch it okay Iowa I was I was a kicker whenever I got it so like my my main goal every single time was to just try to kick it into the to the bucket I really didn't care about the goal I just went for I was basically always going for swag with that with grade up just okay I mean it's not it's not your fault for being more of like a a math focused person I'm just saying I really enjoyed you I had fun with that you don't take things seriously the issue the issue with like high school gym and just like elementary school gym are the people who take it super seriously not on I you just got to give no and just play the game and just do it as a like exercise you know [Music] you gotta treat as like our export no-one's gonna no one's gonna be really good at it and you're not supposed to take it seriously [Music] also I really hope I didn't get a club I'm 5 and just completely ignored it as I can actually see myself doing them you guys understand why I don't like rant when I do speedruns now just out of curiosity like do you guys understand why I generally am more like run focus when I do these types of things boo speedruns fair fair like everybody has their issues I personally enjoyed enjoyed Jim that was probably just me and my my style happens I mean yeah again it's it was just my perk it's just what I like is that I hated sitting in high school classes for what like six seven hours a day listening to high school teachers lecturers who really don't give a in the first place you know just uh standard stuff I just wanted to kick a ball around I'm not saying all I'm just saying particularly in my high school a majority of them just didn't give a I won't lie I definitely had some really great high school teachers who like don't get me wrong there was some really good ones I can easily name like I can easily name four to five by like a majority of them just didn't seem to like really care I'm low on iron but that's about a and I'm not even that low I checked lock oh why no no yeah no the the first day I did not check look that was a pure Yolo the day I checked luck though personally I'm not religious but I don't have anybody I don't have anything against anybody for whatever they believe in as long as you don't like just annoyingly preach it to me I I don't care you know it also just don't do anything stupid but just I just don't care okay I think we're good on money I like that analogy good religion is like a dick it's okay to have what and be proud of it but it's not okay to shove it down people's throat without consent [Music] ok I think we're good at money give VIP for that I can't I'm sorry I should make a quote bot though we'll add that as a quote do we say some dumb here at least I say some dumb you know this is probably the first time that I'm actually just going to pass on that never lucky 12 cave carrots 5 Jade's you know just normal normal money and food I need more iron is what I need because I'm really unfocused today and looking at my splits will just make me even more unfocused so I decided not to at this point [Music] [Music] well you guys see how far ahead we are for this what though only a casual 4k I did a man sell everything we're gonna be about like 35 seconds ahead [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow do I really need any of that no not really [Music] please live she is ranting about Channel points now my boy is he upset about it my boy is he doing more sm64 is he doing star do oh he's front page plug minecraft look at him front page in mince craft I wonder when twitch will let me be on front page but I like have to request it or something or do they just like give me a time spot when you get it to 40 all right all right I want to be on front page from page sounds fun I don't need a water the first two days he's only like half playing well yeah he's drunk Paige he's probably getting a bunch of randos what's his view count at I've never seen to she actually play a game true more than 50% yeah see should played star to you man bring some love over here he would never play start you up from page his brain would explode he hates skull caverns we absolutely ruined the challenge run for him and started you we honestly ruined star do for that for that poor boy no he's not I think he's in winter he's at least late fall [Music] now you would be watering star fruit watering dude watering with animation canceled is POG dude imagine doing this every day of summer I'll nod it I would try to get a good run super quick I would I would splice a run just for front page kappa got to make sure we get our world record pace run I would rewrite the entire script that I have going right now oh I would I would literally force Riley on my lap the entire stream and that's my content and I water right Riley would be with us all stream [Music] you you is it the baby boy you of Riley these are my sister's pillows when will you do challenge runs when I feel like it I have no interest in doing challenge runs anytime soon is all I'm going to say about that early starter challenge runs I do I was just issued a challenge by Randy but it's not for star to do something womp Bailey Bailey's probably laying on the floor in the living room right now so he doesn't like to be bothered he's only a baby she's just 12 B Bailey alone [Music] [Music] honestly not gonna lie the streams to get over from page of twitch yeah I