Starting Salvage from Zero | Star Citizen 3.23 4K Gameplay

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[Music] with patch 323 launched for Star Citizen it's back to the beginning for a few things like Mission reputation and bank balance there have also been some significant changes to the profitability of the Salvage gameplay Loop to bring it more in line with the other Loops altogether that creates the perfect conditions for the first outing in 323 to be a selection of Salvage runs I'm farer and this gameplay video shows a selection of three Salvage contracts in the Drake vulture to start to unlock bigger missions and selling up at the end some parts have been sped up to keep the overall length of the video down and those parts are clearly marked as such but without adding too much more let's get started and I dive into this gameplay session already at 12 times because we have a lot to get through taking the first contract which thankfully is at mikel1 which is where the vulture already is and so it's a short hop up to the Salvage claim a little bit of a Nuance is that we're in the new Master modes for traveling between areas so uh the UI looks completely different well not completely different but there are definitely some new things in there and there's a little bit of a learning curve to get used to these things but here we are into Salvage mode wasn't going to keep you waiting too long for some Salvage and so we'll get started now one of the first things that you might notice if you're paying a lot of attention to the screen is that I've changed the scraper modules on the vulture to begin with so I've got two arid scraper modules rather than the Cinch modules the araid is usually on the second slot with a tractor beam what I've done is I've taken that one out replaced the Cinch and then bought another one to put in front so it's just two araid modules and that's to give this thing a lot of salvaging speed not going to be sat waiting a while for this thing to salvage first Target here is an arrow one of the other upgrades that I've made to this vulture from stock is the Quantum Drive I'm currently around micr so mikel1 Michel 2 and I'm hoping that if I can stay within Michel mik L 2 for these first contracts then if I've got a nice fast Quantum Drive to get between different areas I'm not going to be sat around waiting for a long time you can't always do this depending on where your Salvage contracts are because the fuel stores on the vulture are not the biggest so if you are looking to venture out probably switching back to something a bit slower as necessary but hopefully if you can stay within a planetary kind of area you can save a lot of time by not having to wait for the Quantum Drive and in that short amount of time we've almost pick clean the RMC from this Arrow so they're quite a good first contract for literally in strip the thing and out now arguably I could have stripped the weapons off it as well and thrown the weapons into the back um for the amount of time it takes to do that I thought it just wasn't worth it you know you have to get out track the things off put them in the back be patient as they bounce around the back so rather than do that just Salvage it and now breaking it up and then harvest the construction materials the construction materials incidentally are one of the areas that has taken one of the biggest penalties to profitability I know in patch 322 A lot of people were out and they would just go straight to a ship break it up straight away just to get that construction materials and then sell it those days are gone um I actually don't mind that I think there was clearly a push to try and get people doing Salvage to test the stuff oh here's the paint Scheme by the way this is the Icebreaker paint Scheme absolutely love it I think it's called called Icebreaker I don't know it's in my inventory I love it for two reasons I think first of all it looks great the secondly it's actually in my org colors as well which always always helps so quick Jump Around micro but yes the Nerf to construction materials I'm generally okay with that because I think the way people were salvaging in some cases wasn't necessarily making full use of the whole gameplay Loop it was just almost in and breaking and skipping huge parts of it so realigning that I think is a good thing um whether the overall profits from Salvage are still okay well I'll Reserve judgment on that one so here we have another Anvil Arrow the speed of that quick Quantum Drive really helping here cuz didn't take long at all well I know it was in times 12 speed but in times one speed it didn't take too long to get from mik L1 to mik L 2 and then straight back here for Salvage incidentally with the new Master modes nice external view there with the new Master modes it does take a little bit of getting used to stopping distances compared to how it used to be so in 322 when you were at a full speed Cruise or whatever you want to call it you're at the top speed and you are reducing down to kind of flight speeds it would just reduce based on the performance of the ship pretty much um with 323 that performance is slightly different it's all still being tuned but it is slightly different but also there seems to be a very quick way to get out of nav speeds perhaps quicker than other ways which is just fling it into SCM and it's like putting the handbrake on the thing slows down very very fast so um I'm still getting used to stopping distances and things like that with it I think it'll take a little bit of getting used to as ever with these new systems there is a learning curve attached as we Salvage away so again the actual RMC Salvage of this tiny little fighter is really quick doesn't take long at all we're almost picked clean of the salvageable hole yep so with that we'll switch to the fra curing mode incidentally the actual game play of Salvage is unchanged from patch to patch so the stripping of the hole the kind of beginning