One of the greatest sermons ever! "Three Crosses on a Hill" Rev. Timothy Flemming Sr

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I want you to turn your Bibles today to Luke chapter 23 man Luke chapter 23 and we're going to read a few verses from verse 33 is where you will find our text today and when they were come to a place which is called Calvary there they crucified him and the mayor of factors one on the right hand and the other on the left then said Jesus Father forgive them for they know not what they do they parted his raiment and cast lot and the people stood beholding him and the rule is also with them derail him saying he saved others let him save himself if he be Christ the chosen of God and the soldiers also mocked him coming to him and offering him vinegar and saying if I'll be the King of the Jews save yourself and an insuit prescription also was written over him in letters of Greek Latin and Hebrew this is the King of the Jews and one of the male factor which will hang rail on him saying if thou be Christ then save yourself and us hmm if thou be Christ and save yourself enough but the other aspirant rebuilt him say do it not now feel God seen God in the same condemnation and we indeed justly for we receive the due reward of ID's but this and has done nothing on this and he said that Jesus Lord remember me when you're coming to your kingdom and Jesus said in him verily I say unto thee this day today thou shalt be with me in paradise the three crosses on a hill the three crosses on a hill it was one of the most traumatic moments in history when Jesus Christ the Son of God stood before Pilate and was on trial there he was surrounded by the cautious Roman soldiers the hostile religious leader and this ingenious Roman Church and an angel crowd Pilate the temporizing coward saw several ways to avoid having anything to do with Jesus and when he found that he could not get him off his hand he pulled out some water and a bowl and washed his hands and said he would have nothing to do with this innocent man so now the trial of Jesus is over he has been condemned humiliated spat upon and scorned the crown of thorns have been placed on his head and the old rugged cross on his shoulders and now Jesus is led away the possession of the cross is preceded by trumpeter to clear the road then followed by a spokesman announcing the name of the criminal who is being led to the execution the name of the criminal and the reason for his condemnation were normally written on a board and hung about the neck to witnesses of the council which sentenced him to death also accompanied the procession since the temple priests had found him accused they also John in the possession simply because in the Book of Leviticus has said the saying offerings should be led outside the city gate and Jesus was the sin offering but Jesus was not the only one to die that day there were others to die on the cross with him so therefore it was not just one man on cross but it was three crosses over here let us now look at the value of the number three strangely satisfying two men down through the centuries had been the number three and the idea of three fold the number three seemed to stand for anything that is solid real substantial complete and in time it is the perfect number expressing beginning middle and a in the middle seemed to tie the first and the last together people often use the number three to express how they feel about certain things when they're tired of you the authors say strike three and you're out some of the most important numbers in the Bible are actually complete numbers such as three seven and twelve and they stand for completeness did not the Romans and the Greek mythology suppose the world to be under the rule of three gods Jupiter Jupiter Neptune and Plato the conquering sisa when he went around to conquer a country he used these three verse I came I saw and I concur in life they're free periods birth life and death which is childhood youth and oldies the human body is made up of three substance flesh bones and blood and time there are three periods past present and future in motion there are three speeds moderate slow and fast in a book there are three parts content introduction and conclusion and water there are three states ice liquid and steel and music there are three phase that distinguished tones pitch and equality and loudness and measurement there are three dimensions length breadth and thickness and mathematic they're free cheese sign plus minus and equal there are three Kingdom that complete all men knowledge of mammal minerals vegetables and animals they are free function that Express and complete the psalm of human capability fault worry nd and expressing the psalm of our knowledge of qualities there are three degrees good better and best the number three also plays an important part in the Bible it appears first in the book of Genesis chapter 113 and the evening in the morning was the third day as to God there a free person God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost after - abuse of God there are three out nificent omnipresent and omnipotent Jonah was down in the belly of the whale for three days three nights Jesus was tempted three times by the devil into Willems Jesus alone the cross three dreadful hours Jesus rose