Star Wars Legends: Complete History of Revan

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Thousands of years before the reign of Darth Sidious and his Galactic Empire, when much of the galaxy was ruled by the Old Republic, a force-sensitive human male was born in the Outer Rim and sent to train with the Jedi Order. Though the boy was promising from a young age, few could have imagined the impact his life would have on the future of the galaxy. Taught by a number of great Masters like Arren Kae, Zhar Lestin and Dorak, his curiosity proved insatiable, leading him to study force bonds in his free time, as well as other uncommon subjects. While training on Coruscant, he befriended Alek, a fellow Padawan who was proving powerful in his own right, and together they rose through the ranks to become full-fledged Jedi Knights. Developing into a charming, handsome and charismatic young man, The Crusader, as he became known in the media, started to gain fame in 3964 BBY for his hardline stance against the Mandalorean invasion of the Republic. A warrior culture devoted to achieving honor in combat, the neo crusaders under Mandalore the Ultimate had been conquering worlds for over a decade but their invasion of Vanquo was the first Republic planet to be targeted. In response, the government sent their fleet to war, but the Jedi High Council did not join them, voting to stay out of the conflict, to the surprise and anger of many. Despite the people and worlds under immediate threat from the Mandaloreans, the Masters of the Jedi Order had a number of reasons for their making their decision, with some believing the Jedi must seek a peaceful resolution and avoid violence at any cost, while others thought they should only ever engage in conflict to defeat the Sith Order, and must wait for the day their ancient enemies re-emerged. Yet some few also sensed a larger game was being played, and the Mandalorean invasion may only be the first move. Thus they should reserve their strength and act only when they had more information. While the Council endlessly discussed and debated the situation, millions suffered across the galaxy, a fact many within the younger generation of Jedi could not abide, leading the Crusader to start speaking out in favour of joining the republic war effort. Although a number of young jedi were quick to follow him as leader of the Revanchist Movement, his best friend Alek was the first at his side, serving as his apprentice and second in command. When it became clear the Jedi council would not reconsider their decision, the Revanchists decided to take action and embarked on a scouting mission to assess the situation on the front lines. Leaving Alek and the others on Suurja, the Revanchist Crusader took off on his own to investigate Mandalorean activity on the planet Onderon and its moon Dxun, before returning to find his people captured by the enemy. Reporting his findings to the Jedi council, the Crusader was allowed to take off on a rescue mission for his comrades but it proved unnecessary, as Alek and the others were freed by an unforeseen ally, the former jedi padawan and wanted criminal Zayne Carrick. Born with moderate force capabilities, Carrick was trained on Taris where he ranked last in their class, making it clear he would never become a Jedi Knight. But neither would any of his fellow students, as their masters turned against them at the final ceremony, slaughtering all but Zayne Carrack, who like always, arrived late and became a witness to the massacre. Fleeing for his life, Zayne became an infamous fugitive, sought throughout the galaxy, when the Jedi Masters framed him for the murders. Gathering together a crew of loyal companions, Carrack began his own investigation and discovered that 5 Jedi on Taris made a pact to kill their students, after a vision was interpreted to mean one of their Padawan would become a Sith and destroy the Jedi Order. Realizing this meant they would stop at nothing to kill Carrack and his allies, he decided to stop running and go on the attack, even sending a warning that he was coming to destroy them, even if it really did result in the collapse of the Jedi Order. During one of their missions, Zayne’s friend Jarael was mistaken for a Jedi and captured by the Mandaloreans who took her to Flashpoint Station, where the scientist Demagol was conducting experiments on force sensitives. Chasing after them, Zayne Carrack infiltrated the station and freed Jarael as well as a number of other prisoners which included Alek and the Revanchists who embraced him as an ally. Although Alek’s friendship with Carrack saw them join together on a number of adventures, it eventually led to deep feelings of hurt, jealousy and resentment, when his love interest Jarael rejected his advances and chose to be with Zayne. Reuniting with the Crusader, the Revanchist movement returned to the Core and found themselves at a new level of popularity which they immediately used to amplify their message, continuing to urge the council to authorize participation in the war. But this only set the council further against them, and so they issed arrest warrants against the Revanchist Jedi. Events further escalated after the Battle of Serroco, when the Mandalorean unleashed nuclear weapons to wipe out the world’s cities and population, leading the Revanchist leader to send his most trusted companion Alek to the planet Arkania, where he was tasked with acquiring a biological superweapon or at least destroying it to keep it from the other factions. Inevitably, hostilities erupted and Alek fought alongside allies like Zayne Carrack, Carth Onasi and others to neutralize the weapons and kill their creator. As a favour to his friend, Alek returned to Coruscant under the name Captain Malak, and risked arrest by contacting the Jedi Council to testify in the defense of Zayne Carrack, who was wrongly accused of murdering his fellow Padawan. When the meetings ended, the Jedi allowed him to leave the planet so he could deliver a final warning to the Revanchists. Having learned of dissention among the Mandalorean ranks, the Jedi council wanted to amplify this discontent in the hopes of fracturing their unification to facilitate a Republic victory, viewing this as a more peaceful alternative to directly entering the war. But in order to pursue this path, the Jedi needed the Revanchists to stop their campaign from escalating the conflict, and so sent Malak back to his friends with a final warning to stop their activities and return to the core. Tracking his ship, the Jedi followed Malak to the planet Cathar, where the Revanchists were investigating the disappearance of their people 10 years earlier, suspecting the Mandaloreans were behind the atrocity. As the Masters chastised the rebels, the Revanchist Crusader found a mandalorian mask hidden under the sand, and as he picked it up, all the jedi present experienced a shared forced vision of the past, watching helplessly as the Cathar population was pushed into sea and exterminated by the Mandaloreans under Cassus Fett, seeking vengeance for their defeat in the great Sith Wars of Exar Kun decades earlier. When a lone female Mandalorean failed in her attempt to plead for their lives, she chose to die at their side, when Cassus Fett opened fire. As the Vision ended, the Revanchist was overwhelmed with emotion and upon realizing he was holding the heroic woman’s mask, took the name Revan and vowed to wear this symbol of defiance until the Mandalorians were brought to justice. Having witnessed the atrocity themselves, the Masters were far more sympathetic to Revan’s cause, but continued to believe the Jedi Order must stay out of the fighting. Agreeing to a compromise, the Council publicly denounced their movement and continued to warn Jedi against joining the war, but also allowed Revan to be named commander of a small Mercy Corps in the Republic military, allowing for individual Jedi to join while the Order as a whole remained out of the fighting. The Mercy corps proved a valueable addition to the war effort, with Revan gaining fame as an exceptional strategist and military mind while Malak expanded his reputation a great warrior. Yet they were not the only ones to gain fame from these military campaigns, as the Jedi Meetra Surik became an excellent leader, rising to become third in command under her mentor Revan and his apprentice Malak. After their efforts to mitigate Republic losses in the disastrous Battle of Duro, Revan was promoted to Supreme Commander, and given control over a 3rd of Republic forces. Yet as the war dragged on and