Stardew Valley But I Start in ZUZU City

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zuzu city is a place that's mentioned a few times in stardew valley but unfortunately we never really get to see more of it than just the back alley of a concert where sam's performing however today that changes i installed a mod called downtown zoo zoo shout out to all the modders this is a super sick mod and today we're just gonna be starting there and seeing seeing everything checking it out let's go make sure you stick around to see the final boss of zoo zoo city well here we are for the very first time i've i've literally never checked out anything about this mod before so i know literally nothing first off about i noticed that joe just sucks which is kind of conflicting with my outfit kind of wish i could remove that but whatever wheel this is a fellow cal i'm callum but most people call me cal gog will not okay i'm gonna farm you up i make more money than you cal or at least i will in the future hopefully and then these ladies i recognize them from the uh maybe the fair or it could just be insane i i think i recognize them from somewhere though now this guy was apparently in the festival this person faked me out i thought they were a real npc since they had the little speech bubble a generator like outside clint wow lots of cool stuff no trash can rummage tragic oh the pizza place is closed down very sad but oh a jojo place let's let's go in about the same i swear half these guys were in the festival she wasn't she wasn't she probably wasn't oh yeah um you know i haven't addressed it i decided to change up the drip just a little bit charlie brown is gone for for now be back though i'm busy come back oh yeah sure you keep standing us into that milk thing buddy hate that guy we buy anything just normal that's a cool wallpaper i would buy that if i had money oh a motorcycle we cannot take it nothing here oh apartments let's see if we get an apartment or how much they cost 10 000 gold oh my god i'm gonna be grinding for so long for that hours of grinding later i've managed to get the money so let's go ahead and buy one apartment 1d you'll send the key over to me tomorrow awesome wow that's great very nice can i go in or no not yet i mean she did say tomorrow that shouldn't really be a surprise who can i play like a pool mini game no lots of other fellows none of these people are real people looks like an emily looks like emily to be honest that lady all right we'll head back out into the the real world one thing i'm wondering is can i get hit by the cars yep can i be pushed off screen by them that's the real question oh i'm just over here now oh oh wow i dang okay this is a bigger mod than i thought jojo gas station a buck 32 for a fill up holy or for a liter or sorry a gallon for you americans well let's let's head on in just another classic jojo place will they have anything jojo fries eight hundred dollars for eight energy and three health i'm surprised i'm kind of disappointed it doesn't have a negative health well what did i expect from jojo i guess is this a real person looks like we found some dense forest i'm surprised that jojo let this happen oh we see a little bit of desert wonder could we head on over to the desert i was installing the mods i noticed there's a thing called walk to the desert so i wonder if i can walk to the desert oh looks like we've exited zuzu city where are we now is this the desert i'm very lost where am i oh there's a little dude he's a nice smiley face he's sunglasses he must be trustworthy how do i like get to his motorcycles in the way oh i mean okay i guess i just can't buy anything that's cool what's this sanctuary bang is this your sandy no it's a random who are you are you a real person nope jojo fry okay nice oh the governor's here doll freak wow um okay this place is bustling that's like at least 10 people i don't want to count them that's that's crazy this mod is already like double to doubled or triple the amount of npcs in this game well not npcs the amount of character models in the game so that's cool i only found one other real person though what is this duh freak where am i i'm in the mines it looks like oh um i need to test something for science nothing huh okay i mean i guess i'll head down here looks like a combination of the default mines and the lava mines very cool oh a mine cart i can't take it that's actually tragic can i mine the rocks yes i can mine the rocks okay we're getting a little bit off track um let's let's head back to the actual uh zuzu city oh there's monsters out here that's fun artifact spots too the real test of this is a good modern knot is whether or not i get a lost book and i don't i get five clay that's lovely what is over here oh this is looks like open desert maybe the skull caverns are over wow that looks wacky the turn in the road just looks unnatural to me danger that's my middle name whoa the door is locked an eerie voice whispers future update okay buddy artifact spot galore though old coins giant old coin what a lucky find it's my lucky day for sure oh and there are ghosts and i just did i just oh my gosh i think i'm gonna leave because i'm going to die oh and we're in the desert wow that's lovely awesome can i uh go back please yup um what no i walked down and just sent me back immediately the freak it's like i can't go back desert maybe if i if i crank my speed i can escape nope no i can't okay well guess i have to return home and defeat i'll get my apartment tomorrow do i get my key yet sorry mom i don't want your cookies do i i don't get the key i'm just gonna go see if i have the key i hope i have the key and pam is finally here back to downtown don't have enough money try again game woo all right this time we're gonna go to the or no we gotta go see if we got our apartment otherwise we we got scammed out of ten thousand dollars speaking of getting kind of scammed under ten thousand dollars the apartment how's the apartment serving you i mean i guess we'll find find out you you've seen that i haven't gone in yet holy smokes this is an