Star Wars: 10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Darth Vader

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now there's no denying that Darth Vader is one of the most iconic villains in the history of not only Cinema but pop culture and storytelling in general even people who's never seen Star Wars can probably name him and more than 45 years since he made his debut he remains about as popular as ever yet just because he's a beloved antagonist doesn't mean that fans have a 100 beat on everything about him and in fact may have got some crucial facts about him totally wrong well don't worry because I'm here to straighten the record as I'm Jules this is and these are 10 things that everyone gets wrong about Darth Vader 10. his suit is designed to cause him pain while there are no arguments that Vader's iconic armored suit helps keep him Alive by basically functioning as a mobile life support system it is a mistake to assume that its functions are all primarily Curative in actual fact the suit is also designed to cause Vader pain for starters the helmet sticks needles into Vader's face whenever he's wearing it with the intent of feeding his brainwave activity back to the central computer on the suit's chest also in the extended Universe it stated that Palpatine designed the suit to be intentionally uncomfortable in order to keep Vader's rage free-flowing and also to ensure that he could maintain a level of control over him while limiting his potential to Rebel although aspects of this have been technically jettisoned from the Canon continuity and are now considered Legend factoids it remains true that Vader suit isn't an entirely restorative piece of wardrobe because it also causes him Agony for a number of reasons 9. he actually shouldn't remember C-3PO it's often cited as a plot Hole by fans that Vader doesn't recognize C-3PO in the original trilogy despite the fact that young Anakin was revealed to have built him in the prequels you can chalk this up to George Lucas not having this Revelation in mind when he made the original Star Wars movies but if you look at the facts it actually makes total sense that Vader wouldn't pay C-3PO any mind at all first and foremost 3PO isn't exactly the most distinctive looking Droid in the Galaxy I mean we've seen hundreds of similar looking droids throughout Star Wars media so it's absolutely believable that Vader wouldn't give him much of a second thought and even if that's not good enough it's easy to accept that Anakin simply repressed large swathes of his past following his transformation into Vader whereby throughpio just simply wouldn't exist in his mind after all Vader told us in the recent Obi-Wan Kenobi series that he killed Anakin when he became Vader so maybe all of his memories have gone as well 8. he's in the original trilogy way less than you remember Nevada cast such a long Shadow both literally and figuratively over the original trilogy in particular that it's easy to assume that he has tons and tons of screen time throughout the three movies but in actual fact that's not the case at all though precise timings vary it's generally accepted that Vader has around 45 minutes of screen time throughout the entire original trilogy gaining slightly more in each successive sequel surprisingly then despite A New Hope being his introductory movie he appears for less than 12 minutes of the two hour film but like so many of Cinema's finest villains it's a classic case of Vader having such a show-stopping screen presence that it feels like he's in the movies so much more like the Joker in The Dark Knight and Hannibal Lecter in the Silence of the Lambs Vader has a haunting spectral quality that allows him to linger around the periphery even when he's not physically in a scene 7. he's not Superior to Grand Moff Tarkin another mistake that casual Star Wars fans make is assuming that outside of the Emperor who was only briefly mentioned in a new hope that Darth Vader holds rank as the Empire's top villain but in actual fact Vader isn't at all Superior to Grand Moff Tarkin in the Empire's pecking order after all its Tarkin who commands the Death Star has alderana obliterated and actually gives Vader orders now that's not to say that Tarkin is superior to Vader either Vader is basically outside of the Imperial chain of command and answers primarily to the emperor yet it's reasonable to assume that he deferred to Tarkin on board the Death Star both to appease Palpatine and out of respect for Tarkin after all tarkin's position surely commanded a measure of admiration from even someone as forced choke happy as Vader right in reality they're basically separate but equal and Vader knew that taking direction from Tarkin on his own ship was probably the right call 6. he can actually survive without his helmet for a while in Return of the Jedi a dying Anakin asked Luke to help him remove his helmet to which Luke responds but you'll die and how many fans have taken this as proof that Vader can't survive more than a few minutes without his helmet but that isn't actually the case at all in several Star Wars comics Vader has shown himself to be able to last hours even days with the help of the force using hate alone to keep himself alive no matter that his helmet and suit were compromised now this isn't to say that Vader would want to be without his life support apparatus permanently given the obvious strain of using the force to stay alive will take on his body but he can most certainly survive without the helmet for more than just a few minutes even in the most hostile of conditions 5. the choke on your aspirations joke wasn't out of character one of the most polarizing lines in recent Star Wars history occurs in Rogue one where Vader summons