Sreetips Refines $27000 Gold Bar

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That clearly looks like a $28760 Gold bar to me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SuperMaoo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

lol the end has such strong junkyard chemist vibes.

im sending this away immediately. IT WONT BE HERE. DON'T TRY TO ROB ME. I have to pay back the LOANS i took out to buy all this gold. IM NOT RICH. STAY AWAY. BEWARE OF DOG.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/azdak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

When he's cleaning the metal in his garage under his hood I cant help but wonder where does that vent off to?

"Im not cooking meth Im making GOLD"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 88 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/yeahbutwot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don’t know why I watched the whole thing, but I did.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IBBornTuff πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did he ever mention the cost for acquiring the gold?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ozito88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can someone ELI5 how a solution with gold in it doesn't immediately settle out? I don't understand how gold stays suspended like that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SpacemanSpiff23 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was using 15 second skip to work my way through, what happens to the silver? Is it gone?

Seems like the refinement process is expensive and works better on big scale. Are they always having to use silver as a throwaway metal?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/onduty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't understand how buying the scrap can end up being profitable. When he is buying 10k/14k/18k gold, isn't he paying slightly above spot price for those metals? when he's buying scrap 10k is he not paying for the pure gold in that jewelry and refining it out is just adding extra steps? how does the process generate revenue?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sammoo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EthosPathosLegos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello YouTube viewers welcome back to my channel what I have here is an assortment of carrot scrap gold that I've been accumulating for about the last month and a half this is a piece that I've been refining and just adding to it and melted it up and just accumulated it I've got it's a 282 gram piece of pure gold over here I've got 31 point four grams of 18k gold assortment this bag I've got a hundred eighty four point six grams of 10k gold scrap all the stones all the springs have been removed and in this bag I've got 14k gold scrap 395 0.2 grams of 14k again all the Springs stones and any non gold material has been removed and here I have about one and a half kilos of sterling silver that I'll be using to import all of this gold so I can get a nice 20 troy ounce bar of pure gold to show for this experiment at the end alright on this sheet here I've done some calculations I've calculated that I need eight hundred and three grams of silver to in court this pure gold button I need 60 grams of silver two in court the 18k gold that I have here I need 117 grams of silver two in court the 10k gold and I need 500 grams a silver two in court the bag of 14k gold I'll need a total of fourteen hundred eighty point seven grams of silver two in court this gold right here and what I have here is about 1.5 kilos of silver that I invested probably six seven hours cleaning it all up taking out all the springs and non silver material I'm just going to throw it on the scale over here and you'll see I have 1,550 4.1 grams of silver take away the weight of the container which is eighty nine point three grams I've got one thousand four hundred sixty-four point eight grams of silver in this container on this same sheet here I've calculated how much pure gold I expect to yield from these four samples up here I've got two hundred and eighty two grams of pure gold in this puck up here I've got twenty three grams and I expect to yield out of the 18k 76 grams out of the 10k two hundred and thirty grams of pure gold from the 14k everything totals up to be 611 grams of pure gold that's what I expect to yield from this lot or nineteen point six troy ounces of pure gold two more points I'd like to make here I've calculated that I need one thousand four hundred eighty grams of silver to in-court the gold I've only got one thousand four hundred sixty four point eight grams that's close enough that'll work just fine I'd rather have just a little less silver than too much all right one other thing I'd like to point out before I get started here I've calculated that I need eight hundred and three point seven grams of silver in a 282 gram piece of gold here that equals over one kilo of metal molten metal in a small melt dish like this that's just not gonna work for me so what I'll do is I'll melt this piece of gold here and then pour it into some water to make some granules and split this up into about three batches to do the importation this piece of pure gold is from several different refining Zhai just kept adding it and melting it into a single a unit here it's probably nine nine zero fine needs to be refined into pure gold so I'm going to start out by melting this