the Mandaloreans became more ruthless and desperate, so too did Revan and Malak, who were determined to achieve victory at any cost. Making their decisions based on cold calculations, they grew increasingly detached from the suffering their actions created and so began their slow descent into the ways of the Dark Side. Ever eager for more knowledge, Revan and Malak found a dark side cave on Dantooine, and after passing a series of tests were permitted to enter the inner chamber. Sensing that this was a turning point for both of them, Malak warned Revan that the Jedi Council might banish them if they continued on this path, but the master kept walking and so his apprentice followed. Deep within the ruins they found a star map, partially revealing the location of a Rakatan space station called the Star Forge. Intrigued, they investigated further, discovering more star maps on Kashyyk, Manaan, Tatooine and the Sith homeworld of Korriban. Eventually Revan discovered the Trayus Academy, an ancient sith school within the planet of Malachor V, and started studying what he found. He then shared this new found knowledge with his apprentice Malak, thereby continuing their descent towards the dark side. Growing ever more ruthless under the influence of the Dark Side, Revan and Malak continued the war against the Mandaloreans, capturing the Vorzyd, Stenos and Elom systems. Yet in this same campaign, they were pushed back in the Lucazec system and suffered a substantial defeat at Jaga’s cluster when they faced off against Cassus Fett, a great mandalorean commander who personally led a boarding party and killed a ship captain. Despite this setback, and the martial prowess of the mandaloreans, Revan and Malak were on the path to victory, liberating Taris, Althir and Onderon, while committing to a long and costly fight on the moon of Dxun, a Mandalorean stronghold with a uniquely dense and dangerous jungle environment. Placing Meetra Surik in command, she won the battle for Dxun, but only after months of intense struggle, losing roughly 10 republic soldiers for every mandalorean. After capturing the Lianna system, Revan was ready to end this war by any means necessary, and so laid a trap at Malachor V, sending a large republic fleet to lure Mandalore the Ultimate into a final confrontation. Although Revan was supposed to lead a second fleet against the enemy, his forces were delayed and arrived late into the battle, but even so, their victory seemed assured. Recognizing they could not win, Mandalore the Ultimate challenged Revan to single combat and put forth a valiant effort, but was defeated and killed. Yet as he lay dying, he spoke to his enemy and revealed the secret truth behind the war. Decades earlier, Mandalore was approached by a red skinned alien claiming to serve a powerful Sith Lord and together they underwent a quest to find the remains of Dramath II on Rekkiad, though in truth he simply wanted an opportunity to corrupt the Mandalorean’s mind with the dark side. When their mission was complete, the Sith revealed that his master had a vision of the future in which the Mandaloreans conquered the Republic. Under the sway of the dark side, the prophecy preyed on his desires and ambitions, causing Mandalore to fall for the lie and prepare his people for war. Shocked by all he heard before the enemy passed away, Revan was determined to investigate further, but first removed Mandalore’s mask and took it as a warprize, knowing that without it, the Mandalorean’s could not unite under a new leader. Though the enemy leader was dead, the battle raged on, and with both fleets in range of the planet, Revan initiated the final part of his plan, giving the order to Meetra Surik, who dutifully obeyed and activated the mass shadow generator, a dark side superweapon which created a massive gravitational force, pulling nearly all surrounding ships, directly onto Malachor’s surface, destroying the Mandalorean fleet and most of the republic fleet, in addition to the planet and its population. Though it came at a heavy cost, the ruthless strategy employed by Revan at Malachor V won the war for the Republic, ended the immediate threat, and devastated Mandalorean civilization to such a degree it would take generations to recover. Having lost their leader as well as to most of their ships and soldiers, those who remained offered their unconditional surrender and fled to the outer rim, becoming outlaws, mercenaries and bounty hunters. In the core worlds, many viewed Revan and Malak as heroes who vanquished a terrible scourge threatening the galaxy. However others, including those on the jedi council, felt their actions at Malachor went too far, with some noting that many of those lost on the republic side were critics of Revan’s leadership, while most of his loyalists survived and continued to follow him after the war. Demanding that the three most senior jedi generals return to face judgement for their crimes, Revan and Malak ignored them without remorse, but Meetra Surik, who was utterly transformed after Malachor V, did as they asked and went before the council. In addition to the physical devastation caused by the Mass Shadow Generator, the effect was so powerful and loss of life so extreme it created a wound in the force. Unfortunately, Meetra Surik was close enough to feel the excruciating pain of this wound being created and so cut herself off from the force to survive. Having lost a part of herself in that battle, Meetra returned to face the Jedi Council, and accepted their banishment from the order. After which she boarded a ship and disappeared without a trace for many years. Meanwhile Revan completed construction of his HK 47 assassin droid, and Malak suggested sending it after Meetra, but Revan decided against it, claiming that without the force she was already dead. Though the war was over, Revan and Malak feared an even greater threat may still exist and so travelled to Rekkiad, where they found the tomb of the Sith Lord Dramath the Second as well as a datacron, confirming what they were told by Mandalore the Ultimate. Searching through the information, they found the coordinates to Nathema, another ancient sith world where they might continue their investigation. Knowing that he needed to keep the Mandalore’s mask far from the Mandaloreans, Revan hid it in the tomb of the Sith Lord before departing. Travelling to Nathema, they felt the terrible shock, pain and sense of loss experienced by force users who travelled to a planet without the force, but overcame their discomfort and discovered the truth behind this lifeless abomination of a world. Over a thousand years earlier during the golden age of the Old Sith Empire, a pureblood child was born to a poor farm woman on a remote northern continent, within the insignificant world of Medriass on the edge of their space. Naming him Tenebrae, the boy had deep black eyes and never cried or showed emotion, cloaked in aura so menacing it scared animals and other children away. At the age of six, it became clear he was powerfully force sensitive, and soon the man who raised him learned his wife had an affair with the ruler of Medriaas, meaning Sith Lord Dramath was the boy’s biological father. Outraged, the farmer physically attacked his wife, causing Tenebrae to feed off his anger and lash out with the dark side, snapping the man’s neck. For his mother, Tenebrae reserved a far worse fate, letting her die only after months of torture, punishing her for the betrayal of their family. Over the next 4 years, the young Sith used his powers to grow a following, bringing neighbouring villages and towns under his rule. At first Lord Dramath paid no attention, as the Northern continent was remote and unimportant, but as his son’s domain grew larger, he decided to meet the boy in person and assess his potential. Upon learning that this Sith Lord was his father, Tenebrae wasted no time and launched a devastating attack into his mind, forcing him to suffer insanity before ending his life. Although Lord Dramath had a legitimate son and heir, Dramath II feared the wrath of this mad child, and so fled with his followers to settle on Rekkiad, where he ruled until his death. Back on Medriaas, Tenebrae spent the next 3 years conquering the planet, and at the age of 13 in 5100 BBY, sought to legitimize his rule by travelling to the Sith capital of Ziost and presenting himself before Emperor Marka Ragnos, one of the greatest Dark Lord’s in history. The Emperor immediately sensed the boy’s potential and gave his blessing, officially pronouncing him as Sith Lord Vitiate, undisputed