[SSBU] Smash's Strongest Projectile

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this is shot putut it's me Brawler's only projectile and it's one of three choices you can have for a neutral special alongside flashing mock punch and being a simple ball that travels in an arc it resembles the projectiles held by Mario or Pikachu these moves are useful both offensively and defensively which give these otherwise short-range characters something to do from a distance unfortunately shot putts Frame data leaves it not so blessed whereas these projectiles come out fast and finish in well under a second shotput takes about 50% longer to start and over a second to [Music] finish this slowness makes shotput hard to use a neutral as it provides more than enough time for the opponent to see what you're up to and close in this is made even easier by the fact that brawler throws the ball over his head allowing for smaller even normal size characters to run directly forward for a punish so if shotput isn't useful approaching or defending what's it supposed to be used for well looking at the damage values of these kinds of projectiles most do we solid 7% damage or so pichu's T jolt stands out doing a sizable 12 shot putut does 18 18 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh as it turns out to nobody's surprised an 18% projectile is incredible for edgeguarding a tool like this would be good on anyone but it's especially good on Brawlers who's pretty restricted in his offstage game it's not to say that he can't EDG guard but being threatening from this far away is a luxury that any fighter would appreciate better yet shotput will only lose power if it hits a wall or a floor unlike other projectiles that get weaker over time and because this thing Falls faster than every other Fireball brawler can bring the full thread of shot put almost anywhere he wants and let's just be honest waiting for the opponent to get back to the ledge is boring downtime sucks I'm not waiting for someone to get back I paid money to play the game even when someone's deep off stage shot provides the opportunity to apply heavy pressure from a great great distance and when I said brawler can put this thing anywhere he wants I me it stages like what the hell that as we said before brawler doesn't shoot the ball in front of him but overhead this might seem like a cosmetic thing but it gives shot putut some immediate reach that the other projectiles just don't get if Mario wanted to put a fireball here he would have to shoot along this path either way closer or way higher up the Absurd damage and speed forces an insane degree of respect on the part of the opponent this can put players into uncomfortable courses back on stage where they're more vulnerable to being hit by you like take a look at this clip I just got this Cloud off stage and having nothing better to do I throw out a shot butt Cloud sees it coming sees his damage knows that he absolutely cannot take that hit and does everything he can to avoid it I respond with an F tilt throwing him back off stage and Chuck another ball at him Cloud now with no jump and seeing the shot but lining up with the drift again realizes that air dodging might put him too low to recover his forced into to spending limit early I respond with an up smash Cloud dies and I win of course players aren't restricted to just air Dodge and jump some may try to time their Aerials or recoveries to Clank with shot put and avoid the damage this can work pretty well as long as the move is strong [Music] enough I need to explain something here if two moves base damage is within 9% of each other then they cancel out any greater and the stronger one wins note that I said base damage that's because in a 1 V one all damage is multiplied by 1.2 so the 9% rule becomes more of a 10.8% rule in practice if you ever want to know moves base damage ult Frame data list the non- multiplied value under the moves also this number is affected by staling but anyways shot put doing like a billion damage asks a lot of anything it comes into contact with if if the damage of whatever it's hitting isn't over 7.2 it's going to overpower this is surprisingly demanding and not a lot of recoveries clear the bar unless you really know what you're doing trying to clink with shot putt is a risky play that could just get you killed so more mobile characters opt to move around it instead this rule doesn't just apply off stage by the way take a look at this technique the blizz wall this is how Ice Climbers stuff out approaches from short- range characters and it's really hard for most of them to deal with shot putt however is a beast by taking advantage of shot put's massive damage difference you can force Ice Climbers to actually play the game and have I mentioned it's just fun to hit this thing the craziest part is that all this time I've only been talking about the moves intended purpose I haven't even gotten into all the weird that happens when it hits the floor earlier on I mentioned that shot put gets weaker when it hits the surface but I didn't go into what a weak shot put is so when shot putut bounces two things happen to it one its damage and knockback are reduced hard like a bounced ball barely sends off stage hard the most obvious application of a weak low knockback projectile is to start combos which brawler has no shortage of but because of shot puts Frame data these opportunities are less consistent setup and more it I got nothing else to do here two the invisible hert box turns on yeah something I haven't mentioned so far is that shotput has a hurt box like an actual takes attacks hurt box now do you know the amount of stupid that being able to spawn a HT box enables it's not even like I don't believe it or not there are actually some situations where it's better to have the ball be dead for instance samus's Max charge neutral be overpowers shot putt because of the 9% rule shot putt just doesn't do enough damage to tank it however look at what happens when we bounce shot put yep shot put despite doing even less damage tanked charge shot this is because when shot putut is weak moves stop interacting with the hit box and instead interact with its heart box when this happens you can pretty much throw the 9% Ru out of the window it wouldn't matter if Char shot did two or 200 damage because it's programmed to despawn when it hits a hurt box this is also why Wolf's Blaster will ignore a normal shot put but despawn when it hits a weak one and that's just the beginning here's a lot of smaller interactions mid arms are programmed to rebound when they collide with a her box this means she has to move her arms around shot put even when it's not moving ram ram doesn't have this restriction though explosives and follow-ups trigger on her boxes which messes with interactions in unexpected ways in this clip I stop banjo from picking up his own grenade by blowing it [Music] up and in this clip I prematurely detonate Kaboom letting me ride the wind box while shielding normally hitting a bounce shot put disables its hitbox preventing it from doing any more damage but this only happens after the hit stop meaning that multi- hits can keep shot put perpetually active as long as there aren't any gaps between hits you can set this up reliably against piranha plant just throw a ball into poison cloud and it becomes off limits to him you can also do this against PK Fire but it's a lot more [Music] unreliable to cap off the video here's what's probably the most absurd precise and impractical shot putut technique ever the shot Parry remember how shot put takes forever to be drone well the projectile itself is actually spawned on frame one behind Brawler's head before firing it has all the same properties as when it's on the ground which means with proper timing and positioning projectiles can collide with the startup of the move this is silly on its own but that's not all for a true shot Parry get this interaction within the first few frames of shot putut startup and then be reverse if done correctly you'll throw the ball that was just used to ttin a projectile at the person who just fired it I have never seen this done in bracket [Music] [Applause]
Channel: FireThePyro
Views: 849,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SSBU, Super Smash Bros, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Ultimate, Ult, Mii Brawler, Smash Mii Brawler, FireThePyro, Competitive, Gaming, shot put, Projectile
Id: B5XaIXyhKfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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