Which Is The Best AI Image Generator? Midjourney vs Dall-E (ChatGPT)

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I currently have a subscription to chat GPT plus and mid journey and I want to find out if darly the image generator for chat GPT has caught up with mid Journey enough that I can cancel my mid Journey subscription in this video I'm going to talk about the key differences between the two products and then look at some image tests which gave some unexpected results the first key difference is the interface darly runs on chat gbt so if you have the web app or the mobile app you can just go into there and ask it to create an image mid Journey on the other hand runs on Discord so you have to go into then type in Imagine prompt and then put your prompt in there the next key difference is the artistic quality of the images mid Journey still has this ability to create these Unreal Engine type well lit beautifully rendered images of futuristic Landscapes and it can come up with things which are really kind of breathtakingly beautiful where Del excels is in its comprehension of maybe more difficult complex prompts you can give darly a whole like article and ask it to create an illustration around around that and it'll actually use its large language model to condense that down to a prompt and then process it and create an image you can't do this with mid Journey you actually have to kind of put some time and effort into carefully creating a concise prompt which is short enough that the mid Journey engine can process darly is considerably quicker executing about half the time of mid journey and both these products have iterative capability what that means is you can go on to create variations on the image with darly you do that just by basic language you kind of sell sell it what you want and this is a bit hit and miss at the moment it kind of works maybe half the time and in this example here you can see that I've kind of asked it to put the a cartoon character that I previously generated at the bottom of the picture but actually changed the cartoon character away from what the original prompt uh required and actually produced with mid Journey it's a lot more restrictive you have certain buttons which do certain things you can vary regions or make variances on an image you can upscale it and zoom out or pan across and it will kind of fill in the gaps this is much more restrictive in what you can do but a lot of the time it's more useful it's kind of in a real kind of development environment you you're using this more and it comes in quite useful whereas with darly you can ask it to kind of overlay one IM on top of another but anything more complex than that then it starts to struggle a little bit from a cost perspective chat GPT plus is $20 a month plus tax and then mid Journey has a range of tiers I used a basic plan that's more enough for kind of occasional daily use one thing I'd say is that chat GPT plus is much more than just an image generator obviously you have the large language model and all the plugins it's almost if the image generator is almost like an add-on bonus really to that package rather than being specifically kind of that is the product now without further Ado let's jump into the image tests so the first one here is an image for a Sleek modern logo for a tech startup a stylized cloud with a lightning bolt using a clear blue silver color scheme with minimist and futuristic so I think dar's really nailed this and if you go down to the mid Journey you can see it's kind of it's not got the hang of what we were after we were asking it for a cloud with a lightning bolt it hasn't really done that effectively at all whereas Dary has understand the the whole prompt it's kind of looked at what's important within that prompt and then given that more focus on the image generation it's a much more usable logo in my opinion then we got on to illustrations and this is where M Journey really starts to excel this is a for a children's book you can see the image quality is just like year if it was like an animated film this is kind of maybe from the '90s or 90s where this could be kind of from the 70s or something you're years and years ahead in the in the quality of the images that M Journey has creating the next one is a vector background for pitch deck an abstract geometric pattern shades of blue and green with subtle gradients and modern clean look again I think this is something where darly is actually created a more usable image I could use this straight into the kind of background of a pitch deck much more than I could these kind of abstract gradient images if I better described The Prompt I could probably get M journey to create something like this but straight out of the box that single prompt the the darly image is better and more effective within a business setting the next one is an artistic portrait of a woman in Renaissance style wearing an elegant gown seated in front of a classic Italian landscape with soft natural lights in this one is almost really good it's just the eyes mess up it makes it unusable from Dar and then if we go down to the mid Journey ones you've got four really stunningly beautiful women which are almost too modern for the period so one thing I I think about mid journey is that it's so optimized it can almost be over optimized we got a model here which has been trained on a consensus ideal of what beauty is when it's giving you the four Images every time you're clicking variations or upscaling the single one of them image you're actually helping train their model on which images you like people click more beautiful images and what it comes up with is this kind of standardized almost Kardashian look of what we think of as Beauty in Western cultures there is some distortions here on this top left BR you can see the hands are a little bit distorted maybe the shoulder as well but generally it's done a really good job of creating the very detailed artistic images the next one is a breath taking fantasy landscape with a floating island above a Crystal Clear Lake the island should have a small ancient looking Castle surrounded by Lush Greenery and waterfalls cascading down to the lake this is where AI image generators really Excel and creating kind of imaginary images I think the mid Journey ones are still better they've kind of they look a little bit more advanced but both of them have done an incredible job I was impressed by how both of the AI image generators got the cascading waterfalls into a lake really well I thought that kind of longer prompt might be something that mid Journey would struggle with with but it didn't at all the next one is a futuristic citycape at night you can see again they've both done an incredible job here you got a very sci-fi vision of what a future world might look like the next one is an interesting use case we're creating a realistic mockup of a new fly fishing re so you can see that Dary is maybe not the best product like you've got two real seats here there's kind of the lines on one side but not on the other and the spokes are a little bit weird it's not massively useful for a designer trying to come up with a design for a new product in contrast this mid Journey's absolutely excelled it's created four products with different kind of styling and design which I think are amazing and the the the kind of the attention to detail and the the lighting and the actual materials used and the color schemes are really useful for someone doing this kind of work I think mid Journey has a little bit more ability to kind of get creative with this the next one is food presentation and we're going for a plate of lasagna with garlic be and like a Michelin star style mid dar almost completely useless you can't use this for anything um it's not going to help you when you're kind of Designing a presentation for a play and again mid Journey absolutely nailed it like you can use this you can see you can't provide deers for a Jew and uh peace brouts on your lasagna if that's what you're into the next one is a cartoon character we got a computer program here blonde hair and blue eyes you can see dar's come up with this image which is very usable you can cut this out on a white background it's pretty kind of efficient effective it's something you could use in kind of a business setting to kind of put on an avatar or something like that in contrast to that you can see that mid jour's images are like straight out of a Pixar movie they're just light years ahead in terms of quality the rendering the lighting it really is a very very impressive end product so from these tests I come to the conclusion that darly is very very capable and it's accelerating at a faster Pace than mid journey I think the integration of the large language model can do things that mid Journey just can't whether that be iterating on images or taking a long article and saying create an illustration for this it can use a large language model to then break that down into a prompt and generate an effective image mid Journey can't do that you have to put more time and effort into creating the prompts but I think end product with mid Journey for most examples particularly things that have like a creative aspect or an artistic aspect it's just a slightly higher quality if you're using it in a business setting you probably don't need mid Journey as much CU you're not looking for that artistic style if you're can to create vectors and icons and logos and that kind of thing then probably Dary is a better product for you if you want something that is Artistic and creative and in my opinion the most capable AI image generator then certainly mid journey is well worth the subscription price hope you found this video useful and it's provide us some insights into the leading two AI image generators thank you for watching
Channel: James Bachini
Views: 1,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blockchain, Crypto, DeFi, Decentralized Finance, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum, BTC, ETH
Id: mf1kWjzlsqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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