ruler of Medriaas. Renaming his planet Nathema, Vitiate spent the next century in relative isolation, studying the dark side and imparting his knowledge upon students and followers. Earning a reputation as a scholar on a distant world, few paid any attention to Vitiate, and he in turn stayed out of the wars and conflicts of his fellow Sith. When Marka Ragnos died in 5000 BBY, Vitiate remained neutral in the war of succession between Ludo Kressh and Naga Sadow. And following the victory of Naga Sadow, stayed out the Great Hyperspace War he launched against the Republic. Failing to conquer their ancient enemies, the Sith were on the brink of annihilation, as their fleet was destroyed and emperor fled into exile. Yet in the wake of this tragedy for their people, Vitiate saw his opportunity to strike. Throughout 4999 BBY, the Sith Lord sent out broadcasts stoking fears within the empire, by warning of a Republic invasion, and following their victory against Naga Sadow, that is precisely what occurred, with the Jedi and their allies visiting every enemy world they could find to purge it of any sith influence. With the remaining imperials in a panic, Vitiate once again sent out messages, this time inviting the remaining sith Lords of the empire to join him on Nathema, where they would perform a ritual to unleash the true power of the dark side against their enemies. As all this occurred, Vitiate had a team of his best researchers and explorers, locating a route to Dromund Kaas, an ancient sith world lost for centuries and entirely unknown to the republic. When his people at last found the planet, Vitiate was ready to begin the ritual. Channelling his immense power, the ruler of Nathema reached out with the dark side and forced his will on the 8000 Sith Lords who answered his call, using their life force to fuel the ritual throughout the next ten days. When it was over, every living thing on the planet was dead, with all of its collective energy, including the force essence of the planet, transferred into the body of Vitiate, making him immortal with unparalleled abilities. Although the Sith respected power and cared little for how it was attained, draining a planet of its energy would be considered an abomination by any force user, as they too would feel the pain of this loss. Understanding the severity of what he did, Vitiate forbid travel to his homeworld and hid its location, blaming it’s destruction on the Jedi and Republic. Easily the most powerful Dark Lord remaining, Vitiate travelled to Korriban where gathered as many remaining Sith and their servants, as possible before leading a great exodus into the unknown regions, taking them on an unnecessarily long 20 year voyage, in order to ensure they became entirely dependent on their leader for survival. When he felt the time was right, Vitiate brought them to Dromund Kaas, and established the reconstituted Sith Empire, promising to one day take revenge against the Jedi and Republic. Revered as a god, the Emperor spent most of his time in isolation, leaving administrative duties to the Dark Council, 12 powerful Dark Lords who each governed a different sector of Sith society. Over the next thousand years, Vitiate grew the strength of his empire, and when the time was right, sent an agent to contact Mandalore the Ultimate, manipulating him into starting the Mandalorean Wars to test the Republic’s defenses. Learning about this hidden Sith Empire, Revan and Malak knew the Emperor needed to be stopped, but rather than inform the Jedi and Republic, they took it upon themselves to end the threat, and so travelled into the Unknown regions, searching for Dromund Kaas. Arriving in Sith Space, Revan and Malak posed as mercenaries to gather intelligence and eventually formed a plan of working with the royal guard Yarri to infilitrate the Imperial Citadel and assassinate the Emperor. Unfortunately for them, the Sith ruler was fully aware of their presence and sent Yarri to work as a double agent, meaning that when Revan and Malak arrived in the throne room, the Emperor was ready and quickly dominated their minds with his unique powers. Enslaved to his will, they were each granted an ancient title of great prestige, and reborn into the dark side as Darth Revan and Darth Malak of the Sith Empire. Publically, Vitiate announced they caught and executed two spies, but in private, he ordered his new servants to return home and conquer the Republic. To aid them in this mission, the Emperor instructed them to use the Star Forge, which was star powered, force-infused technology built by the ancient Rakatans, capable of creating an endless supply of ships and war materials. In order to find this mechanical wonder, the Dark Lords left Sith space and journeyed to Manaan, Tatooine and Korriban, collecting the final pieces of the map to reveal its location. On Korriban, Revan recovered the Mask of the great Sith Lord Tulak Horde, and throughout the journey recorded a personal Holocron with his teachings and philosophy, most notably explaining his thoughts on the relationship between master and apprentice, ideas which later inspired Darth Bane’s rule of two and a lineage of Dark Lords who eventually defeated the Jedi Order. Following the map they assembled, Revan and Malak were led to the planet Lehon where they crash landed on its surface. Learning the planet was surrounded by a disrupter field, the Sith Lords made deals with and betrayed both sides of a tribal conflict among the local Rakatan population, allowing them access to the Temple of the Ancients, where the disrupter field was controlled, allowing them to leave the planet and enter the Star Forge. Yet something changed within the minds of Revan and Malak throughout the weeks and months since leaving the Sith Empire, as their distance from Dromund Kaas and strong wills allowed the Sith Lords to unknowingly free themselves from the Emperor’s control, leaving them with only vague recollections of their time in the Imperial Space. From these altered and obscure memories, the Dark Lords concluded they must take direct control over the Republic so they might possess the strength necessary to defeat the terrible threat waiting in the unknown regions. Believing the Jedi proved their weakness by abstaining from the Mandalorian Wars, they dedicated themselves to the Dark Side, and founded a New Sith Empire with Darth Revan as Master and Darth Malak as apprentice. Inspiring great devotion within many of those under his command during the war, Revan had legions of loyalist soldiers ready to serve in his new Sith fleet, manning ships built and supplied by the Star Forge. Taking their new fleet to Korriban, they captured the planet and established an Academy to train a new generation of Sith Lords under their command. Hoping to better understand the Star Forge, Revan conducted an experiment by removing a tiny piece of the device and from it created an Infinite Engine, able to absorb raw materials and in return produced food, water, clothing and the essentials of life.* Though the Star Forge appeared to be an incredible resource of seemingly limitless potential, prolonged use could also have terrible side effects resulting from a design flaw unforeseen by its creators. Due to the force sensitive nature of this technology, it was corrupted by the dark side energy of the ancient Rakatans, who were cruel slavers bent on galactic conquest. This meant that anyone exposed to the Star Forge felt a surge of negative emotions to the point where it could cause the downfall of entire civilizations. Fortunately, Revan was wise enough to avoid overusing the Star Forge or obsessing over its potential, and instead used it as a tool for a specific purpose and nothing more. Malak however, disagreed with this decision, and believed they should spend more time studying the Forge and exploiting its abilities. Using his vast knowledge of the Republic and his incredible skill as a strategist, Darth Revan planned a 20 year campaign to achieve a final and complete victory, beginning with the First Battle of Foerost in 3958 BBY, where they captured a large portion of the enemy fleet. Since most saw no difference between the force wielding warriors doing battle across the galaxy, the conflict was named the Jedi Civil War, and soon saw many Republic warriors crossing over to the Sith, as they were sympathetic to the cause of Revan, whom they remembered as a war hero. Among the many defectors, the highest ranking was Saul Karath, who was made Admiral of the entire Sith Fleet. However, in order to prove his loyalty, Malak demanded he bomb