DALLE-3 Masterclass 2024: Basic to Advance Prompting Tutorial

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tired of staring at a black canvas wish you could paint your wildest streams with just a few words so yeah say goodbye to brush Stokes and hello to a new era of creation soy everyone welcome back to Skiller where we post daily videos on new cutting is Technologies so in this video we're going to talk about D E3 the air tool that's turning imagination into reality so you don't forget everything you thought you knew about art because D E3 doesn't just draw it basically bends reality defies physic and paints your wild streams into stunning detail so in this video are we going to talk about all the features of di 3 whicher image Generation image analysis editing images aspect ratios and text generation and not only that I'm going to also be telling you the perfect prom formula that you require in order to create the perfect images in di 3 and also all of his parameters and modifiers as well and also at the end I'm going to be telling you guys the perfect prompt examples for all of the categories of the images such is realistic uh portraits logos 3D rers anime characters and Landscapes so yeah this the paintbrush grab your keyboard and join me on this mindbending journey into the future of art so yeah this is D 3 ad is going to change everything so without further Ado let's just jump right into it all right so first of all if you talk about di 3 so di 3 is a powerful AI tool that uses text prompts to generate stunning realistic images uh you don't think of it as a magic paint brush controlled by you know just works you simply describe what you want to see and D E3 VIPs up a unique visual interpretation for you guys on that all right so if you want to access or setup D3 you just need to go ahead and go to your Google Chrome and type in over here D E3 and this will basically direct you to the open AI website where you can access D3 without any problem but make sure you got the plus version of Chad GPD which is $20 per month and in that you can get access to GPD 4 browse create and use gpds and additionally uh to tools like di browsing Advanced Data analysis so you know for today's video our main focus is going to be Del so if you want to access Del you need to make sure you got the plus version of Chad gbd with you all right all right and after that uh if you are into the website of D3 so this will basically be the interface so you can see we have lots of images that people have already created so you can look into that as well and then you can see we have try in chat gbd so you need to go ahead and click on that and this will basically direct you to d e which is inside of Chad GPT plus all right and over here you can see this is quite a simple interface where you got let me turn your imagination into imagery by Chad gbt and then we have message over here you will type in your prompts and then we have a pin sign as well through which you can go ahead and upload images to uh d e as well and it will basically you know generate the response out of that based on the image of right okay all right so now let's talk about some of the features of D E3 so you know the first one on our list is image generation so you know with Ali 3 you simply type in description and what the AI generates an image that can be as wild or as realistic as you desire okay but you know the magic lies in how you word your prompt so let's just say if I go to D E3 and I type in a simple prompt here which is a cat dancing in a jungle wearing a safari hat so you know this is a very basic prompt so I'm going to show you uh the output for that in a minute and I'm also going to be demonstrating a few more things so let's just go ahead and wait for this output first of all all right so here are the images of the cat dancing joyfully in a jungle while wearing a safari hat so you know this looks like a quite a beautiful image of a cat dancing in a jungle wearing a safari hat so this was a very basic prompt but you know what we can go ahead and you know I trade The Prompt and get more better results out of that as well so how can you do that so if I go ahead and open the first picture and over here you can see we have download option and we have an i button over here okay so if I can can go ahead and click on that so now the D E3 also tells you the perfect prompt for the image okay so you know this is the prom that you can go ahead and copy it so this image basically belongs to that exactly prom so we have a Whimsical scene ofat daning joyfully in a dense jungle setting then you have the cat fluffy and orange with distinctive Stripes so you know in this prompt we have more and more details into that right so what this means is if you want to go ahead and create images in D E3 need to be more and more like efficient more and more fluid with your prompts right so you need to provide more and more details into the prom in order to get like good perfect images so here is what our prompt formula arises which is the most important thing while creating images in D E3 all right so the prom formula for creating images with d E3 involves crafting a detailed and specific description to guide the image generation process so uh you know the effectiveness of a prom greatly depends on how well it can work ways inent in scenes as well as objects tle and mood so here's a basic structure you can follow so first of all