BULLETS AND SADDLES - Ray Corrigan, Denis Moore - Free Western Movie [English]

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] something has got to done about this Clayburn these Renegades are running all the decent settlers right out of the valley and it's my idea that Jack Hammond is behind the whole dirty mess but why Jack Hammond why put two and two together Marshall if he don't buy these wrenchers out at his own price what happens no no calm down Craig I'll tell you what happens if they don't sell their houses are burned down the cow hands are murdered and the cattle is wrestled you've got to do something about this D we we were fired at out on the west section anybody hurt no but we were lucky what happened well Charlie and I were hurting a few head of Strays into the pasture when three men came from nowhere and started shooting at us you know who they were they were masked dad but we'd never come out alive if our men from the north section hadn't come to our rescue this has gone far enough Clayborne I'm going to organize a group of Vigilantes I handle this my own way better be careful Charlie about taking the Law into your own hands you're forcing me to do this you you may not think so Craig but I'm doing the best I can think it over and don't act too hasty so on good day miss Laura bye Marshall hey Weber the boss in yeah in his office come in hello Hammond any luck Blair no Craig's blocked us again half a dozen of his men throw us away this is getting to be the same old story what that matters he got the end sign on you no Craig's a smart emry yes I know he is that's why he's held on to the ranch so long but don't worry he's only living on board time say Mr Hammond what are you going to do with all this land that's my business you're being well paid aren't you yeah well then break it up and go have a drink on me I just wanted to warn you if the shoe fits this morning I heard talk of Craig forming a gr vianes now you wouldn't want that to happen would you Hammond would you be in favor of such a move you know I wouldn't I represent law order but I'm just tipping you off you can take it or leave it what did that Marshall one in here I can handle him but I don't like what he told me about Craig wanting to form a posy of Vigilantes hey do you know Tex Lander's a cattle buyer well I know who he is he's out there in the bar now well get this and listen carefully he's on his way to the Craig lch to buy cattle and he's got5 or $110,000 on him in cash well how does that tie in with CRA and the Vigilantes it ties in perfectly now here's what I want you to do when teex lenders leaves here I want you and Weber to follow him good morning Marshall howy wether morning Charlie howy Craig what's on your mind clber I'm looking for Tex Landers the cattle buyer yeah he's stopping at the Wayside in Weber here says he hasn't been in his room for a couple of days that's right and he was heading out to you Ranch to buy some cattle you had quite a bit of money on him Charlie naturally we're worried well I don't blame you I've been expecting Landers but he hasn't showed up yet mind we take a look around no go ahead what's in there nothing and you might as well start here this Lander's all right and he's dead I can't imagine how he got here we haven't used this Buck house since we finished a new one what's that and it's empty well Greg it looks like you're in a pretty tough spot are you insinuating Weber that I had anything to do with this just a minute man no one's accusing anybody of anything well if I was Marshall I think I'd know what to do well you're not and I'd be obliged if you'd wait outside while I talk to Craig alone you don't think for a moment Marshall that I killed this man do you no I don't Craig you've got a mighty good reputation but I've got a hunch that somebody's out to wreck it and you too I'm going to take a look around Charlie I'll bet the house be want me now don't worry mother they found the body and that's all I know about it but who could have done it Dad that don't take much guessing Charlie you can't handle this thing alone you got to have help I'd sure like to see crash cargan in these two Pals walk walk in right now but what could they do plenty they're Fighters I ought to know I help raise crash he'd come a flying if you'd ask him why not write to him Dad this is my problem mother besides I don't want to ask favors how did I ever come to raise such a fory son maybe it's natural I'm kind of orer myself FR is always getting us into something with a g in us why do you think I'm here oh mother Craig's a fine old lady and uh make no mistake about that she's 60 years young and a pachino well I'm afraid she's a little too old for me oh mother Craig helped bring me up and when she hollers help we ride [Music] he [Music] la [Music] looks like we're not very welcome around here I guess mother Craig meant it when