the civilian population of Telos IV, and so Karath did as ordered, much to the anger of Revan who wanted to conquer and make use of the planet. In addition to his plans for direct military engagement, Revan also ordered the assassination of many prominent Republic figures, with the aim of crippling their leadership while keeping the military and political structure of the government intact, thereby making it easier to assume and maintain power upon their victory. Yet not all his enemies were murdered in secret, as the Echani General Yusanis was so outraged by Revan’s betrayal, he outright challenged the Sith Lord to single combat, leading to his defeat and death. In order to simultaneously grow the ranks of his sith warriors and reduce the size of the enemy, he sent his servants to capture jedi, torturing and corrupting them until they either died or fell to the Dark Side. As for the logistical and commercial needs of his people, Revan allied with the greedy Czerka Corporation, offering them an exclusive contract with the Sith Empire. Though not everything was going exactly to plan, Darth Revan’s larger strategy was working and had the Republic on the defensive, but soon an unexpected threat emerged from within his own ranks, as his apprentice Darth Malak was growing ever more tired of being second in command. Though Revan and Malak were friends and comrades for years, their fall to the dark side poisoned their relationship, transforming it from an emotional connection to a professional one, with each now viewing the other as a useful tool to further their progress. As a result Malak’s loyalty to Revan existed only so far as he remained strong and successful leader. To this end, the apprentice was beginning to suspect his master was growing weak, and in 3957 publically challenged his authority. In response to this insult they fought a duel in which Revan struck Malak down, removing the man’s jaw with a strike of his lightsaber. Though the Sith apprentice survived, he was forced to wear a prosthesis for the rest of his life. Despite momentarily reclaiming his authority, the rift between master and apprentice was now visible for all to see, and another confrontation was inevitable. In the meantime, Revan suffered yet another unexpected threat, when he was lured into an Outer Rim trap, and soon found his vessel boarded by a jedi strike team. Undeterred by the many light side enemies he was facing, Revan sent out a signal for assistance and prepared for battle. Finding the Dark Lord on the bridge, the jedi were set to engage him, only for Malak’s fleet to arrive in time to intervene. Yet rather than save his leader, Malak realized this was his chance to become Master of the Sith, and so instead fired upon Revan’s ship, hoping to destroy them all. As a result of the chaos around them, Revan was knocked unconscious while all of the jedi were killed save for the padawan Bastilla Shan, a specialist in battle meditation, who used her powers to save the Dark Lord’s life, which under the stress of the situation created a force bond between them. Escaping the ship, Bastilla took Revan’s unconscious body as well as his mask to Dantooine where the Jedi Council decided to heal his wounds and give him a second chance at life by wiping his memory. Granting him a new identity as a republic soldier, the council hoped his tremendous talents might help them in defeating the Sith Empire he created. Having wiped Revan’s memoried before enlisting as republic soldier with a new identity, the Jedi Council sent him to serve aboard the ship Endar Spire, so he might be watched over by its commander the Jedi Padawan Bastilla Shan. Meanwhile, Darth Malak, newly risen Master of the Sith and ruler of their empire began his reign by disregarding the carefully planned, 20 year strategy of conquest, designed by Revan to preserve as much of the republic as possible while bringing it under his control, in favour of an aggressive, merciless campaign focused on destruction rather than conquest, which in theory should bring him victory far sooner. Although Malak’s plan included the annihilation of entire planets, meaning far less resources were available to both sides, this was to his benefit, as he fully embraced the star powered potential of the Star Forge, using it without restraint to build ships and weapons of war. Following in the traditions of the Sith, Malak, as master of the order, took an apprentice to serve as second in command, choosing Darth Bandon, a former Jedi turned to the dark side in his pursuit of power. Naming Darth Bandon as his Shadow Hand, Malak and his apprentice saw a number of early victories, with their aggressive strategy quickly gaining them an advantage. Yet Malak was not satisfied, as he felt there was still one person in the Republic who may hold the key to stopping their progress, and so went on the hunt for Bastilla Shan, the Jedi padawan specializing in Battle Meditation, allowing her to enhance the morale and abilities on entire armies and fleets during combat. Discovering her location, Malak and Bandon travelled to the planet Taris, aboard their flagship the Leviathan, to find and attack the Endar Spire. Yet what they did not realize, was that Malak’s former Master, thought to be dead, was also aboard the ship. Woken from slumber by his bunkmate, Revan and Trask Ulgo of Alderaan were soon contacted by veteran officer Carth Onasi, ordering them to the bridge so they might help defend the Jedi Bastilla Shan. Fighting their way through the ship, they soon ran into the fearsome Darth Bandon, and seeing no alternative, Trask Ulgo sacrificed himself by charging at the Dark Lord so Revan might escape. Contacted again, he learned Bastilla safely boarded an escape ship, and so Onasi and Revan did the same, crash landing on the surface of Taris. Finding Revan unconscious, Onasi dragged him to an abandoned apartment in the Upper city, where he waited for his to wake. Dreaming of his near death while fighting the jedi, he awoke several days later and the two made it their mission to find Bastilla Shan and return to the Republic. During his time on Taris, Revan accomplished much by interacting with its people, acquiring a sample of rakhgoul serum for a doctor and helping outcasts escape the undercity to find what they hoped was a promised land. But most importantly for their purposes, they befriended a Twilek girl named Mission Vao and helped rescue her wookie companion Zaalbar, who was so grateful he swore a lifedebt to Revan with both joining in his travels. Using their connections to the Hidden Bek gang, Revan learned that after Bastilla’s ship crashed on the planet, she was captured by Brejik, leader of the Black Vulkars gang and was being offered as a prize to the winner of a swoop bike race. Allying with the Hidden Beks, Revan entered the race in their name and stole a prototype accelerators from the Vulkars, allowing him to claim victory. Knowing they stole the prototype, the Vulkars withdrew the prize and violence was about to erupt, when Bastilla Shan broke free of her restraints and fought alongside her republic allies before they escaped. Reunited with her old friend Carth Onasi and the man she pretended was just a republic soldier, they learned Revan’s force sensitivity was re-emerging and somehow causing Bastilla to share his dreams. Realizing their first priority was to leave the planet, they made contact with Canderous Ordo, a Mandalorian mercenary who helped them steal the ship Ebon Hawk from a wealthy criminal. Buying a T3-M4 droid to help with the mission, they successfully left the planet and journeyed to Dantooine, where Bastilla informed the Jedi Council of all that occurred and presented this force sensitive republic soldier with whom she was sharing dreams. Pretending not to know who Revan was, they declared the two had a force bond, meaning they could communicate and strengthen each other through the energy passing between them. Though the Council was alarmed Revan’s powers and memories were returning, they ultimately decided to train him as a jedi once more, putting him through weeks of intense instructions from the masters, and additional tutoring from Bastila. Knowing Revan’s mind could also reveal information of enormous value in their war against the Sith, the jedi assigned Bastila to act as his mentor and companion, so she might use their bond to slowly and carefully bring some of these memories to the surface. During his time on Dantooine, Revan once again helped as many as possible, dealing with Mandalorian outlaws and bringing the Jedi Padawan Juhani back from