What is the Worst Starter Pokemon?

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starter Pokémon are some of the most beloved and memorable in the entire series I mean every game literally starts with you picking one to be your partner to make sure these Pokémon feel special they're across the board pretty good some are perhaps a little bit too good and when they aren't doing so well gamefreak tends to give them special treatment with mega evolution gigantex forms and Regional forms but not all starter Pokemon have been treated this way some are out here begging for scraps while Charizard stuffs itself silly and that got me think thinking what is the worst starter Pokémon of all time before anybody tries to beat me up in an alley for saying that their favorite starter Pokémon sucks keep in mind that I'm talking strictly about competitive Pokémon here I love a lot of the Pokémon on this list but that doesn't stop them from being dogwater competitively okay nobody's going to get mad at me right okay first on our list is septile ah I can already hear the comments yelling at me listen it's not as bad as you think I'm starting from least bad and moving up I've selected five starter Pokémon that are really bad but not quite the worst and then I'll share the top three worst starter Pokémon of all time septi is on here because well it just isn't very good as a pure grass type Pokemon it has a number of weaknesses and there's a bunch of types that resist it septi main selling point is its speed it's faster than most Pokémon the problem is it doesn't really have a way to make use of this septile has the same attack stat as quell marom and thwacky you know middle stage starter Pokémon to compensate it also has less special attack than Haunter not Gengar Haunter and unlike many grass type Pokemon it doesn't have the supporting move set to really mess with your opponent's strategy it doesn't get Spore or sleep powder either of which would actually make it really threatening on top of all that septile is frail if it gets hit with any super effective move it'll do a grov vile impression from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and vanish all starter Pokémon of a type have the same ability overgrow for grass Blaze for fire and torrent for water their hidden abilities though can vary and these can have a a pretty big impact in septile case its hidden ability is some kind of sick joke it's unburden which doubles its speed stat once septile has consumed Whatever item it's holding while for some Pokemon doubling their speed is a big deal speed was the only stat septile didn't have to worry about thanks game freak now septile has gotten buffed over the years most recently it was given the move shed tail that despite being a great move did nothing to improve septi viability the more meaningful buff was the introduction of meas septile now a grass and dragon type mega septile was even faster got a lot more special attack and a massive 10 points to its defense the only increase to its bulk on the plus side it did get the ability lightning rod which actually is a big upgrade Mega septile is by far the best septile has ever been which is still uh let me check uh not very good while you could do some cheeky Shenanigans with like choice scarf discharge to make it stronger it was just so frail that using it was a liability grass and dragon both being weak to ice meant even weak moves like icy wind were a huge threat and the addition of two new weaknesses in dragon and fairy didn't make things any easier since you could only Mega Evolve one Pokémon per battle it isn't hard to see why Mega septile wasn't worth using speaking of not worth using let's talk about one of the most beaded starter Pokémon of all time embor as the third firefighting starter in a row embor received a lot of negativity when it released and its Public Image did not improve once players started using it while Infernape and blazekin look cool and are fast and strong capable of using their good offensive typing to overwhelm opponents embor is slow and looks well goofy now the good thing about being slower is that typically Pokémon that are not so fast tend to be much bulkier to compensate embor seems to have missed the memo on this one while it does have a lot of HP its defense and special defense stats are like seeing a Band in concert that isn't very good live they leave a lot to be desired embor is strong and its hidden ability can make it even stronger Reckless Powers up all moves that have recoil like flare Blitz and wild charge while the damage boost is nice more damage means more recoil damage making it even harder to keep embor alive basically if you want to use embor you need to use the move trick room which lets slow Pokémon move before fast ones but mmore actually isn't even slow enough to really take advantage of trick room it's got this awful speed stat where it's slower than anything even average speed but faster than the slow Pokemon that tend to thrive in trick room like aongus despite all of embor shortcomings there is one player who believed in it more than any other this player used embor to win their first event a regional back in 2011 and then brought embor to the World Championships finishing sixth who was this player well by the way if you've made it this far into the video uh just a little reminder to check and see if you're subscribed I work really hard on every video I put out and many videos actually have over a 100 hours of work total put into them across me and my team so if you want to support the channel or see more of my stuff I'd really appreciate it if you did