10 Star Wars Moments Deeper Than You Think

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now to be completely fair to star wars fans they will read into just about everything even the most mundane scenes in the franchise have some arcane hidden meaning and so a lot of the time it admittedly feels like fans strain themselves in the pursuit of added depth yet there are also undeniably times where scenes operate on a more thoughtful contemplative level and so can easily be missed and of course there are those scenes which have had their meaning enhanced and fleshed out after the fact additions to the canon and that's what we're here to talk about today as i'm jules this is what culture.com and these are 10 star wars moments deeper than you think number 10 obi-wan visits the jedi archives attack of the clones obi-wan pays a visit to the jedi archives to research the mysterious planet kamino when it's nowhere to be seen in the records obi-wan suggests they must be incomplete only to be rather brusquely informed by the archives librarian that this cannot be the case as she says if an item does not appear in our records it does not exist while on a superficial level this simply speaks to the shadowy nature of kamino where the clone army is being secretly built for the galactic republic on another level it undermines the dogmatic and even arrogant potential of the jedi order in its dying days this librarian was clearly offended by obi-wan's suggestion that there could possibly be a planet concealed beyond her or the jedi archives knowledge believing it to be simply inconceivable this even falls perfectly in line with yoda's earlier comment about a major personality defect that many jedi have a flaw more and more common amongst jedi to be sure of themselves they are 9. leia's british accent a new hope one of a new hope's most notable eccentricities is princess leia's changing accent in the early stages of the movie though leia predominantly speaks with an american accent throughout the star wars series she slips into a distinctly british sounding accent when speaking with grand moff tarkin fisher stated in the past that the real reason for the accent was that she had been living in england for a while before shooting and this scene was the first one that had been shot but in 2016 a canonical explanation was given in claudia gray's novel star wars bloodline where it was stated that leia affected the aristocratic accent in an attempt to mock tarkin in an interview with entertainment weekly to promote the novel gray further expanded on the decision to explain leia's accent in interviews fisher laughs at herself for that scene that she has with tarkin in a new hope because carrie fisher has an english accent in that scene and she doesn't in any other scene in the movie she sort of laughs at her younger self for being influenced by peter cushing but i thought i'm going to use that so there's an explanation in bloodline that she actually is making fun of tarkin she's mocking his accent in that moment she remembers that's what she was doing so that moment has been explained and it's no longer a problem and while technically this is a retcon bloodline is a canon novel so for all intents and purposes it has retroactively deepened the meaning of that scene if it works it works number eight all the severed hands there are few tropes in the star wars franchise more commonplace than a character having one of their limbs typically their hand cut off by a lightsaber strike and while this might seem like nothing more than a recurring visual motif for sake of poetry there's actually much more to it than that in the 2007 reference book jedi vs sith the essential guide to the force which while not officially canon contradicts nothing in existing star wars lore it's revealed that the act of cutting off an opponent's hand during a lightsaber battle is a technique known as chomai chomai meaning to cut off the weapon hand is a lightsaber skill taught to jedi as an honorable way of disabling an opponent without killing them given that george lucas was heavily influenced by samurai iconography when constructing the star wars universe it totally tracks that he'd reimagine an act of dismemberment as one of dignified mercy number seven general grievous coughs before calling palpatine revenge of the sith now what do you think of when you first hear the name general grievous after the fact that he can quad wield lightsabers it's surely that he sports a rather hacking asthmatic cough right and while grievous cough underlines the fact that he's a cyborg with some flesh and blood organs namely his lungs it also helps accentuate his vulnerability during one key scene when grievous speaks with palpatine's hologram we hear him loudly clear his throat before the call begins considering that we never see grievous do this in front of anyone else it's fair to assume that he wants to keep his cough on the down low from the guy upstairs for fear of looking weak or unfit to him and while it's well known by this point how much fear palpatine strikes into the hearts of basically everyone around him this scene also cements that grievous is self-conscious of his cough and doesn't want to lose favor with palpatine by exposing it number six luke enters the dark side cave the empire strikes back in the emperor strikes back luke skywalker famously enters the dark side cave whilst training with yoda on dagobah and is exposed to his worst fear here luke encounters a vision of darth vader strikes him down and then is horrified to see his own face within the mask though many interpret this scene simply as proving that luke wasn't ready to fend off the dark side and thus succumb to fear there is actually a bit more to it than that because luke's real failure was in failing to listen to yoda and allowing himself to surrender so immediately to fear yoda told him that the cave contains only what you take with you and in luke's case he brought his biggest flaw to the surface no matter how improbable vader's presence in that cave was luke immediately drew his lightsaber and struck luke's face wound up in the vader's mask because luke was scared and primed to attack he didn't heed yoda's advice where he said your weapons you will not need them and he should have felt the situation out before considering violence and so the lesson was as such if luke continued