Battleship Railgun Turrets Firepower Tested - Space Engineers

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do you want to see these giant rail gun turrets decimate enemy targets do you want to see a bit of weapon testing with the Rex Mor's missiles well after last time I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get the weapon systems working so in today's video that is all that we are doing we are showing the deadly Firepower of the Rex Morts against various targets including a drone swarm now here in front of us is the Rex mortars Battleship now this one is brimming with rail gun turrets each of these turrets host six rail guns we've got three facing forward at the front and we've got an additional two facing forward at the bottom and we've got two on the rear and today's video is all about testing out the Firepower of this ship so we're going to be shooting weapons having varying different degrees of targets hitting things from different angles and just seeing how effective these rail gun turrets are so let's start this without further Ado and we're going to lock ourselves onto the target so we've got a little Haller in front of us here we're going to hit our lock keys start to establish our lock we going to have to be a little closer lock is starting to be established like so and as soon as that lock has been established the rail guns will lock onto the target so let's see them lock we'll cut our acceleration just ever so slightly rail guns are now locked onto the Target and we just slightly out of range so it'll be interesting to see if these rail guns can all hit that Central Point if you did have weapons car on that was hoping for originally so the first turrets are engaging rail guns are now shooting up oh yes look at that that's beautiful low rail guns it looks like things missed the target ever so slightly so let's take this into a more traditional Battleship role and more traditional battleships you're looking to get as many guns on target so you can see that real guns now coming around and as we roll our ship to the side it opens up our side volley of fire here as well look at that that is awesome so we want to be not accelerating and de accelerating too much more rail guns Down On Target we're going to hold about 20 m a second like so oh some big explosions on that Target let's get into our spectator camera and have a look what sort of damage is going on so you see them rail gun turrets are tracking the target really nicely our side volley is opening up with them artillery turrets and the ship is really taking some serious blows of course this one's not returning fire cuz it is just a freighter look at the profile the Vol of Fire coming from from that so you definitely want to get to a broadside with that Battleship maximum amount of effects I'm just waiting for the next volley of rail guns to come towards the target we've got to remember though Space Engineers does have an issue where if there is too much effects going down towards a Target we might not actually see the rail guns F yeah I'm seeing some poofs of some rail guns at the back there the other ones seem to still be charging up yeah there we go there's there's the next shot a lovely it's a massive explosives them rail guns are really kicking that ship around as well maybe we need to stagger the fire a little bit of the rail gun so we can spread out the overall damage so there we have it we've got one pass and that ship is pretty much toast I don't think there's much left of that at all so let's up the game ever so slightly and try this against a larger Target so we've now prepared ourselves our next Target is is an ASI carrier so this carrier here has a few defensive weapons it has some Fighters that sadly won't be launching in response we've not configured the AI for that but it does have some weapons and I thought it'd be interesting to see what this ship would do to all of these small grids that are sitting here on the deck so as we approaching range we're going to attempt to get a lock on there we go we're establishing the lock now okay and as soon as we have that lock on we'll start to see them guns turn in so let's have a look what spots first okay there we go lock has been established weapons are out of range currently weapons are now in range Turning to shoot lovely let's see what we get on this first volley rail guns are away okay so we got hit with some of the rail guns are blowing some of the fighters off the deck there very very cool indeed the rest of the weapons are starting to come into range it looks like it's actually blown some of the connectors off in this segment here you can see the debris from some of the fighters is actually flying off that's perhaps what the rail guns are targeting perhaps they they've relocated and trying to lock onto some of the debris here so the artillery guns should be getting in range shortly here so we'll see a little bit more fire from that let's get a little bit of acceleration get this a little bit closer roll it into the actual Target like so and artillery fight cannons should be able to open up any moment there we go at fire cannons are firing and they are starting to destroy or work their way through the fighters on the deck but it's beautiful to see gunfire like this in Space Engineers we'll have to