Dash Back Canceling - Smash Ultimate Universal Movement Tech

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looks like this is dashback cancelling [Music] what is dashback cancelling there are two main principles that play here initial Dash animation every character in Ultimate has a certain number of frames after dashing before they're allowed to act this number ranges from as quickly as eight frames for characters like Corin and Chic all the way up to 16 frames for Robin this number determines how safe your dashes as it indicates how quickly you'd be able to Shield if you needed to since shielding is a frame one option this means that at best every time you do one dash dance back and forth for one rep there's at least 16 frames during that cycle you are completely vulnerable 32 frames if your character's name is Robin that's a lot of frames second principle is using up with tap jump turned off to walk this is actually a technique I've been emphasizing izing in my own play for the past year holding up on the control stick and rolling it left or right will allow you to have way more control over walking and turning around without ever having the risk of accidentally dashing this removes the risk of adding those unsafe frames I just mentioned in the first principle so how do you do a dashback cancel well first you have to have tap jump turned off then simply input dashback without ever resetting the stick to neutral roll the stick to up then roll it to forward if you've done this right it'll initiate a turnaround on your first actionable frame out of a dashback if you want to walk on the first possible frame simply hold the forward Direction instead of letting go of the stick this means you're basically doing a half circle motion starting from back and rolling forward via up if you're seeing your character enter a skit animation or seeing your character Dash dance you didn't do it right I want to take a second to acknowledge that this is technically possible to do everything in this video without this method either by using a sensitive walk input manually after a dashback or by using some form of down angles to achieve this but in both of these examples it's way too easy to accidentally Dash so the real value here is you get access to all of the following use cases without any risk of ever accidentally dashing forward back into Harm's Way probably the most common and useful tool is simply turning around it'll allow you to have a really good opportunity to check your opponent's patience and see if they committed to an aggressive option it allows you to get more reactionary punishes after the turnaround without having to guess quite as often it covers things very easily like Dash attack Dash grabs or jump in Aerials that your opponents might want to do on you it's worth noting that you can actually do this Tech with any amount of space left on the stage as long as you aren't already in your teering animation this also includes the spacing you have when you do a neutral get up from ledge you still have the option to dash back at any point you can also use this technique to easily Dash back and turn around and shield making sure that you're creating space between you and your opponent but still turning around and blocking something they might be jumping in with it's always better to be facing your opponent when blocking than not so this is an awesome micr spacing tool to block as I mentioned before you can also turn around and walk back forward toward your opponent this is extremely effective as it is kind of like being able to dash dance as you are giving yourself a little bit of an opportunity to close the space between you and your opponent maximizing your potential opportunity to then react with a dash or some kind of punish right in front of you this is especially useful as riddle was telling me with the shos including Terry kazia Ken and Ryu uh this is because a lot of their strongest punishes come from things like Jabs and tilts uh allowing them to back dash and easily walk back forward to microspace and get these very strong punishes you can also use this to turn around and get a standing grab instead of being forced to use pivot grabs all the time you can use this to turn around and zir if you have a Zer and create some space you can turn around and use your tilts including down tilts you can turn around and use sliding down tilts which I think look pretty cool as you can see here you can turn around and crawl by doing a full circle motion with your stick and ending on down you can turn around and dash back again if you aren't quite comfortable with what you've seen and you want to just check someone's patience once more you can turn around and dash forward if you do see something that you end up seeing that you want to punish this could even be used to influence the types of drift you want to have with your jumps once you've initiated the turnaround you can then do a jump back from that spot with full drift you can also do a jump forward from that spot with full drift which is especially effective for characters like wolf who maybe wants to land on someone with a fa air Dash back and reset and try again with another fa air or an air you can turn around and jump in place with absolutely no drift if you just want to Simply jump and check with your opponent might have done out of Shield another cool thing is with platforms you can actually use this to change your direction before dropping through a platform to maybe influence what kind of aerial you can drop with so instead of dropping with a dash forward uh drop Fair maybe now you can Dash forward and drop bear now so far pretty much everything has been around Dash back option but these last two are pretty cool and are pretty aggressive you could instead of using dashback you could Dash forward and turn around with this Tech uh this would open up some cool things I think for characters like Mega Man Diddy Kong or Peach that may have zrop animations out of Shield that are behind them characters with uh really cool up tilts that hit in One Direction instead of the other or start from behind like mythra or Steve can use this to aggressively Dash in and get a turnaround uptilt out of their Fox trout which is a little bit sooner than they might have been able to do without this now I do want to mention there's good animations and bad animations when it comes to transitioning from a dash to a turnaround and in some cases from a turnaround into actually walking some good examples of good animations of uh this transition are characters like Mithra Mewtwo surprisingly Belmont and Link have really good animations mainly because link specifically has really fast walking speed out the gate so just is a very fast motion uh whereas characters like Belmont and Mewtwo and snake and Steve simply have very smooth transitions into walking and you can see that here some bad turnaround animations so I mean there might be more but I've really only seen pyra as being really bad uh she for whatever reason has to take a literal physical step before stopping uh and as far as bad walking transition animations the worst offenders I've seen so far for this are Bowser and banjo so while dashback turnarounds generally are fine with them dashback turnarounds into walking there's like this weird Force almost pulling them in the direction they were running that has to wear off before it allows them to start walking back toward the opponent it's really strange and you won't really even appreciate it just from looking at the video so if you want to see what that's like I'd recommend you feel it out once you get used to doing this with your characters it's it's weird Bowser and banjo just feel bad trying to walk after doing this I do have to mention one really important Hardware note uh this may be one of the first times a tech is going to be influenced by the type of adapter you're using but I've actually had really consistent issues doing the turnaround on all third party GameCube adapters thus far and I've had zero issues on all first party adapters the issue is it seems to cause me the dash dance instead of turning around uh so I guess the third party adapters are just more sensitive to your control stick inputs I will say I have yet to try a lossless adapter uh so I'd love to hear from your tests on what you find in the comments below I can't wait to hear all the ways you all find to utilize this technique I truly feel as though I've only scratched the surface in this video and leave the rest up to you oh and I'll leave you with one last use of dashback cancelling turning around into a tun see you next time
Channel: Seibrik
Views: 15,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smash Bros, Smash Ultimate, Tech, Nintendo
Id: qydz3Y8kSiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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