The History of Infinite Combos in Smash

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[Music] it's like weird cuz whenever like that brings it back I mean I was about to say oh my God fighting games in their simplest form are very easy to understand try to hit your opponent without getting hit yourself and whoever gets more hits in deals more damage and eventually wins the game the most effective way to maximize the damage you get from a single hit are combos why hit your opponent only once when you can do so multiple times one hit leads to the next and the next and the next ramping up the damage more and more impossible for your opponent to escape until the combo ends this is the essence of fighting games and if you want to get good at them you have to learn combos or even find new ones yourself the longer they are the more damage they deal and the higher your chances of winning so naturally the Holy Grail of such a game is to find a specific combination of attacks that can go on forever an infinite combo well technically since in traditional fighting games the combo ends once the health bar is drained they are not infinite combos in the literal sense but there is a game that does not work with health bars Super Smash Bros Smash was always different from traditional Fighters with more freedom of movement bigger stages and much higher launch rides smash defined a new video game genre the 2D platform fighter but despite all of its differences it still had a lot of parallels to traditional Fighters like the principle of using combos to win and again the longer the combo the better better for you but there is one key difference when it comes to combos in Smash they change over the course of a match as you accumulate damage the distance you fly from getting launched increases so while a string of attacks might work at low percent or even seem like an infinite at higher percent that same string might not connect anymore but of course players always find a [Music] way one of the most famous and notorious infinite from the good old days is ice climber's Chain Grab in melee and braw often also called handoff combos one climber throws you right into the hands of the next one and so on and so forth where knockback doesn't really matter because you don't fly anywhere anyways in melee there is also a trick called wobbling where I simply use the pmel attack and forward tilt in the right Rhythm while holding someone in a grab which is inescapable for their opponent not sure if you would call that a combo but it is definitely infinite other chain grabs would also last a while but weren't quite infinite a really fun combo in Brawl allowed Marth to Simply regrab NES and Lucas after a grab release forever also a mechanic in Brawl were jab loocks if you missed a tech and got reset by a weak attack not just would you be forced to stand up afterwards but the lock could be repeated over and over again infinite well until you ran out of room on the stage but metanite could could lock you with down Tils and even turn around at the edge of the stage making this a true INF well only as long as the present weren't too high but enough to take a stock Smash 4 introduced custom moves giving every character three additional custom specials to choose from some of these also allowed for infinite combos although most of the time cust moves were not allowed in tournaments foot stol combos became a thing around that time as well and while they often didn't last forever they could go on for pretty long from a game developer standpoint infinite combos are usually seen as a sign of bad game design while combos themselves have the purpose of making a game more fun and skillful if they become too long or repetitive it can negatively impact the gameplay experience especially for the one getting comboed so game defs always try to strike a balance between giving you enough tools for fun and exciting combos while not going overboard so that infinite combos become a thing that is especially true for Smash games over the years and many new iterations of Smash Sakurai and his team removed more and more tools that led to infinite combos in the past back in the days when a game was out it was done no patches no changes and that was true for all fighting games so the only thing developers could do was look at their previous game see what they overlooked or didn't like and change it for the next one in melee since the EU release was a few months after the na and Japan release they actually used that time to still make balance changes to the game resting ing in there being two slightly different versions of the game out at the same time regular balance patches only became a thing in 2014 with the release of Smash 4 and even those quickly stopped after all DLC characters were released same thing for their newest title smash ultimate the most obvious offenders chain grabs were made impossible with the release of Smash 4 in that game and smash ultimate after throwing or grab relasing someone they would become grab Invincible for one second indicated by a yellow flag mashing jab loocks also got nerfed and could only be done for a maximum of three times in Smash 4 before transitioning to a regular jab again in Smash ultimate jab blocks got nerfed again to only two Jabs and even after you lock your opponent they could still choose their escape option also starting in Ultimate foot stools could now be teched on the ground never allowing you to get any true resets after an aerial foot stool so after all these changes and fixes which infinite combos are actually still in the game there are a few obvious ones in doubles there are lots of Team combinations that have infinite combos during a two versus one situation double NES can bounce their opponent back and forth forever using p magnet because that move still has low knockback even at high percent R's Focus attack allows for a few different combos to Loop infinitely since the stun doesn't launch opponents and one of the most stylish infinites is this grab loop with Bowser and Falco despite team attack being active Bowser's command grab pulls his opponent into Falco's laser interrupting the grab weirdly this grab doesn't trigger grab invincibility allowing Bowser to instantly regrab his victim repeating the lube over and over again in a competitive one versus one setting though there are many combos that seem like infinites at first but taking a closer look at them reveals them to be just pretty long combos or semi infinit Link's remote bomb is an amazing tool for comboing by Z dropping it he can combo out of and into the first hit of back air or Forward Air repeatedly but it won't work if the percent are too low another one the foot stool zrop Loop does work at low percent but not against all characters