Stable Diffusion 3 vs ChatGPT Dalle-3 vs Midjourney [NEW Best Image Generator?]

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I'm going to compare stable diffusion 3 versus mid Journey versus Dolly 3 on the exact same prompt I'll rank them on three factors detail adherence and coolness this one is cool and this one is not so cool I think it matters a lot the first prompt we're going to check out is this cinematic photo of a red apple on a table in a classroom on the Blackboard are the words go big or go home written in chart talk so this is stable diffusion V3 and one of the criticism is that it is kind of lacking on the coolness factor and you'll see this as we go through the video now let's compare it directly with mid journey to begin with so this is the picture that mid Journey gave us with the exact same prompt you can see the Apple lacks a little bit in the detail Clarity the realness Factor as Factor one goo big or go or home go big or go home here it's actually adhering to The Prompt but it actually isn't that good at text but the coolness factor is a lot higher in moury that's what a lot of people actually really like it now when we go over to Chachi BT here in Dolly 3 you can see go big or go home very nice typography here as well with a little line between it you can see the Apple has very good Clarity and detail you see the shadows and it actually got a lot of coolness there in as well with the lighting being dramatic from the side as well so from this picture I don't know I actually like the dolly 3 the best there are some of the mid Journey ones that are cool as well but I don't like like how realistic it is cuz you kind of like it looks like there's some sort of neon sign back there which shouldn't be kind of how it looks like now let's go to number two prompt being a painting of an astronaut riding a pig wearing a tutu holding a pink umbrella on the ground next to the pig is a robin bird wearing a top hat in the corner are the words stable diffusion this one really getting the adherence here to the left to the right on top of and holding and things like that and in the lower left hand corner stable diffusion this is a really hard one to do that they actually have executed perfectly and it's such a cool style St as well now let's go over to Mid journey and see what they did with the exact same prompt it ends up having a good adherence of course it is street art I don't know where we kind of got street art in there but apparently that's the style it wanted to use you do see a robin but it is to the left it has a an umbrella and it's doing kind of good and also again the coolness factor is really good here as well at this here image as well just really really cool very high quality it does look a little bit that the quality and the clarity is the the realness factor it's a little weird cuz the leg is really wonky right here but then you have a really detailed Pig like I don't know what that is all about but again my journey doing this here when it comes to actually having stable diffusion in the lower left hand corner it's not even having a chance of doing that so of course it is a lot of the missing pieces kind of when it comes to that when it comes to Dolly three what ended up happening is actually it created two images for us so the first image looks like this which doesn't look good at all what is happening um ended up being some sort of painting style and it seems like it used a little bit lower Generations like not upscaled version you make some sort of cheap generation and here again as well not really working well and this is obviously where prompting comes in ended up doing some sort of acrylic painting style which is not really good trying to do the stable diffusion doesn't really work I think for sure stable diffusion is just killing it with this one here next up Studio photograph closeup of a chameleon over a black background you can really see how detailed it is and when we get closer even around the eye you can see the wrinkles and each of the scales separately even kind of the color um I don't know like separation into the other scales also the detail in the eye is just absolutely ridiculous you even have some blur here in the background as well which kind of to me comes into the coolness Factor CU you're shooting on a really nice lens um against the black background obviously really high quality now with mid Journey what we got was also something very very cool so here is how that looks like I think my favorite of these we're just going to focus in on one is the top right also has all of these different scales that just Blends in perfectly again the motion blur here or it's bouquet in the background being so nice to look that and obviously the coolness Factor here huge the eyes just beautiful how it's able to create this they do have some other versions here as well I think mid journey is really good at doing Animals so here it gets like a 10 out of 10 score mid Journey honestly cuz it doesn't really have any text it doesn't really have much of these to the left of or above or Beyond I don't want to see just say above there I don't want to say Beyond and when it comes to Dolly 3 you can also see that we get another very stylized very dramatic photo here that has a backl that kind of blooms out from the edges of this chameleon poers on point uh this is obviously like kind of preference wise but of all of these I think they perform back to back so I think all of them get a 10 out of 10 score for this it's not such a hard prompt to do and I think you would be happy generating from any one of them next up photo of a 9's desktop computer on a work desk on the computer screen it says welcome on the wall in the background we see beautiful graffiti with the text sd3 very large on the wall so it's doing a great job I'm getting so nostalgic Vibes me