High Republic VS Old Republic | What is the Difference?

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[Music] hello there friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is Alan if you guys follow Star Wars news at all you'll know that the next big thing coming out this year is going to be the new Star Wars High Republic series I'm pretty excited about it because there's pretty much been a vacuum of new content aside from the seventh season of the Clone Wars the Sowers High Republic series will be a collection of novels and comics that take place at the height of the Republic around 200 years before the blockade of Naboo there seems to be a lot of questions within the Stars community about what the High Republic is some people believe that this is Disney's attempt to replace the Old Republic with something a bit more optimistic and less violent which might be the exact opposite of what hardcore fans want but anyway today I want to take a look at the High Republic era and compare it to the Old Republic era so we can figure out what the differences are first and foremost the Old Republic era covers a massive amount of time in legends it's said that it starts somewhere around 25,000 years before the Battle of Yavin the Old Republic doesn't really get started until centuries after the Rakata infinite Empire fades away in Canon there's a lot less information about the galaxy prior to the prequel trilogy the earliest event that we know of in Canon is known as the hundred year of darkness the hundred years of darkness resulted in a schism within the Jedi Order leading to the creation in the Sith this happened somewhere around six thousand years before the Battle of Yavin with a lot of Star Wars entry and backstories there's always gonna be a Canon version and a legends version and what you'll probably notice is that the Canon version has a lot less detail and is a bit more baked my approach has always been to consider all things in London's possible but not confirmed until it appears in Canon or somehow contradicted in candidate I really like this approach especially when you look at the Old Republic era because it kind of hints towards the fact that maybe historians have forgotten what happened you know 25,000 years ago which is why it's called legends in the first place but the one thing that the canon and luncheon era does agree on is that the Old Republic ended a thousand years before the Galactic Civil War during an event known as the ruse on Reformation although each period of time in the Old Republic was quite different from one another the one thing that tied the entire Old Republic era together was the massive wars being fought between the Sith and the Jedi the Jedi would almost always back the Old Republic central government in the deep core where it's a Sith which tried to establish the dominance of their Empire in the unknown region and the Outer Rim these are two groups of fanatics that would not rest unless the other side was a hundred percent destroyed now the ruse on Reformation happened after the seventh panel Bruce on during what's known ends the new Sith wars the new Sith Wars was just one of many conflicts during the Old Republic era and it lasted a thousand years for centuries the citizens of the Republic watched as their economic and cultural influence over the galaxy waned until finally in the last decades of the war the Jedi Foley militarizing create what is known as the army of the lights by a thousand years before the Battle of Yavin the seventh Battle of her son was fully underway and would lead to the complete annihilation of the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness needless to say after the Jedi Republic victory the rest of the galaxy had grown pretty tired of the constant violence in warfare the average Republic citizen did not care or even believe in the force but they were becoming increasingly fed up about being dragged into the Jedi and Sith nonsense Wars cost lives and also a lot of credits and much of the galaxy lay in ruins after more than a thousand years of non-stop fighting tarsus valorum was the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic at the time and left first non Jedi Supreme Chancellor in over four centuries with the sit threat finally neutralized he believed it was time to open up the Republic once again for business and so using his political influence he was able to enact the rusyn reformation this bill not only disbanded the Jedi order's army the light and also dissolved the Republic's military the idea was to bring back non Jedi governance of the galaxy but also dismantle all of the powers of the central government and gay during these thousand years of conflict tarsus valorum also passed several unification policies that sought to reconnect areas of the galaxy that had been torn away from the Republic during the new South Wars the ruse on Reformation would mark the end of the Old Republic and the beginning of the Galactic Republic now the High Republic takes place at the height of the post ruse on Reformation Galactic Republic a period of time known as the Golden Age of the Republic and the Golden Age of the Jedi Order this time period would be punctuated by the for peace peace prosperity political stability and Panda 200 years before the Battle of Naboo the Jedi Order would have been at their pinnacle as well the sith rep would have been gone for hundreds of years by now or so they thought secretly in the shadows assist awaited practicing the rule of two Darth Plagueis wouldn't have been born until hundred twenty years before the Battle of Yavin his own master Darth tenebrous was either still a child or perhaps not even born his master an unknown Twi'lek Sith Lord most likely would have been the only sit master in charge and he probably would have had a different apprentice at the time so now that we've figured out the time order let's take a look at the Jedi Order despite having a very monolithic organizational structure and code the Jedi Order has throughout the years been in a constant state of change the High Republic is actually a result of thousands of years of Jedi Order trial and error in the very beginning the ancient Jedi used normal swords imbued