Day In The Life Of A TIG Welder *18" Stainless Steel Pipe Welding*

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so I just pulled up in the van at em commercial ready to start a new day working on this today where I left off yesterday doing a bit of stainless doing a bit of stainless on some four some 18 in as it goes The Purge is on purging away right here and yeah this is basically what we're doing today some massive 18 in and um should be fun so everybody welcome back to another video it is freezing cold and it is what time is it let me check 6:52 in the morning I've been here for like since since almost 6:00 basically you know my YouTube channel now I'm off on my own going about places into sites places like this prefab Shops going anywhere to make the money so today I have 18in pipe that I was working on this Saturday and um yeah I just need to finish it off I'm so tired it's hard to describe how tired I am um I'm I'm going to probably get the first weld out of the way I ain't showing you that the second weld I'll show you because it's freezing my hands are numb and do you know when you do them them punching machines I use I don't want them punching machines I end up spraining my two fingers so my hands are not good today let's see how today goes I've got one two 3 four five six seven welds to do today and let's see how far I get here's the pipe thick thick thick thick 18 in how thick you ask my hands all shaking but about about free mil two two and a bit free mil there we go 3 mil thick thick enough that it needs a prep on it now don't look at the pipe alignment listen if you've ever done true metric ball stainless you know how bad it is we done the best we could so this is what I was talking about you can see the pipe alignment how bad it was that's why the roots were so inconsistent because all all of a sudden you're welding a gap now you're welding something that's 6 mil thick and then 3 mil thick and then it's all over the place I wouldn't recommend doing this alone like I was um this is going to be obviously the butt that I'm welding right now there we go there we go this is what I'm going to be welding give a little clean clean up and all that good stuff but yeah let's go let's go 18 in reducing into 14 in or 16 in I think 14 in that's just so big here's some that was done the day before or the weekend before listen don't worry about how messy it is you know when you're working your ass off it gets messy I'm sorry so here's the first weld it took about 45 minutes to do I used how many rods I believe five 2.4 mil rods um yeah it's done listen do not complain to me about the color or anything like this the people who um are professionals have said this is good it's okay it's fine it's not an issue so unless you've got experience in this I mean this stuff right here here right now unless you've got experience in this and you can um back it up with some kind of evidence this is fine this is fine but you can see the the pipe alignment is just all over the place naturally it's just what happens with this metric ball stuff is the worst stuff to tack together but yeah so it's been purging pretty high at 20 l a minute my um gas flow on the AR gun 13 l a minute and obviously the Shroud is what is it the shoud is pretty small as well it's only a 10 cup it's all good enough I I saw a video somewhere of um putting notches I put a notch in it so it helps you to just rock you hear that noise it helps you to rock otherwise you have to do big wrist movements to make you go forward versus just a rock for here is the second well done so this is a more consistent World once my body has warmed up and um yeah I'm happy with it you know certain certain parts of it look actually really nice again leave me alone with the dark color once cleaned up You' never know so now I'm going to weld here and this is basically what I was using was two buns and I was purging the whole tea this whole tea section was being purged Pur which was a huge Purge you I can't quite film the inside I can't quite film the inside I don't know how to you know view the worlds but I'll climb through it later on and just take a quick look but here it is I've um been given a few tips from people and the importance of making sure that your Purge is good and sealed tight can't be stressed enough the material is only a bit of bed foam and obviously it's got a bit of lagers tape on the front you know to help reflect the heat as well as more importantly to reduce the surface area for the gas to um migrate through if you don't have that you'd get a bad Purge here's the cap I've just got you know sponge on the end of it to be a bit of a diff dis dispers unit I'm just going to tape it up right here it's all taped up Purge will be going on 20 l a minute I've got the little hole in the top right here and what you do to um check the purge lick your lips and put your lips by it you should feel the flow coming out or you lick the back of your hand and then you put it by there and you can feel yeah you go you can feel the purge coming out it's just cold it evaporates the saliva on your hand it's disgusting but it's the way to do it you should always be paranoid that you've forgotten The Purge on and there isn't enough Purge you know just so you don't make a mistake and do a whole world and not Purge it so obviously my methods are not the best they're very crude but the truth of the matter is there's only chilled water that's going to be going through this there nothing important nothing special uh I wish I could spend the time to do things like the best that they possibly can but I just don't ain't got the time I want to have the right gear like look how I'm purging I want proper Purge bun kits but everything just cost too much money I've not been doing it long enough you see my social medias I'm up and down as to whether I'm on the stainless or the carbon so if I had enough time I'd buy all the kit and all the gear however many thousands of pounds it would cost but for right now I'm just I'm on price work on this I'm just trying to bang out the work I'm in someone else's facility so you make do with what you've got so the pieces are all welded up now and and I need to put a branch no I need to put a Taff on this 6in piece which if you look at it it is thick this isn't a piece of pipe if you look at wherever that is wherever it came from um the te is is it's a rolled sheet of Steel so this here is so thick that I will have to put a bevel on this in order to get penetration otherwise usually a metric boy you don't need to prep anything so um the overall is meant to be 450 so here's a quick little little diagram as to what I'm trying to do then the t is obviously that so it's 450 so from there to the top of the pipe is 227 so minus that and then the tap itself is what 27 mil so minus that 227 now I've got to calculator it [Music] [Music] 196 [Music] [Music] here's a little extra bonus content just because the pipe that I was recording before got taken so here's my cap I hate I hate recording these because the shine the shine of of of the stuff on the camera just points out all the floors like this in real life that's hardly noticeable but on the camera you can see it but yeah that is the cap and then on the inside the route listen the route is not consistent I'll tell you that because big old big old lips but you know I've been told by many people that it is fine as long as there's a route inside of it it can still pass the test even if you run or run on that inside it's the best that I can do here's the obious side hello everyone and um thank you for watching today thank you for enjoying my video I don't know how clear you can hear me maybe I'd have to re-shoot this whole video but I thought I'd just wrap up the end of it this was the day in the life of ark1 welding my um my new mobile welding business adventure I don't know what it is right now I don't know what I'm trying to do but what I do know is that I don't want to stay in a factory forever and I want to try my hand at trying to make more money I'm shattered so um yes thank you for watching this video this is this is going to be a long video now just basically because of this at the end um yeah thanks for watching and I will see you not in the next one
Views: 26,226
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Id: JoUR5vfDpk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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