from the dead on the third day Jesus himself raised through people from the dead there were three people Jesus read from the dead twelve-year-old daughter of jairus Whittle saw the named Lazarus brother of Mary and Martha I shall set in the temple and heard the Surfing cry three times holy holy and holy the Hebrew canalization was made up of three division the law the writings and the prophet there are three gifts from God faith hope and love there are three things which our parents saw in the tree that got him put out the house it was good for food pleasant to the eyes and desire to make one wise the river of Jordan was miraculously divided three time man has three enemies and that is the world the flesh and the devil God has three ways of speaking to man God speaks to man God speaks with man and God speaks through me these along with many instances of the use of the number three are evidence of his numeral and spiritual significance their currents of the number three is not penance for not forced not foolish it speaks of the accuracy of God and of its profession now after discussing the number three I call your attention to three crosses only heal but before I discuss what the three crosses is all about let me first define to you today what at cross is a cross is an upright post with a horizontal beam Fastenal cross is near the top of which the victim persons were executed in the Roman world these crosses was sometime made in the form of X and i-80 it was a Roman way of slow death because the Roman had several ways of punishment sometimes they were stone you they would hang you they would behave you ball you in hot water or hot oil dragged you through the streets or crucify you the crucifixion was the most common use of the Roman reason why crucifixion became popular among the Romans they really got it from the Persian the person believed that the body is already contaminated and that once you bear about it in the ground it contaminates the ground so therefore they did not believe in bearing you as we do here they will hang your cross and let your flesh rot and be eaten by the vultures because they didn't believe in bearing you to contaminate the earth because the earth day from all the fertility and the fruits and everything depending on the earth so therefore they would put you on a cross or they would bury you in a stone - so the cross has been very popular with the prison and the Romans got it from the Persian for example when Daris conquered Babylon he put 200 captives to death on crosses when Alexander Katara he put 2,000 captives to death on crosses so this was an ordinary mode of punishment looking deeper at the cross I see a picture of men the t-shaped looks like a man's body he's going up toward God and down toward Hill at the same time and that makes him somewhat confused and cross but the idea the idea of the cross isn't it should be really explored more and should be exploited more fully for in time man stand between the past and the future he is as it were facing backward and forward at the same time at the same moment stretched between his origins and his fulfillment man also lives in space between internal and external world so it is that man life social as well as individual he live at a crossroad between forefront backward toward the past forward into the future and were among himself and his feeling and stretching out toward his fellow man for him or against him therefore he can't go in all direction at one time so since he can't go in all direction at one time he had a cross though because when you see him going up like a cross he's thinking about heaven and at the same time its foot on the earth he's still in hell and then going out to his fellow man he's going to do one thing get up he either gone up to heaven or leave his past and it's full of man or he's going up to heaven and still in hell and going out to create enemies I don't think nobody got there but look at me as I stand here I'll look like a cross up toward God back toward my pass out to help somebody else and most time that's the good side of the cross but the negative side of the cross up to God back in him don't know what to do about your fellow man so your cross up and don't know what to do and that's not where man is he's crossed up even a circle is complete as it goes all the way around but a cross then go all the way around before you can decide to go out you're going up and before you can decide to go up you're going back so that makes it closer that's why when you're on the road you still cross and what's so confusing about a cross you don't know which direction to go so the decision is on you to go that way or that way cause it's going always and that's the way man is man is cross - when he's going forward he's looking backward at the same time when he's going up he's looking down he looks as he is going out and he's just the way man is he's crossed up he is hung up on his hang-up he's mad at what he knows and then he mad it was he doesn't know he has guided missiles in the hands of misguided men he looks for something and when he gets it he doesn't like it he spend money to buy things they don't want to impress folk he doesn't like he's crossed up a me but the mystery behind the cross strange it represents death but at the same time it brings life it represents