shouts the darkest dungeon but I really don't have an interest in doing with star to challenge runs anytime soon and the main reason behind that is I'm just really burnt out of it yeah smart email is definitely possible any other one I just needed to get a better run I've just like you got it you got to think about it from my perspective I've done money challenge runs in star do seven eight times now and they're basically the same thing first sixty hours straight how many hours times 60 70 by uh what seven that's a lot of hours and they're basically the same thing over and over and over again yeah I say that yet I'm speedrunning but yeah it besides the point I don't know speedrunning just feels different I'm more motivated to do it plus it's a lot less I'm in my life spent it it's honestly mainly skull caverns like it's just so repetitive now like I don't know your explosive animal was fun at first but it got repetitive sure the pickaxe was new but again it's basically the same thing it's just doing the same thing over and over and over again there it's different every time but it's is it it's Wow and I'm just burnt out of it the only reason I would do another starter challenge run again would just be to hit the 40 mill by the way because I still want to hit 40 ml in one year don't get me wrong I'd be - but I just can't like do it anytime soon I'm burnt out currently I need like a break a long break which is why I'm speedrunning and learning different games and doing other things you oh I don't want like I don't think they need to change I don't think he needs to change skull caverns anymore why do you plant the blueberry in the water spot because it's easier to buy thirty five blueberries than thirty four so I need to get it out of my inventory I just ho an extra spot and plant it when I pass over it non money runs I don't know it's just speedrunning is different to me because it's less of my time like AG money challenge run is a 70-hour commitment a speed run is a three hour commitment sure I do it more but it's it's more time commitment than just like because I'm not doing the same thing over and over and over again for literally like hours upon hours of the day like but like you see me get burnt out of speedruns when I'm stuck in mines day one over and over and over again you see me get burnt out and I don't want to play anymore and I just stopped playing when I actually get a run going I'm doing something different you know I'm starting with the mines and that I'm going into fishing like I'm doing every aspect of the game I'm not just doing skull caverns hey oh hey look at hey guess what we're doing today oh I bet you can't guess what skull caverns bog oh man do you want to know what we just did yesterday we're gonna do it again today and go to skull caverns again and again and again and again oh hey what about the start of the run - who's ready for five 20 hours of fishing pogchamp i click on the right thing who loves fishing i love fishing and you say again one more time and again another one hello [Music] last eight seconds there really Equipe Caesar warning I'm gonna use spam I'm opening the mail I only have one bars at least I read the mail this time I'm fishing well fishings fun if you're not doing it for what 15 20 hours straight fishings fine just do it for 15 or 20 hours straight as I can go go see if you want to fish anymore [Music] oh yeah I mean that's what I that's what I plan on doing here soon after I get a PB in this category I want to start doing that type of run also nice forward thank God I have 11 cave carrots I need something fun for fifteen hours straights oh no I could probably eat ice cream for 15 hours straight I mean you just you you don't constantly eat it but like you just like you just go you know I had only one copper bar right everybody probably has their own type of food yeah I only had one copper bar so I need 40 and we fix in 1.0 and 1.56 weapon hitbox also do I have a crab this run I think I do favorite type I hope I can give you a favorite type I kind of just go with whatever mood I'm in that guy really depends on the day you know I read the mail all right how many more do I have to Kelly little Slough I also already have our aquamarine and frozen geode and frozen tier so oh these guys aren't running from me for once thank you for the twitch bride for 15 months welcome back to this tarragon squad enjoy your emotes and button jaw thanks for supporting the stream for so long thank you for supporting me and allowing me to continue doing this and something you guys are really getting high up there and the sub blanks aren't you I really I really haven't felt like I've been doing this for that long aim it maybe it's because like I haven't been partner for that long but like I've been affiliate for over two years you know like the people who are with me from the very beginning or getting up there hey lurking is perfectly fine do it every day and other streams it'll be surprised of how much overlap there are with you guys and other streamers I don't I don't talk a lot but I see I see some of you guys in others dreams I always go 450 pageant not lurking the boo out here lurking is own goddamn stream I'm so quiet all the time I'm lurking on my own stream five had if I just had a weapon this would have been the easiest fifty of my life and now I wasted eight cave carrots or