down the path of fearful violence he would indeed become the very thing that terrified him the most number five the resistance destroys the dreadnought the last jedi the last jedi kicks off with poe dameron launching a counter attack against the first order fleet poe orders paige sister of rose to drop a bomb payload onto a first order dreadnought which destroys it however before paige drops the payload on the right hand side of the screen we can see one of the bombs has a message on it the message is written in the common galactic alphabet of arabesh and actually translates to an unexpectedly irreverent message han says hi and so the attack on the dreadnought takes on a wholly more symbolic meaning with this in mind that the resistance destroyed this first order vessel in honor of one of their most beloved fallen heroes number four padme's funeral revenge of the sith padme's death in revenge of the sith is of course a majorly pivotal moment for the star wars series as a whole it both leads to newborns luke and leia being hidden from the sith and cements anakin skywalker's tragic journey to the dark side but padme's funeral itself is more than just a mere devastating moment it's actually one which slyly helped like the spark of a fledgling resistance movement in the 2019 canon novel queen's shadow it's revealed that padme's former handmaiden was present at the funeral with naboo security officer tonra after being contracted by bail organa the pair go into hiding to investigate the real nature of padme's death this was then followed up in the 2020s darth vader comic book series where it's revealed that the handmaiden is now a prominent rebel working against the empire yet reluctantly teams up with vader while looking further into padme's demise again it's effectively a retcon to imbue more meaning into padme's funeral after the fact but knowing that her demise inspired these people and others to join the fight certainly lends it greater import beyond its mere sadness number three obi-wan's final moments a new hope there aren't many star wars moments more iconic or unforgettable than obi-wan's death in a new hope where he lays down his life during a lightsaber duel with darth vader in order to help the heroes escape the death star yet if we look at this scene in minute detail it's clear that there's a little more than that going on in obi-wan's final seconds of corporeal life note that he only lowers his guard after seeing luke and leia preparing to escape he even smirks a little before vader strikes him as the last thing he sees as a flesh and blood human is the two twins he sent into hiding almost 20 years earlier finally reunited now it's well known that george lucas hadn't yet settled upon luke and lair being siblings at the time of a new hope's release but the meaning of it slots together so perfectly that it's incredibly easy to ignore that fact number two anakin's sand speech attack of the clones you won't find many star wars moments more widely ridiculed than anakin's infamous sand speech in attack of the clones i don't like sand it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere not like here here everything is soft and smooth without proper context it's certainly cringe-worthy especially when viewed as part of an apparent romantic flirtation between anakin and padme but there is actually much more to it than that and honestly the official star wars website really explains it best it might seem on the surface that anakin is just complaining about a minor inconvenience but he's responding to padme's memory of an idol day on the beach with a comparison of his own life as a slave on the harsh sounds of tatooine it's a reminder that the two grew up very differently but fate or the force still brought them together as much as we all love to laugh at the non-contextual absurdity of the line it's not quite the silly non-sequitur so many think it's suffused with meaning about anakin's childhood and the dynamic between himself and padme yet even the official star wars site couldn't fully ignore the fact that the scene had also achieved meme immortality and number one luke and leia's reunion the last jedi one of the last jedi's most affecting moment sees luke and leia finally reunited near the end of the movie after having spent so many years apart when leia tells luke that she's given up hope on saving her son ben and that she believes that he's gone luke replies with the memorable line no one's ever really gone before placing the late hans dice in her hand as powerful as this line is it was recently imbued with much greater meaning courtesy of beth ravis's brand new canon novel the princess and the scoundrel the novel recounts han and leia's wedding on endor which is officiated by none other than luke himself during the ceremony he says those we love are never truly gone a distinctly similar phrase to his parting words to leia in the last jedi canonically luke is making a call back to han and leia's wedding with these words which gains even more power as he then passes the dice to her and there we go my friends those were 10 star wars moments deeper than you think i hope you enjoyed that and please let me know what you thought about it down in the comment section below if you want to chat to me further you can do so over on twitter at retro j but the o is a zero we can swing by instagram where it's the same handle retro j but the o is a zero hope to see you over there but before i go i just want to say one thing sometimes in life it's important to take step away from things that are causing you stress and give yourself a break both mentally and physically because it allows you to gain some perspective and indeed think deeper which has been the common thread of today's list and getting that perspective will allow you to see things with fresh eyes to rebalance your energies to approach difficult situations better and sometimes even just when to ask for help and trust me there is no shame in that so take care of yourself alright give yourself that break because you bloody well deserve it as always i've been jules you have been awesome never forget that and i'll speak to you soon bye
Channel: WhatCulture Star Wars
Views: 122,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bKFz4fER8b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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