sadness but it brings gladness because God can use the cross it breaks us to make us it abuse us in order to use us it disappoint us to a pointless it pulls us down so it can send us out thank God for our crosses in life for it takes a cross to show us something it takes a cross to get you somewhere it takes a cross to find out who God is a man never know who God is until he get in trouble it takes a cross for God to reveal his power and what he can bring you through some of you that they can say it was God that made a way for me how do you know because God got me out the mess and it takes a cross to show you who God is but it also takes a cross for you to find out who you are I don't know who you are until you get in trouble nobody know how faithful you up until you get in trouble when you get in trouble and you hold on did you find it out who you are but it also takes a growth to find out who your friends are but when you get across on your shoulder your favorite friends will turn their back on you when they think you need them so it takes a crowd to find out who your friends are don't get mad about the cross thank God put across not only see your finger for the cross theologically looking at the cross it looks like a key it looks just like a key so if the cross is a key put it in the lock and unlock the door unlock to do and get God's grace I like to do it get God's power take the cross and unlock the door and if your unlock the door with the key you'll get south Bishan I don't like to do and god I take it to another level I don't like to do it and gotta show you when he got on the inside I lock the door take the crowd and let it be the key thank God for the crosses in life yes there were three crosses on crosses on that hill that day there were three trees planet that they jet bearing fruit one on the right parent pausing one on the left barren bit of loaves and one in the middle bearing apples of love there were three men on the cross that day one dining sin one dying to be saved from sin one in the middle dine fussy three men died on crosses outside Jerusalem that day one made the devil happy one made Jesus happy one meet God happy three men died that ugly D one died disbelieving one dot pleading and one died reconciled in the whole world unto himself there were three men who died old cavalry that day one misused the last minute and got held one uses last minute and got heaven one uses last minute and drew that one Android both toward God three men suffered that Friday one man was sin in him and on him one man was sin on him but not in him one man with no sin in him but because of our iniquity all sin on him there were three men death caught up with on that day one dies rejecting one dies repenting and one died drawing all men unto himself Christ was put to death with two fees to fees to fees with the Saviour how shameful that's like a lamb between two wounds a nightingale of a with the voice of love between two rattlesnakes the roles are shared between two cactus plants two feeds and the Savior Jesus hang in with thieves the robber said they were thieves the traveler said they had laid wait and robbed them on the highway taking their pocketbooks the homeowner said these men that around Shack that house it and took away that belonging the bank said they invaded their building holding him at gunpoint and told him to hand over the cash please nobody like please yes Jesus would put to death with the worst kind of men and when they had done all they could do to humiliate him they put him between these two thieves and they did it to the million him because the worst criminal was always hanging in the middle they tried to cam down internally by putting him with bees to thief but I got news for you when you put Jesus in the middle and put Jesus in the mix you were doing just what God sent him here to do while they thought they were humiliating Jesus they did not know they were fulfilling God's prophecy because I have said he will be numbered among his transgressors when they put Jesus in the middle they did just what the gospel is all about because God is a Misco God is always in the business of getting in them God have always been in the business of getting in the Miss if you don't think God can get in the middle and get in the mix you ought to ask Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and I've been the girl Shadrach Meshach and Abednego said when they put us in the fire got in the Daniel said when they put him in the lion did God got into me anybody here know he'll get in the mix he sickle said I was out there the batter full of dry bone and God picked him up in the spirit set me down in the mix love a valley full of dry bones God we did in the Mitch hallelujah when they were on the ship Jesus got in the missing witness seat you don't believe God I get in the mix praise God windage when they met in the upper room and they were telling Thomas about Jesus had written from risen from the day the Bible said that he appeared in their mix and told Thomas look at my hand look at my feet look at my side I'm not dead I'm alive that's God getting in the mix you don't think God I get it in this ask John the Revelator John said I saw seven golden candlesticks and I saw one with eyes like balls of fire feet locked upon his breath get in the mists of