apartment and a half for ten thousand a month that's it's actually pretty bad now that i think about it but wow that's a lot of space or no it was a ten thousand one time that's a great deal you kidding me i'd buy a house in a second if it was ten thousand stardew valley gold that's like one potato harvest anyways i'm off the topic again um we're gonna go to the right this time oh wait sewers i'm getting sidetracked again and i'm i'm okay with that what is what is down here more sewers is this like a maze this is definitely a maze i'll be honest guys i i hate mazes i don't want to be hurtful to maze makers but i i hate them like really like a lot oh my gosh and there's little dark floor guys i've been running for a while and there's there's still nothing if i find nothing i'm gonna be very mad that looks like a video game crack wall are we about to be matthew mcclell skeed let's find out let's let's see if it opens up we got matthew mclelskeed if there's nothing down here i'm gonna be very very disappointed am i did i if i i just i just walked all the way back to stardew valley and pam's gone i i hate this mod okay we're back in zuzu and we're not gonna go down any dark mysterious tunnels this time you know i mean i admit it might be a little bit my fault but like come on man i'm i'm fuming about that i'm nodding holy smokes we're in jojo corp headquarters well said my friend well said speaking my man really speaking morse code yo we're back in the cutscene place only oh geez remember this would freak this guy is he a real person yes kristoff i'm doing away from my desk brother i mean sorry uh uh hello harslash i don't work here lady sorry i need to go redditer on you can i go up here i can really just waltz straight into the ceo's office damn i mean don't mind if i do holy smokes i just turned on the music and there is ominous boss music in here but holy smokes this is a baller office jesus the doors are locked um i hate to break it to you but i think you've got a little bit of a security flaw holy smokes a ceo that actually uses their their company's own products why the heck are there more workers than seats you can see everyone's hair like poking up from behind and there's also just a bunch of other randos just standing around let's go to the cafe now dang they got coffee they got soda you have to pay for it cocktail only the healthiest stuff for me i can't go into the bathroom but he mistakes me for an employer why doesn't everyone else mistake you for an employee very sad yes you are on the wrong floor farmer what the heck is that guy here imagine imagine being a farmer all right we've just sufficiently ransacked that building um also did someone just like take a bus to work there's only like two cars i am i'm on top of that bus what is here a postal van i'm getting hit by multiple cars looking at the postal then he thinks i should probably move yo the zuzu underground don't mind if i do holy smokes we're raving bro places ball oh hey sandy no way what's up sandy oh we're in the we're on the real cool place now are there like any new arcade games i can play holy smokes this floor i think that's a zoo zoo that's fun a band oh oh there's there's custom music again let's hear it is this an undertale song or am my insane this is kind of fire holy i don't want to hear more songs though so i mean let's just chuck in a thousand bucks to ourself and try out a new song i mean this is pretty solid too i don't dislike this i want to try club funky now though this is kind of fiery yo are these like publicly released downtown dude you got to get these uploaded on your youtube channel man this is also kind of fire wait is this penny have you been to the vip area the bouncer wouldn't let me in just no no need to shout man holy smokes take it take it down a notch i know we're in like a loud club but holy smokes aggressive oh is this leah's ex awkward i kind of want to find that vip area i think i hopefully i have protagonist plot armor i wonder if i can get in hey bouncer oh i wow this place is like this vip area sucks what hey what's up you're a vip i wouldn't have thought okay you be you don't look so high yourself either buddy dang this guy's more like it good day sir how are you on this fine day and is it just mirrors this guy kind of look like eric barone wait oh never mind sorry eric brone i just noticed these oh my gosh i can gamble play prairie king play hard mode prairie king and in theory play june my card if i had the skull key this place is kind of fire though duh freak wow okay this place banger soundtrack all the mini games in one spot and eric barone that is that is actually incredible all right that's that's fun man look at these losers in line we just went straight in wait what's this guy have to say to us oh i'm a friend of keys okay that makes sense okay i see one really big building oh wait no this is the jojo one i've already been in another postal place wow zoo zoo permits what is this place hey fella which permit i don't have any options wow guess i just don't get a permit how about you permit these nuts got em i have no reason to enter the airport yet but you feel hopefully you might be able to in the future dang not as black and white as that earlier town i can't pick up that flower that's kind of kind of cringe time to play some crossy road oh bad crossy road gameplay i was not great at crossy road we're going to get boosted this is a speed running tack oh i'm going to die yo devs you may want to i want to hop on like this kind of clipping through small issue but you know i want this mod to be its its greatest state it can be ow oh okay i can't go in that building sad what happens if i go over here ow man who would have guessed that walking into the middle of the road was going to get me killed if you liked this video you will also like this video please click it it is going to be on stream now thank you also since you made it 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Channel: Waligug
Views: 323,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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