of the RMC then breaking up into smaller chunks and then gobbling up the smaller chunks that's kind of the same game play I think what's been tuned is the amounts of materials that you get from each phase and then also how much they sell for at the end and this feels like a little bit of server lag just waiting for the ship to break up so that hasn't changed [Music] [Music] there we go broken into chunks so you can grab all the little chunks and then wait for the bigger chunks to [Music] spawn yeah we are [Music] all right that should be everything so believe it or not only a few minutes in we are two Salvage contracts down which is the beauty of taking these smaller contracts now I have gone back into the mission chain I've got more missions unlocked but there was nothing nearby and as I've said putting the fast Quantum Drive on means that things that are quite far away are a little bit out of my range so what I'm going to do is I've moved the boxes down below so a couple of boxes one each of construction materials and RMC and I'm going to head back to microt Tech and just swap out the Quantum Drive for something with a longer range it'll take a bit longer to get from A to B but at times 12 speed I think you probably don't [Music] mind and then just double checking there's nothing that m l one or M L 2 and there isn't so head back store the ship swap the Quantum Drive reclaim the ship not reclaim respawn and then back up and up and [Music] away so I'm I'm getting a sense you can actually tell how much slow this Quantum Drive is even in times 12 speed this was a tedious Journey there and back I might [Music] add think I was catching up on YouTube comments during this journey and it makes you think when and we have larger more expansive star systems like pyro even though pyro isn't even necessarily going to be one of the biggest Quantum travel time with these tiny drives could be a daunting Prospect although perhaps it will all be retuned at that point we'll see we'll see right nav mode reduce the distance the Salvage claim and those with eagle eyes might have noticed on the top right this is going to be a scorpus took a moment to spawn in it's going to be a scorpus and you might also know this is unusual for me hopping into external View and that's to try and position the vulture so that rear door is in a place where I can grab the weapons from the scorpus so one of the advantages of these slightly bigger contracts is your alternative money and the scorpus is actually quite good for this cuz if you can get yourself in the right place you can grab all of those weapons as I fall through the floor you can grab all of those weapons without having to move so you've got the turret and then you've got those four I don't know what the proper phrases let's call them s foils and avoid any copyright issues um but obviously eight weapons is not to be sniffed at I think they're about 1.3 1.4k per weapon so times that by eight you've got around 10K there [Music] and if you can get yourself in a place like this it's not too much work to strip them off the ship I do bounce around a bit this is the challenge and this is only three we want eight I think this was on the Salvage tutorial that I recently did but obviously if you are grabbing weapons off they just have to be pulled P off the ship in a certain direction that's how you take them off the mount there's a little arrow but usually it's quite intuitive you pull them the way that you think you would need to pull them to rip them from the the mounting so I'm not you can see I'm not spending a long time here like playing some mini game about pulling these things off you literally just Yank It Up the direction you want it to go and something this size it just flies off you do have to be a little cautious with things hopping around in the back of the ship though because it's not so much that it will damage your ship but it will certainly potentially cause some damage to the small fleshy meat in the back of the ship which is your character [Music] falling out the back here so I'm going to get to try the new Eva mechanics if that's the right [Music] word and then up and back aboard so first thing to do close the door to none of these things fly out whilst we try and organize but hopefully you agree that didn't take too long to grab eight weapons from that ship all of which should hopefully sell for a [Music] bit there we go that should be should be out of the way right back up for some salvaging [Music] [Music] make sure we're well clear of the ship and then turn around and where are you little scorpus so I've sped up this one cuz I think once you've seen kind of one set of gathering some RMC you've seen it all but hopefully you'll see there's a little bit more meat on the bones for this ship versus the arrows that we were salvaging earlier so it's a bit bit more of a a task still pretty quick getting just enough and then we'll break up the ship fracturing mode and then grab all the little bits [Music] there we go then hopping down below decks and just juggling things around so I can get these boxes out of the out of the hopper I suppose I should probably show this in normal speed rather than times 12 speed just trying to organize things so we got two boxes from the first Arrow that's probably about the same from the second and then some of these extra from the scorpus and the added challenge here is that we've got other things in the back that are taking up room just trying to get these things to snap to the cargo [Music] grid this is the Tetris game playay I suppose I actually quite enjoy this game playay I don't know why I'm saying that sounded critical I quite like moving boxes around I think it was one of the criticisms of the reclaimer as a multi crew Salvage ship is well nobody wants to be down there moving the boxes around think my or mates will tell you I'm quite happy to be down there moving the boxes around in fact I quite enjoy organizing them the risk of