with force powers an ancient technique long lost by both the Jedi and the Sith ancient I believed in practicing both sides of the force and finding a balance between the light and dark side within themselves eventually did you die with losing balance and start leaning more heavily towards Aslan or the light side of the force this led to one of the first Jedi schisms and the creation of the Sith the Jedi would eventually ally themselves with the Republic and become defenders of the galaxy after a time lightsaber technology would first emerge on the scene these early lightsabers were quite cumbersome and ran on huge batteries it sounds to a Jedi's hip in these early days the Jedi were still pretty unregulated some Jedi enjoyed using blasters others wore full armor in their de tasks others were nobility or even held political positions rules were more relaxed in the Jedi Order during the Old Republic era simply because they were constantly fighting in war and conflict having the flexibility needs to deal with new situations was of paramount importance even for an organization as dogmatic as a Jedi in times of great strife for instance during the new city war standards for Jedi recruitment were relaxed and these Jedi recruits were also sped through the training process so that they could fill battlefield positions earlier this is quite different from the Mandalorian Wars which occurred around 4000 years before the Battle of Yavin the Jedi at this time had actually decided to stay out of the conflict between the Mandalorians and the Republic because it basically had nothing to do with the Sith or so they thought the Jedi during this time believed that they weren't supposed to be meddling with the politics of the galaxy many mistakes were made by the Jedi Order of course those mistakes often times led to widespread damage and suffering in 3960 for years before the Battle of Yavin a group of jedi masters based in the jedi tara on terrace shared a prophetic vision that one of their Padawans would destroy not only the jedi but the entire republic they decided to take an extreme course of action and slaughtered all of their Padawans in order to prevent that from happening this would be known as the Padawan massacre now the High Republic version of the Jedi Temple would have looked extremely closely at the joyous past mistakes and made a concerted effort to prevent them from happening again the so-called Golden Age of the Jedi Order was also known as one of the most restrictive periods of the Jedi Order without any enemies to fight or any sift observe in action these ancient enemies of the Jedi would be completely misunderstood and in a way forgotten by the Jedi during the Old Republic era encountering a set was a highly probable event therefore learning how to fight assessment learning about their techniques power and history the Jedi during this period of time would have learned practical things like how it's a blocks if lightning with her saber or how to fight off the influence of the dark side during the high republic era any information on the Sith would have been securely locked away by the Jedi instructors and High Council after all they viewed the Sith as a extinct organization something that the Jedi no longer needed to worry about therefore there was no need to spread their teachings to young minds they feared that the simple exposure of the dark science a young Padawans would turn them a young Dooku was constantly getting into trouble with Jedi librarians because he was sneaking into the forbidden archives and looking at Sith manuscripts like any extreme organization the Jedi flail during times of peace they would impose rules in attempt to preserve their own power and also protect its members for instance prophecies were considered blasphemous in order to prevent another padawan massacre situation so when several Jedi started having visions about the Clone Wars and the rise of the darkside they were encouraged to forget about them even the clothing of the Jedi Order during the high republic period reflects what the mindset of the organization was the Jedi during this time period were equipped with gilded robes and ornate head wear both impractical and perhaps a bit flashy now Disney is really stressing them this is gonna be a hopeful and optimistic time in Star Wars history but I believe despite their best efforts what we're actually going to see is the Jedi at the height of their ignorance and fanaticism so I am cautiously optimistic about this High Republic period of course I'm always excited about new content for Star Wars especially novels I enjoyed the novels more than I enjoyed the TV shows and movies if I'm being honest but of course I'm always cautious about Disney being involved in anything because they tend to Disney five things and when you try to reach a really mass audience and please everyone you're basically not going to make something that feels unique or have any personality or characteristic and that's kind of the unfortunate trend Disney is heading towards but let me know in the comment section below what you're looking forward to in this Old Republic series or whether you're sorry now Old Republic New Republic we all want it the Old Republic series but that's still a possibility but yeah let me know in the comments section below what you guys think also don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button so you don't miss on the rest of our awesome content here on generation tech well as usual thanks for joining us if you're watching this you are generating tech [Music]
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 747,688
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Keywords: generation tech, star wars, HIgh Republic, High republic novel, High Republic vs Old Republic, Old Republic Novels, Old Republic vs High Republic, High Repbulic books, High Republic star wars, Jedi High Republic, Jedi Star wars, Republic, Galactic Republic, Republic military, Republic Troopers, Clone Troopers, Jedi, Golden Age of the republic, Golden age of the Jedi, Height of the Jedi Order, Yoda, Grandmaster yoda
Id: vpHqAcTIdqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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