she said she needed help well let's get over there then Hammond run most of the other ranchers out but the Craigs ain't quitters and we're staying till we get Hammond or he gets us what about the murder you spoke of in your letter mother Craig that's probably some more of Hammond's Dirty Work I figure he shot Landers and put his body in our bunk H so Charlie would be accused when did you expect Mr Craig back he left this morning in the Buckboard the hills I think CBI you ride into the Wayside in and check up on that outfit Denny and I will stay here oh shut you would send me into some cheap hotel while you and Denny stay here and get all the good home cooking come on Elmer you might be kind of Handy always hand I saw it with my own eyes Tex Landers murdered in Craig's bunk house that was more than 10 days ago and what's been done about it nothing Charlie Craig hasn't even been arrested are you men going to stand for this why ain't he in jail he ain't no better than the rest of us I demand that the Marshall make an arrest or we get a rope and do the job ourselves howy stranger how are you well be cow Ki that's the first time I've seen one of them talking dolls since I was back in Kansas City can you work it sure but right now I'm more interested in getting a room have you got any open we've got the best rooms North the r ground for $2 a day if you make your own bed and $3 if Weber here does it I reckon for three and A2 You' tuck me in bed and kiss me good night quiet Elmer it's a deal for $2 and I'll let Elmer here be the chambermaid hold everything wait a minute what is this chambermaid gag I'm surprised that you're ignorance Elmer a chambermaid is a servant who makes up your room your chamber not me Al I got a proposition for you stranger put us on a little shoulder tonight the room and drinks are on the house you hear that Elmer what do you say it's okay with me anything to keep from being a chambermaid name your medicine I'll take some ginger beer you need some Kentucky bourbon but you're not in Kentucky after a couple Down the Hatch you don't care where I am do you run this joint I run it and own it oh a plutocrat a plutocrat you my friend are you a Rancher no you work in town no well what do you do mind my own business Jolly little number ain't he bet he gets awful lonesome the little Fell's quite a philosopher yeah but don't encourage him because he can get to be an awful pest Hammond I think I'll be riding see you later all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] drop that gun glare now turn around back up you thieves find a good place to hide out don't you you're making a mistake Craig sure I am by not filling you full of lead right now but I want you alive talk for the Landers killing a you're locco I don't know anything come on get him back up [Music] it's Blair he's in trouble [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] do you think Laura will go for that kind of serting your Plum Loco [Music] that's a right toble tomb I like a little serenade now and then sort of makes life softer [Music] hey Alibi what'd you find out just soon as I put up the saddle I'll be back and tell you hi you Romeo maybe the lady doesn't like your kind of music maybe you think she'd go for your singing why you some Monica player woman trouble again say what'd you find out Alibi well Hammond bark anderw Weber trying to stir up a mob against Craig well that bears out what mother told us is that all you learned no most of Hammond's men are hiding out in the hills in the Hills yeah well that's where Craig's headed a he showed up here yet no we haven't laid eyes on him well if he don't show up by morning we better go look and find get back wait here boys the big fell is hanon and the one with the gray shirt is Marshall clayber we better go with the house mother Laura may need us say h noise you Ali yeah I reckon you better stay here okay come in good morning Mrs CG morning how they ma'am not so well since I recognized you what do you me after is Charlie around well maybe so why that's our business shut up what do you want Charlie well I'd like to ask him a few questions father isn't home we haven't seen him since yesterday morning amen some friends of ours came out to do a little hunting for rattlesnakes and coyotes I said what's going on here well I Marshall will and I have a warrant for Charlie Craig's arrest what's the charge murder why you on when Mr Craig comes home I'll see that he comes to town thank you I'll bet you will I don't like your tone and I don't like your looks and I don't like you now get out I warned you to watch your step Hammond now get along I'll expect to see Craig in town later what's it all about granny I'm so worried you can stop worrying Miss Laura we'll find Mr Craig before they do they're leaving mother I have a hunt that Hammond was trying to pull a fast one well if his gang's holding