and my friends carrying these to have a lawn party in U my friend's basement or my parents kitchen let's see how m journey is doing on this one in particular it's doing it really kind of uh I don't know like graffiti steampunky kind of uh Street Arty which I really like it turns up the the dust and the grime and all of the things that are kind of dirty on it which I kind of like it does have velom on the screen it's also trying to do it in the top the sd3 on the wall in the backgr round it couldn't really get that so the adherence here you see here sd3 it does look like it's trying to do sd3 in the background but it doesn't actually show it off and what about the Chachi BT generation but what we actually got here is a super cool retro U UI that just I mean it just gets the nostalgic Vibes going and we actually have a super cool sd3 the sign on the wall in the background you almost can't even see that it's sd3 but you can obviously see that it is so on this one and I think and I also believe that it has a lot of the coolness Factor you can really see here stable diffusion 3 versus Chachi VD here Chachi PD just being a lot cooler and I would love to rather use this image instead of stable diffusion next up this one a little bit harder three transparent glass bottles on a wooden table okay the one on the left has red liquid and the number one the one in the middle has blue liquid and the number two the one on the right has green liquid and the number three okay a lot of these different complicated it got to understand the world so how does mid Journey do with exactly that let's scroll a little bit down and see that it actually has been able to do a lot of the things correct but also not correct in many instances is one two3 is kind of hard for it so 222 it's do 132 it's doing 133 and it's a little bit hard for it to do you can also see here that it did not get the liquids correctly like red blue and green so you can see that in many of the cases red blue green red blue green in actually one of the instances it didn't follow this pattern and with text mid journe is not so good attack but one thing that I did see here as well that is kind of a mistake or not real is that you get the green lighting in this bottle to the left so you would get blue reflection here not green so that's kind of weird and you would also get some sort of red reflection in this bottle here as well and the same with this bottle it would actually match the colors together when we come to Dolly 3 this is how they did it one two 3 the color red blue green it has a kind of dramatic and stylized look to it in this case here as well if it was transparent we would see green kind of through the bottle the same with red you can see that it has a gloss on the left side here which is exactly what we're looking for and a green kind of shine around this bottle here as well which is exactly what we're looking for on the ground green and blue and red mixing together as well here you get some sort of teal and here you do get a little bit purple but not that much still the coolness factor is really high on it as well on the left side the coolness factor is at zero I mean it looks like school like this is what you see on Amazon and this is what you get next up resting on the kitchen table is an embroidered cloth with the text good night and an embroidered baby tiger next to the cloth there is a lit candle the lighting is dim and dramatic or stable diffusion here actually making the embroidery into the cloth looks absolutely beautiful the level of detail here in the texture is very beautiful you also see the light here that should actually give sort of a yellowish glow effect around this area that it doesn't do so it's doing a little bit of a sneaky trick that doesn't work in reality but of course AI can do whatever you want but I would also say that this one has kind of style to it I like the how it's kind of faded blur from the left how is mid Journey doing with this well mid journey is actually not doing so well at this at all it's doing no good night first of all the text generation you can see the well lit candle here as well there is some cloth embroidered with a tiger a cup here with good something this one as well it is like very moody and very like cozy I do kind of like that but when it comes to the adherance and you actually wanted to have the good night cloth there you wouldn't be able to use any of vol 3 looks like this and I first of all really like it I also like how they included this Pottery right here that probably cost $1,000 for pots I don't know like my grandma and stuff like that she has pots for Fine China you know like that as you can see the embroidery here as well I really like that it doesn't look perfect look at the rugged edges here kind of makes it more Hy the embroidery of the tiger is obviously super detailed and very nice as well as the um kind of branches on the side here as well it has a well lit candle and it does have this color that would be here on the cloth as well so on this one let me show you back to back the differences like this is the stable diffusion and this is dolly3 I think you can see the style here being a lot better personally I like how Dolly 3 is doing it but uh is it really the winner we can find out by just checking next up night photo of a sports car with a text sd3 on the side of the car okay the car is on the racetrack at high speed a huge road sign with the text faster so I've tried to get cars with speed before you can see the motion lines here on the asphalt you do see the S3 text on the car which I also think is kind of hard to do and the faster that has a motion blur the style here looks really good I don't know what you did sd3 but you really turned the style up a lot on this one to make it really sexy let's see what mid Journey did it also did really really interesting