Star Citizen added a MASSIVE ship..

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I can't lie to you I've been waiting for this moment in Star Citizen for quite some time this is the whole Seas debut and my first impressions of this colossal new space cargo ship well and I'm really excited because it's absolutely the biggest cargo ship in the game and it's gonna be an experience to see it for the first time and I'm really excited oh there it is look at the cargo space man it's nutty I'm expecting like a compact ship that when we get outside we'll expand and become the ultimate uh cargo delivery service it's gonna be a vehicle it's gonna be so cool um it's gonna be really massive and actually when it's fully extended you won't be able to um like park it anywhere which is kind of cool um hey let's go um I should say a couple of things number one this is wave one PTU and if you don't know what that means basically it means um the game is well it's like a branch of the official release of Star Citizen what that's different what is this oh that's cool um anyway uh so you know early bugs early Alpha stuff this is like more Alpha than the Star Citizen Alpha so yeah oh man I don't know how I feel about this look at the new UI if you don't play Star Citizen often you're not gonna know what I'm talking about but if you do that's so different oh my God look at those engines oh my word that is quite the behind holy that is so cool holy damn that is rather impressive um I really don't know what to make of this UI that is crazy but what so this is the crazy thing about this guys oh look you see that little balcony up there that's cool the crazy thing about this is this is the vehicle in its smallest state it gets bigger looks like I'll be honest it looks nice and easy to park in this uh format because it's actually quite narrow um I was a little worried it was going to be really tricky to park but it's actually fairly narrow it's quite long but it's not the longest vehicle I've ever parked in a hangar um but yeah the real special source of this you can see the seams here right down the middle and basically it kind of extends and then unfolds and I cannot wait to see that in action that is going to be such an experience I just absolutely love the ships and Star Citizen like the attention to detail and all the minor little things that maybe you wouldn't notice in another game like they you know it must painstakingly go through these vehicles you know the legs the fee the interior oh it's crazy anyway speaking of Interiors before we take off let's give this a little uh skull about let's have a little look around we've got a little button here whoa that's neat nice that comes down where's the where do we get access oh here we go is that the oh by the way there's some weird stuttering right now but I think that's on my end sorry about that I'll try and reduce as much as possible I love this is that gonna fall down when I press this button oh that's so cute see things like that that's what I'm talking about oh it's so cool nice bit of lighting as well all right so I need to go to the bridge to turn on the lights I obviously don't ah big sign it says Bridge let's do that open the door okay Bridge whoa that is quite a bridge I have to say we've got a little seat here oh computer that's kind of cool we've got a seat there and I believe this one will be the pilot seat yeah so let's get in the pilot seat here oh this really feels like your flying something big okay let's turn it on and then we can have a little wander around anyway um with the PTU the server that I'm on uh they've reset all the keyboards so none of my keyboards I'm used to I'm pressing buttons and things aren't happening uh if I got hold y to get out yeah so like things like that normally I only have to press y but on this version I have to tap it I'll have to hold it things like that oh man the windows yeah I really like this copper actually there's a lot of detail uh seems like a really nice big space is there any I bet there's a little oh man the logo there of misc all these buttons looks good Quantum Drive weapon Shields looks good right let's actually get to enjoy the ship and all this Glory uh so what do we have here I think that's where we came in that is upstairs what I'm actually lost already right let's just have a little look up this ladder this is probably for the turret on top I saw I'd imagine top deck wait quarters and living dude oh wow okay holy there's a bathroom space toilet nice oh yeah don't know why that's interesting I got way too hyped about the toilet okay um that's cool I love the bench this is very good this looks awesome you got is this a kitchen oh oh that's cool so that take that's the blast door emergency blast door can I turn on the Blaster ah okay that looks I don't know what is through there I guess you can escape that way or something I have no idea I'd love to have I don't know if this is possible but I'd love to have maybe someone at crg watching would let me know but I'd love to do a tour of this with someone watching or someone who worked on the ship I don't know if anyone at crg would be up for that but I'm just floating the idea out there what is this engineer seat A what that's a nice seat by the way [Music] oh moving chair uh oh remote sorry okay I don't know if this is gonna work yet oh it says power on Okay so yeah so this isn't I don't think this is to do uh uh actual firing oh is there no way of me knowing where that is I think this is for moving cargo so in the future I believe they're going to have tractor beams and I think this is what this is we'll have to try this out later and see if it works um but that's really cool so this is where you would obviously use the tractor beams and move everything around from inside the cockpit cool got it right so that's the living cause I think that was it for up here man the lighting's nice I really like this ship so far if you couldn't tell right airlock what's through here what is this oh this is the elevator this is where we came in what is this so this is ooh hello try and not break my legs where am I must be on the other side you can see me there I am that's pretty sick love that um I don't know if it's the same on the other side I guess these are