the trouble I get in the mists of your sickness that when they put him in the myths what I needed them to do so that God can get in the midst of whatever you're going through let us examine these two men hanging on the cross now with the Savior one on the right and one on the left the man on the right this feast on the right look at him talking to Jesus if you be son of God come down come down and save yourself and us wow this is amazing they want this man to come down it's called that silence to come down because everybody here doing what God wants you to do if you're doing what God told you to do don't come down there's always somebody trying to pour it out every time you try to do what the Lord tell you there's always somebody on the cross said come down but I made up in my mind I'm not coming down I'm doing the great work and I can't come down they told Jesus cut down prove yourself you don't have to prove nothing when your child of God you don't have to prove that nobody that you'll know you knew the Lord when you know the Lord and you know God is thankful and you know what is you don't you cops down don't give up your testimony don't give up your praise that's the plea simple they're older than Baptists are about your hard time look at your neighbors they I'm not coming down now look at somebody behind you don't know me so don't tell me to be quiet in church when I've been sick on my bed when I've been down to my last time and you want me to calm down stop coming down I can hear Jesus say I can hear Jesus saying on the inside why no oh you want me to come down already they come down I left the side and copse of glory I left old and go in I left my proudly going and I came down and with Bordeaux the silent night in Bethlehem I'm alright it down I can't I don't know I'm not coming down [Applause] [Music] please come down washis when the daughter good work so my rights are feeling I said I ain't doing it when you're coming in the door but don't you calm down Oh fellas they may now you criticize you but don't come down oh because when you know you're doing what God said you don't let nobody call you the cop down Oh preacher when you know God told you and God what are the hands on you go down because that's what the crowd said the crowd told Jesus come down and if you come down with a man in the difference now because he did something greater than that he rose and they still didn't believe it had no time to come down I don't care what folks say about you people you can't go by what people think some of you are waiting on people approval the reason why some of you come now is what folks seeing and they humiliate is you you trying to be a crowd pleaser so you try to come down to meet that qualification you worried about what your friends think of you but that's not the way it's supposed to operate don't let the crowd control you don't care what they say don't care what they do when you know you got shot don't you come down let's talk about you like slow and simple come to church and they go home they don't eat the food they cook they bar lacroix base to the Deacons they use the other member Fattah salad and they barbeque the preacher [Applause] I'm not coming down I got a great work to do this man was not thinking listen to him if thou be the Son of God this idiom somebody anybody's been telling our totem man you know else about this what you mean by if you be the Son of God Tommy I win daddy if somebody now ain't no ifs about it he used me one time hallelujah and I went out and got Jonah I was just I caught him back the speed cops on the road and you were running from God and he used us they shake that ship and final Jonah is fast asleep ain't no answer buddy hield the Son of God coming at water is easy if somebody now Pharaoh's gotten away and tried to kill God's people and they got out there at sea and it Toby skip back boy and made a rule six to six and I left the children to cross oh darling I know if somebody got water the eldest son of God I didn't want to switch over one time but one day you looked at me and h2 looked at all and all of that age - and at Dover mcclain wine and oil somebody bill the son of God they know if handle is I know he's a son of girl sad thing about this being killed a man died and then challenged in Jesus listen at this he already in trouble and it's still a praying for salvation he have him cursing Jesus out there's a man sick cussing at the hospital here's a man dying crossing out life till the man broke crust not to bring till the man homeless crust not a house here's a man lonely crossing out company here's a man plastic cussing out a will heal the man lost crust not the man kills a man blind crust not the dog been listen here's a man walking and don't hope no car here's a man down a car have running and don't want a tuna here's a man hug away and don't want nothing and crust not the grocery store here's a man entering cussing out the school teacher he listened to her cry here's a man already down telling for to come down you know why some folk wants you to come down they already down you know why some folk wants you to leave that church they're already out you know why some folk don't like you happy because they're not happy most folk who wants you to get out come down already out misery loves company and why listen