step this game up a little bit though next time and perhaps we'll see how good it is at defending itself of a hord of drones that come into attack so rail guns aren't firing just yet but we've got some return fire going from the carrier for the turn fire looks like it's just going generally into the side of the ship it's actually blowing some quite considerable holes in this ship here not as heavily armored as you might think for a battleship and a lot of them rail guns are shooting over the top perhaps distracted by them smaller fighter targets let's have a look what's going on here weapons are still tracking onto the target some weapons are tracking up struggling to keep location on that we'll we'll tip the ship around ever so slightly so the bottom guns get a chance to actually fire their rail guns that one's moved over that was a superb hit superb hit on the bottom we'll rotate a little bit further down let's see what we're targeting so whatever we were targeting it's reallocated itself to something that's out of range so let's attempt to relock on we took some damage here ourself hopefully we don't lose our hydren tanks so we might explode that carrier is doing really well though them little ships are almost acting as decoys trying to lock on to it lock is taking some time right okay we got a full lock let's rotate away try and get rail guns on the target come on let's get another good volley off put a Nur down his on slow us down into position very nice indeed let see get another ra gun volley artillery guns are firing at some of the fighters rail guns are struggling to pick the targets when you're in such a Target Rich environment rely on AI turrets like this can be quite difficult it might be a time to get your crew to take over the rail gun turrets at this point if they were struggling like this so we've not got a second ball is still charging away and the massive amount of power usage that these rail guns would be using would be something you definitely have to consider so rail guns are charging up and the shots have released but been distracted by the look of it by some of the debris not good at all let's move on to a bit of a swarm attack on the the battleship itself so taking a look around this Battleship we do have various Point defense systems so we've got a few of these Gatling gun turrets located at the rear the middle of the ship and underneath there's also a few Gatling gun turrets but really not too many and there's also some interior turrets if we dart on the side here that are trying to hold this off from Fighters now my guess this would be surrounded by escorts so that's how that would work so this would be protected by the escort Fighters but let's say What would happen if a drone swarm attack started on this so we might be have to be we'll have to be quite quick here so inside this or we have a drone swarm these are suicide little drones and if we activate the AI on this course we'll see exactly what happens okay so that is the Drone activated and flying nicely towards the Target in this here we go right they've established the Target now so they're heading in to the Rex mortis are we're going to get some fire it looks like we've already got some fire going out from the the Gatling onun turrets yeah some parts of the drones that are coming in that was an interception there but this is where the hord of drones coming in is really going to become a problem so it looks like they are going in for the rail gun turrets rail gun turrets are trying to intercept the drones as well artillery turrets are trying Gatling guns are trying but there just doesn't seem to be enough Point defense we got some larger cannons firing some of the these Thrones are being intercepted but it is going straight in hitting multiple points hitting towards the bridge ooh that is a bit of damage we've got some turrets hit towards the side we've got other ones coming around the back so these are just little pops and sort of bangs but that R rail gun turret has received some serious damage and they've also gone for the character itself that was me who was sitting on this bridge so the bridge has been completely destroyed let's have a look yes to that point defense not really adequate for a drone swarm but it did manage to eliminate a few so you'd have to have the ship escorted in a fleet for sure the artillery turrets are trying the best to stop some of these little explosive drones still a few C4 drones coming in that one's looking right towards the turret and there we go so a bit of damage let's assess that so we've got one of the turrets here who's just trying his best to intercept just not quite working well or well enough perhaps against one or two fighters these might keep you away trying to intercept them let's have a look at the main damage so the main damage was where I was sitting where the drones were targeting was towards that bridge there but there is also a few drones that have managed to took themselves into various different pieces around the armor there as well so that's what a drone attack would look like on the Rex morst let's do a little bit more weapons testing now there is an additional weapon aboard the Rex mors that I want to test out as well and this is its missil so the missiles sit here in the silos we've got eight rows of missiles