like Escape pods or something or Navigator Captain engineer sleep pods up I don't know this is where having someone would tell me would be really cool now these are skateboards it said escape on the door hang on did that say escape on the door hmm that would be kind of fun so oh my word a skateboard oh my God I'm actually scared I don't want to launch me into the ground uh that's cool so you can quickly Escape if you need to that's pretty neat uh that's the bridge let's continue so this is the tunnel oh this is cool so this Tunnel right you know I said the whole ship expands right in the middle so where that seam is is pretty much where we are right now I guess and this obviously this tunnel will get longer when I extend it which is kind of cool and this is the back so this is all the I presume engineering stuff and the engines whoa that looks cool that's an awesome visual effect there's steam in here it feels proper industrial uh and then you've got oh what the really big deck uh so we've got another elevator it looks like oh that's cool and then we can go up component access engineering so I believe we're on The Middle airlock oh fast elevator [Music] damn okay so what's this then this is where this is actually really elaborate I was not prepared for how big the ship what oh hey guys oh man I can't wait until we're chugging along and I'm there like hey what's up guys oh man that's actually kind of cool oh absolutely love the fact there's this little balcony no that's pretty sweet I just can't wait until we're flying along and I can just stand here and get like slip and then get Jed off into the back that's pretty neat cool I'm glad I figured out the weird camera thing that's been reset by the wonderful keybinds uh right let's take the ladder actually can we go all the way to the bottom um huh no this is not good oh that was lucky Okay I uh I did say it was a PTU and they're still working on stuff so I'll take the elevator wait usually the elevator is the unsafe option not today right let's go down to uh engineering and see where that takes me oh so this was the bottom floor okay so we actually missed the floor hey what's this control panel access point nothing at the moment okay right cool elevator love that animation by the way component access got you middle floor oh there we go so that's kind of cool actually there's a little light slit that go up I like that here we go so this is escape pod another Escape pod this is where all the big components are nice so in the future obviously the gameplay will be you'll have to repair you know these bits and add and change things and make sure it's nothing's on fire which is kind of cool that's a shield generator there nice oh swap that out yeah I can see I can see the vision that's pretty cool and then I think that's it down this end right looks like it for now again like all the pipes and the kind of orange lighting and stuff really does really give it like a sense of industrial you know it's really cool so how do I get back it's the bottom isn't it engineering [Music] there we go open up then we've got the tunnel of Doom nice home sweet home man I gotta say absolutely love this thing also what does it say this is let's say like Captain C or said Captain C so what do you do in the captain's seat that you can't do in the driver's seat nothing do I have any buttons power on oh I don't I don't really know other than pointing at things and yelling at people it's a good stance though it's a good position to be in I can see everything I can yell at everyone what more do you want in life right let's uh do the wonderful thing by the way and take this out for a spin and uh see what it's like to fly maybe load it up with some stuff and also um if you haven't already and you want to support the channel there is a join button and if you go to the channel paint as a member you actually get extended versions of these videos as a thank you like a director's car there's a lot of waffle that I did that you missed out at the beginning if you want to make sure you don't miss that check out the channel page for all that cool stuff but all right other way out right I need to go and get some armor and we'll take this out for a little spin where's the little keypad here it is oh the music let's go oh my word what uh what the oh no no no no no no no no no no I made a mistake okay I forgot Mouse actually matters in this mode oh oh shoot okay I think I'm okay yeah I have my mouse like all doing weird things oh my word this was not a beautiful exit I was hoping for [Music] yeah on my uh on my other setup I don't worry about what my mouse is doing because I've disabled it because I never use it but holy I see those engines Raw let's go yeah is this my mouse is disabled by default so this is kind of weird honestly okay first things first let's boost up [Music] landing gear what is there no all right why is cruise control not working um cruise control alt and plus C Madness what is that oh geez we seem to be [Music] we're all the heavy we need more juice okay we are accelerating now oh my word this looks phenomenal oh yeah that looked good right uh nice that's what I'm talking about that looks awesome uh it's this way isn't it right should we try hang on I'll see I'm assuming this thing will stay level keep itself upright nice let's turn it around a little bit [Music] here we go nice and level and then I gotta figure out the control oh look at that great I gotta figure out the controls of opening it up so I'm gonna assume alt k oh that actually works I'm a genius oh oh that makes no sense oh my word that is ridiculous and I love it holy so this might look a little weird if you're not familiar of what's going on here but remember that tunnel we went through that's just been extended and you see those platforms the idea is you tie cargo to it so now I can't land you know but I can hold a lot of cargo so yeah I think this is great personally oh man what do you reckon guys should we go through the tunnel I'm assuming this will like stay upright hopefully we don't stop plummeting to our death I'm assuming the ship should just stay level it should do it's designed that way oh my word this is kind of nutty right uh is the bridge exit oh my word look at that whoa that's mad look