and then pouring it into water so I can break it up into three separate batches here's the gold and we came back with 180 1.7 grams this gold is gonna have to have all this silver added to it so what I'm gonna do is break this into probably four batches because that the size of the melt dish that I'll be using the in-court the gold is a limiting factor here so I'm gonna have to break all this down into four different matches to in court this amount of pure gold to reap yura fie it I've got all the metal broken up into groups here what I'll do is alloy these two together to make a 25% gold alloy these two these two and so on I've got six seven eight groups but I have to melt up and in court with silver and then we'll be able to do the nitric acid treatments all right I'm gonna take this first group here the seventy one point two grams of nine nine zero pure gold and I'm adding the silver to it and then we're gonna go out here melt this up stir it up with a graphite rod and then pour it into some water all right here we go we're going to melt the first group of metal silver and gold together to form a 25% alloy and then I'm going to pour it in this water to form granules for the next step those not familiar with the refining process who are watching this video may be asking themselves why is he adding silver to the gold the answer is it's a refining technique called importing where we add silver to the gold for May 25% gold alloy that way in the next step we can use concentrated nitric acid to remove all of the silver and all of the base metals out of that gold next I had the second group of pure gold and solar day in court it and then I'll be pouring this into the water as well I've been working at it for about an hour now I've got three more groups to go here I just want to show you what I got so far I was trying to get this to granulate and what it's done here is just formed a great big piece of gold and quartered gold and have to be broken up somehow before I can get it to a beaker but I'm gonna continue the process I'm gonna hit this side of this metal container here get this into a beaker get some acid on it and start removing the silver in the base metals with some hot dilute nitric acid treatments it's taken me two hours to get all the gold and courted I'm gonna add some distilled water now to about the 1000 ml level [Music] next I have my apparatus set up here that will deliver the nitric acid for me now what I'm going to do is put concentrated nitric acid in this funnel here about half a liter concentrate effective gas going in I've got a delivery tube set up to deliver the nitric acid into the beaker there that has the in-court of gold and distilled water now what we'll do is we'll start flow of concentrated nitric acid here down into the beaker and start dissolving out the base metals and the silver out of that in courted gold [Applause] okay my nitrate delivery apparatus has been going here just a slight trickle of acid going into the container there it's been on medium heat and I've been cooking in there now for about 20 minutes we'll just keep adding that acid real slow until we get done all the base metals with silver dissolved out of the goal [Music] it's taking about an hour and I've got the first half a liter of concentrated nitric into the beaker down there so I'm going to add another 500 milliliters of concentrated nitric acid here and we'll let this trick lawn in just like it did earlier this would be the second half liter of concentrated nitric acid going into the beaker now [Music] I've got 1.5 liters of concentrated nitric in the beaker now what I'm going to do it's been on boiling for about three or four hours I'll pour this solution off into this beaker here I'm gonna save this solution it's full of silver carefully try to pour it off in here right now I'm gonna rinse the speaker off here and we'll pour the rinse water right in with our silver solution and the beaker we just poured off I'm gonna add this rinse water to the beaker up here in front in the this we're just a little here get this solution out of the way and then we're gonna add some distilled water back into our beaker here and continue with nitric acid treatments on this it's looking pretty good so far it's distilled water going in it's a half a liter [Music] and then here's another about 300 milliliters distilled water going in all right I'm gonna reinsert the nitric acid delivery - beer and we're going to restart the flow a concentrated nitric acid into the beaker and continue with dissolving out all the silver and the base metals out [Music] this is the fourth treatment of one half leader of concentrated nitric acid with distilled water in there I've had two liters of concentrated nitric acid on this gold so far I'm gonna pour this off and do one more treatment see the gold looking pretty good now it's brown caramel color that's what we want to see means all the silver in the base metals have been removed i rinsed off movements do water here still got lots of silver in there and we're gonna go ahead put some more nitric acid on here until I get a clear solution after I boil it in the hot nitric and what that'll do for me is guarantee that all the silver is gone out of here I don't want it put aqua regia on this as long as there's any silver in here because it'll form silver chloride now I want to avoid that 23 ounces of gold here let them do it I'm gonna add some distilled water here by the liter still water going in right now that's about 