Star Wars - Movie Review

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Mos Eisley spaceport you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy we must be cautious moon does solo yes Greedo as a matter of fact I was just going to see your boss tell Jabba I've got the money wait why the [ __ ] did you guys turn into action figures you were Legos a second ago what the [ __ ] is going on in this place don't give a magic Ozzy got my God Jesus Jabba boy in Chico ba one shiny when shopping way up a sky just weigh on me look who's soul yes but this time I've got the money with Johnny who went under coming Akuma I don't have it with me tell Jabba my geeky oh god you will be what you got a puss got a Seba even I get boarded sometimes I think I had a choice like Jabba Luca but good boggling my Gasca over my dead body OOP lalume ah Jesper Kagome got grease crackling go play couldja yes I bet you have Wow huh definitely shot first Star Wars the film that came out in 1977 and is called Star Wars still in my mind despite the fact that George Lucas would really like to retitle it it's still Star Wars to me because that's how I grew up watching this film as you guys know I'm reviewing every single Star Wars film in chronological order leading up to Episode seven this December I finally covered the prequels including the Clone Wars animated film and now we're gonna talk about the original trilogy the three films that have inspired countless individuals countless filmmakers without these films I have no idea where film would be today so let's get right into it and of course if you guys have not seen Star Wars and I know some of you haven't this review is gonna contain spoilers you have been warned here's what you guys already know Star Wars revolutionized cinema especially science fiction cinema but not just that all films in general there have been countless imitations of Star Wars that are still happening today that have never lived up to what this film was able to accomplish it was the film that dethroned 1975's jaws financially this film exploded in pop culture and we can still go to a store today and buy a Luke Skywalker action figure how rare is that you can go to a store today in the normal kids aisle not in the collector's aisle you know for like the adult toys and stuff for like collectors like myself you can go to the kids aisle and buy a Luke Skywalker action figure a film that came out in the 70s one of the things I promised you guys was that I would talk about how this film impacted me and I have to do that when I saw this film on VHS tape in the early 90s so so remember for those who will never forget and for a whole new generation who will experience it for the very first time the Star Wars trilogy I remember being blown away by the sheer scope of this world not just the fact that it was a really entertaining movie and it was cool to see lasers and lightsabers and battles and heroes and princesses and villains all that stuff was amazing the adventure cereal aspect of it that George Lucas was so aptly trying to recreate it was that world the galaxy far far away I truly wanted to believe this place existed as a kid I would play with all the toys and reenact the scenes it was one of those first films I saw as a kid that inspired me to want to try to tell stories of my own I was like a five six year old kid writing down little short stories had no idea what I was talking about but you know what I had a great time doing it and it was one of those films that really gave me that push to try to write down some stories of my own even as an elementary schooler and then the opening shot of Star Wars after the main crawl happens and we panned down and we get the sheer size and scope of the Star Destroyer as it bears down on this tiny little rebel cruiser instantaneously in just one visual image we get the sense that the Empire has a firm grip over the rebels we know everything in just one shot it is such an impressive shot visually it still makes my mouth drop today and it explains exactly what's happening in this story within an instant this movie also introduced us to one of the greatest villains in cinematic history Darth Vader the ultimate badass of all times within just a few seconds you understand this guy's methodical he's smart he knows his [ __ ] and he is crazy evil and it's been a lot of discussion about this subtext in regards to the Imperials being like the Nazis basically they have those domes shape helmets that they wear they're invading small rebel cruisers and causing people to flee everywhere it's obvious that Lucas was definitely taking a lot of that inspiration and he went full-on Nazi in the Indiana Jones films and you can really feel that in the Star Wars movies that there's this enemy force invading these small areas just trying to take everyone out and imprison everybody and all of these years later I am stunned that the special effects in this movie still hold up they will be timeless forever there is never going to be a time where we watch Star Wars and go those ships flying around that's not convincing it still feels like space it feels like real ships it is flawless special-effects they still hold up today and I watched the uncut original edition of Star Wars not the special edition I watched the original edition that's the footage you're seeing in this review and it still looks great and one of the things I really tried to do when I watch this movie was sort of put my mind on reset I'm so used to hearing all of these sounds the music the sound effects the voices the characters and seeing all of these things in an order that we are used to seeing them because we've all seen the movie a thousand times or at least I have so I tried to put my mind on reset and watch this film as if I had never seen it before and one of the things that really struck me was it's actually extremely brilliant to open with c-3po and r2d2 we don't know anything about these characters they're not human beings what the hell are they we learn everything about the war between the rebels and The Imperials