MorphStudio: NEW AI Video Tool Redefines Movie Making!

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AI video is exploding right now we've all seen the realistic videos coming out of Sora but I tell you what's coming next and that's AI video production where we'll be able to take a whole set of clips and generate consistent characters consistent outfits and we'll be able to take a simple text prompt and update a whole host of videos in one go and in this video I'm going to show you a couple of new startups that are promising to do just that so if AI video got your excited wait until you see AI video production let's dive in and explore the future of AI film making together first up is morph studio and this is a company that's partnering with stability AI to give you a whole AI powered workspace for creating films let's take a look at their preview video together what's your AI film making workflow text to video image to video video to video how about idea to video introducing morph Studio an all-in-one AI powered film creation tool with an easy to use storyboard format you can easily so here we can see that the tool is promising to correlate a whole different set of features into one place and that including image to video video to video text to video and idea to video which is the promise of being able to take one single idea and turn it into a fully fledged output video to video how about idea to video introducing morph Studio an all-in-one AI powered film creation tool with an easy to use storyboard format you can easily create and edit shots together based on text or images and generate videos in different styles so here we can see the ability to take input images so say you're taking a reference image and then you're wanting to create a consistent style in your story boarding you'll be able to upload that image and then select the style that you like more Studio helps you connect your ideas test different versions and Export to any post- production software we believe so the idea is that this tool will allow you to export all of these different clips into files that you can then take straight into a premier or Da Vinci believe in a sharing Community users can upload their workflow now this is a tool that is collaborating with stability and their whole eSource is for open Source Products and that is coming across in this part of the video where they're explaining that you'll be able to share templates and resources with others in the community the gallery and allow others to access them for their own projects welcome aboard the ship to the Future join the waiting list today have to say it's a little bit of cheesy product preview welcome aboard the ship to the Future what the hell does that even mean I'm not going on a ship okay but to sign up for this you'll have to come to the site and join the wait list now the founder of morph Studio has said that filming editing and post-production used to be separate steps in traditional film making but AI blurs the boundaries of these stages and turns them into one continuous process if you aren't happy with a shot you can regenerate it on our canvas AI has introduced a new workflow to Film Production now this is the key PA this is taking the evolution of I video which is now much more powerful than ever before and looking at how that affects the entire AI film making process so of course we can take the power of AI video straight into editing and post- production softwares and that's what this tool is looking to provide at the moment morph employees around 10 people and has so far raised 2.5 million in funding from BYU Ventures which is a Chinese Venture company now morph studio is not the only company to announce an AI powered video editing Suite lyrix has announced LTX and lyrix is the company behind face tune and video leap so they have a good foundation in creating complex media related software so we can take a look at the preview video for LTX this is the future of visual storytelling LTX Studio gives form to your ideas bringing them to life just a handful of words can transform your concept into a story weave it into a compelling narrative can we make it a regular courtroom drama now this is what it very interesting with LTX is that you'll have a whole number of different clips and you'll be able to update and edit all of them with single text prompts I find this to be a very interesting development on the workflow of using AI video so here we can see that they're about to change this sci-fi film into a New York Court drama regular courtroom drama set in New York City sure then generate to elevate it into a grand production with music dialogue and sound effects stop so you can also see that you'll be able to edit the music and dialogue all in one place stop yeah I like it but can the car be red of course the car can be red ha you got it you're going to hate me but can we try it with a guy no problem actually let's go back to a girl okay how about storyboarding no problem we need an extra scene here simple so I have have some ideas about casting okay can we talk lighting sure does this thing so here you can see an interesting concept where they're discussing the potential casting selections for a cast and you can easily quickly change out different attributes of your actors to see how they might fit in to different scenes and this is a great way to visualize the potential different characteristics of actors about casting okay can we talk lighting sure does and here you can see see that you'll be able to quickly update the lighting effects inside of a scene using a simple text prompt does this thing do titles how's this I'm particularly excited about the development of AI animation softwares that are going to be able to give us some really interesting effects with text on top of our videos simply with text prompts whatever your creative wish is LTX Studio harnesses the power of AI and gives you the ability to supercharge the creative production process from camera angles to Casting through styling and contextual editing LTX is a holistic Movie Maker for all LTX Studio join I love these advertising slogans LTX is a what is it it's a holistic Movie Maker for all who came up with this LTX is a holistic Movie Maker for all oh my God holistic I would prefer a word such as all-encompassing or full process eh maybe they're not better who knows I'm no copywriter I just like to to criticize so you can also sign up for the weight list of this tool so LTX shows a lot of promise for an all-in-one AI video editing software now another startup revealing their product this week is anamorph anamorph is a new film making and technology company the startup founded by filmmaker Gary Huts wants to reshape The Cinematic experience with its proprietory generative technology that can create films that are different every time they're shown so this debuted at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival and it showed a film Eno which follows English musician producer and visual artist Brian Eno who has worked with David burry YouTu cplay and many more each time the film was shown the generative media platform selected scenes from over 500 hours of restored archival footage and recreated a new documentary each time so this is an interesting application of a AI technology to reimagine a story in different ways using the same footage this is a more unusual application of the technology and I'm skeptical as to the actual validity of such a toll but it's interesting to see how people are exploring more original ways to work with the technology so we're expecting to see a whole host of new AI video production tools coming out where we can simply create our own fully-fledged films in one place being able B to keep consistent characters consistent outfits and make wholesale changes to an entire film using one prompt to affect many video clips what do you think about AI video production tools let me know in the comments it's been a joy to have you here thank you for watching and if you're new here why not subscribe and make sure to stay updated with the latest AI tools with me Samson once again thanks for being here and I wish you a delightful day
Channel: AI Samson
Views: 40,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, samson vowles, ai video
Id: rd6Q5k4yTiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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