to somebody down and they die the folk who were challenges in the cup down we're down on themselves don't need somebody telling me by money you broke do bad by myself another good thing but let's see I think you said enough about this man he doesn't know a good thing when you see he doesn't know who he's beside but listen at the other man on the other side the dying feast this pin of the thief on the left side the right side man cussing Jesus out the left side man talking them up in that a picture of life I don't care how many folk reject you somebody will receive you I don't care how many folks don't like you somebody likes you there's a earth side and there's a downside there's always two sides and if one side wouldn't be nothing if you didn't have the other what would up mean if you didn't have a down what would I mean if you didn't have it in what what tall me and if you didn't have a short what would luckily mean if you didn't have a pretty there's always two sides to life somebody will reject you but just because somebody cuts you out don't you get mad with everybody somebody will be your friend I don't care how pitiful but what can against you you got a friend somewhere somebody always against you but God is for you God man pull-tab look at the neighbors saying you don't have to be for me somebody is [Applause] let's look at this man who said on the left first thing you did it costs that demand on the right you know what I always learned a long time ago as a pastor as a pest I tell your own preacher don't worry about fighting people back but now see if you keep quiet your friends will speak for you sometimes your friend can't speak up and fight fighting because your big mouth but if you set up don't say nothing you've got some folk don't speak fight and this is exactly what went on this man trying to hurt Jesus feeling another man crushed Eli here's our signal cross Nava Semel and how come a sinner can cross out of Center because they both know the same thing you can't trick a lighter when I lie you're no aligner you cannot eat cannot hide from another fee because they both steal a lot of no line there because they both lie so when a man doing the same thing you know he can predict your moves this man knew what he was up to and he looked over and told the man on the right you are a be a shame on yourself a type rather paraphrase it for you who any why are you just that I mean I challenge this man when purpose or getting our just reward this man had got nothing wrong these are innocent man and here we are here for what we deserve he doesn't deserve it I would have told him shut up [Applause] something you all need to shut up you know it's bad to be sick encrusting out it's bad I worked in the hospital and a man in a wheelchair cussing me out and begging me to put him in the bed I started to drop the meat room he'll you bet you the one chain well you ought to be saying how you doing crossing me out where are you coming from little rascal I'm big enough to pick you up if some look like the more the closer to death they are they ought to be getting better some of y'all ought to be hand right oldest you long you already got one foot in degree and one out the green not what you doing Rock around here tryna be a hoochie mama [Applause] get all gracefully not IAT yield man right it's on my what's up dog you know you know what the dog is you don't need to be riding smoking though joint you need to be trying to get it right you already have this never bad die and don't know how to act I will you have that you ought to be going to church when you know you ain't got a lot you ought to be pretty but it's amazing how some folk can be sick and getting sicker in other words it's bad to be sick and making folks see what I like about this number I done this man on the Left watch this he did not a lot of man on the right to influence him how many folk have lost that home listen to somebody on the other side how many preachers of law snapshots listen to a preacher who don't have no church how many of you lost your position in the church listening somebody pulling the other side how many you lost a job listen to somebody on the other side you've got to learn how to stop listening folk on the other side of the cross and pay attention to the man in the middle there are the cycles measure and most people don't know how to deal with peer pressure young people don't pay attention to the man on the other side he already died don't pay no attention to somebody y'all like you you're in the same boat you need to talk to somebody been through something you need to talk to somebody who can tell you some stop listening to folk on the other side praise the Lord today businessman also said to that man on the other side don't you feel God don't you feel God that's the problem in the church today people don't feel good if you feel God you will pay your time you ought to feel not to come in the same church and order a great you oughta feel God ain't got no problem with y'all speaking and talk if you quit live in English I said all right the stinking tongue if you quit lying in English you are the field on high somebody go walk now you're talking about I'm under the Norfolk and keeping God's money high the world you gonna say you enjoy and I got a proverb who said we'll whole church