for like the first 20 minutes just through these robots arguing that's an extremely clever and original way to open your movie you're not even introduced to our main hero Luke Skywalker until much later it's really cool to have open with these two characters and to learn about this world through them we're thrown in the middle of this situation knowing nothing and we're just begging for info because all this stuff looks so cool and once we are finally introduced to Luke Skywalker many people complain about his attitude well I was going to the taxi station to pick up some power converters this is what's called a character arc I'm not sure if those complainers have heard about that but you start off with a character in one place and the movie ends with him in another that's called a character arc you learn more about him he experiences something that changes him he is altered as a human being he is bettered as a human being he's a more mature character by the end of the film we start with him in a certain place and yeah he's a little whiny brat but that doesn't last for very long in fact it only really lasts for a couple scenes and one of the most iconic scenes in the movie is Luke staring at the twin suns of Tatooine I remember as a kid I must have rewound that scene a lot because the VHS always skipped right at that part where you see the sun's just slightly so I must have rear ound that part a lot just to see that and here John Williams beautiful themes again because that always skipped right there speaking of John Williams music if I didn't mention his score and the fact that it is still to this day something people hum I was just humming it as I was doing the dishes no joke I was like it's some of the best music ever composed not just for movies but as music in general I have often imagined George Lucas sitting down watching his film for the first time with John Williams accompanying score and wondering what was going through his head because as a film I'm sure you guys know it was very similar to Steven Spielberg's production with Jaws everything went wrong no one thought this movie was gonna be good he was constantly trying to prove himself to other people things were breaking sets weren't working out costumes weren't working out the actors weren't always giving their all unless Alec Guinness was on set Harrison Ford has said this publicly that him and Mark Hamill would kind of joke around and not take themselves as seriously unless Alec Guinness was on said they're like oh crap that's Alec Guinness let's be careful here so Lucas had a lot to prove and I would love to just be a fly on the wall when he was first experiencing his film with John Williams music because if I was sitting there listening to those themes accompanying my film I would have tears streaming down my face every single scene as this movie chugs along the movie starts to improve even more and it just keeps building it's one of the few films in existence in which it almost seems calculated that the movie continuously gets better as it goes along scene to scene one of my favorite scenes in the movies when we first meet obi-wan Kenobi and he takes Luke back to his house and they have this discussion about what the force is obi-wan Kenobi talks about the Clone Wars and you're like what is that this entire world just opens up scene to scene in this movie and of course the introduction to the lightsaber which is one of the most iconic weapons of all time and as a kid I just wanted it to exist but then part of me was like wait I don't want that to exist because if I dropped it I could chop my whole body in half by accident and suddenly I didn't want a lightsaber but part of me still really did so it was this big conflict in my mind as a kid I was like I really want a lightsaber wait I might cut myself in half but they're so cool also this original film actually had some pretty graphic parts like Luke returning to his homestead to find uncle and aunt Owen burned alive and you see their burn crusty bodies and then loop looks away for a second and I've always loved how he just looks right back at them like no I'm gonna let this sink in I'm gonna stare directly at that he's seething with anger he wants to do something about this I've always loved that moment it's such an important character moment for Luke it's one of his most important moments in the entire movie it's a quick moment and not a lot of people actually give it that much credit but when you really think about it he's just returned home his entire life is now over everything he ever knew is gone his uncle and aunt are now burned alive right in front of him he looks away but then he goes no I'm gonna look right at that I'm gonna look right at that that's exactly what I don't want to look at right now but I'm gonna look at it and that's one of the first moments in this movie in which his character becomes more mature let's talk about the moss eisely Cantina freakin brilliant brilliant I'm telling you this scene not just the music I uh the music is iconic but seriously the scene introducing Han Solo introducing Chewie having this entire world expand even more it's just I was obsessed with reenacting that scene with toys when I was a kid oh and by the way of course Han shot first there's no debate he shot green oh and the [ __ ] dick yes you have instantly he's the coolest character ever and by the way he flies the Millennium Falcon and Alec Guinness is brilliant in this entire film but I've always loved him specifically in the cantina scene he's really putting on those badass vibes when he's trying to get Han to fly him and Luke to the Alderaan system you've never heard of the Millennium Falcon should I have and Lucas set up our heroes seeing the Death Star for the first time so well the hugeness of it the impact fulness of this gigantic thing you feel the size and weight of this thing look at him he's heading for that small moon that's no moon it's a Space Station it's too big to be a space station turn the ship around yeah I think you're right and all the scenes in the Death