photos here so you can see Neon Lights uh kind of pink here you do have the text faster in the top you do also have sd3 on the car mid Journey doing text right you do see the speed and everything like that so it is actually doing really well let's check out some of the other Generations I don't want to go super deep into all the four photos but yeah mid Journey consistently super high quality photos looking super cool but again adherence to text not its Forte when it comes to uh Chachi BT this time it didn't perform particularly well I really like how the composition is from the background kind of looking into the race track with it at the side you see it actually did sd3 on the top here which is not what it's supposed to do and also no sd3 on the car at all so here I believe we have to prompt it a couple of more times to get exactly what we're looking for but again we got some really cool perspective here where the stable diffusion looks like this and chat GPT looks like this both looking really really cool and there's only one photo left but we can't forget about next up a horse balancing on top of a colorful ball in a field with green grass on a mountain in the background okay if you see this in the wild you are probably wearing Vision Pro on your head so take that off but yeah this is really crazy and it actually super realistic somehow I don't know the muscles needed for this kind of a yoga position let's see how mid Journey solved this problem feel like mid journey is kind of like the the girl that has to go the extra mile you know what I mean like put on some extra makeup on this so yeah this one uh it it also doesn't understand physics as much as the other ones I feel like so you see that the ball has no squish at all the muscles aren't even tense on the horse it does adhere somehow to The Prompt uh here it's just dancing in the in the field of flowers here it's not really doing what it's supposed to and this one here as well yeah mid is not really doing what it's supposed to here but with Chachi BT we got this beautiful bright stallion come on I feel like there could be some sort of movie about this guy you know a guy girl doesn't matter you got some jelly beans popping up off the ground the little mountain in the background as well damn yeah this one looks really cool it is a lot more stylized but for civil diffusion it does look more real like a lot more real because the ball is squished on the ground though you obviously get points for that and then anime style illustration of a new stand on top of a small grassy Hill on top of the new stand we see the text it's here in the background we see a big rain approaching so some dark clouds I really like the stand here and it's also only newspapers right there's no candy there's no thing around I like how this also is in the style of anime right so you have the grass here in this style let's check out mid journey I think that it actually did a decent job here now what actually happened is it kind of made it into a vending machine on this this photo it definitely did have the rain and the styling is super super cool here as well you have another one where here it's I don't think we can judge it on the text and then here it's at this point it's here they actually have more of a vending machine I think and here they have it on the top of a cliff with kind of like a it looks like a mix between a bus station and a vending machine uh it does look kind of cool but again not really what we're looking for I think I like the number one a lot though uh it does look super super cool with dolly3 what we got was this which come on isn't this crazy look at this new stand it also has some sort of vines growing up on it it has this stormy cloud in the background with all this purple flowy strings in this anime style like if I would watch a movie or or anime I'll way rather watch this one compared to well I don't know maybe this one I like there's so many different styles but this style here is also really cool I don't know which one but there's a lot more going on with a green light here as well the orange Hue the sun beaming off to the right so comparing all of them did you find your favorite yet I really like how STI diffusion is able to do text really well it's also able to put things to the left left of on top of in the hand but there is one thing that it just doesn't do as well where Chachi BD has a leg up mid journey is by far the worst one that I've seen here mainly just because it's not even trying to compete at text it seems like they are putting a lot of eggs into making the web platform work and maybe when they dropped a new web platform they also drop a new model chbt and doll three I like the style it's able to do text it able to do on top of to the left of to a certain degree I would rather take the style of chat GPT any day than some sort of math teacher science lab looking ass that looks like it was in my textbooks in school when we had these computers around I'm just kidding I love St diffusion we will get different models once it gets open source where the community will give us the best things that we can wish for but to end it I believe my favorite and the one that I would use to be Chachi BT and Dolly 3 but that's the end of the video thank you so much for watching if you want to find your number one Chachi PD prompt to save you 7 hours per week click the link in the description down below or if you want to keep watching my videos click this video here and I'll see you there peace
Channel: AI Andy
Views: 2,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stable diffusion 3d, dall-e 3, dalle 3, midjourney ai, dall e 3, ai art, midjourney version 6, midjourney tutorial, midjourney alternative
Id: 4dJsqSijujI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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