Ten Troy Ounce Silver Bar Hand Poured

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel three tips here and today i got the uh i finally got that batch of silver crystal uh harvested and dried out and it's in this uh container right here and what we'll do is we'll offer some of these larger crystals for sale on my ebay store plus i've got a uh another container here that's got some finer crystal stuff some smaller pieces in it and what we'll do is we'll gather up some of this and i'm gonna make a nice 10 trillion ounce pure silver bar and offer that for sale on my ebay store we're going to begin the video uh by looking inside the silver cell and you can see here that it's full of pure silver crystal so what we're gonna do here's the anode filter basket you can see the uh all the silver's been dissolved out of there so what we're gonna do is we're going to turn off the power here and then we're going to remove the anode filter itself i'm going to cover this back up so we don't inadvertently drop something down in there i'm just gonna put the uh electrode bar up out of the way and what we'll do now is i'm just gonna i've got a dish here and i'm gonna lift up the anode filter and then quickly move the dish underneath and capture everything that drips out and we'll just put the lid on this and store this out of the way for right now and now what i'll do is just place a uh paper towel with a dish over the hole to keep it secure i'm gonna remove the cover now set it out of the way now i'll take the electrode connections off of the stainless steel bowl set those out of the way here's a close look at the pure silver crystal in the silver cell okay this is something new that i've seen one of my viewers had one of these paddles i got it at walmart it's for scraping food down off of a bowl and it's got a nice wide flat kind of sharp tip on it and so i'm going to use that now to scrape down the sides of the bowl here i can't remember the fella's name but he made a silver cell pattern after mine and uh got some good results so let me zoom in on this you can see how this works it works pretty good thanks to that fella i don't know what his name is i didn't catch his name look at that man just scrapes the silver right down in one scoop makes it much easier good example of someone uh information interchange going both ways just makes it much quicker much easier to get all the silver scrape down off the inside of this bowl now what we'll do is pour off the electrolyte into this 5 liter beaker here here we go all right here's our pure silver crystal looks real good i had viewers ask about the silver crystal now what do you do with it what's it good for and uh what i try to explain to these folks is that the silver in this container right here is high purity silver crystal and that every pure silver bar around or other investment grade silver in existence began life just like the pure silver crystal you see right here so all the canadian maple rounds the uh government minted pure silver rounds they all began life in this form just like you see right here to the viewer that pointed out using a spatula like this uh is much faster thank you to that person i wish i knew his name i'd give him credit a few pieces didn't make it into beaker i just add those to my sweeps container i like to use hot distilled water to rinse the pure silver crystal off so we'll heat some distilled water here while we're waiting for the water to heat up i'll use some cold distilled water here start getting this electrolyte rinsed off of the pure silver crystal we'll pour the rinse water off into a separate container here because the rinse water will contain silver it's not quite boiling just yet but i think we've got it hot enough here and what i'll do is give this thing this batch a few more rinses with hot still water and we'll give it a test to see if we've got all the electrolyte rinsed off of here okay let me move this back out of the way a little bit and i'm going to do one more rinse and we're going to test it for the presence of a silver nitrate the way i do that as i collect a little bit of the rinse water in a beaker and then what we're going to do is add some hydrochloric acid to it and see if we get any silver chloride precipitating out you can see it's turning ever so slightly just a little bit cloudy so a couple more rinses and we should have all of the silver chloride or all the silver nitrate rinsed off of our pure silver crystal what i've started doing recently is just putting a lid on this allowing this pure silver crystal to sit in distilled water until i need that distilled water and then i pour it off into a cement silver jar to dilute the highly concentrated silver nitrate solutions from my gold refining operations before i put copper in there to cement it out this solution back here is my electrolyte from the silver refining that we just harvested and what i'll do is i'll put about three or four hundred more grams of pure silver crystal in this beaker here dissolve it down and add it to this blue colored electrolyte and use it a second time in my silver cell okay i'm going to measure up 10 20 ounces of pure silver crystal and two of these dixie cups because one won't hold uh enough silver to make 10 ounces so let's let's put that on there zero it out change it to troy ounces now we're going to measure out 10 20 ounces this is smaller pieces of silver little crumbs it's just as high purity as the big pieces but i want to measure out 10 20 ounces of this little stuff to make our pure silver bar and like i said earlier all the silver that i get out of my silver cell is uh pure silver investment grade silver just like you'd see on any pure silver bar around that you'd buy from a retail precious metals dealer the silver that they use to make those investment grade coins and bars looks just like this let's do it let me get a little bit of this silver out of here i want to get a little closer to 10 20 ounces usually about that much will do it and now what i'll do i've got our silver measured out for our 10 ounce silver bar and what we'll do now is uh put our beaker up here and make some more electrolyte see how much silver we're gonna get in here i'm just gonna dump the rest of this in there and uh dissolve this in nitric acid to make some more silver cell electrolyte it's 311 grams we'll dissolve this in dilute nitric i'm thinking this uh batch of silver that i have that was in my uh beaker from a couple weeks ago it's going to exceed the capacity of my uh scale so i've got a larger scale and now what we'll do is i've got a uh this batch of silver going to weigh up and see how much we got here again this is a batch this is not the batch that we cleaned out today this is a batch that i had saved up from a couple weeks ago that i harvested and just never got around to drying it off we're going to see how much silver we've got in here now and this is some larger crystals this will be some big trees man this will be some stuff that will uh offer for sale one troy ounce lots on my ebay store all right looks like we've got one thousand eight hundred fifty seven fifty eight grams there okay these are the larger crystals there's some pretty nice ones in there put some one ounce bags together and uh so some of that on the ebay store some of this crystal right here for now let's go out and uh get this melted up into a 10 ounce bar here we go got a brand new melt dish all prepared here and this is high purity silver three nines fine or better i want to try to melt this up now make us a nice 10 troy ounce silver bar here we go um all right here's the bar see if we can grab onto this thing there it is a little bit of flux came over with it see if we can get it in the uh water here that came out pretty good nice big chunky bar pure silver it's got a little bit of flux on the surface there but we can get that off with some dilute sulfuric acid not bad got a nice shape to it nice before we go any further with it let's double check make sure we make the weight got 10.045 just to touch over 10 troy ounces which is exactly what i like to see i'm going to turn some heat on and we've got the bar in a little dish here i'm going to add some distilled water to it and uh just enough to cover the bar like so and now i've got just a little bit of sulfuric acid and we'll add just a touch here not much i should do it maybe just a touch more and then we'll let this heat up and dissolve that flux off of our silver bar it's been in here now about uh 10 minutes let's see if we can get it out of here and get it over here we're gonna rinse this off now see what kind of result we got yeah i got most of the flux off of there looks pretty good took about 10 minutes in that dilute sulfuric and i think we're going to be okay looks pretty good okay this will conclude the video for today i've got a nice chunky 10 troy ounce pure silver bar and we'll offer that for sale on my ebay store i've also got uh some pure silver crystal here that's going to have some nice big large silver crystals we'll bag them up in one troy ounce lots and offer those for sale on my ebay store i've also got uh the silver cell electrolyte that's about that's probably going to be about 400 grams if you count the silver that was already in there and i'll dissolve this and add it to the electrolyte and use that electrolyte a second time and get my silver cell running again this is today's pure silver crystal harvest and i've got to get some uh impure shot melted up to get the silver cell back online so uh all right that will conclude this video thank you for watching
Channel: sreetips
Views: 55,438
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Id: fH5aayVF3FQ
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Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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