the Dark Side, resulting in her joining the crew of the Ebon Hawk. After finding part of a starmap within a Dark Side cave, Revan was struck by a vision of the past, remembering when he and Malak underwent their mission to find Star Forge. And so they set off to retrace the journey of the Dark Lords and find the rest of the map, travelling to Tattoine where Revan reunited with his old assassin droid HK47, though he had no idea why it called him master. After defeating the mercenary Calo Nord, hired by Malak to stop them, they found the next part of the star map and continued on their way. Travelling to the Wookie planet Kashyyk, the crew of the Ebon Hawk worked to restore the honor of their exiled companion Zaalbar awhile also exposing the corruption of their leader who was selling their own people as slaves to the Czerka Corporation. Finding a new crew mate with the Jedi Joli Bindo, living in the wilds of the planet, they recovered the next piece of the star map before moving on to Maanaan, where Revan found himself caught up in a murder trial, acting as arbiter for Sunry an old friend of their newest companion. After previous attacks against Revan and his companions failed, Darth Bandon went in person to meet them on Manaan but was killed in the confrontation. Finding the next piece of the Starmap, the Ebon Hawk headed for Korriban, the last location they needed, but were caught and captured by Saul Karath of the Leviathan. Capturing the crew, they were tortured for information and learned the Sith destroyed the Jedi enclave on Dantooine. Yet they were soon rescued by one of the companions who remained hidden on the ship and together fought their way to the bridge where they confronted and killed Saul Karath. Once a mentor to Carth Onasi, Karath whispered the secret about revan into his ear and when they next ran into Darth Malak he revealed the truth to them all. While Revan stood shocked and confused to hear he was once a Sith Dark Lord, Bastila Shan sacrificed herself by charging at Malak, giving the others just enough time to escape. Returning to the Ebon Hawk, Revan was distraught Bastilla remained behind fighting Malak, but had to continue on with their mission, revealing the truth about his identity to the entire crew, who chose to accept him as the person he was now, regardless of his past. Travelling to Korriban, Revan infiltrated the Sith Academy, gaining access to the Valley of the Dark Lords where he explored the tomb of Tulak Horde and Marka Ragnos, as well as Ajunta Pall, even meeting and convincing his force-ghost to find peace by once again embracing the light. Yet it was in the tomb of Naga Sadow, that he found the final piece of the star map, and so with their mission complete, fought their way to the ship and departed. Seeking the Star Forge, they followed the map coordinates to the planet Lehon and sent word of their success to the Republic fleet before being shot down by the Sith Fleet. Crash landing on Lehon, the crew survived, eventually finding the Rakatan Elders who remembered Revan from his past betrayal of their people. Apologizing, he helped them however possible to gain their trust and was once against granted access to the Temple, where he could deactivate the disrupter field protecting the Star Forge. But before they could, they were met by Bastilla Shan, now the dark side apprentice of Darth Malak. Tortured into joining the Dark Side, she believed Revan weak and so attacked only to be soundly defeated. Surprised by his power, Bastilla explained she did not truly care for Malak and only sided with him because she thought Revan was weakened by his return to the light side. Yet now she was convinced his continued strength resulted from his inner darkness, and so offered herself as both lover and Sith Apprentice, so they could overthrow Malak and rule the Empire together. Deeply saddened she was no longer the woman he knew, Revan refused the offer and so she called him a pathetic fool and returned to Malak’s side. Deactivating the field, Republic forces were now free to launch an all-out attack on the Star Forge, but faced a distinct disadvantage as Bastilla Shan was using her Battle Meditation to enhance the abilities and morale of Sith forces. Yet she was soon confronted by Revan, who boarded the Star Forge with his crew, seeking to find and defeat Darth Malak. Attacking Revan, Bastilla was defeated 3 times, before she realized the error of her ways and asked that he end her suffering. Refusing to kill her, Revan instead expressed his lover for her and asked she return to the light side. Hesitant at first, she ultimately gave in and admitted her love for him, claiming she no longer feared those emotions. Moving on to the final battle Revan faced off against his old apprentice, and at long last struck him down, before exchanging some final words, in which he apologized for leading Malak into the darkside. With the Dark Lord dead, Bastilla redeemed and the Star Forge destroyed, the Sith Empire was largely defeated and so a celebration was held on Lehon, where the entire Ebon Hawk crew were publicly recognized for their service, while Revan was awarded the Cross of Glory, earning his status as a living legend, having been both a Warring Dark Lord of the Sith and Jedi Savior of the Republic. Losing their Sith Master, the remnants of the Empire turned against each other in a struggle for power, allowing for the Republic to easily destroy or scatter their forces. As for Revan, he personally led the invasion of Korriban, to clear it of imperial influence before retiring from public life. Although the Jedi council offered both Revan and Bastila Shan the chance to re-enter the order as padawans so they might be receive proper training, both turned down the offer, instead getting married and moving into an apartment on Coruscant with T3-m4 and HK-47. Believing that his unique knowledge and perspective might be valuable, especially in studying the relationship between the dark and light sides of the force, Revan naively approached the Jedi Council, hoping to teach them all he’d learned. But they were outraged by the notion, with some threatening to banish him from the Order entirely. Fearing the public outcry from banishing a republic hero, the council made a deal, allowing Revan and Bastila to be married while remaining members of the Jedi order, but in exchange they could not spread their teachings. Bastilla was angered by the council’s constant disrespect and condescension, but Revan felt no malice and convinced her to take the deal so they could live their lives in peace. Yet their happiness did not last long, as Revan began having nightmares of a shadowy presence and a planet covered by storms. Though he had not yet recovered all his memories, he felt strongly these dreams were related to his past with Malak and the Mandalorian Wars. Contacting his old friend, Canderous Ordo was asked to learn any information possible about Mandalore the Ultamite and his reasons for invading the Republic. Meanwhile, Revan sought to contact and enlist the aid of his old protégé Meetra Surik, travelling to the Jedi Archives to learn her fate. There he was confronted by an angry Jedi Master Atris, who informed him Meetra cut herself off from the Force after the battle of Malachor V and was exiled from the Order when she returned to face judgement. Deeply saddened by what he learned, he left the temple unsure he’d ever see her again. A few weeks later Canderous made contact and revealed the Mandalorian Clans were gathering on the planet of Rekkiad, to search for the Mask of Mandalore the Ultamite, so a new ruler might take his place and unify their people. Understanding the threat a united Mandalorian army might pose, and believing he was on the right path to understand his visions, Revan planned to join the Clans in their search on Rekkiad. Though Canderous suggested reuniting the crew of the Ebon Hawk for this mission, Revan decided against it, as HK-47 was to aggressive, Canderous reported to the Republic, Juhani and Bindo reported to the jedi council, and Mission was busy running a successful shipping business with Zaalbar. This left only Revan, Canderous, T3 and his wife Bastilla, believing her presence would make up for not having the others. But when he returned home that night, he learned she was pregnant. Feeling great joy at the news, Revan was soon forced to lessen their happiness by revealing his plan to embark on a mission to save the galaxy from the threat haunting his dreams. At first, Bastilla was furious he was leaving and even suggested joining the journey