in the prom formula you need to provide the subject which clearly describes a main subject of the image so this could be like a person animal object landscape or any focal point then the next thing you need to provide in your prom formula is environment or background so you know detail the setting or background where the subject is place so this could be like indoors Outdoors fantasy space or anything and the third thing you need to provide in your PR formula is style and mve so you need to specify the artistic style like you know impassion is surreal photo realistic or anything like that then you need to provide color scheme so if specific colors are important mention them otherwise Del e will choose colors that it thinks fit best okay so you can provide a color scheme if you want then you have additional details so you can include any other specific elements you want in the image like certain objects better conditions time of day or Etc and lastly you need to provide diverse and inclusive description you know when describing people uh so it is very important to include specific genders and descents to ensure diversity okay so now I'll provide you a perfect example of a prod which contains everything in that for our formula okay so we have a Serene landscape of an ancient overgrown Forest at Sunrise the light is soft and golden filtering through the dense foliage a small Crystal Clear stream bins through the forest The Stylist would realistic and the predominant colors of green and gold with hints of Blue from the stream in the foreground a wise looking middle-age black woman in a green Rob is sitting peacefully by the stream reading a book okay so check out the detail in the prompt and this prompt basically contains everything that I told you in a prom formula so we have first of all subject which is Forest and then the setting which is anxious Forest at Sunrise okay and then we have the setting which is anxious Forest at Sunrise which is right over here you guys can see then we have artistic style which is a photo realistic which you can see right over here and then we have provided the color scheme which is green gold and blue right you can see over here as well then additional details are stream woman reading a book and then you know includes a diverse human description like middleaged black woman so if I can go ahead and hit enter and let's see like how well it will perform now with a perfect prompt formula that contains literally everything that we provided okay so let's just wait for that all right so take take a look at this so now these images are absolutely beautiful so you know we have an old man which is like Photo real estate image and we have everything that we want in our image so if you can go ahead and check out the prompt that it generated through gbd4 so here you guys can see so this promt looks uh quite a bit similar to what we provided so that means we are playing absolutely perfect uh with d E3 right now so this is a trick for you guys just you know be precise in your prompts just Prov wi subject environment style and mood color scheme additional details diverse and enclosure descriptions in your prompts and put it in D E3 and you know you will get the perfect results from D E3 like without any problem all right all right so if I go ahead and provide you one more example of uh some portrait of an old man so which contain everything that I just mentioned you of our prompt formula so I'm just going to go ahead and uh input in my prompt which is create a highly detailed close-up portrait of an elderly South Asian man with a gentle expression he has deep thoughtful eyes a wide beard and a WEA Skin showing the marks of age is very traditional usually embroidered CA in shades of deep red and gold the background should be simple dark blur setting to keep the focus on his face the p style is classical reminiscent of renissance paintings with soft natural lighting so it basically contains everything of her prom formula so if I can go ahead and hit enter so you'll see in a minute like how well it will perform with our new prom formula okay all right so take a look at these images you guys so these are absolutely perfect just according to the details that we provided uh in our prom so it is a closeup portrait of a elderly South Asian man with a gentle expression so it is right he's a deep thoughtful eye so you guys can see in the first image it is absolutely perfect for that then we have is wearing a traditional richly embroided CA in shades of deep red and gold so this looks perfect X well the portrait is classical uh set of reation painting with soft natural lighting so yeah this is the soft natural lighting and it was said you should have a full white beer so it's absolutely perfect right so if I can go ahead and see the promt for this as well so you guys can see uh we got the same prompt as per of gbd4 as well so which means we are going absolutely perfect in our di 3 so this is the form formula for you guys just you know uh make sure to keep these things in your mind and next time no matter what you're going to create the perfect images from D E3 like without any problem all right all right so another cool feature about a d E3 is image reimagination so now what you can do is you can basically go ahead and upload images to D E3 and you can reimagine them as well so for that you need to go ahead and click on this Ain option and it will direct you to