just subscribe uh the good thing is that you're definitely not going to regret it as I talk about the next Pokémon on our list for alligator okay I do feel like people are going to be mad at me about this one too but I'm not here to tell you what you want to hear I'm here to tell you the truth ver alligator more like garbor ver alligator is a pure water type Pokémon wow how original even though it's not as slow as embor I mean it's still not very fast and while it bulk is well not great but at least better than the Pokemon we've talked about thus far it's somehow super weak it's a gator but they didn't give it any attack why the issue with feraligator and this is going to be true with a lot of Pokémon on our list is that there's nothing that really makes it unique for example some of you may know that feraligator gets Dragon Dance but if you want a water type dragon dance Pokémon you're better off using Gyarados if you want to foro setup and instead run an offensive item in for alligator like I don't know choice band you'd probably rather use a zerel if you want a bulky water type well there are a ton of better options like my loic or gastrodon I could go on but you probably get the point there's really nothing that makes feraligator better than its peers I guess the one thing worth mentioning is that it does get the ability Shear Force which in my opinion is one of the weirdest abilities in the game cheer 4 says hey if this Pokémon uses a move that has some sort of secondary effect that could activate forget about that secondary effect and take a damage boost instead the reason I say it's weird is that for whatever reason it works with life orb life orb is an item that gives all the users moves a 30% damage increase in exchange for 10% of their Max Health every time they hit something and for whatever reason this 10% recoil effect is counted as a secondary effect for sheer force meaning you keep the damage Boost from Life orb without losing any health while this is a really great combination for sheer force users generally it isn't enough to save our strong jawed friend for alligator just isn't fast or strong enough to make use of this powerful interaction and that's probably the reason its results page looks like this this is actually an identical results page to our next Pokemon tort Tera torta is a grass and ground type Pokemon that unfortunately is by far the weakest of its generation while Infernape is fast and strong and imp poon has a great ability and cool typing tort Tera got stuck with a quadruple weakness to ice and a great role in detective Pikachu T is the first Pokémon on our list to actually have respectable bulk while it isn't absurd it is tanky enough that it should be somewhat difficult to get rid of it if you don't have the Right Moves its attack isn't good per se but it is usable especially since torta gets some high damage moves but that's about where the good news ends torta is super slow which like I mentioned earlier would imply you prefer to use it in trick room but because it isn't strong enough you'd never use it over an actual trick room attacker that can you know do damage with its quadruple weakness to ice and weaknesses to Fire and flying though using it outside of trick room isn't much easier in scarlet and violet Tor Tera was given shell smash a powerful move that doubles the user speed attack and special attack stats and there was talk about whether this would finally allow tort Tera to well maybe not dominate but at least do something it would not unfortunately torta is so slow that even doubling its speed doesn't allow it to outrun many of the faster threats in the format not to mention it is so vulnerable on the turn you use shell smash since the move also lowers your defenses so despite this buff and gaining access to the powerful new move headlong Rush torta still hasn't been able to do anything ironically there were a few weeks back in 2015 where Grotle Tor tera's pre-evolution was a major threat it was used as an endgame demon using leech seed and synthesis to keep itself alive as it gradually Whitted opponent's teams out of HP as a pure grass type it doesn't have that quadruple ice weakness and it's actually really tanky with the Evite item which it can use because it isn't fully evolved it didn't like take offer anything and I don't think it got any like super good results but it's the only time that I can think of where anything close to torta was relevant which brings us to our final member before we talk about the three worst starter Pokémon of all time delox delox is a fire and psychic type that is one of the most forgettable starter Pokémon ever it's designed to be a fast and strong special attacker but it isn't fast enough or strong enough to work very well while also not being bulky enough to do anything else when Del Fox released it was one of only two Pokemon that could use the move mystical fire a middling power move that lowers the target special attack stat and this move was basically the only reason you'd ever want to use Del Fox unfortunately mystical fire was changed in later games to be usable by way more Pokémon including the number one Pokémon in the game taking away Del Fox's only real special trick fire and psychic are okay typing at least they work together well offensively as no type resists both fire and psychic and defensively they do all right too providing seven resistances in exchange for five weaknesses unfortunately Del Fox's stats just aren't good enough to bring out the typing's full potential one thing that could have saved Del Fox is its hidden ability with a great ability like