Charlie I reckon that they brought the Marshall along just to throw us off the track that sounds reasonable granny then we better get to Mr Craig and F by Laura pet your father's rifle I may be nearsighted but I can still hit the Bull's Eye at 50 yards come on Al i s your we're riding [Music] hey C Danny [Music] [Music] look oh wonder where Craig went [Music] you're Charlie Craig yeah I don't know you but you don't look like Cutthroats to me well my name's crash Corgan crash Corgan I'm sure glad you got here I want you to meet my partners Denny Moore Craig Denny and my other partner Alibi Terhune alii hey uh where are you hurt that's my shoulder and my ankle I thrown away from the work I triy to get away up I don't try talk now Mr Craig just take it easy hey we're going to have to work fast I'm riding in tonight to tell Clayburn that we brought Craig back to the ranch [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Craig alive are you sure I saw him right after I found Blair took him to the shack you said Craig went over the cliff yeah but car and his Pals found them and took him to the ranch well I'm tired of fooling around Craig's got to be cleaned out that's what the boys think and they get Mighty Restless they're going to get plenty of excitement Pronto what's the plan [Music] I remember Mike round up the boys and I'll ride out to the shack tomorrow and give them the rest of their orders yes sir all right snooper get them up I think the boss would like to see you get going keep walking in this Salon in that room there he was mighty interested in your conversation from outside that window Eve dropping huh well well you know folks that do that don't usually hear anything good about themselves do you ever say anything good what's your interest in Craig's Ranch Corgan oh maybe I'm just interested to see that he keeps it get his gun Weber it's time I'll stay a little longer I think you will [Music] tra Mike but don't let him trap you [Music] sh [Music] Hammond's cooking up some kind of a scheme he and his gang are going to meet at The Hideout tomorrow to talk it over it's sure lucky you spotted that Hideout Shack Mr Craig we're going to ride up there and give it the once over that's what you think and no gun play from you too I'm taking Craig in come on get up now get out I've changed my mind I'm finishing this right now on here that's awful big talk Mister I think you better drop that shooting iron you were just in time Denny we're going to lock this Critter up Mr Craig put him in the tool house and chain him to the Anvil with pleasure come on you may Hold Me Up by hand now wa till Hammond get to work on you oh so it is Hammond at the back of this gang I didn't say so and you can't prove it oh yes he can and if you're smart you'll tell the whole story and you might save your own neck CR and then he just rode away and they said for you to wait for them here good that'll give us a chance to persuade her friend here to talk you want to talk I ain't saying nothing Solitude sometimes corrects a man's thinking come on mother Craig we'll leave him alone with his thoughts for a while all right one of us is going to have to get down there prano well I could I get around those Boulders on the far side good I'll keep you covered from here and I don't care what you do burn the house fire the barns anything to clean Craig out when do we start get to the house around bedtime when they're asleep and the lights are out let them have it the rest of the boys will be out on the Range to raid the candle as soon as the commotion draws everybody to the house will Craig be surprised we'll really finish him this time and I'm riding with you to see there won't be no slipers what' you find out I'll tell you later let's get out of here now you be sure and call me at the right time and then come in and do your stuff and you be sure and put it on good and sick leave it to me you get a good night's rest what do you mean a good night's rest are you thirsty I'll fet you some water no I'm not thirsty this reminds me of a Death Watch I on once just before the convict was hang but he kept asking for water every few minutes did you see a man hanged yeah and it was awful it let him up those last 13 steps put a big Hood over his head hied a noose around his neck with a big knot right here pushed him out onto that trap and the trap was sprung and his neck was broken just like that the think of all the agony could saved himself it just turned States evidence I heard about that evidence stuff what does it mean what means if you tell a state all you know they go easy on you they don't hang you Alibi where are you here in the tool house Mrs Craig crash and Denny just got back and they brought in a fell named Blair Blair well I know him from Hammond's Hotel he's confessed say a fell name myself killed her planders why he can't frame me the dirty double Crosser he