basically nothing hey he mentally kaboom it'll be back I'm sure of it but what happened to him standard twitch partner stuff happened to him he thought all his issues would go away as soon as he would get partner and it doesn't work like that badly it doesn't work like that it was also getting burnt out of star to challenge runs as well no he didn't really want to play star do anymore that was basically his main source of viewership and if he did anything else yeah then it go well more of the story we talking about Polti gee he was he's he was another star you challenged runner he did a lot of money runs but he's he was much more casual about it like I took things seriously but he was like he had lower goals but he would basically like do very little day resets and kind of just mean with chat half the time super chill guy really loved hanging out in his dreams I would have to imagine it's whatever type of game he's playing I mean yeah he still held he still held a decent number but the issue was it wasn't a sustainable number he was basically living off a twitch as far as I'm aware though he needed to either find a new job or find a job as a side thing or he was something else and then again his mentality just wasn't good and he just needed a break which is 100% fair i I've I've mentally collapse sometime streaming's hard do you really want to be entertaining you gotta boast some of your better qualities or I mean it just doesn't work and you say you got to keep chatter entertained you also have to have like decent gameplay for a game play a focus channel you know I like it so it's a lot you really shouldn't give any of like the top top streamers a lot of for like oh you're just streaming it's like super easy you can do whatever the you want like there's a lot that goes bit on behind the scenes that made them successful sure some of it's probably luck where they've got into the yeah it's not just a full-time job I'm pretty lucky well well I I shouldn't say I'm lucky it's more of my choice where I don't really put too much extra work into streams I just do the stream like these other people like they're they're doing YouTube they're doing Instagram they're doing basically every type of social media I'm just here playing star do your fun you know these guys are doing all sorts of things they got they got merch I got none of that to deal with yeah I also live with my parents I I'm super fortunate in my position I mean to be fair if I didn't live with my parents I would just be working a side job and doing this I'm a caddy I make more than minimum doing this I'll say that up front I make more than a minimum wage job but it's not sustainable I need something else on top of it I'm this bad audio huh boo where's yeah I mean the screams still super scoff let's be real here and I concerned about my age thanks I got a start play safe I can't play my greedy mode but I want to be greedy damn it when I want to be greedy I'll be greedy I'm basically like tone-deaf so I have a hard time telling the difference between like a good and bad audio headset you know like obviously I can tell the difference between like a super bad audio headset and like an okay one but if it's not like the difference of like Xbox Live I'm definitely to lobby like I want it I wouldn't be able to tell the difference you know it'd have to be that bad 627 IIIi don't know food yeah I gotta be safe I'm aware I'm aware I don't have food I'm not even gonna bother fighting the shadow shamans or the guys I have ten batwing so I'm good God would love to blow up the rocks right next to me at the start of each ladder but I'm not risking my age get one more like I know I have 13 shots left we're up a little bit more style we have 300 style and that's hella net already get everything out of my inventory and just go no more wasting time I saw the diamond it's just not worth my time walking out of there out of my way for it there was enemies in the way if I just get hit once I'm dead you know like no thank you I'd alright one of these days I will [Music] yeah let's hope I didn't sell everything I know yeah I had to play it safe though you [Music] you you [Music] good it's seven total turnaround uh what sixteenth right [Music] how am i doing you oh no we're fine yeah we're fine [Music] [Music] I don't know what the name of the runners [Music] [Music] one Tuesday for 1 2 3 4 1 2 pretty sure I already have that so that was last drop I mean solid run so far Oh had good day so far baaji beat Marnie to this next screen it's a pretty good pace morning your beater buy more but it's definitely not better to yellow the mines is all I gotta say for that comment will have no idea what type of luck that day that was because there's no way to check I thought you're implying that the yellow might be butter wouldn't necessarily say I've misread that but yeah it was a little bit of a mystery [Music] it's funny that it happened twice and actually worked that well first one it didn't work out very well second one it was dead [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it may of I don't know I know one died the floor 19 I mean it's an hour of the run is summer all the first two seasons 30 minutes is summer [Music] you [Music] there are any CC % speedrunners there was a few in the past but no one consistently does it I know King does a run every so often [Music] but they're almost