your file explorer you can go ahead and upload any image let's just say I want to upload this image uh so this is basically you can see uh an image of some Urban area so to be exact this is Germany right uh so now I'm just going to go ahead and type in my prom to Del that can you recreate this image but in a strange Universe where everything is made up of vegetables so now it will basically take in my prompt with this image and it will basically uh go ahead and reimagine this image that I have told uh you know D to do to in a strange Universe where everything is made up of vegetable so let's just go ahead and wait for that all right so take a look at these images right these are absolutely perfect so you know this was our image of an urban area so now Del basically has converted these images to uh cityscape transform into a world where everything is made up of vegetables right so this is how basically uh the image reimagination feature Works in D E3 all right all right so now let's talk about our next feature of D E3 which is image analysis so now what you can do is you can upload uh images in D E3 that I just told you guys and you can take descript itions from D E3 you know like it showed the prompt earlier that I told you so let's just say if I go ahead and upload any image of a painting that I have with me which is right over here so this is a picture of a painting So if I go ahead and prom D E3 that act as a curator at a world known Museum can you tell us about this painting okay so uh in image analysis uh it's really a good trick to use act as before your prompt okay so this way he will basically use gbd4 and act as that particular person in order to demonstrate that image to you guys like more and more effectively okay so let's just go ahead add hit enter and see like what description is going to provide me for this painting as acting as a curator all right all right so take a look at this you guys you know by acting as a curator at a world-known museum it's saying this painting depicts a stilized coastal scene at sunset or Sunrise characterized by its bold contracts and vibrant color palette the composition is relatively simple yet evocative the focus is uh on a s hold of a lighthouse standing on the edge of a dark shine so basically he's providing me all the details uh that you can get out of this painting you know yet this painting was really really simple just uh uh like a beat side with some Tower Moon and just you know birds are flying on the top but you know acting as a curator obviously you can get lots of Knowledge from this image and the amazing feature of D E3 which is image analysis just did that acting as a curator all right all right so the next next feature that we're going to talk about in di 3 is editing images with d 3 so you got your image but it's not perfect yet don't worry because di tree also allows for post generation editing so let me show you how you can uh tweak colors adjust elements and transform your images into pure masterpieces all right all right so let's just say if I go to a DI 3 and I prompt uh here to create me a portrait of a young man in mid 20s with city background so as you know uh this prompt is very very short I don't recommend you guys to go with this from but you know this is just an analysis of how you can edit images uh with d E3 so I'm just going to go ahead and prompt this to d e and let me just go ahead and wait for the output first of all all right so take a look at these image so you know this is a portrait of a young mad m20s with CD background so this looks uh absolutely perfect so if I can go ahead and let's just say I want to edit this image and I want the background now to be some kind of a rural area and uh you know I want to add something in in the background or some kind of tweaks in the image so I surely uh can do that with d E3 so I provide a prompt again to can you add a faint image of the Rising Sun in the background for the first image so I want you know uh to edit the first image and change the background to rural area so let's just see uh whether D E3 will help us do the changes that we want in our image or not all right so take a look at this so you know it basically added a faint image of the Rising Sun in the background and change the background to rural area so you know the portrait has been updated with the changes that I requested so you know this is how basically you can go ahead and addit your images so you can literally go ahead and do that you can change the subject even as well so that's s flexible the d e has become now so you know it has changed the background to rural area we have the Rising Sun in the background now so yeah this was a new amazing feature of D E3 which is editing images okay all right so now let's talk about uh the aspect ratios like how you can change the aspect ratios in your D E3 so you know aspect ratio might seem a bit technical but they are critical in framing your art so whether it's a wide landscape or a detail portrait choosing the right aspect ratio can dramatically change your images impact okay so as you guys can see right over here so this is an portrait image so if I want I can change this image into a landscape all right so let me just go ahead and tell you like how exactly can you do that so I'm just going to prompt D E2 can you change this image uh to landscape aspect ratio so let me just go ahead and see whether it will do that for me or not all