so that is quite a lot we've locked on another cargo ship at the front and we're going to see just how easy these work so by hitting three we initiate the systems and we should start to see the missiles come out of the hatches so there's a little bit of a phrase a little bit of a pause while the missile is working up let's see if it does leave that hole though there we go we got two missiles leaving the hole oh yes perfect now let's see what happens will they auto track in or are we too far away from that Target further forward so missiles have come up but I think they might be a little bit too far maybe not no they've located the Target and they are going in at speed right behind one another the missiles are zapping towards the target so it looks like they've got a good bit of auto correction and if they do stagger each other behind this is not a bad thing because it means the first one will make the hole and the second one will make the hole bigger so some light fire and there we go straight towards the bridge of that ship depressurizing it if there was someone sitting there they would be very very shocked so let's move on to firing the rest of the missiles there we go so missiles are coming out nice and staggered lovely there goes the missiles the the instructions of this are these have to be fired from a static position but if these do extend your range I don't think there's an issue with them so that first missile is tracking towards the Target and ideally you would want a missile swarm like this because this is has the best chance of overwhelming enemy fire so the missiles are now starting to swarm towards the target correcting as they go one of the missiles is trailing behind that's the first missile and they're all going for the cockpit somewhat like they splitting off to the side oh one of them has broke off the last minute it's coming back around oh these are some highspeed missiles not much explosives in them but the cockpit is definitely gone so that is the missile systems that are aboard the Rex Morse so for our final test we have two Rex Morts battleships station next to each other now as you can see that one is not returning fire this one is going to be the focus of our attack with all its rail guns so what I am noticing with the rail guns is quite a lot of them seem to overshoot their target I'm un sure why that is maybe one of you knows in the comment section Bel below but as you can see it's it's impacting itself the other Rex forces is taking some damage and the focus of it seems to be on the turrets at the top the other rail guns are a priority Target and they are being worked through one at a time you see the side volley of fire is trying to break through that side armor there and there's just so much damage going through here as it rips through the hole let's have a look inside this hole so you can see it is quite open the shells are ripping through it hydrogen is extremely explosive so if shots do go into the right locations there they're going to be in trouble but the majority of that volley seems to be focused on the turrets towards the back here we've still got the bridge operational of this ship missiles have not been launched we could pop ourselves out of that cockpit but the moment we do the targeting system does seem to stop so that concludes my testing of the Rex M's weapon systems I'm afraid I couldn't fit it into the last video it's got a lot of really cool stuff on it this ship and the weapons are are really damn powerful what does concern me about it and you'll have to either agree or disagree with me in the comment section below is the vast amount of hydrogen inside targeting the right areas of the ship could blow it apart on top of that if you do manage to knock out them turrets because the rail guns are sticking out the front you could disable it quite quickly it also has quite a lack of Point defense but like all things said this is probably one of them ships that's designed to have a bit of functionality but also be looked at and enjoyed so you have to take that consideration not all ships are about pure efficiency and functionality the overall design of the ship is outstanding combining it with the missile Hatches the turrets as well as the beautifully laid out interior and command and control center this is a lovely ship you need to check it out in the link in the description of this video below now if you felt that I delivered a video with some great content please hit that like button so other members of the Space Engineers Community can see this video as well anyway I like to thank you guys for watching and I will see you next time h
Channel: LastStandGamers
Views: 294,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Space Engineers, Steam Workshop, Ship Showcase, Space Engineers Gameplay, Space Engineers Creations, Space Engineers Ships, Steam Workshop Showcase, Space Engineers Mods, Sci-Fi Gaming, Space Engineers Building, Creative Mode, Space Engineers Design, Space Engineers Workshop, Space Exploration, Space Engineers Mods Showcase, Space Engineers Ship Design, Engineering in Space, Futuristic Spaceship, Space Engineers Community, battleship, Railgun Turrets, Rex Mortis
Id: L_VhRpgCLfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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