despite being pregnant, but in the end she accepted his decision, knowing it was Revan’s duty to stop or delay this galactic threat as long as possible, so that their child might live a long life of peace. Putting their sadness aside, they shared a last night together before Revan left Coruscant, never to see his beloved wife again. Journeying to Rekkiad, Canderous was reunited with his people in Clan Ordo, introducing his companion as the mercenary Avner who’d come to help them find the mask. Revan then met Veela Ordo, the proud, ferocious clan leader and wife of Canderous. Experiencing more dreams and memories of the past throughout the voyage, Revan soon realized Clan Ordo was searching in the wrong area of the planet, and so had Canderous help convince them to move, resulting in a battle with clan Jendri. Though they claimed victory, Veela and others saw Revan using a lightsaber, and became silently hostile, realizing he was jedi. Laying claim over the new location, Revan led a group of them to the tomb of sith lord Dramath the Second, where he recovered the mask of mandalore. Unfortunately Veela then turned against him, claiming she knew he was Revan, and asked Caderous to choose between his friend and people. Refusing to choose he watched on in horror as the Mandolreans attacked his ally, who cut them down one after another. Feeling compelled to act, Canderous raised his weapon and fired, shooting his wife through the chest. After defeating the Mandaloreans, Revan watched on in silence, as Canderous stood over the bodies and came to terms with his decision. With the leader of clan Ordo dead and the Mandalorians as a whole posing an ever present danger, Revan asked his friend Canderous to don the mask and unite his people as Mandalore the Preserver, in the hopes of rebuilding their strength so they might one day fight in defense of the republic. Reluctantly accepting the role, Canderous returned to his people, relaying a false story about an attack from another clan to explain the death of his wife and comrades. He then took over leadership and began his campaign to unite, preserve and strengthen the Mandalorians. Revan and T3-M4 meanwhile departed aboard the Ebon Hawk, travelling to Nathema, a world mentioned on the datacron from Rekkiad, but upon arrival suffered a momentary sensory overload, as his memories of this planet returned. Unfortunately, Revan’s investigation soon came to an end, when he was found by Darth Nyriss and Lord Scourge of the Old Sith Empire. Ruling over the true successor state to the old Sith Empire of Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow, the immortal Emperor Vitiate was a figure of god-like importance to the dark side acolytes of their worlds, yet not all shared a reverence for the man, with those of high ranking positions who spent the most time in his company, often coming to fear the larger threat he posed. Despite ruling without equal for over 1000 years, some, including several members of the Emperor’s dark council, still hoped he might be overthrown. Counted among the conspirators, the powerful Darth Nyriss, a specialist in sith sorcery, hoped to recruit Scourge, the talented Sith Lord and respected interrogator to her cause, and so brought him to Nathema so he might feel the horror of a world without the force, explaining that the Emperor was a monster seeking to consume the life force of the entire galaxy. Yet just as they were leaving the system, a ship jumped into orbit above Nathema, and sensing a powerful force user aboard, they opened fire, causing it to crash Land on the planet. Recovering the still living body of Revan, Nyriss knew him as one of the two Jedi captured by Vitiate and turned into his servants. Realizing Revan must have somehow broken free of the Emperor’s influence, they brought him to the compound of Darth Nyriss, where he was drugged, tortured and interrogated by Scourge for the next three years, hoping to get extract information they might use in their Sith rebellion. Yet as time passed, Scourge became disillusioned with Nyriss, realizing the members of the Dark Council were using their conspiracy against the Emperor as a means to play politics and increase their personal power, but were unlikely to ever take any significant action. At the same time, he was growing increasingly curious about their prisoner, who was proving exceptionally powerful in the force, resisting even their most brutal interrogation techniques. Eventually, Scourge stopped trying to inflict pain and instead merely exploited his loneliness by entering into ordinary conversations, both to learn more about the man and in the hopes he might volunteer something of interest. Similarly, the jedi purposely started to open up, explaining his views and philosophy concerning the force, in the hopes of manipulating the Sith Lord into helping him escape. Fascinated by Revan’s ability to channel both the light and dark sides, Scourge started revealing information as well, concerning the Empire and conspiracy to bring down the Emperor. After years with only Scourge for company, Revan at last made his play, attempting to suggest an alliance between them, only for the sith to laugh at the idea. Refusing to retreat, Revan pushed forward, confidently lying about a vision he saw of his freedom fast approaching while also stating that the Sith Lord would soon know the truth of his words. After Scrouge left the room, Revan, who was gradually building a tolerance to force supressing drugs, started concentrating his mind on contacting Bastilla, when suddenly struck by a real force vision, in which he saw the face of his old protoge Meetra Surik, and knew she was coming to his rescue. Determined to find his master, the loyal droid t3m4 repaired the ebon hawk and flew it off Nathema where it was found by Meetra Surik, the former Jedi exile, as she began a journey to regain her force powers and defeat the Sith Triumverate threatening the galaxy. Emerging from a period of infighting, the last remnants of Malak’s Sith Empire united under Darths Traya, Sion and Nihilus, but were ultimately defeated by Meetra, T3 and other allies, some of whom previously served under Revan. After contacting Bastilla Shan and showing her T3’s recording of a red skinned sith taking Revan from Nathema, Meetra and the droid left on a rescue mission, following his trail all the way to Dromund Kass, where her inquiries led to a meeting with Lord Scourge. Watching as Meetra killed the soldiers sent against her, Scourge realized she was a jedi and believed she must be the person Revan saw in his vision. By the time the battle was over, Scourge understood Revan and the Exile were his best hope for defeating the Emperor, and so offered and alliance, providing critical information and assistance for the rescue mission. In order to increase their chances, Scourge went before the Emperor and revealed that Nyriss, along with other members of the Dark council, were plotting rebellion, leading royal forces to attack the traitors. Using the battle as a distraction, Scourge and Meetra made their way to the prison cell where they found Revan and two sith soldiers, who he convinced to switch sides. Reuniting with her beloved mentor, Meetra embraced Revan before he received an antidote to remove the drugs supressing his powers, and the famous mask he worse all those years ago. Yet when the former Dark Lord put on the mask he was overwhelmed by a flood of memories resurfacing and collapsed to the ground. Unfortunately, Darth Nyriss then arrived, and immediately killed the 2 soldiers, before using her immense powers to defeat both Scourge and Meetra. Taunting them as she prepared a final blast of force lighting, she waited too long, allowing Revan to rise from the ground, donning his mask to declare “I am Revan reborn. And before me you are nothing.” Launching a massive burst of purple lightening, Revan absorbed and reversed the attack, consuming Nyriss to leave only a pile of ash. Retreating to a safe location, Revan, Scourge, Meetra, and T3m4 agreed the Emperor must be stopped and so made a plan for his assassination. Unsure about how their mission would end, Revan spent his last night watching a video of his wife and child on repeat, filling him with renewed determination to ensure the galaxy survived long enough for his son to live a full life. When at last the moment arrived, the Sith Lord Scourge escorted his jedi companions to the Imperial Citadel, hoping they might be reach the throne room to assassinate the Emperor. Yet the plan was hindered when the guard Yarri recognized Revan as the man