right so take a look at this image you guys so you know it has basically changed the aspect ratio of this image from portrait to landscape and you know not only that it has also kept the details you know the Serene behind that like uh the landscape art everything it has extend that detail so that you know uh you can get lots of information in that landscape photo okay so as you guys can see the person is the same and we have uh like similar guide of clothing of the person uh same face same smile same expression but now uh with like extended background in our image okay so the background is exactly the same you can see we have like green fields with sunrise and you know just we have more detail now in our landscape image instead of this portrait one right all right so the next feature that we're going to talk about is text generation in images okay so now with text generation in images so you can incorporate text element into the images it generates right so this can be done like in various ways you can either uh embed text into scenes or you can do it in styze text like text as part of the objects or imaginative Tex display so these are various ways so let's just uh test out this feature and see how effective it is uh so let's just say if I go to my um D E3 and I type in my prom which is an old cozy Bookshop with wooden shelves filled with antique books a sign hanging above the door inside reads open in elegant vintage script okay so uh this is basically my text that I want in my image and I provided everything you know the setting the scene the mood the Stout so it will be an old cozy book shop it would a sh filled with antique books a sign hanging above the door inside reads open in aligan winage script okay so now let's just go ahead and hit enter to see the output like whether it will generate the tax in your images like actively or not all right so here you go you guys so now we have an old cozy Bookshop with wooden shell filled with antique books a sign hanging above the door inside R open in elegant vintage script so I think for text generation in images like d E3 is the perfect tool to go for because it provide literally the exact uh text that you want in your images okay so uh this was uh just an example of how you can you know integrate like simple one word tags into images so let's just say if I go ahead and provide like three to four words uh into the images like those kind of text so let's just see whether D E3 will be able to integrate those into into the images or not so let's just say if I go to my D E3 and I providing my prompt a busting futuristic citycape at night with TR ring skyscrappers in the foreground a large neon sign display the phrase welcome to the Future in bright glowing letters okay so these are like three to four words now so uh firstly we had only one word so D E3 was able to integrate that very effectively so now let's just see whether D E3 will be able to integrate this into uh the image or not all right so here you go uh guys so for the first image I cannot see any tags welcome to the future but if I go to my next image so we have like some kind of text which is welcome to the Future so you know I think we have some typos over here so no problem we can go ahead and rectify these types by typing in a prompt once again so I can go ahead and write in the second image please rectify the typo and write Welcome To The Future fure let's just go ahead and hit enter like see whether D3 will able to rectify that or not all right so now take a look at this image so now in our image we have the exact scene that we wanted for our image which was you know uh bustling of futurist Escape at KN with traving Sky scraped in the foreground a large neon sign to SL the phrase welcome to the Future in bright glowing letter so if I go ahead and open this picture so now we have the perfect uh text inner image which says welcome to the Future Okay so this is now you can go ahead and generate text into your images so let's just say if a d E3 does some typo don't worry at all you can just type in more and more promp like just keep on playing with a d E3 until you get your perfect text in your image all right all right so these were the features of D E3 now let's just go ahead and discuss some of the prompt parameters or modifiers uh that are really important for Effective prompting in D E3 so promp modifiers are basically keywords or phrases added to the based PR or uh to guide the AI in generating images that better align with specific requirements so you know these modifiers influence various aspects of let's just say the generated image such as it can be like subject style or quality or anything like that here are the six main types of prompt modifiers or parameters for you so first of all we have subject terms so subject terms are the wording that describes the main subject of the image so this can be uh a landscape add a dawn so then we have style modifiers so these are basically the references that direct the AI to create images in a particular artistic style for example like in the animation style of picture then the third one we have is image prompts then we have quality boosters reputations and Magic terms okay so these all are the six main types of prompt modifiers or parameters that are really important while prompting effectively in dial E3 so let me just go ahead and you know merge all of these prompt modifiers and parameters and do it in a