never fully done and I think Randy's done with Starr do for now and that no one really else runs it kinda a long category for people to run I honestly did not think that was the sunfish but whatever take it sardine or anchovy floppy our red snapper could be an albacore though with that thick movement probably a nav accor a tilapia I'm thinking it's nabek or though they're being a little too fast for a tilapia how do we get started this might be a tilapia but it's probably just a sardine we gotta at least make me think it could be a red snapper for me to catch it game I'm just saying I'm looking for a red snapper in tilapia at this point probably a sardine but it could be a snapper I'll take back speak hey-oh have you run CC with glitches no got a boring category it's 15 minutes long there be a sardine or a snapper how many extra fish here doesn't interest me and these fish are bad thank you for the XP but damn these sea cucumbers I keep thinking our snappers I feel like I'm just being controlled because sea cucumbers or sinkers here another sea cucumber oh you were a snapper nice I'll give it one more cast I really need the time in the river no I just moved because I knew I was only doing I'm only doing like one or two more casts and that I'm leaving I rather be in a different spot to move faster just needed to lobby oh I'm only giving it one more shot here and then I got to go to the river 20 seconds by the way now it's only a Tuesday I'm not really surprised how many Salmons and small mouths do you think will get one holy cow that was a hard start that's a really frustrating start bagel lad got the worst of the two to get Jesus Christ don't do this to me hey still start out super easy it's the only reason I kept it on the line then it had a really weird midpoint I messed up the transition like it was a little bit my fault I should have had that a little bit sooner but at least I didn't give it off so save me time later I'll lose time now but I'll save 30 seconds to a minute later well we have every single fish so you know what style what what time it is in the run we're gonna get so cooked here eel at four which is right now and then bream at sex we're either gonna get an instant eel or a really bad eel and a good bream we're gonna get a bad yo on a good bream or a good eel in a bad dream not gonna get bull all right we're gonna get a bad brain any bets any takers six six pm bream 7 p.m. 8 9 and 12 a.m. 1 a.m. when we get in here 7:29 47 647 floppy uh tilapias gone at 2 p.m. minecraft is that a question mark to you guys setting up a minecraft server or is that like this meaning cuz if you guys do a minecraft server I'll do it I don't know when the update is first update today is that why - she's playing minecraft ok ok ok aughh uh I should be clear Blake's my IRL friend he he means a a private server with our friends hi I wouldn't do a minecraft server we wouldn't play it at all for at least I wanna oh by the way I chose this fishing spot since as fast as we get to the minecarts okay - hopefully server I want to pay for it though oh we said eight as you are our winner ding-ding-ding-ding-ding can weave the Amazon giftcard you you we'll be we'll be right you lost about a minute you now I miss tilapia but fine I'll show pace right you you you you I saved I lost time for catching the catfish but I'm saving time for catching it or later I'll save time later for it lose time now I just save time later it's fun you not in classes anymore it's summer I was kind of Mimi whenever I set a homework stream I won't lie I think I ever really planned on doing a homework stream a chest frame I'd felt like chess to be quite honest [Music] [Music] all right oh that's disgusting actually makes it look nasty look the little star bad twitch dude I forgot to put the clam in that's nasty it covers up like the emote to for the the bad witch Ashley trying to get more people to tier 2 and tier 3 sub omegle all about you make it so like they actually get more than just two emotes baby make them so the like they can be like if emotes you know [Music] nine months but it's really been like two years yeah you forget at which Prime every so often Blake thank you for the twitch prime I'll go back to the stir again squad enjoy your emotes nine months but it's really been like two years [Music] you [Music] it is slow down to 40 but whatever needed by 61 I realized that there's a spot that I'm missing I would have to have them water it is not worth my time for one spot [Music] [Music] all right I mean it's a it's an okay run we can be green going out of winter as long as I don't lose too much time here as long as I stay within 30 seconds I don't know how well that like actually went and it felt like it was a little slow for the menu so I might lose probably like 5 10 seconds but like I can save 30 seconds in winter with a decent winter thank you for the kind words hopefully it will get in I know it's been a while since I uploaded it and we still don't have news on it but that's just because gdq kept getting delayed because of corona but that happens going fully online so we'll know if it's it or not on the 13th of July yeah 13,000 you I think it's the apartment took the department decides based off of depending on like the type of class so it's super annoying but I think a majority of them are on the line or you have an option to no man