did it himself how hor they got him up at the house come on let's go see hey wait a minute mister hey don't go away Mister come back here I want to tell you something I got something to tell you come here if I could have gotten there just a little sooner I could have found out what they were going to do at the Craig Ranch House when's all this going to happen Denny about midnight when everybody's asleep but I think it's just a trick to keep us away from the range I don't get it they're going to raid the Craig cattle at son up oh oh now I get it oh we'll just fool them we will be out there with the cattle when Hammond shows up with these rustlers but what about mother Craig and Laura well I reckon we'd better hide them out in the Barns and leave Alibi with them for protection well we've got plenty to do we better get moving you got everything on straight Weber sure as soon as the bonfire gets going good we ride out to the Rings to meet you and the boys right that ought to get you there just after Su up and you better start riding and take Butch with you Blair you round up the rest of the boys and they have them here at 4:00 in the morning all right and You' be safe here and you can see all the been happening from over there I wish dad hadn't insisted on riding with crash in the boys he not well yet he'd be a lot sicker if he couldn't be in on the kills anyway we got a thr of surprise for them when this mess is cleared up how about it Alibi that's right what have you two been up to you'll find out soon enough well I got a little job to do and then I'll be back oh you better turn down that Lantern [Applause] they're turning in now wait a while get my go to sleep Le the horses here and sneak around the [Music] bag I put out all the lights in the house and now we'll just wait here's match [Music] come on let's get back to the [Music] [Applause] [Music] horses won be long now be a small B player [Music] now it's a goner now let's get out of here [Music] what could that be the house is on fire I'm riding to tell the boys what happened you're safe here in the barn go ahead Alibi we're all right [Music] [Music] well Grand looks as if we've lost our home we can always build a new one dear and we will [Music] they set the ranch house on fire some of you men better ride back that's just what Hammond would want you to do what about L and mother don't you worry nothing about them Mr Craig they're safe and besides I'm going back well we'll all stay here and keep a date with Jack Hamond this is it man get your horses [Music] [Music] that's Craig and his man they've crossed us up we lead him up the Hanging Rock and blast him to pieces [Music] you two men with the rifles get up in those rocks let Craig and his men come through and then let them have it the rest of us will ride around this way and come in from behind [Music] looks like they vanished Into Thin Air well there's only one place it could have gone through tunnel Rock oh wait a minute fellas we don't want to ride into any hornets nest then and I will go ahead on foot when we get in the Rocks you follow [Music] all right men we're going in [Music] it's a trap head for cover [Music] [Music] [Music] a B in that [Music] [Applause] direction they've got the advantage we haven't got a chinaman's chance [Music] [Music] what's the matter with you sck can't you see you here get to your horses men and flank us for [Applause] rifles hey Marshall run up your horses we got him on the Run Come on [Music] B come on [Music] Denny and I will get ham and you get the others all right [Music] sh [Music] get on your feature fighting Days Are [Music] Over All Right Hammond on your horse [Music] [Music] I think this written confession to Mike will start all your prisoners on a long vacation thanks Alibi how'd you get it out of him Alibi oh mother and I praying you we just Ed straight face and a little poker Bluff and now crash I want to thank you and the boys for giving us a hand and that goes for me too and me and I want you all to come and visit us when our new house is built that's the date that's two days well you can't shake me I'll be there too [Music]
Channel: CowboyTV
Views: 2,417
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Keywords: western movies, full western movies, western, full length western movies, ray corrigan, ray corrigan full movie, western movie, western movies youtube, ray corrigan western movies, classic western movies, western movies full length, classic westerns, bullets and saddles 1943, bullets and saddles, free classic western movies on youtube, free western movies, free classic western movies, best western movies, free western movies on youtube, western movies full length free, free
Id: 4HK-xcnsyfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 12sec (3132 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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