single from okay so for that I'm just going to go ahead and go to my D E3 and Ultra Warden kitchen showcasing a Sleek stainless steel coffee machine rendered in a great great detail with a style reminiscent of modern architectural photography that would trend on the design blogs okay so this is the prom that contain all the prom modifiers so here you can see we have the subjec which is modern kitchen or coffee machine so these are the two subject terms and then we have the style mod fires which are reminiscent of modern architectural photography then we have quality boosters which are training on design blogs then we have repetition which is great great great detail so you know you can go ahead and use reputation as well if you want to get more and more enhanced quality so you know these all are very useful to produce a graphic that would you know otherwise take hours to create for you so let me just go ahead and click uh send message and see like what output D is going to provide me for that all right so take a look at this image you guys so this look absolutely perfect so we have a Ultra modern kitchen showcasing a Sleek a stainless coffee machine so this we have a coffee machine rendered in a great great great detail so you know we have great great great detail in this image no doubt then with the style reminic of modern architecture photography that would trend on design blogs so these kind of images you can simply go ahead and use in your blog so this is what our prompt modifiers or prompt parameters can do to our images okay all right so now comes the fun part I'll be providing some of the promt examples of every category that you want to generate images also I'll be providing prompt examples for realistic images portraits logos 3D randers anime characters and Landscapes as well all right so let's just say you want to create any images of those categories so in this section I'll be providing the perfect prompts that you can use in order to create like these kind of images with your first of all comes the realistic images so for that I'm just going to go ahead and go to my dial E3 and provideing a prompt let's just say a realistic image of an astronaut floating in space with Earth in the background capturing the reflection of the planet and the wiser of the helmet okay so in this prompt uh you can see it's short but it contains everything we have like the subject uh the object then we have setting mood style light each and everything in this prompt so if I can go ahead and hit enter let's just see the output for that all right so take a look at this realistic image so you know this is a guy in space this is an astronaut floating in space with Earth in the background so we have Earth in the background over here as you guys can see and then it's capturing the reflection of the planet in the visor of the helmet so you know this looks absolutely perfect it's as realistic as it gets okay so let's just say if I provide one more PR for this category which is realistic images so this time I am writing a photo realistic image of a chef of a Hispanic day decent in a bustling restaurant kitchen expertly garnishing a dish with fresh herbs okay so let's see the output for this one now all right so take a look at this realistic image so this is a chef who is uh in a has spaning decent in a bustling restaurant kitchen expertly garnishing a brish with fresh her so this look as realistic as it gets okay all right so now let's come to our next example which are portraits okay so for that let's just say if you want to create any uh portrait L of Renaissance style or modern artist portrait so you can do that very easily I'll be providing you the for that so let's just say I write a portrait in the style of Renaissance paintings depicting a woman of Middle Eastern decent with integrate clothing and a Serene expression set against a dark Moody background so let's see the output for this one now all right so here we have a portrait in a style of Renaissance paintings depicting a woman of Middle Eastern decent with ingrate clothing and a Serene expression set against a dark Moody background so you know uh through these perfect prompts you can get exceptional portraits of any human being or any person you like okay so now let's jump to the logos and for the logos let's just say I want to have a eco-friendly brand logo or a tech startup logo so I'll be telling you prompts for both of these categories so for the eco-friendly brand logo I'll be providing a prompt a clean model logo for an eco-friendly brand incorporating a green leaf and a water droplet symbol with a brand name Eco Ence in a SLE font okay so our logo will contain this name and it will be a green leaf with water droplet okay so let's just see the output for this one now okay so check out these images so we have a clean mod logo for an eco-friendly blank incorporating a green leaf and water droplet symbol so this is exactly what we're looking for with Eco Ence as our logo title okay so now uh with Del through you can also create logos without any problem so let's just say if you want to create another logo for a tech startup business so you can do that very easily so I'll be providing a problem like a futuristic logo for a tech startup named Quantum core combining a stylized q and an atam symbol in shades of blue and silver so let's just see the outbut for this one now all right so here we go we have a futuristic logo of a