we're doing I don't know I need to look at it honestly I might I might literally just take another semester off because I don't want to deal with it it's just gonna be a mess and I'm fine doing this you know all right I gotta I gotta redo some of these splits man they're so but I lose that much time that menu was not that bad be honest I'm not worried about catching Corona it's more that I just don't want to deal with the awkwardness in the classes you you you I don't know I don't know about that split yeah that's what may have gotten screwed over with the game timer runs is probably what happened my guess you 22 Phoebe you know you you you [Music] [Music] you know you can only do it on the forest farm and only select couple of bushes also you have to have your axe upgraded to so good I bought the coat they're not there but whatever I know why I opened up my inventory there this native crystal fruit now extra smell oh whatever we definitely have the money of this run I'm gonna buy extra wood [Music] try to save time later at least we have the crystal fruit [Music] the most unlucky streamer in the world ah what a man lucky about runs you you I'm lucky enough not to be able to PV just yet I guess what the hell I've never seen that much grass before [Music] [Music] Budi [Music] I'm still missing all the beach for it's just up for the clam so I'm basically me missing every single beach Forge you don't like my singing if you want to call that singing or just like thing random words and I'm taking my inventory too much like that I need to not do that gosh I'm tired this run started with a bunch of just random combos and now it's kind of just deteriorated into my standard like okay let's get focused let's not talk about random let's just play the game and now I'm just tired I want food maybe a quick nap this is one of those lazy days ain't it it's what Tuesday god I don't even have a new anime episode today do I ever God's not until tomorrow yeah they did so I lowered everything [Music] your slice seems super tough abou yeah you know I just play video games all day you know tough stuff work here sitting in a chair smile my works not tough I just play the game I don't really do much else other people on the other hand I don't want to take away where credit is due other streamers put a lot more work into their stream than I do I don't put a lot I I'm a very bad example of a streamer very bad oh yeah it's because everything's gonna be slowed down I'm aware I'm gonna get another wave of challenge runs because of this but you just make it super awkward later you [Music] a decent amount of Pommies I really get five pomegranates it's somebody doing a bid max run and not doing what I'm doing right now well first of all they probably just don't know though technically in their definition it is a bid max but that's why I never put med max in title I put my goals in the title but that's just me I don't have any right to call anybody else out on it and that's just being ignorant but at the same time it doesn't really matter if it did complaining about it just brings the more attention so there it's kind of just better not to really do anything and just let them do whatever they want it's really no harm realistically here they're not doing any harm [Music] and if you say oh but then they're taking away from like actual like mid Mac sirs runs it's like yeah but once they see an actual mid max they'll be blown away even more because they're like what the is this guy doing this guy was just a scam so their loss just sayin you and it's not like you have to fully bit max to call it a make max dream if you're doing something like bolded bold bolas mid maxing in my opinion or my definition would have been Max's but he definitely was not pulling anywhere near the numbers I was but he was still doing like this dress she was just doing it much more casually sure it's not true mid max but like I don't even do for mid max you know there's a lot of things I skip out on on purpose because I don't like them whatever is fun what they should do no point in giving them more intention than they need basically all you need to know I'm not saying what they're doing is a min/max right or not I'm just saying like it doesn't need to be a perfect run to be considerate it max everybody starts at their own level Kingdom thank you for the tier 1 for 16 months welcome back to the second squad enjoy your emotes and fun joy 9 world record run will see this run is down to one thing and it's everybody's favorite thing so now on WR incoming Addis we're not gonna bash on another stream or just for what they think might be a min/max and what I think is a min/max it's gonna be a difference of opinions and at the end of the day they're probably just doing their proud it's probably just in the title it's like a quick fate and very again you can be against clickbait but at the end of the day cook bait gets be used so I want to necessarily say they're in the wrong they're just trying to grow and clickbait just happens to be one of the better ways to growing a channel sadly sadly is the is one of the better ways I don't like look babe I'm pretty sure I've made that apparent but hey whatever again I just don't want a bash on another streamer for them doing with what they think they want to do or what they want to do no one does yeah no one does but it's you can't argue