Star works so well specifically because of these characters the characters are so good they propel this film along so well they propel the action along it's well filmed the sets are awesome you feel like they're actually in a world that you feel like it's a real place in space but the characters continue to propel this film along and they're what you keep coming back multiple times for now we all know the original Star Wars film production problems there were some bloopers that are included in the film that have been there for years like this stormtrooper smacking his head on that door and that was actually a very severe injury that guy had to go to the hospital I remember the first time I saw that when I was a kid I thought I had discovered this gigantic thing because you know there wasn't like internet back then there maybe was but I didn't have it in like 1992 or 93 when I first saw this movie and I remember going like that's don't you ever smack his head on the door mommy what was that all about dad and to this day when Luke and Leia are blasting back and forth between the stormtroopers I've always loved this sound the structure makes oh if stormtrooper screams are the best the Wilhelm scream you guys know what I'm talking about it is so fun if I ever get a chance to make a movie in Hollywood I will find a place to put the Wilhelm scream oh let's talk about the lightsaber fight between Kenobi and Vader a lot of people complain doesn't hold up that well look if you're gonna compare it to the prequels in which everything is extremely choreographed and very flashy no it's not the same but so much is happening thematically here between these characters and the dialogue and the way in which it's edited still make it very entertaining is it as good as Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi in regards to lightsaber fights no but you also had to take into account the difficulties that were happening in making this movie these people were making something they didn't entirely understand they didn't know if they were gonna have the special effects to pull this off they were walking on uneven ground they didn't know what they were doing they were hoping that maybe it would look good and the fact that it looks as good as it does still today is a very very important accomplishment last time I was but the learner now I am the master only a master of evil laughs if you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine and of course as you know Kenobi gives his life he becomes a spirit Kenobi he can help Luke and give him advice through cryptic voice messages and the TIE fighter scene that follows the film never lets up come on kid we're not out of this yet don't defend it now in regards to the changes the special edition made really the only scene that I feel had any place in this movie is the introduction to Biggs Darklighter that occurs just before the Death Star attack sequence Luke runs into his old friend Biggs that have a brief conversation you get the sense of camaraderie you get the sense that they grew up together and when Biggs eventually dies it feels more powerful that's the only special edition change that I feel is actually good and of course the Death Star sequence is [ __ ] brilliant filmmaking it's revolutionary in all regards it still holds up visually it's extremely exciting John Williams score I will play that sometimes when I'm driving on the highway not a good idea hon swooping in at the last second yeah and then like Tarkan's face like this right before it blows up it's so intense it's such a great moment I love the original Star Wars film the eventual throne sequence is incredibly important to the film with the music and everything but I'm smiling because I should probably tell you guys I walked down the aisle at my wedding to the throne room music from Star Wars that's a true statement and I love the fact that my wife was into that too so yes Star Wars has had a humongous impact on my life one quick thought I've always wondered why wedge wasn't included in the metal scene what about wedge you know I mean give him a given award he did a good thing give an award Star Wars is absolutely iconic filmmaking when you take into account everything that was going wrong with the production all of the people that George Lucas had to convince that he was making something good including his own crew and actors not just studio heads the fact that a studio just gave George Lucas all rights to sequels without even giving a [ __ ] tells you how few people actually cared about this movie and still to this day is one of the greatest and most impactful films ever made it has inspired countless individuals including the guy talking to you right now and of course Star Wars gets an A plus guys I'm so glad to be talking to you about these movies I switched up my background specifically for this review I hope you guys enjoyed that and I also want to give a big thanks to my buddy Matthew Brando he provided the moss eisely Lego set that I use for this opening I've left a link for his channel below he does toy reviews he loves Jurassic Park as well as Star Wars and aliens and he has a great Channel I want to give him a big thank you guys thank you so much for watching I'll be returning next month to talk about the Empire Strikes Back guys thank you once again if you like this you can click right here and get stuck mine eyes
Channel: Chris Stuckmann
Views: 875,032
Rating: 4.918519 out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Episode IV, A New Hope, Movie Review, Chris Stuckmann, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness, Peter Cushing, David Prowse, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, George Lucas, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Princess Leia Organa, Death Star, Lightsaber, Clip, Scene, HD, Full Movie, Trailer, Teaser, Special Edition, Changes, Original, Uncut, Trilogy, 1977, Reviews, John Williams, Soundtrack
Id: hxbRpHv2zYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2015
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