and also often not quite at 0% but even if it would work at any percent against all characters it has one big issue preventing it from being a true infinite the bomb's timer after around 30 seconds of being pulled the remote bomb will detonate by itself and there is nothing you can do to prevent that Isabelle has the probably simplest semi infinite in the game jab Loops or as we like to call them gummy Loops repeatedly jabbing an opponent usually pushes Isabelle and her opponent apart even on a ledge but if Isabelle walks forward between her Jabs for just a tiny moment she can continue jabbing her opponent at low percent she might only have a single frame to walk before she has to attack again but the higher the percent become the more time she gets in between her Jabs unfortunately for her at too much damage far into kill percent her opponent will start getting launched but even if they wouldn't there is a sneaky little mechanic in Ultimate that allows opponents to escape potentially infinite combos like that it seems that the dev team really didn't want you to get stuck somewhere forever if a grounded character gets hit 20 times in a row without the ability to escape the game allows them to SDI upwards SDI stands for smash directional influence and allows you to move your character a tiny bit during hit lag by inputting a direction in that same moment Isabelle's regular Jabs can only be SDI very slightly to the left or right but as soon as she hits that 20th jab it becomes possible to SDI the following Jabs upwards just enough for the character to fall out getting pushed apart while jabbing is the main reason why rapid Jabs can't simply be held forever that is even true for Luma but there is a very precise trick that lets Luma stay in place while rapid jabbing an opponent seemingly forever positioned right beside a ledge high enough so that a rapid jab will still hit an opponent standing there start a rapid jab with Luma facing away from the stage this has to be done after calling Luma back or else she will start falling during the attack lum's jab tries moving her opponent forward but because of the ledge they simply stay in place and the game will again want to push the two characters apart but instead of moving them into opposite directions it simply tries pushing Luma backwards birs even though her opponent is also behind her the stages wall doesn't allow Luma to move any further back so they are both stuck in place while Luma racks up more and more percent with her jab surprisingly this actually works and is impossible for her opponent to escape at first but once again after 20 hits upwards SDI comes into play allowing the comboed character to escape another combo only makes use of jab one and two with Luma untethered and positioned behind Rosalina after hitting the first two Jabs Rosalina has enough time to turn around and Jab her opponent once without Luma doing so as well this works because only Luma has the hit lag from the previous attack making her take longer to finish unable to perform another jab after the hit Rosalina turns back around and makes Luma start over the timing here is extremely strict and it doesn't work at low percent but it can go on for a long time until the percent get too high and the Jabs start launching the victim ices do and always have done everything together but whenever they join a new Smash title players quickly found ways to desync them so that one climber does one attack while the other does another naturally this can lead to a ton of crazy tricks and combos a lot of which can start at 0% and end with their opponent losing a stock and while combos like these are pretty cool they are not infinite but some do come close if ices desync in the right position and are able to hit their opponent with just one jab the other can can Dash forward and foot stool them right after she then air Dodges down while the first one Jabs again into another foot stool into another jab slowly but surely racking up damage now this only works on a few characters that have a low enough foot stool animation but even so there is another problem with this combo ice climers have to move forward ever so slightly to make it work you will reach a ledge at some point forcefully ending the combo there is another similar Ice Climbers combo that only works on four characters and also makes use of foot stooling against Game and Watch Kirby and Daisy it's really hard to do but against jiggly puff it's very doable after desyncing again hit up til with one climber jump up with the second and again footo the opponent at the very end of the up til before they even get launched quickly air Dodge down repeat the up til and so on and so forth most characters fall too fast after the foot stool and can simply Tech on the ground before the next uptil comes out but floaty ones can't and even though ices do move backwards slightly while doing this it is possible to turn the combo around if the ledge comes too close despite being really simple and only working on four characters this combo might actually be a true infinite if it wasn't for one weird little mechanic it seems that at really high percent the fall speed after getting foot stooled starts to increase until even the floatiest characters can te on the ground before the next uptil comes out Joker has has a very famous semi- infinite the drag down up air Loop sometimes also called left fubble when catching an opponent on a platform with a drag down up air Joker can simply repeat the same attack over and over for some time but it only starts being true if the percent are high enough and if they become too high the drag down becomes techable Loops like these that repeat for a while but not forever are not that uncommon petu has lightning Loops using its back air to drag opponents back down after knocking them up Sora can use the first two hits of neutral or Forward Air to keep his opponents in place for quite a while and kazuya's electric wind godfist combos into pretty much everything anyways and when used jointly with crouching jab it makes for a pretty nice loop at low to mid per but all of these stop working at higher percent kazuya has another interesting Loop that only uses crouching jab while using his Crouch Dash mechanic in between the hits the movement during this combo is so precise that it is considered a Tas only combo Taz originally stands for Tool assisted speedrun but in the context of non-sp speedrun situations it can also mean tool assisted super playay for smash combos it means that they were executed either not by humans or by humans that had assistance from tools in this video by gimmer lab he used the onef frame option of training mode to advance the game frame by frame instead of at real time but even if this combo would be humanly