800 milliliters or so I guess that's one liter now I can pour the nitric acid straight in because most of this silver is already gone so I'm just going to add about a half a liter of concentrated nitric acid here now we'll let this boil and continue to remove the silver base metals onto there all right this is the eighth nitric acid boil as you can see there's no more fumes and what we're going to do is before this last night to boil off get a look at the gold rinse it off real good with some some distilled water and there you can see the goal it's got a nice caramel brown orange color to it that's what we want to see this gold right here with all these nitric acid treatments is very near pure gold very near three 9s fine just like it is what I'm gonna do is rinse it with a little bit of distilled water here try to get most of that green off there and that's how we want this gold to look just like that nice brown color like I said the gold right here just like it is is very close to three nines fine all right I'm gonna set it back on that hot plate here and add some water rinse off with some still water here [Music] that's ready for aqua region looking good I'm gonna pour the water off the rinse water and maybe rinse this off couple more times here it's just just distilled water and I'm gonna add a right to the jar then it has the balut night trick to it in it alright this is still hot I'm gonna add a little bit of hydrochloric acid to it now you will start dissolving the pure gold that's in here that's been parted with 8 500 milliliter nitric acid treatments [Music] [Music] I'm adding two milliliters of concentrated sulfuric acid here to precipitate out any lead that may be present when I add a little bit more hydrochloric acid here it's probably going to take about 2 liters of hydrochloric acid to dissolve all this gold [Music] this is about 200 milliliters of concentrated nitric acid could probably take this entire bottle to get done all of this gold dissolved I'm going to add a little bit in right now get the reaction started [Music] alright the gold has been dissolved took two and a half liters of hydrochloric acid one and a half bottles about 250 milliliters of concentrated nitric acid and about three hours to get everything dissolved I've turned the heat off and let this settle overnight pull it down and we're gonna that you see there's still a little bit of gold left in there undissolved that's okay what I'm gonna do is draw off the clear settled liquid out of this beaker now so we can precipitate it we've got my vacuum line hooked to a 2 liter flask with a stopper I've got a draw hose here I'm going to stick it down in this beaker now and draw off the settled liquid that's real clear I'll still filter this but it's been allowed to settle overnight so it sucked all the sediments settled out of it he [Laughter] got a different last you get the rest of it out of there this is our solution I see clear wolf air filter it now I'm going to use this smaller flask oh all the rest of this solution out of the beaker here [Laughter] [Music] here's a close-up of what's left in the beaker it's a few crumbs of gold here what I'm gonna do is I'm going to add some hydrochloric acid to this maybe about our 5,200 milliliters and then we're gonna put a squirt of concentrated nitric acid in here but three milliliters put it up on the heat and will dissolve the rest of the solid material in that beaker while I'm waiting for the rest of this to dissolve we'll go ahead and start filtering the solution that we draw off with the vacuum man should pour through the filter very quickly because it's been allowed to settle overnight it has very little sediment in it just pulled through the filter very quickly at least took about two minutes to to pull all this solution through that filter I'm gonna filter this solution here swap blasts out [Music] use the same filter pour this solution through the same filter now this is slowed way down now it's been filtering for about 15 minutes this was the second flask the filter paper is loaded up now and slow the filtering process down up here I've got this remaining pieces of gold dissolved I'm gonna move this flat way pull this down off the heat now and let it cool and then once this moves off we'll pour it through the same filter okay allowed this to cool off I had the ice cubes to it now what we're gonna do is pour it right into our filter here it's loaded up this is gonna have some silver chloride in it and you'll get the rest of this solution filtered out now this is going to take a while to pull this through the filter [Applause] all right then filtering operation took about five hours to complete there's the residue that's in the filter now what we're going to do is transfer the solutions to this beaker here I've got some ice in there to cool everything down I'm gonna try to do this in one take care mask for the solutions into the beaker full of ice [Music] okay I've got four liters of solution here with 23 ounces of gold in it never tried to precipitate this much all at once here we go we're spoon of sodium metabisulfite going in I'm gonna keep trying to add this until we get everything precipitated out those who are not familiar with the refining process will notice here but I haven't added any urea or any other chemicals to neutralize excess nitric acid in that gold solution because there is no excess nitric acid in the solution I used just enough nitric acid to just dissolve all the gold and that's