krennic to answer for the death Stars attack on Jeddah and promptly Force chokes the hell out of him as Vader leaves he cheekily tells krennek be sure not to choke on your aspirations director which was immediately met with a cringe-induced outcry from large swathes of the fan base who felt that it was out of character for Vader to make such a cute and punny quip but that's not really true consider some of the Wise Cracks that Vader made in the original trilogy perhaps most memorably telling Captain Nida apology accepted after Force choking him to death plus Vader isn't a literally robotic or inhuman entity so what's the matter with a dark joke or two it's not like Anakin was a total pillar of stoicism in the prequel trilogy so it follows that Vader would have a pawn shunt for Gallows humor 4. his corpse shouldn't have disappeared another thing often brought up as a plot Hull is Anakin's death namely why doesn't his body disappear when he passes away after all we saw the bodies of Obi-Wan Yoda and later Luke Skywalker vanish Into The Ether upon their deaths so why not Anakin moreover why does corpse remain in situ for Luke to burn the prequels actually explained this well enough given that we see numerous Jedi die throughout the prequel trilogy whose bodies remain in place without disappearing most notably Qui-Gon Jinn The Vanishing act it seems isn't just something that all Jedi automatically know Obi-Wan and Yoda specifically learned to become one with the force from Qui-Gon that said in the Legends continuity it's nevertheless stated that Anakin's body did eventually disappear and that Luke ended up burning his empty armor on Endor but even accepting that despite its dubious canonicity it isn't a given that those at one with the force must immediately vanish the moment they die number 3. James Earl Jones didn't voice him in Obi-Wan Kenobi Vader of course appears throughout the recent Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney plus series with many commending the great James Earl Jones for once again reprising his vocal role as Vader with short villainous relish except it's not quite true to say that Jones played Vader in the show or at least not in the conventional sense indeed that is Jones's voice that we hear throughout the series but the lines weren't performed by the 91 year old actor who recently announced his retirement from voicing Vader as a result Vader's voice for Obi-Wan Kenobi was produced by Ukrainian machine learning startup Reese speecher whose software used Jones's voice from existing Star Wars media to generate new dialogue it's a testament to the quality of re-speech's efforts that the end result is basically seamless and it's easy to see why so many assumed that Jones despite his age was still performing the part and in a manner totally consistent with his decades old portrayals no less 2. the I am your father quote nothing separates an ultra casual Star Wars fan from a more dedicated one quicker than getting Vader's iconic I am your father line wrong through pop culture osmosis it's often repeated that Vader tells his son Luke I am your father when in fact Vader replies no I am your father in reference to Luke's belief from Obi-Wan that Vader killed his dad is it a nitpick perhaps the context is more or less the same a name-dropping Luke helps assure people that you're making a Star Wars reference in polite conversation but considering how much we've surely all seen The Empire Strikes Back we probably should know better by now but nobody's perfect if a friend of yours parrots the slightly incorrect quote don't give them too much hell over it either way you'll struggle to find a more misquoted movie one-liner or something that more people have gotten wrong about Vader and number one Vader definitely kills Obi-Wan as iconic as the climatic lightsaber Jewel between Vader and Obi-Wan is in a New Hope fans aren't all on the same page about the precise nature of Obi-Wan's exit from the scene after all Obi-Wan basically appears to give up fighting and when Vader swings his saber at him he vanishes into thin air then the next time we see him he's a force ghost some fans maintain that Obi-Wan left the physical plane before Vader struck him but that's not really true the ambiguous manner in which the scene is filmed doesn't really help provide fans with Clarity but given that Obi-Wan literally tells Vader moments earlier if you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine it appears that he was genuinely killed by Vader and then near instantaneously became one with the force it's a hair splitting debate at the end of the day but given that a necessity for becoming a force ghost is you know dying it's safe to say that Obi-Wan didn't find another way to just evaporate into The Ether he was as he foretold struck down and there we go my friends those were 10 things that everyone gets wrong about Darth Vader I hope that you enjoyed that and please let me know what you thought about it down in the comments section below as always I've been Jules you can go follow me over on Twitter at retro J but the O is a zero or you can swing by Instagram where it's the same handle retro J but the O is a zero hope to see you over there but before I go I just want to say one thing I hope you're treating yourself well with love and respect my friend because you deserve all the best things in life alright and do not let anything or anyone else tell you otherwise big love to you now go out there and smash your life goals today I believe in you as always I've been Jules you have been awesome never forget that and you soon bye
Channel: WhatCulture Star Wars
Views: 756,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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