possible at some point kazuya runs out of space on the stage an electric could help him turn around a wall might also do the trick but still once the damage is too high both electric and the crouching jab will launch his opponent too far to continue the combo there is a Taz combo that doesn't have this problem though Steve's down til Loop if Steve uses down tilt while standing on a block and the block breaks apart his down tilt will get cancelled and he can act immediately after a block breaks Steve can't instantly build another one in that same position but if he stands at the very edge of it he can build another one next to it and move over before falling then Steve has to mine the block for just a bit while repositioning himself start the next down tilt before the previous one runs out and build another block if he keeps repeating this over and over again his opponent will not be able to escape even STI doesn't work against this attack because the inputs of building moving Mining and attacking with the exact right time ing are so precise this is considered to be impossible for humans to do for more than just a few hits but even if theoretically possible and even though it works at any percent there is one Last Detail that prevents it from being a true infinite combo while building Steve slowly runs out of material until the combo inevitably stops but task combos can get way more ridiculous in this clip Peach cancels her jump with a float while Z dropping and Z catching a turnup over and over again constantly hitting her opponent with it it only works with a stitch face or dot eye the two strongest turnips because stronger turnips apply more hit lag freezing the opponent in place until the next hit comes out this combo racks up immense damage really quick but needs inhuman speed and precision to work and while it looks like an infinite at first the turnip like most other character items actually has a lifespan that slowly Runs Out each time Peach releases it for a tiny moment until it finally despawns sending her victim off into Oblivion banjo has an equally ridiculous trick with kazui out and ready to fire press forward and shoot an egg using a smash input with the sea stick after three frames hold into the other direction for a frame push the ca stick into the other direction for a frame and then turn around again shoot using the C stick like before wait three more frames and keep repeating the sequence to turn kazui into a machine gun as you might have guessed these inputs require way too much speed for any regular human to do consistently but still when it comes to being infinite STI once again breaks this combo as you can just move away until you are Out Of Reach from the projectiles looking back at brawl there was a true infinite that worked at any percent and lasted forever Diddy Kong's banana locks because his bananas didn't have knockback and stayed active for as long as he continuously used them these comos were inescapable and had no end in Ultimate even though Diddy can only spawn one banana at a time which also despawns after two hits players somehow still found a way to use it for this combo set up over over is he going to done I have Fai catch an opponent on a platform with a banana pull as they trip and the banana bounces up jump catch and rethrow the banana downwards since the banana despawns with that hit you you can now drop through the platform and instantly spawn the next one to complete the loop no STI no timer no material needed finally we found a 100% true infinite combo in Smash ultimate is what I would say if it hadn't been patched out in version 8.0.0 since then Diddy has to wait longer before being able to pull another banana making this infinite combo impossible kazuya got a similar treatment against inkling and a few others he can call a foot stool into the side special crumple next he would foot stool the crumpled character again and repeat the process forever but the patch for version but only almost and with that we return to a character that already made an appearance earlier in the video at the beginning we talked about nessa's 2V1 infinite in doubles Well turns out that NES actually doesn't even need a teammate to pull it off as I said before the knockback of his aerial down special doesn't scale with damage so whether his opponent is at 0% or at 999 doesn't matter matter here's how it works if NES uses down special right after double jumping forward he keeps a lot of the jumps momentum while surrounding himself with a low knockback hit box When jumping into an opponent the P magnet can hit twice before NES lands allowing NES to instantly jump double jump and down special again for another two hits and so on once again he will run out of space on the stage at some point but he too is able to turn around NES can jump forward foot his opponent and double jump forward while B reversing his down special taking all the momentum with him and reversing the combo into the other direction all of that is very hard to do but it is definitely humanly possible the one drawback is that this combo also doesn't work against all characters some simply fall out before the second pagnet hit and against a few others it's not really possible to turn [Music] around Aya incor Charizard and Ganondorf are special cases where NES has to hit pagnet three times after turning around in order to continue but aside from these details this sequence when executed correctly is a true infinite combo the history of infinite combos is incredibly interesting but doesn't have a final chapter yet players all over the world are still playing practicing and looking for more optimal ways to win seriously this game is so big that there may still be more infinites out there either waiting to be discovered or already discovered by some but not made public knowledge semi infinites sure but if we missed some actual true infinite combos please let us know in the comments we would love to see them thank you for watching see you soon and stay beefy way that's it that's how it ends [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Beefy Smash Doods
Views: 111,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, gaming, best video game console, new console, super smash bros, smash ultimate, nintendo switch, guide, tutorial, esports, fighting games, learn to play, best combos, controller, handheld consoles, cloud strife, pikachu, samus, super mario, gaming chair, pro gamer, competitive, how to be a pro, cartoon, graphics, video game review, cfive, vyq, beefy smash doods, infinite, infinites, combo, history, kazuya, patch, diddy kong, ness, footstool, tech, TAS, long combo, melee, brawl, smash 4
Id: 9dr7sRhMBlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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