with it it it produces the numbers Rd Valley done in what time commedia Center completed in what time how much money made in one year most money ever made a one year world record pogchamp that's here on court thanks for stopping by hopefully a PBS hey just add pogchamp to everything now you know my i'm on twitch so much that i swear my speech pattern is just deteriorated into saying just pogchamp do anything that's exciting this number will shock you surprise pikachu face this is a 0.0001 percent chance of happening and it happened i said k'kaw and my mother thought i was a little unfortunate right you are one oh they're dangerously funny Thanks okay I'll take that I get the tilapia in the fall it's a higher odds on an on a rainy day and fall it's much higher odds but in summer there's too many fish in summer honestly I'm waiting for CA to grace this chat that's when you peak or that's when I peak ah he has basically burned himself out a star - and I don't blame them there's really not much else for him to do since he doesn't play the game casually I still think his videos are pretty funny it still captures the same thing it's just different games it's still the same D outfit again it's just a different game he's a youtuber he did majority he did a lot of the starti he's he's one of the persons who really push star 2 into the mainstream especially on YouTube I don't think star do would be like necessarily started without D F I mean he will come back for 1.5 like he did with 1.4 but there's only so much new stuff he can cover he's basically covered at all you know I have endless content because I speedrun and do stuff like this but he he doesn't he only has as many features as the game has and he's just got great dry humor [Music] cuz again there wasn't much for him to do what was added fishponds a couple marriage cutscenes a couple new items that don't even need a full video no major game mechanics [Music] you you [Music] again but like what what videos would he make on stardew he's out of content which is why he switched to other things he can only make the same joke over and over and over again for the same joke only a small number of times before it kind of gets old as I was really bad way of putting it he's already gone through the expansion mod which is like the biggest mod he's basically done everything with any individual game mechanic yeah but he wouldn't make that he would have to have somebody mod that in for him which takes time and it's not worth that rigor I think I'm probably gonna need level 3 fishing this run I'm missing too many crap odd items I'm still missing cockle mussel and I don't have a crab this run so large mouth yeah I got a perfect timeout that would be great I need back city that's a perfect sturgeon for head I'll probably catch any extra bowl heads I get since they're free perfect job and sturgeon largemouth I get a perfect time I should have caught that for the XP I don't know why instantly cancel it as soon as I didn't get the perfect like I should have still caught it for the XP but like I was really frustrated I didn't get the perfect there so I instantly cancelled it out of Rouen I camp that was such a weird star I don't know what to say about that fish I should have had it I at least should have kept on to it for a little bit longer but like what was that sir Oh Sasha weird stares it better okay Gabby shop job very hard cash we're going to get this third try all right as far as around five big sixty I hope no I I was hoping no one noticed l-like it took me to find it I'm like is it 60 so I go to forty uh what number was it again I'm out of it today blade I was already practicing my yolo's today I forgot I kept forgetting to look at the luck for the first day of the mines and I ended up yellowing this run and I got out of it I don't even know what the luck was too much Yolo talk last night way too much as you started that I yellowed day one in the mines where I didn't even check the lock because we're we're so focused on yellowing last night my head just wasn't in it today so honestly it's faster to walk home I don't know what I'm doing you this is what happens when you get good dog Minds fit there a good lake fish while at the same time having the catfish in your run yes this is what happens because of new strats and actually getting it new strats on top of a good lake fish is how I just saved this much time I don't care if it rains today oh wait no I do care if it rains today also rip buffer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now this segment won't gold yeah there's no way I pass out today I was gonna see if I could pass out Cosi thank you for this which prime sub for two months welcome back to the stare gun squad enjoy your emotes and abandoning the stream I hope your day is going well [Music] the hat hype to have height [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] think I forgot the pads on my day making a difference we shouldn't get browned eggs again [Music] I should probably stop trying to read chat and just play I feel like I'm throwing ever so slightly I could never imagine you throwing Hibou what are you on about you're you're a God gamer you don't throw good one I had a really good summer fish with a new strategy that ah tuna was okay tuna wasn't great second half of summer fish was fantastic though I got to do the new catfish drat which