linked and cuddly most of y'all were not any help when those diggers start praying and you wouldn't want hard Overholt isolate and you came lee where that betty then I need passage around her like you ought to feel God hallelujah ah listen what the man said my time caught up with me not this man the Good Thief depleted the feet not on the toilet man feel god but this man admitted that he was a simple he said we are getting I was just the one so that I tell you right now don't worry about that you ought to be glad that some folk of willing to admit that they're wrong I like this about the thief on the Left he said we did not reward because of what we've been doing with sent us we're rivals for fees what makes him a good thief he were willing to admit that he wasn't son now some church folk think they're good self some folk fan I live a good life yeah is it good but you're good for nothing some folk think they are all right with God and I don't need nobody to tell me I need to be born again but you ought to admit the fact that your self before we can get some of y'all say we need to first get some of y'all louse because too many get fed all ready to have a ride way you're going you need to first look at yourself and say I have nothing but assume I don't have no God on the side and you need to say I'm a son everybody in here got dirty laundry I don't care how good you think you live look who's your neighbor saying you've got a ring around the collar everybody got some ring around the collar some of us talk about what other folks do but we don't tell for what we do you got a problem somewhere you're all sinners saved by grace click burn around with that self-righteous stuff talking about how holy you live just setting yourself up for failure because you are still in the flesh we're all son of saved by grace I am an Amen old folk quit going around talking about young folk and talking about how bad day off because we were bad too we met I wanna tell it like it is but some of us were disobedient to when we were young people like young folk I often said no we did not go in hotels but we wind up under some houses come on with me here now we did things to know they didn't talk about crack in my day but they talked about ALS Beach we did some things to know we didn't wear little baggy pants but that thing was so titled on behind for those jeez you used to wear for those bell-bottoms you know what I'm talking about we did some things to every man of sin and everybody have done something wrong hallelujah but I thank God this man he admitted that he was a son and then that thing about this man while he was hanging on a cross he called Jesus Lord he said Lord Lord when you come to joke treasom I will chili rule to me praise God today he called Jesus Lord I wonder can you call him not this morning is he your Lord is he's your Lord the Lord is my Lord and the Lord is my shepherd I shall I won't I'm glad to call him Lord because Jesus own me the Lord is alone and my god owes my life he's called Lord can you call him know I'm this morning can you call him Lord this morning because if you don't honor him and Lord this morning he won't be able to honor you Jesus is telling us today you called me master but to serve me not you call me father but your obey me not you call me mother but your honor me not you call me Lord but you desire me not they call me the way but to follow me not you call me fan but to trust me not you call me rich but you asked me not you call me normal but to believe me not you call me bread but you eat me not you call me water but to drink midnight on the rules but to smell midnight you call me Jess but to feel midnight and we write about it praise God today he said Jesus you love my Lord and then he called it when you come into your kingdom Lord I want you to remember me remember me he had sense enough to know God is a key he's the king of Qi he's the Lord oh Lord he says you clean them that is I know you believe there anybody here know Jesus is a king he caught all right no thing about this man he knew Jesus was his only hope he didn't have nowhere else to go and God all right he knew he didn't have nowhere to turn praise God today he knew that there was nothing behind him but ashes nothing before him but finds nothing behind him but era nothing before in but terror nothing behind him but glue nothing before he would do nothing behind him but a devil nothing before him but a ballad he knew it wouldn't know where to go he said lord I come to your kingdom I want you to remember me they even got it headed moaning no there's nowhere else to go they don't have Jesus there's no happiness morning I don't know where has to go he said love come to the kingdom Lord remember me I don't know who you are this morning but I want God to remember me when I come down to the end of my journey I want God to remember me he said remember me everybody want to be remembered when they die you got a tooth on and got your name of that you want to be remembered they got loved ones pictures and the names and the windows of the church because somebody won't be remembered when I get old and feeble and old Fleming clean get up the steps and I walk in this church and I'm an old man gonna stick I don't y'all forget me now I want to the heart of me and say here come the pastor I wanna