they captured years earlier. Their identities exposed, a great battle erupted with Meetra Surik and Scourge remaining to engage the guards, while Revan burst into the throne room, attacking the Emperor with all his might. To Vitiate’s astonishment, the former Jedi and Sith Lord proved a challenging opponent, absorbing, blocking and deflecting blows, while also going on the offense with powerful energy blasts from both the light and dark sides of the force. Yet in the end, Vitiate overcame his enemy with a terrible lightning storm which would have ended the battle, if not for Revan’s faithful droid T3-M4 who unleashed his flamethrower against the Emperor. Although T3 succeeded in distracting the enemy and saving his master, it cost the droid his life as Vitiate destroyed him immediately. Having finished defeating the guards, Revan’s allies rushed into the room, where the three prepared to charge against the Emperor. Yet it was in this moment that Scourge, for the first time in his life, was struck by a force vision, seeing far into the future, when another Jedi, not Revan, would land the final blow against Vitiate. Even before this vision, Scourge was already starting to doubt Revan and Meetra, as he learned more about their ideas and personalities. Although Revan channelled both the light and dark sides, Scourge recognized that his fundamental nature was self-sacrificing, and therefore more in line with the light side. His worries were then amplified during the battle, when Meetra Surik ran into the throne room and threw her lightsaber at the Emperor’s hand in order to stop him from landing a killing blow against Revan. Scourge saw this as a fatal error, since Meetra could have thrown the lightsaber directly at Vitiate to end his life, but did not do so because she was unwilling to sacrifice Revan in the process. With his doubts confirmed by the vision, Scourge understood their mission was doomed to failure and so sought a way to survive this ordeal, thereby leaving him available to help this future hero against the Emperor. Therefore when Meetra stepped forward, Scourge stepped to the side and stabbed her through the back, killing her instantly. Taking advantage of this distraction, Vitiate unleashed another lightning storm to subdue Revan, before taking him to Maelstrom prison where he was kept alive through machines and sith Alchemy. Scourge meanwhile, claimed he only pretended to join the assassins, so he could lure them to the Emperor, who was the only one powerful enough to defeat Revan. Satisfied with this response, Vitiate rewarded Scourge with the gift of immortality and granted him the position of Emperor’s Wrath. Yet eternal life came at a heavy cost, as it was achieved through a dark side ritual which kept Scourge’s body in a state of constant and unending pain, though the Emperor claimed he would eventually grow numb to this suffering. For 300 years, Revan was imprisoned, tortured savagely and used as a source of information and force energy, in addition to acting as a link to the light side, granting the Emperor visions of the future. Yet throughout the many years of torment, Revan was comforted and supported by the force ghost of Meetra Surik, who remained by his side even after death. With her help and through his own immense powers, Revan was able to reverse the mental connection, allowing him to influence the Emperor’s mind and delay the invasion of the Republic for centuries. In this way, and in spite of defeat, Revan succeeded in accomplishing his primary objective, by ensuring that both his wife and son lived out their lives in peace. While few knew the truth about Revan’s ultimate fate, his extraordinary life made him a legend throughout the galaxy, with the tales of his adventures spreading far and wide throughout his three centuries in captivity. Although he was remembered by many, there were some who came to worship him and his teachings, like the Ongree of Nar Shaddaa, who were entrusted by Revan to safeguard the infinite engine, a small piece of the Star Forge capable of absorbing matter and manipulating energy in order to create anything the user wanted, including air, food, water and shelter. There was also the Order of Revan, a secret society based on the Sith capital of Dromund Kaas, where they trained in both the light and dark sides of the force. The Emperor meanwhile continued to grow his power, discovering a darkside ritual called essence transfer, which allowed him to abandon his physical form in favour of moving his consciousness through various host bodies, discarding them when they grew weak from dark side corruption. Putting this into practice, each body he inhabited became known as the Emperor’s Voice. Yet even with all his power and abilities, Vitiate grew increasingly unsatisfied with life as a Sith Emperor, seeing past their petty dogma and doctrine to understand the true potential of the force went far beyond the light and dark sides. He then found an opportunity to test out his new ideas, when he learned about an ancient armada known as the Eternal Fleet, consisting of automated ships wreaking havoc in Wild Space. Leaving a part of himself behind to control the Sith Empire though the Emperor’s Voice, his consciousness went in search of the Eternal fleet, which eventually led him to the unknown regions and the planet of Zakuul. Taking over the body of a warrior named Valkorion, he used the fleet to create a new superpower, built without the constraints of jedi and sith philosophies. Ruling as an immortal Emperor, he founded the Eternal Empire, where he trained the Knights of zakkul as a new class of warriors wielding lightsaber pikes, who saw the force as a practical tool for justice and nothing more, using them as a police and military force. In this way, the being once known as Vitiate, now ruled over the Sith and the Eternal Empires, splitting his attention between both. Though Revan succeeded in delaying the invasion of the Republic for three centuries, the Emperor eventually went through with his plans, initiating the Great Galactic War in 3681 BBY. Yet to his grave disappointment, the Sith Empire was unable to win a quick victory, leading to a 28 year war that only ended because Revan’s continued influence encouraged a cessation of hostilities. Yet even so, the Emperor was determined to negotiate from a position of strength, and so in 3653 BBY, while Sith representatives met with republic officials on Alderaan, Imperial forces invaded and sacked the enemy capital of Coruscant. As news of this conquest made its way to Alderaan, the republic delegation felt they had no choice but to allow the victorious Empire to dictate terms for the treaty of Coruscant. Yet even after suffering a humiliating defeat, resulting in a number of territorial concessions, the galaxy was still divided between the two powers, leading to several years of tense cold war. Despite winning the war and ruling over two great superpowers, the Emperor’s focus eventually evolved beyond galactic conquest, as he proved ever more eager for power and terrified of death. Therefore, his ultimate goal was to perform a final dark side ritual, with the aim of eliminating all life in the galaxy, leaving him as a truly immortal being, alone and unchallenged in the vastness of space. However, his greater desires were ultimately tempered and restrained by the hero Revan, who continued to endure terrible suffering as a prisoner in order to maintain his mental connection and influence over the Emperor. Yet after 3 centuries of pain and torment, his body could endure no more and would soon wither away, leaving the Emperor free to pursue his evil plans. Seeing the end drawing near for her beloved mentor, the spirit of Meetra Surik, departed for a time, in order to seek out Jedi master Oteg of the Repubic, who she convinced to organize a strike team that might rescue Revan and save his life. Though the former jedi and sith lord was horrified to learn he was free, as this meant his influence over the Emperor was at an end, the spirit of Meetra explained that his strength was failing, and now at least he could rejoin the fight to defeat their enemy once and for all. Following his rescue from Maelstrom prison, Revan travelled to Tython where he met with Jedi Council, informing them of all he knew concerning the Emperor and the Imperial threat. Yet his many years of solitude and experiences with both the Light and Dark Sides, meant he no longer felt the same camaraderie with the Jedi Order, and so took off to wage a private war, dedicating himself entirely to the defeat of the Emperor and