how long it ow fell over I tripped up on something that's hilarious I'm sure this stuff they already know about the people that are working on the ship so and it is kind of a BTU so I can't be too mad about these little things that need tweaking or whatever but like I say I'm sure they know about this stuff and they're already working on it you know right so here it is here is the back door oh my word this is kind of sketchy what the heck look at that detail mad oh boy so there's the Spaceball that's where we just left from that is crazy damn that looks amazing so I can just about see the cargo that would be there or the spindles dude that is amazing love it all right cool let's uh carry on I'm actually gonna like I said I'm gonna do a full video um with the ship doing a proper cargo one so if you want to see that make sure you subscribe but for now let's uh carry on and uh get to the old um station to buy some crap we don't need okay tell me if I'm wrong but I swear they've changed the like space dust effect is that because I've changed the setting or so they they've turned something on or something's different or you know what's going on right I need to actually do this properly because I don't know if you noticed but oh easy I've got some spindles some spindles out and they need to go away so alt k let's watch the animation again oh it's so good I really want to look it up close well how did they do that was mad honestly very cool very cool indeed um all right now I can land let's request the landing situation or a dock I don't know what it's going to give me uh oh look cargo interesting we're gonna have to call that later I believe oh we're docking all right if we're not Landing we don't need that's so weird how it like extends we don't need to have um it folded up we can just stay like that that's cool nice dude that looks amazing damn all right okay actually the spindles might be an issue [Music] huh I guess we'll find out all right uh let's get close enough is that another whole C though I can't really see what's going on is that a broken hole c yeah someone's I don't know if you can see that but someone seems to have uh crashed their ship um excuse me is coming through uh oh it's unfortunate that you didn't survive that but um I have so make way oh please don't blow me up okay I'm gonna hold it now hold in there we go hey it's working and it does look like it's gonna dock and move out someone else's ship oh man that's so funny to me [Laughter] excuse me isn't persistence great guys are you happy Chris I've got a park with freaking engines in the way mission complete I guess oh my word something's going through my ship right now into my face uh uh okay I don't think I don't think that's why anyone intended oh my word what is happening um okay I we're all gonna pretend that that's not there okay that was absolutely perfect you could not make that stuff up right uh let's exit this and go buy some cargo oh man that is what the what is happening come on really you're just gonna make me Eva and face porn as I leave my nice right P to you guys things will improve I promise I don't need to promise for Chris but I have faith you know we've got Early Access Man actually one moment look at that come on so the cargo is going to go up on that I don't know if it's gonna go straight on there or we're gonna have to um that was so funny I'm gonna have to take it to like go to a cargo loading area I guess we'll find out I think that is how it works but I don't see why they can't load it for me parked up just saying uh right so admin desk I actually don't know where it is downstairs maybe here it is over here admin yeah so we go into here open and we select this desk here and then we select the whole C and we are gonna buy yeah let's buy all their copper and that's not even all of our wow we're gonna have to buy a lot of other stuff aren't we all right let's buy that what is with the that's some different and then we're gonna buy some of this I want to fill it up you know this looks all different it's weird so we've filled up 71 and then some waste sure there we go 100.2 percent right okay hold up uh so new day new situation basically long story short I spent a long time trying to get this working you saw me load up some cargo yesterday I believe it didn't work um it bogged out I had 30 K's I think I spent around two hours trying to get this to work but I'm absolutely determined to see this cargo ship filled up with cargo so I'm spending a lot more money again to see if I can do this so hashtag good luck whole C and let's do this attention contact cargo services so I don't know if I read this out before you may have just heard me read it because editing's a thing but what we need to do now is head over back to our ship and then go to a designated cargo Filling Station usually uh in the game it would do it for you like now but we have to go and load it up which I do like that concept and eventually I think All Ships will require you to do something similar in the hangar or whatever but because the ship can't be in a hangar whilst whilst it's uh being um like while it's got cargo on it it can't be in a hanger um we have to do it outside the space station if that makes sense so yeah of course your vehicle has been right docking port two also yesterday um I think there was just so many people trying to do what I'm doing now and it was day one of the PTU wave one it was day one wave one so like we I think everybody was pushing Star Citizen to the max and I think honestly there was a couple of issues couple of bugs but now that it's early morning in the UK and I'm on the US servers it should be nice and Problem free obviously when the PTU finishes I expect all this stuff to get cleaned up right we we all do so yeah but this is just the double-edged sword of accessing content early in Star Citizen wow early is all Alpha for like early early that makes sense anyway here we are haven't got a freaking pipe going through my face which is nice I don't know if I showed you that but that was hilarious uh right okay so f11 you okay to Launch yeah like yesterday I was having issues like what every time God you're trying to kill me my ship's trying to kill me guys oh man I literally what I just broke physics I just