a valuable valuable refining technique it eliminates having to detox the solution [Music] [Music] okay I'm seeing the familiar white foam there and the solution looks like it's cleared up good I think I've got everything to come down now what I'm gonna do is test it here with a little bit of stannous chloride testing solution a piece of filter paper dip that in some stands chloride test solution on this and we get no reaction that tells me all the gold has been precipitated out of here now [Applause] oK we've got it all precipitated now what I'll do is let this settle out completely and we'll pour off the waste solution and get the gold out of the beaker there you can allow the settle now for about an hour I've got a big 4 liter flask here what I'll do is draw off the waste solution off the top of the gold into this flask now the salon my stockpot [Laughter] I'm gonna rinse the goal with some hydrochloric acid here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alright now what I'll do is I'll put it up on the heat and let it come to a boil and rinse the gold off a little good with this hydrochloric acid [Applause] all right this is a lot of to boil for about 20 minutes hydrochloric acid before this off into this flask here now I see this liquid put in my stock pot that first look at the pure gold [Music] rinse this off with some fun Stillwater here [Music] I'm going to put backup on the heat let this Sun let this boil now try to clean some of that acid off there okay we're going to go ahead and pour off yeah distilled water rinse here [Music] some of the gold might come over with it that's okay this is gone in the stockpile [Music] here's a close-up of the pure gold I'm going to add some more distilled water to it now do one more rinse with still water and then we'll get this into a dish and dry it out melt it up into a bar okay we're gonna transfer the pure gold powder into this dish here carefully then once we get all this in here I'll get all the water that I can out of there and we'll put it up on the heat and dry it real slow draw off all the water that can with this pipe that [Music] all right I've got most of the water drained off now what we'll do is put it up here on the heat on some low heat and I mean real low I don't want this spattering and will dry this off real slow up here on this powder so take several hours if the gold has been completely dried now here's what it looks like it's got a little bit of sodium metabisulfite that I didn't get completely rinsed out so now we're gonna do is we're gonna move over here to the melt table and we're gonna go ahead and try to get all that gold in that belt dish and pour it into that mold after getting all the gold in the dish I realized that the torch was not gonna get hot enough for me to pour that bar so I stopped the melt sadly there work all right here's our piece of gold wasn't able to get it hot enough to pour it into the mold I think the melt dish started melting there that's pure gold all right I've got it bathing in a little bit of dilute sulfuric acid and distilled water here I should dissolve off all the excess flux that's on there and then we'll get out of there clean it up and get a weight on it here's our giant gold hockey pup looking thing here bottom of it looks like the moon pure gold probably close to three 9s fine here I couldn't get it melted and pour it into a nice bar like I wanted to let's put it on the scale here and see what we got all right I was expecting 611 grams the actual weight is 600 4.4 grams that'll be nineteen point four three ounces of pure gold okay I've got an induction title on us here electric we've got a brand new crucible what I'm gonna do now is sweat the gold into some water with my torch to make granules and then I'll add the granules to the crucible and melt it and pour it into the mold to make a nice bar [Applause] alright 2012 system pure gold in here now what we'll do is we'll get this up into that electric furnace that I've got melt it up and gets a lot hotter than just a crucible with a torch and then we'll be able to support into this mold up here and make a nice bar go ahead and get this into the crucible now and we'll get this heating up and get it melted in this induction furnace [Applause] [Music] here's our result this is a little container long to put on here we're going to zero out the scale and I've got some pieces of gold here that stayed in the in the crucible that didn't get poured out as I poured the bar into the mold I'm gonna put them on here cuz they're included with the weight of this bar alright that's twelve point two grams and then here's the bar so we end up with six hundred three point eight grams nineteen point four troy ounces of pure gold here's our bar came out pretty good alright that'll conclude the video this will conclude the video I'm glad this was over I just wanted to do it one time for the experience to get a nice big chunk of gold current spot price of gold is about $14 per $1400 per troy ounce that makes the value of this bar just over 27,000 dollars worth of gold and this will be shipped off to the refiner before the video completes uploading this will be gone so I've got to sell it in order to pay back the money that I borrowed to buy the gold to make this bar will conclude the video thanks for watching
Channel: sreetips
Views: 1,891,551
Rating: 4.7612014 out of 5
Id: aCw7m9V5XBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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