drought or psychic surge it would have actually been usable instead Del Fox got magician and if you don't know what magician does you aren't alone off the top of my head I could not tell you with 100% certainty after doing some research I figured out that the way that magician works is it allows the user to steal the item of whatever Pokemon it hits while stealing items sounds good in theory it only works if the user isn't holding an item so if you want to get any value out of magician you either need to run no item or an item that can be consumed if Del Fox were bulkier it could be a decent user of citrus Berry to recover HP and then steal an item but unfortunately giving delox a citrus Berry is like giving a toddler a Ferrari it won't be able to use it very well your only real option is the focus sash which won't even activate every battle and even if it does delox could get knocked out before it has a chance to move if delox is a magician it's like a kid who got baby's first magic kit and they're so bad you can see exactly how they're doing the trick but you want to encourage them them so you pretend to be amazed anyway all right enough talking about mid Pokemon you didn't come here to learn about what the almost worst starter Pokémon were you want to know about the bottom of the barrel the starter Pokemon game Freak should issue an apology over for messing up so badly and what better place to start are worst of the worst than with a Pokemon with two forms and no hope samuro samuro is a pure water type Pokemon from Unova that just sucks it basically has everything that was wrong with FR alligator but it's somehow even worse probably the biggest issue with samuro are its stats it doesn't do a single thing well it isn't strong enough to be a sweeper it isn't bulky enough to be a tank and it isn't fast or slow enough to be useful inside or outside of trick room if you want a Pokemon to be below average at everything samuro is a great place to start but stats aren't the whole story what about samur Ro's ability plenty of Pokémon are saved by their ability right well Samurai's ability is good in a vacuum it's shell armor which prevents it from getting critical hit the thing is shell Armor gets more value the tankier a Pokémon is as they'll stick around for longer meaning more and more potential crits get negated unfortunately as we've already established samuro isn't that bulky of a Pokemon what about its moves well they aren't bad but they're pretty much exactly what you'd expect it gets all the water and ice moves that come standard with your water type in the mail it doesn't have really any meaningful coverage moves outside of like Grass Knot that's that's actually kind of it it is worth noting that samuro actually placed third at the world championships in 2011 a fact I completely forgot about until uh just now this is because back in 2011 you could only use Pokémon that were catchable in black and White's Pokedex and there were way way fewer good water types than usual unfortunately after 2011 samuro was never seen again but samuro got another chance at life when the Pokémon from Legends arus were added to scarlet and violet as Hui and samuro was a new take on on the Narwhal now a water and dark type its new stats oh they're somehow even worse it's a little stronger and faster now but still not fast enough to outspeed anything and they actually made it even frailer at the very least Hui and samur Ro's ability is better now being sharpness boosting the power of specific cutting moves by 50% which is actually a big deal and huian samuro gets a signature move called ceaseless Edge that both does damage and sets up the entry Hazard spikes when ever it hits something while this is a cool move it still hasn't made it worth it for anybody to actually use Hui and samro especially with so many better water type Pokemon available I feel like they got so close with huian samro with the better typing ability and move pool but by changing the stats to be even worse than they already were they've doomed it to obscurity but obscurity would be a kindness compared to the state of our number two worst starter Pokémon of all time deui this one especially makes me mad because design-wise rocks an owl Archer and it evolves from rowlet which is one of the best recent gen starters in my opinion let's not talk about dartrix anyway they did deui so dirty just like samuro most of the problem is with its stats actually both samuro and deyy have extremely similar stats their offensive stats are flipped but identical except for a single point and their defenses are in roughly the same range thei is less bulky on the physical side but maybe slightly more on the special side and they both have the the exact same speed stat so as you can imagine these stats are a huge problem grass and G typing is actually pretty good as you resist a bunch of useful types and get two immunities though you do have some spooky weaknesses overall the typing isn't a part of the problem the same can't be said for its ability deui gets Long Reach which is just a total joke Long Reach allows deciu contact moves to act as if they don't make contact if you don't know what a contact move is it's a special subset of moves that basically trigger specific things like Rocky helmet activates when the user is hit by a contact move same with flame body or effect Spore basically a contact move is a move where your Pokemon has to touch the other Pokemon like fire punch or Thunder Punch or ice punch or Mega Punch or Comet Punch or actually you get it anyway this ability is completely insulting because it's basically like