went through two walls Madness all right anyway anyway let's move away this ship is really cool look at that Microtech it looked good all right let's try this out so what you do is Simon oh cargo transfer request is awaiting your arrival oh I didn't even request it or already loaded it up all right so there we go so we get this like blue box which I have to be honest any devs watching this um I'm really not a fan of it because when you're in it it's really hard to see like whether or not you're in it I don't know what solution to provide which is terrible but if like I mean this is PTU so this is all feedback you know this is why we're here right um yeah I'm not a fan of this you'll see what I mean I think but when you go into it here there's no maybe you need to color the sides different or something but when you go inside look it's like it's like okay where's the edge there's no it's just hard perspective I don't know if I'm the only one but you see what I mean it's kind of a little bit trippy am I in I think I'm in right it's green now so now I need to extend the spindles all right let's get in the middle well I think it's I think it turns green is that green now I think so man that animation's so good look how awesome that is it's crazy good and then waiting for extension of spindles that's cool so actually is aware that my spindles won't open so that's like pretty neat there we go and now it's not bugged this is actually the first time I've done it and it's not bugged so now it's just loading up with cargo look at that that's so [Music] oh this is so worth it damn I'm so happy right now it's working it's working so this is actually gonna take I have to say like five minutes I believe um so this is kind of like the future of Star Citizen like when you purchase cargo and potentially you're gonna make a load of money because remember this is like 4 000 seu worth of cargo this is a lot of stuff right um it's gonna take a while to load up oh I seem to have paused is there an error message or something no just takes a while okay but yeah it's so good and obviously you can see the new cargo boxes so previously we've had like single square ones oh there we go it's popping in now um and that is just not enough it will take forever to load each individual small box but now they've got these massive boxes oh there we go oh this is so worth it like I said I spent like a couple of hours yesterday trying to get this to work and it would not work I think like I said because day one stuff but now that it's working it's so satisfying like Star Citizen when it works like this is just Pleasant you know so cool but I'm hoping by the time you guys get hold of it on like the live servers this is all bug free okay so we're finishing up three two one complete cargo's been transferred safe flying nice and obviously I think I mentioned it before oh that's good ship storage no thanks you get the like little vo which is kind of cool look at that oh it looks like a missing cargo huh hey you've short changed me you owe me some cargo I think it is there it's just not showing up right now interesting but yeah man this thing fully loaded looks absolutely phenomenal I'm so happy with that it looks great right um I guess I know this might sound silly but I kind of want to see this flying around Microtech so I'm gonna go on down and fly around Microtech around the mountains because I just think that'll look cool oh here it is guys look at that that's all I wanted oh my word that looks so good yes Aquarius that's what we're talking about that's the content we won holy it looks amazing like seriously guys tell me that doesn't look absolutely incredible I don't know how many of you actually care about this but before I head off I just wanted to get a cool little cool little screeny I've got like a hundred so far today yeah it's not even it's not even exaggerating unfortunately I don't know does it look cool but yeah I'd be really interested let me know what you think down in the comment section [Music] um you know what do you think about it is the whole sea live up to the hype I know it's been in development for a long time and I know people bought this ship a long time ago so really curious to see what you guys think about it I for one absolutely love this thing I think it's great and if they figure out and get rid of those little weird quirky bugs that I stumbled into today um it's gonna be an absolute favorite for me it's like up there but um yeah in my next video make sure you subscribe if you don't miss it I'm gonna go and sell this cargo uh probably over at Crusader or something so yeah go stay tuned subscribe and I'll catch you guys in the next one [Music] what every time God trying to kill me my ship's trying to kill me guys oh man I literally what I just broke physics I just went through two walls all right let's take the ladder actually [Music] can we go all the way to the bottom um huh oh no this is not good oh that was lucky whoa that's mad look how long it ow fell over I tripped up on something that's hilarious excuse me isn't persistence great guys are you happy Chris I've got a park with freaking engines in the way mission complete I guess oh my word something's going through my ship right now into my face [Music] okay I don't think [Music] that's why anyone intended oh my word what is happening um okay I we're all gonna pretend that that's not there okay uh let's exit this and go buy some cargo what the what is happening come on really you're just gonna make me Eva in face porn as I leave my nice right P to you guys things will improve I promise I don't need to promise for Chris but I have faith you know [Music]
Channel: Olli43
Views: 530,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, star citizen gameplay, star citizen 3.19, star citizen guide, star citizen update, star citizen game, star citizen 2023, star citizen early access, star citizen ships, star citizen 3.19.1, star citizen beginners guide, star citizen biggest ship, star citizen upgrade, star citizen 3.20, star citizen idris, star citizen capital ship, largest ship star citizen, star citizen hull c, star citizen cargo
Id: 0BXQSP93cD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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