Star Wars: 10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The Jedi

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once the order's real opinion on one of their members getting a little brassed off from time to time what actually goes into creating the sacred Jedi weapon and where the Jedi the first to harness the power of the force all of these questions and many more aspects of the Jedi way folks often misunderstand will be put under the microscope in the coming entries my dear padawans Knights and Masters Gareth here from what culture Star Wars and here are 10 things everyone always gets wrong about the Jedi number 10 they're not allowed to show any emotion throughout the prequel trilogy in particular George Lucas paints his Jedi Order as a stoic group of four sensitive monks who simply refuse to showcase the faintest glimmer of emotion out of fears that it may consume them or at least that's what the average Star Wars Watcher tends to take away from the days of the galactic Republic in truth though the Jedi Order don't actually forbid their members from showcasing any and all heightened emotions however what is stressed from the military force sensitive Soul begins their training is that one must learn to control their emotions and feelings finding peace in even the most emotional circumstances the first line of the Jedi code's Mantra confirms the comforting thought process just about every Jedi finds himself falling back on even in the darkest of times that being there is no emotion there is peace so far from outright denying their pupils the basic human response of being upset or frustrated on occasion it is evident that Jedi simply want those learning the ways of the force to not let said anger fester and grow out of control that can lead to donning or black in a new shade of lightsaber you know 9. Luke Skywalker train more than you think to initially become a Jedi for decades now fans have found themselves debating how in the holy hell the most famous Jedi of them all Luke Skywalker was able to go from relative Force newcomer to a figure capable of taking on Darth Vader in just a matter of weeks now sure the fact he was taken under the wing of two of the wisest Jedi in Star Wars history likely didn't hurt his chances of taking to the way phase of the force quicker than most but even with Luke being the son of Anakin Skywalker and clearly a rather rapid learner getting to the level he did in only a few weeks did still feel like a bit of a stretch to some in actual fact though Skywalker didn't merely spend the three years in between the events of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back twiddling his thumbs and staring at his lightsaber during that time as revealed in comics Luke was still chipping away at his combat training and even reading through some of Obi-Wan's journals as a way of absorbing as much as he could about the force and rally wasn't given substantial and consistent one-to-one lessons in the ways of the Jedi until he landed on Dagobah the Galaxy's favorite Jedi was actually further along his light side path than many realized coming into his Yoda crash course number eight not every light side Force user classifies themselves as a Jedi for the longest time it was assumed that all four sensitive folk who wish to operate on the side of good must automatically fall into the category of Jedi as time has rolled by though the gray area between Jedi and Sith has been explored more and more in comics and on the big and small screen too and it's in this complex space within the galaxy far far away that some of the franchise's most compelling and mesmerizing characters have been born of the many folks to fight the good fight with their Little Help from the force but not as a Jedi Knight former Jedi Order member Ahsoka Tana perhaps this is the most notable with Anakin Skywalker's one time Padawan still choosing to Aid the Rebel Alliance and forces of good despite turning her back on an organization she lost faith in during the Clone Wars the sequel trilogy's Mas Kanata is another famous Force user helping our heroes who doesn't class herself as a Jedi by any means either number seven not every Jedi can become a Force ghost throughout the original trilogy every masterful Jedi or eventually redeemed Sith eventually finds a way to make a glowing return to the big screen after death but while this may have seemed like something of a formality for all Jedi who pass from the land of the living becoming a force ghost isn't actually immediate guaranteed after death that's because only those who complete a very specific piece of training or commit a truly selfless sacrifice that granted the ability to Stave off becoming entirely one with the force upon biting the dust Master Qui-Gon Jim was the first Jedi within the Skywalker Saga to discover this path towards becoming a visual spirit and retaining his identity after death but was unfortunately unable to complete his training before falling to death more he was able to use his voice to guide Yoda towards fully discovering the secret to Eternal Consciousness however and later down the road are seen in the recent Obi-Wan Kenobi series jyn does finally manage to learn what it takes to manifest physically enforce Spirit form but if you were wondering why the likes of Mace Windu and many of the other notable prequel Jedi in particular didn't find a way to visually fade back onto the scene later down the road it's largely because they simply didn't get a chance to learn how to before becoming one with the force 6 being a Jedi wasn't that common at all during the Clone Wars there is no no questioning the fact that Jedi Knights weren't anywhere near as rare in the prequel era as they'd end up being around the time of the original trilogy and Beyond but even before Order 66 purged much of the Galaxy of its protectors Jedi was still actually far more Uncommon than they're made to look in episodes one to three and the various animated series despite hitting the Staggering number of 10 000 strong during their Galactic Republic Heyday that number of Jedi absolutely pales in comparison to the overall population of sentient beings in the galaxy far far away before Legends was eclipsed by Canon upon Disney acquiring lucasfilm the Galaxy's population sat at 100 quadrillion and even in the Canon age it said that there are millions of sentient species so that alone makes the idea of being one of the lucky ten thousands to step into a Jedi Academy feel like one hell of a lottery to win number five kyber crystals don't actually power lightsabers a common misconception when it comes to The Majestic