starded man Quantum course carbonizing a stz cube and an atom symbol in the shades of blue and silver so for that these logos look absolutely perfect okay so now let's jump uh to our next category which are 3D renders and let's just say I want to create a futuristic car design a 3D render of that so I'll be providing a promt like a 3D render of a futuristic electric sports car sleek and aerodynamic glowing LED accents showcased on a rotating display platform okay uh let's just see what kind of 3D renders uh the Dell E3 can provide me with this amazing prompt okay all right so take a look at this this is a 3D render of futuristic electric sports car sleek and aerodynamic with glowing LEDs as you guys can see showcasing rotating display plat for that these images look absolutely perfect especially the second one okay all right so now let's jump to the anime character so as you guys know like anime characters are the hardest job for any tool to do in order to create those kind of images but del3 is really smart in that I'll telling you guys how it can effectively do that for you so I'll be providing in my prom which is an anime style character a young female warrior with long flowing blue hair and armor wielding a Crystal Sword standing at top a wind swept Cliff okay let's just see the output for this prom now all right so take a look at these images you guys so these are absolutely perfect and anime style character a young female Warrior so these animes looks absolutely perfect okay so let's test one more example for our anime charactors and this time I'll be providing a steam punk inverter type of example so I'll provideing my prom which is an anime depiction of a male inventor in a steam bang atre complete with goggles and a mechanical arm working in a workshop full of gears and steam powered machines okay so let's just go ahead and uh see what kind of anime character now it will generate for this description okay all right so take a look at these amazing animes right so these look absolutely perfect no doubt at all so these animes are exactly what we wanted so our description was an a depiction of a male inventor in a steam buang attire complete with goggles so we have goggles over here and a mechanical arm so we have mechanical arm in both of the images so this is perfect and the other description that we put was working in a workshop full of gears and steam powered machines so if you look closely this is a workshop of machines and you know those arms that we want so you know uh for anime character or anime style designing I think for today's date D E3 is a perfect tool you can try for anime character generation okay all right so now last but not least we have the amazing category of Landscapes so let's just go ahead and try some of the landscape examples for you so let's say first all I provide uh an example of Mountain sunrise so we have a breathtaking landscape showing a sunrise or a peaceful mountain range with vibrant colors in the sky and a trenle lake in a forr reflecting the scenery okay this is see the out for this one now all right so take a look at these images so we have landscape that we exactly wanted from our promp so this is a breath diing landscape showing a sunrise over peaceful mountain range which is absolutely perfect with vibrant colors in the sky and a track Lake in a foreground reflecting the scenery okay all right so now let's try a last example of an alien planet exploration for that I'll be providing a prompt a science fiction landscape of an alien planet featuring exotic vegetation floating rocks and a distant view of multiple moons in the sky under a purple and green Aurora okay let's just see the output for this one now all right so check out these images you know these Landscapes look absolutely perfect so we have a science fiction landscape of an alien planet featuring exotic vegetation floating rocks as you guys can see a distant view of multiple moons in the sky which is absolutely perfect under a purple and green Aurora okay so for this prompt uh these images are absolutely perfect for the context right so there you go these are all the prompts that you need to create perfect images for all the categories these prompts are tailored to help D E3 generate detailed and specific images in each of these categories you know leveraging his strength and creating diverse realistic and imaginative view like doesn't matter which one you want okay all right so there you have it guys we have reached the end of our journey into the world of D E3 but you know this is just a beginning of yours the tools are in your hands the C a and the possibilities are INF finite so yeah I hope you guys like this detailed explanation of D E3 and I hope to see you guys in some other one until until L take care bye-bye
Channel: SkillCurb
Views: 7,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Use DALL.E 3, tutorial, youtube, dall e 3, dalle 3, ai art, dall-e 3, ai art generator, artificial intelligence, ai image generator, dall e 3 ai, Dall-e 3 demo, ai masterclass, ai tools, best ai image generator, chatgpt 4 dalle 3, chatgpt dalle 3, chatgpt plus dalle 3 tutorial, dall e 3 access, dall e 3 chatgpt, dall e 3 prompts, dall-e 3 prompts, dalle 3 chatgpt, dalle 3 masterclass, dalle 3 prompt, dalle 3 tutorial, how to use dalle 3, use dalle 3
Id: wdaxa9B4zto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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