sounding cross when people move boxes they were not authorized to move afraid that's the sort of person I am so there are two boxes on the cargo Grid at the end but they're not like spawned in so you can see them so what I'm trying to do is put as many of these weapons in that spot as possible to free up the rest of the space to put more boxes in this is the getting ready for sale kind of phase I'm just trying to make space just trying to tidy up which is one of the downsides I think of the vulture is just there isn't there isn't a lot of room aboard and if they if they want you to be doing a whole kind of gathering all the bits off the ship sort of gameplay Loop it does make it does make it more difficult than I think it needs to be right I'm not going to get that to snap to grid but I've only got a few boxes left so I'm just going to try and get them out and have them floating [Music] Loosely I think I just having them out of the hopper is enough for micr Tech planetary services or whoever's buying to be able to buy them I quite like incidentally the new graphics for these construction materials and RMC boxes it's a small change I suspect it's not a incredibly complicated change but I appreciate it nonetheless [Music] need to just clear a little bit of room for this last box to get in come on there we [Music] go all right that should be enough room so back up to the Pilot's chair and we'll head over to [Music] sellup so all in all this whole session from that very first contract to selling up was about an hour and a half I would say about 90 minutes probably could have been faster if I hadn't hadn't thought I was going to save time by swapping the Quantum Drive before I left um but any I guess that's the way it works this is Star Citizen I suppose I quite like this new system there it kind of shows the route as well new star map is I think a welcome change takes a bit of getting used to as with many things but quite like it here we are back in Quantum travel head back to Microtech to sell up if feels like with patch 323 and i' be interested to know if you agree you can share your thoughts in the comments but there's quite a lot of change in 323 some of it is cosmetic so if you knew how to Quantum travel in 322 there are some small changes to 323 but the UI has changed a lot so even if there were Le those Master mode changes I think it would feel a bit different um but some of it is gameplay changes so things like traveling from A to B traveling from point to point it is different how you do that in this patch nice external view there of the paint Scheme but yes so the there are some cosmetic changes there are some actual fundamental Chang so there's a mix I feel in 323 of stuff that feels familiar so if you've been playing the game for a long time you'll be used to do an XY Z but also stuff that feels new I really like that view of the vulture coming in with the sunrise I think that's probably why a few people are quite excited about 323 is cuz it is that mix of familiar and new inally what those other new things is that landing gear when you put the landing gear down it now significantly slows the ship so I find myself waiting to the last possible moment before putting the gear down maybe that's just [Music] me I a slight issue here where just ended up sat waiting for trains and no train was appearing and I know this sometimes happens with the servers so what end up doing was just logging out finding a new server and then getting on the train so in case you saw a slight blip in the footage that's what that was so here we are get to Center Mass and we'll sell our first cargo which is those eight weapons we took from the [Music] scorpus we are 1.4k each [Music] so my starting bank balance for this trip out was I think 160k Alpha ueec so whatever we end up with minus 160k is I guess what what we made in an hour the costs were I guess the fuel but also taking the actual Salvage contracts themselves I did incidentally have a look can see if there were any Bounty Hunter contracts in range I couldn't see any most of mine were still have to do your certification again I know the vulture isn't particularly primed for Bounty Hunter contracts but if they were very lowrisk targets like at the end of it you could potentially Salvage the ship that you destroyed so can be a cheaper way to do it so we'll start by selling up the RMC I'm getting cargo removal fails and I think this is because of the box right at the back that wasn't on the grid so I was putting things on top of it so I'll sell four which works and then I'll come back and sell the other one after I've sold the construction materials that were on top of it these are the little work arounds that you develop as you play Star Citizen nice Wander Over The Factory Line Store for micr so this is one of my favorite things about selling at micr is you've got both of your trade consoles within walking distance of each other so select the vulture construction [Music] [Music] materials and go and sell the last box of our MC do like new Babbage if you're interested it is my home City in game [Music] obviously so here we go sell up the last bit what does it sell for 15K so that brings us to 254k let's say so just under 100K for 90 minutes not the most profitable but for an initial set of let's do the starting contracts not terrible either so hopefully you enjoyed this video seeing the first steps of a new patch if so you might press the like button to let me know I should make more like this and if you're not yet subscribed given that you've got this far you probably want to do that too so that YouTube will know to show you more videos like this in future otherwise and as always thank you for watching
Channel: Farrister
Views: 56,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, 3.23, drake, vulture, salvage, salvager, contract, gameplay, scrape
Id: bnujvs1NV8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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