be remembered please the same remember me that often ask you to meet break this wise and eat this bread and remember some me anybody hell no God got good memory anybody here know God got good memory happy st. you can remember that ten lepers five for mercy I know you can remember me if you can remember a woman caught in the act and let her go why do about the stoner I know you can remember me if you can remember a woman rat had five hooks and you gave a living water I know you can't remember me if you can remember Peter when you were drowning in it pride lord save me I know you can remember me somebody have autostart remember it somebody here the reason you can't get happy you forget too soon you forgot about how God made a way I don't know is that a poor memory this time we all could remember you wouldn't be too happy you wouldn't be too proud south this morning sometimes say what you shot but look at your neighbors and names I remember when I didn't have what I got now I remember when I had nowhere to turn I remember pick me up turn there around I remember I'll cook Guardium that's why I got up and came on the judge because I remember who did it promise Peter said this day this day this day to be with me in paradise anybody here know you look pissed a God Jesus this day God tomorrow you can be [Music] brave God can do it I'm sad how you get here but I had to give up my boy on the mountaintop how did you get him I could head Toto said how you get up here and you've been stealing and I had to run across and run my lesson and a bell of a whale like a head of fees said I don't know how y'all got here will never tell you I got here neil has a branch I didn't raise no lone pairs I played a sunglass you don't have to put a long track you can prance you gotta save anybody hell knows when they breathe wouldn't be quite now watch this help with Jesus on the cross didn't say nothing to nobody much but when Abbey started crying mercy talking started topic we started talking the feet that's Alan Jesus didn't say nothing but we know that we've prayed for salvation God start talking anybody here know when you print we're right God will start talking anybody here know if you call and God will start talking fill your need tell all about my truck anybody got no rap fingers things my container nation your savior your savior that do me one more fish I was a jet out to sea and go tell your neighbor I'm glad I'm safe I'm glad these payments tell somebody looking at a child I'm saved pain in my hands say and the features save in my body faith in my mouth in my hearing in my cabin Oh God Siemens look at your neighbor and say God did it look at them settlements God did it I'm a miracle I'm a miracle no I made it God did it crown changes things strange things I'm gonna do the cross crap in your face anybody here made it oh yeah say there's a god somewhere if a God so well oh yeah bony-ass a prayer oh yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah let's army somebody hurt ah I'm safe Oh but nobody else would hear me god I want somebody right now that I'm told my sooner series have you have a better situation you never asked somebody tried to tell somebody buy some corn and look like they wouldn't hear it but when you went to Jesus and told him he heard then just spin around three times as he heard me Oh all of he far away [Applause] [Applause] rugged cross the emblem of suffering and pretty and I love paddle crowds it's a dearest if the deer is Pearson bass oh la silla oh wait so our challenge o-tama seawall till my [Music] a troll with and laugh a little I'm gonna clean - they are jørgen cruel someday I'm gon get my pride Oh I'm gonna cherish say Harris Harris the rugged cross tell my true [Music] all of our choices everything I got one of these old days I got to leave but one thing I do know when I got to come down to the river turtles I'm gonna clean Oh Wow Oh I'll exchange one day I'm going home I'm going home let all of them go get mama mama mama mama we open the door the trustee open the door the trustee come to Jesus come to Jesus come to Jesus you need it you're here you come on - Jesus Jesus Jesus right now if you know you don't know it listen he's waiting this man didn't even get a chance to go to the water to be baptized he didn't have no time to go to church godhood he'll just hang in there and some of y'all need to know you just hang in there and you know you're just hanging here but why are you hanging there you got a friend who been that one for you and he know your pain you know the cross you bear he boy why don't you trust me come on right now for the bad come to Jesus oh Jesus you know why you oughta come you'll see [Music] I'm officer now right now Oh God we'll see we'll save old lady hood my prayer oh come on [Music]
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Keywords: Three, Crosses, On, Hill, Sermon, Great black preachers, Classic Sermons, Classic, Black preachers, Gospel, Rev Timothy Flemming Sr, Timothy Flemming, Mount Carmel Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, Greatest Sermons Ever, God is good, All the time, Jesus, Over, Everything
Id: krgcO3vnCCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 46sec (3946 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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