really saved the time you're curious what Ashley was like the big time so I still need to laughs yeah I still need a rabbit's foot and I still need the duck feather all right it runs not over until it's over I have a pig I don't worry I don't ever worry about truffle the truffle is almost guaranteed knock on wood yeah I'm gonna do a little extra fishing I do need to hit the crabpot bundle I still need to catch the tilapia so I'll just catch the extra fish until my hit 3 there I should be fairly close I caught an X I caught a lot of extra summer fish and then on top of that I got a bunch of perfect you come on guys I did a bunch of extra chopping is how [Music] I got seeds from the one sunflower that I planted blade and I planted them because I wanted them out of my inventory and they grew they're not in the way so I'm not gonna be running against them but they're there [Music] I should put in the I'm just messing a common mushroom you also I didn't save time in the last month because I did extra tapper work that I generally don't do its own fall but me walking all the way out of my way to do the tapper stuff was a time loss that I don't have to do now I'm either gonna need to sell this pig sooner you [Music] you [Music] now if I open the barn he has the chance of going back inside and I want him outside for every single possible tick I open it before I go to bed but I'm closing it it tell me he produces me a truffle [Music] now I've always I do that occasionally what I'm not getting what I want I don't do it often I mean it's just to prevent him from going out going back inside so he has like he's always outside you know I want him to produce the truffle and that's like the big thing I'm missing us I would really like the like 4k that I can sell them for because I'm I want money today I want money I've wrapped the apples it's fine I have to do more turn-ins anyways I rather not mess with the menu anymore my bad but [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm just missing a little bit of wood a little bit of wood a common mushroom exotic Forge crab pots duck feather large products I could have bought it I well I guess okay that's fine that's a fine trade I could have bought the the backpack upgrade but it's probably not needed anymore I can just buy wood with extra money fine I can J I can just buy with extra [Music] bleating a little bit of time two extra menus what it's fine now before nerfs slingshot on patch one point 4.0 their reason because explosive ammo is nerfed and it makes it like 30 minutes slower why would I run on a slower patch I'll get that later it's mainly so I don't have to do an extra menu [Music] so I'm gonna finish this today I'm gonna switch my fish and the eggs that I have on me into the stuff that I need and I don't want it using the the wrong egg on me I'm on the 50/50 baby it's a 50/50 I have to sleep a couple days anyways I need to wait for a couple of things thank you thank you I'm aware I'm aware I'm vastly aware of what I'm missing you you [Music] all that's the meter right okay well we're working with one less purple mushroom and I think we should be fine I should have had an extra cape carrot oh I think we're good on exotic Forge didn't have a morale I don't have a morale but I have a cave carrot babe carrot cactus fruit red mushroom cactus fruit air I'm sorry cave carrot red mushroom cactus fruit coconut I need one more don't I I do need one more I need there needed a purple mushroom there I don't have a Morales run coconut cactus fruit morale red mushroom wait for pine tar I'm not even gonna bother sleeper pine tar I'm just gonna keep it on the maple tree and get an extra maple whereas my tilapia we're a high enough fishing level I don't need to catch extra fish that I don't think I don't know if it still gives the XP though for the chest if I don't open up I have the wood skip I'm missing missing sand fish and one exotic item I bought the crab pots I already had a cape carrot I'm just missing a morale I'm just gonna be sleeping extra days so it's fine you can actually see the nerves holy it's all it's all down the menus now you [Music] I already had a coconut I bought it earlier I need the crayfish and the periwinkle here still that's on here [Music] my days ago did I pick it up on picked it up on the six right now that's too early I pick it up you you you hopefully Oh what the that's good enough right wait that's just straight up good enough I don't even need the thing now I have the apples this is the one that I'm worried about I don't need tomorrow I don't have one all right turn in the purple mushroom I've got into this run [Music] [Music] I believe that is the run classify missing one item here who needs a 44 when you can just get a 43 I split early whatever I can retime it who needs a 43 44 when you could just get a 43 easy game easy buddy it valid they will Faraday I will read time this free blade rejected rejected done [Music]
Channel: TheHaboo
Views: 153,162
Rating: 4.7935486 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, stardew, star, dew, haboo, the, Haboo, The, Glitchless, Glitched, glitch, speed, run, Speedrun, Stardew, wr, WR, world, record, World Record
Id: Ef2M5GXwfPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 27sec (9867 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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