fall of the Sith Empire. After reuniting with the ever faithful Assassination Droid HK-47, the former Jedi recovered his famous mask from the Order of Revan on Drumond Kaas, but did not seek any further association, as their reverence made him uncomfortable. Determined to end the Sith threat at any cost, Revan took possession of the Foundry, an Ancient Rakatan manufacturing facility, whose location he successfully hid from the Emperor during his captivity. A powerful automated factory which broke down asteroids for raw materials, Revan and HK set about mass producing Extermination Droids, with the intention of ordering them to purge the galaxy of anyone with Sith ancestry, thereby eliminating the vast majority of the Imperial population. However the Empire soon learned of what was occurring and sent an elite strike team to the facility where they destroyed HK 47 and slayed Revan before he could enact his plans. His mission failed and body fading, Revan’s thoughts turned to the final words of his old apprentice Malak, saying, “And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing. Now I know how you felt, my friend." Yet he found no peace in death, as the repercussions of becoming a master in both the light and dark sides, complicated his passing. In order to survive and cope with three centuries of torture, Revan’s mind fractured in two, with his darker half enduring and embracing the pain, thereby allowing his lighter half to detach itself and focus on the force. This division remained with him even after his rescue, and so when he was slain aboard the foundry, his light side attempted to become one with the force, while his dark side refused to depart and clung to life, taking full control over his battered body. Freed from the restriction imposed by his light side, Darkside Revan emerged as a being of rage and hatred, consumed entirely with a desire for vengeance against the Emperor. To this end, the Dark Lord made his way to Dromund Kaas, where he took direct control over the Order of Revan, turning them from a secret society with philosophical ambitions, to an extremist faction and fanatical cult. Under his leadership, the Revanites grew their power and influence over the galaxy by infiltrating both the Empire and Republic, with the aim of eliminating both superpowers so no one could stop him from confronting the Emperor. Using their highly placed agents to redirect resources towards the planet Lehon, the Revanites began the Infinite Army project, in which they implanted Rakatan technology into organic bodies, thereby creating powerful cyborg warriors capable of wreaking havoc across the galaxy. Yet once again his plans were undone, as elements of both the Republic and Empire learned of this threat, and so embarked upon a joint mission to invade Lehon and destroy their production facilities. Undaunted, Revan next attempted to destroy large portion of the Republic and Imperial fleets, by allying himself with the Nova Blade Pirates of Rishi, as well as the Mandalorians of Shae Vizla, using them to set a trap which would force the superpowers into a military confrontation. It was also during this time that Revan captured and attempted to convince his descendant Theron Shan to leave the republic and join his galactic campaign. Yet Theron refused and eventually escaped just as his comrades arrived for his rescue. Revealing what he learned, they decrypted Revan’s files, deactivated the local signal jammer and contacted the Republic and Empire to expose the undercover Revanite Agents among them, thereby preventing the annihilation of both fleets. Enraged by yet another defeat and having learned the Emperor’s spirit was hiding on Yavin 4 after his body was killed by the Jedi Hero of Tython, Darkside Revan would wait no longer and set off to face his hated enemy. Invading Yavin 4, the Revanites defeated the Imperial guards, and set about performing a dark side ritual with the aim of consuming all life on the moon in order to restore the Emperor to physical body, allowing Revan to face him in personal combat. Aiding him in this venture, was the reconstituted assassination droid HK-47, whose memory core was preserved by a man known as the Shroud, allowing him to be placed in a new body and reunite with his beloved master. Yet the combined forces of the Republic and Empire feared Revan was not strong enough to defeat the Emperor and so the forces of Satele Shan and Darth Marr made a temporary truce, so they could journey to Yavin 4, where they engaged the Revanites and halted the ritual. Darkside Revan then fought valiantly against a great host of enemy heroes, including his descendants Satele and Theron Shan, until at last defeated. Making matters worse, they soon heard the voice of the Emperor, whose strength was partially restored by feeding off the massive loss of life from the battle, allowing his consciousness to depart and continue his campaign to rule over the galaxy. His mission a failure, Darkside Revan was then confronted by the force ghost of his lightside Revan, who convinced him to accept death and so the 2 halves merged together, causing Revan’s body to disappear, leaving behind his robes, mask and lightsaber. Eventually, the Emperor, in the form of Valkorion, was slain by the Commader of the Eternal Alliance, a new faction born from a coalition of species, hailing from the Republic, Sith Empire and Eternal Empire. Yet even so, the threat lived on, as the Emperor had contingencies available in the event of his defeat, allowing his spirit, though significantly weakened, to survive. Having vanished for a time, Revan was unwilling to become one with the force while any shred of his enemy’s life force remained. Therefore, he re-emerged to help the jedi Kira Carson and Sith Lord Scourge as they underwent a mission to destroy the Emperor’s original body, knowing that as long as it survived, he could not be fully destroyed. Yet even the destruction of Tenebrae was not enough to eliminate this ancient being, as it was covered in marking which released a plague, infecting and linking the minds of its victims, which then allowed the last remnant of the Emperor to live on within their collective consciousness. Revan then returned one last time in 3626 BBY, as his enemy’s withering spirit took refuge within the consciousness of his descendant Satele Shan. Entering into the mind of the former Jedi Grand Master, the Alliance Commander found the Emperor in his final form, appearing as Tenebrae, Vitiate and Valkorion, the three most prominent bodies he held throughout his thousand year life. Prepared to make his final stand, the Emperor soon learned the Commander was not alone, as was joined by Kira Carsen, Scourge, Satele Shan, Darth Marr, Meetra Surik, and the spirit of many other force users who’d fallen victim to his evil, including the former jedi and sith Lord Revan who helped destroy the last vestige of his being. With the Emperor at last defeated forever, Revan found peace and became one with the force, yet his legacy lived on for thousands of years, influencing acolytes of both the light and dark sides. Aside from his physical descendants who were powerful figures in the republic and jedi order, the Ongree of Nar Shaddaa and Rakatans of Lehon worshipped Revan as a deity. His most lasting and impactful contribution however, was felt within the Sith Order, inspiring men like Darth Rivan of the New Sith, who named discovering a corrupted manuscript authored by the ancient Dark Lord. Yet this paled in comparison to the influence he had on Darth Bane, who used the teachings from his holocron to reform the Sith Order. Enacting the rule of 2 philosophy, the Order worked in the shadows for the next thousand years until eventually destroying the jedi and republic under Darth Sidious, heir to the Banite Sith, who emerged as ruler of the First Galactic Empire.
Channel: CivilizationEx
Views: 272,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, jedi, sith, galactic republic, galactic empire, darth sidious, vader, old republic, KOTOR, knights of the old republic, revan, vitiate, tenebrae, valkorion, eternal empire, sith empire, meetra surik, scourge, eternal fleet, infinite engine, essence transfer, dromund kaas, lehon, rakata, darth revan, great galactic war, cold war, theron shan, bastila shan, alliance commander, eternal alliance, bane, hero of tython, SWTOR, complete, history, lore, darth malak, zayne carrick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 18sec (4158 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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