not having an ability it only does anything when deui one uses a contact move and two hit something that would be affected by the contact if you're lucky this might come up once every five battles if that and even then dodging a single instance of a contact move rarely actually matters it's part of the reason why the item that does exactly this has never been used competitively deise moves are at least a little better it gets a signature ghost move called Spirit shackle which traps whatever it hits until deu switches out or faints while this is a really interesting move deui just doesn't have enough going for it to make good use of it even a number of other useful damaging and support moves aren't enough to save deui but just like samuro Dei was given another shot at life in Legends arus with its new huan variant and this new form was somehow worse than the original unlike huian samuro huian deui stats actually got an upgrade as it becomes slower and loses some special attack in exchange for some more bulk and a little more power in its attack stat but unfortunately the new grass and fighting typing is a huge downgrade with no immunities a quadruple weakness to Flying a new weakness to fery and the inability for either type to hit flying poison or bug types for even neutral damage this typing is nothing short of a disaster and huan decidualized signature move is in my opinion a downgrade while triple arrows has a good base power a heightened crit rate a 50% chance to lower the target's defense and a 30% chance for the Target to Flinch this move that would be broken on a good Pokemon is somehow mediocre the thing is deui is so slow that the Flinch chance almost never comes up and it isn't able to reliably combo with the defense drop for the same reason huian deui was given the ability Scrappy which is actually good not only does Scrappy allow its fighting type moves to hit Ghost types it also makes it immune to intimidate which is an ability that is uh a little bit common but despite the better ability and improved stats the suan deui still has too much stacked against it to ever hit the target all right now all that's left just to talk about the worst starter Pokemon of all time if you skipped ahead in this video just take a cheeky peek at the number one slot go back to the start watch the whole video do not pass go do not collect $200 and you legally have to subscribe that's the rules are they gone okay I'm going to say it I'm going to say what the worst starter Pokémon of all time is unfortunately it's one of my all-time favorite starter Pokémon Meganium meum I love this thing because I love Chikorita as a kid but holy cow it is so bad it's like the designed a Pokémon with the express purpose of punishing anyone who uses it there is one good thing I can say about Meganium and that is that it is decently bulky it's not like anything to write home about but if it isn't being hit with crazy strong moves it'll probably take two or three hits which is better than almost anything else on this list and that's about where the good news ends Meganium has super low offensive stats making it nearly impossible for it to do damage and it's not very fast as a pure grass type it pretty much only gets access to grass type moves but it doesn't get the broken grass attacks no Spore no rage powder not even a sleep powder Meganium best moves are like synthesis leech seed its ability is tied to the strong sunlight weather condition but it's not a good ability like chlorophyll or solar power nope Meganium gets leafu guard do you all even know what leafu guard does it stops status conditions only if the sunlight is strong no status conditions what a miracle in the 13 years I've been playing competitive Pokémon not only have I never played against or seen Meganium I've never even heard of anyone considering it there are just so many grass types that each do unique things amongus puts Pokemon to sleep and redirects Venusaur is a chlorophile sleep powder sweeper jumpluff is a support for sun teams RAB boom sets grassy terrain tanks damage and does damage back woen ogre PA supports his team and does huge damage and then you have Meganium where the best thing we can say about it is uh maybe it'll sit in the field for a few turns and despite being around longer than any other Pokemon on this list Meganium has been given nothing no Regional form no mega evolution nothing if you told me the developers forgot about Meganium I'd have no choice but to believe you actually it seems like they're keeping Meganium around just as a punching bag on April Fool's Day this year gamefreak announced that Mum would be the next Terror Raid event even game freak thinks Meganium is a joke but I guess the nice thing about starter Pokémon is that because there's so iconic there's always a chance they'll be given some love in the future who knows maybe some of these Pokémon will be given a new form or a new ability or actually I think it's okay that some starter Pokémon are bad maybe they should all be bad actually
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 1,262,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, twitch, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, wolfeyvgc, purplecliffe, pm7, pokemen7, mandjtv, shiny pokemon, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, scarlet, violet, scarlet and violet, fuecoco, quaxly, sprigatito, starter pokemon, worst starter pokemon, best starter pokemon, new starter pokemon, new starters, new pokemon starters
Id: Es-T9WH7fe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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