lightsaber is that said laser sword he's actually entirely powered by the sacred kyber Crystal that sits at its core while the precious and mystical crystal is still massively vital when it comes to the construction of this highly personal blade it's not actually the driving force behind a lightsaber coming to life at the push of a button hey kyber Crystal is known for being able to channel power from sources nearby and said Crystal does exactly this within a lightsaber converting the energy given off from a dietium power cell which pretty much acts as the weapon's reliable battery so simply loading up a lightsaber with a kyber crystal isn't actually enough to power a Jedi's unmistakable laser blade that being said it is still the absolute heart of the legendary weapon and is clearly among the prettiest damn gems in the land number four more Jedi survived Order 66 than you think while they may have felt as though the only real Jedi to make it out of order 66 alive with the likes of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda for an age the years since the original and prequel trilogy's debut have brought with them far more survivors than many may have realized was possible though not technically sitting under the Jedi tree at the point of the great Jedi purges Beginnings Ahsoka Tano managed to make it through the Fateful command relatively unscathed elsewhere Rebels Kane and Jairus formerly known as Caleb June managed to survive the Clone hunt thanks to his master's sacrifice a number of younglings and other Fallen Jedi were also recruited to the inquisitorious program post Order 66 Jedi Fallen orders say a junda and Carl castis both managed to stay alive with the odds stacked against them and the Darth Vader Comics even revealed that Jedi Temple archives librarian Jocasta new lived long enough to go til-to-toe with a titular big bad himself those are just a few of the names to have staved off death for various amounts of time in the wake of this tragic taking down of the order proving that there is always more hope out there than he perhaps initially thought number three there isn't just one Jedi Council likely not helped by the fact that the average Star Wars supporter has likely only ever been exposed to the version of the account seen occupying a circular room on Coruscant in the prequels you'd be forgiven for assuming that said collection of Jedi Masters was the only one of its kind within the Galaxy in actual fact what force-loving folks are seeing in the prequel trilogy is the collection of Masters known as the Jedi High Council one of four different councils within the oddis HQ on Coruscant that most commonly known Council consisted of 12 Jedi Masters one being the Grand Master with this group governing the entire order as a whole lot elsewhere the Council of first knowledge were in charge of the curriculum of the temple the Jedi archives and gaining ancient Jedi wisdom the Council of reconciliation worked with the galactic Senate to resolve interplanetary issues and lastly the Council of reassignments largely found themselves being tasked with the job of reassigning four sensitive younglings with work should they not be granted the rank of Padawan well someone's got to do it right so contrary to how it may seem Yoda and the Gang weren't the only ones who spent much of their days scratching their chins on a comfy chair I do it too number two they are not actually celibate the Jedi banged two and that's actually fine one isn't necessarily fine in the eyes of the order is the idea of forming an emotional attachment to a partner so in other words a purely physical act of getting down to it in a casual sense isn't seen as a real breaking offense in the slightest and as George Lucas himself would note to the BBC a few decades ago Jedi Knights aren't celibate the thing that is forbidden is attachments and possessive relationships despite many being quick to assume that Anakin Skywalker's roam Antics with Padme Amidala throughout the prequels was seen as an all-around big No-No in the eyes of his Jedi Masters it was just the falling in love and attachment aspect of his forbidden relationship with the one-time queen that would have gotten him in trouble turns out that Mark Hamill was also under the impression Luke Skywalker also didn't exactly die a virgin in the galaxy far far away either so who knows what steamy tales of the Jedi could be around the corner before long a number one they weren't the first to wield the force predominantly acting as the oldest will lose of the force seen levitating rocks and blocking Blaster bullets with lightsabers on the big and small screen it seemed pretty safe to assume that the Jedi were the first real group to stumble upon their secrets behind connecting themselves with the almighty power surrounding them and all living things but long before the days of the Jedi Order or Sith there was actually another group of beings who discovered the ways of the force and how to wield it these alien figures went by the name of the zepho with the mystical entities very much making their presence known and their Jedi Fallen order video game instead of referring to the ever-present power as the force though the ancient race called it lifewind with only those cluster zepho sages being able to control it in a way similar to that of the Jedi and Sith later down the road yeah it wasn't too long before the race discovered the darker elements of this power with the dark side eventually taking hold of sage cujit in particular on route to him cruelly killing all who opposed him sound familiar by the time cujit was no more the race was on its knees and ultimately decided to flee into the great unknown and all that before a single Jedi ever lifted a pebble what a Galaxy and that's our list of any other things that everyone always gets wrong about the Jedi then let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and do not forget to like share and click on that subscribe button while you're there also if you feel like the force is strong with this kind of thing then head on over to and find some more incredible articles just like the one this video you're watching right now is based on I've been Gareth from what culture Star Wars May the force be with you thank you for clicking on this video today hopefully I'll see you soon but in the meantime be good to yourself bye-bye
Channel: WhatCulture Star Wars
Views: 76,092
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Id: BPnGqgJOrm4
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Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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